Charlotte Wiberg
Lektor, Fil.Dr (Assistant professor, Ph.D)
Tel: (+46) 90 786 68 20
Mobile: (+46) 70 201 15 40
Fax: (+46) 90 786 65 50

My main interest is cross-media interaction design. Further,methodological aspects of usability evaluation and it's relation to entertainment, experiences and the web. More specifically on e-commerce sites and (other) entertainment sites.

Visit the web page of my Ph.D thesis

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Related research
Alan Dix
Donald Norman
Andrew Monk
Dennis Wixon


Recent publications


Wiberg, C. (2007) Webbanvändning inom resesektorn. In Hanefors, M. & Mossberg, L., Turisten i upplevelseindustrin. Studentlitteratur. Lund. (In Swedish)

Wiberg, C & Wiberg, M. (eds.) Proceedings of CMID´07 - The First International Conference on Cross-Media Interaction Design, March 22-25, 2007.

Desurvire, H. & Wiberg, C. (2007). Master of the Game: The Crucial Role of Accessibility in Future Game Design. In Wiberg, C & Wiberg, M. (eds.) Proceedings of CMID´07 - The First International Conference on Cross-Media Interaction Design, March 22-25, 2007.

Bodén, J. & Wiberg C. (2007). iBalance - a cross-media service platform. In Wiberg, C & Wiberg, M. (eds.) Proceedings of CMID´07 - The First International Conference on Cross-Media Interaction Design, March 22-25, 2007.

Wiberg, C., Jegers, K., Bodén, J. (2007) Cross Media Interaction Design. Presented at the workshop ‘HCI and New Media Arts: Methodology and Evaluation’ at the CHI 2007 conference, San Jose CA, USA, April 2007.

Bodén, J., Jegers, K., Lidström, M., Wiberg, C., Wiberg, M. (2007) Point or click? Evaluating two input modalities for mobile games. In proceedings of ICIW ´07 - The Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, May 13-19, 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press.

Desurvire, H., Jegers, K., Wiberg, C. (2007) Developing A Conceptual Framework for Analysis and Design of Evaluation Methods. Presented at the workshop ‘Beyond Current User Research: Designing Methods for New Users, Technologies, and Design Processes’ at the CHI 2007 conference, San Jose CA, USA, April 2007.

Desurvire, H., Jegers, K., Wiberg, C. (2007) Evaluating Fun and Entertainment: Developing A Conceptual Framework Design of Evaluation Methods. Accepted at the workshop ‘Facing Emotions: Responsible experiential design’ at the INTERACT 2007 conference, Rio, Brasil, September, 2007.

Danielsson, K. & Wiberg, C. (2007) "Participatory Design of learning media: designing educational computer games with and for teenagers", in ITSE special issue: Computer Game-based Learning, forthcoming.


Jegers, K. & Wiberg, C. (2006) Early User Centered Play testing of Game Concepts for Pervasive Games. Presented at the Player Centred Design Workshop, CHI 2006 conference, Montreal.


Wiberg, C.(2005). Affective computing vs. usability?
Insights of using traditional usability evaluation methods
CHI 2005 Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Evaluating Affective Interfaces

Jegers, K., Wiberg, C. & Wiberg, M. (2005) Pervasive gaming meets CSCW: Continuity, Collaboration & Context, Presented at the "Computer games & CSCW" workshop at the 9th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW ´05).

Wiberg, C.(2005). Fun in the Home:Guidelines for Evaluating Interactive Entertainment on the Web. In proceedings of HCI International - 12th international conference on Human Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, USA, July 2005


Jegers, K. & Wiberg, C.( 2004). Learning While Playing: Design Implications for Edutainment Games, in Wiberg, M. (Editor) The Interaction Society: Practice, Theories, and Supportive Technologies, IDEA-group Inc.


Jegers, K. & Wiberg, C. (2003). FunTain: Design Implications for Edutainment Games. In proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2003, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Charlottesville, VA.

Wiberg, C. & Jegers, K. (2003). Satisfaction and Learnability in Edutainment: A usability study of the knowledge game 'Laser Challenge' at the Nobel e-museum. In proceedings of HCI International - 10th international conference on Human Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece, June 2003.

Wiberg, C. (2003). A Measure of Fun. Extending the scope of web usability. Ph. D. thesis. Department of Informatics. Umeå University. Visit the web page of the thesis

A complete list of all my publications

Last updated January 25, 2008