(Updated 30 september 2020, latest updatings usually at the top of the list)

Including criticism of the cultural decline of universities

(Selected texts on the idea and practice of university: citizen's transdisciplinary intellectual concerns in politics, ethics, theology)

The basic material, summarizing this whole section, is the item no. 1 below (in Swedish) and especially its international
BIBLIOGRAPHY including works in English. For the rest, please see in inverse date sequence, the latest first:

(9) A retrospective view of a professional career as a background of universitarian engagement, with its political and international basis, is represented by the
documentation (mainly in Portugues language) of my participation in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of my engineering exam at the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), on 27-28 November 2010.

(8) Psykosocial arbetsmiljö: Konkreta erfarenheter, reflektioner och teoretiseringar [Psycho-social work environment: Concrete experiences, reflections and theorizing]. (In Swedish, 2003.) This is the revised documentation of a seminar held at Umeå university's department of personnel and organizational development [enheten för personal- och organisationsutveckling POU] on September 8th 2003. The purpose was to support personnel consultants and developers in their social work of understanding the psychosocial problems experienced by university employees, in particular teachers and researchers, due to problematic management and reforms of Swedish universities. The documentation is related to and refers to other works like <>, <>, <>, <>, and <>.

(7) Makt, forskning och integritet [Power, research, and integrity] (In Swedish, 2002). Two edited and retitled versions were published in Västerbottens-Kuriren, 25 and 27 April 2002. This paper is related to a seminar on Privacy, integrity, and freedom of expression [Om privatlivets helgd, integritet och yttrandefrihet]. (In English, with some contents in Swedish, 2002). The seminar's documentation is related to the Swedish Personal Data Act [in Swedish, Personuppgiftslagen PUL 1998:204] and to the university's guidelines concerning limitations for the use of home-pages on the Internet-Web.

(6) Vetenskaplig metod och universitetspolitik: Om systematiska och slumpmässiga fel i universitetetens meritvärdering [Scientific method and university politics: On systematic and random errors in evaluation of university personnel].(2002, in Swedish, pre-publication version. A short version of this paper was published in Universitetsläraren, nr. 10/2002 p. 23, with a rejoinder by the university president applearing in nr. 11, and a final follow-up on pseudo-science for support of politically correct affirmative action, published in nr. 13, 2002, p. 13). This all is a follow-up of an earlier paper, (1) below, on university politics, and it exemplifies one instance of the recurrent misuse of the language of scientific method as well of the mingling of science and political correctness, this time in the context of affirmative action.

(5) Lärarna Tystas, Eliterna Reser [Teachers Are Silenced, The Elites Travel], (2001, in Swedish, published in Västerbottens-Kuriren 29 May 2001, click here for direct link).

(4) Arbetsmiljö och Magistervälde på Politiskt Korrekt Universitet (PDF-format, 2,3 MB, see p. 22) [Work Environment and 'Besser Wisser' Attitude at Politically Correct University], (2001, in Swedish, published in AKTUM, May 4/2001, p. 22, click here for direct link).

(3) Rädsla, Arrogans och ett Universitet i Kris [Fear, Arrogance and a University in Crisis] (2001, in Swedish, published in Vertex, nr. 5/2001, p. 17). Especially directed to university students. Click here for direct link.

(2) Maktens Arrogans vid Universitetet [The Arrogance of Power at the University] (2001, in Swedish, published in Västerbottens-Kuriren 3 April 2001, click here for direct link), and a version of a comprehensive integral text out of which some of the excerpts published above were edited:

(1) Universitet, Arbetsmiljö, Politisk Korrekthet [University, Work Environment, Political Correctness] (2001, also in Swedish but with a further link to a comprehensive international BIBLIOGRAPHY ON UNIVERSITY & SOCIETY (EDUCATION) that includes Ivanov's works in the area of "University and Society" with emphasis on the historical mission of universities, and others' works in English).