A Potential-Planned Library for Information Research

(From EndNote in APA6-format)


(updated up to about years 2002-2006)










This document refers to second of two sets (below) of bibliographic data on literature that was used, respectively planned to the used by me up to about year 2002-2006, as retrieved from my library files (with my various editing shortcomings) that were organized in EndNote software. (The first set is found here). It is meant to support other researchers by means of their possible reading, understanding and evaluating my work in the context of the discipline of Informatics in terms of my earlier background. In later years the references in my writing have been made by means of links in my text, as explained in my general disclaimer.


It can be important to take in account that the discipline of informatics as it appeared in Sweden in the decade of 1960 was motivated by the increasing use of computers in society. It had no established identity (individuality) and venues of publication in established journals, being as it was at the intersection between technology, social sciences and humanities, improperly reduced often as something between computer science and business administration. IT raised problems historically analog to the Geisteswissenschaften. In Sweden it required academic struggles as surveyed (in Swedish) in a few reports that appear in the context of The history of the discipline of Informatics. I have developed this issue as related to the essence of computers and computation in several essays such as Computers as embodied mathematica and logic, Computerization as design of logic acrobatics, and The meaning of human-computer interaction. Now, to this document:




The first list is a selection from the second list below of items associated with my name.

The second list is of all items, in the standard format APA-6, the same as in the selection above.

The third list is of all items, containing all fields of items in the EndNote database, beyond APA 6.



A fourth list containing all APA-6 fields of items that (up to years 2002-2006) were planned to be possibly used in my later research is excessively voluminous to be included in this document. Therefore, it will be made available to be retrieved as a separate document Potential Library for Information Research at the same site as this one at archive.org.



Aase, M. (1997). De små brottens tyranni. Moderna Tider(May), 14-17.

Abrahamson, M. (2002). Jesu uppståndelsen som historiskt problem. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, Teologiska Institutionen.

Abrams, M. H. (1971). Natural supernaturalism: Tradition and revolution in romantic literature. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Acharya, S. A. (1917). Prolegomena till Arya Metafysik. Stockholm: Norstedt & Söner.

Ackoff, R. (1999). Re-creating the corporation: A design of organizations for the 21st century. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.

Ackoff, R. L. (1970). A concept of corporate planning. New York: Wiley-Interscience.

Ackoff, R. L. (1974). The social responsibility of operational research. Oper. Research Quarterly, 25(3), 361-371.

Ackoff, R. L. (1978). The art of problem solving. New York: Wiley.

Ackoff, R. L. (1979). The future of operational research is past. J. Opl. Res. Soc., 30(2), 93-104.

Ackoff, R. L. (1979). Resurrecting the future of operational research. J. Opl. Res. Soc., 30(3), 189-199.

Ackoff, R. L. (1982). Reply to M.C. Jackson: On the hard headedness and soft heartedness of M.C. Jackson. J. of Applied Systems Analysis, 9, 31-33.

Ackoff, R. L. (1988). C. West Churchman. Systems Practice, 1(4, December), 351-355.

Ackoff, R. L. (1998). A systemic view of transformational leadership. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 11(1), 23-36.

Ackoff, R. L., Cowan, T. A., Meditz, M. L., Davis, P., Emery, J. C., & Elton, M. C. J. (1976). The scientific communication and technology transfer -  SCATT -  report: Designing a national scientific and technological communication system. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press.

Ackroyd, P. (1998?). The life of Thomas Moore. London: Chatto & Windus.

Ackroyd, P. (1999). The Plato papers: A novel. London: Chatto & Windus.

Adam, F., & Fitzgerald, B. (2000). The status of the IS field: historical perspective and practical orientation. Information Research, 5(4).

Adam, M. (1999). Les schemas, un langage transdisciplinaire. Les comprendre, les réussir. Paris: L'Harmattan.

Adams, S. (1996?). The Dilbert principle. New York: HarperBusiness.

Adams, S. (1996?). Dogbert's top secret management handbook. New York: HarperBusiness.

Adelbratt, T. (2004). Everyday notions of good decision making: Theoretical and practical implications. Gothenburg: Göteborg University, Dept. of Psychology.

Adelskogh, L. (2003). Varför anföll USA Irak? Folkets Nyheter, Sommaren 2003(1), 10-13.

Adler-Karlsson, G. (1968). Western economic warfare. ?: Dept. of Economic History.

Adler-Karlsson, G. (1992). Maktens historia: I ett nötskal. Uppsala: Utbildningsradion.

Adler-Karlsson, G. (1994-1998). A monotheistic theory of power. I-IV. Anacapri: The Capri Institute for International Social Philosophy.

Adler-Karlsson, G. (1995). Det arbetsfria paradiset. Linnés Nya Tider(3), 20-23.

Administrative (Science). (1980). In Encyclopaedia universalis. Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis.

Aelred of Rievaulx. (2008). Spiritual friendship. Notre Dame, Indiana: Christian Classics, Ave Maria Press <http://www.christian-classics.com>.

af Trolle, U. (1990). Mot en internationellt konkurrenskraftig akademisk utbildning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Agamben, G. (2001). On security and terror. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung(September 20).

Agamben, G. (2004). We refugees.

Agrell, P. (1983). Facts, methods, programmes and paradigms. Europ. J. of Operational Research, 14, 335-340.

Agrell, P. S. (1991). Systems theory for systems practice. Stockholm: Stockholm University and The Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Informatics and Systems Science.

Agresti, W. W., (Ed.). (1986). Tutorial: New paradigms for software development. Washington, D.C.: The IEEE Computer Society Press.

Aguilera, J. C. my "China":  comments.

Ahl, Z., & Olsson, E. (2001). Svensk smak: Myter om den moderna formen. Stockholm: Ordfront.

Ahlberg, A. (1926). Oswald Spengler inför den tyska kritiken. In Tidsreflexer: Filosofiska uppsatser (pp. 47-54). Stockholm: Gebers.

Ahlberg, A. (1930). Västerlandets undergång. Oswald Spenglers filosofi. Framställning och kritik. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.

Ahlberg, A. (1950). Vårt bildningsarbete: Framtid och faror. Stockholm: Tidens Förlag.

Ahmed, A., S. (1992). Postmodernism and promise. London & New York: Routledge.

Ainsley, J. Nationalism and internationalism. London: Victoria & Albert Museum.

Aje, C. (2003). The Imagined versus the real other: Multiculturalism and the representation of muslims in Sweden. Lund: Dep of Sociology, Lund University, P.O. Box 114, 221 00 LUND.

Akrich, M. (1988). Comment décrire les objets techniques [How can technical objects be described]. Technique et Culture, 3(49-63).

Albert, H. (1985). Treatise on critical reason. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Albinsson-Bruhner, G. (1995). Sverige behöver mogen kunskap. SvD(26 Maj), 2.

Albom, M. (1998?). Tuesdays with Morrie.

Alexander, C. (1971). Notes on the synthesis of form. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.

Alexander, C. (1999). The origins of pattern theory: The future of the theory, and the generation of a living world. IEEE Software(October), 71-82.

Alexander, W. M. (1966). Johann Georg Hamann: Philosophy and faith: Den Haag.

Alix, F.-X. (1997). Une éthique pour l'information: De Gutenberg à Internet. Paris: l'Harmattan.

Alker, H. R. (1965). Mathematics and politics. New York: Macmillan.

Allègre, C. (1997?). Dieu face à la science.

Allen, D. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes_Allen.

Allen, D., Crabb, D., Loeb, L., Malloy, R., Nance, B., Rash Jr., W., . . . Wayner, P. (1991). What is a programming language? - Roundtable. Byte(August), 103-104.

Alliez, E. (1996). Deleuze: Philosophie virtuelle. Paris: Synthélabo.

Allwein, G., & Barwise, J. (1996). Logical reasoning with diagrams. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Allwood, M. S. (Ed.) (1944). Universiteten i en ny värld. Stockholm: Kooperativa Förbundets Bokförlag.

Almhult, A. (1963). Levande bibelord i svenskan.

Almqvist?, C. (1959?). Den glömda dimensionen.

Alnasser, K. (2001). Ur medvetandets kappsäck: Den 'rene' filosofen Kants antropologi bekräftar slavhandelns tankevärld. VK(13 februari), 5.

Alnasser, K. (2001). De inställda dialogernas epok. VK(13 oktober), 5.

Alopaeus, M. (1983). Drabbad av Sverige. Stockholm: Brombergs.

Alschuler, A. W. (2001). Law without values: The life, work, and legacy of justice Holmes. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

Alvesson, M. (1993). Cultural perspectives on organizations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ambjörnsson, F. (2008). I en klass för sig: Genus, klass och sexualitet bland gymnasietjejer. Stockholm: Ordfront.

Ambjörnsson, R. (Ed.) (1986). Från Aten till Los Angeles: Idéhistoriska miljöer. Stockholm: Utbildningsradion, Liber Hermods & Bra Böcker.

Ames, R. T. (1983). The art of rulership: A study in ancient Chinese political thought. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Press.

Amsterdam 1995. (1995).

Anders, S. (2003?). Myterna kring motion, idrottsskador & rörelseapparaten?

Andersen, B. R. (1984). Rationality and irrationality of the nordic welfare state. Daedalus, 113(1), 109-139.

Andersen, H. W. (1993). All else is ornament? Theory and narration in history of technology: The poststructuralist challenge. In Paper to the workshop: Does Theory Matter in the History of Technology. Conference on Technological Change, University of Oxford, 8-11 September 1993.

Anderson, C. (2000). A survey of the young: Bright young things. The Economist(December 23rd), Supplement of 16 pages.

Andersson, A. (2004). Att vrida världen rätt. Örebro: Gospel Media Sweden http://www.gospelmedia.se.

Andersson, B. (1991). Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism (Vol. 3). London: Verso.

Andersson, H., & Paulsson, F. Det etiska projektet och det estetiska: Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på Lars Ahlins författarskap. ??: Inst. för Litteraturvetenskap.

Andersson, J. (2007). Bekämpning av ondska föder ondska. Dagens Nyheter(2 september), 24.

Andersson, L. (1999?). Var det bra så?

Andersson, P. (1989). Informationsteknologi i organisationer. Linköping: Linköping University, Dept. TEMA-T.

Andersson, S.-O. (1995). Time and general practice consultations: Aspects of length attendance and quality. Umeå: Umeå University.

Andersson, T. (1999). De intellektuella och Bibeln. Moderna Tider(September), 8-9.

Andrews, J. (1998). A survey of the world of sport. The Economist(June 6th), Supplement 1-22.

Annerstedt, C. (1991). Idrottslärarna och idrottsämnet: Utveckling, mål, kompetens - ett didaktiskt perspektiv.

Anonym. A course in miracles. Tiburon, CA.

Anonym. (1957). Technique et société chez l'animal et chez les hommes. In Anonym (Ed.), Cahiers des recherches et débats du centre catholique des intellectuels français (no. 18). Paris: Fayard.

Anonym (Ed.) (1984). Att vara svensk. Stockholm: Svenska Vittershetsakademin.

Anonym (Ed.) (1985). Att vara svensk [To be a Swede]. Stockholm: Vitterhets- Historie- och  Antikvitetsakademien.

Anonym. (1987?). Ambres: RAM Stiftelsen, Arne Löfgren Offset.

Anonym. (1992). American Airlines - Managing the future: Many international airlines have seen the future, and it is global. To American Airlines, it looks different. The Economist(Deember 19th), 64-65.

Anonym. (1993). When the state picks winners. The Economist(January 9th), 15-16.

Anonym. (1993). Baroque around the clock. The Economist(July 10th), 83-84.

Anonym. (1993). The Economist style guide. London: The Economist Books.

Anonym. (1993). A high-rise demolished: Review of 'Towers of Debt' by Peter Foster, Hodder & Stoughton. The Economist(June 5th), 92.

Anonym. (1993). The wonders of workflow: Modern management has become a relentless cycle of self-improvement. Thanks to increased computer power, businessmen can now use much more accurate 'workflow' techniques to measure themselves. The Economist(December 11th), 72.

Anonym. (1994). The logic that dares not speak its name: Champions of 'fuzzy logic' see it as fundamental to mathematics. Sceptics allow that its is  good way to run an air conditioner. The latest idea is that it may provide the key to artificial intelligence. The Economist(April 16th), 101-103.

Anonym. (1994). One of our tycoons is missing: The sudden and mysterious collapse of the Schneider property empire is the latest embarassment for Germany's banks. The Economist(April 16th), 89.

Anonym. (1994). Towers of babble: Whatever happened to the university. The Economist(December 25th-January 7th), 38-40.

Anonym. (1994). Training for jobs: O brave new world. The Economist(March 12th), 21-28.

Anonym. (1994). Religion and free enterprise in America: One market under God. Book review of Laurence Moore, 'American Religion in the Marketplace of Culture', Oxford Univ. Press. The Economist(June 11th), 87.

Anonym. (1994). New work order. The Economist(April 9th), 80.

Anonym. (1994). An all-American industry [On political correctness]. The Economist(December 25th 1993-January 7th 1994), 61-62.

Anonym. (1994). Science and Technology: Early warnings, early worries. The Economist(June 18th), 95-97.

Anonym. (1994). The media: ...and nothing but the truth? [On "photographical correctness"]. The Economist(March 19th), 62-65.

Anonym. (1994). The shock of the not quite new: Predicting future technological change... The Economist(June 18th), 85.

Anonym. (1994). Net profits [Business on the Internet]. The Economist, 332(7871, July 9th), 89-91.

Anonym. (1994). When partnerhips unravel. Partners in pain. The Economist, 332(7871, July 9th), 13-14, 63-64.

Anonym. (1994). School brief: Investing in people. The Economist(March 26th), 87-88.

Anonym. (1994). Post Prospero.

Anonym. (1994). The MBA cost-benefit analysis. The Economist, 332(7875, August 6th), 66.

Anonym. (1994). The lays of Ancient ROM: Databases are transforming scholarship in the most conservative corners of the academy, forcing technological choices even on the humanities. The Economist(August 27th), 65-66.

Anonym. (1994). Is there gold in the internet? The Economist(September 10th), 73-74.

Anonym. (1995). Making cities safer: Good fences... The Economist(March 25th), 68-69.

Anonym. (1995). Policing do-it-yourself medicine. The Economist(February 4th), 14-16.

Anonym. (1995). Patient, heal thyself: The cult of the doctor is under attack. Patients want a bigger say in choosing the treatment they get. Amen, say the firms and government that pay the bills. The Economist(February 4th, 1995), 17-19.

Anonym. (1995). Distance learning: Faraway thoughts. The Economist(January 7th), 57-58.

Anonym. (1995). Technology and unemployment: A world without jobs? The Economist(February 11th), 21-24.

Anonym. (1995). Misplaced panics. The Economist(February 11th), 11-12.

Anonym. (1995). Defence technology: The information advantage. The Economist(June 10th, Supplement), 1-20.

Anonym. (1995). So, who's the pilot here? On modern airliners, it's sometimes hard to say whether it is man or machine. The Economist(April 8th), 95-96.

Anonym. (1995). Paying for research. The Economist(June 3rd), 13.

Anonym. (1995). A thousand billion billion sums. The Economist(May 27th), 83-84.

Anonym. (1995). Virtual reality: Disc drivers. The Economist(May 27th), 84-85.

Anonym. (1996). Civics 101: Next week Bill Clinton and America's leading business executives discuss social respnsibility. Could management theory illuminate their meeting? The Economist(May 11th), 73.

Anonym. (1996). Rarely pure, and never simple. The Economist(June 22nd), 99.

Anonym. (1996). Prostate cancer: The men's ward. The Economist(June 15th), 95-96.

Anonym. (1996). Affirmative action: Odd states out. The Economist(July 6th), 53-54.

Anonym. (1996). Pachinkoholism. The Economist(July 6th), 59-60.

Anonym. (1996). Crime in America. The Economist(June 8th), 23-27.

Anonym. (1996). It's only a game. The Economist(June 15th), 73.

Anonym. (1996). Cultural explanations: Which 'civilisation' you belong to matters less than you might think. The Economist(November 9th), 25-32.

Anonym. (1996). When virtuality is really lost. The Economist(October 19th), 14.

Anonym. (1996). Still a virtual reality. The Economist(October 12th), 102.

Anonym. (1996). Making companies efficient: The year downsizing grew up. The Economist(December), 113-115.

Anonym. (1996). Multiversal truths. Physicists think philosophers are strange. Philosophers think quantum mechanics is even stranger. And they think more physicists should agree. The Economist(November 2nd), 95-96.

Anonym. (1996). The old new right: For better or worse, the world has been changed by a batch of New York liberals transmogrified into neo-conservatives. The Economist(September 14th), 3-4.

Anonym. (1996). Subsidising scientific research. Book review of The Economist Laws of Scientific Research. By Terence Kealey. Macmillan. The Economist(September 14th), 10-11.

Anonym. (1996). American conservatism: the half revolution. Book review of The World Turned Rightside Up: A History of the Conservative Ascendancy in America. By Godfrey Hodgson. Houghton Mifflin; 365 p. The Economist(November 2nd), 101.

Anonym. (1996). America's religious right: In God they trust. Book review of With God on Our Side: The rise of the religious right in America. By William Martin. Broadway Books; 418 p. The Economist(November 2nd), 102.

Anonym. (1996). The end of patriarchy. The Economist(May 18th Review of Books and Multimedia), 5.

Anonym. (1997). Så går en helgonförklaring till. Katolsk Magasin(10), 9.

Anonym. (1997). The future of warfare. The Economist(March 8th), 21-24.

Anonym. (1997). Europe's great car war. Death of a salesman. The Economist(March 8th), 75-76.

Anonym. (1997). Making strategy: The debate about business strategy is shifting from the abstract question of what it is to the more practical question of how you make it. The Economist(March 1st), 77.

Anonym. (1997). The anti-management guru. The Economist(April 5th), 80.

Anonym. (1997). Strenghtening marriage: Do you mean it? The Economist(August 9th), 36-37.

Anonym. (1997). Social research: Asking for trouble. The Economist(August 9th), 74-75.

Anonym. (1997). William Burroughs. The Economist(August 9th), 81.

Anonym. (1997). Science and technology: Build a better kilogram [standard]. The Economist(August 16th), 69-70.

Anonym. (1997). Shrink the world [On accounting rates for international telephone calls]. The Economist(August 16th), 13-14.

Anonym. (1997). Management pay: Unintended consequences. The Economist(August 16th), 55-56.

Anonym. (1997). What's wrong with copying. The Economist(April 5th), 93-94.

Anonym. (1997). Schools brief: One world? The Economist(October 18th), 103-104.

Anonym. (1997). Any alternative? The Economist(November 1st), 99-100.

Anonym. (1997). AIDS in Africa. The Economist(september 27th), 17.

Anonym. (1997). The millennium bug. Please panic already. The Economist(October 4th), 23-27.

Anonym. (1997). You can't follow the science wars without a battle map. The Economist(December 13th), 93-95.

Anonym. (1997). In praise of preaching. The Economist(December 6th), 56.

Anonym. (1997). Productivity: Lost in cyberspace. The Economist(September 13th), 78.

Anonym. (1997). How to make friends and kill them. The Economist(October 18th), Supplement p. 12.

Anonym. (1997). Art's mind-body problem. The Economist(October 18th), 111-112.

Anonym. (1997). Deus ex computer. The Economist(November 15th), Supplement p.11.

Anonym. (1997). The press. A new censor? The Economist(October 18th), 62.

Anonym. (1997). Hi ho, hi ho, down the data mine we go. The Economist(August 23rd), 49-50.

Anonym. (1997). Not quite a new world order, more a three-way split. The Economist(December 20th), 47-49.

Anonym. (1997). A gift of tongues [On computer supported translation]. The Economist(October 18th), 107.

Anonym. (1997). Management consultants and their clients: Princely sums. Review of Dangerous Company. By James O'Shea and Charles Madigan. Time Business & Nicholas Brealey Publishers. The Economist(August 16th), 75-76.

Anonym. (1997). What money means: Poetic of finance. Book review of Frozen Desire: An enquiry into the meaning of money. By James Buchan. Picador. The Economist(October 18th, Review of Books and Multimedia), 10.

Anonym. (1997). Millenium computer bug: Year zero. The bill for the millenium bug keeps going up. The Economist,(March 28th), 40.

Anonym. (1997). A gift of tongues: Early attempts to translate human languages by computer made the subject of a laughing stock. A little humility and a lot more processing power have, however, done the trick. The Economist(October 18th), 107-108.

Anonym. (1997). Scientific justice. The Economist(July 26th), 71-72.

Anonym. (1998). Dip into the future, far as cyborg eye can see: and wince. If videogames are any guide, tomorrow is going to be a bleaker day. The Economist(January 3rd), 81-83.

Anonym. (1998). IT and health care: Bugs and viruses. The Economist(February 28th), 70-72.

Anonym. (1998). Bill Bennett, frustrated moralist. (March 14th), 61.

Anonym. (1998). Biology isn't destiny. The Economist(February 14th), 97-99.

Anonym. (1998). Engineering: in need of heroes. Why are architects glamorous and engineers anonymous? It wasn't always so. The Economist(May 16th), 107-109.

Anonym. (1998). Repositioning the WHO. The Economist(May 9th), 91-94.

Anonym. (1998). You are being tailed. The Economist(June 27th), 72.

Anonym. (1998). May 1968: tricky situations. Of all the ideological "isms" competing for Parisian students' attention in the heady days of May 1968, none was more pervasive than situationism. The Economist(May 2nd), 93-94.

Anonym. (1998). The lads spoke brill. The Economist(June 27th), 106.

Anonym. (1998). Meet the riskmongers. The Economist(July 18th), 73-74.

Anonym. (1998). Model behaviour: You can do anything with a computer – even build an accurate working model of a human heart. The Economist(July 18th), 85-86.

Anonym. (1998). Sayonara, spaceflight? Japan was the fourth country into orbit. Bureaucratic rivalries and incompetence mean that it may yet be the first out of it. The Economist(August 8th), 70-71.

Anonym. (1998). The numbers man: Should managers consult algebra before they redesign their factory or launch a product? A mathematician from Tennessee things so. The Economist(August 8th), 62.

Anonym. (1998). Go on, it's good for you: Prescription pharmaceuticals are being turned into brands and marketed like soap powder. Who will benefit? The Economist(August 8th), 57-58.

Anonym. (1998). The news business. The Economist(July 4th), 19-21.

Anonym. (1998). European software: SAP's rising in New York. The Economist(August 1st), 60-61.

Anonym. (1998). The perils of prediction. The Economist(August 1st), 65-66.

Anonym. (1998). What would Confucius say now? Asian values did not explain the tigers' astonishing economic successes, and they do not explain their astonishing economic failures. The Economist(July 25th), 23-25.

Anonym. (1998). Mort v Goliath. The Economist(July 25th), 51.

Anonym. (1998). Viruses: Hunt the mutant. The Economist(July 25th), 86-87.

Anonym. (1998). Whose body of evidence? Forensic scientists need to become more scientific in some of their methods if they are to keep their high status in criminal law-courts. The Economist(July 11th), 85-87.

Anonym. (1998). IBM's last tangle in Argentina. The Economist(August 1st), 46.

Anonym. (1998). Culture wars: Is American culture, like a horror-monster's foot, about to crash the world? Only in film does America really rule–and cultural protection is no answer. The Economist(September 12th), 99-103.

Anonym. (1998). Young at heart. The Economist(June 20th), 74.

Anonym. (1998). The sweet smell of success: The technology of odours is big business. In three related articles, we look at new ways to make perfumes, the genetic engineering of flowers for scent and colour, and the use of electronic "noses". The Economist(September 5th), 79-81.

Anonym. (1998). In a flash. The Economist(June 20), 99.

Anonym. (1998). Hits and misses: A new type of Internet search engine may soon sort the electronic wheat from the chaff. The Economist(June 20th), 97-98.

Anonym. (1998). Plowden's progress: The "progressive" revolution in Britain's schools is being reversed. Why did it happen, what when wrong, and will the new approach be any better. The Economist(June 20th), 41-43.

Anonym. (1998). La Bible de Jérusalem. Paris: Cerf.

Anonym. (1998). Memory building. The Economist(August 29th), 76-78.

Anonym. (1998). Science in fiction is not science fiction. The Economist(August 22nd), 67-68.

Anonym. (1998). A space oddity. A tiny error in the paths of two spacecraft may require the rewriting of some of the laws of physics. The Economist(September 26th), 95-96.

Anonym. (1998). Norse code. A fierce debate in Iceland over genetics foreshadows many future, similar battles elsewhere. The Economist(December 5th), 113-114.

Anonym. (1998). Platform envy. European and American defence planners are rethinking strategy. So is the defence industry. Close transatlantic links may be the answer for both. The Economist(December 12th), 25-27.

Anonym. (1998). Internet economics. Some companies succeed in the network economy, others don't. Why? The Economist(December 12th), 7.

Anonym. (1998). Microlending. From tiny acorns. The Economist(December 12th), 10.

Anonym. (1998). The third way revealed. The Economist(19 September).

Anonym. (1998). The ostrich's view of the world. Taking things for granted is a common curse. Here are four big issues the great and good in the West may be kidding themselves about. The Economist(19 December), 33-37.

Anonym. (1999). Gossip on the web: Truth, lies and cyberspace. The Economist(April 24th), 98.

Anonym. (1999). Drowning in oil. The Economist(March 6th), 17.

Anonym. (1999). In praise of old technology. Power from the people. The Economist(April 17th), 20, 106, 109.

Anonym. (1999). The mice bite back: A succession of official computer projects are ending in chaos. The Economist(April 17th), 46.

Anonym. (1999). The end of privacy. The surveillance society. The Economist(May 1st), 13, 19-23.

Anonym. (1999). Are  we just not clever enough to understand the mind? The Economist(May 1st), 85-86.

Anonym. (1999). Display technology: In the eye of the beholder. The Economist(May 1st), 80-83.

Anonym. (1999). In praise of old technology. Clockwork technology. The Economist(April 17th), 106-109.

Anonym. (1999). Computer games: Gently does it. The Economist(May 8th), 104,107.

Anonym. (1999). The real virtual business: Internet broking and trading have come of age. The Economist(May 8th), 83-84.

Anonym. (1999). A Wagnerian crisis of imagination. The Economist(July 24th), 87-89.

Anonym. (1999). Drowning in data. Like so many others, biologists are confronted by a tidal wave of information. Unfortunately, few of them know how to swim. The Economist(June 26th), 109-110.

Anonym. (1999). Digital rights and wrongs. Computers were supposed to be threatening copyright. Instead, they may end making it stronger. The Economist(July 17th), 95-96.

Anonym. (1999). Gambling and the future. The latest government report on the subject concludes that Americans have taken gambling to their hearts. The price is high. The Economist(June 26th), 59-60.

Anonym. (1999). Newspapers and the Internet. Caught in the web: The Internet is bound to do serious damage to the newspaper business. The Economist(July 17th), 15-18.

Anonym. (1999). The Internet. Gordian knowwork. What's in a name? On the Internet, at least, the answer is technology, politics, money and ego. The Economist(July 31st), n/a.

Anonym. (1999). Parallel universes. A world apart: The universe, it appears, may not be alone. The Economist(May 22nd), 116.

Anonym. (1999). Politics brief: On mature democracies in transition. The Economist(July 17 - August 21).

Anonym. (1999). Computer and wages: Is information technology to blame for the rising trend of wage-inequality in most rich countries? The Economist(September 11th), 95.

Anonym. (1999). How profitable are American firms? American profits: Think of a number. The Economist(September 11th), 91-92.

Anonym. (1999). Remember, remember (1) and (2). Proust and Faulkner are literary giants and their home towsn are now shrines. But what are the fans who flock there seeking? The Economist(September 25th), pp. 125-129.

Anonym. (1999). Gazing at China. The Economist(October 2nd), 102-103.

Anonym. (1999). Morality and the brain. The Economist(October 23rd), 122-124.

Anonym. (1999). History of coffee: Radical brew. Reviev of The Coffee Book, by Gregory Dicum and Nina Luttinger, New Press; 196 pages, $14.95; and Uncommon Grounds, by Mark Pendegrast, Basic Books, 520 pages, $27.50. The Economist(July 17th), 10-11 in The Economist Review.

Anonym. (1999). The new establishment of Downing Street. The Economist(4 September).

Anonym. (1999). What fun? Parties are about a lot more than having a good time. The Economist(December 18th), 63-64.

Anonym. (1999). A matter of gravity. Newton discovered it. Einstein complicated it. But nobody really understands the force of gravity. Part of the explanation may be that it is not really all here. The Economist(December 23rd), 38-39.

Anonym. (1999). In God we trust. A favourite celebrity makes a surprise reappearance. The Economist(December 23rd), 18-19.

Anonym [In medias res]. (1997). Svenskt rättväsende har tappat greppet! VK(6 September), 4.

Anonymous. A course in miracles. Tiburon, CA.

Anonymous. ?? Crisis.

Anonymous (Ed.) (1984). Att vara svensk. Stockholm: Svenska Vittershetsakademin.

Anonymous (Ed.) (1985). Att vara svensk [To be a Swede]. Stockholm: Vitterhets- Historie- och  Antikvitetsakademien.

Anonymous. (1991). Guds tjänare förklarad vördnadsvärd. Informationsblad Opus Dei(3).

Anonymous. (1992). American Airlines - Managing the future: Many international airlines have seen the future, and it is global. To American Airlines, it looks different. The Economist(Deember 19th), 64-65.

Anonymous. (1993). When the state picks winners. The Economist(January 9th), 15-16.

Anonymous. (1993). Baroque around the clock. The Economist(July 10th), 83-84.

Anonymous. (1993). The Economist style guide. London: The Economist Books.

Anonymous. (1993). A high-rise demolished: Review of 'Towers of Debt' by Peter Foster, Hodder & Stoughton. The Economist(June 5th), 92.

Anonymous. (1993). An all-American industry. The Economist(December 25th 1993-January 7th 1994), 61-62.

Anonymous. (1993). Good guru guide: Take me to your leader. The Economist(December 25th 1993-January 7th 1994), 21-26.

Anonymous. (1996). Crimes of reason. The Economist(March 16th), 93-95.

Anonymous. (1997). Så går en helgonförklaring till. Katolsk Magasin(10), 9.

Anonymous. (1997). Beware the cyber-regulator. The Economist(August 23rd).

Anonymous. (1997). A haunted castle in the sky: Russia's Mir space station cannot last much longer. The Economist(September 13th), 93-94.

Anonymous. (1997). Science in Russia. The Economist(November 8th), 23-30.

Anonymous. (1997). What the surgeon saw. The Economist(September 27th), 94.

Anonymous. (1998). Unscientific readers of science. The Economist(May 9th), 97-98.

Anonymous. (1998). New books on architecture: Writing well about architecture is notoriously hard. Now that the century's style-and-theory wars have fought themselves out, it seems to be even harder. The Economist(August 22nd), 69.

Anonymous. (1998). The oystrich's view of the world: Four big issues the great and the good in the West may be kidding themselves about. The Economist(December 19th), 39-50.

Anonymous. (1998). Smokescreens: The World Health Organisation is showing signs of allowing politics to get in the way of truth. The Economist(March 14th), 101-102.

Anonymous. (1999). Israel's culture wars. The Economist(April 24th), 95--97.

Anonymous. (1999). What's progress? In modern times, faith in "progress" has been closely connected to, if not wholly identified with, the inevitability of market-driven economic growth. Is this an error? The Economist(July 31st), 68.

Anonymous. (1999). Helping the poorest. The Economist(August 14th), 11-12.

Anonymous. (1999). Affirmative action: Living without it. The Economist(March 13th), 58.

Anonymous. (1999). Hardware goes soft: Computer chips that can rewire themselves to perform different functions are starting to take the 'hard' out of hardware. The Economist(May 22nd), 113-114.

Anonymous. (1999). Politics brief [Six articles in a series on the mature democracies]. The Economist(July 17th-August 21st).

Anonymous. (1999). The next shock? The price of oil has fallen by half in the past two years, to just over $10 a barrel. It may fall further-and the effects will not be as good as you might hope. The Economist(March 6th), 21-23.

Anonymous. (1999). The corporate-growth puzzle. Plenty of plausible theories try to explain why company grow. Sadly, the evidence suggests they are wrong. The Economist(July 17th), 90.

Anonymous. (1999). Computing: Nerds' triumph. The Economist(The Economist Review, June 19th), 11.

Anonymous. (1999). Farewell to the floor? Are exchanges coming to grip with the threats of information technology, or are they in their death throes? The Economist(August 7th), 63-64.

Anonymous. (1999). Deep discount. Some of society's most important decisions concern the far distant future. Up to now, economics has failed to shed much light on them. The Economist(June 26th), 106.

Anonymous. (1999). Consistently inconsistent. People are often maddeningly irrational in their decisions about the future. Do not despair: rational economists are starting to explain why. The Economist(August 7th), 70.

Anonymous. (1999). New from the lab. What makes economics less than a proper science, sceptics often argue, is that you cannot do controlled experiments. Many economists disagree. The Economist(May 8th), 96.

Anonymous. (1999). A world of communications: Talking to the world. The Economist(December 31st), 93-95.

Anonymous. (1999). Democracy, justice, freedom. The Economist(December 31st), 93-95.

Anonymous. (1999). Politics and Silicon Valley. Liberty.com: The rise of America's high-tech industry is not just a windfall for presidential hopefuls. It could also be a godsend for the liberal political tradition. The Economist(October 30th), 23-27.

Anonymous. (1999). Founders of modern medicine: One we want. The Economist(November 13th), 9.

Anonymous. (1999). Changing perceptions: Book review of Peter Novick's The Holocaust in American Life, and Hilene Flanzbaum's The Americanization of the Holocaust. The Economist(October 9th), 131.

Anonymous. (1999). Identity theft. TV8(8 May).

Anonymous. (1999). Russian organised crime. The latest money-laundering scandal in New York. The Economist(August 28th), 15-17.

Anonymous. (1999). America's world. The Economist(October 23), Cover.

Anonymous. (2000). The biology of music. The Economist(February 12th), 87-89.

Anonymous. (2000). War and money: The business of conflict. Getting rich by controlling resources in war is a common practice, says a Red Cross report. The Economist(March 4th), 50-52.

Anonymous. (2000). The mathematics of voting: Democratic symmetry. The Economist(March 4th), 97.

Anonymous. (2000). The future of economics: In the long run, is the subject dead? The Economist(March 4th), 90.

Anonymous. (2000). The Andean coca wars: A crop that refuses to die. Drug-fighters claim that a combination of repression and social engineering can eliminate coca cultivation, and so cocaine. It has not happened yet. The Economist(March 4th), 21-23.

Anonymous. (2000). Challenge at McKinsey. The Economist(March 4th), 68.

Anonymous. (2000). The land of disappointments. Japan's high-tech image has recently been tarnished by an embarassing series of mishaps. But the country has plans to bounce back. The Economist(March 4th), 95-97.

Anonymous. (2000). Who knows the knowledge economy? The Economist(April 8th), 17.

Anonymous. (2000). The taming of the shrewd. The world's best-known investors no longer understand financial markets. The Economist(May 6th), 85-86.

Anonymous. (2000). Reading for leading. The Economist(May 13th), 71.

Anonymous. (2000). Thought followership. The Economist(May 20th), 24.

Anonymous. (2000). Clinical trials in India. Patient capital: India promises to become a world centre for testing new medicines. The Economist(January 29th), 83-84.

Anonymous. (2000). Socrates, for pleasure and profit. The Economist(June 24th), 91.

Anonymous. (2000). Serious games: The growth of computer simulation technology has resulted in intriguing crossovers between the worlds of work and entertainment. The Economist(July 8th), 101-102.

Anonymous. (2000). Double standards. The Economist(July 29th), 79.

Anonymous. (2000). Freedom of speech: Hollywood and the hacker. The Economist(August 5th), 45-46.

Anonymous. (2000). Explosive charges. Do Jewish Americans exploit the Holocaust? In a provocative new book, Norman Finkelstein, an American Jew, argues that they do. The Economist(August 5th), 79.

Anonymous. (2000). Formula one's finances: At the heart of one of the world's most-watched sports, grad prix motor racing, lies a tale of extraordinary secrecy and of the financial dominance of one man, Bernie Ecclestone. The Economist(July 15th), 77-84.

Anonymous. (2000). Serious games. The growth of computer simulation has resultet in intriguing crossovers between the worlds of work and entertainment. The Economist(July 8th), 101-102.

Anonymous. (2000). Opinion polls: Misty science. The Economist(October 21st), 60, 65.

Anonymous. (2000). Insurance in the genetic age. The Economist(October 21st), 21.

Anonymous. (2000). Is Bluetooth worth the wait? It will take more than hype to realise the full potential of Bluetooth, 3G and other wireless technologies. The Economist(December 9th), 12-16.

Anonymous. (2000). Looking life in the eye: Creatively speaking, French film is in one of its periodic upswings. The Economist(December 2nd), 111.

Anonymous. (2000). You don't have to be Jewish to live there. The Economist(August 26th), 79-80.

Anonymous. (2000). Israel's turbulent rabbis. Strife between secular and Orthodox Israelis is reflected in the strife between the ultra-Orthodox and the modern. The Economist(September 9th), 55.

Anonymous. (2000). Tapping into Africa. The Economist(September 9th), 59.

Anonymous. (2000). Cities and the Olympics. Forget the medals (almost). The Olympics are about whether cities can succesfully sell themselves. The Economist(September 16th), 25-27.

Anonymous. (2000). New realities? The 'standard model' of the way the universe works is just about complete. Time to start looking for a new one. The Economist(October 7th), 121-125.

Anonymous. (2000). Marxism today. The Economist(May 13th), 8.

Anonymous. (2000). Germany: The church victorious. The Economist(September 2nd), 26-27.

Anonymous. (2000). The shredding of Jac Nasser. Ford's boss wants to focus his company on customer service. That's not how his reaction to the tyre scandal comes across. The Economist(September 9th), 90.

Anonymous. (2000). Sydney's secret winners. The Economist(October 7th), 84.

Anonymous. (2000). Nobel prize in economics: Death or glory. The Economist(October 7th), 116.

Anonymous. (2000). Europe's Neilogistical reforms. The Economist(January 22nd), 30.

Anonymous. (2000). Measuring gravity. G whizz. The Economist(May 6th), 94-95.

Anonymous. (2001). The internet and the law. The Internet was supposed to be all about freedom. That is why governments want to regulate it. The Economist(January 13th), 19-23.

Anonymous. (2001). Internet pioneers: Amazon, Yahoo! and eBay grow up. The Economist(February 3rd), 79-81.

Anonymous. (2001). Luxury in New York. The Economist(February 10th), 56-57.

Anonymous. (2001). Leading the cause. The Economist(March 3rd), 65.

Anonymous. (2001). Scrap affirmative action. The Economist(March 17th), 14-16.

Anonymous. (2001). The cutting edge of virtual reality. The Economist Technology Quarterly(March 24th), 38-40.

Anonymous. (2001). Science and profit. The Economist(February 17th), 19.

Anonymous. (2001). When merchants enter the temple [About marketing of museums]. The Economist(April 21st), 69-72.

Anonymous. (2001). Allen Victor Kneese, defender of the environment, died on March 14th, aged 70. The Economist(March 24th), 117.

Anonymous. (2001). Islamic banking. The Economist(February 17th), 90-91.

Anonymous. (2001). A matter of trust: Behavior such as reciprocity and co-operation is not bred in the bone. Rather, it responds to incentives and experience. The Economist(February 17th), 92.

Anonymous. (2001). Indian agriculture: Obsession with self-sufficiency is a bar to reform. The Economist(February 17th), 66.

Anonymous. (2001). The ancient art of making money. The Economist(April 7th), 5 of Asian Business Survey supplement.

Anonymous. (2001). The tabloid press: Pass the Pulitzers. The Economist(July 7th), 51.

Anonymous. (2001). Special report: Professional-service firms. The Economist(July 7th), 71-73,  cf. also 77.

Anonymous. (2001). Wall Street research: Neither buyer nor seller be. The Economist(July 7th), 77, cf. also 71-73.

Anonymous. (2001). Economic focus: A bundle of trouble. Behind antitrust actions against Microsoft and General Electric lie concerns about 'bundling' different products together. The Economist(July 7th), 79.

Anonymous. (2001). The technology of taste. The Economist(July 7th), 81-82.

Anonymous. (2001). Contemporary African history: Blood and guts. Africa has much to teach the world about forgiveness. The Economist(July 7th), 86-87.

Anonymous. (2001). A taste of fiction: How did Lord Archer get away with it so long? Powerful friends, draconian libel laws and a supportive wife. The Economist(July 21st), 31.

Anonymous. (2001). Consulting firms are suffering from an overdose of talent. The Economist(July 21st), 57-58.

Anonymous. (2001). The technology industry: Big is beautiful again. Computing: The revenge of the dinosaurs; are mainframe computers on the way back? The Economist(July 21st), 53-55.

Anonymous. (2001). Bose-Einstein condensates: A new way has been devised to make a peculiar form of matter. The Economist(July 7th), 83.

Anonymous. (2001). Secrets, lies and hubris: If nothing else, the Condit case reveals the arrogance of power. The Economist(July 24th), 47.

Anonymous. (2001). Corporate downsizing in America: The jobs challenge. How to reduce labour costs without doing more harm than good. The Economist(July 14th), 62-63.

Anonymous. (2001). Public relations: The financial public-relations industry is coming of age. The Economist(July 14th), 64-65.

Anonymous. (2001). Special report: Mass customisation. The Economist(July 14th), 67-69.

Anonymous. (2001). Special report: Patents and the poor. The Economist(June 23rd), 25-30.

Anonymous. (2001). Air travel. The Economist(July 21st), 14.

Anonymous. (2001). PR man in father-in-law slur shock. Matthew Freud is not just a consummate networker: he has helped change the nature of celebrity in Britain. The Economist(July 7th), 43.

Anonymous. (2001). Computers and movies. The Economist(June 30th), 77-78.

Anonymous. (2001). Modern seafaring: The hubris of racers today. The Economist(July 28th), 73-74.

Anonymous. (2001). Social policy: Is the nuclear family starting to recover? The Economist(July 28th), 43-44.

Anonymous. (2001). E-management: The greatest impact of the Internet looks like being found in old firms. The Economist(June 30th), 10.

Anonymous. (2001). Godfather of the pill [Carl Djerassi]. The Economist(June 23rd), The Economist Technology Quarterly p. 45-46.

Anonymous. (2001). Contemporary art: Labyrinthine worlds, death on film and parallel economies await art lovers av the 49th Venice Biennale. The Economist(June 23rd), 98-99.

Anonymous. (2001). Special report: Private money for the arts. The Economist(August 18th), 67-69.

Anonymous. (2001). Special report: Human rights. The Economist(August 18th), 18-20.

Anonymous. (2001). America the contemplative: It's Buddha's turn. The largest Buddhist temple outside Asia opens its doors in Colorado. The Economist(August 18th), 36.

Anonymous. (2001). Security in Brazil: The high price of protection from street violence. The Economist(August 18th), 42.

Anonymous. (2001). Det kommer med vinden.

Anonymous. (2001). What security technology can - and cannot - do about terrorism. The Economist(September 22nd), 76-77.

Anonymous. (2001). Scenario planning: The next big surprise. The Economist(October 13th), 64.

Anonymous. (2001). Car design: The old new thing. Some vehicle technologies from the past are being dusted down for use in the present and the future. The Economist(September 1st), 65-66.

Anonymous. (2001). Religion and science: The perils of religious correctness. The Economist(November 10th), 89-90.

Anonymous. (2001). Economic focus: Curse of the ethical executive. Why 'corporate social responsibility' is not a welcome fashion. The Economist(November 17th), 84.

Anonymous. (2001). Special report: Fighting terrorism. War and politics in Afghanistan. The Economist(November 17th), 15-19.

Anonymous. (2001). The politics of human rights. The Economist(August 18th), 9.

Anonymous. (2001). The elusive character of victory: Catching Osama bin Laden and defeating the Taliban will be a victory of sorts, but not a sufficient one. The Economist(November 24th), 11-12.

Anonymous. (2001). Student visas: Foreign students -- and the universities they support -- face harder times. The Economist(November 24th), 47-48.

Anonymous. (2001). South Africa's past: Forgive, don't forget. Ways of remembering apartheid. The Economist(November 24th), 42.

Anonymous. (2001). Will the Internet's address system be used to collect taxes? The Economist(September 22nd), 66.

Anonymous. (2001). The politics of cloning. The Economist(December 1st), 49.

Anonymous. (2001). Economists have a dismal code in predicting recession. The Economist(December 1st), 76.

Anonymous. (2001). Buddhists in Thailand: Thai women want to become monks. The Economist(November 10th), 59.

Anonymous. (2001). Suicide technologies: For those who wish to end their lives at a time of their own choosing, technology may provide an answer. The Economist(December 8th), 77-78.

Anonymous. (2001). The loss of diversity: The broad diversity of technological designs appears to be narrowing. Is innovation running out of big ideas to exploit? The Economist Technology Quarterly(December 8th), 3.

Anonymous. (2001). The triumph of English: A world empire by other means. The Economist(December 22nd), 33-35.

Anonymous. (2001). Singles and the city: The Bridget Jones economy. The Economist(December 22nd), 36-38.

Anonymous. (2001). The downsized male: Sometimes it's hard to be a man. The Economist(December 22nd), 60-62.

Anonymous. (2001). Auditors: Errors of 'judgment' are piling up at Andersen. The Economist(December 22nd), 88-89.

Anonymous. (2001). Paper money. The Economist(December 22nd), 93-95.

Anonymous. (2001). Cronicles of chronology. The Economist(December 22nd), 106-107.

Anonymous. (2001). Quiet revolution on the track: Designing F1 racing cars. The Economist Technology Quarterly(December 8th), 7-8.

Anonymous. (2001). Quiet revolution on the track: Designing F1 racing cars. The Economist Technology Quarterly(December 8th), 7-8.

Anonymous. (2001). Security in Brazil: Bullet-proof in Alphaville. The Economist(August 18th), 42.

Anonymous. (2001). Plato, parliament and the British fox. The Economist(January 20th).

Anonymous. (2001). Music as healing: Sound, mind and body. The Economist(January 13th), 93.

Anonymous. (2002). Obituary: Léopold Senghor. The Economist(January 5th), 70.

Anonymous. (2002). Identity cards, with photographs, for Saudi Arabia's lucky women. The Economist(January 5th), 33.

Anonymous. (2002). Seeing crimson: The folly of making famous professors write learned books. The Economist(January 5th), 37.

Anonymous. (2002). Whistleblowing. The Economist(January 12th), 61-62.

Anonymous. (2002). Academic freedom. Secrets and lives. How should the need of academic enquiry and national security be balanced? The Economist(March 9th), 73-75.

Anonymous. (2002). A survey of management: Back to basics. The Economist(March 9th), Supplement 3-18.

Anonymous. (2002). Special report: America and Europe. Who needs whom? America must soon decide whether to deal with terrorists and weapons of mass destruction in partnership with Europe, or alone. The Economist(March 9th), 30-32.

Anonymous. (2002). Who needs whom? America must soon decide whether to deal with terrorists and weapons of mass desctruction in partnership with Europe, or alone. The Economist(March 9th), 30-32.

Anonymous. (2002). Executive pay. Wallowing in wages. This year, the pay of America's chief executives may fall for the first time in years. Proof that that the system works? The Economist(April 6th), 57-58.

Anonymous. (2002). Nationell designcentrum i Gustavsberg. Värmdö Tidning(2), 12.

Anonymous. (2002). Germany and its Jews. More than half a century after the Holocaust, Germans still feel edgy about their forebears' complicity. Will they always. The Economist(June 15th), 36.

Anonymous. (2002). Nuclear fusion. It's impossible. And what's more, it's improbable. The Economist(July 20th), 69.

Anonymous. (2002). The education shibboleth. Extra years of schooling and wider access to university are everywhere supposed to be good for growth. Think again. The Economist(June 8th), 71.

Anonymous. (2002). The physics of information. It's all just number-crunching. The universe may be the largest computer in, well, the universe. The Economist(June 8th), 72-73.

Anonymous. (2002). Political essays. Conversations with the dead. Two of Britain's best prose writers--a novelist and a journalist--confront the errors and evasions of an earlier generation in politics. The Economist(July 13th), 68-69.

Anonymous. (2002). AIDS. Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Aids activists and researchers gathered in Spain to exchange ideas last week. Not all was doom and gloom. The Economist(July 13th), 65-67.

Anonymous. (2002). The ethics of brain science. The Economist(May 25th), 83-85.

Anonymous. (2002). Corporate governance: Designed by committee. The Economist(June 15th), 75-79.

Anonymous. (2002). High-tech companies: IT grows up. The Economist(August 24th), 47-48.

Anonymous. (2002). Business books. From great to not so good. Can the market for business books re-engineer itself? The Economist(November 16th), 65.

Anonymous. (2002). Theoretical physics. Publish and perish. Just how rigorous is the process of scientific publication? The Economist(November 16th), 82.

Anonymous. (2002). Higher education: The ruin of Britain's universities. The Economist(November 16th), 35-36.

Anonymous. (2002). War on campus. The West Bank and the Charles. Are Israel's attackers, and its defenders, going too far? The Economist(November 30th), 45-46.

Anonymous. (2002). Gershom Scholem: A good sectarian. Book review of Anthony David Skinner (ed. and trans.) "Gershom Scholem: A life in letters, 1914-1982". Harvard University Press. The Economist(November 30th), 82-83.

Anonymous. (2002). Putting on the style: Forget engineers, designers are the rock stars of the car industry. The Economist(December 21st), 88--90.

Anonymous. (2002). The fight for God. Traditional churches are in trouble. But Christianity is doing rather well. The Economist(December 21st), 62-64.

Anonymous. (2002). The future is Texas. If you want to see where America is heading, start by studying Texas. The Economist(December 21st), 59-61.

Anonymous. (2002). Texas: The future of America. The Economist(December 21st), 59-61.

Anonymous. (2002). Christianity: The fight for God. The Economist(December 21st), 62-64.

Anonymous. (2002). Sleep: And so to bed. The Economist(December 21st), 111-113.

Anonymous. (2002). The paperless office: In praise of clutter. The Economist(December 21st), 84-87.

Anonymous. (2002). Car designers: Putting on the style. The Economist(December 21st), 88-90.

Anonymous. (2002). Marx's intellectual legacy. The Economist(December 21st), 17-19.

Anonymous. (2002). Language across frontiers: The English invasion. The Economist(December 21st), 120-121.

Anonymous. (2002). Affirmative action in America. Orwell and beyond. The Supreme Court should kill a programme whose time has passed. The Economist(December 7th), 16.

Anonymous. (2002). The market for chief executives. Bosses for sale. Are headhunters to blame for the damaging cult of charisma? The Economist(October 5th), 67-68.

Anonymous. (2002). Investmente banking under fire. Capitulate or die. Terrified by the threat of litigation, investment banks may be forced to transform themselves. The Economist(October 5th), 79-80.

Anonymous. (2002). That's what they want you to believe. Why conspiracy theories are so popular? The Economist(December 21st), 71-72.

Anonymous. (2002). Special report on the entertainment industry: How to manage a dream factory. Harder times are reminding the industry of the critical importance of creating good content. But that means managing the tensions between artists and suits. The Economist(January 18th), 67-69.

Anonymous. (2002). Management metaphors. The Alexander technique. Corporate strategy down the ages. The Economist(January 18th), 56.

Anonymous. (2002). Computerising the National Health Service. The health service's IT problem. Greater use of information technology is key to reforming the NHS. The trouble is, government IT projects tend to go wrong. The Economist(October 19th), 37-38.

Anonymous. (2002). The new puritans. Working out is painful and boring. So why bother? The Economist(December 21st), 99-101.

Anonymous. (2003). Christine Casey: whistleblower. The hight risks and low rewards of making allegations about your employer. The Economist(January 18th), 60.

Anonymous. (2003). Economic focus. Chasing the leader. Are Europeans really so much worse off than Americans? The Economist(February 8th), 78.

Anonymous. (2003). Far from making geography irrelevant, the Internet has bound the virtual and physical worlds closer than ever. The Economist(March 15th), 17-20 of the Economist Technology Quarterly.

Anonymous. (2003). Conspiracy theories. Whispers blaming the war on Jewish cabal have got a little louder. The Economist(March 15th), 48-49.

Anonymous. (2003). Philosophers and kings. A strange waltz involving George Bush, ancient Greece and a dead German thinker [Leo Strauss]. The Economist(June 21st), 47.

Anonymous. (2003). Affirmative action. The Supreme Court's long-awaited rulings on affirmative action reflect America's continuing ambivalence about race. The Economist(June 28th), 51-52.

Anonymous. (2003). Special report: Executive pay. Fat cats feeding: Why are company bosses being paid such large sums of money? The Economist(October 11th), 73-76.

Anonymous. (2003). The Internet is eroding privacy. I also allows unprecedent price discrimination. The Economist(18 October), 80.

Anonymous. (2003). Perishing publishing: "Pre-printing" scientific papers electronically is a good idea. But it has its perils. The Economist(November 15th), 79.

Anonymous. (2003). Philosophy lessons: What philosophers really have to say about "The Matrix". The Economist(November 15th), 84.

Anonymous. (2003). Executive coaching: Corporate therapy. The Economist(November 15th), 65.

Anonymous. (2003). Transsexuals: A tweak in the law for a small but vulnerable minority. The Economist(November 15th), 39.

Anonymous. (2003). Insurance and gender. The price of equality. Unisex insurance premiums cost consumers more. The Economist(November 15th), 74-75.

Anonymous. (2003). Anti-semitism. An enduring virus. Why Jews, in Israel and beyond, still feel beleaguered. The Economist(November 22nd), 44.

Anonymous. (2004). Europe's Jewish question: American charges of anti-semitism are not all hyperbole. The Economist(February 21st), 31.

Anonymous. (2004). DNA fingerprinting: the sins of the fathers. Criminals in the family? You may now be under scrutiny. The Economist(April 24th), 38.

Anonymous. (2004). Special report: Christian and Jews. The season of the lambs. Christians are trying to analyse their responsibility for anti-Jewish prejudice, and to examine their own faithäs Jewish roots. The Economist(April 10th), 18-20.

Anonymous. (2004). The lunatic you work for. If the corporation were a person, would that person be a psychopath? The Economist(May 8th), 68.

Anonymous. (2006). Who's sorry now? Apparently, everybody: < http://edition.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/12/01/asorry.year.ap/index.html> POSTED: 2006 GMT (0406 HKT), December 1, 2006. Accessed 2 Dec 2006.

Anonymous. (2007). Israel and the Jews: Second thoughts about the Promised Land. Jews all around the world are gradually ceasing to regard Israel as a focal point. As a result many are re-examining what it means to be Jewish. The Economist(January 13th), 50-52.

Anonymous. (2008). Obituary: Robert Vesco. Robert Vesco, fraudster, apparently died in November 2007, aged 71. The Economist(May 31st), 99.

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