for the research program (April 22, 1989)

by Kristo Ivanov [http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/Research.html]


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Allport, G.  Six decades of social psychology. In The person in psychology: Selected essays by Gordon W. Allport. Boston: Beacon Press, 1968 (b), pp.81-102.

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Bar-Hillel, Y.  Language and information: Selected essays on their theory and application. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1973.

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Bell, E.T.  The development of mathematics. (2nd.ed.) New York: xx?, 1945.

Bellak, L., & Smith, M.B.  An experimental exploration of the psychoanalytic process: Exemplification of a method. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1956, 25, 385-414.

Belnap, N. & Steele, T.B.  Logic of questions and answers. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976.

Ben-Ari, M.  Principles of concurrent programming. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall International, 1982.

Benbasat, I. & Dexter, A.S.  Value and events approaches to accounting: An experimental evaluation. Accounting Review, October 1979, 54(4), 735-749.

Benbasat, I. & Taylor, R.N.  The impact of cognitive styles on information system design. MIS Quarterly, 1978, 2(2), 43-54.

Benjamin, J.D.  Methodological considerations in the validation and elaboration of psychoanalytical personality theory. Am. J. of Orthopsychiatry, 1950, 20, pp.139-156.

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Berztiss, A.T.  A course on artificial intelligence for software engineers. (SYSLAB report No.58). The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science, 1988.

Betz, F.  On the management of inquiry. Management Science, Dec. 1971, 18(4) Part 1, pp.xx?

Binder, A.  Further considerations on testing the null hypothesis and the strategy and tactics of investigating theoretical models. In Badia et al.,1970. (Reprinted fromPsychological Review, 1963, 70(1), 107-115.

Biological homologies and analogies. In Dictionary of the history of Ideas, 1973, vol.xx?, pp.236ff.

Bjšrnestedt, A., & Britts, S.  AVANCE: An object management system (SYSLAB report No. 60). The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science, 1988.

BlanchŽ, R.  Axiomatics  (Trans. G.B.Keene). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962. (Orig.: L'axiomatique. 2nd ed., Paris, 1959, with five chapters, the first two were deleted in the English translation.)

BlanchŽ, R.  Introduction ˆ la logique contemporaine. (4th ed.) Paris: Armand Colin, 1968.

BlanchŽ, R.  La logica e la sua storia: da Aristotele a Russell  (Trans.A.Menzio). Roma: Ubaldini Editore, 1973. (Orig.: La logique et son histoire d'Aristote ˆ Russell. Paris: Armand Colin, 1970.)

Bleicher, J.  Contemporary hermeneutics. London: xx?, 1980.

Blumenberg, H.  [The legitimacy of the modern age] (R.M.Wallace, Trans.). Cambridge: MIT Press, 1985. (Originally published as Die legitimitŠt der Neuzeit. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1966, 1976.)

Bochner, S.  Mathematics in cultural history. In Dictionary of the history of ideas, 1973, vol.3, pp. 177-185.

Boland, R.J.  Control, causality and information system requirements. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 1979, 4(4), 259-272.

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Borneman, E. (Ed.)  [The psychoanalysis of money] (M.Shaw, Trans.). New York: Urizen Books, 1976. (Original : Die psychoanalyse des Geldes. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1973.)  With bibliography on the origin and history of money and psychological writings on the history of money.

Bortoft, H.  Goethe's scientific consciousness  (ICR Monograph No.22, ISBN 0904 674 10X). Cambridge, Wells (Kent): Institute for Cultural Research, 1986.

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Bubenko, J.  Selecting a strategy for computer-aided software engineering (CASE). (SYSLAB report No.59) The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science, 1988.  (a)

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Checkland, P. B.  Systems thinking, systems practice.  New York: Wiley, 1981.

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Cohen, P.R., & Perrault, C.R.  Elements of a plan-based theory of speech acts. Cognitive Science, 1979, 3(3), 177-212.

Computer science curriculum. Comm. of the ACM, April 1964, 7(4), 205-230. [Education issue, with papers assembled by the ACM Education Committee.]

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Dessauer, F.  Galileo and Newton: The turning point in Western thought.  In Buonaiuti, 1954, pp.288-321.

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Dijkstra, E.W.  The humble programmer.  Communications of the ACM, October 1972, 15(10), 859-866.

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Freedle, R.O.  Dialogue and inquiring systems.  Human Dev., 1975, 18, 97-118.

Freedle, R.O.  Human development, the new logical systems, and general systems theory: Preliminaries to developing a psychosocial linguistics.  In R.O. Freedle (Ed.),  Steiner, Piaget, and beyond.  ZŸrich: Kindler, 1978.

Frege, G.  The thought: A logical inquiry.  Mind, July 1956, 65(259), 289-311. (Originally published, 1918-1919.)

Freudenthal, H.  The main trends in the foundations of geometry in the 19th century.  In Nagel et al., 1962, pp.613-621. [xx?:€nnu ej i texten]

Frey-Wehrlin, C.T.  Reflections on C.G.Jung's concept of synchronicity.  J. of Analytic Psychology, 1976, 21(1), 37-49.

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Gaa, J.C.  Moral autonomy and the rationality of science.  Phil. of Science, 1977, 44, 513-541. (With a bibliography of 49 entries.)

GagnŽ, R.M. (Ed.)  Psychological principles in system development.  New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962.

Gaines, B.R., & Shaw, M.L.G.  The art of computer conversation.  Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1984.

Gatto, O.T.  Autosate: An automated data systems analysis technique.  Comm. of the ACM, July 1964, 7(7), 425-432.

Geach, P.T.  Logic matters.  Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981.

Gehlen, A.  [L'uomo nell'era della tecnica: Problemi sociopsicologici della civiltˆ industriale]  (A.B.Cori, Trans.).  Milano: Sugar, 1967. (Originally published as Die Seele im technischen Zeitalter. Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 1957.)

Gehlen, A.  [L'uomo: La sua natura e il suo posto nel mondo] (xx? Trans.). Milano: Feltrinelli, 1983.  (Originally published as Der Mensch: Seine Natur und seine Stellung in der Welt.  Wiesbaden: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1978.)

George, A.L.  Propaganda analysis: A study of inferences from nazi propaganda in world war II.  Evanston: Row, Peterson & Co., 1959.

Gibson, D.V., & Ludl, E.J.  Executive group decision support systems considered at three levels of analysis. In E.S. Weber (Ed.)  DSS-88 Transactions, of the TIMS eighth int. conf. on decision support systems, Boston, Mass., June 6-9, 1988, pp. 26-38.

Gill, M.M.  Metapsychology is not psychology.  Psychological Issues, 1976, 9(4), 71-105. (Monograph No.36: Psychology versus metapsychology: Psychoanalytic essays in memory of George S.Klein.)

Giorgi, A.  Psychology as a human science: A phenomenologically based approach.  New York: Harper & Row, 1970.

Goethe, J.W. von [Theory of colours]  (C.L. Eastlake, Trans.). Cambridge: MIT Press, 1970. (Originally published, 1808.)

Goldkuhl, G., & Lyytinen, K.  A language action view on information systems.  Proc. of the 3rd IFIP Int. Conf. on Information Systems, Ann-Arbor, Mich, 1982. (Also as SYSLAB report No.14, The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science, June 1982.)

Goldkuhl, G., & Ršstlinger, A.  FšrŠndringsanalys: Arbetsmetodik och fšrhŒllningssŠtt fšr goda fšrŠndringsbeslut.  Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1988.

Gorn, S.  Mechanical languages: A course specification.  Comm. of the ACM, April, 1964, 7(4), 219-222.

Gorn, S.  On common symbolic language for computers.  In Information processing, 1960, pp.117-120.

Gorn, S.  The computer and information sciences: A basic discipline.  SIAM Review, 1963, 5, 150-155.

Goudsmit, S.A.  Is the literature worth retrieving?  Physics Today, Sept. 1966, pp.52-55.

Granberg, A.  TvŠrvetenskap som ett definitions- och tolkningsproblem.  University of Linkšping, Forskningsorganisatoriska gruppen, 1976. (With bibliography on interdisciplinary research, 57 entries.)

Grassman, S.  Det plundrade folkhemmet.  Stockholm: rstidernas Fšrlag, 1985.

Greenwald, A.G.  Consequences of prejudice against the null hypothesis.  Psychological Bulletin, 1975, 82(1), 1-20.

Grenander, U.  Reflections on global tendencies in mathematics.  Paper presented at the international interdisciplinary workshop on Present Thinking on Parts and Wholes, of The Swedish Committee for Future Oriented Research (FRN-SALFO), Stockholm, June 1983.

Groesbeck, C.J.  Psychological types in the analysis of transference.  J. of Analytic Psychology, 1978, 23(1), 23-53.

GuŽnon, R.  [Il regno della quantitˆ e i segni dei tempi] (xx? Trans.).  Milano: Adelphi, 1982.  (Originally published as Le rgne de la quantitŽ et les signes des temps.  Paris: Gallimard, 1945.)

Guillet de Monthoux, P.  Doktor Kant och den oekonomiska rationaliseringen. Om det normativas betydelse fšr fšretagens, industrins och teknologins ekonomi. Gothenburg: Korpen, 1981. (German trans.: VulgŠrkantianische Unternehmenlehre. MŸnchen: Leudemann, 1981.)

Guillet de Monthoux, P.  Ekonomerna och det normativa.  In Brunsson (Ed.), 1982, pp.42-59.

Guillet de Monthoux, P.  LŠran om fšretaget. FrŒn Quesnay till Keynes. Stockholm: Norstedts, 1983.

Guillet de Monthoux, P.  LŠran om penningen. Om penningens makt och maktens penning frŒn Knapp till Friedman. Stockholm: Norstedts, 1987.

Gustafsson, C.  Om fšretag, moral och handling. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1988.

Guttenplan, S.  The languages of logic: An introduction.  London: Basil Blackwell, 1986.

Gšranzon, B. & Josefson, I.  Knowledge, skill and artificial intelligence. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1988.

Haack, S.  Philosophy of logics.  Cambridge University Press, 1978.

Habermas, J.  Communication and the evolution of society.  London: Heinemann, 1979.

Hadamard, J.  The psychology of invention in the mathematical field.  New York: Dover, 1954. (Reprint of orig. enlarged ed., 1949.)

Hall, C.S., & Lindzey, G.  Theories of personality.  New York: Wiley, 1978.

Hall, C.S., & Nordby, V.J.  A primer of jungian psychology.  New York: The New American Library, 1973.

Halliday, J., & Fuller, P. (Eds.)  The psychology of gambling.  London: Allen Lane, 1974.

Hamann, Johann Georg. In The encyclopaedia of philosophy, 1967, Vol.3, pp.406-408.

Hamilton, A.G.  Logic for mathematicians.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978. [xx? fšrvŠxll. mot Haack?]

Hammen, L. van der  Type concept, higher classification and evolution.  Acta Biotheoretica, 1981, 30, 3-48.

Hampden-Turner, C.  Maps of the mind: Charts and concepts of the mind and its labyrinths.  New York: Collier Books (Macmillan), 1982.

Hansson, P.-Y., et al.  Den smygande avmatematiseringen.  SkolvŠrlden, 1983, No.20, p.17.

Harel, D.  Algorithmics: The spirit of computing.  Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1987.

Harland, D.M.  Polymorphic programming languages. New York: Wiley, 1984.

Haugeland, J. (Ed.),  Mind design: Philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence.  Montgomery, Vermont: Bradford Books, 1981.

Hayek, F.A.  Individualism and economic order. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1949.

Hayek, F.A.  Studies in philosophy, politics and economics. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967.

Hayek, F.A.  The counter-revolution of science: Studies on the abuse of reason.  London: Allen & Unwin, and Glencoe: The Free Press, 1952.

Hayes, R.H., & Abernathy, W.J.  Managing our way to economic decline.  Harvard Business  Review, July-August 1980, pp. 67-77.

Heidegger, M.  Modern science, metaphysics, and mathematics.  In D.F.Krell (Ed.)  Martin Heidegger: Basic writings.  London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978, pp.247-282. (Orig. M.Heidegger  Die  Frage nach dem Ding.  TŸbingen: Max Niemeyer, 1962, pp.50-83.)

Heimendahl, E.  Licht und Farbe: Oranung und Funktion der Farbenwelt.  Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1961.

Heisenberg, W.  Scientific and religious truth.  In Across the frontiers (P.Heath, Trans.). New York: Harper & Row, 1975, pp.213-229. (Originally published as Schritte Ÿber Grenzen. Munich: R.Piper, 1971)

Henderson, H.  Creating alternative futures: The end of economics.  New York: xx?, 1978.

Henderson, J.C.  Finding synergy between decision support systems and expert systems research.  Decision Sciences, 1987, 18, pp.333ff.xx?

Henshaw, P.F.  Correspondence.  Systems Research, 1986, 3(1), 55-57.

Hesse, H.,  GlaspŠrlespelet.  Stockholm: Alba, 1978. (Orig. Das Glasperlenspiel. ZŸrich: Fretz & Wasmuth, 1943.]

Hester, S.D., Parnas, D.L., & Utter, D.F.  Using documentation as a software design medium.  The Bell Systems Technical J., October 1981, 60(8), 1941-1977.

Hilbert, D., & Cohn-Vossen, S.  [Geometry and the imagination] (P.Nemenyi, Trans.). New York: Chelsea, 1952. (Original Anschauliche Geometrie, 1932.)

Hildebrand, H.P.  A factorial study of introversion-extraversion.  The British J. of Psychology, General Psychology, Feb.1958, 49(1), 1-11.

Hilgard, E.R.  Experimental approaches to psychoanalysis. In Kubie, 1952, pp.3-46. (With a bibliography of 70 entries.)

Hilgard, xx?  The scientific status of psychoanalysis. In E.Nagel, et al., 1962, pp.375-390.

Hillis, W.D.  The connection machine. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1986??

Hillman, J.  Abandoning the child.  Eranos, 1971, 40, 357-407.

Hillman, J.  [Methodological problems in dreams research].  In J.Hillman (Ed.), Loose ends: Primary papers in archetypal psychology. ZŸrich: Spring Publications, 1975. (Orig. in C.A.Meier, Ed., Traum und Symbol. ZŸrich: Rascher, 1963.) (With a bibliography of 195 entries.)

Hillman, J.  Senex and Puer: An aspect of the historical and psychological present. In J. Hillman et al. Puer papers. Irving, Texas: Spring, 1979, pp.3-53. (Originally published, 1967).

Hilton, J.  Numinous knowledge: Some thoughts on the problem of legitimizing expert systems. Paper submitted to the Conf. on AI and the Professions, organized by the Cost-13 Project, June 1987. (Available from the author, University of East Anglia, The Audio-Visual Centre, Norwich NR4 7TJ.)

Hilton, J.  Pygmalion and the myth of the intelligent machine. Presented at the International Conf. on Culture, Language and Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, May 30-June 3, 1988.

Hilton, J., & Mindus, C.  Pygmalion.  Unpublished manuscript, 1988. (Available from the authors, University of East Anglia, The Audio-Visual Centre, Norwich NR4 7TJ.)

Hirschheim, R.A.  Information systems epistemology: A historical perspective.  In E.Mumford et al. (Eds.), 1985, pp.xx?

Hoare, C.A.R.  An axiomatic basis for computer programming.  Comm. of the ACM, October 1969, 12(10), 576-583.

Hobbes, T.  The English works of Thomas Hobbes (W. Molesworth, Ed.) Vol.vii. London: Scientia Aaalen, 1962. (Reprint of original edition, 1845.)

Hodges, A.  Alan Turing: The enigma.  New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983.

Hofstadter, D.  Gšdel, Escher, Bach. An eternal golden braid.  New York: Basic Books, 1979.

Hofstadter, D.R., & Dennett, D.C. (Eds.)  The mind's I: Fantasies and reflections on self and soul.  New York: Basic Books, 1981.

Holbaek-Hanssen, E., HŒndlykken, P., and Nygaard, K.  System description and the DELTA language (DELTA project report No.4, publication No.523). Oslo: Norwegian Computing Center - Norsk Regnesentral, 1985.

Holt, R.R.  Clinical and statistical prediction: A reformulation of some data.  J. of Abnormal Social Psychology, 1958, 56(1), 1-12.

Homan, P.  Psychology and hermeneutics: Jung's contribution.  Zygon, 1969, 4, 333-355.

Hood, W.F.  Dewey and technology: A phenomenological approach.  Research in Philosophy and Technology, 1982, 5, 189-207.

Hook, S. (Ed.)  Psychoanalysis, scientific method and philosophy.  New York: New York University Press, 1959.

Hoos, I.R.  Systems analysis in public policy. A critique (Rev.ed.).Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983. (Originally published, 1972.)

Horst, P.  Notes on the case study and the unique case.  In P.Horst (Ed.), The prediction of personal adjustment.  New York: Social Science Research Council, 1941, pp.240-249.

Humphreys, P., & Berkeley, D.  Conceptual model building: Capturing and representing purposeful activity and knowledge in the organisation.  London School of Economics and Political Science, Dept. of Social Psychology, 1988. Paper presented at the IFIP WG 8.3 Working Conference on Organizational Decision Support Systems, Lake Como, Italy, 20-22 June, 1988.

Husserl, E.  [La crisi delle scienze europee e la fenomenologia trascendentale  (E.Filippini, Trans.).  Milano: Il Saggiatore, 1983. (Originally published as Die Krisis der europŠischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale PhŠnomenologie: Eine Einleitung in die phŠnomenologische Philosophie.  Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1954.)

Husserl, E.  Experience and judgement..  Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970 xx?

I Ching  (R.Wilhelm & C.F.Baynes, Trans.). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968.

Ijiri, Y.  Management goals and accounting for control. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1965.

Ilyenkov, E.V.  [Dialectical logic.]  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977.

Information processing.  Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Paris, 15-20 June 1959. Paris: UNESCO;London: Butterworths; MŸnchen: Oldenbourg,  1960.

Information systems-curriculum recommendations of the 80's: Undergraduate and graduate programs; A report of the ACM Curriculum Committee on Information Systems (J.F. Nunamaker, J.D.Couger, & G.B.Davis, Eds.).  Comm. of the ACM, Nov. 1982, 25(11), 781-805.

Ingelstam, L.  Matematiken som kulturfara.  Intermediair, 17 April & 1 May, 1970.

International language.  The Encyclopaedia Britannica (Vol.12). London: William Benton, 1967.

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Ivanov, K.  Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data banks and in management information systems  (PhD diss.).  The University of Stockholm and The Royal Institute of Technology, 1972.  (NTIS No. PB-219297)

Ivanov, K.,  Statistik fšr datorer:  Centraliseringen av svensk statistik, konsekvenser av en organisatorisk anpassning till datoriserad statistikproduktion  (Research report No.1976:7). University of Stockholm, Dept. of Statistics, 1976. (a)

Ivanov, K.,  Statistiska informationssystem: FramvŠxten av en svensk skola om data och information och dess fšrhŒllande till en kunskap om sociala informationsprocesser (Research report No.1976:8). University of Stockholm, Dept. of Statistics, 1976. (b)

Ivanov, K.,  FrŒn statistisk kontroll till kontroll šver statistiken: Systemisk redovisning av fel i undersškningar inklusive avvŠgningar mellan kvalitet och medborgerlig integritet  (Research report No.1976:9).  University of Stockholm, Dept of Statistics, 1976. (c)

Ivanov, K.,  Ekonomisk informationsbehandling fšr bibliotek: Ett praktikfall av integration mellan informationsbehandling och fšretagsekonomi.  University of UmeŒ, Dept. of Information Processing, 1977. (a)

Ivanov, K.,  Informationsanalys fšr vetenskaplig dokumentation: Grunden fšr datastrukturer i databehandlingssystem, ett praktikfall.  University of UmeŒ, Dept. of Information Processing, 1977 (c)

Ivanov, K.,  Projektlogik i utveckling av informationssystem: Erfarenheter av datorbearbetningar fšr vetenskapliga bibliotek.  University of UmeŒ, Dept of Information Processing, 1977. (b)

Ivanov, K.,  Datoriserad statistik och statistiska system [Computerized statistics and statistical systems].  Statistisk Tidskrift, 1977, No.5, pp.377-388. (Summary in English.)

Ivanov, K.,  Datorbaserad social kommunikation: InskrŠnkt till ett hšgnivŒsprŒk fšr programmering av motsŠgelselšsa samhŠllsbeskrivningar [Computer-based social communication: Reduced to a high-level language for programming of unambiguous descriptions of society].  Statistisk Tidskrift, 1979, No.3, pp.173-187. (Summary in English, pp.237-238.)

Ivanov, K.  From computers to information and systems science: Some functions of logic, statistics, and psychology in the establishment of a policy for a discipline of data-processing  (Research report LiU-MAT-ADB-R-80:3, 3rd ed.).  University of Linkšping, Dept. of Mathematics, and dept. of Computer and Information Science, 1980.

Ivanov, K.  Presuppositions of formal methods for development of computer systems: From psycho-logic and logic to psychology and inquiring systems   (Report LiU-IDA-ADB-R-83-1). University of Linkšping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, 1983. (a)

Ivanov, K.  Computer applications and organizational disease  (Report LiU-IDA-ADB-R-83-2). University of Linkšping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, 1983. (b)

Ivanov, K.  Systemutveckling och ADB-Šmnets utveckling (Report LiU-IDA-R-84-1). University of Linkšping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, 1984. (a)  Also in G.Goldkuhl, Ed., Systemutveckling, av vem, fšr vem och hur? (Report No. K4/84). Stockholm Arbetarskyddsfonden, 1984. (a)

Ivanov, K.  Mot ett ingenjšrsvetenskapligt universitet: NŒgra tankestŠllare infšr universitetets samarbete med intressenter pŒ data-omrŒdet  (Report LiU-IDA-R-84-2).  University of Linkšping, Dept of Computer and Information Science, 1984.  (b)

Ivanov, K.  Systemutveckling och rŠttssŠkerhet  [Systems development and rule of law]:  Om statsfšrvaltningens datorisering och de lŒngsiktiga konsekvenserna fšr enskilda och fšretag.  Stockholm: SAF:s Fšrlag, 1986.

Ivanov, K.  Rule of law in information systems research: The role of ethics in knowledge-building procedures, especially in the updating of inference networks.  In P.JŠrvinen (Ed.), Proc. of the Tenth Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Tampere-Vaskivesi, Aug.10-12 1987. University of Tampere, 1987.

Ivanov, K.  Expert-support systems: The new technology and the old knowledge.  Systems Research, 1988, 5(2), 93-100.

Iverson, K.E.  Formalism in programming languages.  In Falkoff & Iverson, 1981, pp.17-28.(Reprinted fromComm. of the ACM, Feb. 1964, 7).

Iverson, K.E.  Notation as a tool for thought.  In Falkoff & Iverson, 1981, pp.105-130. (Reprinted from Comm. from the ACM, Aug.1980, 23)

Ives, B., Hamilton, S., & Davis, G.B.  A framework for research in computer based management information systems.  Management Science, Sept. 1980, 26(9), 910-934. (With a bibliography of 65 entries.)

Izard, C.E., Kagan, J., & Zajonc, R.B. (Eds.)  Emotions, cognition, and behavior.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Jager-Adams, M.  Aristotle's logic.  The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 1984, 18, 255-311.

Jahn, R.G., Ed.  The role of concsiousness in the physical world.  Boulder: Westview Press, 1981.

Jahn, R.G.  The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An engineering perspective.  Proc. of the IEEE, Feb. 1982, 70(2), 136-170. (With bibliography.)

Janis, I.L.  The psychoanalytic interview as an observational method. In G. Lindzey (Ed.), Assessment of human motives. New York: Rinehart, 1958, pp.149-181.

Janlert, L.E.  MŠnniska-dator interaktion. (Unpublished manuscript, 2nd ed.) UmeŒ, Sweden: University of UmeŒ, Inst. of Information Processing, May 1988.

Johannisson, K.  Det mŠtbara samhŠllet: Statistik och samhŠllsdršm i 1700-talets Europa.  Stockholm: Norstedts, 1988.

Johansen, G., Rijnsdorp, J.E., & Sage, A.P.  Human system interface concerns in support system design.  Automatica, 1983, 19(6), 595-603.

Johansson, I.-L.  Utveckling av god redovisningssed: Lagstiftning, teori, praktik, eller?  In Brunsson (Ed.), 1982, pp.60-72.

Johnson, D.M.  Prelude to dimension theory: Geometrical investigations of Bernard Bolzano.  Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 1977, 17(3), 261-295.

Johnson-Laird, P.N.  Towards a cognitive science of language, inference, and consciousness.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Jones, R.S.  Physics as metaphor.  New York: New American Library, 1982.

Jonsson, I.,  Riktningar inom 1800-talets hermeneutik.  In Tolkning och tolkningsteorier (Fšredrag och diskussionsinlŠgg vid Vitterhetsakademiens symposium 17-19 nov. 1981. Konferenser 7). Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1982.

Jourdain, P.E.B.  Criticism and discussions: The economy of thought.  Monist, Jan. 1914, 24, 134-145.

Jourdain, P.E.B.  The function of symbolism in mathematical logic.  Scientia, 1917, 21, 1-12.

Jung, C.G.  Collected Works   [CW] (20 vols, Trans. R.F.C. Hull et al.). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953-1979.

Jung, C.G.  Letters (vol.2: 1951-1961, R.F.C.Hull, Trans.). Princeton: Princeton University Press (Bollingen series 95:2), 1975. (Originally published, 1953.)

Jung, H.Y.  Language, politics, and technology.  Research in Philosophy and Technology, 1982, 5, pp.43-63.

Jšnsson, A.  Naturligt sprŒk fšr anvŠndardialog och databasfšrfrŒgningar (Report LiTH-IDA-R-87-25, Industriserien). University of Linkšping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, 1987.

Jšnsson, S.  Om behovet av hŒrda data.  In Brunsson (Ed.), 1982, pp.73-94.

Kadinsky, D.  The meaning of technique.  J.of Analytical Psychology, 1970, 15(2), 165-176.

Kaplan, A.  The conduct of inquiry: Methodology for behavioral science.  New York: Thomas Crowell, 1964.

Karier, C.J.  The ethics of a terapeutic man: C.G.Jung.  The Psychoanalytic Review, 1976, 63(1), 115-146.

Kass, L.R.  Making babies: The new biology and the "old" morality.  The Public Interest, 1972, xx?, pp.18-56.

Kaufmann, F.  Truth and logic.  Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1940, 1, 59-69.

Kelsey, M.  Jung as philosopher and theologian.  In H.Kirsch (Ed.) The well tended tree: Essays into the spirit of our time.  New York: Putnam's Sons, 1971, pp. 184-196.

Kennedy, H.C.  Peano: Life and works of Giuseppe Peano.  Dordrecht: Reidel, 1980.

Kernberg, O.F.  Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism.  New York: Jason Aronson, 1975.

Kerola, P., & Taggart, W.  Human information processing styles in the information systems development process.  In J.Hagwood (Ed.), Evolutionary information systems.  Amsterdam: North Holland, 1982, pp.63-86.

Keynes, J.M.  A treatise on probability.  London: Macmillan, 1952. (Originally published, 1921.)

Kirsch, T.B.  The relationship of the REM state to analytical psychology.  Amer.J.Psychiatry, 10 April 1968, 124, 1459-1463.

Kitto, H.D.F.  The Greeks (2nd ed.).  London: Penguin Books, 1957.

Klauber, J.  On the dual use of historical and scientific methods in psychoanalysis.  Int. J. of Psycho-Analysis, 1968, 49, 80-88.

Kleene, S.C.  Introduction to metamathematics.  Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1950.

Klein, D.B.  Scientific understanding in psychology.  Psychological Review, 1932, 39, 552-569.

Klein, G.S.  Cognitive control and motivation.  In G.Lindzey (Ed.), Assessment of human motives.  New York: Rinehart, 1958.

Kline, M.  Mathematics and the search for knowledge.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Kling, R. & Scacchi, W.  Computing as social action: the social dynamics of computing in complex organizations. Advances in Computers, 1980, 19, pp.249-327 (with bibliography).

Klir, J., & Folger, T.A.  Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and information.  Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1988.

Kneale, W.C.  The province of logic.  In H.D.Lewis (Ed.), Contemporary British philosophy. London: Allen & Unwin, and New York: Macmillan, 1956, pp. 236-261.

Kneale, W.C., & Kneale, M.  The development of logic.  Oxford: Calrendon, 1965.

Knoll, M.  Transformation of science in our age.  In Corbin et al., 1957, pp.265-307.

Knowledge, sociology of.  In Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought  (A.Bullock & O.Stallybrass, Eds.).  London: Fontana/Collins, 1977, pp. 334-335.

Knuthammar, C., & PŒlsson, E. (Eds.)  Vetenskap och vett: Till frŒgan om universitetets roll. University of Linkšping, 1985. (ISBN 91-7372-925-6)

Korfhage, R.R.  Logic of the computer sciences.  Comm. of the ACM, April 1964, 7(4), 216-218. (Cf. included "Critique" by H.Wang.)

Kowalski, R.  Logic for problem solving.  New York: Elsevier/North Holland, 1979.

KoyrŽ, A.  Galileo and Plato.  In Wiener & Noland (Ed.), 1954, pp.147-175.

Kraft, P.  Programmers and managers: The routinization of computer programming in the United States.  New York: Springer Verlag, 1977.

Kraft, P.  The industrialization of computer programming: From programming to "software production".  In A.Zimbalist (Ed.), Case studies on the labour process. New York xx?: Monthly Review Press, 1979.

Kripke, S.  Outline of a theory of truth.  J.of Philosophy, 1975, pp. 690-716.

Kubie, L.S.  Problems and techniques of psychoanalytic validation and progress. In E.Pumpian-Mindlin (Ed.), The Hixon lectures on the scientific status of psychoanalysis.  New York: Basic Books, 1952, pp.46-167. (With a bibliography of 81 entries.)

Kubie, L.S.  Problems of multidisciplinary conferences, research teams, and journals.  Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Spring 1970, pp.405-427.

KŸhnert, F.  L'Žcriture idŽographique: Et ses rapports avec la formation de la langue dans le chinois (A Dienesch-Roven, Trans.).  Scientia, 1913, 13(29-3), 58-68.

Kuo, Y.-Y.  Chinese dialectical thought and character.  In Rychlak (Ed.), 1976, pp.72-86.

Kurki-Suonio, R.  A programmer's introduction to computability and formal languages.  Princeton: Auerbach, 1971.

Kšrner, S.  Fundamental questions of philosophy: One philosopher's answers (4th ed.).  Sussex: Harvester Press, and New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1979.

Kšrner, S.  The philosophy of mathematics: An introductory essay.  London: Hutchinson University Library, 1960.

Langefors, B.  Theoretical analysis of information systems.  Philadelphia: Auerbach, 1973. (Originally published, 1966.)

Langefors, B., & Sundgren, B.  Information systems architecture.  New York: Petrocelli/Charter, 1975.

Langefors, B.  Analysis of user needs.  In G.Bracchi & P.C.Lockemann (Eds.)  Information systems methodology.  Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1978, pp.1-38.

Langefors, B.  Infological models and information user views.  Information Systems, 1980, 5, 17-32.

Langefors, B., Verrijn-Stuart, A.A., & Bracchi, G. (Eds.)  Trends in information systems.  Amsterdam: North Holland, 1986.

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Larsson, H.  Poesiens logik.  Stockholm: Aldus/Bonniers, 1966. (Originally published, 1899.)

Lasswell, H.D.  A provisional classification of symbol data.  Psychiatry, 1938, 1, 197-204.

Leavitt, H.J.  Beyond the analytic manager-I.  California Management Review, Spring 1975, 17(3), 5-12.  (a)

Leavitt, H.J.  Beyond the analytic manager-II.  California Management Review, Summer 1975, 17(4), 11-21.  (b)

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Richardson, A.J., & Dowling, J.B.  Organizational legitimation as a semantic process.  Paper presented at the European group for organizational studies (EGOS) symposium, June 12-14, 1985, Saltsjšbaden, Sweden. (Available from the author, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.)

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Steiner, R.  A theory of knowledge implicit in Goethe's world conception. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, xx?. (Originally published, 1886.)

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Strong, E.W.  Newton's "mathematical way".  In Wiener & Nolan (Eds.), 1957. pp.412ff.

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We shall not cease from exploration

and the end of all our exploring

will be to arrive where we started

and know the place for the first time.


     T. S. Eliot