A Main Library for Information Research

(From EndNote in APA6-format)


(updated up to about years 2002-2006)







By Kristo Ivanov, prof.em., Umeå University

(September 2022, v.220914)









All items related to my name


ALL IN MAIN-LIBRARY Formatted will all fields



ALL IN POTENTIAL-LBRARY for information research [work in progress]






This document refers to two sets of bibliographic data on literature that was used, respectively planned to the used by me up to about year 2002-2006, as retrieved from my library files (with my various editing shortcomings) that were organized in EndNote software. It is meant to support other researchers by means of their possible reading, understanding and evaluating my work in the context of the discipline of Informatics in terms of my earlier background. In later years the references in my writing have been made by means of links in my text, as explained in my general disclaimer.


It can be important to take in account that the discipline of informatics as it appeared in Sweden in the decade of 1960 was motivated by the increasing use of computers in society. It had no established identity (individuality) and venues of publication in established journals, being as it was at the intersection between technology, social sciences and humanities, improperly reduced often as something between computer science and business administration. IT raised problems historically analog to the Geisteswissenschaften. In Sweden it required academic struggles as surveyed (in Swedish) in a few reports that appear in the context of The history of the discipline of Informatics. I have developed this issue as related to the essence of computers and computation in several essays such as Computers as embodied mathematica and logic, Computerization as design of logic acrobatics, and The meaning of human-computer interaction. Now, to this document:




The first list is a selection from the second list below of items associated with my name.

The second list is of all items, in the standard format APA-6, the same as in the selection above.

The third list is of all items, containing all fields of items in the EndNote database, beyond APA 6.



A fourth list containing all APA-6 fields of items that (up to years 2002-2006) were planned to be possibly used in my later research is excessively voluminous to be included in this document. Therefore, it will be made available to be retrieved as a separate document Potential Library for Information Research at the same site as this one at archive.org.




All items related with my name



Analyzer, E. (1976). Quality of data. EDP-Analyzer(April), 8-9.

Anér, K. (1975). Datamakt. Stockholm: Gummessons.

Bylund, S.-O. (1985). Förste ADB-professorn: Forskar om datorn och vårt tänkande - Vill slå vakt om universitetets särart. Universitetsper-journalen (Språkrör för universitetspersonalen i Umeå)(November, 4), 4-5.

Capurro, R. (1985). Epistemology and information science (Report TRITA-LIB-6023). Retrieved from

Carpi, O. (1989). Kant: L'etica della ragione. Rimini: Panozzo.

Churchman, C. W. (1987). Interview: The development of the systems approach. Umeå: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics (Information Processing).

D.B. (1985). Dunkla självklarheter. Recension av Kristo Ivanov's "Några reflexioner över framtida datautbildning och forskning eller Att belysa tio dunkla självklarheter, i Ove Eriksson, UHA, red. Kunskap för Framtiden. Liber Utbildningsförlaget, 1983. KRUT, 38(2), 69-70.

Dahlbom, B., & Mathiassen, L. (1993). Computers in context: The philosophy and practice of systems design. Cambridge, MA & Oxford UK: NCC Blackwell.

Djønne, E. (1988). Anmeldelse af Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Retfaerd 40, 11(1), 105-106.

Docherty, P., & Ivanov, K. (1990). Computer support of decisions in a social-political environment: A case study. In H. G. Sol & J. Vecsenyi (Eds.), Proc. of the IFIP TC - 8.3 Conference on Environments for Supporting Decision Processes, Budapest, Hungary, 18-21 June, 1990. Organized by the John von Neumann Society for Computing Sciences (pp. 157-176). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.

Docherty, P., & Ivanov, K. (1991). Computer support of decisions in a social-political environment: A case study. In H. G. Sol & J. Vecsenyi (Eds.), Environments for supporting decision processes (pp. 157-176). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.

Dummett, M. (1981). Frege: Philosophy of language. London: Duckworth.

Ehrenberg, D., Eklund, P., Fedrizzi, M., & Ventre, A. G. S. (1990). Consensus in distributed soft environments (Research report). Retrieved from

Falklöf, L. (1983). Kristo Ivanov: Dataspecialister behöver rötter! Lite Nytt(November), 11.

Ferretti, G. (1989). La ragione ai confini della trascendenza cristiana. In C. Ciancio, G. Ferretti, A. Pastore, & U. Perone (Eds.), In lotta con l'angelo: La filosofia degli ultimi due secoli di fronte al Cristianesimo (pp. 25-59). Torino: Società Editrice Internazionale SEI.

Flensburg, P.

Forsgren, O. (1988). Samskapande datortillämpningar  [Constructive computer applications] (Doctoral diss., Report UMADP-RRIPCS-3.88). Retrieved from

Forsgren, O. (1988). Samskapande datortillämpningar: En systemteoretisk ansats för lösning av vissa förändringsproblem vid administrativ datoranvändning [Constructive computer applications: A systems approach for solution of certain change problems in administrative computer applications]. Umeå: Umeå University, Dept. of Information Processing [Informatics].

Forsgren, O., & Ivanov, K. (Eds.). (1987). Staffan Persson: Så tuktas en dator [Staffan Persson: Taming a computer]. Stockholm: Prisma.

Forsgren, O., & Ivanov, K. (1989). From hypertext to hypersystem (UMADP-RRIPCS 9.90). Retrieved from

Forsgren, O., & Ivanov, K. (1990). From hypertext to hypersystem. In R. Trappl (Ed.), Cybernetics and Systems '90. Proc. of the Tenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, April 17-20, 1990 (pp. 275-282). Singapore: World Scientific.

Forsgren, O., Ivanov, K., & Nordström, T. (1988). A co-constructive view of the information society: the case of the NUDU-project in Umeå, Sweden. In Paper presented at the 32nd annual meeting and conference of the Society for General Systems Research, St.Louis, USA, 1988.

Fredriksson, G. (1973). Kritiskt läge för datakvalitet. Modern Datateknik(10), 2.

Galliers, R. (Ed.) (1992). Information systems research: Issues, methods and practical guidelines. Oxford: Backwell Scientific Publication.

Gibson, D. V., & Ludl, E. J. (1988). Group decision support systems and organizational context. In R. M. Lee, A. M. Cosh, & P. Migliarese (Eds.), Organizational decision support systems (pp. 273-285). Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Giertsen, H. (1987). Kulturkonflikter fins ikke!

Griffin, D. R. (Ed.) (1989). Archetypal process: Self and divine in Whitehead, Jung, and Hillman. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.

Grip, A., & Ivanov, K. (1974). De offentliga ADB-systemens inverkan på förvaltning och samhälle [Public informations systems' effects on public administration and society] (Res. report No. 10). Retrieved from

Grip, A., Ivanov, K., & Rönnow, H. H. (1974). ADB system och kommunikation [ADP systems and communication]. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Grönlund, Å. (1991). Live-Better: A customer oriented approach to computer-supported service. In K. Ivanov (Ed.), Proc. of the 14th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia – IRIS'91, Umeå-Lövånger, August 11-14, 1991 (pp. 69-84). Umeå: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing.

Grönlund, Å. (1994). Public computer systems, the client-organization encounter, and the societal dialogue. Umeå: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics.

Haack, S. (1978). Philosophy of logics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Harvey, L., Ivanov, K., Klein, H., Kling, R., & Lyytinen, K. (1996). Listserve debate on scope and aims [of IFIP Working Group 8.2,  The Interaction of Information Systems and the Organization]. OASIS, Newsletter of IFIP WG 8.2, 30(2, November), 4-8.

Hauffe, H., Ivanov, K., & Rosenauer, A. (1997). Internet und Sprach-  und Literaturwissenchaft. Wien: Institut Zur Erforschung und Förderung

Österreichischer und Internationaler


Hedquist, R., Ivanov, K., & Zackrisson, U. (1989). Sverige halkar efter med datautbildning. VK(9 Februari).

Henfridsson, O. (1999). Adaptation as sensemaking: Inventing new meaning for technology in organizations. Umeå: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics.

Henfridsson, O., & Ivanov, K. (1996). Decision support or decision justification? On the strategic use of computer-based decision support. In B. Dahlbom, F. Ljungberg, U. Nuldén, K. Simon, C. Sørensen, & J. Stage (Eds.), IRIS 19, 'The Future', Proc. of the 19th IRIS Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (pp. 585-596). Gothenburg: Gothenburg University, Dept. of Informatics.

Hirschheim, R. A. (1985). Information systems epistemology: A historical perspective. In E. Mumford, et al. (Ed.), Research methods in information systems. Amsterdam: North Holland.

Hirschheim, R. A. (1992). Information systems epistemology: An historical perspective. In R. Galliers (Ed.), Information systems research: Issues, methods and practical guidelines (pp. 28-60). Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Huemer, L. (1998). Trust in business relations: Economic logic or social interaction? Umeå: Boréa.

Hultberg, J. (1988). Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Om statsförvaltningens datorisering och de långsiktiga konsekvenserna för enskilda och företag. VEST – Tidskrift för Vetenskapsstudier(8), 37-38.

Isaksson, S. (199X). Interview of Kristo Ivanov. Västerbottens Folkblad.

Ivanov, G. (1992). De letade efter skönhetens idé [They searched for the idea of beauty]. VK(13 June), 4.

Ivanov, G. (1993). Eller Key och skönhetens pedagogik (C-uppsats). Retrieved from

Ivanov, G. (1995). Den besjälade industrivaran: Idéerna kom från Tyskland. In K. Wickman (Ed.), Formens rörelse: Svensk form genom 150 år (pp. 45-61). Stockholm: Carlssons.

Ivanov, G. (2003). Svensk industridesign: Internationell konkurrenskraft eller folkbildning? Umeå: Umeå University, Dept. of Historical Studies.

Ivanov, G. (2004). Vackrare vardagsvara - design för alla? Gregor Paulsson och Svenska Slöjdföreningen 1915-1925 [Better things for everyday life - Design for everybody? Gregor Paulsson and the Swedish Society of Arts and Crafts 1915-1925]. Umeå: Umeå university, Dept. of Historical Studies.

Ivanov, K. (1960). Qual a melhor reestruturação a ser dada ao ensino técnico no Brasil. Atualidades Pedagógicas, 11(50), 50-58.

Ivanov, K. (1960). Simulação eletrônica de um modelo micro-econométrico [Electronic simulation of a micro-econometric model]. S. José dos Campos: ITA.

Ivanov, K. (1972). Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data banks and in management information systems: The University of Stockholm and The Royal Institute of Technology.

Ivanov, K. (1972). On the accuracy of information in data banks.

Ivanov, K. (1972). Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data banks and in management information systems: The University of Stockholm and The Royal Institute of Technology.

Ivanov, K. (1973). Book review: On purposeful systems, by Russell L. Ackoff and Fred E. Emery, London, Tavistock Publications, 1972. Acta Sociologica, 16(4), 357-359.

Ivanov, K. (1973). Datakvalitet: Inledning och ett praktikfall.

Ivanov, K. (1974). Integritet och ADB säkerhet. In Rapport från SCB:s forskarkonferens i statistisk metodik- Maj 1974. Stockholm: Statistiska centralbyrån.

Ivanov, K. (1974). Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data-banks and in management information systems [Abstract]. Dissertation Abstracts International, 35  A(3), 1611-A.

Ivanov, K. (1974). The interest rate for public projects: On some contributions made in the context of program-budgeting and cost-benefit analysis.

Ivanov, K. (1975). Projekt, system och effektivitet: Några kalkylproblem och förslag till bättre realisering. Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1975). Oförutsedda användningar av data: En allvarlig fara för integriteten. Administrations Tema(2).

Ivanov, K. (1975). Privacy and the management of (data) security.

Ivanov, K. (1975). Varför lita på SCB? DN(24 januari).

Ivanov, K. (1976). Statistik för datorer:  Centraliseringen av svensk statistik, konsekvenser av en organisatorisk anpassning till datoriserad statistikproduktion (Research report No.1976:7, ISSN 0347-2108,  ISBN 91-7474-000-8). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1976). Statistiska informationssystem: Framväxten av en svensk skola om data och information och dess förhållande till en kunskap om sociala informationsprocesser (Research report No.1976:8, ISSN 0347-2108,  ISBN 91-7474-001-6). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1976). Från statistisk kontroll till kontroll över statistiken: Systemisk redovisning av fel i undersökningar inklusive avvägningar mellan kvalitet och medborgerlig integritet (Research report No.1976:9, ISSN 0347-2108, ISBN 91-7474-002-4). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1977). Ekonomisk informationsbehandling för bibliotek: Ett praktikfall av integration mellan informationsbehandling och företagsekonomi (UMADB 25.77; ISSN 0347-8823). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1977). Projektlogik i utveckling av informationssystem: Erfarenheter av datorbearbetningar för vetenskapliga bibliotek (Research report UMADB 27.77; ISSN 0347-8823). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1977). Informationsanalys för vetenskaplig dokumentation: Grunden för datastrukturer i databehandlingssystem, ett praktikfall (UMADB 26.77; ISSN 0347-8823). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1977). Datoriserad statistik och statistiska system [Computerized statistics and statistical systems]. Statistisk Tidskrift(5), 377-388.

Ivanov, K. (1979). Datorbaserad social kommunikation: Inskränkt till ett högnivåspråk för programmering av motsägelselösa samhällsbeskrivningar [Computer-based social communication: Reduced to a high-level language for programming of unambiguous descriptions of society]. Statistisk Tidskrift(3), 173-187.

Ivanov, K. (1979). System och projekt : Arbetsmaterial för studier i system och projekt (3 Vols.) (1979-12-19). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1979). Om integrationen mellan värderingar och logik i den tekniska utvecklingen: Och 'manligt-kvinnligt' jämställdhetstänkande. Stockholm: Unpublished manuscript.

Ivanov, K. (Ed.) (1979). Arbetsmaterial för studier i YRKESETIK OCH OBJEKTIVITET. Linköping: Linköping University, Dept. of Mathematics.

Ivanov, K. (1980). From computers to information and systems science: Some functions of logic, statistics, and psychology in the establishment of a policy for a discipline of data-processing (Research report LiU-MAT-ADB-R-80:3, 3rd ed). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1980). Forskningsanknytning av universitetets grundutbildning. Tillstånds- versus processdatabaser i ett projekt inom ämnet informationsbehandling med tillämpning på systemvetenskapliga linjen (LiU-MAT-ADB-80-1, ISSN 0349-246X). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1980). Systemvetenskap och fragmentering av kunskap: En inledning med litteraturöversikt och tillämpning på universitetets systemvetenskapliga linjen (LiU-MAT-ADB-R-80:2). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1981). Att specificera system. In A.-M. Thunberg (Ed.), Väven av helheter (pp. 55-64). Stockholm: Delegationen för Långsiktsmotiverad Forskning.

Ivanov, K. (1981). Sekundära sannolikheter i beslutsfattande: Några empiriska bidrag till "knowledge representation" med referens till värderingsaspekter av stokastisk informationsbehandling [Secondary probabilities in decision-making] (LiU-MAT-R-81-3). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1981). Teologisk logik och systemteori: En granskning av några argument i kvinnoprästdebatten för deras relevans i en diskussion om könskillnader och om integration mellan olika sätt att tänka (LiU-MAT-R-81-2, 2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1982). Några policy-riktlinjer för ämnet administrativ databehandling [Some policy-guidelines for the discipline of administrative dataprocessing] (LiU-MAT-R-82-3). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1983). Presuppositions of formal methods for development of computer systems: From psycho-logic and logic to psychology and inquiring systems (Report LiU-IDA-ADB-R-83-1). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1983). Några reflektioner över framtida datautbildning och forskning. In Kunskap för framtiden (pp. 79-91). Stockholm: Liber Utbildningsförlaget.

Ivanov, K. (1983). Computer applications and organizational disease (LiU-IDA-R-83-2, 2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1984). Systemutveckling och ADB-ämnets utveckling [Systems development and the development of the discipline of informatics/ADP]. In H.-E. Nissen (Ed.), Systemutveckling, av vem, för vem och hur? [Systems development, by whom, for whom, and how?] (pp. 1-14). Stockholm: Arbetarskyddsfonden.

Ivanov, K. (1984). Mot ett ingenjörsvetenskapligt universitet: Några tankeställare inför universitetets samarbete med intressenter på data-området (Report LiU-IDA-R-84-2). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1984/2002). Data-atomer, informationsmeddelanden och datastrukturer. Umeå: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics.

Ivanov, K. (1985). The search for theory in telematics: Reflections on some less obvious problems in office automation. (Presented at The European Group for Organizational Studies EGOS-symposium on "Challenges to Organizational Authority", Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, June 12-15  1985). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1985). Universitetets bidrag till näringslivets och förvaltningens samhällsnytta. In C. Knuthammar & E. Pålsson (Eds.), Vetenskap och vett: Till frågan om universitetets roll (pp. 52-62). Linköping: University of Linköping.

Ivanov, K. (1985). Presuppositions for the evaluation of information systems design methods. Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1986). Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet : Om statsförvaltningens datorisering och de långsiktiga konsekvenserna för enskilda och företag   [Systems development and rule of law: On the computerization of public administration and it long-run consequences for citizens and business]. Stockholm: SAF:s Förlag.

Ivanov, K. (1986). Vetenskap? Priset blev 234.000. Universitetsläraren(6), 23.

Ivanov, K. (1986). På jakt efter telematikens teori. In B.-A. Vedin (Ed.), Telematik och organisationsstyrning: Rapport från ett kollokvium. Stockholm-Farsta: TELDOK.

Ivanov, K. (1987). Rule of law in information systems research: The role of ethics in knowledge-building procedures, especially in the updating of inference networks. In P. Järvinen (Ed.), Proc. of the Tenth Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Tampere-Vaskivesi, Aug.10-12 1987. Tampere: University of Tampere.

Ivanov, K. (1987). Public records and trade-offs. In P. Tuominen (Ed.), Legal Informatics (pp. 174 ff). Rovaniemi: The Inst. for Nordic Law at the University of Lapland.

Ivanov, K. (1987). Julkiset tiedostot ja asioiden tärkeysjärjestys: Oikeustieteen ja tietojenkäsittelyn suhteesta. In P. Tuominen (Ed.), Oikeusinformatiikka (pp. 188-199). Rovaniemi: The Institute for Nordic Law at the University of Lapland.

Ivanov, K. (1987). Offentliga data och avvägningar: Några relationer mellan juridik och informationsbehandling. In P. Tuominen (Ed.), Legal informatics (pp. 175-187). Rovaniemi: The Institute for Nordic Law at the University of Lapland.

Ivanov, K. (1987). Datorer och samhälle. Värld och Vetande, 36(4), 73-88.

Ivanov, K. (1988). Expert-support systems: The new technology and the old knowledge. Systems Research, 5(2), 293-100.

Ivanov, K. (1988). Vetenskapen och förnuftet: Med anknytning till dataforskning och värden (Working report). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1988). "Vetenskapen och Förnuftet": von Wright med aknytning till dataforskning och värden. Umeå: Umeå universitet, Inst. för informationsbehandling.

Ivanov, K. (1989). Computer applications and organizational disease. In C. W. Churchman (Ed.), The well-being of organizations (pp. 283-312). Salinas, Calif.: Intersystems.

Ivanov, K. (1989). Is the AI society a symptom of a cultural crisis? In Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 3 (pp. 192-198).

Ivanov, K. (1989). Logic and psycho-logic. In A research program in information technology and administrative data processing: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing.

Ivanov, K. (1989). Creativity and systems design. In S. Bødker (Ed.), Proc. of the 12th IRIS Conference - Information Systems Research in Scandinavia,13-16 August 1989, Skagen, Denmark (Vol. DAIMI PB-296-1, pp. 293-312). Aalborg: Aalborg University, Inst. of Electronic Systems.

Ivanov, K. (1989). HyperChurchman: From hypermedia to hyperdescriptions of social systems (Lecture and research seminar on March 14, 1989). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1989). Kommentari k dokladu  F. R. Sagassi "Pranirovanie rasvitia v bespokoinie vremena: Instituzionnie podhodi k vetchnoi dilemme" [Commentary to "Development planning for turbulent times"] (F. P. Tarasenko, Trans.). In F. I. Peregudov (Ed.), Iskusstvo i nauka: Systemnovi praktiki (pp. 110-114). Moscou: Gosudarstvenni Komitet SSSR po Narodnomi Obrazovanio: Nautchno-Issledovatelski Institut Problem Viscei Skoli.

Ivanov, K. (1989x). Ideas for humanistic and social science research about consequences of the increasing use of information technology (Report UMADP-WPIPCS 23:89). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1990). Learning to design learning systems: The metaphor of future generations, and computer technology. In B. H. Banathy & B. A. Banathy (Eds.), Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990. (Vol. 1, pp. 254-264): Report UMADP-RRIPCS 10.90, Univ. of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing. ISSN 0282-0579.

Ivanov, K. (1990). Critical systems thinking and information technology: Some summary reflections, doubts and hopes through critical thinking critically considered, and through hypersystems. In B. H. Banathy & B. A. Banathy (Eds.), Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990. (Vol. 1, pp. 138-152): Report UMADP-RRIPCS 11.90, Univ. of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing. ISSN 0282-0579.

Ivanov, K. (1990). Information systems design through creativity (UMADP–RRIPCS 12.90). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1990). Hypersystems: A base for specification of computer-supported self-learning social systems (UMADP-WPIPCS-30.90). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1990). Datakvalitet [Quality of data]. In K. Marklund (Ed.), Nationalencyklopedin [The national encyclopedia] Vol. 4 (pp. 427). Höganäs: Bra Böcker.

Ivanov, K. (1991). Computer science as human science: Bridging the gaps between different conceptions of information systems research through human science research about the meaning of computerization. In Proc. of the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, ISSS'91, June 14-20, 1991, Östersund, Sweden (pp. Vol I: 331-349).

Ivanov, K. (1991). Hypersystems: A base for specification of computer-supported self-learning social systems (Research report UMADP-RRIPCS-13.91, ISSN 0282-0579). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Social or humanistic? Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-32.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Historicism, structuralism and the liberal postmodern irony: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-33.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Pragmatic and cognitive constructivism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-34.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Language and humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of  a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-35.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Psychological humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-36.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Pragmatism and bridging to formal science: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-37.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Political and religious humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-38.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Problems of cooperative work: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-39.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Humanism and Christianity: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-40.91, ISSN 0282-0587). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Computer-supported human science or humanistic computing science? Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science (UMADP-WPIPCS-41.91:3). Retrieved from

Ivanov, K. (1991). Cultural criticism of societal computerization: A methodological problem of human science. In Sum. in Proc. of the Tenth Conference of the Int. Human Science Research Association, Gothenburg, August 18-22, 1991 (pp. 74): Univ. of Gothenburg, Depts. of Psychology, Education, & History of Science and Ideas.

Ivanov, K. (1991). Critical systems thinking and information technology. J. of Applied Systems Analysis, 18, 39-55.

Ivanov, K. (1991). Computer-human interaction as continuous system reconstruction. In Prec. of the 14th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia – IRIS'91, Umeå-Lövånger, August 11-14, 1991 (pp. 398-407). Umeå: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing.

Ivanov, K. (1991x). Computer science as human science. In Submitted to the Annual Conference of the Int. Society of the Systems Sciences – ISSS, June 14-20, Östersund, Sweden.

Ivanov, K. (1992). Constructivism and liberal irony: Two enemies of the unity of knowledge? In Prepared for the Conference on Unity of Knowledge, 9-14 June 1992, Capri, organized by University College of Toronto and Capri Institute for International Social Philosophy.

Ivanov, K. (1992). Artificial intelligence in the context of cultural crisis. In G. Östberg (Ed.), Kunskap, kompetens, risk och datorisering [Knowledge, competence, risk, and computerization] (pp. 252-278). Stockholm: Forskningsrådsnämnden.

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Anonym. (1995). Worlds apart: Virtual reality is not about slavishly recreating old worlds. It is about imagining new ones. The Economist(March 11th), 87-89.

Anonym. (1995). So who's the pilot here? On modern airliners, it's sometimes hard to say whether it is man or machine. The Economist(April 8th), 95-96.

Anonym. (1995). Who speaks for cyberspace? The Electronic Frontier Foundation went to Washington to "hack government. Instead, it imploded. A cautionary tale on the politics of cyberspace. The Economist(January 14th), 81-82.

Anonym. (1995). Freedom and community: The politics of restoration. The Economist(December 24th-January 6th), 67-70.

Anonym. (1996). Why first may not last: Most people believe that market pioneers become long-term market leaders. New research suggests otherwise. The Economist(March 16th), 69.

Anonym. (1996). The economics of the Internet. The Economist(October 19th), 21-24.

Anonym. (1996). Crimes of reason. The Economist(March 16th), 93-95.

Anonym. (1997). France: Holy love-in. The Economist(August 30th), 22-24.

Anonym. (1997). Nordic eugenics: Here, of all places. The Economist(August 30th), 20-21.

Anonym. (1997). Assembling the new economy: A new economic paradigm is sweeping America. it could have dangerous consequences. The Economist(September 13th), 77-83.

Anonym. (1998). The future of computing: After the PC. The Economist(September 12th), 66-69.

Anonym. (1999). Mr. Becks diagram. Akademiker(5), 42-44.

Anonym. (1999). Lost in cyberspace: Internet millionaires are made every week, but most of those who created the network are still where they were a decade ago - in the computer lab. The Economist(December 18th), 78-80.

Anonym. (1999). Wish fulfilment. In the scramble for market share during the Christmas season, many online retailers will be exposed as poorly constructed businesses. Few will survive. The Economist(December 18th), 125-126.

Anonymous. (1942). Singer, Prof. Edgar Arthur, Jr. In J. Cattell (Ed.), Directory of American scholars: A biographical directory (pp. 762). Lancaster, PA.: The Science Press.

Anonymous. (1953). The purpose of a university. Nature(July 25th).

Anonymous. (1966). Singer, Edgar Arthur, Jr. In Who was who in America. Vol. 3, 1951-1960 (pp. 789). Chicago: Marquis.

Anonymous. (1971). Academic freedom. In The Encyclopedia of Higher Education. Vol I. New York: Macmillan & The Free Press.

Anonymous. (1977). Philosophy of science. In P. E. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Vol. 22 (pp. 183-203). New York: Marcel Dekker.

Anonymous. (1979). Varorna får 'personnummer'. VI(17, 20 april), 54.

Anonymous. (1980?). Balans variable.

Anonymous. (1981). Al-Anon's twelve steps & twelve traditions. New York: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters.

Anonymous. (1983). The Koran interpreted. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.

Anonymous. (1993). Europe's technology policy. The Economist(January 9th), 21-23.

Anonymous. (1993). The movie mogul on the line. The Economist(May 22nd), 63-64.

Anonymous. (1993). Take a clean sheet of paper: Behing the hype surrounding 'business process re-engineering' lurks an important message to companies. The Economist(May 1st), 71-72.

Anonymous. (1993). Computer clinics. The Economist(January 9th), 65.

Anonymous. (1993). All fall down: The people who write software for big computer projects like to describe themselves as "engineers". To deserve the name, they must behave as other engineers do. The Economist(March 20th), 89.

Anonymous. (1993). The high-tech war: As airline deregulation spreads from America, airlines are arming themselves with powerful computer systems to fight global fare wars. The Economist(December 26th - January 8th), 83-84.

Anonymous. (1993). Book review: Making democracy work – Civic traditions in modern Italy, by Putnam, R., et al. The Economist(February 6th), 88.

Anonymous. (1993). Eenie, meenie, minie, mo... : Top managers of big firms devote the bulk of their efforts to formulating strategy, though there is remarkably little agreement about what it is. The Economist(March 20th), 80, see also 81, 96.

Anonymous. (1993). The dawn of modern navigation. The Economist(December 26th 1992-January 8th 1993), 121-123.

Anonymous. (1994). The celling out of America. Across America, factories are scrapping assembly lines and replacing them with numerous "cells" of workers. The Economist(December 17th), 61-62.

Anonymous. (1994). The celling out of America. Across America, factories are scrapping assembly lines and replacing them with numerous "cells" of workers. The Economist(December 17th), 61-62.

Anonymous. (1995). Worlds apart: Virtual reality is not about slavishly recreating old worlds. It is about imagining new ones. The Economist(March 11th), 87-89.

Anonymous. (1996). Re-engineering peer review. The Economist(June 22nd), 98-99.

Anonymous. (1996). Cowed. The government has spent years reassuring consumers that British beef is safe to eat. New scientific evidence has cas doubt upon that confidence. The Economist(March 23rd), 37-38.

Anonymous. (1996). The economics of the Internet. The Economist(October 19th), 21-24.

Anonymous. (1996). The other technopolists. Bigger, faster, getter ears. Internet folk are famously opposed to the proprietary standards that made Microsoft and Intel so dominant. So how did Cisco systems... The Economist(December 7th), 75-76.

Anonymous. (1996). Multiversal truths. Physicists think philosophers are strange. Philosophers think quantum mechanics is even stranger. And they think more physicists should agree. The Economist(November 2nd), 95-96.

Anonymous. (1997). Methodical progress: Applying the scientific method to the processes of science can be illuminating. The Economist(September 27th), 93-94.

Anonymous. (1997). The last great prospector. The Economist(October 4th), 102.

Anonymous. (1997). Testing testing. Clinical trials are an essential -- and expensive -- part of drug development. Moves to make them more efficient are welcome news for patients and pharmaceutical companies alike. The Economist(February 1st), 93-95.

Anonymous. (1997). AIDS in Africa. The quest for an AIDS treatment that the poor world can afford may have to offend some rich-world sensibilities. The Economist(september 27th), 17.

Anonymous. (1997). Any alternative? The Economist(November 1st), 99-100.

Anonymous. (1997). The other BSE scandal. The political misjudgments have been bad enough in the beef crisis. The Economist(February 22nd), 37-38.

Anonymous. (1997). Mad cows: For whom the bell tolls. The Economist(December 6th), 38-39.

Anonymous. (1997). Hi ho, hi ho, down the data mine we go. The Economist(August 23rd), 49-50.

Anonymous. (1997). The Internet. Spam, spam, spam, spam. The Economist(November 1st), 101.

Anonymous. (1997). Sifo ändrar frågeordning om kärnavfall. VK(13 maj).

Anonymous. (1997). Så går en helgon-förklaring till. Katolskt Magasin(Nr 10), 9.

Anonymous. (1997). Trade: Standard fare. The Economist(May 24th), 80.

Anonymous. (1997). Those damned dots. The Economist(June 7th), 87.

Anonymous. (1997). Philosophical cafés. Categorical apéritif. The Economist(February 8th), 100.

Anonymous. (1997). Future imperfect. Chicago's latest trading floor will be hailed as a model of high-tech efficiency. It will be nothing of the sort. The Economist(February 1st), 85-86.

Anonymous. (1997). Banking. Loose wiring: When your banker offers to handle your business electronically, he may not be doing you a favour. The Economist(Sepember 6th), 81-82.

Anonymous. (1997). Waiting for the call. Access to the Internet is in great demand. How should it be priced. The Economist(April 5th), 88.

Anonymous. (1998). American democracy: The show is on TV. Politics in America is not mainly about politicians. The last article in our series looks at the supplanting of elected representatives by media types. The Economist(August 29th), 45-46.

Anonymous. (1998). Blood business. The Economist(February 14th), 70.

Anonymous. (1998). What's in a name? Who should allocate addresses on the Internet? The Economist(February 7th), 79.

Anonymous. (1998). New books about architecture. An ace fills the straight. Writing well about architecture is notoriously hard. Now that the century's style-and-theory wars have fought themselves out, it seems to be even harder. The Economist(August 22nd), 69-70.

Anonymous. (1998). The press in the spin cycle. The Economist(June 20th), 61.

Anonymous. (1998). Democracy in Texas. The Economist(May 16th), 61.

Anonymous. (1998). American democracy. Building the perfect citizen. The Economist(August 22nd), 35-36.

Anonymous. (1998). Cheaper in francs. The Economist(March 14th), 74.

Anonymous. (1998). Metre reading. The Economist(January 22nd), 92.

Anonymous. (1998). Craftmade timepieces. Hands on. The Economist(August 8th), 76.

Anonymous. (1998). Engineering: in need of heroes. Why are architects glamorous and engineers anonymous? It wasn't always so. The Economist(May 16th), 107-109.

Anonymous. (1998). Consumer labeling: Barring confusion. The Economist(August 29th), 62-63.

Anonymous. (1999). The missile threat: Rockets overhead. The Economist(July 31st), 17-19.

Anonymous. (1999). Urban sprawl. The Economist(July 17-August 21).

Anonymous. (1999). Student and concept. I.D.(Annual Design Review), 217-220.

Anonymous. (1999). The future of science: Paved with good intentions. The Economist(July 3rd), 83.

Anonymous. (1999). The new economy: Work in progress. On the surface, America's economy is changing dramatically – that much is plain. But just how deep the changes go, and what they imply for the country's growth in the long term, remains an open question. The Economist(July 24th), 19-21.

Anonymous. (1999). Amateurs on Amazon. Do-it-yourself literary criticism is more than just harmless fun. The Economist(August 28th), 69-70.

Anonymous. (1999). Tomorrow's Internet. The Economist(November 13th), 22-27.

Anonymous. (1999). Rethinking thinking. The Economist(December 18th), 69-71.

Anonymous. (1999). (SOS, RIP). Morse code in being replaced by a new satellite-based system for sending distress calls at sea. Its dots and dashes have a good run for their money. The Economist(January 23rd), 89-91.

Anonymous. (1999). Tick tock. The railway timetable in the 19th century began the obsession with time. It has come a long way since them. The Economist(December 4th), 10.

Anonymous. (1999). An interplanetary Internet: The wire of the worlds. The Economist(November 13th), 108-111.

Anonymous. (1999). A matter of gravity. New discovered it. Einstein complicated it. But nobody really understands the force of gravity. Part of the explanation may be that it is not really all here. The Economist(December 23rd), 38-39.

Anonymous. (1999). Sailing by the stars: Rockets are not the only way to travel through outer space. The Economist(August 28th), 65-66.

Anonymous. (1999). Farewell to the floor? Are exchanges coming to grips with the treats from technology, or are they in their death throes? The Economist(August 7th), 63-64.

Anonymous. (2000). Will journal publishers perish? The Internet is transforming the world of scientific journals. The Economist(May 13th), 87-88.

Anonymous. (2000). E-conomic publishing. The Economist(August 5th), 71.

Anonymous. (2000). Biometrics: The measure of man. The Economist(September 9th), 93-99.

Anonymous. (2000). Regulating the Internet: The consensus machine. The Internet has matured to the point where people are increasingly asking: who runs it, and on whose behalf? The Economist(June 10th), 99-101.

Anonymous. (2000). Fingering fingerprints. Fingerprints, the touchstone of forensic science, have never been subjected to proper scientific scrutiny. The Economist(December 16th), 103-104.

Anonymous. (2000). A poor diagnosis. Giving developing countries better access to expensive, live-saving drugs has become a rallying cry among the rich. But treatment is hard unless you know what you are treating. The Economist(September 2nd), 81-82.

Anonymous. (2000). The BSE inquiry: Wait for it. The Economist(October 7th), 52-54.

Anonymous. (2000). The Internet: The Internet is running out of addresses. The Economist(March 4th), 69-70.

Anonymous. (2000). Domain names: ICANN call it what I want. The Economist(September 9th), 82-87.

Anonymous. (2000). The Internet's all-too-common nouns. The Economist(November 25th), 102.

Anonymous. (2000). Mining the digital skies: Astronomers of the future will use large databases as 'virtual' telescopes. The Economist(June 3rd), 95-96.

Anonymous. (2000). Private eyes in the sky. A whole new generation of commercial imaging satellites will make detailed images, which were once the province only of the military superpowers, available to anybody. Should we be worried? The Economist(May 6th), 81-83.

Anonymous. (2000). Sydney's secret winners. The Economist(October 7th), 84.

Anonymous. (2000). Striking out bird strikes. If birds and aircraft could share the sky without colliding, both would benefit. The Economist(May 6th), 93-94.

Anonymous. (2000). Holes in the heavens: Black holes, once seen as a hypothetical consequence of some arcane maths, are now turning up everywhere. They may, indeed, shape the invisible universe. The Economist(January 22nd), 87-88.

Anonymous. (2000). A roadmap for planet-hunting. Astronomers have already discovered dozens of giant planets orbiting other stars. Now they are developing the techniques needed to detect little ones. The Economist(April 8th), 99-101.

Anonymous. (2000). American blobjectivity. Contemporary American designers are catching up, as a new exhibition shows. Over the page, we look at three non-Americans who set the pace. The Economist(April 1st).

Anonymous. (2000). The shredding of Jac Nasser. Ford's boss wants to focus his company on customer service. That's not how his reaction to the tyre scandal comes across. The Economist(September 9th), 90.

Anonymous. (2000). Shelf-assured business books. Business books are 90& dross. Searching for the occasional nugget involves much time-consuming drudgery. The Economist(January 8th), 94.

Anonymous. (2000). Super messy. The Economist(September 2nd), 70.

Anonymous. (2000). Banking at your convenience. How the Internet is helping Japan's corner shops become banks. The Economist(January 22nd), 73-74.

Anonymous. (2000). E-business in China: From scratch. The Economist(September 2nd), 65.

Anonymous. (2001). Vertigo: A new kind of pacemaker. The Economist(February 10th), 92-93.

Anonymous. (2001). Glossary and definitions of advanced design: http://www.advanceddesign.org/glossary.html, updated September 2000, accessed 30 Jan. 2001.

Anonymous. (2001). Economic  focus: Curse of the ethical executive, Why "corporate social responsibility" is not a welcome fashion. The Economist(17 November), 84.

Anonymous. (2001). Satellite technology: Commercial satellites have military uses, too. The Economist(November 10th), 86.

Anonymous. (2001). The human genome. Think of a number, then double it.  The 'book of life' may be missing half of its words. The Economist(July 14th), 78.

Anonymous. (2001). A lingua franca for Internet. Programming: Far from producing a universal programming language, the Internet is encouraging a proliferation of new ones. The Economist Technology Quarterly(September 22nd), 14-18.

Anonymous. (2001). Mars odyssey. Safely into harbour: After two embarassing failures, NASA has got a spacecraft successfully to Mars. The Economist(October 27th), 86.

Anonymous. (2001). Pollution detection. The Economist(April 14th), 83.

Anonymous. (2001). Reclycling. In the black. The Economist(January 27th), 92-93.

Anonymous. (2001). Just talk to me: Speech recognition. The Economist Technology Quarterly(December 8th), 14-16.

Anonymous. (2001). The heart of the matter: Silico biology, creating virtual organs by computer. The Economist Technology Quarterly(December 8th), 24-26.

Anonymous. (2001). Internet governance: Domain strain. The Economist(March 10th), 70-71.

Anonymous. (2001). White-collar crime: Stealing people is wrong. The Economist(March 10th), 50-51.

Anonymous. (2001). Astronomy: Continuous monitoring of the sky could lead to all kinds of new discoveries. The Economist(November 24th), 81-82.

Anonymous. (2001). Satellite technology: Eye spy. Commercial satellites have military uses, too. The Economist(November 10th), 86.

Anonymous. (2001). Mankind's view of the night skies is vanishing [athmospheric light pollution]. (September 9th), 111-112.

Anonymous. (2001). Publication ethics. Truth or consequences. Biomedical journals are agitating about the risks of corporate money corrupting peer review. The Economist(September 15th), 68-69.

Anonymous. (2001). The new astronomy. Silent running. Astronomers do not look through telescopes any more. The Economist(September 8th), 93.

Anonymous. (2001). Security technology. Watching you. What security technology can -- and cannot -- do about terrorism. The Economist(September 22nd), 76-77.

Anonymous. (2001). Circadian Rhythms. Early birds get it.  Body clocks do not have exact 24-hours cycles. The Economist(July 28th), 70-72.

Anonymous. (2001). Education: The feelgood factor. The Economist(February 17th), 43.

Anonymous. (2001). Defining masterpieces: Not in the head. The Economist(September 22nd), 82.

Anonymous. (2001). Security in Brazil: Bullet-proof in Alphaville. The Economist(August 18th), 42.

Anonymous. (2001). Special report: Mass customization. The Economist(July 14th), 67-69.

Anonymous. (2001). Moderna mått i rymden. VK(2 april), 30.

Anonymous. (2001). Paper money. Crisp and even. January 1st sees the biggest-ever introduction of new banknotes on a single day. The Economist(December 22nd), 93-99.

Anonymous. (2001). Writing about the mind: Why is popular science so often wrong about the mind? The Economist(June 30th), 78-79.

Anonymous. (2001). Leon Kass, philosopher-politician. The president's choice for bioethicist-in-chief. The Economist(August 18th), 37.

Anonymous. (2001). Special report: Geography and the net. Putting it in its place. The Internet is perceived as being everywhere, all at once. But geography matters in the networked world, and now more than ever. The Economist(August 11th), 18-20.

Anonymous. (2001). Economic focus: A bundle of trouble. Behind antitrust actions against Microsoft and General Electric lie concerns about "bundling" different products together. Is bundling really so bad? The Economist(July 7th), 79.

Anonymous. (2001). Tesco and Safeway online: Showing the Americans how to make online shopping pay. The Economist(June 30th), 60.

Anonymous. (2001). Stop signs on the web. The Internet was supposed to be all about freedom. That is why the governments want to regulate it. It is far from certain whether freedom, or government control , will win the day. The Economist(January 11th).

Anonymous. (2002). Fingerprint evidence. Printin errors: A judge has ruled that fingerpring evidence is scientifically unreliable. The Economist(January 19th), 72-73.

Anonymous. (2002). Robert Nozick. Not all words need be last words. We look at the life -- and the new book -- of one of America's leading philosophers, who died on January 23rd, aged 63. The Economist(February 2nd), 74-75.

Anonymous. (2002). 'The skeptical environmentalist'. The lytany and the heretic. Why has Bjorn Lomborg created such a stir among environmentalists? The Economist(February 2nd), 71-72.

Anonymous. (2002). Webboriginalare med känsla för kod och design. VK(9 februari), 33.

Anonymous. (2002). Security technology. Where's the smart money? Money of the future may almost literally talk. The Economist(February 9th), 73-74.

Anonymous. (2002). The lesson from Enron. After the energy firm's collapse, the entire auditing regime needs radical change. The Economist(February 9th), 9-10.

Anonymous. (2002). Mobile telecoms: 3G by any other name. Does South Korea lead the world in the third generation mobile telecoms, or has it gone down a dead end? The Economist(January 12th), 66.

Anonymous. (2002). The future of computing. Let battle commence. The much-hyped world of web services may be some way off. But the fight over who will dominate it has already begun. The Economist(February 16th), 69.

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Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2021

Year: 1951

Title: Bibeln eller Den Heliga Skrift: Gamla och Nya Testamentet – De kanoniska böckerna

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Svenska Kyrkans Diakonstyrelses Bokförlag

Short Title: Bibeln eller Den Heliga Skrift: Gamla och Nya Testamentet – De kanoniska böckerna

Keywords: religion, theology, God

Notes: Lilla bibeln, i stugan



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2022

Year: 1958

Title: La Sacra Bibbia: Traduzione dai testi originali

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Edizioni Paoline

Short Title: La Sacra Bibbia: Traduzione dai testi originali

Keywords: religion, theology, God

Notes: Pia Società San Paolo, Via Alessandro Severo, 56, Roma



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1435

Year: 1961

Title: Webster's Third New International Dictionary – Unabridged

Place Published: Springfield, Mass

Publisher: Merriam-Webster

Short Title: Webster's Third New International Dictionary – Unabridged



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1436

Year: 1970

Title: The new English Bible

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press

Short Title: The new English Bible

Keywords: Long Notes: religion, theology, God



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2355

Year: 1996?

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Psychology

Notes: Ivanov i betygsnämnd/grading committee



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1967

Author: (Multiple authors)

Year: 1991

Title: [On graduate education in informatics]

Journal: Education and computing

Volume: 1/2

Short Title: [On graduate education in informatics]

Alternate Journal: Education and computing

Legal Note: Published by Elsevier Science Publisher

Keywords: ADB education, curriculum

Notes: Fr Erik Stolterman 23/4-92



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2

Author: Aarsleff, H.

Year: 1982

Title: From Locke to Saussure. Essays on the study of language and intellectual history

Place Published: London

Publisher: Athlone

Short Title: From Locke to Saussure. Essays on the study of language and intellectual history



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2689

Author: Aase, Maja

Year: 1997/98

Title: Mot bättre vetande?

Journal: Moderna Tider

Issue: December/Januari

Pages: 23-31

Short Title: Mot bättre vetande?

Alternate Journal: Moderna Tider

Legal Note: Om den pågående mångmiljonsatsning på datorer i skolans undervisning. Cf. också Arvidsson, H., Stölden från våra barn, Moderna Tider, Sept. 1997, 9-10.

Keywords: school education computer



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 3

Author: Abelson, H. and Sussman, G.J.

Year: 1983

Title: Structure and interpretation of computer programs.

Institution: Cambridge: MIT, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

Date: 31 July 1983

Short Title: Structure and interpretation of computer programs.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1539

Author: Abelson, Harold and Sussman, Gerald Jay

Year: 1985

Title: Structure and interpretation of computer programs.

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Structure and interpretation of computer programs.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1543

Author: Abolafa, Michel Y.  and Kilduff, Martin

Year: 1991

Title: Enacting market crisis: The social construction of a speculative bubble

Book Title: Proc. of the seminar: Contradictions et Dynamique des Organisations -II-

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CRG Centre de Recherche en Gestion de l'École Polytechnique et ESCP l'École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris

Pages: 109-130

Short Title: Enacting market crisis: The social construction of a speculative bubble

Notes: Paris, 1992., cf. Mitroff



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2656

Author: Abrahamsson, B.

Year: 1977

Title: Forskningsanknytning: Om sambandet mellan forskning och grundutbildning

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: UHÄ

Short Title: Forskningsanknytning: Om sambandet mellan forskning och grundutbildning

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2093

Editor: Abshire, Gary M.

Year: 1980

Title: The impact of computers on society and ethics: A bibliography

Place Published: Morristown, New Jersey

Publisher: Creative Computing

Short Title: The impact of computers on society and ethics: A bibliography

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1182

Author: Abt, Theodor

Year: 1988

Title: Progress without loss of soul: Towards a wholistic approach to modernization planning

Place Published: Wilmette, Ill.

Publisher: Chiron

Short Title: Progress without loss of soul: Towards a wholistic approach to modernization planning



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 10

Author: Acar, W., Chaganti, R. and Joglekar, P.

Year: 1985

Title: Modes of strategy formulation: the content-focused and process-focused modes can and must meet

Journal: American Business Review

Issue: January

Pages: 1-9

Short Title: Modes of strategy formulation: the content-focused and process-focused modes can and must meet

Alternate Journal: American Business Review



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 4

Author: Acar, W. and Keating, R.J.

Year: 1986

Title: Decision-making trade-off dimensions in management culture: Toward a unified model

Journal: American Business  Review

Issue: January

Pages: 1-15

Short Title: Decision-making trade-off dimensions in management culture: Toward a unified model

Alternate Journal: American Business  Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1126

Author: Acharya, Sri Ananda

Year: 1917

Title: Prolegomena till Arya Metafysik

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Short Title: Prolegomena till Arya Metafysik

Notes: reality-experience pp.143, 267, 331-2 & 34-5, 343



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1279

Author: Ackermann, Edith

Year: 1990

Title: The epistemology & learning group: Children and cybernetics

Journal: The Newsletter. American Society for Cybernetics

Issue: April

Pages: 4-6

Short Title: The epistemology & learning group: Children and cybernetics

Alternate Journal: The Newsletter. American Society for Cybernetics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 11

Author: Ackoff, R.L.

Year: 1962

Title: Scientific method: Optimizing applied research decisions

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Scientific method: Optimizing applied research decisions

Keywords: Method course: pp. 1-83, 108-119, 141-176, 177-222, 251-252, 282-284, 311-315, 342-378, 405-445



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1063

Author: Ackoff, R.L.

Year: 1967

Title: Management misinformation systems

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 14

Issue: 4, December

Pages: B147-B156

Short Title: Management misinformation systems

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Legal Note: Also in Alan F. Westin (Ed.) Information Technology in a Democracy. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1971, pp. 264-271



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 941

Author: Ackoff, Russell L.

Year: 1970

Title: A black ghetto's research on a university

Journal: Operations Research

Issue: September-October

Short Title: A black ghetto's research on a university

Alternate Journal: Operations Research

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1165

Author: Ackoff, Russell L.

Year: 1974

Title: Redesigning the future: A systems approach to societal problems

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Redesigning the future: A systems approach to societal problems

Notes: 3-33 on inactivism, reactivism, preactivism, interactivism

71-95 on education

210-226 on underdeveloped countries

229-236 on MIS



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1198

Author: Ackoff, Russell L.

Year: 1981

Title: Creating the corporate future

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Creating the corporate future



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 953

Author: Ackoff, Russell L.

Year: 1988

Title: A theory of practice in the social systems sciences

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 3

Pages: 241-246

Short Title: A theory of practice in the social systems sciences

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Keywords: "development"?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1721

Author: Ackoff, Russell L.

Year: 1990

Title: Strategy

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 3

Issue: 6

Pages: 521-524

Short Title: Strategy

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 12

Author: Ackoff, R.L. and Emery, F.E.

Year: 1972

Title: On purposeful systems: An interdisciplinary analysis of individual and social behavior as a system of purposeful events

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Aldine-Atherton

Short Title: On purposeful systems: An interdisciplinary analysis of individual and social behavior as a system of purposeful events

Notes: Chu71/3 "Structure, function, and purpose" chap. 2, pp. 13-32



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1062

Author: Ackoff, R.L. and Vergara, E.

Year: 1981

Title: Creativity and planning: A review

Journal: European Journal of Operations Research

Volume: 7

Pages: 1-12

Short Title: Creativity and planning: A review

Alternate Journal: European Journal of Operations Research

Notes: From T. Rickards and G. Puccio in ISSS Edinburgh 1989, vol.2, p.337



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2163

Author: ACM

Year: 1993

Title: ACM code of ethics and professional conduct

Journal: Communications of the ACM

Volume: 36

Issue: 2, February

Pages: 99-103

Short Title: ACM code of ethics and professional conduct

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 925

Author: Adorno, Theodor W.

Year: 1972

Title: Spengler dopo il tramonto

Book Title: Prismi: Saggi sulla critica della cultura

Place Published: Torino

Publisher: Einaudi

Pages: 39-63

Short Title: Spengler dopo il tramonto

Section: Originally published as Prismen: Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1953

Notes: From Zellini



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2014

Author: Agazzi, Evandro

Year: 1983

Title: Science et foi / Scienza e fede

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Massimo

Short Title: Science et foi / Scienza e fede

Keywords: theology, religion



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1544

Author: Agrell, P. and Vallée, R.

Year: 1985

Title: Different concepts of systems analysis

Journal: Kybernetes

Volume: 14

Issue: 2

Pages: 81-85

Short Title: Different concepts of systems analysis

Alternate Journal: Kybernetes

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2799

Author: Ahlberg, Alf

Year: 1930

Title: Västerlandets undergång: Oswald Spenglers filosofi, framställning och kritik

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Natur och Kultur

Short Title: Västerlandets undergång: Oswald Spenglers filosofi, framställning och kritik

Keywords: Chu71/7** eller Chu71/slut Hegel->romanticism, design, inner organic logic, experience, soul of culture, Bergson [≈Hans Larsson], fact vs situational "tillfällighet" chance, deep inner conviction visshet

Notes: Cf. ss 45-50 om intellektuell systemteoretisk mot levande organisk kunskap och upplevelse



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2658

Author: Ahlberg, Alf

Year: 1950

Title: Vårt bildningsarbete: Framtid och faror

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Tidens Förlag

Short Title: Vårt bildningsarbete: Framtid och faror

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 15

Author: Ahlberg, A.

Year: 1974

Title: Humanism i atomåldern

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Natur och Kultur

Short Title: Humanism i atomåldern

Notes: p. 52  ref J.Hizinga (d. 1945): "Förnekelsen av en absolut moral påminner om den haltes tilltag att kasta bort kryckorna".



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 14

Author: Ahlberg, A.

Year: 1978

Title: Människan och den moderna tekniken

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Natur och Kultur

Short Title: Människan och den moderna tekniken



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2977

Author: Ahlbäck, Sven

Year: 2004

Title: Melody beyond notes: A study of melody cognition

Place Published: Gothenburg University, Institutionen för musikvetenskap

Short Title: Melody beyond notes: A study of melody cognition

Keywords: music



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3010

Author: Ahlmark, Per, Ahrne, Marianne, Andersson, Lars M, Bachner, Henrik, Bruchfeld, Stéphane, Dreber, Agneta, Dufgran, Ljiljana, Einhorn, Lena, Enochsson, Pia, Friggebo, Birgit, Gerner, Kristian, Glans, Kay, Gyllensten, Lars, Hagströmer, Sven, Henrekson, Magnus, Holmberg, Håkan, Jakubowski, Jackie, Klein, Ernst, Klein, Georg, Lagercrantz, Hugo, Larsson, Stieg, Dabrowski, Stina Lundberg, Lööw, Heléne, Tossavainen, Mikael, Norberg, Johan, Nerbrand, Sofia, Oredsson, Sverker, Pleijel, Agneta, Posner-Körösi, Lena, Qviberg, Mats, Rausing, Hans, Rausing, Märit, Ruth, Arne, Skott, Staffan, Göran Skytte, journalist, Silberstein, Margit, Svensson, Per, Storch, Marcus, Weil, Robert, Wolodarski, Peter, Wästberg, Olle, Zaremba, Maciej and Zern, Leif

Year: 2003

Title: Judar orsakar inte antisemitism

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Volume: 28 oktober

Short Title: Judar orsakar inte antisemitism

Legal Note: <http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=572&a=197537&previousRenderType=2>, access 10 april 2006. Ref <http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=572&a=196421&previousRenderType=1>. Debatt på <http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=572&a=197537&forummode=show&pageno=1#0>

Keywords: Jew, antisemitism



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1900

Author: Ahlmark, Thomas

Year: 1993

Title: Control or flexibility: Information systems as a vehicle for enhancing competence and responsibility

Editor: Bansler, J., Bødker, S., Kensing, F., Nørbjerg, J. and Pries-Heje, J.

Book Title: Prec. of the 16th IRIS Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Copenhagen, 7-10 August 1993

Place Published: Copenhagen

Publisher: Copenhagen University, Datalogisk Institut

Pages: 47-54

Short Title: Control or flexibility: Information systems as a vehicle for enhancing competence and responsibility



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2659

Author: Ahlström, G.

Year: 1978

Title: Higher technical education and the engineering profession in France and Germany during the 19th century: A study of technological change and industrial performance

Journal: Economy and History

Volume: 21

Issue: 2

Pages: 51-88

Short Title: Higher technical education and the engineering profession in France and Germany during the 19th century: A study of technological change and industrial performance

Alternate Journal: Economy and History

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 17

Author: Aho, W. and Ullman, J.D.

Year: 1979

Title: Principles of compiler design

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Principles of compiler design



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1765

Author: Ahtee, Tero

Year: 1993

Title: Evaluation of case tools by a test specification model

Institution: Tampere University of Technology, Software Systems Laboratory

Short Title: Evaluation of case tools by a test specification model

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Fourth Information Systems Research Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2230

Author: Akademikerförbundet

Year: 1994

Title: Fonder och stipendier: Sammanställning och urval för medlemmar i Akademikerförbundet SSR

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Akademikerförbundet SSR

Short Title: Fonder och stipendier: Sammanställning och urval för medlemmar i Akademikerförbundet SSR

Keywords: Anslag, funding, grants

Notes: Akadförb SSR, Box 12800, 11296 Stockholm, 08-6174400 e. Bernt Jakobson 4432 e. Ingrid Oddsberg 4460



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 18

Author: Akhtar, S. and Thomson, J.A.

Year: 1982

Title: Overview: narcissistic personality disorder

Journal: Am. Journal of Psychiatry

Volume: 139

Issue: 1

Pages: 12-20

Short Title: Overview: narcissistic personality disorder

Alternate Journal: Am. Journal of Psychiatry

Legal Note: With bibliography of 75 entries

Notes: (With bibliography, 75 entries.)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 884

Author: Akin, William E.

Year: 1977

Title: Technocracy and the American dream

Place Published: Berkeley

Publisher: University of California Press

Short Title: Technocracy and the American dream

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1071

Author: Alder, Vera Stanley

Year: 1987

Title: Wisdom in practice: Individual responsibility and the evil of our time

Place Published: London

Publisher: Century

Short Title: Wisdom in practice: Individual responsibility and the evil of our time

Notes: Ak. Bokh. 30/11-87, 118,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1212

Author: Allardt, Erik

Year: 1984

Title: Representative government in a bureaucratic age

Journal: Daedalus

Volume: 113

Issue: 1

Pages: 169-197

Short Title: Representative government in a bureaucratic age

Alternate Journal: Daedalus



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2910

Author: Allergren, Nina

Year: 2001

Title: Att inte vilja orka hinna

Journal: VK

Issue: 26 oktober

Pages: 23

Short Title: Att inte vilja orka hinna

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: gästkronikör, c/o pagang@vk.se red. Erica Sjöström; time stress burnout essä essay, Chu71/1*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2457

Author: Allerholm, Milou

Year: 1999

Title: Virtuella Karlskrona. Om ett offentligt konstprojekt på nätet: Konsten åt folket!

Journal: DN

Issue: August 8th

Pages: B3

Short Title: Virtuella Karlskrona. Om ett offentligt konstprojekt på nätet: Konsten åt folket!

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: Long Notes; virtual reality, social planning, art, design, social engineering, Idéprojekt, ideal planning, "Karlskrona 2", "frizon", "nytt demokratiskt verktyg", "syftet är just att föra en diskussion [samtal] om formens (o)möjlighet". Superflex.

Notes: Cf. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 19

Author: Allport, G.

Year: 1968

Title: The general and the unique in psychological science

Book Title: The person in psychology. Selected essays by Gordon W. Allport

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Beacon Press

Pages: 81-102

Short Title: The general and the unique in psychological science

Notes: F.d.1968a



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 22

Author: Allport, G.

Year: 1968

Title: Six decades of social psychology

Book Title: The person in psychology: Selected essays by Gordon W. Allport

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Beacon Press

Pages: 81-102

Short Title: Six decades of social psychology

Notes: F.d. 1968b



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1808

Author: Allwood, Martin

Year: 1988

Title: Essays on contemporary civilization

Place Published: Walnut Creek, CA

Publisher: Eagleye

Short Title: Essays on contemporary civilization



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1361

Author: Allwood, Martin

Year: 1990

Title: Human science and the global dilemma

Journal: Saybrook Review

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Short Title: Human science and the global dilemma

Alternate Journal: Saybrook Review



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1807

Editor: Allwood, Martin

Year: 1990

Title: Den västerländska civilisationens rötter

Place Published: Mullsjö

Publisher: Persona Press

Short Title: Den västerländska civilisationens rötter



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2660

Editor: Allwood, Martin S.

Year: 1944

Title: Universitetet i en ny värld

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Kooperativa Förbundets Förlag

Short Title: Universitetet i en ny värld

Keywords: universityVett, research, education

Notes: UmU UB "epa 199"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1999

Author: Almquist, Kurt

Title: Den glömda dimensionen [The forgotten dimension]

Short Title: Den glömda dimensionen [The forgotten dimension]

Notes: "Öppning" för Tage Lindbom, med ref till René Guenon (Man and his becoming according to the Vedanta)  & Frithjof Schuon (The transcendent unity of religions, L'oeil du coeur [The eye of the hart], and Gnosis: Divine wisdom.

Plus assimilating further traditional thought: Titus Burckhardt, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Martin Lings, Lonrd Northbourne, Leo Schaya, Seyyed Hossein Nasr.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2101

Author: Alvesson, M. and Sköldberg, K.

Year: 1994

Title: Tolkning och reflektion

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Tolkning och reflektion

Keywords: adb education? Qualitative research

Notes: Per-Olof Ågrens tips 19/9-95



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 992

Author: Amabile, Teresa M.

Year: 1983

Title: The social psychology of creativity

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Short Title: The social psychology of creativity

Keywords: University organization, incentives

Notes: From R.C.Hill, 1989, p.157, & from Bennich



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2276

Author: Amabile, Teresa M.

Year: 1988

Title: A model of creativity and innovation in organizations

Journal: Research in Organizational Behaviour

Volume: 10

Short Title: A model of creativity and innovation in organizations

Alternate Journal: Research in Organizational Behaviour

Keywords: university organization, incentives

Notes: From Bennich, 1991



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2277

Author: Amabile, Teresa M.

Year: 1990

Title: Within you, without you: The social psychology of creativity and beyond

Editor: Runco, Mark A. and Albert, Robert A.

Book Title: Theories of creativity

Place Published: ?? California

Publisher: ??

Short Title: Within you, without you: The social psychology of creativity and beyond

Keywords: university organization, incentives

Notes: From Bennich 1991



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1623

Author: Amado Levy-Valensi, Éliane

Year: 1991

Title: Job: Réponse à Jung

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Cerf

Short Title: Job: Réponse à Jung

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 175,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1277

Author: Ambjörnsson, Ronny

Year: 1990

Title: Mansmyter: Liten guide till manlighetens paradoxer

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Fischer & Co

Short Title: Mansmyter: Liten guide till manlighetens paradoxer



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3002

Author: Analyzer, EDP

Year: 1976

Title: Quality of data

Journal: EDP-Analyzer

Issue: April

Pages: 8-9

Short Title: Quality of data

Alternate Journal: EDP Analyzer

Legal Note: Review of Kristo Ivanov's dissertation on Quality-Control of Information, The Royal Inst. of Technology, 1972



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2257

Author: Anderberg, L.

Year: 1992

Title: Informationsteknik - rapportskrivning

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Informationsteknik - rapportskrivning

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1214

Author: Andersen, Bent Rold

Year: 1984

Title: Rationality and irrationality of the Nordic welfare state

Journal: Daedalus

Volume: 113

Issue: 1

Pages: 109-139

Short Title: Rationality and irrationality of the Nordic welfare state

Alternate Journal: Daedalus



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1355

Author: Andersen, Peter Bøg

Year: 1990

Title: A semiotic approach to construction and assessment of computer systems

Editor: Nissen, Hans Erik, Klein, Heinz, K. and Hirschheim, Rudy

Book Title: Prec. of ISRA-90 The information systems research arena of the 90's: Challenges, perceptions, and alternative approaches. IFIP TC-8, WG-8:2 working conference, Copenhagen, Dec. 14-16. 1990

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Univ. of Lund, Inst. of Information Processing

Volume: II

Pages: 535-584

Short Title: A semiotic approach to construction and assessment of computer systems

Section: Elaborated in book, same eds. Information Systems Research: Contemporary approaches & emergent traditions. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1991, pp. 465-514



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1422

Author: Andersen, Peter Bøg

Year: 1990

Title: A theory of computer semiotics: Semiotic approaches to construction and assessment of computer systems

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: A theory of computer semiotics: Semiotic approaches to construction and assessment of computer systems



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 23

Author: Andersen, P.B. and Mathiassen, L.

Year: 1986

Title: Systems development and use: a science of truth or a theory of lies

Institution: University of Aarhus, Denmark: Dept of Computer Science

Short Title: Systems development and use: a science of truth or a theory of lies

Report Number: Unpublished manuscript



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2322

Author: Anderson, Christopher

Year: 1996

Title: The software industry: The birth of a new species

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 25th

Pages: supplementary 22 pages after p. 64

Short Title: The software industry: The birth of a new species

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: ADB education, programming



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2635

Author: Anderson, Christopher

Year: 1997

Title: A survey of electronic commerce

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 10th

Pages: 3-26 of supplement

Short Title: A survey of electronic commerce

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: e-commerce, internet



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 24

Author: Anderson, G.E. and Shumate, K.C.

Year: 1982

Title: Selecting a programming language, compiler, and support environment: method and example

Issue: August

Pages: 29-36

Short Title: Selecting a programming language, compiler, and support environment: method and example

Alternate Journal: Computer



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2843

Author: Andersson, Camilla

Year: 1996

Title: Almanackan med rötter i antiken

Journal: VK-Magasinet

Issue: 24 februari

Short Title: Almanackan med rötter i antiken

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren Magasinet

Keywords: time calendar, Chu71/9**, measurement, standards



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2930

Author: Andersson, Christoph

Year: 2002

Title: Universitetet stoppar hemsida: Umeå universitet förbjuder forskare att publicera artiklar med personuppgifter på högskolans hemsida

Journal: Statstjänstemannen

Issue: 5

Short Title: Universitetet stoppar hemsida: Umeå universitet förbjuder forskare att publicera artiklar med personuppgifter på högskolans hemsida

Alternate Journal: Statstjänstemannen

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF, Ågren, university research freedom



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2164

Author: Andersson, R.E., Johnson, D.G, Gotterbarn, D. and Perrolle, J.

Year: 1993

Title: Codes of professional ethics. From:Using the ACM code of ethics in decision making

Journal: CACM

Volume: 36

Issue: 2, February

Pages: 98-107

Short Title: Codes of professional ethics. From:Using the ACM code of ethics in decision making

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2954

Author: Andersson, Simon, Eklund, Lennart, Jansson, Torgerd, Lindh, Sören and Munkhammar, Lotta

Year: 1974

Title: Utredningsetik och utredarmoral

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Statskontoret

Short Title: Utredningsetik och utredarmoral

Keywords: ethics, professional, investigation-research



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1686

Editor: Andreewsky, Evelyne

Year: 1992

Title: Systémique & Cognition

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Dunod

Short Title: Systémique & Cognition

Notes: Med J-L Le Moigne, J-C Tabary, J-L Vullierme, R. Vallé, B- Bouchon-Meunier, J. B. Grize. From Vallée in March, Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 834

Author: Andrews, P.W.S.

Year: 1966

Title: On competition in economic theory

Place Published: London and New York

Publisher: Macmillan and St Martin's Press

Short Title: On competition in economic theory



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2495

Author: Anér, Kerstin

Year: 1975

Title: Datamakt

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Gummessons

Short Title: Datamakt

Keywords: ref Kristo Ivanov, (SAF 1986)

Notes: Kristo Ivanov AVH, ref to: pp. 188, 222, 239, 240, 154, 342, 344



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2803

Author: Angell, I.O. and Straub, B.

Year: 1999

Title: Rain-dancing with pesudo-science

Journal: Cognition, Technology & Work

Volume: 1

Pages: 179-196

Short Title: Rain-dancing with pesudo-science

Alternate Journal: Cognition, Technology & Work

Keywords: Chu71/7** postmodern post-romanticism PM, China,  Buddhism, aestheticist design?. [Design?] Vs. method, Nietzschean epistemology, Heidegger, Foucault, Watzlawick 1993 "The situation is hopeless, but not serious", Polya, PM postmodern P-paradox

Notes: Authors at Dept. of I.S., London School of Economics, London



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2034

Author: Angioni, Giulio

Year: 1986

Title: Il sapere della mano: Saggi di antropologia del lavoro

Place Published: Palermo

Publisher: Sellerio

Short Title: Il sapere della mano: Saggi di antropologia del lavoro

Keywords: På Ingarö, HCI-MMI, design, hantverk, craft, manual, intellectual work, Leroi-Gourhan, knowledge, anthropology, design

Notes: author in Cagliari, 1985



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 25

Author: Annerstedt, Jan, Forssberg, Lars, Henriksson, Sten and Nilsson, Kenneth

Year: 1970

Title: Datorer och politik: Studier i en ny tekniks politiska effekter på det svenska samhället

Place Published: Staffanstorp

Publisher: Zenit & Bo Cavefors

Short Title: Datorer och politik: Studier i en ny tekniks politiska effekter på det svenska samhället



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2421

Author: Anonym

Year: 1981

Title: Al-Anon's twelve steps & twelve traditions

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters

Short Title: Al-Anon's twelve steps & twelve traditions

Notes: Step one, p. 7 + p.8



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2420

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: The global firm: R.I.P.

Journal: The Economist

Volume: February 6th

Issue: 65

Short Title: The global firm: R.I.P.

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: strategy, alliance



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2422

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: Europe's technology policy

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 9th

Pages: 21-23

Short Title: Europe's technology policy

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Nutek



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2423

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: The movie mogul on the line

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 22nd

Pages: 63-64

Short Title: The movie mogul on the line

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2424

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: Take a clean sheet of paper: Behing the hype surrounding 'business process re-engineering' lurks an important message to companies

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 1st

Pages: 71-72

Short Title: Take a clean sheet of paper: Behing the hype surrounding 'business process re-engineering' lurks an important message to companies

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: reengineering



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2425

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: Computer clinics

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 9th

Pages: 65

Short Title: Computer clinics

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Notes: cf close to constructive co-creative samskapande?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2426

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: All fall down: The people who write software for big computer projects like to describe themselves as "engineers". To deserve the name, they must behave as other engineers do

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 20th

Pages: 89

Short Title: All fall down: The people who write software for big computer projects like to describe themselves as "engineers". To deserve the name, they must behave as other engineers do

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: reliability, software for big computer projects, engineering quality



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2427

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: The high-tech war: As airline deregulation spreads from America, airlines are arming themselves with powerful computer systems to fight global fare wars

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 26th - January 8th

Pages: 83-84

Short Title: The high-tech war: As airline deregulation spreads from America, airlines are arming themselves with powerful computer systems to fight global fare wars

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: computer systems



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2429

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: Book review: Making democracy work – Civic traditions in modern Italy, by Putnam, R., et al

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 6th

Pages: 88

Short Title: Book review: Making democracy work – Civic traditions in modern Italy, by Putnam, R., et al

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2430

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: American unions: Dirty pool. Book review of Confessions of a union buster, by Martin Levitt with Terry Conrow. Crown.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 13th

Pages: 99-100

Short Title: American unions: Dirty pool. Book review of Confessions of a union buster, by Martin Levitt with Terry Conrow. Crown.

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2444

Author: Anonym

Year: 1993

Title: Eenie, meenie, minie, mo... : Top managers of big firms devote the bulk of their efforts to formulating strategy, though there is remarkably little agreement about what it is

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 20th

Pages: 80, see also 81, 96

Short Title: Eenie, meenie, minie, mo... : Top managers of big firms devote the bulk of their efforts to formulating strategy, though there is remarkably little agreement about what it is

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: business strategy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2431

Author: Anonym

Year: 1994

Title: Multimedia: Abracadabra

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 5th

Pages: 71-72

Short Title: Multimedia: Abracadabra

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Notes: Even so, General Magic's vision is seductive: a common language that will let different devices talk to each other; that turns communication networks into electronic trading pits, where buyer agents (demand) meet seller agents (supply) to do business with maximum efficiency. An economist might call it reducing transaction costs; Mr Porat calls it "satisfying the deepest human emotion: 'I want'." Perhaps not the deepest – but certainly the most profitable.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2432

Author: Anonym

Year: 1994

Title: A hitch-hiker's guide: While America's government thinks far-sightedly about a new telecommunications network, business and universities are building it

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 25th-January 7th

Pages: 69-72

Short Title: A hitch-hiker's guide: While America's government thinks far-sightedly about a new telecommunications network, business and universities are building it

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: multimedia, www



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2433

Author: Anonym

Year: 1994

Title: American education: Godless, ergo intolerant.  Book review of The Soul of the American University: From Protestant establishment to established non-belief. By George Marsden. Oxford

Journal: The Economist

Volume: 332

Issue: 7872, July 16th

Pages: 87

Short Title: American education: Godless, ergo intolerant.  Book review of The Soul of the American University: From Protestant establishment to established non-belief. By George Marsden. Oxford

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: catholic, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, religion, theology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2434

Author: Anonym

Year: 1994

Title: Islam and the West

Journal: The Economist

Volume: 332

Issue: 7875, August 6th

Pages: 48ff

Short Title: Islam and the West

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: religion, Christianity, politics, B&R, HCS



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2435

Author: Anonym

Year: 1995

Title: Worlds apart: Virtual reality is not about slavishly recreating old worlds. It is about imagining new ones

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 11th

Pages: 87-89

Short Title: Worlds apart: Virtual reality is not about slavishly recreating old worlds. It is about imagining new ones

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: HCI/MDI human computer interaction



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2436

Author: Anonym

Year: 1995

Title: So who's the pilot here? On modern airliners, it's sometimes hard to say whether it is man or machine

Journal: The Economist

Issue: April 8th

Pages: 95-96

Short Title: So who's the pilot here? On modern airliners, it's sometimes hard to say whether it is man or machine

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: HMI-MMI



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2437

Author: Anonym

Year: 1995

Title: Who speaks for cyberspace? The Electronic Frontier Foundation went to Washington to "hack government. Instead, it imploded. A cautionary tale on the politics of cyberspace.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 14th

Pages: 81-82

Short Title: Who speaks for cyberspace? The Electronic Frontier Foundation went to Washington to "hack government. Instead, it imploded. A cautionary tale on the politics of cyberspace.

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Internet, SAF



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2438

Author: Anonym

Year: 1995

Title: Freedom and community: The politics of restoration

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 24th-January 6th

Pages: 67-70

Short Title: Freedom and community: The politics of restoration

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. also Letters, in a subsequent The Economist, p. 6

Keywords: Amitai Etzioni, Alasdair MacIntyre, Carl Schmitt, Sir James Goldsmith, comunitarianism, ethics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2439

Author: Anonym

Year: 1996

Title: Why first may not last: Most people believe that market pioneers become long-term market leaders. New research suggests otherwise

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 16th

Pages: 69

Short Title: Why first may not last: Most people believe that market pioneers become long-term market leaders. New research suggests otherwise

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: success

Notes: C.K. Prahalad & Gary Hamel vs new research by  Gerard Tellis & Peter Golder, Sloan Magmt Review, vol. 37, No. 2. Cf. vs. McKenney, Copeland, & Mason in Waves of Change



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2445

Author: Anonym

Year: 1996

Title: The economics of the Internet

Journal: The Economist

Issue: October 19th

Pages: 21-24

Short Title: The economics of the Internet

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. same issue "Why the net should grow up", p. 15; Letters on "Cybernomics" in November 16th, pp. 6-8; "Electronic conflicts of interest" in January 18th 1997

Keywords: vs networking, ADB education, Chu71/3,Chu71/7,  Chu68/2



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2446

Author: Anonym

Year: 1996

Title: Crimes of reason

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 16th

Pages: 93-95

Short Title: Crimes of reason

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Cultural criticism.  Ref. counter-Enlightenment: Alasdair MacIntyre, Michael Sandel, Roberto Unger, Christopher Lasch, John Gray; Isaiah Berlin; ≈Tage Lindbom?

Notes: p. 94 ref to John Gray: "[The] prospect of cultural recovery from the nihilism that the Enlightenment has spawned may lie with the non-Occidental peoples, whose task will be then that of protecting themselves from the debris cast up by the western shipwreck. [Cf François Jullien]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2442

Author: Anonym

Year: 1997

Title: France: Holy love-in

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 30th

Pages: 22-24

Short Title: France: Holy love-in

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: catholicism, pope visit, why buddhism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2443

Author: Anonym

Year: 1997

Title: Nordic eugenics: Here, of all places

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 30th

Pages: 20-21

Short Title: Nordic eugenics: Here, of all places

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Referring to the impact of two articles by M. Zaremba in Dagens Nyheter, 20-21 August 1997, pp. B1-B2

Keywords: Zaremba

Notes: (cf. DN 20-21 augusti 97)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2899

Author: Anonym

Year: 1997

Title: Assembling the new economy: A new economic paradigm is sweeping America. it could have dangerous consequences

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 13th

Pages: 77-83

Short Title: Assembling the new economy: A new economic paradigm is sweeping America. it could have dangerous consequences

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. Productivity: Lost in cyberspace, same issue, p. 78

Keywords: Chu71/3*** globalization, virtual organizations, technological change, computer, economics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2859

Author: Anonym

Year: 1998

Title: The future of computing: After the PC

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 12th

Pages: 66-69

Short Title: The future of computing: After the PC

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: See also the leader-editorial in the same issue, p. 16 "Onward to pervasive computing"

Keywords: Chu71/slut



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2829

Author: Anonym

Year: 1999

Title: Mr. Becks diagram

Journal: Akademiker

Issue: 5

Pages: 42-44

Short Title: Mr. Becks diagram

Alternate Journal: Akademiker

Legal Note: With reference to Ken Garland's book "Underground Map"

Keywords: Chu71/7** ex of good design, metro, flow, aesthetics, Andreas Lund VR-navigation visualization



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2857

Author: Anonym

Year: 1999

Title: Lost in cyberspace: Internet millionaires are made every week, but most of those who created the network are still where they were a decade ago - in the computer lab

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 18th

Pages: 78-80

Short Title: Lost in cyberspace: Internet millionaires are made every week, but most of those who created the network are still where they were a decade ago - in the computer lab

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: x Peer review! Chu71-D2 course. Dave Walden, Craig Partidge, Ray Tomlison, Marc Andreesen, Joseph Hardin*, Dave Thompson, Eric Bina, Chris Locke (co-authors "The cluetrain manifesto: The end of business as usual", Feb 2000, John Quarterman, Eric Allman, Robert Calliau). Chu71/end**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2892

Author: Anonym

Year: 1999

Title: Wish fulfilment. In the scramble for market share during the Christmas season, many online retailers will be exposed as poorly constructed businesses. Few will survive.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 18th

Pages: 125-126

Short Title: Wish fulfilment. In the scramble for market share during the Christmas season, many online retailers will be exposed as poorly constructed businesses. Few will survive.

Keywords: Chu71/3***, OBS! visar ->SYS! Ola Henfridsson 000112 "The end of the systems approach" vs webdesign "development" of digital marketplace handelsplats? Back-office. " x ADB/IT & avh.  KI x UmDr E-commerce E-business digitala affärer



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2831

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1942

Title: Singer, Prof. Edgar Arthur, Jr.

Editor: Cattell, Jaques

Book Title: Directory of American scholars: A biographical directory

Place Published: Lancaster, PA.

Publisher: The Science Press

Pages: 762

Short Title: Singer, Prof. Edgar Arthur, Jr.

Section: Third printing, 1966

Keywords: Chu71/9*, Churchman, empirical idealism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2680

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1953

Title: The purpose of a university

Journal: Nature

Issue: July 25th

Short Title: The purpose of a university

Alternate Journal: Nature

Legal Note: Editorial

Keywords: universityVett, research, education, (ledare artikel)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2830

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1966

Title: Singer, Edgar Arthur, Jr.

Book Title: Who was who in America. Vol. 3, 1951-1960

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Marquis

Pages: 789

Short Title: Singer, Edgar Arthur, Jr.

Section: Third printing, 1966

Keywords: Chu71/9*, Churchman. b1873-d1954. Author: Modern thinkers and present problems , 1923; Mind as behavior and studies in empirical idealism, 1924; Fool's advice, 1925; On the contented life, 1936; Mechanism, vitalism, naturalism (in Studies in the History of Science), 1941; In search of a way of life, 1948.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2657

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1971

Title: Academic freedom

Book Title: The Encyclopedia of Higher Education. Vol I

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan & The Free Press

Short Title: Academic freedom

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2736

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1977

Title: Philosophy of science

Editor: Peters, Paul Evan

Book Title: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Vol. 22

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Marcel Dekker

Pages: 183-203

Short Title: Philosophy of science

Keywords: Singer, Churchman, p. 193, Chu71/D

Notes: Från Oscar Svensson



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2911

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1979

Title: Varorna får 'personnummer'

Journal: VI

Issue: 17, 20 april

Pages: 54

Short Title: Varorna får 'personnummer'

Alternate Journal: Vi

Legal Note: Arbetsmaterial till falsstudie om EAN European Article Numbering

Keywords: Chu71/4**** (första bladet i underlaget till EAN European Article Numbering fallstudie, case study



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2887

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1980?

Title: Balans variable

Short Title: Balans variable

Keywords: Chu71/3*



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1849

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1981

Title: Al-Anon's twelve steps & twelve traditions

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters

Short Title: Al-Anon's twelve steps & twelve traditions

Notes: Step one, p. 7 + p.8



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2618

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1983

Title: The Koran interpreted

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press

Short Title: The Koran interpreted



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1729

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: Europe's technology policy

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 9th

Pages: 21-23

Short Title: Europe's technology policy

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Nutek



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1782

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: The movie mogul on the line

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 22nd

Pages: 63-64

Short Title: The movie mogul on the line

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1784

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: Take a clean sheet of paper: Behing the hype surrounding 'business process re-engineering' lurks an important message to companies

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 1st

Pages: 71-72

Short Title: Take a clean sheet of paper: Behing the hype surrounding 'business process re-engineering' lurks an important message to companies

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: reengineering



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1824

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: Computer clinics

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 9th

Pages: 65

Short Title: Computer clinics

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Notes: cf close to constructive co-creative samskapande?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1825

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: All fall down: The people who write software for big computer projects like to describe themselves as "engineers". To deserve the name, they must behave as other engineers do

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 20th

Pages: 89

Short Title: All fall down: The people who write software for big computer projects like to describe themselves as "engineers". To deserve the name, they must behave as other engineers do

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: reliability, software for big computer projects, engineering quality



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1826

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: The high-tech war: As airline deregulation spreads from America, airlines are arming themselves with powerful computer systems to fight global fare wars

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 26th - January 8th

Pages: 83-84

Short Title: The high-tech war: As airline deregulation spreads from America, airlines are arming themselves with powerful computer systems to fight global fare wars

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: computer systems



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1839

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: Book review: Making democracy work – Civic traditions in modern Italy, by Putnam, R., et al

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 6th

Pages: 88

Short Title: Book review: Making democracy work – Civic traditions in modern Italy, by Putnam, R., et al

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2428

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: Eenie, meenie, minie, mo... : Top managers of big firms devote the bulk of their efforts to formulating strategy, though there is remarkably little agreement about what it is

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 20th

Pages: 80, see also 81, 96

Short Title: Eenie, meenie, minie, mo... : Top managers of big firms devote the bulk of their efforts to formulating strategy, though there is remarkably little agreement about what it is

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: business strategy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2842

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1993

Title: The dawn of modern navigation

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 26th 1992-January 8th 1993

Pages: 121-123

Short Title: The dawn of modern navigation

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: time, Chu71/9**, measurement, standards, length, meter, marine chronometer clock



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2888

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1994

Title: The celling out of America. Across America, factories are scrapping assembly lines and replacing them with numerous "cells" of workers

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 17th

Pages: 61-62

Short Title: The celling out of America. Across America, factories are scrapping assembly lines and replacing them with numerous "cells" of workers

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: System vs. subsytem, manufacturing, warehouse, OR/OA operations analysis, Chu71/3**, Chu71/7 (cf. Volvos "grupper"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2891

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1994

Title: The celling out of America. Across America, factories are scrapping assembly lines and replacing them with numerous "cells" of workers

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 17th

Pages: 61-62

Short Title: The celling out of America. Across America, factories are scrapping assembly lines and replacing them with numerous "cells" of workers

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: System vs. subsytem, manufacturing, warehouse, OR/OA operations analysis, Chu71/3**, Chu71/7 (cf. Volvos "grupper"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2502

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1995

Title: Worlds apart: Virtual reality is not about slavishly recreating old worlds. It is about imagining new ones

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 11th

Pages: 87-89

Short Title: Worlds apart: Virtual reality is not about slavishly recreating old worlds. It is about imagining new ones

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: HCI/MDI human computer interaction

Notes: Bra-intressant. Insatt i Cohen-Taanoudji "Virtualité et realité dans les sciences"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2588

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1996

Title: Re-engineering peer review

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 22nd

Pages: 98-99

Short Title: Re-engineering peer review

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2757

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1996

Title: Cowed. The government has spent years reassuring consumers that British beef is safe to eat. New scientific evidence has cas doubt upon that confidence

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 23rd

Pages: 37-38

Short Title: Cowed. The government has spent years reassuring consumers that British beef is safe to eat. New scientific evidence has cas doubt upon that confidence

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: vs. peer review, scientific experimental method, mad cow disease, Chu71/5 (Chu71/4**)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2824

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1996

Title: The economics of the Internet

Journal: The Economist

Issue: October 19th

Pages: 21-24

Short Title: The economics of the Internet

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. same issue "Why the net should grow up", p. 15; Letters on "Cybernomics" in November 16th, pp. 6-8; "Electronic conflicts of interest" in January 18th 1997

Keywords: OBS! vs networking, ADB education, virtual aesthetics vs finance/economy/politics, need for systems approach, vs. networking, Chu71/3****,Chu71/7*,  Chu68/2



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2839

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1996

Title: The other technopolists. Bigger, faster, getter ears. Internet folk are famously opposed to the proprietary standards that made Microsoft and Intel so dominant. So how did Cisco systems...

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 7th

Pages: 75-76

Short Title: The other technopolists. Bigger, faster, getter ears. Internet folk are famously opposed to the proprietary standards that made Microsoft and Intel so dominant. So how did Cisco systems...

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: standards, (Chu71/9**)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2866

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1996

Title: Multiversal truths. Physicists think philosophers are strange. Philosophers think quantum mechanics is even stranger. And they think more physicists should agree

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 2nd

Pages: 95-96

Short Title: Multiversal truths. Physicists think philosophers are strange. Philosophers think quantum mechanics is even stranger. And they think more physicists should agree

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: truth, complementary, hypersystems, monad?, scientific method legitimate philosophical speculation Chu71/0**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2589

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Methodical progress: Applying the scientific method to the processes of science can be illuminating

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 27th

Pages: 93-94

Short Title: Methodical progress: Applying the scientific method to the processes of science can be illuminating

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Ref. research on peer review by Christopher Martyn of Southampton University in Britain

Keywords: Chu71/9**  vs. Chu71/5, Chu71/7, Chu 71/12. OBS! peer review, scientific method vs. politics of old-boy network, anonymity, evaluation ranking, publication, referee process, reviewers; cf. Chu82 and publication of "failures", "Papers showing that something happens are more likely to be printed than those which show that it does not, even though such "negative" results can be important."



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2745

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: The last great prospector

Journal: The Economist

Issue: October 4th

Pages: 102

Short Title: The last great prospector

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On Cassini spacecraft to Saturn

Keywords: Chu71/4*,



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2751

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Testing testing. Clinical trials are an essential -- and expensive -- part of drug development. Moves to make them more efficient are welcome news for patients and pharmaceutical companies alike

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 1st

Pages: 93-95

Short Title: Testing testing. Clinical trials are an essential -- and expensive -- part of drug development. Moves to make them more efficient are welcome news for patients and pharmaceutical companies alike

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. also in same issue p. 94 "Knowledge or certainty?" on experimenting on people

Keywords: OBS! Chu71/4* ethics experimental method statistics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2754

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: AIDS in Africa. The quest for an AIDS treatment that the poor world can afford may have to offend some rich-world sensibilities

Journal: The Economist

Issue: september 27th

Pages: 17

Short Title: AIDS in Africa. The quest for an AIDS treatment that the poor world can afford may have to offend some rich-world sensibilities

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Editorial leader on the economics of scientific testing of drugs

Keywords: Statistics vs ethics (and politics), control groups, research ethics vs. cost economics $, experimental scientific method. Chu71/4**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2755

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Any alternative?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 1st

Pages: 99-100

Short Title: Any alternative?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Establishing which of the claims of so-called alternative medicine are true, and the controversies around the U.S. Office of Alternative Medicine

Keywords: Scientific experimental method, postmodernism, science wars, science vs politics, Victor Kaptelinin, Hellmut Löckenhoff, peer review, Chu71/5 -> Chu71/3 science vs. politics. Chu71/4**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2756

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: The other BSE scandal. The political misjudgments have been bad enough in the beef crisis

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 22nd

Pages: 37-38

Short Title: The other BSE scandal. The political misjudgments have been bad enough in the beef crisis

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Experimental method, Chu71/4, science vs politics/economics. Chu71/4**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2758

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Mad cows: For whom the bell tolls

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 6th

Pages: 38-39

Short Title: Mad cows: For whom the bell tolls

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Experimental method, Chu71/5, Chu71/4/4**, science vs politics/economics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2778

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Hi ho, hi ho, down the data mine we go

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 23rd

Pages: 49-50

Short Title: Hi ho, hi ho, down the data mine we go

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: data base, data mining, statistics, ADB, marknadsorientering market-oriented information systems, selective sales  (observations)  Chu71, market research, Chu71/5***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2779

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: The Internet. Spam, spam, spam, spam

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 1st

Pages: 101

Short Title: The Internet. Spam, spam, spam, spam

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/5***, Tyranny of the moment, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, attention vs. filter (sender vs. receiver)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2783

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Sifo ändrar frågeordning om kärnavfall

Journal: VK

Issue: 13 maj

Short Title: Sifo ändrar frågeordning om kärnavfall

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Source: Forskning & Framsteg

Keywords: Chu71/5***, statistics, interview, nuclear waste



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2786

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Så går en helgon-förklaring till

Journal: Katolskt Magasin

Issue: Nr 10

Pages: 9

Short Title: Så går en helgon-förklaring till

Alternate Journal: Katolskt Magasin

Keywords: Chu71/5***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2845

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Trade: Standard fare

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 24th

Pages: 80

Short Title: Trade: Standard fare

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On standard for trade commerce between the USA and Europe

Keywords: EU, politics of standards, Chu71/9**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2846

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Those damned dots

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 7th

Pages: 87

Short Title: Those damned dots

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On the introduction of the decimal system in the Anglo-saxon world

Keywords: Chu71/9** standard



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2868

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Philosophical cafés. Categorical apéritif

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 8th

Pages: 100

Short Title: Philosophical cafés. Categorical apéritif

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/0**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2890

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Future imperfect. Chicago's latest trading floor will be hailed as a model of high-tech efficiency. It will be nothing of the sort

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 1st

Pages: 85-86

Short Title: Future imperfect. Chicago's latest trading floor will be hailed as a model of high-tech efficiency. It will be nothing of the sort

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/3***, failure, exchange, technology use,



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2898

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Banking. Loose wiring: When your banker offers to handle your business electronically, he may not be doing you a favour

Journal: The Economist

Issue: Sepember 6th

Pages: 81-82

Short Title: Banking. Loose wiring: When your banker offers to handle your business electronically, he may not be doing you a favour

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/3*** echnology vs. economics, wharehouse inventory



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2900

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1997

Title: Waiting for the call. Access to the Internet is in great demand. How should it be priced

Journal: The Economist

Issue: April 5th

Pages: 88

Short Title: Waiting for the call. Access to the Internet is in great demand. How should it be priced

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/3**** system



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2590

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: American democracy: The show is on TV. Politics in America is not mainly about politicians. The last article in our series looks at the supplanting of elected representatives by media types

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 29th

Pages: 45-46

Short Title: American democracy: The show is on TV. Politics in America is not mainly about politicians. The last article in our series looks at the supplanting of elected representatives by media types

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: ≈university, professors; from science to  fund-raising technique, lobbying≈peer review,  virtual politics, economics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2753

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: Blood business

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 14th

Pages: 70

Short Title: Blood business

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On the banning of commercial purchases of blood in India

Keywords: Experimental scientific method, testing, statistics, dangers of commercialization vs voluntary donation (ethics vs. economy) Chu71/4**, Chu71/5 science testing vs. economics $ (and politics), underdeveloped



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2766

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: What's in a name? Who should allocate addresses on the Internet?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 7th

Pages: 79

Short Title: What's in a name? Who should allocate addresses on the Internet?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/5**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2812

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: New books about architecture. An ace fills the straight. Writing well about architecture is notoriously hard. Now that the century's style-and-theory wars have fought themselves out, it seems to be even harder.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 22nd

Pages: 69-70

Short Title: New books about architecture. An ace fills the straight. Writing well about architecture is notoriously hard. Now that the century's style-and-theory wars have fought themselves out, it seems to be even harder.

Legal Note: Review of Carter Wiseman "Shaping a nation", Norton; Hugh Pearman "Contemporary world architecture, Phaidon;  Dell Upton "Architecture in the United States", Oxford Univ. Press; Victoria Newhouse " Towards a new museum", Monacelli Press;  Ada Louise Huxtable "The unreal America", New Press

Keywords: Chu71/7***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2815

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: The press in the spin cycle

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 20th

Pages: 61

Short Title: The press in the spin cycle

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/7* journalism as politicized research, example of Hegelian dialectical inquiring systems, the observer's observer, lies and lying



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2825

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: Democracy in Texas

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 16th

Pages: 61

Short Title: Democracy in Texas

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On deliberative polling

Keywords: opinion survey, Chu71/7*, Chu71/8*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2826

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: American democracy. Building the perfect citizen.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 22nd

Pages: 35-36

Short Title: American democracy. Building the perfect citizen.

Keywords: Chu71/7*, Chu71/8*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2835

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: Cheaper in francs

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 14th

Pages: 74

Short Title: Cheaper in francs

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: money euro, Chu71/9**, measurement, standards, currency valuta EU European Union



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2841

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: Metre reading

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 22nd

Pages: 92

Short Title: Metre reading

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: time, Chu71/9** m,easurement, standards, length, meter



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2844

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: Craftmade timepieces. Hands on

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 8th

Pages: 76

Short Title: Craftmade timepieces. Hands on

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. also same issue, same page, review of David Ewing Duncan's book "Calendar: Humanity's epic struggle to determine the true and accurate year", publ. by Avon Books in the USA, and Fourth Estate in the United Kingdom

Keywords: time, Chu71/9**, measurement, standards, atomic clock



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2858

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: Engineering: in need of heroes. Why are architects glamorous and engineers anonymous? It wasn't always so

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 16th

Pages: 107-109

Short Title: Engineering: in need of heroes. Why are architects glamorous and engineers anonymous? It wasn't always so

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: design, aesthetics, mathematics, bricolage-tinkering, natural flow of forces, implementation-realization vs concept, structurally immoral building [ethics], intuition, visualization, irrational, Chu71/end**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2920

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1998

Title: Consumer labeling: Barring confusion

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 29th

Pages: 62-63

Short Title: Consumer labeling: Barring confusion

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Arbetsmaterial till falsstudie om EAN European Article Numbering

Keywords: Chu71/4**** (i underlaget till EAN European Article Numbering fallstudie, case study



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2455

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: The missile threat: Rockets overhead

Journal: The Economist

Issue: July 31st

Pages: 17-19

Short Title: The missile threat: Rockets overhead

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Social design ≈ Platonic "city design"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2458

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: Urban sprawl

Journal: The Economist

Issue: July 17-August 21

Short Title: Urban sprawl

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Series of six weekly articles on America's urban development



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2471

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: Student and concept

Journal: I.D.

Issue: Annual Design Review

Pages: 217-220

Short Title: Student and concept

Alternate Journal: International Design Magazine

Keywords: Long Notes, postmodern, education, pedagogical



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2475

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: The future of science: Paved with good intentions

Journal: The Economist

Issue: July 3rd

Pages: 83

Short Title: The future of science: Paved with good intentions

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On the world conference organized by UNESCO and ICSU the Int. Council for Science on Science for the 21st century: A new commitment, Budapest, June 1999

Keywords: disregarded politics (&engineering, medicine, industry, commerce, economics) vs. science. [Cf. NUTEK and Chu71 DIS]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2572

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: The new economy: Work in progress. On the surface, America's economy is changing dramatically – that much is plain. But just how deep the changes go, and what they imply for the country's growth in the long term, remains an open question

Journal: The Economist

Issue: July 24th

Pages: 19-21

Short Title: The new economy: Work in progress. On the surface, America's economy is changing dramatically – that much is plain. But just how deep the changes go, and what they imply for the country's growth in the long term, remains an open question

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: See also the editorial in the same issue: "How real is the new economy?" pp.15-16

Keywords: change, productivity, statistics, Robert Solow, [effectiveness]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2591

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: Amateurs on Amazon. Do-it-yourself literary criticism is more than just harmless fun

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 28th

Pages: 69-70

Short Title: Amateurs on Amazon. Do-it-yourself literary criticism is more than just harmless fun

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: cf. Peer Review, SAM?, "politics", voting



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2728

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: Tomorrow's Internet

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 13th

Pages: 22-27

Short Title: Tomorrow's Internet

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/3, Chu71/7, standards, Chu71/end**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2737

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: Rethinking thinking

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 18th

Pages: 69-71

Short Title: Rethinking thinking

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/0**, irrationality, [aesthetics] hos people form their emotions, tastes and beliefs. Economic rationality, "Prospect theory in the Wild" by Colin Camerer (in Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, eds. Cambridge Univ. Press & Russell Sage Foundation, 2000), Gary Becker on rational models of the formation of emotions and of religious belief, Bryan Caplan, Jon Elster, Andrew Lo, Richard Thaler. [cf. Design theory x system]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2833

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: (SOS, RIP). Morse code in being replaced by a new satellite-based system for sending distress calls at sea. Its dots and dashes have a good run for their money

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 23rd

Pages: 89-91

Short Title: (SOS, RIP). Morse code in being replaced by a new satellite-based system for sending distress calls at sea. Its dots and dashes have a good run for their money

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On the history of Morse code

Keywords: Chu71**, technology history, satellite-based systems for distress calls at sea, rescue, cf computer communications



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2838

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: Tick tock. The railway timetable in the 19th century began the obsession with time. It has come a long way since them

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 4th

Pages: 10

Short Title: Tick tock. The railway timetable in the 19th century began the obsession with time. It has come a long way since them

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Review of James Gleick's "Faster: The acceleration of just about everything, publ. in the USA by Pantheon Book and in the UK by Little Brown; and Alexander Waugh's "Time: From micro-seconds to millennia -- A search for the right time", publ. by Headline

Keywords: time, Chu71/9**, measurement, standards,   clock, stress burnout



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2856

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: An interplanetary Internet: The wire of the worlds

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 13th

Pages: 108-111

Short Title: An interplanetary Internet: The wire of the worlds

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: satellite wireless, Chu71/end**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2865

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: A matter of gravity. New discovered it. Einstein complicated it. But nobody really understands the force of gravity. Part of the explanation may be that it is not really all here

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 23rd

Pages: 38-39

Short Title: A matter of gravity. New discovered it. Einstein complicated it. But nobody really understands the force of gravity. Part of the explanation may be that it is not really all here

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Theory & mathematics, scientific method, legitimate philosophical speculations Chu71/0**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2867

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: Sailing by the stars: Rockets are not the only way to travel through outer space

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 28th

Pages: 65-66

Short Title: Sailing by the stars: Rockets are not the only way to travel through outer space

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Theory & mathematics, scientific method, legitimate  speculations Chu71/0**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2893

Author: Anonymous

Year: 1999

Title: Farewell to the floor? Are exchanges coming to grips with the treats from technology, or are they in their death throes?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 7th

Pages: 63-64

Short Title: Farewell to the floor? Are exchanges coming to grips with the treats from technology, or are they in their death throes?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: See also "Cutting out the middleman" on p. 64, and the later article on how the exchange's clients, the investors, are dealing directly with one another

Keywords: Chu71/3***,  definitions, systems



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2592

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Will journal publishers perish? The Internet is transforming the world of scientific journals.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 13th

Pages: 87-88

Short Title: Will journal publishers perish? The Internet is transforming the world of scientific journals.

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: peer review, publish or perish, reviewers' committee, vetting and quality control, subscriptions and libraries' cost, PubMed Central, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition SPARC, BioMed Central

Notes: Stevan Harnad, Harold Varmus (NIH)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2593

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: E-conomic publishing

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 5th

Pages: 71

Short Title: E-conomic publishing

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: peer review, electronic academic publishing, American Economic Review->Quality-Rated (QR) Journals of Economic Theory

Notes: "Busy academics have been increasingly loth to review prospective articles without payment. So they pass the task on to graduate students."



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2716

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Biometrics: The measure of man.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 9th

Pages: 93-99

Short Title: Biometrics: The measure of man.

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: ID-identification, PIN personnummer, social security number, fingerprints, standard, Orwell, SAF privacy, security, WTC terror, character patter recognition, mobile, VR virtual reality, Technology drift/shift≈"function creep", Chu71/4+Chu71/9, Heiner Schorn (copy to 011119). Chu71/6**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2729

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Regulating the Internet: The consensus machine. The Internet has matured to the point where people are increasingly asking: who runs it, and on whose behalf?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 10th

Pages: 99-101

Short Title: Regulating the Internet: The consensus machine. The Internet has matured to the point where people are increasingly asking: who runs it, and on whose behalf?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. also the leader in the same issue, same title, pp. 18-20, and  "Beware the cyberregulator" in issue of August 23rd 1997, as well as letter of comment "Virtual regulation" to the editor on September 13th, p. 8

Keywords: Chu71/3**** OBS! design vs. system and economics, politics of real (x virtual), new economics, Chu71/7, Chu71/end**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2748

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Fingering fingerprints. Fingerprints, the touchstone of forensic science, have never been subjected to proper scientific scrutiny

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 16th

Pages: 103-104

Short Title: Fingering fingerprints. Fingerprints, the touchstone of forensic science, have never been subjected to proper scientific scrutiny

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/4*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2752

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: A poor diagnosis. Giving developing countries better access to expensive, live-saving drugs has become a rallying cry among the rich. But treatment is hard unless you know what you are treating

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 2nd

Pages: 81-82

Short Title: A poor diagnosis. Giving developing countries better access to expensive, live-saving drugs has become a rallying cry among the rich. But treatment is hard unless you know what you are treating

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: OBS! Chu71/3, Chu71/4** vs. IT, Chu48 STAT INFO, market, client, need (x ES)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2759

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: The BSE inquiry: Wait for it

Journal: The Economist

Issue: October 7th

Pages: 52-54

Short Title: The BSE inquiry: Wait for it

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: mad cow Chu71/4**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2767

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: The Internet: The Internet is running out of addresses

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 4th

Pages: 69-70

Short Title: The Internet: The Internet is running out of addresses

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: ID identification, Chu71/5**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2768

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Domain names: ICANN call it what I want

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 9th

Pages: 82-87

Short Title: Domain names: ICANN call it what I want

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/5** ID identification naming



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2769

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: The Internet's all-too-common nouns

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 25th

Pages: 102

Short Title: The Internet's all-too-common nouns

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: ID, identification individuation Chu71/5**, Chu71/6, Chu71/9 standards



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2773

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Mining the digital skies: Astronomers of the future will use large databases as 'virtual' telescopes

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 3rd

Pages: 95-96

Short Title: Mining the digital skies: Astronomers of the future will use large databases as 'virtual' telescopes

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: OBS!! Chu71/4, 71/5***, 71/6 empiricism vs. (platonic) observations, virtual reality VR, astronomy, instrument



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2775

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Private eyes in the sky. A whole new generation of commercial imaging satellites will make detailed images, which were once the province only of the military superpowers, available to anybody. Should we be worried?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 6th

Pages: 81-83

Short Title: Private eyes in the sky. A whole new generation of commercial imaging satellites will make detailed images, which were once the province only of the military superpowers, available to anybody. Should we be worried?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: OBS! geographical GIS, Landsat≈Mason's essay, photo, ADB education, Chu71/5*** Chu71/6, AVH, Hegelian Inquiring Systems, "Information" vs. data, observation, "Technology", vs. positivism, economics of observation, data collection, Chu71/6 (complexity after Chu71/5)

empiricism observations, astronomy, instrument

Notes: http://www.spaceimaging.com




Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2784

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Sydney's secret winners

Journal: The Economist

Issue: October 7th

Pages: 84

Short Title: Sydney's secret winners

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: statistics  measure of performance, Chu71/5***, olympics competition



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2788

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Striking out bird strikes. If birds and aircraft could share the sky without colliding, both would benefit

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 6th

Pages: 93-94

Short Title: Striking out bird strikes. If birds and aircraft could share the sky without colliding, both would benefit

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/6*, Chu71/3, Chu71/4, representation, GIS, virtual image in space



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2790

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Holes in the heavens: Black holes, once seen as a hypothetical consequence of some arcane maths, are now turning up everywhere. They may, indeed, shape the invisible universe

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 22nd

Pages: 87-88

Short Title: Holes in the heavens: Black holes, once seen as a hypothetical consequence of some arcane maths, are now turning up everywhere. They may, indeed, shape the invisible universe

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: x Chu71/5 "observations" vs Theory & mathematics, scientific method, legitimate philosophical speculations, Chu71/6* cf. its p. 137, astronomy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2791

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: A roadmap for planet-hunting. Astronomers have already discovered dozens of giant planets orbiting other stars. Now they are developing the techniques needed to detect little ones

Journal: The Economist

Issue: April 8th

Pages: 99-101

Short Title: A roadmap for planet-hunting. Astronomers have already discovered dozens of giant planets orbiting other stars. Now they are developing the techniques needed to detect little ones

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/6*, Chu71/9**, Chu71/4, 71/9 astronomy, virtual image in space, measurement, observation



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2811

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: American blobjectivity. Contemporary American designers are catching up, as a new exhibition shows. Over the page, we look at three non-Americans who set the pace

Journal: The Economist

Issue: April 1st

Short Title: American blobjectivity. Contemporary American designers are catching up, as a new exhibition shows. Over the page, we look at three non-Americans who set the pace

Keywords: Chu71/7***creativity, car, architects, food, travel



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2828

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: The shredding of Jac Nasser. Ford's boss wants to focus his company on customer service. That's not how his reaction to the tyre scandal comes across

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 9th

Pages: 90

Short Title: The shredding of Jac Nasser. Ford's boss wants to focus his company on customer service. That's not how his reaction to the tyre scandal comes across

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/7* conflict customer-satisfaction and quality vs profits



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2875

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Shelf-assured business books. Business books are 90& dross. Searching for the occasional nugget involves much time-consuming drudgery.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 8th

Pages: 94

Short Title: Shelf-assured business books. Business books are 90& dross. Searching for the occasional nugget involves much time-consuming drudgery.

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/0**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2894

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Super messy

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 2nd

Pages: 70

Short Title: Super messy

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On the SEC's new trading system "Super Montage".

Keywords: OBS! vs share-trading ≈e-commerce "screen design web design, vs. Chu71/3, systems development ECN electronic share-trading firms ECNS, SEC Securities and Exchange Commission ≈ E-commerce politics, Chu71/3***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2896

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: Banking at your convenience. How the Internet is helping Japan's corner shops become banks

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 22nd

Pages: 73-74

Short Title: Banking at your convenience. How the Internet is helping Japan's corner shops become banks

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/3***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2897

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2000

Title: E-business in China: From scratch

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 2nd

Pages: 65

Short Title: E-business in China: From scratch

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: e-commerce vs systems, Chu71/3***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2623

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Vertigo: A new kind of pacemaker

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 10th

Pages: 92-93

Short Title: Vertigo: A new kind of pacemaker

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: virtual reality, cf. Araya

Notes: Ref Erik Viirre, Univ. of California, San Diego, conference of the Assoc. for Research in Otolaryngology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2626

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Glossary and definitions of advanced design

Publisher: http://www.advanceddesign.org/glossary.html, updated September 2000, accessed 30 Jan. 2001

Short Title: Glossary and definitions of advanced design



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2724

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Economic  focus: Curse of the ethical executive, Why "corporate social responsibility" is not a welcome fashion

Journal: The Economist

Issue: 17 November

Pages: 84

Short Title: Economic  focus: Curse of the ethical executive, Why "corporate social responsibility" is not a welcome fashion

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Review of David Henderson, Misguided virtue: False notions of corporate social responsibility, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, Hobart paper 142

Keywords: ≈balancing of stakeholders'  interests by design-leader? ≈implicit ethics of  much IT-practice and research? Utilitarian ethics, To UmDr 011122



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2732

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Satellite technology: Commercial satellites have military uses, too

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 10th

Pages: 86

Short Title: Satellite technology: Commercial satellites have military uses, too

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/5 Locke vs. politics and economics $, copyright, internet SAF, Information systems IS, security, high-resolution, NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency, ref Ann Florini, of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on legal principles passed by the UN General Assembly in 1986 on rights of any country hose territory has been photographed of "sensed"...



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2741

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: The human genome. Think of a number, then double it.  The 'book of life' may be missing half of its words

Journal: The Economist

Issue: July 14th

Pages: 78

Short Title: The human genome. Think of a number, then double it.  The 'book of life' may be missing half of its words

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Obs! IT "information" (& systems SYS), Chu71/2*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2744

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: A lingua franca for Internet. Programming: Far from producing a universal programming language, the Internet is encouraging a proliferation of new ones.

Journal: The Economist Technology Quarterly

Issue: September 22nd

Pages: 14-18

Short Title: A lingua franca for Internet. Programming: Far from producing a universal programming language, the Internet is encouraging a proliferation of new ones.

Alternate Journal: The Economist Technology Quarterly

Legal Note: See also in the same issue, "Agility counts" on agile programming for producing software more efficiently, p. 13, and "List makers take control" on electronic directories, p. 30-32

Keywords: software, Java, ADB history, Chu71/2*, list directories: Chu71/5 vs. Chu71/7- Chu71/9



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2747

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Mars odyssey. Safely into harbour: After two embarassing failures, NASA has got a spacecraft successfully to Mars

Journal: The Economist

Issue: October 27th

Pages: 86

Short Title: Mars odyssey. Safely into harbour: After two embarassing failures, NASA has got a spacecraft successfully to Mars

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/4*, NASA, gamma-ray spectrometer



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2749

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Pollution detection

Journal: The Economist

Issue: April 14th

Pages: 83

Short Title: Pollution detection

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/4*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2750

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Reclycling. In the black

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 27th

Pages: 92-93

Short Title: Reclycling. In the black

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On a device to sort plastics according to their chemical composition

Keywords: Chu71/4*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2760

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Just talk to me: Speech recognition

Journal: The Economist Technology Quarterly

Issue: December 8th

Pages: 14-16

Short Title: Just talk to me: Speech recognition

Alternate Journal: The Economist Technology Quarterly

Legal Note: See also in the same issue, p. 8 "Machines that answer back: Software for analysing e-mail inquiries from customers"

Keywords: Chu71/4***, Chu71/9 standard



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2761

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: The heart of the matter: Silico biology, creating virtual organs by computer

Journal: The Economist Technology Quarterly

Issue: December 8th

Pages: 24-26

Short Title: The heart of the matter: Silico biology, creating virtual organs by computer

Alternate Journal: The Economist Technology Quarterly

Keywords: VR virtual reality, drug industry, structural morphological vs. & functional models simulationk; Chu71/D Chu71/3 Chu71/4***

Notes: The way of doing engineering is changing. We are trying to go away from the analysis view and change to a true design view [says Geoff Willis, WilliamsF1's chief aerodynamicist]. Instead of using software aids such as CFD [computational fluid dynamics] for to find out what is going on, engineers can now turn the whole process upside down -- and use their new mathematical tools to learn what shapes are needed to achieve certain targets, triggering an engineering revolution



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2771

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Internet governance: Domain strain

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 10th

Pages: 70-71

Short Title: Internet governance: Domain strain

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Domain naming, ID identity, Chu71/5**, Chu71/6 chu71/7



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2772

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: White-collar crime: Stealing people is wrong

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 10th

Pages: 50-51

Short Title: White-collar crime: Stealing people is wrong

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Identification, DI/ID, Chu71/5**, Chu71/6, ID identity, DI privacy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2774

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Astronomy: Continuous monitoring of the sky could lead to all kinds of new discoveries

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 24th

Pages: 81-82

Short Title: Astronomy: Continuous monitoring of the sky could lead to all kinds of new discoveries

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: See in the same issue, pp. 82-83: "Meteorology: Traditional weather-forecasting on trial"

Keywords: scientific method, philosophy of science, practical wisdom, personal silent knowledge,≈x phronesis? Chu71/5***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2776

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Satellite technology: Eye spy. Commercial satellites have military uses, too

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 10th

Pages: 86

Short Title: Satellite technology: Eye spy. Commercial satellites have military uses, too

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: imaging, copyright paradox by exclusive contracts of US defence with commercial firms, ref. "GlobalSeurity", Chu71/5***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2777

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Mankind's view of the night skies is vanishing [athmospheric light pollution].

Issue: September 9th

Pages: 111-112

Short Title: Mankind's view of the night skies is vanishing [athmospheric light pollution].

Legal Note: Cf. in the same issue: "The joys of indoor star-gazing, p. 112, on new planetarium technology

Keywords: astronomical observations, simulation, communication planetarium, Chu71/5***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2785

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Publication ethics. Truth or consequences. Biomedical journals are agitating about the risks of corporate money corrupting peer review

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 15th

Pages: 68-69

Short Title: Publication ethics. Truth or consequences. Biomedical journals are agitating about the risks of corporate money corrupting peer review

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Ref to the Fourth International Conference on Peer Review in Biomedical Publication, September 14-16, 2001, URL

http://www.ama-assn.org/public/peer/prc_program2001.htm#cochrane accessed 20 Sept 2001

Keywords: OBS!! ADB education, ANT actor network, Gudmund Smith, qualitative methods. Till inst den 010920, peer review, action research, paricipant observation, Chu71/5***, Chu79



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2792

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: The new astronomy. Silent running. Astronomers do not look through telescopes any more

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 8th

Pages: 93

Short Title: The new astronomy. Silent running. Astronomers do not look through telescopes any more

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/6*, Chu71/5, data-information instrument observation databases



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2793

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Security technology. Watching you. What security technology can -- and cannot -- do about terrorism

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 22nd

Pages: 76-77

Short Title: Security technology. Watching you. What security technology can -- and cannot -- do about terrorism

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: See also in same issue on p. 51: "Surveillance technology: Uncle Sam and the watching eye. Will terrorism change Americans' minds about surveillance technology?"

Keywords: Chu71/6**, Ubiquitous computing, ID, Schorn, security



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2796

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Circadian Rhythms. Early birds get it.  Body clocks do not have exact 24-hours cycles.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: July 28th

Pages: 70-72

Short Title: Circadian Rhythms. Early birds get it.  Body clocks do not have exact 24-hours cycles.

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/6*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2804

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Education: The feelgood factor

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 17th

Pages: 43

Short Title: Education: The feelgood factor

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: On emotional literacy

Keywords: Chu71/7** postmodern-romanticism PM view of knowledge, Daniel Goleman's "emotional literacy" "emotional intelligence- EQ" in British schools, behaviour management, attention deficit disorder, right feeling, intuition, ("gottköpsintuition" i Hans Larsson?)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2813

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Defining masterpieces: Not in the head

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 22nd

Pages: 82

Short Title: Defining masterpieces: Not in the head

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Review of Hans Belting "The invisible masterpiece", Univ. of Chicago Press

Keywords: Chu71/7***, Ruskin, idea, author of "Likeness and presence" (1994), Romanticism, Winckelmann, Baudelaire, Proust, Duchamp....ART cf. design?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2817

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Security in Brazil: Bullet-proof in Alphaville

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 18th

Pages: 42

Short Title: Security in Brazil: Bullet-proof in Alphaville

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: See also in same magazine, September 1st 2001, pp. 39-40: The growth of private communities: America's new utopias, with reference to Evan McKenzie's Privatopia, Yale Univ. Press, 1994, and Joel Kotkin's The New Geography, Random House, 2000

Keywords: Chu71/7* safety, gated community, Chu71/larmsystem



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2827

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Special report: Mass customization

Journal: The Economist

Issue: July 14th

Pages: 67-69

Short Title: Special report: Mass customization

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/7* inventory  real vs ideal



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2837

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Moderna mått i rymden

Journal: VK

Issue: 2 april

Pages: 30

Short Title: Moderna mått i rymden

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: Chu71/9**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2847

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Paper money. Crisp and even. January 1st sees the biggest-ever introduction of new banknotes on a single day

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 22nd

Pages: 93-99

Short Title: Paper money. Crisp and even. January 1st sees the biggest-ever introduction of new banknotes on a single day

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: ≈Chu71/9** standardized money, euro, logistics, political economy,  Chu71/9**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2862

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Writing about the mind: Why is popular science so often wrong about the mind?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 30th

Pages: 78-79

Short Title: Writing about the mind: Why is popular science so often wrong about the mind?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Review of 'Consciousness' by Gerald Edelman and Giulio Tononi; Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 2000

Keywords: OBS OBS VR, virtual reality, Chu71 inquiring systems, design, Stephen Hawkins, Lise Eliot's 'Early intelligence' lucid presentation of what is known about the brain, Antonio Damasio, Marc Hauser 'Wild minds' about animal minds, self-consciousness, need for philosophy, Chu71/end**

Notes: Being conscious of the world is nothing like watching a movie...scientists of consciousness may still have much to learn from the antiquated philosophers.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2873

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Leon Kass, philosopher-politician. The president's choice for bioethicist-in-chief

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 18th

Pages: 37

Short Title: Leon Kass, philosopher-politician. The president's choice for bioethicist-in-chief

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: OBS!! ≈Chu71/0**-legitimacy of science-politics-ethics-philosophy. Science x ethics/politics. Univ. of Chicago prof jew. Influential conservative ≈ Paul Wolfowitz & John Walters. Stem cell research, bioethics, abortion, ethics on Aristotle, sceptical vs Enlightenment p American Enterprise Institute, C.S. Lewis 'The abolition of man', Leo Strauss, ooo (LOF-kursen)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2874

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Special report: Geography and the net. Putting it in its place. The Internet is perceived as being everywhere, all at once. But geography matters in the networked world, and now more than ever

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 11th

Pages: 18-20

Short Title: Special report: Geography and the net. Putting it in its place. The Internet is perceived as being everywhere, all at once. But geography matters in the networked world, and now more than ever

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. also leader-editorial in same issue, 'The Internet's new borders', pp. 9-10

Keywords: OBS!! Internet, cyberspace, distance, virtual reality, time, freedom of expression, mass media, censorship, Chu71/0**, Chu71/3, chu71/7 conflict, politics, power, globalization, "think global, act local??"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2889

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Economic focus: A bundle of trouble. Behind antitrust actions against Microsoft and General Electric lie concerns about "bundling" different products together. Is bundling really so bad?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: July 7th

Pages: 79

Short Title: Economic focus: A bundle of trouble. Behind antitrust actions against Microsoft and General Electric lie concerns about "bundling" different products together. Is bundling really so bad?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: System vs. subsytem, sales,  analysis, Chu71/3**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2895

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Tesco and Safeway online: Showing the Americans how to make online shopping pay

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 30th

Pages: 60

Short Title: Tesco and Safeway online: Showing the Americans how to make online shopping pay

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/3*** tore warehouse optmimization, new economy vs. old SYStems, e-commerce systems



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2927

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2001

Title: Stop signs on the web. The Internet was supposed to be all about freedom. That is why the governments want to regulate it. It is far from certain whether freedom, or government control , will win the day

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 11th

Short Title: Stop signs on the web. The Internet was supposed to be all about freedom. That is why the governments want to regulate it. It is far from certain whether freedom, or government control , will win the day

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: http://www.economist.com/PrinterFriendly.cfm?Story_ID=471742 accessed 10 April 2002

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2746

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Fingerprint evidence. Printin errors: A judge has ruled that fingerpring evidence is scientifically unreliable

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 19th

Pages: 72-73

Short Title: Fingerprint evidence. Printin errors: A judge has ruled that fingerpring evidence is scientifically unreliable

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/4*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2763

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Robert Nozick. Not all words need be last words. We look at the life -- and the new book -- of one of America's leading philosophers, who died on January 23rd, aged 63

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 2nd

Pages: 74-75

Short Title: Robert Nozick. Not all words need be last words. We look at the life -- and the new book -- of one of America's leading philosophers, who died on January 23rd, aged 63

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Comments and review of "Invariances: The structure of the objective world. By Robert Nozick. Harvard University Press

Keywords: Chu71/5* political liberalism, Locke & "pragmatism"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2765

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: 'The skeptical environmentalist'. The lytany and the heretic. Why has Bjorn Lomborg created such a stir among environmentalists?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 2nd

Pages: 71-72

Short Title: 'The skeptical environmentalist'. The lytany and the heretic. Why has Bjorn Lomborg created such a stir among environmentalists?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: See also leader in the same issue pp. 15-16 on "The environment: Defending science. The fury inspired by a new book is extraordinary, and raises some questions" and p. 70 "Economic focus: Never the twain shall meet. Why do economists and environmental scientists have such a hard time communicating?"

Keywords: Chu71/5* statistics vs. systems as Chu71/7**, ecology, greens, pollution



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2809

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Webboriginalare med känsla för kod och design

Journal: VK

Issue: 9 februari

Pages: 33

Short Title: Webboriginalare med känsla för kod och design

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Advertisement for job as webmaster design, development and maintenance, and for participation in IT-projects

Keywords: Chu71/7***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2821

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Security technology. Where's the smart money? Money of the future may almost literally talk

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 9th

Pages: 73-74

Short Title: Security technology. Where's the smart money? Money of the future may almost literally talk

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/7*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2822

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: The lesson from Enron. After the energy firm's collapse, the entire auditing regime needs radical change

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 9th

Pages: 9-10

Short Title: The lesson from Enron. After the energy firm's collapse, the entire auditing regime needs radical change

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. also in same issue the special report "The trouble with accounting", pp. 61-64

Keywords: Chu71/7*, information systems, information quality AVH



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2834

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Mobile telecoms: 3G by any other name. Does South Korea lead the world in the third generation mobile telecoms, or has it gone down a dead end?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 12th

Pages: 66

Short Title: Mobile telecoms: 3G by any other name. Does South Korea lead the world in the third generation mobile telecoms, or has it gone down a dead end?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: standards, (Chu71/9**), CDMA2000 vs. W-CDMA Japan vx. South Korea third generation



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2860

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: The future of computing. Let battle commence. The much-hyped world of web services may be some way off. But the fight over who will dominate it has already begun

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 16th

Pages: 69

Short Title: The future of computing. Let battle commence. The much-hyped world of web services may be some way off. But the fight over who will dominate it has already begun

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Internet, Chu71/end**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2861

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Popular science: The bigger picture

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 12th

Pages: 83

Short Title: Popular science: The bigger picture

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Book review of Thomas Crump's "A brief history of science: As seen through the development of scientific instruments", Carrol & Graf in the USA and Constable in Britain; and Gerald Piel's "The age of science: What scientists learned in the twentieth century", Basic Books

Keywords: science as system, OBS Crump "instrument" (≈Chu71/4) and Piel ≈ Chu71 greatest challenge to tacke global inequality≈ethics. Chu71/end**



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2878

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Kan förlora miljoner: S-förslag kan stjälpa landstingets nya datasystem.

Journal: VK

Issue: 11 januari

Pages: 1

Short Title: Kan förlora miljoner: S-förslag kan stjälpa landstingets nya datasystem.

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Rubrik avseende text på del 1 sid 6

Keywords: Chu71/0*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2879

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Oense om vem som skall betala dataintrånget

Journal: VK

Issue: 11 januari

Pages: 1

Short Title: Oense om vem som skall betala dataintrånget

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Rubrik avseende text på  del 2 sid 11

Keywords: Chu71/0*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2928

Author: Anonymous

Year: 2002

Title: Secrets and lives: How should the needs of academic enquiry and national security be balanced?

Journal: The Economist

Issue: Mar 7th

Short Title: Secrets and lives: How should the needs of academic enquiry and national security be balanced?

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=1021301, accessed 10 April 2002

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF, university research freedom



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2688

Author: Anrich, Ernst

Year: 1936

Title: Universitaten als geistige Grenzfestungen

Place Published: Stuttgart

Publisher: W. Kohlhammer

Short Title: Universitaten als geistige Grenzfestungen

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2662

Editor: Anrich, Ernst

Year: 1960

Title: Die Idee der deutschen Universitat und die Reform der deutschen Universitaten.

Place Published: Darmstadt

Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft

Short Title: Die Idee der deutschen Universitat und die Reform der deutschen Universitaten.

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1722

Author: Ansoff, H. Igor

Year: 1968

Title: Corporate strategy: An analytic approach to business policy for growth and expansion

Place Published: Harmondsworth: Penguin Books

Short Title: Corporate strategy: An analytic approach to business policy for growth and expansion



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2269

Editor: APA

Year: 19XX

Title: Dissertations and theses from start to finish

Place Published: Washington, DC

Publisher: American Psychological Association

Short Title: Dissertations and theses from start to finish

Keywords: method, adb education

Notes: From Saybrook



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2270

Editor: APA

Year: 19XX

Title: Mastering APA style

Place Published: Washington, DC

Publisher: American Psychological Association

Short Title: Mastering APA style

Keywords: method, adb education

Notes: From Saybrook



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1977

Editor: APA

Year: 1984

Title: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

Place Published: Washington, DC

Publisher: American Psychological Association

Short Title: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

Keywords: method, adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1005

Author: Apel, Karl Otto

Year: 1967

Title: Analytic philosophy of language and the Geisteswissenschaften

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Reidel

Number of Pages: 61

Short Title: Analytic philosophy of language and the Geisteswissenschaften

Notes: From H.E. Nissen 13/8-84. Ref. language games & Collingwood on p. 37f; bibliography with  J.G. Droysen ('Grundriss der Historik', in Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Halle, 1925), Meinecke, Weber, Schleiermacher, Troeltsch, Gadamer, Croce.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 26

Author: Apel, Karl Otto

Year: 1980

Title: Towards a transformation of philosophy

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Translator: Adey, Glyn and Frisby, David

Short Title: Towards a transformation of philosophy



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1368

Author: Apel, Karl Otto

Year: 1987

Title: The problem of philosophical fundamental grounding in the light of a transcendental pragmatic of language

Editor: Baynes, K, Bohman, J. and McCarthy, T.

Book Title: After philosophy

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Pages: 250-290

Short Title: The problem of philosophical fundamental grounding in the light of a transcendental pragmatic of language

Notes: Ref. by Stigliano, 1991, p. 91



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2621

Author: Araya, Agustin

Year: 1997

Title: Technological change and ontological transformations: The case of virtual reality

Journal: Ludus Vitalis (Mexico)

Issue: Special Number, 2, 1997

Pages: 221-237

Short Title: Technological change and ontological transformations: The case of virtual reality

Alternate Journal: Ludus Vitalis

Legal Note: Centro Estudios Filosoficos Lombardo Toledano, 51, México D.F. ,  CP 01050. Tel.: (525)661 4679, FAX : (525)661 1787, ludusvitalis@www.ludusvitalis.org.mx

Keywords: Heidegger

Notes: From Hernán López-Garay ≈ 001214, Author at Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, San Jose State University, 95192-0096, San Jose, California, USA. araya@sjumes.sjsu.edu [or sjumcs?]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1862

Author: Arendt, Hannah

Year: 1970

Title: Om våld [On  violence]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Aldus/Bonniers

Short Title: Om våld [On  violence]

Keywords: terrorism, power



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2199

Author: Argyris, C.

Year: 1991

Title: Teaching smart people: How to learn

Journal: HBR

Volume: 69

Issue: 3

Pages: 99-109

Short Title: Teaching smart people: How to learn

Alternate Journal: Harvard Business Review

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1075

Author: Argyris, C., Putnam, R. and McLain-Smith, D.

Year: 1985

Title: Action science

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Jossey-Bass

Short Title: Action science

Keywords: Learning, method course



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2414

Author: Argyris, Chris and Schön, Donald A.

Year: 1995

Title: Organizational learning II: Theory, method and practice

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Organizational learning II: Theory, method and practice

Keywords: action science

Notes: Huemer, 1998, p. 360 cit on mystery-mastery vs. distrust



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2260

Author: Aristotle

Year: 1984

Title: The complete work of Aristotle: The revised Oxford translation (2 Volumes)

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton Univ. Press

Short Title: The complete work of Aristotle: The revised Oxford translation (2 Volumes)

Notes: Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 27

Author: Arnheim, R.

Year: 1969

Title: Visual thinking

Place Published: Berkeley

Publisher: University of California Press

Short Title: Visual thinking



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2795

Author: Aronsson, Niklas

Year: 2001

Title: Vädret har blivit big business

Journal: VK

Issue: 25 april

Pages: 26

Short Title: Vädret har blivit big business

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: Chu71/6*, Chu71/3 SDOW, Chu71/5 Stat->Sys, probability, weather forecast prediction



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2808

Author: Arthur, Gabriel

Year: 2000

Title: Design som vapen

Journal: Kapital

Issue: Juni

Pages: 42-64

Short Title: Design som vapen

Alternate Journal: Kapital

Keywords: Chu71/7***, Sofie Sjöström, Urban Ahlgren, Sam Peters, Fredrik Magnusson, Jonas Bergfeldt, Stefan Ytterborn



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2663

Author: Artz, F.B.

Year: 1966

Title: The development of technical education in France 1500-1850

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass.

Short Title: The development of technical education in France 1500-1850

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2453

Author: Arvidsson, Håkan

Year: 1998

Title: Sänkningen av högskolan

Journal: Moderna Tider

Issue: September

Pages: 25-32

Short Title: Sänkningen av högskolan

Alternate Journal: Moderna Tider

Keywords: university politics policy högskolepolitik, ADB-education, school



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2885

Author: Arvidsson, Håkan

Year: 2000

Title: Castells ger oss ett överflöd av data

Journal: SvD

Issue: 7 Augusti

Pages: 10

Short Title: Castells ger oss ett överflöd av data

Alternate Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Legal Note: Review of Manuel Castells The Rise of the Information Age

Keywords: Chu71/1*, Chu71/5, network vs. system, ex på xxChu71 legitimacy

Notes: Delat ut inst 010129



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3009

Author: Ascher, H.

Year: 2002

Title: Kapitulera - eller bli terrorist

Short Title: Kapitulera - eller bli terrorist

Legal Note: <http://www.alba.nu/Alba2_02/ascher.html> access 10 april 2006

Keywords: OBS Jew, Holocaust, in my DNJewChrist.html



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2023

Author: Ashby, W. Ross

Year: 1956

Title: An introduction to cybernetics

Place Published: London

Publisher: Chapman & Hall, and University Paperbacks

Short Title: An introduction to cybernetics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 28

Author: Ashworth, P.D., Giorgi, A. and de Koning, A.J.J.

Year: 1986

Title: Qualitative research in psychology

Place Published: Pittsburgh

Publisher: Duquesne University Press

Short Title: Qualitative research in psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2450

Author: Asma, Stephen T.

Year: 1996

Title: Following form and function: A philosophical archaelogy of life science

Publisher: Evanston, Ill.

Volume: Northwestern Univ. Press

Short Title: Following form and function: A philosophical archaelogy of life science

Keywords: chu 71, London 1997, morphology, teleology, adaptation, evolution, structure, , Schelling, China, system, type, will, prototype, Kant, nature, self-organization, design, Dewey, Collingwood, autopoiesis, action, archetype, Geoffroy, Darwin, development, autopoiesis (Whitaker) vs ethics (God, theology-teleology)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1097

Author: Atkinson, C.J. and Checkland, P.B.

Year: 1988

Title: Extending the metaphor 'system'

Journal: Human Relations

Volume: 41

Issue: 10

Pages: 709-725

Short Title: Extending the metaphor 'system'

Alternate Journal: Human Relations

Notes: From adaptive to contradictive (Hegelian?) system concept (=no single unitary purpose?)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2165

Author: Attewell, P. and Rule, J.

Year: 1984

Title: Computing and organizations: What we know and what we don't know

Journal: CACM

Volume: 27

Issue: 12

Pages: 1184-1200

Short Title: Computing and organizations: What we know and what we don't know

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 29

Author: Attneave, F.

Year: 1959

Title: Applications of information theory to psychology

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston

Short Title: Applications of information theory to psychology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2690

Author: Attorps, Kaj

Year: 1998

Title: Klockan klämtar för det humanistiska kulturarvet

Journal: SvD

Pages: 14

Short Title: Klockan klämtar för det humanistiska kulturarvet

Alternate Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Keywords: Secondary school pedagogics humanistic education, languages

Notes: Bra, rakt på sak säger ifrån



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2709

Author: Aubenque, Pierre

Year: 1993

Title: La prudence chez Aristote, avec un appendice sur la prudence chez Kant [Prudence according to Aristotle, with an appendix on prudence according to Kant]

Publisher: Quadrige/PUF

Short Title: La prudence chez Aristote, avec un appendice sur la prudence chez Kant [Prudence according to Aristotle, with an appendix on prudence according to Kant]

Keywords: Long Notes, Paris 1997 BNF, phronesis, Aristotle, prudence

Notes: From François Jullien "Traité de l'efficacité"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 30

Author: Augarten, S.

Year: 1984

Title: Bit by bit: An illustrated history of computers

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Ticknor and Fields

Short Title: Bit by bit: An illustrated history of computers



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1006

Author: Aulin, Arvid

Year: 1982

Title: The cybernetic laws of social progress: Towards a critical social philosophy and a criticism of Marxism

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Pergamon Press

Short Title: The cybernetic laws of social progress: Towards a critical social philosophy and a criticism of Marxism



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2597

Author: Aveling, Francis

Year: 1909

Title: Essence and existence

Book Title: Catholic Encyclopedia

Publisher: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05543b.htm, accessed 21 Nov. 2000

Short Title: Essence and existence

Notes: ontology metaphysics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 31

Author: Avison, D.E. and Fitzgerald, G.

Year: 1988

Title: Information systems development: Methodologies, techniques and tools

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Blackwell Scientific Publications

Short Title: Information systems development: Methodologies, techniques and tools



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2166

Editor: Avison, D.E., Kendall, K. and DeGross, J.D.

Year: 1993

Title: Human, social and organizational aspects of information systems development

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers / IFIP

Short Title: Human, social and organizational aspects of information systems development



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2173

Author: Avison, D.E. and Wood-Harper, A.T.

Year: 1991

Title: Information systems development research: An exploration of ideas in practice

Journal: The Computer Journal

Volume: 23

Issue: 2

Pages: 98-112

Short Title: Information systems development research: An exploration of ideas in practice

Alternate Journal: The Computer Journal

Keywords: adb education

Notes: fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1955

Author: Axelos, Kostas

Year: 1961

Title: Marx, penseur de la technique

Short Title: Marx, penseur de la technique

Notes: In Morin, L'Esprit du temps, Grasset, 1983, p. 205n



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 40

Author: Bacan, D.

Year: 1955

Title: The general and the aggregate: A methodological distinction

Journal: Perceptual and Motor Skills

Volume: 5

Pages: 211-212

Short Title: The general and the aggregate: A methodological distinction

Alternate Journal: Perceptual and Motor Skills



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 35

Author: Bacan, D.

Year: 1956

Title: Clinical psychology and logic

Journal: American Psychologist

Volume: 11

Pages: 655-662

Short Title: Clinical psychology and logic

Alternate Journal: American Psychologist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 32

Author: Bacan, D. .

Year: 1965

Title: The mystery-mastery complex in contemporary psychology

Journal: American Psychologist

Volume: 20

Pages: 186-191

Short Title: The mystery-mastery complex in contemporary psychology

Alternate Journal: American Psychologist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 33

Author: Bacan, D.

Year: 1966

Title: The test of significance in psychological research

Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Volume: 66

Issue: 6

Pages: 423-437

Short Title: The test of significance in psychological research

Alternate Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Legal Note: Also in Badia, P. et al. Research problems in psychology, Reading: Addison Wesley, 1970.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 34

Author: Bacan, D.

Year: 1970

Title: The test of significance in psychological research

Editor: Badia, P. and et al.

Book Title: Research problems in psychology

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison Wesley

Short Title: The test of significance in psychological research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 36

Author: Bachelard

Year: 1975

Title: Il razionalismo applicato

Place Published: Bari

Publisher: Dedalo

Short Title: Il razionalismo applicato



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 39

Author: Bachelard, G.

Year: 1940

Title: Lautréamont

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: José Corti

Short Title: Lautréamont



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 947

Author: Bachelard, Gaston

Year: 1964

Title: The poetics of space

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Beacon Press

Number of Pages: 241

Translator: Jolas, Maria

Short Title: The poetics of space

ISBN: ISBN 0-8070-6439-4

Notes: "Miniature" pp.148-182, "The house" pp. 3-37 with ref. to Jung on pp. 18ff.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1545

Author: Bachelard, Gaston

Year: 1988

Title: La philosophie du non: Essai d'une philosophie du nouvel esprit scientifique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France

Short Title: La philosophie du non: Essai d'une philosophie du nouvel esprit scientifique

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 44,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1546

Author: Bachelard, Gaston

Year: 1989

Title: La formation de l'esprit scientifique: Contribution a une psychanalyse de la connaissance objective

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: La formation de l'esprit scientifique: Contribution a une psychanalyse de la connaissance objective

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 60,-.Se "long notes" library



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 37

Author: Bachelard, G. . Bari: Dedalo, 1975 (b) ()

Year: 1975

Title: Il materialismo razionale

Place Published: Bari

Publisher: Dedalo

Short Title: Il materialismo razionale



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 38

Author: Backus, J.

Year: 1978

Title: Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style? A functional style and its algebra of programs

Journal: CACM

Volume: 21

Issue: 8, August

Pages: 613-641

Short Title: Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style? A functional style and its algebra of programs

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 41

Author: Backus, J.W.

Year: 1960

Title: The syntax and semantics of the proposed international algebraic language of the Zürich ACM-GAMM Conference

Editor: UNESCO

Book Title: Information processing.  Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Paris, 15-20 June 1959

Place Published: London-München

Publisher: Butterworths-Oldenbourg

Pages: 125-132

Short Title: The syntax and semantics of the proposed international algebraic language of the Zürich ACM-GAMM Conference



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 42

Editor: Badia, P. and et al.

Year: 1970

Title: Research problems in psychology

Place Published: Reading

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Research problems in psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2380

Author: Baeumler, Alfred

Year: 1923

Title: Das Irrationalitätsproblem in der Ästhetik und Logik des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zur Kritik der Urteilskraft

Place Published: Halle

Short Title: Das Irrationalitätsproblem in der Ästhetik und Logik des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zur Kritik der Urteilskraft

Keywords: aesthetics, third critique, Kant, dangers

Notes: ref to p. 4 in Frank et al. 1994, p. 9n



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1684

Author: Bahm, Archie

Year: 1980

Title: What is science?

Editor: Bahm, Archie J.

Book Title: Axiology: The science of values

Place Published: Albuquerque, NM

Publisher: World Books

Pages: 14-49

Short Title: What is science?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1441

Author: Bak, Krzysztof

Year: 1991

Title: Jungs tur att bli upphöjd och avsågad

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Issue: 3 June

Pages: B3

Short Title: Jungs tur att bli upphöjd och avsågad

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Legal Note: National edition



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1938

Author: Balcytiene, Aukse

Year: 1994

Title: Learning and the electronic medium: The learner-centred perspective

Editor: Linna, Matti and Ruotsala, Pentti

Book Title: Hypermedia in Vaasa '94: Conference on computers and hypermedia in engineering education, June 8-11, 1994

Place Published: Vaasa

Publisher: Vaasa Institute of Technology

Pages: 58-67

Short Title: Learning and the electronic medium: The learner-centred perspective

Keywords: theater, cinema

Abstract: Bibliography. Ref. to Jeff Taylor, and  (p. 67), Whalley, P., Rhetoric for hypertext, and  Dillon, A. et al. Hypertext: A psychological perspective

Notes: Research and Development Center for Information Technology in Education, Univ. of Joensuu, PO Box 111, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland. "ajack@toty.joensuu.fi



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 43

Author: Baldwin, A.L.

Year: 1942

Title: Personal structure analysis: A statistical method for investigating the single personality

Journal: Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology

Volume: 37

Pages: 163-183.

Short Title: Personal structure analysis: A statistical method for investigating the single personality

Alternate Journal: Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3016

Author: Balthasar, Hans Urs , von

Year: 1963

Title: A theology of history

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Communio Books, Ignatius Press

Short Title: A theology of history

Notes: Köpt i Katolsk Bokhandel den 070415



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 44

Author: Balzer, R., Cheatham, T.E.   and Green, C.

Year: 1982

Title: Software technology in the 1990's: Using a new paradigm

Journal: Computer

Volume: 16

Issue: 11, November

Pages: 39-45

Short Title: Software technology in the 1990's: Using a new paradigm

Alternate Journal: Computer

Keywords: Software engineering

Notes: From Dan Strömberg in 1984-85, and Berztiss, 1989



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1326

Author: Banathy, Bela H.

Year: 1990

Title: Systems design of education: A journey to create the future

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Educational Technology Publications

Short Title: Systems design of education: A journey to create the future



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1925

Author: Banerjee, Parthasarathi

Year: 1992

Title: The political in a theory of the artificial

Institution: NISTADS National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi

Short Title: The political in a theory of the artificial

Report Number: IMES-LCA WP-9, Ist. Metodologico Economico Statistico, Univ. di Urbino, Via Saffi 15, I-61029 Urbino, Italy

Notes: NISTADS, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi - 110 012, Indien; nistads@sirnetd.ernet.in; fax +91 11 575 4640, tel 572 9151 & 572 6406. Private address: 8/8 South Patel Nagar, New Delhi, 110 008 Indien



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1851

Author: Bannon, Liam

Year: 1992

Title: Taking CSCW seriously: Supporting articulation work

Journal: CSCW Int. J.

Volume: 1

Issue: 1

Short Title: Taking CSCW seriously: Supporting articulation work

Alternate Journal: Computer Supported Cooperative Work



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1145

Author: Bannon, Liam and Schmidt, Kjeld

Year: 1989

Title: CSCW: Four characters in search of a context

Book Title: Proc. of the First European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, London, 12-15 September 1989

Pages: 358-372

Short Title: CSCW: Four characters in search of a context

Notes: From Whitaker, letter of september 19, 1989. Authors at Aarhus univ. resp. FCI Informatics Research Center, Buddinge Hovedgade 80, DK-2860 Søborg, Denmark.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 45

Author: Bansler, J.

Year: 1987

Title: Systemudvikling: Teori og historie i skandinavisk perspektiv

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Systemudvikling: Teori og historie i skandinavisk perspektiv



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1122

Author: Bansler, Jørgen

Year: 1989

Title: Systems development research in Scandinavia: Three theoretical schools

Journal: Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems

Volume: 1

Pages: 3-20

Short Title: Systems development research in Scandinavia: Three theoretical schools

Alternate Journal: Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems

Keywords: Information systems research



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 958

Author: Banville, Claude and Landry, Maurice

Year: 1989

Title: Can the field of MIS be disciplined?

Journal: Communications of the ACM

Volume: 32

Issue: 1

Pages: 48ff

Short Title: Can the field of MIS be disciplined?

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: ADB education

Notes: From Pertti Järvinen



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 46

Author: Bar-Hillel, Y.

Year: 1973

Title: Language and information: Selected essays on their theory and application

Place Published: Reading, Mass

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Language and information: Selected essays on their theory and application



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 910

Author: Bar-Hillel, Y. and Carnap, R.

Year: 1953

Title: Semantic information processing

Journal: British J. for the Philosophy of Science

Volume: 4

Pages: 147-157

Short Title: Semantic information processing

Alternate Journal: British J. for the Philosophy of Science



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1547

Author: Barbut, Marc

Year: 1966

Title: De Pascal à Savage: Un chapitre de l'algèbre linéaire - le calcul des probabilités (cas fini)

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 54 boul. Raspail, F-75006 Paris

Pages: 527-539

Short Title: De Pascal à Savage: Un chapitre de l'algèbre linéaire - le calcul des probabilités (cas fini)

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1548

Author: Barbut, Marc

Year: 1988

Title: Des bons et des moins bons usages des distributions parétiennes en analyse des données

Journal: Histoire & Mesure

Volume: III

Issue: 1

Pages: 111-128

Short Title: Des bons et des moins bons usages des distributions parétiennes en analyse des données

Alternate Journal: Histoire & Mesure

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1549

Author: Barbut, Marc

Year: 1991

Title: Notes sur les moyennes de variables aléatoires

Editor: Feldman, J, Lagneau, G. and Matalon, B.

Book Title: Moyenne, milieu, centre: Histoire et usages

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

Pages: 31-43

Short Title: Notes sur les moyennes de variables aléatoires

Section: See also: Sur une classe de résumés statistiques - Les valeurs centrales, in L'A-peu-près: Aspects anciens et modernes de l'approximation, 1988, Paris, EHESS.

Notes: Paris 1992 25/3



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1550

Author: Barel, Yves

Year: 1983

Title: De la fermeture à l'ouverture, en passant par l'autonomie?

Editor: Dumouchel, Paul and Dupuy, Jean Pierre

Book Title: L'auto-organisation: De la physique au politique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Pages: 466-475

Short Title: De la fermeture à l'ouverture, en passant par l'autonomie?

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 47

Author: Barilli, R.

Year: 1983

Title: La retorica

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Mondadori

Short Title: La retorica

Notes: p. 132 ref Perelman: la persuasione deve rivolgersi non solo alle "menti", alle astratte capacità intellettive del pubblico, ma anche alle loro capacità sensoriali e  affettive (ref. Perelman, C. & Olbrecht-Tyteka, L. "Traité de l'argumentation, la nouvelle rhétorique", Paris, PUF, 1958, trans. Einaudi, Torino). I.e. x Habermas (& Klein, López-Garay).



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2167

Author: Barki, H. and Hartwick, J.

Year: 1994

Title: User participation, conflict and conflict resolution: The mediating roles of influence

Journal: Information Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 4

Pages: 422-438

Short Title: User participation, conflict and conflict resolution: The mediating roles of influence

Alternate Journal: Information Systems Research

Keywords: power, politics

Notes: fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1442

Editor: Barnaby, Karin and d'Acierno, Pellegrino

Year: 1990

Title: C.G. Jung and the humanities: Toward a hermeneutics of culture

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: C.G. Jung and the humanities: Toward a hermeneutics of culture



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2050

Author: Barnouw, Jeffrey

Year: 1990

Title: The separation of reason and faith in Bacon and Hobbes, and Leibniz's Theodicy

Editor: Yolton, John W.

Book Title: Philosophy, religion and science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Place Published: Rochester, NY

Publisher: Univ. of Rochester Press

Pages: 206-227

Short Title: The separation of reason and faith in Bacon and Hobbes, and Leibniz's Theodicy

Keywords: Ockham ≈Lindbom?, wonder-contemplation 209; final causes telos≈Kant 211; progressive experimental method≈Darwin? 211; nature≈no intention≈Jung 212, puritanism 214; negative theology of separation knowledge vs faith => "God is" (≈"presence") vs is not 216; sufficient reason 219; constructuve use of reason, positive vs eternal absolutely necessary truths; Aristotle knowing that vs knowing how (poiesis vs techne, praxis vs fronesis, theoria vs episteme) understanding/intellectio-intellect vs positive or immediate sense knowledge (silent?) Verstehen-Förstånd vs Erklären-Explanation, understanding vs explanation 223 & 223n ≈ Jungs's phenomenology; faith & hope 227;

Notes: UmU bibliotek: be 758. Previous volume in same serie: Donald R. Kelley, ed.: The history of ideas: Canon and variations



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1059

Author: Baron, Naomi S.

Year: 1986

Title: Computer languages: A guide for the perplexed

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Anchor Press

Short Title: Computer languages: A guide for the perplexed

Keywords: programming, software



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1758

Author: Baroudi, Jack J. and Ginzberg, Michael J.

Year: 1993

Title: Career management of information systems personnel: Problems with the dual ladder

Institution: Stern School of Business, New York Univ. & Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve Univ.

Short Title: Career management of information systems personnel: Problems with the dual ladder

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993

Keywords: Education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 48

Author: Barrett, W.

Year: 1978

Title: The illusion of technique

Place Published: Garden City, N.Y

Publisher: Anchor Press/Doubleday

Short Title: The illusion of technique

Keywords: ethics? Heidegger



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 890

Author: Barrett, William

Year: 1987

Title: Death of the soul: From Descartes to the computer

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Death of the soul: From Descartes to the computer

Keywords: ethics?

Notes: p. 138 "Every significant thinker, Heidegger tells us, has one central intuition that runs through all his work."



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 993

Author: Barron, Don and Taylor, Calvin

Year: 1975

Title: Scientific creativity

Publisher: Krieger

Short Title: Scientific creativity

Notes: From R.C.Hill, 1989, p.157



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1551

Author: Barth, Britt Mari

Year: 1989

Title: L'épanouissement intellectuel

Journal: Itinéraires de Recherche

Issue: 16

Pages: 25-37

Short Title: L'épanouissement intellectuel

Alternate Journal: Itinéraires de Recherche

Notes: Paris 1992. Ref. till E. Rosch, Vygotski, Wetheimer



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1552

Author: Barth, Britt Mari

Year: 1990

Title: L'apprentissage de l'abstraction: Penser pour apprendre, apprendre à penser

Journal: Le Groupe Familial

Issue: 129

Pages: 21-27

Short Title: L'apprentissage de l'abstraction: Penser pour apprendre, apprendre à penser

Alternate Journal: Le Groupe Familial

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1553

Author: Barth, Britt Mari

Year: 1991

Title: A letter from France: Helping teachers become better teachers of thinking: Part 1

Journal: Teaching Thinking and Problem Solving

Volume: 13

Issue: 1

Pages: 11-16

Short Title: A letter from France: Helping teachers become better teachers of thinking: Part 1

Alternate Journal: Teaching Thinking and Problem Solving

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1554

Author: Barth-Nordström, Britt Mari

Year: 1987

Title: L'apprentissage de l'abstraction: Méthodes pour une meilleure réussite de l'école

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Rietz

Short Title: L'apprentissage de l'abstraction: Méthodes pour une meilleure réussite de l'école

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2449

Author: Bartley III, William Warren

Year: 1984

Title: The retreat to commitment

Place Published: La Salle & London

Publisher: Open Court Publishing

Short Title: The retreat to commitment

Keywords: from Alf Bång nov 97; Rationalism vs religion, ≈Kantian love?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1971

Author: Barzun, Jacques and Graff, Henry F.

Year: 1985

Title: The modern researcher

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

Short Title: The modern researcher

Keywords: scientific method, history, writing, adb education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 50

Author: Bash, K.W.

Year: 1972

Title: The soul image: Anima and Animus as projected in the Rorschach test

Journal: J. of Personality Assessment

Volume: 36

Issue: 4

Pages: 340-348

Short Title: The soul image: Anima and Animus as projected in the Rorschach test

Alternate Journal: J. of Personality Assessment



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 49

Author: Bash, K.W.

Year: 1976

Title: Der unwahrscheinliche Jung

Journal: Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen

Volume: 35

Issue: 1

Pages: 1-15

Short Title: Der unwahrscheinliche Jung

Alternate Journal: Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2717

Author: Bass, Gary Jonathan

Year: 2001

Title: Stay the hand of vengeance: The politics of war-crimes tribunals

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton Univ. Press

Short Title: Stay the hand of vengeance: The politics of war-crimes tribunals

Keywords: war-crimes tribunals, German nazism, Soviet communism, Jews Israel vs Palestine, Rwanda, human rights, international law, Thomas Bodström justitieminister justice, Lindbom om Tyskland & DEMOS, Heiiner Schorn, WTC terror, KMcaritas, OK for Chu71≈Brain-Bank of America (politics of science as "tribunal" of peer-review...



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1703

Author: Baudrillard, Jean

Year: 1972

Title: Pour une critique de l'économie politique du signe

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Gallimard

Short Title: Pour une critique de l'économie politique du signe

Notes: Paris 1992. Pp. 191-2 La dénotation n'est que la plus belle et la plus subtile des connotations, p. 223 l'illusion cybernétique, 249 environment et cybernétique: stade achevé de l'economie politique



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 51

Author: Bauer, F.L. and Samelson, K.

Year: 1960

Title: The problem of a common language, especially for scientific numeral work

Editor: UNESCO

Book Title: Information processing.  Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Paris, 15-20 June 1959

Place Published: London-München

Publisher: Butterworths-Oldenbourg

Pages: 120-125

Short Title: The problem of a common language, especially for scientific numeral work



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1241

Author: Bauer, Raymond A., (Ed.)

Year: 1966

Title: Social indicators

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: The MIT Press

Short Title: Social indicators



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 52

Author: Bausani, A.. Roma: , 1974. (.)

Year: 1974

Title: Le lingue inventate. Linguaggi artificiali, linguaggi segreti, linguaggi universali

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Ubaldini Editore

Short Title: Le lingue inventate. Linguaggi artificiali, linguaggi segreti, linguaggi universali



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1555

Author: Beaune, Jean-Claude

Year: 1980

Title: La technologie introuvable: Recherche sur la définition et l'unité de la technologie à partir de quelques modèles du XVIIIe  et XIXe siècles

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: La technologie introuvable: Recherche sur la définition et l'unité de la technologie à partir de quelques modèles du XVIIIe  et XIXe siècles

Notes: Paris 1992, 20/3-92, FF



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1556

Author: Beaune, Jean-Claude

Year: 1980

Title: L'automate et ses mobiles

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Flammarion

Short Title: L'automate et ses mobiles

Notes: Paris, 1992, pp.135,70



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1557

Author: Beaune, Jean-Claude

Year: 1988

Title: Les spectres mécaniques: Essai sur les rélations entre la mort et les techniques

Place Published: Seyssel

Publisher: Champ Vallon

Short Title: Les spectres mécaniques: Essai sur les rélations entre la mort et les techniques

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 159,-



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2154

Editor: Beckman, Svante

Year: 1990

Title: Teknokrati, arbete, makt

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons

Short Title: Teknokrati, arbete, makt

Keywords: power, adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2024

Author: Beer, Stafford

Year: 1966

Title: Decision and control

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Decision and control

Keywords: cybernetics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2025

Author: Beer, Stafford

Year: 1967

Title: Cybernetics and management

Place Published: London

Publisher: The English Universities Press

Short Title: Cybernetics and management



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1156

Author: Begeman, Michael L. and Conklin, Jeff

Year: 1988

Title: The right tool for the job: Even the systems design process falls within the realm of hypertext

Journal: Byte

Issue: October

Pages: 255-266

Short Title: The right tool for the job: Even the systems design process falls within the realm of hypertext

Alternate Journal: Byte



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 53

Author: Bell, E.T.

Year: 1945

Title: The development of mathematics

Place Published: New York

Publisher: ??

Edition: 2nd

Short Title: The development of mathematics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1791

Author: Bell, Richard H.

Year: 1984

Title: Sensing the spirit

Place Published: Philadelphia

Publisher: Westminster Press

Short Title: Sensing the spirit

Keywords: religion

Notes: Copy from Hernán López-Garay, July 93. Refs. p. 27 to BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, RAM, ROM, bytes. Ref. to Jung, p. 26. Many refs. to Simone Weil



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2001

Editor: Bell, Richard H.

Year: 1988

Title: The Grammar of the heart : New essays in moral philosophy & theology

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Harper & Row

Short Title: The Grammar of the heart : New essays in moral philosophy & theology

Keywords: Ethics, theology, humanism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 54

Author: Bellak, L. and Smith, M.B.

Year: 1956

Title: An experimental exploration of the psychoanalytic process: Exemplification of a method

Journal: Psychoanalytic Quarterly

Volume: 25

Pages: 385-414

Short Title: An experimental exploration of the psychoanalytic process: Exemplification of a method

Alternate Journal: Psychoanalytic Quarterly



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 922

Author: Bellin, David

Year: 1989

Title: 1988 CPSR annual meeting

Journal: The CPSR Newsletter

Volume: 7

Issue: 1

Pages: 6-11

Short Title: 1988 CPSR annual meeting

Alternate Journal: The Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) Newsletter

Legal Note: Issued by CPSR, P.O. Box 717, Palo Alto, CA 94301



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 55

Author: Belnap, N.  and Steele, T.B.

Year: 1976

Title: Logic of questions and answers

Place Published: New Haven

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: Logic of questions and answers



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 56

Author: Ben-Ari, M.

Year: 1982

Title: Principles of concurrent programming

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall International

Short Title: Principles of concurrent programming



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 57

Author: Benbasat, I. and Dexter, A.S.

Year: 1979

Title: Value and events approaches to accounting: An experimental evaluation

Journal: Accounting Review

Volume: 54

Issue: 4, October

Pages: 735-749

Short Title: Value and events approaches to accounting: An experimental evaluation

Alternate Journal: Accounting Review



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 957

Author: Benbasat, Izak, Goldstein, David K. and Mead, Melissa

Year: 1987

Title: The case research strategy in studies of information systems

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Issue: September

Pages: 369 ff

Short Title: The case research strategy in studies of information systems

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Notes: Benbasat: Univ. of British Columbia, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Vancouver, Canada V6T IY8; Others: Harvard Business School, Boston, Mass. 02163



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 58

Author: Benbasat, I. and Taylor, R.N.

Year: 1978

Title: The impact of cognitive styles on information system design.

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 2

Issue: 2

Pages: 43-54

Short Title: The impact of cognitive styles on information system design.

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 866

Author: Benbasat, I. and Taylor, R. N.

Year: 1982

Title: Behavioral aspects of information processing for the design of management information systems

Journal: IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics

Volume: SMC-12

Issue: 4

Pages: 439-450

Short Title: Behavioral aspects of information processing for the design of management information systems

Alternate Journal: IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2491

Author: Benbasat, Izak and Zmud, Robert W.

Year: 1999

Title: Empirical research in information systems: The practice of relevance

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 3-16

Short Title: Empirical research in information systems: The practice of relevance

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2916

Author: Bengtson, Eva-Maria and Holmquist, Malin

Year: 1984

Title: Datarevolutionen hotar prislappen. Pris- och Kartellnämnden: Kunderna drabbas. Konsumentverket: Hårda krav på butikerna. 'Framtidsaffärerna oroar mig'

Journal: DN

Issue: 28 september

Pages: 42

Short Title: Datarevolutionen hotar prislappen. Pris- och Kartellnämnden: Kunderna drabbas. Konsumentverket: Hårda krav på butikerna. 'Framtidsaffärerna oroar mig'

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Legal Note: Arbetsmaterial till falsstudie om EAN European Article Numbering

Keywords: Chu71/4**** (i underlaget till EAN European Article Numbering fallstudie, case study



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1428

Author: Benhabib, Seyla

Year: 1989

Title: In the shadow of Aristotle and Hegel: Communicative ethics and current controversies in practical philosophy

Journal: The Philosophical Forum

Volume: XXI

Issue: 1-2, Fall-Winter

Pages: 1-31

Short Title: In the shadow of Aristotle and Hegel: Communicative ethics and current controversies in practical philosophy

Alternate Journal: The Philosophical Forum



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2096

Author: Benham, Harry and Wagner, Jennifer L.

Year: 1995

Title: A comparative study of ethical attitudes among MIS students and professionals

Journal: Computer Personnel - ACM SIGCPR

Volume: July

Issue: 3

Pages: 3-10

Short Title: A comparative study of ethical attitudes among MIS students and professionals

Alternate Journal: Computer Personnel - ACM SIGCPR

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 59

Author: Benjamin, J.D.

Year: 1950

Title: Methodological considerations in the validation and elaboration of psychoanalytical personality theory

Journal: Am. J. of Orthopsychiatry

Volume: 20

Pages: 139-156

Short Title: Methodological considerations in the validation and elaboration of psychoanalytical personality theory

Alternate Journal: Am. J. of Orthopsychiatry



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 60

Author: Bennett, E.A.

Year: 1940

Title: Methodology in psychological medicine

Journal: J. of Mental Science

Volume: 86

Issue: 361, March

Pages: 230-239

Short Title: Methodology in psychological medicine

Alternate Journal: J. of Mental Science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2274

Author: Bennich-Björkman, Li and Rothstein, Bo

Year: 1991

Title: A creative university: Is it possible?

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Council for Studies of Higher Education, Ed. by Thorsten Nybom, P.O. Box 45501, S-10430 Stockholm, Fax +46 8 323970

Short Title: A creative university: Is it possible?

Keywords: university education, organization quality, evaluation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2378

Author: Benoist, Jocelyn

Year: 1996

Title: Kant et les limites de la synthèse: Le sujet sensible

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: PUF

Short Title: Kant et les limites de la synthèse: Le sujet sensible

Keywords: subjectivity, third critique of judgement



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1558

Author: Benson, Ian and Ciborra, Claudio

Year: 1990

Title: Some social and economic consequences of groupware for flight crew

Book Title: CSCW-90 Proceedings

Publisher: ACM Ass. for Computing Machinery

Pages: 119-129

Short Title: Some social and economic consequences of groupware for flight crew

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1559

Author: Berdiaev, Nicolas

Year: 1990

Title: De l'esclavage et de la liberté de l'homme [On man's slavery and freedom]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Desclée de Brouwer

Translator: Jankélévitch, S, pref. by O. Clément

Short Title: De l'esclavage et de la liberté de l'homme [On man's slavery and freedom]

Keywords: Aesthetics, art, vs aestheticism

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 124,-. La séduction et l'esclavage esthétiques. Beauté, art et nature, pp. 302



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2282

Author: Berdyaev, Nicholas

Year: 1972

Title: Man and machine

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 203-213

Short Title: Man and machine

Keywords: Christian religion, theology, ADB education



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1185

Author: Berg, Anders, Hård, Lars and Docherty, Peter

Year: 1988

Title: Social assistance and knowledge-based systems: PLUTO – a support system

Institution: Statskontoret – The Swedish Agency for Administrative Development, Stockholm, Sweden

Short Title: Social assistance and knowledge-based systems: PLUTO – a support system

Report Number: Report 1988:53



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2816

Author: Berg, Mattias

Year: 2000

Title: Mannen som gav oss bilden av kriget: Intervju med NATOs presstalesman Jamie Shea

Journal: DN

Issue: 19 March

Pages: B2

Short Title: Mannen som gav oss bilden av kriget: Intervju med NATOs presstalesman Jamie Shea

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: Chu71/7* rhetoric, democracy, information, press, mass media, virtual reality, ADB education, war propaganda, public relations NATO

Notes: mattias.berg@dn.se



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1376

Author: Berger, P. and Luckman, T

Year: 1967

Title: The social construction of reality

Place Published: London

Publisher: Allan Lane

Short Title: The social construction of reality



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 61

Author: Bergler, E.

Year: 1958

Title: The psychology of gambling

Place Published: London

Publisher: Bernard Hamson

Short Title: The psychology of gambling



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1904

Author: Berglund, Sören

Year: 1993

Title: Teknik och media i distansundervisningen [Techniques and media in distance learning]

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing and the Council for Distance Education

Short Title: Teknik och media i distansundervisningen [Techniques and media in distance learning]

Report Number: Distansrådets rapportserie



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1905

Author: Berglund, Sören and Furstenbach, J.

Year: 1993

Title: The SIRIUS project: The Swedish universities' information system

Book Title: Paper submitted to the 15th Annual EAIR Forum, Turkku, Finland, August 1993

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: The SIRIUS project: The Swedish universities' information system

Section: EAIR - European Association of Institutional Research, Univ. of Twente



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2469

Author: Bergström, Hans

Year: 1999

Title: Vad finns i huvudet på en nazist?

Journal: DN

Issue: 5 December

Pages: A2

Short Title: Vad finns i huvudet på en nazist?

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: Long Notes. Ref Tage Lindbom i Salt Oktober 1999, Nazism, Tingsten



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1754

Author: Bergvall, Birgitta

Year: 1993

Title: Designing computer based communication systems for a cultured humanity

Institution: Luleå Inst. of Technology, Dept IES/ADB

Short Title: Designing computer based communication systems for a cultured humanity

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 62

Author: Berild, S.

Year: 1981

Title: A data base design tool and its use in a large data base application

Institution: The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science

Short Title: A data base design tool and its use in a large data base application

Report Number: SYSLAB report No.2



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2707

Editor: Berkow, Robert and Fletcher, Andrew J.

Year: 1992

Title: The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy

Place Published: Rahway, N.J.

Publisher: Merck Research Laboratories

Short Title: The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1353

Author: Berlin, Isaiah

Year: 1981

Title: Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx and the search for identity

Editor: Berlin, Isaiah

Book Title: Against the current: Essays in the history of ideas

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Pages: 252-286

Short Title: Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx and the search for identity

Keywords: ethics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1805

Author: Berlin, Isaiah

Year: 1981

Title: Against the current: Essays in the history of ideas

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Against the current: Essays in the history of ideas



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2228

Author: Berlin, Isaiah

Year: 1993

Title: The magus of the North: J.G. Hamann and the origins of modern irrationalism

Place Published: London

Publisher: John Murray, and Fontana

Short Title: The magus of the North: J.G. Hamann and the origins of modern irrationalism

Keywords: postmodern, anti-enlightenment, romanticism-forerunner, existentialism, phenomenology, vs. Kant

Notes: Sveriges Radio P1 kl 18:00-18:45 980716 (+980723):

 Clear, ≠ Althusser and German 1800, vs. religious and utopists and their wishful thinking beliefs, poople are different as in Pushkins books, ex the fox and hedgehog, räven och igelkotten, always trade-offs, ≠ from philosophy but ≈ politics, start in analytical philosophy tradition Locke–>Russell, interview with his student Eileen Kelly (?), fostered Russian history of ideas, his tradition ≈ Alexander Herzen (?) & Berlinski (?) & how ideas move individuals (vs. Bakunin), ethics in Russia ≈ Tolstoy-Dostoievski-Herzen, interview with Svante Nordin in Lund: his pluralism+two liberties+history's förbestämdhet (≈Spengler?)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2801

Author: Bernspång, Karin

Year: 2002

Title: Goda råd från röstens räddare

Journal: VK

Issue: 11 februari

Pages: 23

Short Title: Goda råd från röstens räddare

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: logoped, Chu71/D*, Chu71/0*, presentation technique, talarträning, voice training for students



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1240

Author: Bernstein, R.J.

Year: 1976

Title: The restructuring of social and political theory

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: The restructuring of social and political theory



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1560

Author: Berry, Michel

Year: 1983

Title: Une technologie invisible? L'impact des instruments de gestion sur l'évolution des systèmes humains

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CRG Centre de Recherche en Gestion, École Polytechnique

Short Title: Une technologie invisible? L'impact des instruments de gestion sur l'évolution des systèmes humains

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. J. Girin



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1854

Author: Bertasio, Danila

Year: 1993

Title: La rappresentazione artistica: La soggettività nell'artificiale

Book Title: Pres. at the 2nd Int. Conference on The Culture of the Artificial, Ascona, Switzerland, 14-15 May, 1993

Short Title: La rappresentazione artistica: La soggettività nell'artificiale

Section: Available from the author, Univ. of Urbino, Italy, Via Saffi 15, I-61029 Urbino PS, Italy, tel +39 722 2408



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1405

Author: Berti, Enrico

Year: 1987

Title: Le vie della ragione

Place Published: Bologna

Publisher: Il Mulino

Short Title: Le vie della ragione

Keywords: A2psi? Religion?


Pragmatic ethics 71-75; soft thinking 191, 195, 204, 178, 211; immanentism, 204; dissolution of subject 176, 178; x Habermas 64f, 63n, 57, 27; constructivism 66n; happiness x virtue 71, 75; is-ought 58, 69; praxis x poiesis, phronesis x techne, ends x means 71f 74f.

Notes: Capri, 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2139

Author: Bertilsson, Margareta

Year: 1995

Title: Till kritiken av den kvalitativa metoden

Journal: Sociologisk Forskning

Short Title: Till kritiken av den kvalitativa metoden

Alternate Journal: Sociologisk Forskning

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3004

Author: Bertram, Gerda

Year: 1971

Title: Hippokrates, ein archetypisches Bild ärztlicher Individuation

Journal: Analytische Psychologie

Volume: 2

Issue: 3

Pages: 165-174

Short Title: Hippokrates, ein archetypisches Bild ärztlicher Individuation

Alternate Journal: Analytische Psychologie

Keywords: Jung, myth, medicine, doctor, alternative, ref Kerényi in Eranos Jahrbuch XII, Heros latros: Asklepios, der göttliche Artz. Darmstadt 1956, Wien 1937



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 63

Author: Berztiss, A.T.

Year: 1988

Title: A course on artificial intelligence for software engineers

Institution: The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science

Short Title: A course on artificial intelligence for software engineers

Report Number: SYSLAB report No.58



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1098

Author: Berztiss, Alfs T.

Year: 1989

Title: An agenda for information systems research

Institution: The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Computer and Systems Science

Short Title: An agenda for information systems research

Report Number: SYSLAB Working Paper 148

Keywords: Information quality, accuracy, software quality/reliability, software maintenance

Notes: Deals with aspects of modularization, prototyping, and software quality attributes. Info systems become increasingly integrated with other kinds of systems. Information systems technology, since it already interacts with software engineering and is beginning to interact with artificial intelligence, can provide a catalyst for increasing the relevance of software engineering to artificial intelligence. For a meaningful discussion of the transition from an information base to a knowledge base we first need to define some terms. We consider a data base to be simply a structured collection of data. In an information base the data become interpreted by the imposition of constraints, but all the data are still regarded as reliable. Now, much of our decision making cannot be based entirely on reliable data, and we must consider the admission of unreliable data into a system as a step that promotes an information base to a knowledge base ( with handling of exceptions, representation of different types of unreliable data, and inference making capabilities). The essence of management of an information base is a conservative attitude to what may be admitted to it, but the essence of management of a knowledge base is a liberal attitude. Handling of unreliable data is in quite a different category from exception handling. An exception handler recognizes that something is amiss, and takes protective action. There is nothing protective in the handling of unreliable data by a knowledge system. We do not have the techniques for spotting unreliable data, classifying them, and providing them with representations. Each class of uncertainty requires its own approach. First the proper kind of logic has to be found for each particular class of uncertainty. Next an inference ingine based on this logic has to be built. Finally, since the support for any decision consists of inputs belonging to vaious classes of uncertainty, the inference engines have to be made to work in a cooperative mode (pp. 16-18).  Ref. also to Olle, 1988 CRIS-report, to Balzer, 1983.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 64

Author: Betz, F.

Year: 1971

Title: On the management of inquiry

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 18

Issue: 4, Dec., part 1

Pages: B-117 - B-133. With a bibliography of 103 entries

Short Title: On the management of inquiry

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Keywords: Education, university, didactics, research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1680

Author: Bibliothèque Nationale

Year: 1992

Title: La Bibliothèque Nationale: Repères historiques, quelques chiffres, reinsegnements pratiques

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Bibliothèque Nationale, 2 rue Vivienne, F-75084 Paris cedex 02, phone +33 1 47038102, fax +33 1 42968447

Short Title: La Bibliothèque Nationale: Repères historiques, quelques chiffres, reinsegnements pratiques

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 65

Author: Binder, A.

Year: 1963

Title: Further considerations on testing the null hypothesis and the strategy and tactics of investigating theoretical models

Journal: Psychological Review

Volume: 70

Issue: 1

Pages: 107-115

Short Title: Further considerations on testing the null hypothesis and the strategy and tactics of investigating theoretical models

Alternate Journal: Psychological Review

Legal Note: Reprinted in Badia, P, et al. Research problems in psychology, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1970.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 67

Author: Biological homologies and analogies

Year: 1973

Title: [Article on-]

Book Title: Dictionary of the history of ideas

Pages: 236ff.

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1385

Author: Bion, Wilfred R.

Year: 1961

Title: Experiences in groups

Place Published: London

Publisher: Tavistock Publications

Short Title: Experiences in groups



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1205

Author: Bischofberger, Erwin and Zaremba, Maciej

Year: 1985

Title: Arbete före kapital

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Brevskolan

Short Title: Arbete före kapital



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1124

Author: Bjerknes, G.

Year: 1989

Title: Motsigelse-begrepet: Et redskap for å forstå situasjoner i systemutvikling

Institution: Oslo University, Institute for Informatics

Short Title: Motsigelse-begrepet: Et redskap for å forstå situasjoner i systemutvikling

Keywords: motsägelse, paradox?, dialectics?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 835

Author: Bjerknes, G., Ehn, P. and Kyng, M.

Year: 1987

Title: Computers and democracy - A Scandinavian challenge

Place Published: Aldershot

Publisher: Avebury

Short Title: Computers and democracy - A Scandinavian challenge



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2268

Author: Björck, Henrik

Year: 1995

Title: Teknisk idéhistoria [Technical history of ideas]

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Göteborgs Universitet, Idé- och Lärdomshistoria

Short Title: Teknisk idéhistoria [Technical history of ideas]

Keywords: Berman, Ellul, Plato, Aristotle, Marx, social engineering, technology, E40 ADB education

Notes: fr. Andreas Lund ; förf. redan i mina E40-reflistor



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2982

Author: Björkhem, Örjan

Year: 1979

Title: Produkt eller process: En fråga om stagnation eller uveckling

Journal: Lundagård

Issue: April

Pages: 6-7

Short Title: Produkt eller process: En fråga om stagnation eller uveckling

Alternate Journal: Lundagård

Keywords: university, skola, pedagogik, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2279

Author: Björklund, Stefan

Year: 1992

Title: Leadership and accountability in the republic of scholars

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Council for Studies of Higher Education, Ed. by Thorsten Nybom, P.O. Box 45501, S-10430 Stockholm, Fax +46 8 323970

Short Title: Leadership and accountability in the republic of scholars

Keywords: university education, organization quality, evaluation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2275

Author: Björklund, Stefan

Year: 1993

Title: A constitution for disputation

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Council for Studies of Higher Education, Ed. by Thorsten Nybom, P.O. Box 45501, S-10430 Stockholm, Fax +46 8 323970

Short Title: A constitution for disputation

Keywords: university education, organization quality, evaluation, argumentation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2273

Author: Björklund, Stefan

Year: 1995

Title: A university constitution for disputation

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Council for Studies of Higher Education, Ed. by Thorsten Nybom, P.O. Box 45501, S-10430 Stockholm, Fax +46 8 323970

Short Title: A university constitution for disputation

Keywords: university education, organization quality, evaluation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2654

Author: Björklund, Stefan

Year: 1996

Title: En författning för disputationen

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Almqvist & Wiksell

Short Title: En författning för disputationen

Keywords: university



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 68

Author: Björnestedt, A. and Britts, S.

Year: 1988

Title: AVANCE: An object management system

Institution: The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science

Short Title: AVANCE: An object management system

Report Number: SYSLAB report No. 60



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2963

Author: Blackburn, Simon

Year: 2003

Title: Portrait: Richard Rorty. Arguably the most influential philosopher of our time, he is against truth, reason and science. Can we avoid falling into step with his postmodern dance?

Journal: Prospect-Magazine

Issue: April

Pages: 58-64

Short Title: Portrait: Richard Rorty. Arguably the most influential philosopher of our time, he is against truth, reason and science. Can we avoid falling into step with his postmodern dance?

Alternate Journal: Prospect-Magazine

Legal Note: http://www.prospect-magazine.co.uk

Keywords: Author prof. philosophy, Univ. of Cambridge, book "Think" and 2004 "Truth wars" by Penguin. vs? Neo-pragmatism, Nietzsche, Foucault, Lyotard, Derrida, fashion (design?), rhetoric, power, subjectivity, relativism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1806

Author: Blair, Gould

Year: 1993

Title: A fundamental error

Volume: The Economist

Issue: June 12th

Pages: 8

Short Title: A fundamental error

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Fundamentalism (defense of)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2213

Author: Blalock, Hubert M., Jr

Year: 1961

Title: Causal inferences in nonexperimental research

Place Published: Chapel Hill

Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press

Short Title: Causal inferences in nonexperimental research

Keywords: method, statistics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 69

Author: Blanché, R.

Year: 1968

Title: Introduction à la logique contemporaine

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Armand Colin

Edition: 4th

Short Title: Introduction à la logique contemporaine



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 71

Author: Blanché, R.

Year: 1973

Title: La logica e la sua storia: da Aristotele a Russell

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Ubaldini Editore

Translator: A.Menzio

Short Title: La logica e la sua storia: da Aristotele a Russell



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 70

Author: Blanché, R.  (Trans. ). London: , 1962. ()

Year: 1962

Title: Axiomatics

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Translator: G.B.Keene

Short Title: Axiomatics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1100

Author: Blank, J., Drummen, M.M.H., Gersteling, H., Janssen, T.G.M., Krijger, M.J. and Pelger, W.D.

Year: 1982

Title: Evaluation of methods and techniques for the analysis, design and implementation of information systems

Place Published: The Hague

Publisher: Academic Service

Short Title: Evaluation of methods and techniques for the analysis, design and implementation of information systems

Keywords: Information systems research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 72

Author: Bleicher, J.

Year: 1980

Title: Contemporary hermeneutics

Place Published: London

Publisher: XX

Short Title: Contemporary hermeneutics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1992

Author: Bloch, Ernst

Year: 1972

Title: Atheism in Christianity: The religion of the Exodus and the Kingdom

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Herder and Herder

Short Title: Atheism in Christianity: The religion of the Exodus and the Kingdom

Notes: Fr dra.com



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2870

Author: Blomgren, Stina

Year: 2000

Title: Filosofi krav på norska universitet. Stort intresse för den norska modellen

Journal: DN

Issue: 23 oktober

Pages: A8

Short Title: Filosofi krav på norska universitet. Stort intresse för den norska modellen

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: Chu71/0**, philosophy general education at university, Chu71-legitimacy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1707

Author: Blondel, Charles

Year: 1938

Title: Intelligence et techniques

Journal: Journal de Psychologie - (Normale et pathologique)

Issue: Juillet-Décembre

Short Title: Intelligence et techniques

Alternate Journal: Journal de Psychologie - (Normale et pathologique)

Legal Note: Bibl. Nat. 8o. T33 799

Notes: Paris 1992. Tyst kunskap, silent knowledge, manual work...P. 353 ref. Simmel [CSCW?!]("Comment les formes sociales se mantiennent", Année sociologique, 1, 1898, p. 89): "La réunion des individus peut bien accroître les puissances du sentiment et du vouloir, non celles de l'entendement"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1561

Author: Blondel, Maurice

Year: 1944

Title: La philosophie et l'esprit chrétien - Vol 1: Autonomie essentielle et connexion indéclinable

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France

Short Title: La philosophie et l'esprit chrétien - Vol 1: Autonomie essentielle et connexion indéclinable

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 61,10. Le mystère de la redention pp. 160ff



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1189

Author: Blondel, Maurice

Year: 1973

Title: L'action: Essai d'une critique de la vie et d'une science de la pratique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France

Short Title: L'action: Essai d'une critique de la vie et d'une science de la pratique



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2478

Author: Bloor, David

Year: 1999

Title: Anti-Latour

Journal: Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci.

Volume: 30

Issue: 1

Pages: 81-112

Short Title: Anti-Latour

Alternate Journal: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science

Legal Note: Available at http://www.sciencedirect.com

Keywords: Tips från Jonny Holmström ≈000209, ref Lakatos, Haack, Lysenko, Pasteur, Lavoisier, Millikan, actants, monads, culture vs. society, Kant, , interest, belief, , credibility, networks, relativism, , negotiation, , success, subject vs. object, Barry Barnes "The nature of power" Oxford: Polity Press 1988,



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2184

Author: Blum, B.I.

Year: 1994

Title: A taxonomy of software development methods

Journal: CACM

Volume: 37

Issue: 11

Pages: 82-94

Short Title: A taxonomy of software development methods

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education, programming



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2075

Author: Blum, B.I.

Year: 1995

Title: Beyond programming: To a new era of design

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Beyond programming: To a new era of design

Keywords: adb education

Notes: From Kaptelinin, Kuutti, & Bannon, 1995



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 82

Author: Blumenberg, Hans

Year: 1985

Title: The legitimacy of the modern age

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Translator: R.M.Wallace

Short Title: The legitimacy of the modern age

Keywords: [Deepening of Chu71?] secularization, theology, xxHeidegger, p. 243 "The retraction of the Socratic turning", pre-Socratics, & "practical" knowledge (p. 246), hope (251), Aristotle, Plato, teleology (261), the rhetorics of secularization (103ff), Augustine and curiosity as vice (309; 377), use and usage and enjoyment [pragmatism?] (313), appetite for knowledge (325), NIetzsche (69), the appeal of the idea of "method" (73) & Leibniz,



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1843

Editor: Bly, Robert, Hillman, James and Meade, Michael

Year: 1993

Title: The rag and bone shop of the heart: Poems for men

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper Perennial

Short Title: The rag and bone shop of the heart: Poems for men

Keywords: vs feminism, father, cf. "Iron John" ref in The Economist December 22nd 2001 p. 62



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1387

Author: Boalt Boëthius, Siv

Year: 1983

Title: Autonomy, coping and defense in small work groups

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Almquist & Wiksell International

Short Title: Autonomy, coping and defense in small work groups



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 73

Author: Bochner, S.

Year: 1973

Title: Mathematics in cultural history

Book Title: Dictionary of the history of ideas

Volume: 3

Pages: 177-185

Short Title: Mathematics in cultural history



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1520

Author: Bodei, Remo

Year: 1988

Title: Logos e Polemos o della discussione

Journal: La Provincia di Napoli

Volume: X

Issue: December

Pages: 117-119

Short Title: Logos e Polemos o della discussione

Alternate Journal: La Provincia di Napoli

Notes: Capri 1992. Università di Pisa. Marotta-hint.

Cf Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1053

Author: Boffey, P.M.

Year: 1975

Title: The brain bank of America: An inquiry into the politics of science

Place Published: New York

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Short Title: The brain bank of America: An inquiry into the politics of science

Keywords: Research, politics, university

Notes: Ref. Lars-Henrik Schmidt, Vetandets politik, Symposion, 1986



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2103

Author: Boguslaw, Robert

Year: 1965

Title: The new utopians: A study of system design and social change

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: The new utopians: A study of system design and social change



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2227

Author: Boisot, Max

Year: ??

Title: Information and organizations: The manager as anthropologist

Short Title: Information and organizations: The manager as anthropologist

Keywords: PhD at MIT, China-EED Management Programme in Beijing, info sharing/structuring

Notes: Fr Bai Guohua



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2232

Editor: Boisot, Max H.

Year: 1995

Title: Information space : a framework for learning in organizations, institutions, and culture

Place Published: London & New York

Publisher: Routledge

Short Title: Information space : a framework for learning in organizations, institutions, and culture

Notes: Fr dra.com through the other book hinted by Bai Guohua



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1726

Author: Bok, Derek

Year: 1982

Title: Beyond the ivory tower: Social responsibilities of the modern university

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass.

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Short Title: Beyond the ivory tower: Social responsibilities of the modern university

Notes: Ang. NHU: sid. 46-47, 76-77, 157-168, 266-270



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1420

Author: Boland, Richard, J., Jr

Year: 1987

Title: The in-formation of information systems

Editor: Boland, R.J. and Hirschheim, R.A.

Book Title: Critical issues in information systems research

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Pages: 363-379

Short Title: The in-formation of information systems

Notes: boland@spider.cwru.edu



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 74

Author: Boland, R.J.

Year: 1979

Title: Control, causality and information system requirements

Journal: Accounting, Organizations and Society

Volume: 4

Issue: 4

Pages: 259-272

Short Title: Control, causality and information system requirements

Alternate Journal: Accounting, Organizations and Society



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2524

Author: Boland, Richard J., Jr.

Year: 2000

Title: The limits of language in doing systems work

Editor: Baskerville, Richard, Stage, Jan and DeGross, Janice I.

Book Title: Organizational and social perspectives on information technology

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Kluwer

Pages: 47-57

Short Title: The limits of language in doing systems work

Section: A fictional account of a roundtable  with Pierre Bourdieu, West Churchman, Geoffrey Vickers, Bruno Latour, and Richard Rorty. Proc. of the IFIP TC8 WG8.2 Int. working conf. on the social and organizational perspectives on research and practice in information technology, June 9-11 2000, Alborg, Denmark.

Keywords: A fictional roundtable discussion among Pierre Bourdieu, West Churchman, Geoffrey Vickers, Bruno Latour, and Richard Rorty

Notes: Fr Jonny Holmström ≈000615, bok hos Ola Henfridsson



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 75

Editor: Boland, R.J. and Hirschheim, R.A.

Year: 1987

Title: Critical issues in information systems research

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Critical issues in information systems research

Keywords: ADB education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 76

Author: Bolter, D.

Year: 1984

Title: The Turing-man: Western culture in the computer age

Place Published: North Carolina

Publisher: University of North Carolina Press

Short Title: The Turing-man: Western culture in the computer age



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 77

Author: Bolzoni, L.

Year: 1987

Title: I luoghi della memoria. La torre della sapienza [The places of memory. The tower of wisdom.]

Journal: KOS (Milano)

Volume: 3

Issue: 30, April-May

Pages: 8-19; 54-61

Short Title: I luoghi della memoria. La torre della sapienza [The places of memory. The tower of wisdom.]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1151

Author: Bond, A.H. and Gasser, L., (Eds.)

Year: 1988

Title: Distributed artificial intelligence

Place Published: San Mateo, CA.

Publisher: Morgan Kaufman

Short Title: Distributed artificial intelligence



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 78

Author: Boodin, J.E.

Year: 1957

Title: The discovery of form

Editor: Wiener, P.P.  and Noland, A.

Book Title: Roots of scientific thought

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Pages: 57-72

Short Title: The discovery of form

Keywords: ≈aesthetics?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 79

Author: Borillo, M.

Year: 1984

Title: Informatique pour les sciences de l'homme: Limites de la formalisation du raisonnement

Place Published: Bruxelles

Publisher: Pierre Mardaga

Short Title: Informatique pour les sciences de l'homme: Limites de la formalisation du raisonnement



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 80

Author: Born, M.

Year: 1963

Title: Betrachtungen zur Farbenlehre

Journal: Naturwissenschaften

Volume: 50

Pages: 29-39

Short Title: Betrachtungen zur Farbenlehre

Alternate Journal: Naturwissenschaften



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 83

Author: Borneman, E., (Ed.)

Year: 1976

Title: The psychoanalysis of money

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Urizen Books

Translator: Shaw, M.

Short Title: The psychoanalysis of money



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1143

Author: Borning, Alan

Year: 1987

Title: Computer system reliability and nuclear war

Journal: CACM

Volume: 30

Issue: 2, February

Pages: 112-131

Short Title: Computer system reliability and nuclear war

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Legal Note: With a bibliography of 142 entries

Keywords: Star wars



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 84

Author: Bortoft, H.

Year: 1986

Title: Goethe's scientific consciousness

Place Published: Cambridge, Wells (Kent)

Publisher: Institute for Cultural Research

Short Title: Goethe's scientific consciousness



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 85

Author: Bosserman, R.W.

Year: 1981

Title: Critique and comment: The role of mathematics in systems science

Journal: Behavioral Science

Volume: 26

Pages: 388-393

Short Title: Critique and comment: The role of mathematics in systems science

Alternate Journal: Behavioral Science



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1562

Author: Boulez, Pierre

Year: 1991

Title: Invention, technique et langage en musique

Book Title: Annuaire du Collège de France 1990-1991: Résumé des Cours et Travaux

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Collège de France

Volume: 91

Pages: 815-820

Short Title: Invention, technique et langage en musique

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1563

Author: Bourdieu, Pierre

Year: 1991

Title: The peculiar history of scientific reason

Journal: Sociological Forum

Volume: 6

Issue: 1, March

Pages: 3-26

Short Title: The peculiar history of scientific reason

Alternate Journal: Sociological Forum

Notes: Paris 1992: fr. Collège de France, Annuaire, p. 594



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2412

Author: Bourdieu, Pierre

Year: 1996

Title: Sur la télévision, suivi de l'Emprise du jounalisme

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: LIBER - Raisons d'agir

Short Title: Sur la télévision, suivi de l'Emprise du jounalisme

Keywords: information (technology?), Paris 1997

Notes: for ivory tower vs action research/science 69ff, 88ff!



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1774

Author: Bourdil, Pierre-Yves

Year: 1989

Title: Le Dieu des philosophes [The God of philosophers]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Cerf/Fides

Short Title: Le Dieu des philosophes [The God of philosophers]

Notes: Milano 1993. The "divinization" of history, and relativism, pp. 82ff, =  the totality of discourse vs. systems, etc.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1564

Author: Bouttes, Jean Louis

Year: 1990

Title: Jung: La puissance de l'illusion

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: Jung: La puissance de l'illusion

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 120,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1049

Author: Bowers, D.M.

Year: 1977

Title: The rough road to today's technology

Journal: Datamation

Volume: 23

Issue: 9

Pages: 69-74

Short Title: The rough road to today's technology

Alternate Journal: Datamation

Keywords: History



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2721

Author: Bowman, Robert M.

Year: 2001

Title: Making war: A Christian perspective

Publisher: http://www.rmbowman.com/catholic/war.htm. Accessed 20 November 2001

Short Title: Making war: A Christian perspective



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1375

Author: Boyd, R.N.

Year: 1984

Title: The current status of scientific realism

Editor: Leplin, J.

Book Title: Scientific realism

Place Published: Berkeley

Publisher: University of California Press

Short Title: The current status of scientific realism

Notes: Exponent of constructivism, ref. by Mingers, 1990



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1565

Author: Boyer, Alain

Year: 1985

Title: A propos de l'epistemologie 'anglo-saxonne' contemporaine

Book Title: Travaux d'epistemologie générale

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche Epistemologie et Autonomie, École Polytechnique

Volume: 5

Pages: 9-30

Short Title: A propos de l'epistemologie 'anglo-saxonne' contemporaine

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2863

Author: Braf, Ewa

Year: 2001

Title: Knowledge or information: What makes the difference?

Place Published: Jönköping

Publisher: Jönköping International Business School, http://www.hj.se/JIBS

Short Title: Knowledge or information: What makes the difference?

Keywords: Chu71/0* only page 1 and last page

Notes: ewa.braf@ihh.hj.se (+46 361 57700 tackade för Chu71tips jan 2002



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 86

Author: Braithwaite, R.B., Russell, B. and Waismann, F.

Year: 1938

Title: Symposium: The relevance of psychology to logic

Book Title: Action, perception and measurement

Place Published: London

Publisher: Harrison and Sons

Pages: 19-68

Short Title: Symposium: The relevance of psychology to logic



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2013

Editor: Brambilla, Rosa

Year: 1982

Title: Scienza e fede

Place Published: Assisi

Publisher: Cittadella

Short Title: Scienza e fede

Keywords: theology, religion



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 87

Author: Brams, S.J.

Year: 1983

Title: Superior beings: If they exist, how would we know? Game-theoretic implications of omniscience, omnipotence, immortality, and incomprehensibility

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Springer-Verlag

Short Title: Superior beings: If they exist, how would we know? Game-theoretic implications of omniscience, omnipotence, immortality, and incomprehensibility



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 88

Author: Branscomb, L.M.

Year: 1968

Title: The misinformation explosion: Is the literature worth reviewing?

Journal: Scientific Research

Issue: 27 May

Short Title: The misinformation explosion: Is the literature worth reviewing?

Alternate Journal: Scientific Research



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2140

Editor: Brante, Thomas, Fuller, S. and Lynch, M.

Year: 1993

Title: Controversial science: From content to contentation

Place Published: Albany

Publisher: SUNY Press

Short Title: Controversial science: From content to contentation

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2814

Author: Braw, Christian

Year: 2001

Title: Krig i vardagsrummet

Journal: Fritt Militärt Forum

Issue: 3

Pages: 19-22

Short Title: Krig i vardagsrummet

Alternate Journal: Fritt Militärt Forum

Legal Note: Ref. to Informationskrigföring, utg. Lennart Borg, Försvarshögskolan; SAF, FOA 1997; Anders Johansson & Karl A. Karlsson: Ny tid - ny krigskonst, Folk och Försvar 1997.

Keywords: Chu71/7* Weltanschauung, världsbild, paradox om postmodernism, war propaganda, intelligence strategic info. systems, Chu71 on context/sys or weltanschauung

Notes: Förf är teologie doktor vid Åbo Akademi och kapten i reserven vid Ing 2, ref. Marion Gräfin Dönhoff "Historien styrs inte av fakta utan av människors föreställning om fakta"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 929

Author: Brecht, A.

Year: 1941

Title: The myth of IS and OUGHT

Journal: Harvard Law Review

Volume: 54

Pages: 811-831

Short Title: The myth of IS and OUGHT

Alternate Journal: Harvard Law Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1519

Author: Bressle, Åke

Year: 1986

Title: Handbok om lukter och luktsanering

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Ingenjörsförlaget (Svensk Byggtjänst

Short Title: Handbok om lukter och luktsanering



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1566

Author: Breton, Philippe

Year: 1990

Title: La tribu informatique: Enquête sur une passion moderne

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Métailié

Short Title: La tribu informatique: Enquête sur une passion moderne

Notes: Paris 1992. Sociology, psychology, socio-psychology. FF 95,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1567

Author: Breton, Philippe, Rieu, Alain Marc and Tinland, Franck

Year: 1990

Title: La techno-science en question: Éléments pour une archéologie du XXe siècle

Place Published: Seyssel

Publisher: Champ-Vallon

Short Title: La techno-science en question: Éléments pour une archéologie du XXe siècle

Notes: Paris1992. FF 125,-



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2326

Author: Breton, Philippe, Rieu, Alain Marc and Tinland, Franck

Year: 1990

Title: Pour une épistemologie de l'informatique

Editor: Breton, Philippe, Rieu, Alain Marc and Tinland, Franck

Book Title: Ta techno-science en question: Éléments pour une archéologie du XXe siècle

Place Published: Seyssel

Publisher: Champ-Vallon

Pages: 173-250

Short Title: Pour une épistemologie de l'informatique

Keywords: ADB-education

Notes: Paris1992. FF 125,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1957

Author: Britton, G.A. and McCallion, H.

Year: 1994

Title: An overview of the Singer/Churchman/Ackoff school of thought

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 7

Issue: 5

Pages: 487-521

Short Title: An overview of the Singer/Churchman/Ackoff school of thought

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Keywords: Chu71/D, Chu71/0*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2664

Author: Broady, Donald

Year: 1984

Title: Om bildning och konsten att ärva

Journal: Kritisk Utbildningstidskrift

Issue: 3-4

Pages: 4-15

Short Title: Om bildning och konsten att ärva

Alternate Journal: Kritisk Utbildningstidskrift KRUT

Keywords: universityVett, research, education, school skola



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2691

Editor: Broady, Donald

Year: 1985

Title: Kultur och utbildning: Om Pierre Bourdieus sociologi

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Universitets- och Högskoleämbetet: Forskning och Utveckling för Högskolan

Short Title: Kultur och utbildning: Om Pierre Bourdieus sociologi

Keywords: school



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2142

Author: Broady, Donald

Year: 1993

Title: Skrivandets hantverk och persondatorn

Editor: Selander, S.

Book Title: Forskning om utbildning

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Council for Studies of Higher Education

Short Title: Skrivandets hantverk och persondatorn

Section: Publication 1993:3-4

Keywords: adb-education, word processing



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 848

Author: Brodskij, I.

Year: 1988

Title: The Nobel lecture and acceptance speech

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Adelphi

Short Title: The Nobel lecture and acceptance speech



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 89

Author: Brouwer, L.E.J.

Year: 1905

Title: Leven, Kunst en Mystiek [Life, art and mysticism]

Place Published: Delft

Publisher: Waltman

Short Title: Leven, Kunst en Mystiek [Life, art and mysticism]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 90

Author: Brouwer, L. E. J.

Year: 1975

Title: Kunst en Mystiek [Life, art and mysticism, excerpts].

Editor: Heyting, A.

Book Title: L.E.J. Brouwer's  collected works

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland/Elsevier

Short Title: Kunst en Mystiek [Life, art and mysticism, excerpts].



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 91

Author: Browder, F.E.

Year: 1976

Title: The relevance of mathematics

Journal: Am. Math. Monthly

Volume: 83

Pages: 249-254

Short Title: The relevance of mathematics

Alternate Journal: American Mathematical Monthly



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 92

Author: Brown, G. S.

Year: 1953

Title: Statistical significance in psychical research

Journal: Nature

Volume: 172

Issue: July

Pages: 154-156

Short Title: Statistical significance in psychical research

Alternate Journal: Nature



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 93

Author: Brown, G.S.

Year: 1969

Title: Laws of form

Place Published: London

Publisher: Allen & Unwin

Short Title: Laws of form



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2481

Editor: Brown, Raymond E., Fitzmyer, Joseph A. and Murphy, Roland E.

Year: 1993

Title: The new Jerome biblical commentary

Place Published: London, Englewood Cliffs NJ

Publisher: Geoffrey Chapman, Prentice Hall

Short Title: The new Jerome biblical commentary

Keywords: Long Notes. Religion, bible, christian



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2367

Author: Brun, Jean

Year: 1976

Title: Le retour de Dionysos

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Les Bergers et les Mages. Out of print

Short Title: Le retour de Dionysos

Keywords: technology, erotics of knowledge, orgy of technology, Eastern thought

Notes: Rek av Cerezuelle. Cf. Maffesoli



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 94

Author: Bruner, J.S., Goodnow, J.J. and Austin, G.A.

Year: 1956

Title: A study of thinking.

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: A study of thinking.



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 95

Editor: Brunsson, N.

Year: 1982

Title: Företagsekonomi: Sanning eller moral? Om det normativa i företagsekonomisk idéutveckling.

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Företagsekonomi: Sanning eller moral? Om det normativa i företagsekonomisk idéutveckling.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 97

Author: Brunsson, N.

Year: 1985

Title: The irrational organization

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: The irrational organization



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 96

Editor: Brunsson, N.

Year: 1986

Title: Politik och ekonomi

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Doxa

Short Title: Politik och ekonomi



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1922

Author: Brusilovsky, P., Burmistrov, I. and Kaptelinin, V.

Year: 1993

Title: Structuring the field of HCI: An empirical study of experts' representations

Book Title: Lecture notes in computer science No. 753

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer

Short Title: Structuring the field of HCI: An empirical study of experts' representations

Section: Also in Proc. of the East-West Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Moscow, 1993



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2192

Author: Brynjolfson, E.

Year: 1993

Title: The productivity paradox of information technology

Journal: CACM

Volume: 36

Issue: 12

Pages: 67-77

Short Title: The productivity paradox of information technology

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education, economics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2653

Author: Bubbat, Heinz

Year: 2001

Title: Deutschland, der Fluch deiner Vergangenheit

Place Published: Egelsbach & Frankfurt a.M.

Publisher: Fouqué Literaturverlag, Fax 06103-44944

Short Title: Deutschland, der Fluch deiner Vergangenheit

Keywords: Nazism, Germany, ref Lindbom?

Abstract: DM 36,80

Notes: Presentation av Dr. Markus Hänsel-Hohenhausen



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 98

Author: Bubenko, J.

Year: 1980

Title: 80-talet och systemutvecklingsmetoder

Journal: SSI:aren

Pages: 18-40

Short Title: 80-talet och systemutvecklingsmetoder

Alternate Journal: SSI:aren

Legal Note: Lecture at SSI, Svenska Samfundet for Informationsbehandling, Stockholm, 5 March 1980



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 99

Author: Bubenko, J.

Year: 1982

Title: Datadebatten förvirrar

Journal: Datanytt

Issue: 20 September

Short Title: Datadebatten förvirrar

Alternate Journal: Datanytt



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 100

Author: Bubenko, J.

Year: 1982

Title: Systemutveckling 1981: En granskning av teori- och metodutvecklingen samt systemutvecklarens roll

Journal: Data

Issue: February 1st

Pages: 41-45

Short Title: Systemutveckling 1981: En granskning av teori- och metodutvecklingen samt systemutvecklarens roll

Alternate Journal: Data

Notes: F.d. 1982a



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 101

Author: Bubenko, J.

Year: 1983

Title: Information and data modeling: State of the art and research directions

Institution: The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science

Short Title: Information and data modeling: State of the art and research directions

Report Number: SYSLAB report No.20



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 102

Author: Bubenko, J.

Year: 1988

Title: Selecting a strategy for computer-aided software engineering (CASE)

Institution: The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science

Short Title: Selecting a strategy for computer-aided software engineering (CASE)

Report Number: SYSLAB report No.59

Notes: F.d. 1988a



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 103

Author: Bubenko, J.

Year: 1988

Title: Problems and unclear issues with hierarchical business activity and data flow modeling

Institution: The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Computer and Systems Science

Short Title: Problems and unclear issues with hierarchical business activity and data flow modeling

Report Number: SYSLAB report WP-134, rev. June 1988

Notes: F.d. 1988b



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1252

Author: Buber, Martin

Year: 1958

Title: Ich und Du

Short Title: Ich und Du



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 104

Author: Buchanan, B.G.

Year: 1986

Title: Expert systems: Working systems and the research literature

Journal: Expert Systems

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Short Title: Expert systems: Working systems and the research literature

Alternate Journal: Expert Systems



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2394

Author: Buchanan, Richard

Year: 1995

Title: Rhetoric, humanism, and design

Editor: Buchanan, Richard and Margolin, Victor

Book Title: Discovering design: Explorations in design studies

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: The Univ. of Chicago Press

Pages: 23-66

Short Title: Rhetoric, humanism, and design

Section: Page ref. to text in the manuscript dated 1994

Keywords: poetics, system, (theological) aesthetics, cf. Long-notes library!

Notes: Manuscript from Erik Stolterman 13/10-94

paper $14,95 0-226-07815-9




Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2938

Author: Bucht, Rolf

Year: 2002

Title: PUL inskränker yttrandefriheten: Umeå universitet vill gå ännu längre

Journal: Högskolevärlden

Issue: 3, Juni

Pages: 12-13

Short Title: PUL inskränker yttrandefriheten: Umeå universitet vill gå ännu längre

Alternate Journal: Högskolevärlden

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF, Ågren, university research freedom, Täljdedal



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1966

Editor: Buckingham, R.A., Hirschheim, R.A., Land, F.F. and Tully, C.J.

Year: 1987

Title: Information systems education: Recommendation and implementation

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press

Short Title: Information systems education: Recommendation and implementation

Keywords: ADB education, history, curriculum

Notes: Fr. Kenneths SVP-reformpapper 95-03-20



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 805

Author: Buckley, Michael J., S.J.

Year: 1987

Title: At the origins of modern atheism

Place Published: New Haven and London

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: At the origins of modern atheism

Keywords: theology, religion, secularism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 105

Author: Budd, C.J.

Year: 1979

Title: Prelude in economics

Place Published: Hoathly Hill, West Sussex

Publisher: Juhanus Academy of Sociology and Economics

Short Title: Prelude in economics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2583

Author: Buland, Trond and Dahl, Thomas

Year: 2000

Title: Technological visions for social change: Information technology, telework, and the integration of the disabled persons.

Book Title: Proc. of ISTAS 2000, IEEE Int. Symposium on  Technology and Society,  6-8 September 2000, Rome, Italy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers' Society for Social Implications of Technology SSIT

Pages: 263-268

Short Title: Technological visions for social change: Information technology, telework, and the integration of the disabled persons.

Section: Authors at SINTEF IFIM, N-7465 Trondheim, Norway

Keywords: theology religion IT



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2036

Author: Bull, Gordon M.

Year: 1994

Title: The global university

Editor: Linna, Matti and Ruotsala, Pentti

Book Title: Hypermedia in Vaasa '94: Conference on computers and hypermedia in engineering education, June 8-11, 1994

Place Published: Vaasa

Publisher: Vaasa Institute of Technology

Pages: 90-97

Short Title: The global university

Keywords: IT-strategy, distance education learning, computing

Abstract: Bibliography. Ref. to Ehrmann, S.C. "US higher education in 1998: How it might use technologies for undergraduate education". The CTISS File (December 1993) 8-17

Notes: Faculty of IT

Univ. of Brighton

Lewes Road

Brighton BN2 4GJ, UK




Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2362

Editor: Bullock, Alan and Stallybrass, Oliver

Year: 1977

Title: The Fontana dictionary of modern thought

Place Published: London

Publisher: Fontana/Collins

Short Title: The Fontana dictionary of modern thought

Keywords: Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 106

Author: Buonaiuti, E., Dessauer, F., Jung, C.G., Kaegi, W., Kerényi, C., Masson-Oursel, P., Meier, F., Portmann, A, Pulver, M., Rahner, H., Schrödinger, E. and Willi, W.

Year: 1954

Title: Spirit and nature. Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks

Series Title: Bollingen Series 30.1

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books (Bollingen Series 30.1)

Short Title: Spirit and nature. Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks

Keywords: biology (Portman)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1996

Author: Burckhardt, Titus

Year: 1958

Title: Principes et méthodes de l'art sacré

Place Published: Lyon

Short Title: Principes et méthodes de l'art sacré

Keywords: aesthetics, religion

Notes: Ref till dess p. 10 i Lindboms Mellan Hmmel och Jord, s. 141n



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1818

Author: Burckhardt, Titus

Year: 1987

Title: Mirror of the intellect: Essays on traditional science & sacred art

Place Published: Albany, N.Y.

Publisher: State University of New York Press

Short Title: Mirror of the intellect: Essays on traditional science & sacred art

Keywords: Islam

Notes: from Lindbom



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2497

Author: Burenstam-Linder, Staffan

Year: 1969

Title: Den rastlösa välfärdsmänniskan: Tidsbrist i överflöd - en ekonomisk studie

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Bonniers

Short Title: Den rastlösa välfärdsmänniskan: Tidsbrist i överflöd - en ekonomisk studie

Keywords: time, work, welfare, efficiency effectiveness, rationalization, technology, stress, ≈ Christer Sannes avh



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1521

Author: Burgio, Alberto

Year: 1990

Title: La "Volonté Générale" categoria della rivoluzione francese

Journal: La Provincia di Napoli

Volume: XII

Issue: December

Pages: 112-126

Short Title: La "Volonté Générale" categoria della rivoluzione francese

Alternate Journal: La Provincia di Napoli

Notes: Capri 1992. Università di Urbino. Cf. Patrick Riley, 1986, The general will before Rousseau. Marotta-hint. Long Notes library



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 107

Author: Burnham, D.

Year: 1983

Title: The rise of the computer state

Place Published: London

Publisher: Weidenfeld and Nicolson

Short Title: The rise of the computer state



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 108

Author: Butler, E.M.

Year: 1926

Title: The Saint-Simonian religion in Germany: A study of the young German movement

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: The Saint-Simonian religion in Germany: A study of the young German movement

Keywords: universityVett, research, education, romanticism, (& design?)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2016

Author: Butler, E.M.

Year: 1926

Title: The saint-simonian religion in Germany

Place Published: Cambridge

Short Title: The saint-simonian religion in Germany

Notes: Ref. i SAF p. 171



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 875

Author: Buttiglione, R.

Year: 1982

Title: Il pensiero di Karol Wojtyla

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Jaca Books

Short Title: Il pensiero di Karol Wojtyla



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 806

Author: Buttimer, A., (Ed.)

Year: 1983

Title: Creativity and context: A seminar report

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: University of Lund, Dept of Geography, & CWK Gleerup

Short Title: Creativity and context: A seminar report



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1407

Editor: Butts, Robert E. and Brown, James Robert

Year: 1989

Title: Constructivism and science: Essays in recent German philosophy

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Short Title: Constructivism and science: Essays in recent German philosophy

Notes: Från annons i Argumentation, vol.4, 1990, s. 125



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2650

Author: Bylund, Sven-Olov

Year: 1985

Title: Förste ADB-professorn: Forskar om datorn och vårt tänkande - Vill slå vakt om universitetets särart

Journal: Universitetsper-journalen (Språkrör för universitetspersonalen i Umeå)

Issue: November, 4

Pages: 4-5

Short Title: Förste ADB-professorn: Forskar om datorn och vårt tänkande - Vill slå vakt om universitetets särart

Alternate Journal: Universitetsper-journalen (Språkrör för universitetspersonalen i Umeå)

Legal Note: Intervju med förste ADB-professorn, Kristo Ivanov

Keywords: Ivanov, university



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2092

Author: Bynum, Terrell Ward, (Ed.)

Year: 1985

Title: Computer and ethics

Journal: Metaphilosophy

Volume: 16

Issue: 4, October

Pages: 263-377

Short Title: Computer and ethics

Alternate Journal: Metaphilosophy

ISSN: ISSN 0026-1068

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Editor of Frege, 1972/1879



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 109

Author: Bäckström, C.

Year: 1988

Title: Reasoning about interdependent actions

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Reasoning about interdependent actions

Report Number: Licentiate in Engineering thesis No.139, ISBN 91-7870-358-1, ISSN 0280-7971



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 110

Author: Bär, E.

Year: 1976

Title: Archetypes and ideas: Jung and Kant

Journal: Philosophy Today

Issue: Summer

Pages: 113-123

Short Title: Archetypes and ideas: Jung and Kant

Alternate Journal: Philosophy Today



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2665

Editor: Bärmark, J.

Year: 1984

Title: Forskning om forskning eller konsten att beskriva en elefant: Uppsatser i forskning om forskning

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Natur och Kultur

Short Title: Forskning om forskning eller konsten att beskriva en elefant: Uppsatser i forskning om forskning

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1004

Author: Bødker, Keld

Year: 1987

Title: Analysis and design of information systems in a cultural perspective

Book Title: Proc. of the Tenth Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Tampere-Vaskivesi, Aug.10-12 1987

Short Title: Analysis and design of information systems in a cultural perspective

Section: Also available from the author, Computer science dept., Roskilde University Center, Denmark



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 917

Author: Bødker, Susanne and Hammerskov, Jon

Year: 1982

Title: Grafisk systembeskrivelse: Analyse af ISAC V- og I-grafværktøjer på baggrund av et eksempel og en sammenligning med andre grafiske systembeskrivelsesværktøjer

Institution: University of Aarhus, Matematisk Institut - Datalogisk afdelning

Date: February 1982

Short Title: Grafisk systembeskrivelse: Analyse af ISAC V- og I-grafværktøjer på baggrund av et eksempel og en sammenligning med andre grafiske systembeskrivelsesværktøjer

Report Number: DAIMI IR-33 and IR-35. ISSN 0106-9969



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 111

Author: Böhler, E.

Year: 1970

Title: Conscience in economic life

Editor: Zbinden, Hans, Böhler, Eugen, Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi, Schär, Hans, Rudin, Josef, Blum, Ernst and Jung, C.G.

Book Title: Conscience

Place Published: Evanston

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Pages: 43-77

Translator: Hull, R.F.C.  and Horine, R.

Short Title: Conscience in economic life

Section: Trans. by R.F.C.Hull & R.Horine. Edited by The Curatorium of the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich

Keywords: university Vett, research, education, ADB-education (till informatik om "market" vs. Bo Dahlbom e-mail 011209-011210



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 113

Author: Böhler, E.

Year: 1973

Title: Psychological prerequisites of forecasting and planning

Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Volume: 4

Pages: 317-322

Short Title: Psychological prerequisites of forecasting and planning

Alternate Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2992

Author: Böhler, Eugen and Laufenburger, Henry

Year: 1965

Title: Inflation, démocratie, groupes de pression, conscience populaire

Journal: Révue de Science Financière

Volume: 57

Pages: 168-184

Short Title: Inflation, démocratie, groupes de pression, conscience populaire

Alternate Journal: Révue de Science Financière

Keywords: university, research, education, economics, ethics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2066

Author: Börjeson, Bengt

Year: 1989

Title: Is the rationality of Habermas really rational?

Book Title: Seminar on sociology of science. Controversies in science and society: Ethics and the implementation of science in society. Dubrovnic, 8-19 May 1989

Short Title: Is the rationality of Habermas really rational?

Notes: From Claes Mether. Author at Lärarhögskolan tel 08-7575503, fax 7575501



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2637

Author: Cairncross, Frances

Year: 1997

Title: A survey of telecommunications: A connected world

Journal: The Economist

Issue: September 13th

Pages: Supplement 1-42

Short Title: A survey of telecommunications: A connected world

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Internet IT Information Technology, computer, mass media, mobile cellular phones

Notes: Ref. to author's book Death of Distance, Harvard Business School Press, 1997



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2632

Author: Cairncross, Frances

Year: 2000

Title: E-management

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 11th

Pages: Supplement 40 pages

Short Title: E-management

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Internet electronic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 114

Author: Cajori, F.

Year: 1929

Title: A history of mathematical notations

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: The Open Court Publishing Co.

Number of Volumes: 2

Short Title: A history of mathematical notations



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 115

Author: Cajori, F.

Year: 1980

Title: A history of mathematics

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Chelsea Publishing Co.

Edition: 3rd

Short Title: A history of mathematics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 120

Author: Calvino, I.

Year: 1988

Title: Six memos for the next millennium

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Six memos for the next millennium

Keywords: Lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility, multiplicity, ( and consistency?)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2053

Author: Campbell, C.

Year: 1987

Title: The romantic ethic and the spirit of modern consumerism

Place Published: New York

Short Title: The romantic ethic and the spirit of modern consumerism

Notes: I Sannes bok Arbetets Tid



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1163

Author: Campbell, Donald T.

Year: 1988

Title: Reforms as experiments

Editor: Overman, S.

Book Title: Methodology and epistemology for social science: Selected papers

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Univ. of Chicago Press

Pages: 261-289

Short Title: Reforms as experiments

Section: Orig. published 1969 in American Psychologist, vol. 24



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1959

Author: Campbell, Joan

Year: 1978

Title: The German Werkbund: The politics of reform in the applied arts

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: The German Werkbund: The politics of reform in the applied arts



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1568

Author: CAMS

Year: 1990

Title: Centre d'analyse et de mathématique sociales: Rapport d'activité scientifique 1986-1990

Institution: École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales & Univ. de Paris-Sorbonne Paris IV

Short Title: Centre d'analyse et de mathématique sociales: Rapport d'activité scientifique 1986-1990

Notes: Paris 1992, fr. Marc Barbut. Ref. revue Informatique et Sciences Humaines, + Mathématiques, Informatique et Sciences Humaines



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1569

Author: Canguilhem, Georges

Year: 1989

Title: La connaissance de la vie

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: La connaissance de la vie

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 75,-. Machine vs. organisme pp. 101ff (= artificial intelligence)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2579

Author: Capaldi, Nicholas

Year: 1995

Title: Scientism, deconstruction, and nihilism

Journal: Argumentation

Volume: 9

Pages: 563-575

Short Title: Scientism, deconstruction, and nihilism

Alternate Journal: Argumentation

Legal Note: Cf. http://www.onelist.com/community/RomeMetaphysicsForum

Keywords: Heidegger catholic metaphysics, Rome 2000



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2580

Author: Capaldi, Nicholas

Year: 1998

Title: The Enlightenment project in the analytic conversation

Short Title: The Enlightenment project in the analytic conversation

Keywords: Heidegger catholic metaphysics, Rome 2000



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2564

Author: Capaldi, Nicholas

Year: 2001

Title: Catholic metaphysics in the wake of the collapse of the englightenment project

Book Title: Proc. of the Rome Metaphysics Forum 2000

Place Published: URL

Publisher: http://www.onelist.com/community/RomeMetaphysicsRorum, and see also http://www.arsap.net/metafisica

Short Title: Catholic metaphysics in the wake of the collapse of the englightenment project

Keywords: Rome 2000, phenomenology, ≈Mérida 2000, López-Garay, catholic, MacIntyre, Jaspers, Gadamer



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 116

Author: Capra, F.

Year: 1975

Title: The Tao of physics

Place Published: Berkeley & Boulder

Publisher: Shambala

Short Title: The Tao of physics



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1834

Editor: Caprioli, A. and Vaccaro, L.

Year: 1983

Title: Il lavoro, I:  Filosofia, Bibbia e teologia - Ricerca su problemi teorici e pratici del lavoro nella nostra società [Work I: Philosophy, Bible and Theology]

Place Published: Brescia

Publisher: Morcelliana

Short Title: Il lavoro, I:  Filosofia, Bibbia e teologia - Ricerca su problemi teorici e pratici del lavoro nella nostra società [Work I: Philosophy, Bible and Theology]

Notes: Noterat i samband med köp av Laborem Exercens, theology of work



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2222

Author: Capurro, R.

Year: 1981

Title: Zur Frage der Ethik in Fachinformation und -kommunikation

Journal: Nachr. f. Dokum.

Issue: 1

Pages: 9-12

Short Title: Zur Frage der Ethik in Fachinformation und -kommunikation

Alternate Journal: Nachr. f. Dokum.

Keywords: ethics

Notes: Author at "Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen"



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 117

Author: Capurro, R.

Year: 1985

Title: Epistemology and information science

Institution: Stockholm: The Royal Institute of Technology, and Federal Republic of Germany: Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik GmbH

Short Title: Epistemology and information science

Report Number: Report TRITA-LIB-6023

Keywords: Ethics? ADB education (new)

Notes: Cf. Bynum + Collste + Ivanov,1986 (about ethics)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2619

Author: Capurro, Rafael

Year: 1992

Title: Informatics and hermeneutics

Editor: Floyd, Christiane, Züllighoven, Heinz, Budde, Reinhard and Keil-Slawik, Reinhard

Book Title: Software development and reality construction

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer-Verlag

Pages: 363-375

Short Title: Informatics and hermeneutics

Section: Page refs. to last update 28 May 2000 accessed 28 January 2001 at http://v.hbi-stuttgart.de/~capurro/floyd.htm

Keywords: cf. Heidegger Araya



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1159

Author: Carlsson, Roger and Wikström, Kenneth

Year: 1989

Title: Den nya konnektionismen

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Den nya konnektionismen



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1489

Author: Carmel, Erran and Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1991

Title: Participatory design versus joint application design

Institution: American University at Washington DC & Umeå University

Short Title: Participatory design versus joint application design



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1877

Author: Carmel, Erran, Whitaker, Randall and George, J.

Year: 1993

Title: Comparing transatlantic user involvement methodologies

Journal: CACM

Issue: June – Special issue on participatory design

Short Title: Comparing transatlantic user involvement methodologies

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1409

Author: Carotenuto, Aldo

Year: 1987

Title: Eros e pathos: Margini dell'amore e della sofferenza

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Bompiani

Short Title: Eros e pathos: Margini dell'amore e della sofferenza



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1188

Author: Carpi, Orlando

Year: 1989

Title: Kant: L'etica della ragione

Place Published: Rimini

Publisher: Panozzo

Short Title: Kant: L'etica della ragione

Notes: OBS: OK Kant BUT usable for list of critics of Kant as in Ivanov 1991: key schools of idealism (Hegel, Marx, Croce), phenomenology (Simmel, Scheler), empiricism & neopositivism (Russell, Kelsen), realism (Maritain), and others [romantics?]  (Hamann, Herder, Schelling)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 118

Author: Carse, J.F.

Year: 1986

Title: Finite and infinite games: A vision of life as play and possibility

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Free Press

Short Title: Finite and infinite games: A vision of life as play and possibility



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2638

Author: Carson, Iain

Year: 1998

Title: A survey of manufacturing: Meet the global factory

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 20th

Pages: Supplement 1-22

Short Title: A survey of manufacturing: Meet the global factory

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: IT-support, virtual organization



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2971

Author: Carstensen, Laura L., Isaacowitz, Derek M. and Charles, Susan T.

Year: 1999

Title: Taking time seriously: A theory of socioemotional selectivity

Journal: American Psychologist

Volume: 54

Issue: 3

Pages: 165-181

Short Title: Taking time seriously: A theory of socioemotional selectivity

Alternate Journal: American Psychologist

Legal Note: <http://www-psych.stanford.edu/~lifespan/publibrary.htm> accessed 26 October 2003



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2250

Editor: Caseau, Paul and Breton, Philippe

Year: 1990

Title: L'emprise de l'informatique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Culture Technique, No. 21, Juillet 1990

Short Title: L'emprise de l'informatique

Keywords: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2536

Editor: Casetta, Giuseppe

Year: 1987

Title: Origini e sviluppi dell'analogia: Da Parmenide a S. Tommaso [Origins and development of analogy: From Parmenides to St. Thomas]

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Edizioni Vallombrosa, Via S. Prassede 9/A

Short Title: Origini e sviluppi dell'analogia: Da Parmenide a S. Tommaso [Origins and development of analogy: From Parmenides to St. Thomas]

Keywords: Rome 2000, catholic religion, analogy, metaphor



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 119

Author: Cash, J., McFarlan, F.W. and McKenney, J.L.

Year: 1988

Title: Corporate information systems management: The issues facing senior executives

Place Published: Homewood, Ill.

Publisher: Irwin

Edition: 2nd

Short Title: Corporate information systems management: The issues facing senior executives



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1347

Author: Cassirer, Ernst

Year: 1962

Title: Leibniz' System  in seinen Wissenschaftlige Grundlagen

Place Published: Darmstadt

Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft

Short Title: Leibniz' System  in seinen Wissenschaftlige Grundlagen



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1705

Author: Cassirer, Ernst

Year: 1991

Title: Logique des sciences de la culture

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Les Éditions du Cerf

Short Title: Logique des sciences de la culture

Notes: Paris 1992. Ref to Hildebrandt form x art, Schroedinger, G. Semper stil - teknisk/tektonisk konst, Simmel, Troeltsch, J Uexküll Die Lebenslehre Teoretische Biologie 1930/1928, 229 Vico, 226 Augustin



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1570

Author: Cauvet, C., Proix, C. and Rolland, C.

Year: 1991

Title: ALECSI: An expert system for requirements engineering

Book Title: Proc. of CAISE-91

Pages: 31-49

Short Title: ALECSI: An expert system for requirements engineering

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1299

Author: CBT

Year: 1990

Title: Computer and video in corporate training: Corporate knowledge – corporate training. Fourth International Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, November 19-21, 1990

Place Published: Lugano

Publisher: Istituto Dalle Molle, George Mason University, & Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems ADCIS

Short Title: Computer and video in corporate training: Corporate knowledge – corporate training. Fourth International Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, November 19-21, 1990



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1065

Author: Chaitin, G.

Year: 1987

Title: Algorithmic information theory

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Algorithmic information theory



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 121

Author: Chaitin, G.J.

Year: 1974

Title: Information-theoretic limitations of formal systems

Journal: J. of the ACM

Volume: 21

Issue: 3, July

Pages: 403-424

Short Title: Information-theoretic limitations of formal systems

Alternate Journal: Journal of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 122

Author: Chandon, J.L. and Pinson, S.

Year: 1981

Title: Analyse typologique: Théories et applications

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Masson

Short Title: Analyse typologique: Théories et applications



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1146

Author: Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan

Year: 1987

Title: Truth and beauty: Aesthetics and motivations in science

Place Published: Chicago and London

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Short Title: Truth and beauty: Aesthetics and motivations in science

Notes: From Jon Doyle, Sept. 1989



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1571

Author: Chanlat, Alain

Year: 1992

Title: Humanisme et Gestion: Fondation et raison d'être du groupe Humanisme et Gestion

Institution: HEC École des Hautes Études Commerciales, Univ. de Montreal, 5255 av. Decelles, Montreal, Québec, Canada H3T 1V6, tel 514-3406319, fax 514-3405635

Short Title: Humanisme et Gestion: Fondation et raison d'être du groupe Humanisme et Gestion

Notes: Paris 1992, fr. J. Girin, kopplat till Pierre Guillet de M. som talar om estetik den 15/6 92 i

Montreals Colloque International "Le 'métier' de dirigeant: som passé, son présent, son avenir" 15-19 juin. Georges Gusdorf talar om hermeneutik



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2160

Author: Chapuis, Alfred and Droz, Edmond

Year: 1949

Title: Les automates: Figures artificielles d'homme et d'animaux. Histoire et technique

Place Published: Neuchatel

Publisher: Éditions du Griffon

Short Title: Les automates: Figures artificielles d'homme et d'animaux. Histoire et technique

Keywords: automat, engineer, history of technology/handicraft

Notes: Nordiska Museets Bibliotek (kopia  av förord, kap 13 och 19 hos mig (Musique automatique, & Des robots et de l'automatisme)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 123

Author: Chargaff, E.

Year: 1971

Title: Preface to a grammar of biology: A hundred years of nucleic acid research

Journal: Science

Volume: 172

Issue: 3984, 14 May

Pages: 637-642

Short Title: Preface to a grammar of biology: A hundred years of nucleic acid research

Alternate Journal: Science

Legal Note: Orig. in Experientia, 1970, 26, No. 810

Notes: That in our days such pygmies throw such giant shadows only shows how late in the day it has become (p. 641)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2135

Author: Checkland, Peter

Year: 1995

Title: Model validation in soft systems practice

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 47-54

Short Title: Model validation in soft systems practice

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Keywords: philosophy of science, scientific method, adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 124

Author: Checkland, P. B.

Year: 1981

Title: Systems thinking, systems practice

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Systems thinking, systems practice



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1242

Author: Checkland, Peter B.

Year: 1986

Title: The politics of practice

Short Title: The politics of practice

Report Number: Paper for the IIASA Int. Roundtable The Art and Science of Systems Practice, Int. Inst. of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1027

Author: Checkland, Peter B.

Year: 1988

Title: Soft systems methodology: An overview

Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis

Volume: 15

Pages: 27-30

Short Title: Soft systems methodology: An overview

Alternate Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1203

Author: Checkland, Peter B.

Year: 1988

Title: Churchman's "anatomy of system teleology" revisited

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 1

Issue: 4

Pages: 377-384

Short Title: Churchman's "anatomy of system teleology" revisited

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1219

Author: Checkland, P.B.

Year: 1988

Title: Information systems and systems thinking: Time to unite?

Journal: Int. J. of Information Management

Volume: 8

Pages: 239-248

Short Title: Information systems and systems thinking: Time to unite?

Alternate Journal: Int. J. of Information Management



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1202

Author: Checkland, P.B. and Casar, A.

Year: 1986

Title: Vicker's concept of an appreciative system: A systemic account

Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis

Volume: 13

Pages: 3-17

Short Title: Vicker's concept of an appreciative system: A systemic account

Alternate Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1221

Author: Checkland, P.B. and Griffin, R.

Year: 1970

Title: Information systems: A systems view

Journal: J. of Systems Engineering

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 29-42

Short Title: Information systems: A systems view

Alternate Journal: J. of Systems Engineering



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1701

Author: Chertok, Léon and Stengers, Isabelle

Year: 1989

Title: Le coeur et la raison: L'hypnose en question, de Lavoisier à Lacan

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Payot

Short Title: Le coeur et la raison: L'hypnose en question, de Lavoisier à Lacan

Notes: Paris 1992. Cf. Sherry Turkle, Eleanor Rosch, jung? A2psi



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1294

Author: Christiansen, L.B.

Year: 1985

Title: Experimental methodology

Place Published: Boston, Mass.

Publisher: Allyn and Bacon

Edition: 3rd

Short Title: Experimental methodology

Keywords: Method course



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2612

Author: Chua, W.F.

Year: 1986

Title: Radical Developments in Accounting Thought

Journal: The Accounting Review

Volume: 61

Pages: 601-632

Short Title: Radical Developments in Accounting Thought

Alternate Journal: The Accounting Review

Notes: Fr. Myers 1997



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 126

Author: Church, A.

Year: 1941

Title: The calculi of lambda-conversion.

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: The calculi of lambda-conversion.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 125

Author: Church, A.

Year: 1962

Title: Mathematics and logic

Editor: Nagel, E., Suppes, P. and Tarski, A.

Book Title: Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science (Proc. of the 1960 International Congress)

Place Published: Stanford

Publisher: Stanford University Press

Pages: 181-186

Short Title: Mathematics and logic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 127

Author: Churchman, C. W.

Year: 1948

Title: Theory of experimental inference

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: Theory of experimental inference

Keywords: Method course: pp. 61-97 (or 44-264)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1309

Author: Churchman, C.W.

Year: 1959

Title: Why measure?

Editor: Churchman, C.W. and Ratoosh, P.

Book Title: Measurement: Definitions and theories

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Pages: 83-94

Short Title: Why measure?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 128

Author: Churchman, C. W.

Year: 1961

Title: Prediction and optimal decision: Philosophical issues of a science of values

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Prediction and optimal decision: Philosophical issues of a science of values

Keywords: Method course: pp. 93-136

Notes: Available from http://info.greenwood.com/books/0313234/0313234183.html



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2031

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1963

Title: An analysis of the concept of simulation

Editor: Hoggatt, A.C. and Balderston, F.E.

Book Title: Symposium on simulation models

Publisher: Southwestern Publishing

Pages: 1-12

Short Title: An analysis of the concept of simulation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 129

Author: Churchman, C. W.

Year: 1968

Title: Challenge to reason

Place Published: New York

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Short Title: Challenge to reason

Notes: Method course: pp. 30-45



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 130

Author: Churchman, C.W.

Year: 1968

Title: The systems approach

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Delta

Short Title: The systems approach



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1513

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1970

Title: The artificiality of science: Review of Herbert A. Simon's book The Sciences of the Artificial

Journal: Contemporary Psychology

Volume: 15

Issue: 6, June

Pages: 385-386

Short Title: The artificiality of science: Review of Herbert A. Simon's book The Sciences of the Artificial

Alternate Journal: Contemporary Psychology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1809

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1970

Title: Operations research as a profession

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 17

Issue: 2

Pages: B37-B53

Short Title: Operations research as a profession

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Legal Note: Cf. Churchman, C.W. Preface to the discussion of the ORSA guidelines, and discussion by various authors in Management Science, 18 (10, June 1972), pp B608-B629, referring to Guidelines for the practice of operations research in Operations Research, Sept. 1971, pp.1123-1148.

Keywords: ethics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 131

Author: Churchman, C. W.

Year: 1971

Title: The design of inquiring systems: Basic principles of systems and organization

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books. Out of print

Short Title: The design of inquiring systems: Basic principles of systems and organization

Keywords: Long Notes, information



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2955

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1972

Title: Preface to the discussion of the ORSA guidelines

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 18

Issue: 10

Pages: B-608  - B609

Short Title: Preface to the discussion of the ORSA guidelines

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Keywords: Prefessional ethics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 132

Author: Churchman, C. W.

Year: 1979

Title: The systems approach and its enemies

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: The systems approach and its enemies

Keywords: Method course: pp. 54-69



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 926

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1982

Title: Thought and wisdom

Place Published: Seaside, CA.

Publisher: Intersystems

Short Title: Thought and wisdom



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2944

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1982

Title: Book review of Peter Checkland's 'Systems thinking, Systems Practice', Wiley, Chichester, 1981

Journal: European J. of Operational Research

Volume: 11

Pages: 405-407

Short Title: Book review of Peter Checkland's 'Systems thinking, Systems Practice', Wiley, Chichester, 1981

Alternate Journal: European J. of Operational Research



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2509

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1984-1986

Title: Churchman's conversations

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 1-3

Issue: 1-4

Short Title: Churchman's conversations

Alternate Journal: Systems Research



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 807

Author: Churchman, C.W.

Year: 1987

Title: The philosophy of design

Institution: University of California, Center for research in management science, Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Short Title: The philosophy of design

Report Number: Unpublished manuscript



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2525

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1987

Title: Interview: The development of the systems approach

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics (Information Processing)

Short Title: Interview: The development of the systems approach



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1096

Author: Churchman, C. West, (Ed.)

Year: 1989

Title: The well-being of organizations

Place Published: Salinas, Calif.

Publisher: Intersystems

Number of Pages: 375

Short Title: The well-being of organizations

ISBN: ISBN 0-914105-39-6

Notes: Intersystems Publications, 401 Victor Way - No.3, Salinas, California 93907, USA



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1287

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1990

Title: Ackoff comes of age

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 3

Issue: 2, April

Pages: 125-130

Short Title: Ackoff comes of age

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1835

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1990

Title: Toward a just society for future generations

Editor: Banathy, Bela H. and Banathy, Bela A.

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990.

Pages: i-iii

Short Title: Toward a just society for future generations

Section: Foreword



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2297

Author: Churchman, C. West

Year: 1995

Title: Ethics and science

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 4

Pages: 267-271

Short Title: Ethics and science

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Keywords: philosophy, economics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1348

Author: Churchman, C. West and Ackoff, R. L.

Year: 1950

Title: Purposive behavior and cybernetics

Journal: Social Forces

Volume: 29

Issue: 1, October

Pages: 32-39

Short Title: Purposive behavior and cybernetics

Alternate Journal: Social Forces



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 133

Author: Churchman, C. W. and Ackoff, R.L.

Year: 1955

Title: Operational accounting and operations research

Journal: J. of Accountancy

Issue: February

Pages: 33-39

Short Title: Operational accounting and operations research

Alternate Journal: Journal of Accountancy



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 134

Author: Churchman, C. W., Auerbach, L. and Sadan, S.

Year: 1975

Title: Thinking for decisions: Deductive quantitative methods

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Science Research Associates

Short Title: Thinking for decisions: Deductive quantitative methods



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1041

Author: Churchman, C.W. and Buchanan, B.G.

Year: 1969

Title: On the design of inductive systems: Some philosophical problems

Journal: Br. J. Phil. Sci.

Volume: 20

Pages: 311-323

Short Title: On the design of inductive systems: Some philosophical problems

Alternate Journal: British J. for the Philosophy of Science



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 867

Author: Churchman, C.W  and Schainblatt, A. H.

Year: 1965

Title: The researcher and the manager: a dialectics of implementation

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 11

Issue: 4, Feb.

Pages: B69-B87

Short Title: The researcher and the manager: a dialectics of implementation

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Legal Note: Cf. also the subsequent debate in the same journal



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 135

Author: Ciampi, A. and Till, J.E.

Year: 1980

Title: Null results in clinical trials: The need for a decision-theory approach

Journal: British J. of Cancer

Volume: 41

Pages: 618-629

Short Title: Null results in clinical trials: The need for a decision-theory approach

Alternate Journal: British J. of Cancer



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1776

Author: Ciancio, Claudio, Ferretti, Giovanni, Pastore, Annamaria and Perone, Ugo

Year: 1989

Title: In lotta con l'angelo: La filosofia degli ultimi due secoli di fronte al Cristianesimo

Place Published: Torino

Publisher: SEI - Società Editrice Internazionale

Number of Pages: ix+461

Short Title: In lotta con l'angelo: La filosofia degli ultimi due secoli di fronte al Cristianesimo

Notes: Ugo Perone (p.198-215 Finis christianismi; 343-374 modernità e  secolarizzazione).

Ciancio: Univ. di Lecce

Ferretti: Univ. di Macerata

Pastore: Scuola Europea, Varese

Perone: II Univ. di Roma



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 137

Author: Ciborra, C.

Year: 1985

Title: Reframing the role of computers in organizations: The transaction costs approach

Editor: Galegos, L, Welke, R. and Wetherbe, J.

Book Title: Proc. of the sixth int. conf. on information systems, Dec. 16-18, 1985, Indianapolis, USA

Pages: 57-68

Short Title: Reframing the role of computers in organizations: The transaction costs approach



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1572

Author: Ciborra, Claudio

Year: 1988

Title: Knowledge and systems in organizations: A typology and a proposal

Editor: Lee, R.M., McCosh, A.M. and Migliarese, P.

Book Title: Organizational decision support systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: Elsevier / North-Hollan

Pages: 229-246

Short Title: Knowledge and systems in organizations: A typology and a proposal

Notes: Paris 1992-Capri



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2379

Author: Ciborra, Claudio

Year: 1997

Title: De profundis? Deconstructing the concept of strategic alignment

Short Title: De profundis? Deconstructing the concept of strategic alignment



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1574

Author: Ciborra, Claudio and Pagani, Daniele S.

Year: 1991

Title: Teaching IT strategy through high-tech 'bricolage'

Book Title: Contribution to ETTE'91

Short Title: Teaching IT strategy through high-tech 'bricolage'

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 962

Author: Ciborra, Claudio U.

Year: 1984

Title: Management information systems: A contractual view

Editor: Bemelmans, T.M.A.

Book Title: Beyond productivity: Information systems development for organizational effectiveness

Publisher: Elsevier - North Hollan

Pages: 135ff

Short Title: Management information systems: A contractual view



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1533

Author: Ciborra, Claudio U.

Year: 1991

Title: The limits of strategic information systems

Journal: Int. J. of Information Resource Mgmt

Volume: 2

Issue: 3

Pages: 11-17

Short Title: The limits of strategic information systems

Alternate Journal: Int. J. of Information Resource Management

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2416

Author: Ciborra, Claudio U. and Hanseth, Ole

Year: 1998

Title: From tool to Gestell: Agendas for managing the information infrastructure

Journal: Draft

Short Title: From tool to Gestell: Agendas for managing the information infrastructure

Alternate Journal: Draft

Keywords: cultivation, Callon, Latour, IBM's Customer Relationship Management CRM, Winograd & Flores' Coordinator (?)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1573

Author: Ciborra, Claudio U. and Lanzara, Giovan Francesco

Year: 1990

Title: Designing dynamic artifacts: Computer systems as formative contexts

Editor: Gagliardi, P.

Book Title: Symbols and artifacts: Views of the corporate landscape

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: De Gruyter

Pages: 147-165

Short Title: Designing dynamic artifacts: Computer systems as formative contexts

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1576

Author: CIPh

Year: 1992

Title: Collège International de Philosophie: Sciences, interscience, arts.

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Collège International de Philosophie, 1 rue Descartes, F-75005 Paris

Short Title: Collège International de Philosophie: Sciences, interscience, arts.

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1328

Author: Clapper, Danial L. and McLean, Ephraim R.

Year: 1990

Title: Information technology in support of group activity: A theoretical framework and implications for research

Editor: Nissen, Hans Erik, Klein, Heinz K. and Hirschheim, Rudy

Book Title: Prec. of ISRA-90 The information systems research arena of the 90's: Challenges, perceptions, and alternative approaches. IFIP TC-8, WG-8:2 working conference, Copenhagen, Dec. 14-16. 1990

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Univ. of Lund, Inst. of Information Processing

Volume: 2

Pages: 399-413

Short Title: Information technology in support of group activity: A theoretical framework and implications for research

Section: Elaborated in book, same eds. Information Systems Research: Contemporary approaches & emergent traditions. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1991, pp. 613-630



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2003

Author: Clark, Stephen B.

Year: 1980

Title: The new social environment: Technological society

Editor: Clark, Stephen B.

Book Title: Man and woman in Christ: En examination of the roles of men and women in light of Scripture and the social sciences

Place Published: Ann Arbor

Publisher: Servant Books

Pages: 467-506

Short Title: The new social environment: Technological society

Keywords: Christianity, religion, gender, sex, equality



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2004

Author: Clark, Stephen B.

Year: 1980

Title: The new intellectual environment: Ideology and Christianity

Editor: Clark, Stephen B.

Book Title: Man and woman in Christ: En examination of the roles of men and women in light of Scripture and the social sciences

Place Published: Ann Arbor

Publisher: Servant Books

Pages: 507-540

Short Title: The new intellectual environment: Ideology and Christianity

Keywords: Christianity, religion, gender, sex, equality



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 969

Author: Clarke, F.P. and Nahm, M.C., (Eds.)

Year: 1942

Title: Philosophical essays in honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr.

Place Published: Philadelphia

Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press

Short Title: Philosophical essays in honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr.

Notes: Edwin R. Guthrie, The principle of associative learning, pp. 100-114



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2057

Author: Clarke, J.J.

Year: 1992

Title: In search of Jung: Historical and philosophical enquiries

Place Published: London and New York

Publisher: Routledge

Short Title: In search of Jung: Historical and philosophical enquiries

Keywords: A2M, philosophy. Jung as romantic romanticism Fichte Goethe, CW18 §1740

Notes: From Thomas Ahlmark



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2283

Author: Clarke, W. Norris

Year: 1972

Title: Technology and man: A Christian view

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 247-258

Short Title: Technology and man: A Christian view

Keywords: Christian religion, theology, ADB education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1491

Author: Clarkson, Mark, A.

Year: 1991

Title: An easier interface: Xerox PARC, originator of the computer desktop, unveils a vision for the future of user interfaces

Journal: Byte

Issue: February

Pages: 277-282

Short Title: An easier interface: Xerox PARC, originator of the computer desktop, unveils a vision for the future of user interfaces

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: Virtual reality?

Notes: Information Visualizer architects [at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center - PARC] George Robertson, Stuart Card, and Jock Mackinlay quote Walt Disney: "Animation can explain whatever the mind can conceive."



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2578

Author: Cleary, Denis

Year: 2000

Title: Antonio Rosmini: Introduction to his life and teaching

Place Published: Durham, U.K.

Publisher: Rosmini House

Short Title: Antonio Rosmini: Introduction to his life and teaching

Keywords: catholic philosophy, Rome 2000



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2319

Author: Cleveland, Harlan

Year: 1985

Title: The knowledge executive: Leadership in an information society

Place Published: New York: Truman Talley Books - E. P. Dutton

Short Title: The knowledge executive: Leadership in an information society



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2576

Author: Closson, Don

Year: 1996

Title: How do you spell truth?

Publisher: http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/spelltru.html, accessed 26 October 2000

Short Title: How do you spell truth?

Keywords: truth vs postmodernism, relativism, skepticism, perspectivism, interpretism, Rome 2000



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2238

Author: Clouser, R.A.

Year: 1991

Title: The myth of religious neutrality: An essay on the hidden role of religious belief in theories

Place Published: Notre Dame

Publisher: Univ. of Notre Dame Press

Short Title: The myth of religious neutrality: An essay on the hidden role of religious belief in theories

Notes: 11 May 95 from

Arthur Zijlstra

Vereniging voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte

Postbus 368

3500 AJ Utrecht


tel 030-342030, fax 342028


Institute for Christian Studies

229 College Street

Toronto, Ontario

Canada M5T 1R4



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 138

Editor: Cobb, L. and Thrall, R.M.

Year: 1981

Title: Mathematical frontiers of the social and policy sciences (AAAS Selected Symposium)

Place Published: Boulder: Colorado

Publisher: Westview Press

Short Title: Mathematical frontiers of the social and policy sciences (AAAS Selected Symposium)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 139

Author: Cohen, H.

Year: 1983

Title: Mathematics today: Sprucing up the old queen

Journal: CACM

Volume: 26

Issue: 12

Pages: 1037-1038

Short Title: Mathematics today: Sprucing up the old queen

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 140

Author: Cohen, M.R. and Nagel, E.

Year: 1962

Title: An introduction to logic

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harcourt, Brace & World

Short Title: An introduction to logic



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 141

Author: Cohen, P.R. and Perrault, C.R.

Year: 1979

Title: Elements of a plan-based theory of speech acts

Journal: Cognitive Science

Volume: 3

Issue: 3

Pages: 177-212

Short Title: Elements of a plan-based theory of speech acts

Alternate Journal: Cognitive Science



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1510

Editor: Cohen, Robert S. and Wartofsky, Marx W.

Year: 1984

Title: Hegel and the sciences

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Reidel

Short Title: Hegel and the sciences

Notes: Hittat vid kop. maskin, pp.82-83, av Henry Paolucci, om "Hegel, Newton and Einstein" och om "Hegel's sustained polemic against the pre-Darwinian advocates of an evolutionary origin of the species" and the reason of a "philosophically-integrated natural scienced". Cf. Hegels Les Orbites des Planètes.



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2386

Editor: Cohen-Tannoudji, Gilles

Year: 1995

Title: Virtualité et realité dans les sciences

Place Published: Gif sur Yvette

Publisher: Frontières

Short Title: Virtualité et realité dans les sciences

Keywords: Paris nittiosju+1998, virtual reality (John Waterworth), PO Ågren - Anna Croon

Notes: Ed. Frontières, 91192 Gif sur Yvette. Seen 19/6-97 in Librairie Vrin

Till Ingarö 000520, med insatt bra "Worlds apart" från The Economist



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1108

Author: Collange, Christiane

Year: 1985

Title: Moi, ta mère

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Fayard

Short Title: Moi, ta mère

Keywords: Don Juán, pathological narcisism, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1180

Author: Collange, Christiane

Year: 1989

Title: Dear children

Place Published: London

Publisher: Arrow Books

Translator: Willy, G.M.

Short Title: Dear children



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2970

Author: Collberg, Britta

Year: 2003

Title: Avhandlingar som rör om

Journal: LUM

Volume: 36

Issue: 8

Pages: iii-vi

Short Title: Avhandlingar som rör om

Alternate Journal: Lunds Universitet Meddelar

Legal Note: Discussion of two controversial Ph.D. dissertations, Erik Persson's "Shadows of cavernous shades" and Linda Rampell's "Designatlas: En resa genom designteori 1845-2002"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1359

Author: Collen, Arne

Year: 1990

Title: Advancing human science

Journal: Saybrook Review

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 17-39

Short Title: Advancing human science

Alternate Journal: Saybrook Review



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1950

Author: Collen, Morris F.

Year: 1994

Title: The origins of informatics

Journal: J. of the Am. Medical Informatics Ass.

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 91-107

Short Title: The origins of informatics

Alternate Journal: J. of the American Medical Informatics Assoc.

Keywords: adb history, adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2055

Author: Collingwood, R.G.

Year: 1933/1970

Title: An essay on philosophical method

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

Short Title: An essay on philosophical method

Notes: Philosophy as branch of literature 199; poetry, method; mathematics 13; vs Kant pp. 20ff, and p. 23 "...The confusions into which Kant is betrayed by his failure to think out the relation between critical philosophy and metaphysics".



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1312

Author: Collingwood, R. G.

Year: 1940

Title: An essay in metaphysics

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

Short Title: An essay in metaphysics

Keywords: religion

Notes: p. 254 "Thus the possibility of an applied mathematics is an expression, in terms of natural science, of the Christian belief that nature is the creation of an omnipotent God", p. 257 "...the belief in the possibility of applied mathematics is only one part of the belief in God"; p. 120 "...the drawing of a distinction between truth and falsity belongs to the very essence of thinking"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1194

Author: Collingwood, R.G.

Year: 1946

Title: The idea of history

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: The idea of history



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1161

Author: Collins, H.M.

Year: 1987

Title: Expert systems and the science of knowledge

Editor: Bijker, Wiebe E., Hughes, Thomas P. and Pinch, Trevor J.

Book Title: The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Pages: 329-348

Short Title: Expert systems and the science of knowledge

Keywords: Sociology of knowledge, Hans Zeisel?

Notes: Recalls R. Whitaker pp.325, 345 & 353. Cited in Gras et al. 1991, p. 78



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2097

Author: Collste, Göran

Year: 1993

Title: Etik i datasamhället

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons

Short Title: Etik i datasamhället

Keywords: ref till Hans Jonas, Hans Holmgren, computer ethics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 142

Author: Computer science curriculum

Year: 1964

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 7

Issue: 4, April

Pages: 205-230

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Legal Note: Education issue, with papers assembled by the ACM Education Committee.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1153

Author: Conklyn, Jeff

Year: 1987

Title: Hypertext: An introduction and survey

Journal: Computer (IEEE)

Volume: 20

Issue: 9

Pages: 17-41

Short Title: Hypertext: An introduction and survey

Alternate Journal: Computer (IEEE)

Legal Note: Reprinted in I. Greif, Ed. Computer supported cooperative work: A book of readings. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufman, 1988, pp. 423-476



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1295

Author: Cook, T.D. and Campbell, D.T.

Year: 1979

Title: Quasi-experimentation: Design and analysis issues for field settings

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Short Title: Quasi-experimentation: Design and analysis issues for field settings

Keywords: Method course



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2666

Author: Cooley, Mike

Year: 1976

Title: The university as a factory

Journal: New Scientist

Issue: 24 June

Short Title: The university as a factory

Alternate Journal: New Scientist

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1820

Author: Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish

Year: 1989

Title: What is civilization? And other essays

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: What is civilization? And other essays

Notes: fr Lindbom



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 959

Author: Cooper, Randolph B.

Year: 1988

Title: Review of management information systems research: A management support emphasis

Journal: Information Processing & Management

Volume: 24

Issue: 1

Pages: 73-102

Short Title: Review of management information systems research: A management support emphasis

Alternate Journal: Information Processing & Management

Keywords: adb education

Notes: fr Järvinen

University of Michigan, Graduate School of Business Administration, Ann Arbor, MI 48109



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 143

Author: Copi, I.M.

Year: 1979

Title: Symbolic logic

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: Symbolic logic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1069

Author: Copleston, F., (S.J.)

Year: 1985

Title: A history of philosophy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Doubleday

Number of Volumes: 3

Short Title: A history of philosophy

Keywords: religion and philosophy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 914

Author: Corbin, Henry

Year: 1978

Title: Il paradosso del monoteismo

Journal: Conoscenza Religiosa

Volume: 1

Issue: January-February

Pages: 1-46

Short Title: Il paradosso del monoteismo

Alternate Journal: Conoscenza Religiosa

Legal Note: Bemporad, Gabriella, Ed.

Notes: Suggested by Zellini. Refers to Raymond Ruyer, La Gnose de Princeton, Paris, 1974, pp. 37ff.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 144

Author: Corbin, H.  and et al.

Year: 1957

Title: Man and time. Papers from the Eranos yearbooks

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books (Bollingen Series 30.3)

Short Title: Man and time. Papers from the Eranos yearbooks



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2598

Author: Córdoba, José Rodrigo and Midgley, Gerald

Year: 2000

Title: Rethinking stakeholder involvement: An application of the theories of autopoiesis and boundary critique to information systems planning. Chapter 13

Editor: Clarke, S. and Lehaney, B.

Book Title: Human centered methods in information systems: Current research and practice

Place Published: Hershey, USA

Publisher: Idea Group

Pages: 194-237

Short Title: Rethinking stakeholder involvement: An application of the theories of autopoiesis and boundary critique to information systems planning. Chapter 13

Section: ISBN 1-878-28964-0

Keywords: Hull, Lincoln

Notes: Gerald's contribution (e-mail 001008)



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2175

Editor: Cotterman, William and Senn, James

Year: 1992

Title: Challenges and strategies for research in systems development

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Challenges and strategies for research in systems development

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Fr. Rob Kling 1995 Can computer science solve...



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2472

Author: Cottingham, John

Year: 1998

Title: Philosophy and the good life: Reason and the passions in Greek, Cartesian and psychoanalytic ethics

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Philosophy and the good life: Reason and the passions in Greek, Cartesian and psychoanalytic ethics

Keywords: LONG NOTES psy-psi, Plato-Aristotle, ref Martha Nussbaum, ≈≈ethics,  etc. Till Ingarö 000619

Notes: Tips från John Waterworth 991116 pp. 29-61 on "Ratiocentric ethics". Cf. ≈≈ on improvisation vs. ethics p. 48.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 145

Author: Couger, J.D. and Knapp, R.W.

Year: 1974

Title: Systems analysis techniques

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Systems analysis techniques



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2150

Editor: Coughlin, R.

Year: 1991

Title: Morality, rationality and efficiency: Perspectives on socio-economics

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Sharpe

Short Title: Morality, rationality and efficiency: Perspectives on socio-economics

Keywords: adb educaton

Notes: on network organization, by Jerald Hage & C. Alter. Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2516

Author: Courtney, James, Croasdell, David and Paradice, David

Year: 1996

Title: Inquiring organizations

Editor: Carey, Jane M.

Book Title: Proc. of the AIS Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 16-18, 1996, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Place Published: Pittsburgh

Publisher: Univ. of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business, Pittsburgh, PA

Pages: 443-445

Short Title: Inquiring organizations

Keywords: Churchman DIS Chu71/0**



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 930

Author: Cowan, T.A.

Year: 1962

Title: What can law do for social science?

Editor: Evan, W.M.

Book Title: Law and sociology

Place Published: Glencoe

Publisher: Free Press

Pages: 91-123

Short Title: What can law do for social science?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 943

Author: Cowan, Thomas A.

Year: 1963

Title: Decision theory in law, science and technology

Journal: Science

Volume: 140

Issue: 7 June

Pages: 1065-1075

Short Title: Decision theory in law, science and technology

Alternate Journal: Science



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 931

Author: Cowan, T.A.

Year: 1975

Title: Nonrationality in decision theory

Editor: Churchman, C.W.

Book Title: Systems and management annual 1975

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Petrocelli/Charter

Short Title: Nonrationality in decision theory



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2311

Author: Coyne, Richard

Year: 1995

Title: Designing information technology in the postmodern age : From method to metaphor

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Designing information technology in the postmodern age : From method to metaphor

Notes: Amazon.com Price: $35.00 ISBN hardcover: 0262032287. Cf. Winograd's (ed.) Bringing Design to Software



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 808

Author: Cranberg, L.

Year: 1968

Title: Law: scientific and juridical

Journal: American Scientist

Volume: 56

Issue: 3

Pages: 244-253

Short Title: Law: scientific and juridical

Alternate Journal: American Scientist



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2253

Author: Crawford, Walt and Gorman, Michael

Year: 1995

Title: Future libraries: Dreams, madness, and reality

Place Published: Chicago and London

Publisher: American Library Association

Short Title: Future libraries: Dreams, madness, and reality

Keywords: criticism, debate

Notes: Tips vid Rob Klings besök sept 95?



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1577

Author: CRG

Year: 1990

Title: Centre de Recherche en Gestion [École Polytechnique]: Publications 1990

Institution: École Polytechnique, Paris, 1 rue Descartes, F-75005 Paris

Short Title: Centre de Recherche en Gestion [École Polytechnique]: Publications 1990

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. Jacques Girin 19/3 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1903

Author: Croon, Anna

Year: 1993

Title: Style and exemplar: Two concepts to improve the study of design practice

Editor: Bansler, J., Bødker, S., Kensing, F., Nørbjerg, J. and Pries-Heje, J.

Book Title: Prec. of the 16th IRIS

Place Published: Copenhagen

Publisher: Copenhagen University, Datalogisk Institut

Short Title: Style and exemplar: Two concepts to improve the study of design practice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2263

Author: Cross, Nigel

Year: 1992

Title: Design ability

Journal: Nordisk Arkitekturforskning

Issue: 4

Pages: 19-25

Short Title: Design ability

Alternate Journal: Nordisk Arkitekturforskning

Keywords: architecture



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1578

Author: Crozier, Michel

Year: 1971

Title: The world of the office worker

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Univ. of Chicago Press

Short Title: The world of the office worker

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1579

Author: Crozier, Michel

Year: 1980

Title: Actors and systems

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Univ. of Chicago Press

Short Title: Actors and systems

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1580

Author: Crozier, Michel

Year: 1982

Title: Strategies for change: The future of French society

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Strategies for change: The future of French society

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1581

Author: Crozier, Michel

Year: 1985

Title: The trouble with America

Place Published: Berkeley

Publisher: Univ. of California Press

Short Title: The trouble with America

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1582

Author: Crozier, Michel

Year: 1987

Title: État modeste, état moderne

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Fayard

Short Title: État modeste, état moderne

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2185

Author: Crozier, M., Glass, D., Hughes, J.G., Johnston, W. and McChesney, I.

Year: 1989

Title: Critical analysis of tools for computer-aided software engineering

Journal: Information and Software Technology

Volume: 31

Issue: 9

Pages: 486-496

Short Title: Critical analysis of tools for computer-aided software engineering

Alternate Journal: Information and Software Technology

Keywords: programming

Notes: Fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1583

Author: CSO

Year: 1991

Title: Centre de sociologie des organisations: Rapport d'activité 1985-1990

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Short Title: Centre de sociologie des organisations: Rapport d'activité 1985-1990

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. F. Pavé



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 961

Author: Culnan, Mary J.

Year: 1987

Title: Mapping the intellectual structure of MIS, 1980-1985: A co-citation analysis

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Issue: September

Pages: 341ff

Short Title: Mapping the intellectual structure of MIS, 1980-1985: A co-citation analysis

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Notes: Refers to Burt Swanson



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2187

Author: Cuomo, D.L.

Year: 1994

Title: Understanding the applicability of sequential data analysis techniques for analysing usability data

Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology

Volume: 13

Issue: 1/2

Pages: 171-182

Short Title: Understanding the applicability of sequential data analysis techniques for analysing usability data

Alternate Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology

Keywords: adb education, statistics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1911

Author: Côté, Raymond Ga and Smith, Ben

Year: 1993

Title: Profiles in document managing: Businesses generate billions of pages and terabytes of data a year; a good DMS can help you keep track of all that information

Journal: Byte

Issue: September

Pages: 198-212

Short Title: Profiles in document managing: Businesses generate billions of pages and terabytes of data a year; a good DMS can help you keep track of all that information

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: DMS, Document management systems, administration, adb, administrative, object orientation?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2948

Author: D.B.

Year: 1985

Title: Dunkla självklarheter. Recension av Kristo Ivanov's "Några reflexioner över framtida datautbildning och forskning eller Att belysa tio dunkla självklarheter, i Ove Eriksson, UHA, red. Kunskap för Framtiden. Liber Utbildningsförlaget, 1983

Journal: KRUT

Volume: 38

Issue: 2

Pages: 69-70

Short Title: Dunkla självklarheter. Recension av Kristo Ivanov's "Några reflexioner över framtida datautbildning och forskning eller Att belysa tio dunkla självklarheter, i Ove Eriksson, UHA, red. Kunskap för Framtiden. Liber Utbildningsförlaget, 1983

Alternate Journal: KRUT-Kritisk Utbildningstidskrift

Legal Note: Bidrag till KRUT-temanummer om Datautbildning: Vilhelm Moberg: Om industrialismen och behovsslavar ur Ansikten 1932; Lena Hellblom: Utbildning för datatåget; Richard Matz: vetandets tillväxt och rationella distribution: Kjell-Åke Johansson: Behöver vi datorer i skolan?; Arne Grip: I huvudet på en skolstyrelseledamot; Anders Gullberg: med det vart inget ljus; Karl-Olov Arnstberg i samtal med Lasse Karlsson: Det vi bäst behöver är ett slags kallsinnighet; Anders Beckman: Som ägg till sockerkaka; Lasse Karlsson: Mycket vet vi, men lite har vi lärt

Keywords: education, computer literacy [e-learning?]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 146

Author: D'Aquili, E.

Year: 1975

Title: The influence of Jung on the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss

Journal: J. of the History of Behavioral Sciences

Volume: 11

Issue: 1

Pages: 41-48

Short Title: The influence of Jung on the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss

Alternate Journal: J. of the History of Behavioral Sciences



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1770

Author: D'Arcy, Martin Cyril, S.J.

Year: 1944

Title: Belief and reason

Place Published: London

Publisher: Burns Oates & Washbourne

Short Title: Belief and reason

Notes: From López-Garay, March 1993. Cf. The will to believe & de Raadt. Ref. p. 53 to Baron F. von Hugel/Hügel, etc. pragmatism & modernism. Ref Tyrrell (e.g. p. 66)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1789

Author: D'Arcy, Martin Cyril, S.J.

Year: 1971

Title: Humanism and Christianity

Place Published: London

Publisher: Constable

Short Title: Humanism and Christianity

Notes: Fr dra.com. Copy July 93 from Hernan López-Garay i Lancaster



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2000

Author: D'Arcy, Martin Cyril

Year: 1979

Title: The meeting of love and knowledge : Perennial wisdom

Place Published: Westport, Conn.

Publisher: Greenwood Press

Short Title: The meeting of love and knowledge : Perennial wisdom

Keywords: Ethics, theology, humanism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2542

Author: D'Espagnat, B.

Year: 1997

Title: La physique actuelle et la philosophie

Journal: Revue des Sciences Morales et Politiques

Issue: 3

Pages: 29-45

Short Title: La physique actuelle et la philosophie

Legal Note: cf. p. 133 on the relation between modern biology and Platonism

Keywords: fr Yvonne Werners Ratzinger 0010XX "Tro mellan förnuft och känsla", belief & reason B&R, religion, catholic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1584

Author: Dagognet, François

Year: 1979

Title: Mémoire pour l'avenir: Vers une méthodologie de l'informatique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Mémoire pour l'avenir: Vers une méthodologie de l'informatique

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 120,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1732

Author: Dagognet, François

Year: 1986

Title: Eloge de la simulation: De la vie des langages à la synthése des images

Place Published: Seyssel

Publisher: Champ Vallon

Short Title: Eloge de la simulation: De la vie des langages à la synthése des images



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1432

Author: Dahlbom, Bo

Year: 1987

Title: Ett humanistiskt synsätt

Editor: Nordenfelt, Lennart and Nordin, Ingemar

Book Title: Vetenskap, etik, samhälle

Place Published: Linköping

Publisher: University of Linköping – Tema

Pages: 33-51

Short Title: Ett humanistiskt synsätt

Section: ISSN 0281-4919, SHS 8



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1218

Author: Dahlbom, Bo

Year: 1990

Title: The idea that reality is socially constructed

Editor: Budde, Floyd and et al.

Book Title: Software development and reality construction

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer

Short Title: The idea that reality is socially constructed

Section: Page refs. to version of 12 Jan. 1990, University of Gothenburg, Dept. of Philosophy



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1433

Author: Dahlbom, Bo

Year: 1991

Title: Maskiner med mänskligt ansikte: Ett humanistiskt perspektiv på socialtjänstens datorisering

Book Title: Datorstöd inom socialtjänsten – I

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Socialstyrelsen

Pages: 39-67

Short Title: Maskiner med mänskligt ansikte: Ett humanistiskt perspektiv på socialtjänstens datorisering

Section: SoS Report 1991:15



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2333

Author: Dahlbom, Bo

Year: 1992

Title: The idea that reality is socially constructed

Editor: Floyd, C, Zÿÿllighoven, H, Budde, R and Keil-Slawik, R

Book Title: Software development and

reality construction

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Short Title: The idea that reality is socially constructed



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2483

Author: Dahlbom, Bo

Year: 1996

Title: The new informatics

Journal: SJIS

Volume: 8

Issue: 2

Short Title: The new informatics

Alternate Journal: Scandinavian J. of Information Systems

Legal Note: http://iris.informatik.gu.se/sjis/magazine/vol8no2/Dahlbom.htm, accessed 9 Feb. 2000



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1734

Author: Dahlbom, Bo and Janlert, Lars-Erik

Year: 1990

Title: An artificial world: An invitation to creative con versations on future use and design of computer technology

Journal: Scandinavian J. of Information Systems

Volume: 2

Short Title: An artificial world: An invitation to creative con versations on future use and design of computer technology

Alternate Journal: Scandinavian J. of Information Systems



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2299

Author: Dahlbom, Bo and Mathiassen, Lars

Year: 1993

Title: Computers in context: The philosophy and practice of systems design

Place Published: Cambridge, MA & Oxford UK

Publisher: NCC Blackwell

Short Title: Computers in context: The philosophy and practice of systems design

Notes: Tack Ivanov p. ix



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2070

Author: Dahlbäck, Nils

Year: 1992

Title: Representations of discourse: Cognitive and computational aspects

Place Published: Linköping

Publisher: Univ. of Linköping, Dept of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Representations of discourse: Cognitive and computational aspects

Keywords: ADB avh, mental models, natural language, dialogue



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1460

Author: Dahlin, Bo

Year: 1989

Title: Begreppet humanism

Journal: Fenix Tidskrift för Humanism

Issue: 143-159

Short Title: Begreppet humanism

Alternate Journal: Fenix Tidskrift för Humanism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 839

Author: Dal Lago, A.

Year: 1983

Title: L'ordine infranto: Max Weber e i limiti del razionalismo

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: UNICOPLI

Short Title: L'ordine infranto: Max Weber e i limiti del razionalismo



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 147

Author: Dashiell, J.F.

Year: 1962

Title: The ureliability of secondary sources: With examples from Jung

Journal: The Psychological Record

Volume: 12

Pages: 331-334

Short Title: The ureliability of secondary sources: With examples from Jung

Alternate Journal: The Psychological Record



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 148

Author: Datamation

Year: 1977

Title: (20 years anniversary issue)

Journal: Datamation

Volume: 23

Issue: 9, September

Pages: 64-68, 69-74, 75-79

Short Title: (20 years anniversary issue)

Alternate Journal: Datamation

Keywords: history



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 149

Editor: Datan, N.  and Reese, H.W., (Eds.)

Year: 1977

Title: Life-span developmental psychology. Dialectical perspectives on experimental research

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: Life-span developmental psychology. Dialectical perspectives on experimental research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 150

Author: Daudi, P.

Year: 1986

Title: Power in the organisation: The discourse of power in managerial praxis

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: Power in the organisation: The discourse of power in managerial praxis



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2823

Author: Daun, Åke

Year: 2002

Title: Se upp för främlingen

Journal: DN

Issue: 8 februari

Pages: B5

Short Title: Se upp för främlingen

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: Chu71/7* mentalitet, Weltanschauung



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2492

Author: Davenport, Thomas H. and Markus, M. Lynne

Year: 1999

Title: Rigor vs. relevance revisited: Response to Benbasat and Zmud

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 19-23

Short Title: Rigor vs. relevance revisited: Response to Benbasat and Zmud

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Keywords: practice



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 151

Author: David, F.N.

Year: 1962

Title: Games, gods and gambling: The origins and history of probability and statistical ideas from the earliest times to the Newtonian era

Place Published: London

Publisher: Charles Griffin

Short Title: Games, gods and gambling: The origins and history of probability and statistical ideas from the earliest times to the Newtonian era

Keywords: religion, theology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1585

Author: David-Ménard, Monique

Year: 1990

Title: La folie dans la raison pure: Kant lecteur de Swedenborg [Madness in the pure reason: Kant reading Swedenborg]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: La folie dans la raison pure: Kant lecteur de Swedenborg [Madness in the pure reason: Kant reading Swedenborg]

Keywords: A2psi, practical, aesthetics, ethics, virtue, sublime, transcendent, mathematical, desire, rebus, melancholy, will, Sade

Notes: På Ingarö. Paris 1992, FF148,- Cf. HCS = p.191 "L'essentiel de la philosophie practique et esthéthique consistera plutôt à distinguer la faculté de désirer de celle d'éprouver du plaisir et du déplaisir...la décision philosophique de séparer l'analyse des vertus de celle du beau et du sublime, soit la raison pratique du jugement esthétique." P. 236 "[I]dentité de fonction entre les signifiants du désir et les formules mathématiques"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1858

Author: Davies, Paul C.W.

Year: 1983

Title: God and the new physics

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Dent

Short Title: God and the new physics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2552

Author: Dávila, Jorge and Ochoa-Arias, Alejandro

Year: 1999

Title: Birth and demise of a social protection organization in Venezuela

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 15-34

Short Title: Birth and demise of a social protection organization in Venezuela

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Keywords: Mérida 2000, social work, till Niklas Krosness



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 840

Author: Davis, J.J.

Year: 1968

Title: Biblical numerology : A basic study of the use of numbers in the Bible

Place Published: Winona Lake

Publisher: BMH Books

Short Title: Biblical numerology : A basic study of the use of numbers in the Bible



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 152

Author: Davis, P.J.

Year: 1987

Title: The tower of mathematical Babel

Journal: SIAM News

Issue: November

Pages: 6

Short Title: The tower of mathematical Babel

Alternate Journal: SIAM News



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 153

Author: Davis, P.J. and Hersh, R.

Year: 1981

Title: The mathematical experience

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Short Title: The mathematical experience



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 892

Author: Davis, Philip J. and Hersh, Reuben

Year: 1986

Title: Descartes' dream: The world according to mathematics

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, and Penguin Books

Short Title: Descartes' dream: The world according to mathematics

Notes: On computation, pp. 139ff



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2667

Author: Dawson, Christopher

Year: 1961

Title: The crisis of Western education. With specific programs for the study of Christian culture by John J. Mulloy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Sheed and Ward

Short Title: The crisis of Western education. With specific programs for the study of Christian culture by John J. Mulloy

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 809

Author: de Bono, E.

Year: 1970

Title: Lateral thinking: Creativity step by step

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Short Title: Lateral thinking: Creativity step by step



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 810

Author: de Bono, E.

Year: 1984

Title: Tänk kreativt!

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Brombergs

Short Title: Tänk kreativt!



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 978

Author: de Lubac, H.

Year: 1983

Title: Le drame de l'humanisme athée

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Cerf

Short Title: Le drame de l'humanisme athée

Keywords: theology, religion



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1793

Author: de Raadt, Donald, J.R.

Year: 1991

Title: Information and managerial wisdom

Place Published: Pocatello, Id.

Publisher: Paradigm

Short Title: Information and managerial wisdom



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2499

Author: de Raadt, Donald

Year: 1998

Title: A new management of life

Place Published: New York

Publisher: The Edwin Mellen Press

Short Title: A new management of life

Keywords: ethics, religion, christian



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2077

Author: de Raadt, J. Donald

Year: 1995

Title: Expanding the horizon of information systems design

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 3

Pages: 185-199

Short Title: Expanding the horizon of information systems design

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Keywords: multi-modal,



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2581

Author: de Raadt, J.D.R.

Year: 1997

Title: Faith and the normative foundation of systems science

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Pages: 13-35

Short Title: Faith and the normative foundation of systems science

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Keywords: Christian, religion, vs. relativism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2223

Author: de Santillana, Giorgio

Year: 1955

Title: The crime of Galileo

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: The Univ. of Chicago Press

Short Title: The crime of Galileo

Keywords: religion (defense of..≈)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 756

Author: de Waele, M.

Year: 1978

Title: Managerial style and the design of decision aids

Journal: OMEGA The Int. J. of Management Science

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Pages: 5-l3

Short Title: Managerial style and the design of decision aids

Alternate Journal: OMEGA The Int. J. of Management Science

Keywords: cognitive style, Jung



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2417

Author: Dean, Joel

Year: 1951

Title: Managerial economics

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Managerial economics

Keywords: costs, Chu71/3



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2630

Author: Debrock, Guy

Year: 1989

Title: Au commencement était l'image

Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Issue: 9-10

Pages: 147-162

Short Title: Au commencement était l'image

Alternate Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Legal Note: Thème: La phénoménologie de Charles S. Peirce

Keywords: virtual reality, visualization, phenomenology

Notes: Paris 1992.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 154

Author: Deftelsen, M.

Year: 1986

Title: Hilbert's program: An essay on mathematical instrumentalism

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Reidel

Short Title: Hilbert's program: An essay on mathematical instrumentalism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1586

Author: Dégot, Vincent, Girin, Jacques and Midler, Christophe

Year: 1982

Title: Chroniques muxiennes: La télématique au quotidien

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Entente

Short Title: Chroniques muxiennes: La télématique au quotidien

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. J. Girin



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1201

Author: Deming, W. Edwards

Year: 1982

Title: Out of the crisis

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass.

Publisher: The MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study

Short Title: Out of the crisis

ISBN: 0-911379-01-0

Notes: MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study, Cambridge, Mass., 02139



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3028

Author: Deminger, Sigfrid

Year: 1979

Title: Man och kvinna i NT: Om jämställdhet i Nya testamentet och den aktuella debatten

Place Published: Örebro

Publisher: Libris

Short Title: Man och kvinna i NT: Om jämställdhet i Nya testamentet och den aktuella debatten

Keywords: feminism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 155

Author: Dempster, A.P.

Year: 1968

Title: Crosscurrents in statistics

Journal: Science

Volume: 160

Issue: 10 May

Pages: 661-663

Short Title: Crosscurrents in statistics

Alternate Journal: Science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 156

Author: Dennett, D.

Year: 1978

Title: Brainstorms

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass.

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Brainstorms



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2189

Author: Denning, P.J.

Year: 1992

Title: Educating a new engineer

Journal: CACM

Volume: 35

Issue: 12, December

Pages: 83-97

Short Title: Educating a new engineer

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1125

Author: Denning, Peter J., Comer, Douglas E., Gries, David, Mulder, Michael C., Tucker, Allen, Turner, A. Joe and Young, Paul R.

Year: 1989

Title: Computing as a discipline

Journal: CACM

Volume: 32

Issue: 1, January

Pages: 9-23

Short Title: Computing as a discipline

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb Education, programming

Abstract: The final report of the task force on the core of computer science presents a new intellectual framework for the discipline of computing and a new basis for computing curricula. This report has been endorsed and approved for release by the ACM Education Board.

Notes: From P. Järvinen



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1350

Author: Dennis, Alan R., Tyran, Craig K., Vogel, Douglas R. and Nunamaker Jr., J.F.

Year: 1990

Title: An evaluation of electronic meeting systems to support strategic management

Editor: De Gross, Janice, Alavi, Maryam and Oppeland, Hans

Book Title: Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems – ICIS'90, December 16-19, 1990, Copenhagen, Denmark

Pages: 37-51

Short Title: An evaluation of electronic meeting systems to support strategic management

Keywords: EMS



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2372

Author: Derrida, Jacques and et al.

Year: 1983

Title: La Faculté de juger

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Minuit

Short Title: La Faculté de juger

Keywords: Kant, critique judgement, aesthetics, postmodernism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 157

Author: Desai, M.

Year: 1979

Title: Marxian economics.

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: Marxian economics.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1706

Author: Descombes, Vincent

Year: 1977

Title: L'inconscient malgré lui

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Minuit

Short Title: L'inconscient malgré lui

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1708

Author: Descombes, Vincent

Year: 1979

Title: Le même et l'autre: Quarant-cinq ans de philosophie française

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Minuit

Short Title: Le même et l'autre: Quarant-cinq ans de philosophie française

Notes: Paris 1992. P. 196, 221 Ego x perspective (P. Levén); 219 trouver l'ordre dans la varieté (Ali F-R9



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 158

Author: Dessauer, F.

Year: 1954

Title: Galileo and Newton: The turning point in Western thought

Editor: Buonaiuti, E., Dessauer, F., Jung, C.G., Kaegi, W., Kerényi, C., Masson-Oursel, P., Meier, F., Portmann, A, Pulver, M., Rahner, H., Schrödinger, E. and Willi, W.

Book Title: Spirit and nature. Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books (Bollingen Series 30.1)

Pages: 288-321

Short Title: Galileo and Newton: The turning point in Western thought

Keywords: biology (Portman)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2284

Author: Dessauer, Friedrich

Year: 1972

Title: Technology in its proper sphere

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 317-334

Short Title: Technology in its proper sphere

Keywords: ADB education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2627

Author: Detienne, André

Year: 1989

Title: La genèse des concepts fondamentaux de la phénomenologie de Charles S. Peirce

Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Issue: 9-10

Pages: 9-50

Short Title: La genèse des concepts fondamentaux de la phénomenologie de Charles S. Peirce

Alternate Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Legal Note: Thème: La phénoménologie de Charles S. Peirce

Keywords: phenomenology

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3018

Author: DHEW

Year: 1973

Title: Records, computers, and the rights of citizens

Place Published: Washington, DC

Publisher: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare

Short Title: Records, computers, and the rights of citizens

Keywords: Personal identification number PIN, personnummer, integritet, privacy



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1541

Author: DI/PUC-Rio

Year: 1992

Title: Departamento de informática: Vinte e cinco anos de pós-graduação e pesquisa [Dept of informatics: Twenty five years of graduate studies and research]

Institution: Dept. of informatics, PUC/Rio, Rua Marques de S.Vicente 225 (Gavea), BR-22453, Brazil, fax +55 21 5115645

Short Title: Departamento de informática: Vinte e cinco anos de pós-graduação e pesquisa [Dept of informatics: Twenty five years of graduate studies and research]

Notes: Brazil 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1542

Author: DI/PUC-Rio

Year: 1992

Title: INFO 25: Program and abstracts of contributions to Informatica 25, 17-19 August 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Institution: Dept. of informatics, PUC/Rio, Rua Marques de S.Vicente 225 (Gavea), BR-22453, Brazil, fax +55 21 5115645

Short Title: INFO 25: Program and abstracts of contributions to Informatica 25, 17-19 August 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Notes: Brazil 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 159

Author: Dicks-Mireaux, M.J.

Year: 1964

Title: Extraversion-Introversion in experimental psychology: Examples of experimental evidence and their theoretical implications

Journal: J. of Analytic Psychology

Volume: 9

Issue: 2

Pages: 117-128

Short Title: Extraversion-Introversion in experimental psychology: Examples of experimental evidence and their theoretical implications

Alternate Journal: J. of Analytic Psychology

Keywords: Jung, types



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 960

Author: Dickson, Gary W.

Year: 1981

Title: Management information systems: Evolution and status

Journal: Advances in Computers

Volume: 20

Issue: 1-

Short Title: Management information systems: Evolution and status

Alternate Journal: Advances in Computers



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 963

Author: Dickson, Gary W., Senn, James A. and Chervany, Norman L.

Year: 1977

Title: Research in management information systems: The Minnesota experiments

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 23

Issue: 9, May

Pages: 913ff

Short Title: Research in management information systems: The Minnesota experiments

Alternate Journal: Management Science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 984

Author: Dictionary of composers

Year: 1981

Place Published: Papermac - Macmillan

Keywords: Music, aesthetics, art



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 160

Author: Dictionary of the history of ideas: Studies of selected pivotal ideas

Year: 1973

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Scribner's



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 948

Author: Dictionnaire des philosophes

Year: 1984

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 162

Author: Dijkstra, E.W

Year: 1966

Title: Programming considered as a human activity

Book Title: Proc. of the 3rd IFIP Congress, New York, 1965

Publisher: Washington & London

Pages: 213-217

Short Title: Programming considered as a human activity



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 163

Author: Dijkstra, E.W.

Year: 1972

Title: The humble programmer

Journal: Communications of the ACM

Volume: 15

Issue: 10, October

Pages: 859-866

Short Title: The humble programmer

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 161

Author: Dijkstra, E.W.

Year: 1976

Title: A discipline of programming

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: A discipline of programming



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1066

Author: Dilthey, W.

Year: 1989

Title: Introduction to the human sciences: An attempt to lay a foundation for the study of society and history. Selected works, vol. 1

Series Editor: Makkreel, Rudolf, A. and Rodi, Frithjof

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: Introduction to the human sciences: An attempt to lay a foundation for the study of society and history. Selected works, vol. 1



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1463

Author: Djønne, Eink

Year: 1988

Title: Anmeldelse af Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet

Journal: Retfaerd 40

Volume: 11

Issue: 1

Pages: 105-106

Short Title: Anmeldelse af Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet

Alternate Journal: Retfaerd 40



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 164

Author: Dobbs, B.J.T.

Year: 1975

Title: The foundations of Newton's alchemy

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: The foundations of Newton's alchemy



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1196

Author: Docherty, P., Fuchs-Kittowski, K., Holm, P. and Mathiassen, L., (Eds.)

Year: 1987

Title: System design for human development and productivity: Participation and beyond

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Short Title: System design for human development and productivity: Participation and beyond

Notes: Includes Hacker, W. User-centered system design: Design of mental tasks



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1222

Author: Docherty, Peter and Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1990

Title: Computer support of decisions in a social-political environment: A case study

Editor: Sol, Henk G. and Vecsenyi, J.

Book Title: Proc. of the IFIP TC - 8.3 Conference on Environments for Supporting Decision Processes, Budapest, Hungary, 18-21 June, 1990. Organized by the John von Neumann Society for Computing Sciences

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: Elsevier Science

Pages: 157-176

Short Title: Computer support of decisions in a social-political environment: A case study

Section: Page refs to rev. edition as report UMADP-WPIPCS 26.90, Univ. of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1892

Author: Docherty, Peter and Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Computer support of decisions in a social-political environment: A case study

Editor: Sol, Henk G. and Vecsenyi, J.

Book Title: Environments for supporting decision processes

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: Elsevier Science

Pages: 157-176

Short Title: Computer support of decisions in a social-political environment: A case study

Section: IFIP 1991. An earlier edition also as report UMADP-WPIPCS 26.90, Univ. of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1127

Author: Docherty, Peter, Leymann, Heiz, Berg, Anders, Caroli, Bengt, Dilschmann, Angelica, Elling, Monica, Friedrich, Peter, Hård, Lars, Ljungström, Lars and Löfberg, Arvid

Year: 1988

Title: Erfarenhetsbildning, kunskapsteknik och arbetets kvalifikationsutveckling i förvaltningen [Experience build-up, knowledge techniques and skill development in public administration]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Statskontoret – The Swedish Agency for Administrative Development

Short Title: Erfarenhetsbildning, kunskapsteknik och arbetets kvalifikationsutveckling i förvaltningen [Experience build-up, knowledge techniques and skill development in public administration]

Keywords: Learning



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 165

Author: Docherty, P., Werngren, C. and Widman, A.

Year: 1984

Title: Forskning om informationsteknologins användning inom företag och myndigheter

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Ekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshögskolan

Short Title: Forskning om informationsteknologins användning inom företag och myndigheter



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1878

Author: Docherty, Peter and Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1992

Title: Introduction to groupware

Editor: Docherty, Peter

Book Title: CSCW: A promise soon to be realized?

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: TELDOK

Pages: 1-10

Short Title: Introduction to groupware

Section: Report No. 71



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1587

Author: Domenach, Jean Marie

Year: 1976

Title: Le sauvage et l'ordinateur

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: Le sauvage et l'ordinateur

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 10,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 166

Author: Domino, G.

Year: 1976

Title: Compensatory aspects of dreams: An empirical test of Jung's theory.

Journal: J. of Personality and Social Psychology

Volume: 34

Issue: 4

Pages: 658-662

Short Title: Compensatory aspects of dreams: An empirical test of Jung's theory.

Alternate Journal: J. of Personality and Social Psychology



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1736

Author: Dondi, C., Migliarese, P., Moia, G. and Salamone, G

Year: 1988

Title: An organizational decision support system for ITALTEL projects and internal resource planning

Editor: Lee, R.M., Cosh, A.M. and Migliarese, P.

Book Title: Organizational decision support systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Pages: 43-58

Short Title: An organizational decision support system for ITALTEL projects and internal resource planning

Notes: Application of Toulmins The Uses of Argument, Cambridge U.P., 1958



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1989

Author: Dooren, Wim, van

Year: 1975

Title: Atheisme, humanisme, socialisme

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: Agon Elsevier

Short Title: Atheisme, humanisme, socialisme

Keywords: religion

Notes: 152 pp. Fr dra.com



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1811

Author: Dooyeweerd, Herman

Year: 1958

Title: A new critique of theoretical thought

Place Published: Philadephia, Pa.

Publisher: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing

Short Title: A new critique of theoretical thought

Keywords: religion, calvin

Notes: de Raadt, LC A54-7310


Institute for Christian Studies

229 College Street

Toronto, Ontario

Canada M5T 1R4



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1810

Author: Dooyeweerd, Herman

Year: 1975

Title: In the twilight of Western thought: Studies in the pretended autonomy of philosophical thought

Place Published: Nutley, N.J.

Publisher: Craig

Short Title: In the twilight of Western thought: Studies in the pretended autonomy of philosophical thought

Keywords: religion, calvin

Notes: de Raadt, LC 60-6645


Institute for Christian Studies

229 College Street

Toronto, Ontario

Canada M5T 1R4



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1588

Author: Doré, Joseph

Year: 1991

Title: Recueil Georges Kowalski: D – Les enjeux du médium informatique

Journal: Revue de l'Institut Catholique de Paris

Volume: 40, octobre-décembre

Pages: 225-244

Short Title: Recueil Georges Kowalski: D – Les enjeux du médium informatique

Alternate Journal: Revue de l'Institut Catholique de Paris

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 167

Author: Doyle, Jon

Year: 1982

Title: The foundations of psychology: A logico-computational inquiry into the concept of mind

Institution: Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University, Dept. of Computer Science

Short Title: The foundations of psychology: A logico-computational inquiry into the concept of mind

Report Number: Report CMU-CS-82-149



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1730

Author: DPMA

Year: 1990

Title: Information systems: The DPMA model curriculum for a four year undergraduate degree

Place Published: Washington

Publisher: Data Processing Management Association

Short Title: Information systems: The DPMA model curriculum for a four year undergraduate degree

Keywords: Education

Notes: Från KNi.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2725

Author: Dreyfus, Hubert and Dreyfus, Stuart

Year: 1990

Title: What is Morality? A Phenomenological Account of the Development of Ethical Expertise

Editor: Rasmussen, David

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: What is Morality? A Phenomenological Account of the Development of Ethical Expertise

Section: Revised and reprinted in Revisioning Philosophy, James Ogilvy, Ed., State University of New York Press, 1992, and as "Was ist moralische Reife?", Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie , Vol 3, 1993

Keywords: ethic phenomenology Aristotle



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1362

Author: Dreyfus, Hubert L.

Year: 1979

Title: What computers can't do: The limits of artificial intelligence

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Edition: Rev. of 1972

Short Title: What computers can't do: The limits of artificial intelligence



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 168

Author: Dreyfus, H.L. and Dreyfus, S.E.

Year: 1985

Title: Mind over machine: The power of human intuition and expertise in the era of the computer

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan/Free Press

Short Title: Mind over machine: The power of human intuition and expertise in the era of the computer



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1157

Author: Dreyfus, Hubert L. and Dreyfus, Stuart E.

Year: 1988

Title: Making a mind versus modeling the brain: Artificial intelligence back at a branchpoint

Editor: Graubard, Stephen R.

Book Title: The artificial intelligence debate: False starts, real foundations

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Pages: 15-43

Short Title: Making a mind versus modeling the brain: Artificial intelligence back at a branchpoint



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 932

Editor: Dreyfus, H.L. and Hall, H.

Year: 1982

Title: Husserl, intentionality and cognitive science

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Husserl, intentionality and cognitive science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 169

Author: Ducassé, P.

Year: 1939

Title: Essai sur les origines intuitives du positivisme

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Félix Alcan

Short Title: Essai sur les origines intuitives du positivisme

Keywords: Psychology

Notes: From Statsbiblioteket i Aarhus



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 966

Author: Ducassé, P.

Year: 1939

Title: Méthode et intuition chez Auguste Comte

Place Published: Paris

Short Title: Méthode et intuition chez Auguste Comte



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 170

Author: Dukes, W.F.

Year: 1965

Title: N=1

Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Volume: 64

Issue: 1

Pages: 74-79

Short Title: N=1

Alternate Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Legal Note: Reprinted in Badia, P. et al. Research problems in psychology, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1970.

Keywords: statistics, small sample



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 172

Author: Dumas, G.

Year: 1905

Title: Psychologie de deux Messies positivistes: Saint Simon et Auguste Comte

Place Published: Paris

Short Title: Psychologie de deux Messies positivistes: Saint Simon et Auguste Comte



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2017

Author: Dumas, G.

Year: 1905

Title: Psychologie de deux Messies positivistes

Place Published: Paris

Short Title: Psychologie de deux Messies positivistes

Keywords: religion



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2480

Author: Dummett, M.

Year: 1981

Title: Frege: Philosophy of language

Place Published: London

Publisher: Duckworth

Short Title: Frege: Philosophy of language

Notes: ref to p. 415 for "A quality concept of information"  on p. 27-28 of Ivanov, K. (1983). Presuppositions of formal methods for development of computer systems: From psycho-logic and logic to psychology and inquiring systems (Report LiU-IDA-ADB-R-83-1). University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1591

Author: Dumouchel, Paul

Year: 1988

Title: L'impossible république chretienne: Hobbes lecteur de la Bible

Book Title: Structures et temporalités: Figures du désir, de la dette et du sacrifice

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche en Epistemologie Appliquée, École Polytechnique

Pages: 309-355

Short Title: L'impossible république chretienne: Hobbes lecteur de la Bible

Section: Cahiers du CREA No. 12. For a revised English version see "The political problem of religion: Hobbes reading of the Bible" in Oxford Studies in the History of Philosophy, vol.2, 1990

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1592

Author: Dumouchel, Paul

Year: 1989

Title: Ordre spontane et justice sociale

Book Title: Marchés, normes, conventions

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche en Epistemologie Appliquée, École Polytechnique

Pages: 295-315

Short Title: Ordre spontane et justice sociale

Section: Cahiers du CREA No. 13

Notes: Paris 1992. Author at Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Quebec, Montreal



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1593

Author: Dumouchel, Paul

Year: 1990

Title: The political problem of religion

Journal: Oxford Studies in the Hist. of Philosophy

Issue: Winter

Short Title: The political problem of religion

Alternate Journal: Oxford Studies in the History of Philosophy

Notes: Paris 1992. From PD: L'impossible republique chretienne, CREA No. 12, Dec. 1988, pp. 309-355. ISSN 0265-7651? Enda ex. (vol 1) finns i Lund.



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1590

Editor: Dumouchel, Paul and Dupuy, Jean Pierre

Year: 1983

Title: L'auto-organisation: De la physique au politique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: L'auto-organisation: De la physique au politique

Notes: Paris 1992, FF. 160. Se "long notes" library



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2633

Author: Duncan, Emma

Year: 2000

Title: A survey of e-entertainment

Journal: The Economist

Issue: October 7th

Pages: 5-24 of supplement

Short Title: A survey of e-entertainment

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: edutainement



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2451

Author: Duncan, W. Jack

Year: 1974

Title: The researcher and the manager: A comparative view of the need for mutual understanding

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 20

Issue: 8

Pages: 1157-1163

Short Title: The researcher and the manager: A comparative view of the need for mutual understanding

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Keywords: Churchman implementation



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1206

Author: Dunkell, H.

Year: 1989

Title: Contrastive task analysis

Editor: Landau, K. and Rohmert, W.

Book Title: Recent developments in job analysis

Place Published: London

Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Short Title: Contrastive task analysis



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2067

Editor: Dunlop, Charles and Kling, Rob

Year: 1991

Title: Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 173

Author: Dunn, E.S., Jr.

Year: 1974

Title: Social information processing and statistical systems: Change and reform

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Social information processing and statistical systems: Change and reform



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1595

Author: Dupuy, Jean-Pierre

Year: 1986

Title: L'autonomie du social: De la contribution de la pensée systémique à la théorie de la société

Book Title: Sciences cognitives et sciences sociales

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche en Epistemologie Appliquée, École Polytechnique

Pages: 229-273

Short Title: L'autonomie du social: De la contribution de la pensée systémique à la théorie de la société

Section: Cahiers du CREA No. 7

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1594

Author: Dupuy, Jean Pierre

Year: 1985

Title: L'essor de la première cybernétique

Book Title: Histoires de cybernétique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche Epistemologie et Autonomie, École Polytechnique

Pages: 9-139

Short Title: L'essor de la première cybernétique

Section: Cahiers du CREA No.7

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1589

Author: Dörries, Matthias

Year: 1992

Title: La nature réflexive de l'expérience: Les instruments comme objets de recherche

Institution: Seminar 24 March 1992 at Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques, La Villette, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, F-75930 Paris Cedex 19, Tel. 40057552

Short Title: La nature réflexive de l'expérience: Les instruments comme objets de recherche

Notes: Paris 1992, fr. kallelse till seminarium



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1540

Author: EAESP

Year: 1986-88

Title: Escola de administração de empresas de São Paulo: General Catalogue

Place Published: S.Paulo, Brazil

Publisher: EAESP/FGV, Av. 9 de Julho 2029, CEP 01313, S.Paulo, S.P., Brazil, fax +55 11 2841789, phone 2842311

Short Title: Escola de administração de empresas de São Paulo: General Catalogue

Notes: Brazil 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1781

Author: Ebert, Roger

Year: 1993

Title: Cinema by computer

Journal: Byte

Issue: January

Pages: 334

Short Title: Cinema by computer

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: aesthetics, aestheticism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 174

Author: Eco, U.

Year: 1987

Title: Ars oblivionalis

Journal: KOS (Milano)

Volume: 3

Issue: 30, April-May

Short Title: Ars oblivionalis

Alternate Journal: KOS (Milano)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2338

Author: Edenius, Mats

Year: 1996

Title: Ett modernt dilemm@: Organiserandet  kring elektronisk post

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Stockholm University, School of Business

Short Title: Ett modernt dilemm@: Organiserandet  kring elektronisk post

Notes: Till E40 ADB education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1067

Author: Edie, James M.

Year: 1987

Title: William James and phenomenology

Place Published: Bloomington, Ind.

Publisher: Indiana University Press

Short Title: William James and phenomenology

ISBN: ISBN (pap.) 0-253-20419-4, SvK 119,-



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1815

Author: Edman, Martin

Year: 1993

Title: Några skeptiska tankar om upplysningen [Some skeptical thoughts on the Enlightenment]

Editor: Andersson, Åke E. and Sahlin, Nils-Eric

Book Title: Huvudinnehåll: Tolv filosofiska uppsatser

Place Published: Övre Dalkarlshyttan

Publisher: Nya Doxa

Short Title: Några skeptiska tankar om upplysningen [Some skeptical thoughts on the Enlightenment]



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1814

Editor: Edwards, Paul

Year: 1967

Title: The encyclopedia of philosophy

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: Macmillan and Collier Macmillan

Short Title: The encyclopedia of philosophy

Keywords: For Chu71/2 on Leibniz: Vol. 3, pp. 422-434



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 175

Author: Edwards, W.

Year: 1962

Title: Men and computers

Editor: Gagné, R.M.

Book Title: Psychological principles in system development

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Pages: 75-113

Short Title: Men and computers



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1596

Author: EHESS

Year: 1990

Title: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales: Annuaire - Comptes rendus des cours et conférences 1988-1989

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 54 boul. Raspail, F-75006 Paris

Short Title: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales: Annuaire - Comptes rendus des cours et conférences 1988-1989

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. Barbut



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1597

Author: EHESS

Year: 1992

Title: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Programme des enseignements et séminaires: enseignements principaux, conférences complémentaires

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 54 boul. Raspail, F-75006 Paris

Short Title: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Programme des enseignements et séminaires: enseignements principaux, conférences complémentaires

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. Barbut



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1132

Author: Ehn, Pelle

Year: 1973

Title: Bidrag till ett kritiskt socialt perspektiv på datorbaserade informationssystem

Institution: Dept. of Information Processing, University of Stockholm

Short Title: Bidrag till ett kritiskt socialt perspektiv på datorbaserade informationssystem

Report Number: TRITA-IBADB-1020



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 176

Author: Ehn, P.

Year: 1988

Title: Work-oriented design of computer artifacts.  (Doctoral diss.)

Place Published: Umeå-Stockholm

Publisher: University of Umeå, Arbetslivscentrum and Almqvist & Wiksell International

Short Title: Work-oriented design of computer artifacts.  (Doctoral diss.)

Keywords: Long notes, ADB avh



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2515

Author: Ehn, Pelle

Year: 1998

Title: Manifesto for a digital Bauhaus

Journal: Digital Creativity

Volume: 9

Issue: 4

Pages: 207-216

Short Title: Manifesto for a digital Bauhaus

Alternate Journal: Digital Creativity

Keywords: design, enlightenment, information technology, third culture (cf. third way). democracy, postmodern, digerati, aesthetics

Notes: unite the hard (technology and natural sciences( with the soft (values, democracy, art and ethics)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1133

Author: Ehn, Pelle and Sandberg, Åke

Year: 1979

Title: Företagsstyrning och löntagarmakt: Planering, datorer, organisation och fackligt utredningsarbete

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Prisma

Short Title: Företagsstyrning och löntagarmakt: Planering, datorer, organisation och fackligt utredningsarbete

Notes: Min avh.:p. 34, fig. 2.1



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1259

Author: Ehrenberg, Dieter, Eklund, Patrik, Fedrizzi, Mario and Ventre, Aldo G.S.

Year: 1990

Title: Consensus in distributed soft environments

Institution: Technical Univ. of Leipzig, Åbo Akademi, Univ. of Trento and Univ. of Napoli

Short Title: Consensus in distributed soft environments

Report Number: Research report

Keywords: Multi-agent architecture and interaction, information quality, accuracy, precision, ≈Ivanov's avh



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1424

Author: Ehrenreich, Barbara

Year: 1990

Title: Our health care disgrace

Journal: Time

Issue: December 10

Pages: 112

Short Title: Our health care disgrace

Alternate Journal: Time



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 177

Author: Eigen, M. and Winkler, R.

Year: 1985

Title: Das Spiel: Naturgesetze steuern den Zufall

Place Published: München

Publisher: R. Piper

Edition: 2nd

Short Title: Das Spiel: Naturgesetze steuern den Zufall



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2176

Author: Eisenhardt, K.M.

Year: 1989

Title: Building theories from case study research

Journal: Academy of Management Review

Volume: 14

Issue: 4

Pages: 532-550

Short Title: Building theories from case study research

Alternate Journal: Academy of Management Review

Keywords: adb-education

Notes: fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 179

Author: Eisenhart, C.

Year: 1947

Title: The role of a statistical consultant in a research organization

Journal: Proc. of the Int. Statistical Conference, 1947

Volume: 3

Pages: 308-313

Short Title: The role of a statistical consultant in a research organization

Alternate Journal: Proc. of the Int. Statistical Conference, 1947



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 180

Author: Eisenhart, C.

Year: 1947

Title: The assumptions underlying the analysis of variance

Journal: Biometrics

Issue: March

Pages: 1-21

Short Title: The assumptions underlying the analysis of variance

Alternate Journal: Biometrics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 178

Author: Eisenhart, C.

Year: 1948

Title: Statistics, the physical sciences and engineering

Journal: Am. Statistician

Volume: 2

Issue: 4, August

Short Title: Statistics, the physical sciences and engineering

Alternate Journal: Am. Statistician



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1413

Author: Eisner, Robin

Year: 1991

Title: Looking at virtual reality: Research

Journal: The Scientist

Volume: 5

Issue: 6

Pages: 14ff

Short Title: Looking at virtual reality: Research

Alternate Journal: The Scientist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2802

Author: Ekselius, Eva

Year: 2001

Title: Kunskapen sitter i kroppen

Journal: DN

Issue: 21 November

Pages: B1

Short Title: Kunskapen sitter i kroppen

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Legal Note: Interview/review of Sven-Eric Liedman's book Ett Oändligt Äventyr: Om Människans Kunskaper, concerning human knowledge

Keywords: Chu71/7** Marxian-Hegelian romanticism, personal silent knowledge, Andreas Lund "body", Schelling, Ryle, Merleau-Ponty, Feuerbach, materialism, Andreas Lund



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 811

Author: Ekvall, G.

Year: 1988

Title: Förnyelse och friktion

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Natur och Kultur

Short Title: Förnyelse och friktion



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1047

Author: Elbourn, R.D. and Ware, W.H.

Year: 1962

Title: The evolution of concepts and languages of computing

Journal: Proc. of the IRE

Volume: 50

Issue: 5, May

Pages: 1059-1066

Short Title: The evolution of concepts and languages of computing

Alternate Journal: Proc. of the IRE



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1506

Author: Eliot, T.S.

Year: 1939

Title: Idén om ett kristet liv

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Gebers

Short Title: Idén om ett kristet liv

Notes: Tips from Gunnar Adler-Karlsson i Capri april 1992. Ref. också till John Bosswell, The kindness of strangers (från Moses till nu), och Karl Degler, In search of human nature, 1990 (Princeton?) med genomgång av seklets diskussion om rasbiologi, eugenics, etc.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 181

Author: Elster, J.

Year: 1978

Title: Logic and society: Contradictions and possible worlds

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Logic and society: Contradictions and possible worlds



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1296

Author: Elster, J.

Year: 1980

Title: Vetenskapliga förklaringar

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Korpen

Short Title: Vetenskapliga förklaringar

Keywords: Method course



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2141

Editor: Elzinga, A., Norlin, J., Pranger, S. and Sunesson, S.

Year: 1990

Title: In science we trust? Moral and political issues of science in society

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: LUP

Short Title: In science we trust? Moral and political issues of science in society

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 182

Author: Emery, F.E. and Thorsrud, E.

Year: 1969

Title: Form and content in industrial democracy

Place Published: London

Publisher: Tavistock Publications

Short Title: Form and content in industrial democracy



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2406

Author: Emmer, Michele

Year: 1993

Title: The visual mind: Art and mathematics

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: The visual mind: Art and mathematics

Keywords: aesthetics A2psi?, Waterworth? Stolterman? Multimedia?

Notes: Paris nittiosju, refererar vidare (dedicerar) till Malina



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1724

Author: Emmott, Bill

Year: 1993

Title: Multinationals – Survey

Journal: The Economist

Volume: 326

Issue: 7804, March 27th

Pages: Survey after p. 68: 1-26

Short Title: Multinationals – Survey

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Notes: Alliances, cooperation, joint ventures, licensing deals, research consortia, supply agreements, pp. 18



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1190

Author: Enciclopedia del diritto e dell'economia

Year: 1985

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Garzanti



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1114

Author: Enciclopedia della musica [La nuova]

Year: 1983

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Garzanti

Keywords: arte, aesthetics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 950

Author: Enciclopedia di filosofia

Year: 1981

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Garzanti

Number of Pages: 1003



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 186

Author: Encyclopaedia Britannica [The new]: Macropaedia

Year: 1974

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Benton Publisher

Edition: 15th



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 184

Author: Encyclopaedia Britannica [The]

Year: 1911

Place Published: New York: The Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 

Edition: 11th



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 185

Author: Encyclopaedia Britannica [The]

Year: 1967

Place Published: London

Publisher: The Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.

Edition: 14th



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 188

Author: Encyclopaedia of philosophy

Year: 1967

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Edition: Edwards, P



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 187

Author: Encyclopedia of computer science and engineering

Year: 1983

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold

Edition: A. Ralston, Ed.; 2nd



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1154

Author: Engelbart, Douglas C.

Year: 1963

Title: A conceptual framework for the augmentation of man's intellect

Editor: Howerman, P

Book Title: Vistas in information handling. Vol. 1

Place Published: Washington, D.C.

Publisher: Spartan Books

Volume: 1

Short Title: A conceptual framework for the augmentation of man's intellect

Section: Reprinted in I. Greif, Ed. Computer supported cooperative work: A book of readings. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufman, 1988, pp. 35-65



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 2205

Author: Engeström, Yrjö

Year: 1995

Title: Verksamhetsteori eller utvecklande arbetslivsforskning: Studiematerial hösten 1995

Institution: Umeå Universitet, Pedagogiska Institutionen

Short Title: Verksamhetsteori eller utvecklande arbetslivsforskning: Studiematerial hösten 1995

Keywords: Davydov, activity theory



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2692

Author: Engström, Wilhelm

Year: 2000

Title: Högskolans nedgång och fall

Journal: Samtidsmagasinet Salt

Issue: 6

Pages: 28-31

Short Title: Högskolans nedgång och fall

Alternate Journal: Samtidsmagasinet Salt

Keywords: school



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1052

Author: Engwall, L.

Year: 1980

Title: Företagsekonomins rötter

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Företagsekonomins rötter



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2698

Author: Enkvist, Inger

Year: 2000

Title: Feltänkt

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: SNS

Short Title: Feltänkt

Keywords: school



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2918

Author: Ennart, Henrik

Year: 1992

Title: Matpriser skulle kunna sänkas. Grossister bromsar rationaliseringar för att kunna rädda sin dominerande ställning

Journal: SvD

Issue: 25 juni

Pages: 8

Short Title: Matpriser skulle kunna sänkas. Grossister bromsar rationaliseringar för att kunna rädda sin dominerande ställning

Alternate Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Legal Note: Arbetsmaterial till falsstudie om EAN European Article Numbering

Keywords: Chu71/4**** (i underlaget till EAN European Article Numbering fallstudie, case study



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2517

Author: Eom, Sean B.

Year: 1996

Title: Assessing the contributions of systems science to the development of the decision support system research subspecialties

Editor: Carey, Jane M.

Book Title: Proc. of the AIS Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 16-18, 1996, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Place Published: Pittsburgh

Publisher: Univ. of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business, Pittsburgh, PA

Pages: 668-670

Short Title: Assessing the contributions of systems science to the development of the decision support system research subspecialties

Keywords: Churchman DIS Chu71

Notes: co47bum@semovm.semo.edu



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2884

Author: Eriksen, Thomas Hylland

Year: 2001

Title: Ögonblickets tyranni: Snabb och långsam tid i informationssamhället

Place Published: Nora

Publisher: Nya Doxa

Short Title: Ögonblickets tyranni: Snabb och långsam tid i informationssamhället

Keywords: Chu71/1* fragment (sid 122-13, 154-155;  vs. system time stress burnout, UmDr, ADB education

Notes: Long Notes p. 181 on prof publish or perish (cf. peer review?). Cf. Wikström, O. (2001?). Till långsamhetens lov; Swanberg, L. K. (2001?). Konsten att göra ingenting; Donner?, S. Långsamhetens upptäckt. ?; Gleick (1999?) Faster: The accelerations of just about everything



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1103

Author: Erikson, Bernt

Year: 1975

Title: Helheternas identitet. Opus XIII 1967-1973: Medvetandets sekundära resa VII

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Rabén & Sjögren

Short Title: Helheternas identitet. Opus XIII 1967-1973: Medvetandets sekundära resa VII

Keywords: System, poetry, aesthetics, poesi, dikt



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2087

Author: Eriksson, E.

Year: 1976

Title: Kring forskningsprocessen

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Byggforskningsrådet

Short Title: Kring forskningsprocessen

Keywords: ADB education

Notes: I Sannes bok Arbetets Tid



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2965

Author: Eriksson, Kerstin

Year: 2003

Title: Kritiken blev inte registrerad: Umeå universitet höll skrivelser som pekade ut rektor utanför diariet

Journal: VK

Issue: 10 april

Short Title: Kritiken blev inte registrerad: Umeå universitet höll skrivelser som pekade ut rektor utanför diariet

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: See also Rolf Jakobsson "Kritisk skrivelse diariefördes inte: JO-anmälan mot universitetet" in Västerbottens-Folkblad 24 april 2003 p. 9, and Kerstin Eriksson "Professor JO-anmäler universitetet" in Västerbottens-Kuriren, 26 april 2003, p. 10, Riksdagens Ombudsmän diarienr. 1523-2003 i datum 2003-04-16

Keywords: arbetsmiljö, work environment, JO justitieombudsmannen



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2800

Author: Eriksson, Ulf

Year: 1984

Title: Bokläsaren: Vem är det?

Journal: Expressen

Issue: 16 mars

Short Title: Bokläsaren: Vem är det?

Alternate Journal: Expressen

Keywords: Obs! Chu71/D*, Chu71/0*, inledning och Chu71/slut, min ref till upplevelsen av att läsa  Churchmans "The design of inquiring systems" DIS



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 189

Author: Erlandson, R.F.

Year: 1981

Title: A community developed knowledge base system and its impact on a school closing decision

Journal: IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

Volume: SMC-11

Issue: 4, April

Pages: 253-261

Short Title: A community developed knowledge base system and its impact on a school closing decision

Alternate Journal: IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2805

Author: Eskilsson, Lena

Year: 2001

Title: Upplevelseindustrin saknar skorsten

Journal: VK

Issue: 23 November

Pages: 2

Short Title: Upplevelseindustrin saknar skorsten

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: Chu71/7*** experience, edutainement, entertainement



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2045

Author: Etzioni, Amitai

Year: 1968

Title: The active society: Theory of societal and political processes

Place Published: New York

Publisher: The Free Press

Short Title: The active society: Theory of societal and political processes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 190

Author: Etzioni, A.

Year: 1988

Title: The moral dimension: Toward a new economics

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: Free Press & Collier Macmillan

Short Title: The moral dimension: Toward a new economics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1119

Author: Evans, Christopher

Year: 1981

Title: The making of the micro

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold

Short Title: The making of the micro

Notes: From "The Intimate Machine"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2498

Author: Evans, Philip  and Wurster, Thomas S.

Year: 1999

Title: Blown to bits

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Harvard Business School Press

Short Title: Blown to bits

Keywords: Chu71/D on internet new economy, e-commerce, systems "So businesses have to be taken to bits ("de-constructed", if you must)  and reassembled."



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2008

Author: Evdokimov, Paul

Year: 1972/1990

Title: The art of the icon: A theology of beauty

Place Published: Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire / Redondo Beach, CA

Publisher: Clarke / Oakwood

Short Title: The art of the icon: A theology of beauty

Keywords: religion, aesthetics, time, space, Bergson, Kant, theological aesthetics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2584

Author: Fagerström, Torbjörn

Year: 1996

Title: Forskningens kris vårt eget fel

Journal: DN

Issue: 7 November

Pages: A4

Short Title: Forskningens kris vårt eget fel

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: university, nätverk, research

Notes: Från LiU IDA den 001120, delat ut till informatik den 001123



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2991

Author: Falklöf, Lennart

Year: 1983

Title: Kristo Ivanov: Dataspecialister behöver rötter!

Journal: Lite Nytt

Issue: November

Pages: 11

Short Title: Kristo Ivanov: Dataspecialister behöver rötter!

Alternate Journal: Lite Nytt

Legal Note: Interview. Published by the University of Linköping



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 191

Author: Falkoff, A.D. and Iverson, K.E.

Year: 1981

Title: A source book in APL

Place Published: Palo Alto

Publisher: APL Press

Short Title: A source book in APL



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 192

Author: Fallati, J.

Year: 1843

Title: Einleitung in die Wissenschaft der Statistik

Place Published: Tübingen

Short Title: Einleitung in die Wissenschaft der Statistik



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2211

Author: Farmer, Richard N., Richman, Barry M. and Ryan, William G.

Year: 1966

Title: Incidents in applying management theory

Place Published: Belmont, CA

Publisher: Wadsworth

Short Title: Incidents in applying management theory

Keywords: case study



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 193

Author: Farrell, B.A.

Year: 1961

Title: Can psychoanalysis be refuted?

Journal: Inquiry

Volume: 1

Issue: 16-36

Short Title: Can psychoanalysis be refuted?

Alternate Journal: Inquiry



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 893

Author: Fauvel, John and Gray, Jeremy, (Eds.)

Year: 1987

Title: The history of mathematics: A reader

Place Published: London

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: The history of mathematics: A reader

ISBN: 0-333-42790-4; 0-333-42791-2 Pbk



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 194

Author: Feldman, C.F. and Toulmin, S.

Year: 1976

Title: Logic and the theory of mind

Book Title: Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (Vol. 23)

Place Published: Lincoln and London

Publisher: University of Nebraska Press

Pages: 409-476

Short Title: Logic and the theory of mind



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2064

Author: Ferrara, Alessandro

Year: 1985

Title: A critique of Habermas' Diskursethik

Journal: Telos

Volume: 64

Pages: 45-74

Short Title: A critique of Habermas' Diskursethik

Alternate Journal: Telos

Notes: Mycket tungt vägande kritiska texter mot Habermas, enl Börjeson 1989 s. 4 och ref lista in van den Berg 1989



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2065

Author: Ferrara, Alessandro

Year: 1987

Title: A critique of Habermas' consensus theory of truth

Journal: Philosophy and Social Criticism

Volume: 13

Pages: 39-67

Short Title: A critique of Habermas' consensus theory of truth

Notes: Mycket tungt vägande kritiska texter mot Habermas, enl Börjeson 1989 s. 4 och ref lista in van den Berg 1989



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2459

Author: Ferré, Frederick

Year: 1973

Title: Design argument

Editor: Wiener, Philip P.

Book Title: Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Vol 1

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons

Pages: 670-677

Short Title: Design argument

Keywords: analogy, anthropomorphism, causation, final causes, evolutionism, god, metaphor, myth, pre-platonic conceptions, skepticism, uniformitarianism, teleology, Plato, Aristoteles, Newton, Kant, Darwin



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 812

Author: Ferré, F.

Year: 1987

Title: Language, logic, and God

Place Published: Chicago & London

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Short Title: Language, logic, and God



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1225

Author: Ferretti, Giovanni

Year: 1989

Title: La ragione ai confini della trascendenza cristiana

Editor: Ciancio, Claudio, Ferretti, Giovanni, Pastore, Annamaria and Perone, Ugo

Book Title: In lotta con l'angelo: La filosofia degli ultimi due secoli di fronte al Cristianesimo

Place Published: Torino

Publisher: Società Editrice Internazionale SEI

Pages: 25-59

Short Title: La ragione ai confini della trascendenza cristiana

Notes: p. 49ff vs. Kant, in Ivanov 1991



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1232

Author: Ferretti, Giovanni

Year: 1989

Title: La filosofia verso la religione: Itinerari dello spiritualismo e del neotomismo

Editor: Ciancio, Claudio, Ferretti, Giovanni, Pastore, Annamaria and Perone, Ugo

Book Title: In lotta con l'angelo: La filosofia degli ultimi due secoli di fronte al Cristianesimo

Place Published: Torino

Publisher: Società Editrice Internazionale SEI

Pages: 216-243

Short Title: La filosofia verso la religione: Itinerari dello spiritualismo e del neotomismo

Notes: p. 228 ref. Blondel - lo interessa riuscire a superare la disgiunzione kantiana tra ragione teoretica e ragione pratica - azione



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2456

Author: Ferry, Luc

Year: 1990

Title: Homo aestheticus: L'invention du goût á l'age démocratique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Grasset

Short Title: Homo aestheticus: L'invention du goût á l'age démocratique

Keywords: Long Notes, Paris 1998-10 till Gea; aesthetics Kant Hegel Nietzsche taste ethics (BnF nittioåtta-10, 16-Z-24820 (74)) aesthetics, ethics, meritocracy vs authenticity (≈Habermas??), taste, democracy. Chu71/D

Notes: P. 358 "Depuis les années soixante, les idéologies hédonistes s'étaient emparées des questions morales traditionelles...excellence & mérite ---> "authenticité"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2465

Author: Fichte, J.G.

Year: 1794/1994

Title: Conférences sur la destination du savant

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Conférences sur la destination du savant

Keywords: Paris 1997, dubbelt datum

Notes: Plato pp. 133-140. Till Ingarö 000520



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1155

Author: Fiderio, Janet

Year: 1988

Title: A grand vision: Hypertext mimics the brain's ability to access information quickly and intuitively by reference

Journal: Byte

Issue: October

Pages: 237-244

Short Title: A grand vision: Hypertext mimics the brain's ability to access information quickly and intuitively by reference

Alternate Journal: Byte



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 195

Author: Filoramo, G.

Year: 1985

Title: Religione e ragione tra ottocento e novecento

Place Published: Bari

Publisher: Laterza

Short Title: Religione e ragione tra ottocento e novecento

Notes: Filoramo (1945), storia delle religioni presso facoltà di lettere dell'università di Torino



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 196

Author: Fine, R.

Year: 1956

Title: The psychology of the chess player

Place Published: Washington

Publisher: The National Psychological Ass. for Psychoanalysis

Short Title: The psychology of the chess player



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1139

Author: Fine, R.

Year: 1973

Title: Bobby Fischer's conquest of the world's chess championship

Place Published: New York

Short Title: Bobby Fischer's conquest of the world's chess championship



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 197

Author: Fischer, Gerhard, Morch, Anders and McCall, Raymond

Year: 1989

Title: Design environments for constructive and argumentative design

Editor: Bice, Ken and Lewis, Clayton

Book Title: The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '89): 'Wings for the mind'. Austin, Texas, April 30-May 4 1989

Short Title: Design environments for constructive and argumentative design

ISBN: ISBN 0-8899791-301-9

Keywords: intelligent support systems, design environments, construction kits, problem-domain communication, critics, hypertext, issue-based information systems, kitchen design

Notes: From Olle Forsgren. Anders Morch, (303)-492-1592, College of Environmental Design and Institute of Cognitive Science, Univ. of Boulder, Colorado 80309. Proc. are available in Lund - ADB.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 198

Author: Fisher, W.R.

Year: 1987

Title: Technical logic, rhetorical logic, and narrative rationality

Journal: Argumentation: An Int. J. on Reasoning (Dordrecht)

Volume: 1

Issue: 1

Pages: 3-21

Short Title: Technical logic, rhetorical logic, and narrative rationality

Alternate Journal: Argumentation: An Int. J. on Reasoning (Dordrecht)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2722

Author: Fisk, Robert

Year: 2001

Title: How can the U.S. bomb this tragic people?

Journal: Independent Digital

Issue: 23 September 2001

Short Title: How can the U.S. bomb this tragic people?

Alternate Journal: Independent Digital

Legal Note: http://argument.independent.co.uk/commentators/story.jsp?story=95487. Accessed 20 November 2001

Keywords: terrorism WTC, nazi-antisemitism, Jew, [scandalize]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1039

Author: Fitts, P.M. and Poser, M.I.

Year: 1973

Title: Human performance

Place Published: London

Publisher: Prentice-Hall International

Short Title: Human performance



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2919

Author: Fjällborg, Ulrika

Year: 1997

Title: Nyhet kan pressa matpriser: Elektronisk handel styr produktionen efter konsumenternas behov

Journal: SvD

Issue: 10 augusti

Short Title: Nyhet kan pressa matpriser: Elektronisk handel styr produktionen efter konsumenternas behov

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Arbetsmaterial till falsstudie om EAN European Article Numbering

Keywords: Chu71/4**** (i underlaget till EAN European Article Numbering fallstudie, case study



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2354

Author: Flensburg, Per

Notes: Ivanov betygsnämnd/grading committee



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2668

Author: Flexner, Abraham

Year: 1930

Title: Universities, American, English, German.

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Universities, American, English, German.

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 3029

Editor: Flood, Robert L.

Year: 1988

Title: Systems Practice - Special Issue - C. West Churchman 75 Years

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: Plenum Press

Short Title: Systems Practice - Special Issue - C. West Churchman 75 Years



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 981

Author: Flood, R.L.

Year: 1989

Title: Liberating systems theory: A summary and literature review

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol 2

Pages: 246-251

Short Title: Liberating systems theory: A summary and literature review

Section: With a bibliography of 34 entries



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1254

Author: Flood, Robert L. and Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1990

Title: Testament to conversations on critical systems: Thinking between two systems practitioners

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 7-29

Short Title: Testament to conversations on critical systems: Thinking between two systems practitioners

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2219

Author: Flores, Albert and Taber, DEnise

Year: 1982

Title: Annotated bibliography on professional ethics of scientists: New ethical and social issues posed by recent advances in science and technology

Journal: Research in Philosophy & Technology

Volume: 5

Pages: 301-316

Short Title: Annotated bibliography on professional ethics of scientists: New ethical and social issues posed by recent advances in science and technology

Alternate Journal: Research in Philosophy & Technology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2157

Author: Florman, Samuel C.

Year: 1976

Title: The existential pleasures of engineering

Place Published: New York

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Short Title: The existential pleasures of engineering

Keywords: rationality, irrationality, technology, conscience, responsibility, ethics, engineering, aesthetics?



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2186

Author: Floyd, Christiane

Year: 1987

Title: Outline of a paradigm change in software engineering

Editor: Bjerknes, Gro, Ehn, Pelle and Kyng, Morten

Book Title: Computers and democracy: A Scandinavian challenge

Place Published: Aldershot

Publisher: Avebury

Short Title: Outline of a paradigm change in software engineering

Keywords: programming, adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2470

Author: Flusser, Vilém

Year: 1999

Title: The shape of things: A philosophy of design

Place Published: London

Publisher: Reaktion Books

Short Title: The shape of things: A philosophy of design

Keywords: Long Notes. Brazil 1999, art, philosophy, cultural studies. VF≈Ortega Y Gasset & Walter Benjamin

Notes: www.reaktionbooks.co.uk

79 Farrington Rd.

London EC1M 3JU

£ 12,95 October 1999?

+44 171 4049930

Fax +441714049931

Pawley: author of  "Terminal Architecture". Till Ingarö 000520



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2271

Author: Fogelin

Year: 19XX

Title: Understanding arguments

Short Title: Understanding arguments

Notes: From Syabrook, E40-kurs



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 199

Author: Fontana dictionary of modern thought [The]

Place Published: London

Publisher: Fontana/Collins

Edition: A. Bullock  & O. Stallybrass,



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 200

Author: Fores, M.

Year: 1982

Title: Technical change and the "technology" myth

Journal: The Scandinavian Economic History Review

Volume: 30

Issue: 3

Pages: 167-188

Short Title: Technical change and the "technology" myth

Alternate Journal: The Scandinavian Economic History Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2118

Author: Forester, Tom

Year: 1987

Title: High-tech society: The story of the information technology revolution

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: High-tech society: The story of the information technology revolution

Label: 311 p. Including bibliography

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2119

Editor: Forester, Tom

Year: 1989

Title: Computers in the human context: Information technology, productivity, and people

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Number of Pages: 548 p. Includes bibliography

Short Title: Computers in the human context: Information technology, productivity, and people



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2117

Author: Forester, Tom and Morrison, Perry

Year: 1994

Title: Computer ethics: Cautionary tales and ethical dilemmas in computing

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Computer ethics: Cautionary tales and ethical dilemmas in computing

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1898

Author: Foroutan-Rad, Ali and Nordström, Torbjörn

Year: 1993

Title: Open systems: To what?

Editor: Bansler, J., Bødker, S., Kensing, F., Nørbjerg, J. and Pries-Heje, J.

Book Title: Prec. of the 16th IRIS Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Copenhagen, 7-10 August 1993

Place Published: Copenhagen

Publisher: Copenhagen University, Datalogisk Institut

Short Title: Open systems: To what?



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1899

Author: Foroutan-Rad, Ali and Nordström, Torbjörn

Year: 1993

Title: Systemförvaltning: Att utveckla relationen mellan verksamhet och datorstöd [Systems stewardship]

Institution: Umeå Universitet, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Systemförvaltning: Att utveckla relationen mellan verksamhet och datorstöd [Systems stewardship]

Report Number: UMADP WPIPCS 49.93



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1855

Author: Forsén, Bosse

Year: 1978

Title: Kritik av rollteorin

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Korpen

Short Title: Kritik av rollteorin

Keywords: marx



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 201

Author: Forsgren, O.

Year: 1988

Title: Samskapande datortillämpningar  [Constructive computer applications]

Institution: University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Samskapande datortillämpningar  [Constructive computer applications]

Report Number: Doctoral diss., Report UMADP-RRIPCS-3.88

Keywords: ADB avh

Notes: Kristo Ivanov, advisor



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1200

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1988

Title: Practicing constructive computer science

Book Title: Paper presented at the 32nd annual meeting and conference of the Society for General Systems Research, St.Louis, USA, 1988

Short Title: Practicing constructive computer science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2713

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1988

Title: Samskapande datortillämpningar: En systemteoretisk ansats för lösning av vissa förändringsproblem vid administrativ datoranvändning [Constructive computer applications: A systems approach for solution of certain change problems in administrative computer applications]

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Information Processing [Informatics]

Short Title: Samskapande datortillämpningar: En systemteoretisk ansats för lösning av vissa förändringsproblem vid administrativ datoranvändning [Constructive computer applications: A systems approach for solution of certain change problems in administrative computer applications]

Notes: Kristo Ivanov advisor, disputation 880202



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 935

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1989

Title: The first "co": A prototype of a learning co-constructor

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 1

Volume: 1 and 4

Pages: 92-97

Short Title: The first "co": A prototype of a learning co-constructor



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1169

Author: Forsgren, Olle

Year: 1989

Title: A glimpse of a co–constructive society

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol.3

Volume: 3

Pages: 185-191

Short Title: A glimpse of a co–constructive society



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1170

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1989

Title: Tio månaders vistelse vid The Center for Crisis Management: Inledande arbete med ett forskningsprogram om skapande datorteknologi

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Tio månaders vistelse vid The Center for Crisis Management: Inledande arbete med ett forskningsprogram om skapande datorteknologi

Report Number: Report UMADP–WPIPCS 21:89



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1171

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1989

Title: Dedicated questions about information technology

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Dedicated questions about information technology

Report Number: Report UMADP–WPIPCS 15:89



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1172

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1989

Title: We are many people with the purpose to build a better world: Comments to "We are one people" by Len Troncale

Journal: General Systems Bulletin

Volume: 1-2

Pages: 7-8

Short Title: We are many people with the purpose to build a better world: Comments to "We are one people" by Len Troncale

Alternate Journal: General Systems Bulletin



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1173

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1989

Title: The systems philosopher as an organizer of co-constructive conversations

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: The systems philosopher as an organizer of co-constructive conversations

Report Number: Report UMADP–WPIPCS 14:89



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1264

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1990

Title: Coconstructive cultures

Editor: Banathy, Bela H. and Banathy, Bela A.

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990.

Volume: 1

Pages: 300-305

Short Title: Coconstructive cultures



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1315

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1990

Title: Organizational platforms of today for the stimulation of good systems evolution for tomorrow

Editor: Banathy, Bela H. and Banathy, Bela A.

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990. Vol. 1

Pages: 382-384

Short Title: Organizational platforms of today for the stimulation of good systems evolution for tomorrow



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1475

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1990

Title: Co-constructive computer applications: Core ideas and some complementary strategies in the development of a humanistic computer science

Short Title: Co-constructive computer applications: Core ideas and some complementary strategies in the development of a humanistic computer science

Section: Presented at the Distributed Architecture School, Karpacz, Poland, 15-20 October 1990



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1400

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1991

Title: Call for support: An international federation for a humanistic computing science.

Book Title: In panel proposal "Information systems design in the 21st century: The birth of a humanistic computer science", submitted to the Twelfth Annual International Conference on Information Systems, Dec. 16-18, 1991, New York

Short Title: Call for support: An international federation for a humanistic computing science.



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1421

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1991

Title: Co-constructive computer applications: Core ideas and some complementary strategies in the development of a humanistic computer science

Institution: Umeå University, Dept. of Information Processing

Short Title: Co-constructive computer applications: Core ideas and some complementary strategies in the development of a humanistic computer science



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1485

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1991

Title: Co-constructive computer applications: Core ideas and some complementary strategies in the development of a humanistic computer science

Editor: Bazewicz, Mieczyslaw

Book Title: Information systems architecture and technologies – ISAT'91

Place Published: Wroclaw

Publisher: Politechnika Wroclawska

Pages: 45-53

Short Title: Co-constructive computer applications: Core ideas and some complementary strategies in the development of a humanistic computer science



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1891

Author: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1992

Title: Encouraging critique - A cornerstone in the scientific method of co-creative design

Editor: Bjerknes, G, Bratteteig, T. and Kautz, K.

Book Title: Prec. of the 15th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia - IRIS'92, Larkollen, Norway, 11-14  Aug. 1992

Place Published: Oslo

Publisher: Oslo University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Encouraging critique - A cornerstone in the scientific method of co-creative design



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1902

Editor: Forsgren, Olov

Year: 1994

Title: Konstruktiv systemutveckling: Sammanfattande presentation av idé och resultat (Constructive Systems Development in three  Projects).

Place Published: Stockholm/Umeå

Publisher: NUTEK, Närings- och Teknikutvecklingsverket (Swedish National Board for Technical Development), and Umeå University, Institute for Information Processing.

Short Title: Konstruktiv systemutveckling: Sammanfattande presentation av idé och resultat (Constructive Systems Development in three  Projects).



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1748

Editor: Forsgren, Olov and Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1987

Title: Staffan Persson: Så tuktas en dator [Staffan Persson: Taming a computer]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Prisma

Short Title: Staffan Persson: Så tuktas en dator [Staffan Persson: Taming a computer]



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1164

Author: Forsgren, Olov and Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1989

Title: From hypertext to hypersystem

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: From hypertext to hypersystem

Report Number: UMADP-RRIPCS 9.90



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1278

Author: Forsgren, Olov and Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1990

Title: From hypertext to hypersystem

Editor: Trappl, Robert

Book Title: Cybernetics and Systems '90. Proc. of the Tenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, April 17-20, 1990

Place Published: Singapore

Publisher: World Scientific

Pages: 275-282

Short Title: From hypertext to hypersystem

Section: Also as report UMADP-RRIPCS 9.90, University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 202

Author: Forsgren, O., Ivanov, K. and Nordström, T.

Year: 1988

Title: A co-constructive view of the information society: the case of the NUDU-project in Umeå, Sweden

Book Title: Paper presented at the 32nd annual meeting and conference of the Society for General Systems Research, St.Louis, USA, 1988

Short Title: A co-constructive view of the information society: the case of the NUDU-project in Umeå, Sweden

Section: Report UMADP–WPIPCS 24.89, Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1011

Author: Forsgren, Olov, Mandahl, Michael and Nordström, Torbjörn

Year: 1985

Title: Genomgång av utbildningsmaterial till bred datautbildning [Analysis of educational material for laymen on the information society]

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Genomgång av utbildningsmaterial till bred datautbildning [Analysis of educational material for laymen on the information society]

Report Number: Report UMADB-WPIPCS-8.85



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1890

Author: Forsgren, Olov and Tepandi, Jaak

Year: 1992

Title: Is humanistic computer science dangerous?

Editor: Peeno, Linda

Book Title: Proc of the ISSS Int Society for Systems Sciences 36th Annual Conference, Denver, July 1992.

Short Title: Is humanistic computer science dangerous?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 203

Author: Forsythe, G.

Year: 1967

Title: A university's educational program in computer science

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 10

Issue: 1, Jan.

Pages: 3-11

Short Title: A university's educational program in computer science

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 204

Author: Forsythe, G.E.

Year: 1970

Title: Educational implications of the computer revolution

Editor: Pylyshyn, Z.W.

Book Title: Perspectives on the computer revolution

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Pages: 378-389

Short Title: Educational implications of the computer revolution



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2388

Author: Francastel, Pierre

Year: 1956

Title: Art et technique aux XIXe et XXe siècles

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Denoël-Minuit

Short Title: Art et technique aux XIXe et XXe siècles

Keywords: Paris 1997, Industrial design, aesthetics, technology, aestheticism, religion

Notes: Gea hittade ref till intressant Horatio Greenough...21/8-97



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2369

Author: Frank, Manfred, Larthomas, Jean-Paul and Philonenko, Alexis

Year: 1994

Title: Sur la Troisième Critique: Textes rassemblés et présentés par Dominique Janicaud

Place Published: Combas

Publisher: Éditions de l'Éclat

Short Title: Sur la Troisième Critique: Textes rassemblés et présentés par Dominique Janicaud

Keywords: Paris 1997 aesthetics, Kant, judgement, rationality



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1514

Author: Frankfurt, H.G.

Year: 1970

Title: The defense of reason in Descartes' Meditations

Place Published: Indianapolis

Short Title: The defense of reason in Descartes' Meditations

Notes: Fr. Marion, p. 327n & 469



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2079

Author: Franz, C.R. and Robey, D.

Year: 1984

Title: An investigation of user-led system design: Rational and political perspectives

Journal: Communications of the ACM

Volume: 27

Issue: 12

Pages: 1202-1209

Short Title: An investigation of user-led system design: Rational and political perspectives

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: power, ADB-education

Notes: From Klein et al. 1995 on ISD



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3001

Author: Fredriksson, Göran

Year: 1973

Title: Kritiskt läge för datakvalitet

Journal: Modern Datateknik

Issue: 10

Pages: 2

Short Title: Kritiskt läge för datakvalitet

Alternate Journal: Modern Datateknik

Legal Note: Betr tillämpning av Kristo Ivanov's begrepp datakvalitet i Datasamordningskommittén DASK:s verksamhetsrapport DS Fi 1973:10, finansdepartamentet. Se också ref till Kristo Ivanovs doktorsavhandling Quality-Control of Information i samma tidskrift 1973:11 den 15 oktober 1973



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2794

Author: Fredriksson, Owe

Year: 1998

Title: Trafiktips från rymden: Nu finns tekniken som i efterhand kan visa att du kört för fort

Journal: VK

Issue: 6 februari

Pages: 11

Short Title: Trafiktips från rymden: Nu finns tekniken som i efterhand kan visa att du kört för fort

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: Chu71/6** empiricism observations, astronomy, instrument, surveillance, övervakning, control



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 206

Author: Freedle, R.O.

Year: 1975

Title: Dialogue and inquiring systems

Journal: Human Dev

Volume: 18

Pages: 97-118

Short Title: Dialogue and inquiring systems

Alternate Journal: Human Development



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 207

Author: Freedle, R.O.

Year: 1978

Title: Human development, the new logical systems, and general systems theory: Preliminaries to developing a psychosocial linguistics

Editor: Freedle, R.O.

Book Title: Steiner, Piaget, and beyond

Place Published: Zürich

Publisher: Kindler

Short Title: Human development, the new logical systems, and general systems theory: Preliminaries to developing a psychosocial linguistics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 208

Author: Frege, G.

Year: 1956

Title: The thought: A logical inquiry

Journal: Mind

Volume: 65

Issue: 259

Pages: 289-311

Short Title: The thought: A logical inquiry

Alternate Journal: Mind

Legal Note: Originally published, 1918-1919



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 933

Author: Frege, G.

Year: 1967/1879

Title: Begriffsschrift: A formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought

Editor: Van Heijenoort, J.

Book Title: From Frege to Gödel: A source book in mathematical logic

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass.

Publisher: Harvard University Press, 1967

Short Title: Begriffsschrift: A formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought

Section: Originally published, 1879



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 841

Author: Frege, G.

Year: 1972/1879

Title: Begriffsschrift

Editor: Bynum, Terrell Ward

Book Title: Conceptual notation and related articles

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Begriffsschrift

Section: Originally published 1879



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2501

Editor: French, R. and Vince, R.

Year: 1999

Title: Group relations, management, and organisations

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Group relations, management, and organisations

Keywords: AGSLO 15-21 june 2000, CSCW cooperation, W.R.Bion, Tavistock, A.K. Rice, Eric Miller, construktivism, Paul Ricoeur critical hermeneutics, Göran Ahrne, organization



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 209

Author: Freudenthal, H.

Year: 1962

Title: The main trends in the foundations of geometry in the 19th century

Editor: Nagel, E, Suppes, P. and Tarski, a.

Book Title: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science (Proc. of the 1960 international congress)

Place Published: Stanford

Publisher: Stanford University Press

Pages: 613-621

Short Title: The main trends in the foundations of geometry in the 19th century



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 210

Author: Frey-Wehrlin, C.T.

Year: 1976

Title: Reflections on C.G.Jung's concept of synchronicity

Journal: J. of Analytic Psychology

Volume: 21

Issue: 1

Pages: 37-49

Short Title: Reflections on C.G.Jung's concept of synchronicity

Alternate Journal: J. of Analytic Psychology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2840

Author: Fridh, Kjell

Year: 1994

Title: Ur led är tiden - en miljarddels sekund!

Journal: RiR/TV Populär Vetenskap

Issue: 22/94

Pages: 3-6

Short Title: Ur led är tiden - en miljarddels sekund!

Alternate Journal: Röster i Radio/TV - Populär Vetenskap

Keywords: time, Chu71/9**, measurement, standards



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2200

Author: Friedman, Andrew L.

Year: 1989

Title: Computer systems development: History, organization and implementation

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Computer systems development: History, organization and implementation

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Fr. Rob Kling 1995 Can computer science solve...



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 211

Author: Friedman, P. and Goldstein, J.

Year: 1964

Title: Some comments on the psychology of C.G. Jung

Journal: Psychoanalytic Quaterly

Volume: 33

Pages: 194-225

Short Title: Some comments on the psychology of C.G. Jung

Alternate Journal: Psychoanalytic Quaterly



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 212

Author: Fripp, J.W.

Year: 1982

Title: Problem solving styles

Journal: J. Operational Research Soc

Volume: 33

Pages: 77-80

Short Title: Problem solving styles

Alternate Journal: J. Operational Research Soc



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2113

Author: Fristedt, Dan

Year: 1995

Title: Metoder i användning: Mot förbättring av systemutveckling genom situationell metodkunskap och metodanalys

Place Published: Linköping

Publisher: Univ. of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Metoder i användning: Mot förbättring av systemutveckling genom situationell metodkunskap och metodanalys

Keywords: CASE

Notes: Ref Göran Goldkuhl



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1869

Author: Fromm, Erich

Year: 1955

Title: The sane society

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Short Title: The sane society

Keywords: Adorno, Frankfurt



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 853

Author: Frontisi-Ducroux, F.

Year: 1975

Title: Dédale: Mythologie de l'artisan en grèce ancienne

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: François Maspero

Short Title: Dédale: Mythologie de l'artisan en grèce ancienne



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2147

Editor: Frängsmyr, Tore, Heilbron, J.L. and Rider, R.E.

Year: 1990

Title: The quantifying spirit in the 18th century

Place Published: Berkeley

Publisher: Univ. of California Press

Short Title: The quantifying spirit in the 18th century

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2562

Author: Fuenmayor, Akbar and Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1999

Title: Researching-acting-reflecting on public health services in Venezuela: II.  Community action and critique

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 55-75

Short Title: Researching-acting-reflecting on public health services in Venezuela: II.  Community action and critique

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Legal Note: 2nd article of two

Keywords: Mérida 2000



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1371

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1990

Title: Systems thinking and critique. I. What is critique?

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 3

Issue: 6

Pages: 525-544

Short Title: Systems thinking and critique. I. What is critique?

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1372

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1990

Title: The boundaries between critical systems thinking and interpretive systems thinking: critical comment on Flood and Ulrich's 'Testament to conversations on critical systems thinking'

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 3

Issue: 6

Pages: 585-591

Short Title: The boundaries between critical systems thinking and interpretive systems thinking: critical comment on Flood and Ulrich's 'Testament to conversations on critical systems thinking'

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2554

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1991

Title: The roots of reductionism: A counter-ontoepistemology for a systems approach

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 4

Issue: 5

Pages: 419-447

Short Title: The roots of reductionism: A counter-ontoepistemology for a systems approach

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Legal Note: 2nd article of four in same issue

Keywords: Mérida 2000, phenomenology, Heidegger



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2555

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1991

Title: The self-referential structure of an everyday-living situation: A phenomenological ontology for interpretive systemology

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 4

Issue: 5

Pages: 449-472

Short Title: The self-referential structure of an everyday-living situation: A phenomenological ontology for interpretive systemology

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Legal Note: 3rd article of four in same issue

Keywords: Mérida 2000, phenomenology, Heidegger



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2556

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1991

Title: Truth and openness: An epistemology for interpretive systemology

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 4

Issue: 5

Pages: 473-490

Short Title: Truth and openness: An epistemology for interpretive systemology

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Legal Note: 4th article of four in same issue

Keywords: Mérida 2000, phenomenology, Heidegger



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2056

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1995

Title: The will to systems: From making sense to enframing

Editor: Ellis, K., Gregory, A and Mears-Young, B

Book Title: Critical issues in systems theory and practice

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Plenum Press

Short Title: The will to systems: From making sense to enframing

Keywords: Learning (& arguing/argumentation), Kant, Heidegger, metaphysics, Nietzsche, modernity, postmodernism, enframing, Descartes, reason, accomodation (≈negotiation), practical interest, will to freedom

Notes: Fr. López-Garay brev ex 29/6. Cf Kedourie, vs Klein et al 1995 on ISD. Ref till L. Ferry "Philosophie politique". ≈ sekularisering av Tage Lindbom?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2519

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1997

Title: Systems thinking and world problems

Short Title: Systems thinking and world problems

Keywords: Churchman Kant



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2557

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 2001

Title: The oblivion of Churchman's plea for a systems approach to world problems: I. The inseparability of systems thinking and world issues in the modern epoch

Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Pages: 11-28

Short Title: The oblivion of Churchman's plea for a systems approach to world problems: I. The inseparability of systems thinking and world issues in the modern epoch

Alternate Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research

Legal Note: 1st article of three

Keywords: xRorty, Mérida 2000



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2558

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 2001

Title: The oblivion of Churchman's plea for a systems approach to world problems: II. The rise of the modern constellation

Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Pages: 29-45

Short Title: The oblivion of Churchman's plea for a systems approach to world problems: II. The rise of the modern constellation

Alternate Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research

Legal Note: 2nd article of three

Keywords: xRorty, Mérida 2000



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2559

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 2001

Title: The oblivion of Churchman's plea for a systems approach to world problems: III. The fall of the modern constellation

Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Pages: 47-60

Short Title: The oblivion of Churchman's plea for a systems approach to world problems: III. The fall of the modern constellation

Alternate Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research

Legal Note: 3rd article of three

Keywords: xRorty, Mérida 2000



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2699

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés

Year: 2001

Title: Entre la mediocridad institucional y el dominio imperial de lo instrumental [Between institutional mediocrity and the imperial dominion of the instrumental]

Place Published: Mérida, Venezuela

Publisher: Universidad de los Andes

Short Title: Entre la mediocridad institucional y el dominio imperial de lo instrumental [Between institutional mediocrity and the imperial dominion of the instrumental]

Keywords: university



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1238

Author: Fuénmayor, Ramsés

Year: 1989

Title: Interpretive systemology: A critical approach to interpretive systems thinking

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol 2

Pages: 298-307

Short Title: Interpretive systemology: A critical approach to interpretive systems thinking



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2561

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés and Fuenmayor, Akbar

Year: 1999

Title: Researching-acting-reflecting on public health services in Venezuela: I. A conceptual framework

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 35-53

Short Title: Researching-acting-reflecting on public health services in Venezuela: I. A conceptual framework

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Legal Note: 1st article of two

Keywords: Mérida 2000



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2553

Author: Fuenmayor, Ramsés and López-Garay, Hernán

Year: 1991

Title: The scene for interpretive systemology

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 4

Issue: 5

Pages: 401-418

Short Title: The scene for interpretive systemology

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Legal Note: 1st article of four in same issue

Keywords: Mérida 2000, phenomenology, Heidegger



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1598

Author: Fumaroli, Marc

Year: 1991

Title: Rhétorique et société en Europe (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)

Book Title: Annuaire du Collège de France 1990-1991: Résumé des cours et travaux

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Collège de France

Volume: 91

Pages: 505-535

Short Title: Rhétorique et société en Europe (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 213

Author: Gaa, J.C.

Year: 1977

Title: Moral autonomy and the rationality of science

Journal: Phil. of Science

Volume: 44

Pages: 513-541

Short Title: Moral autonomy and the rationality of science

Alternate Journal: Phil. of Science

Legal Note: With a bibliography of 49 entries



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1453

Author: Gabarro, John J. and Kotter, John P.

Year: 1979

Title: Managing your boss

Journal: HBR

Issue: Unidentified issue

Short Title: Managing your boss

Alternate Journal: Harvard Business Review

Legal Note: HBR Classic reprint No. 80104. Obtainable from HBR, Soldiers Field, Boston, MA 02163

Keywords: management



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1968

Author: GAD

Year: 1993

Title: GAD: Graduate assistantship directory in the computer sciences 1992-1993

Place Published: Baltimore

Publisher: ACM Order Dept, P.O. Box 64145, Baltimore, MD 21264, USA

Short Title: GAD: Graduate assistantship directory in the computer sciences 1992-1993

Keywords: ADB education, curriculum

Notes: Fr. Erik Stolterman 23/4-92



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 214

Author: Gagné, R.M., (Ed.)

Year: 1962

Title: Psychological principles in system development

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Short Title: Psychological principles in system development

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1060

Author: Gagné, R.M., (Ed.)

Year: 1987

Title: Instructional technology: Foundations

Place Published: Hillsdale, N.J.

Publisher: Erlbaum

Short Title: Instructional technology: Foundations



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 216

Author: Gaines, B.R. and Shaw, M.L.G.

Year: 1984

Title: The art of computer conversation

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: The art of computer conversation



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1961

Editor: Galliers, Robert

Year: 1992

Title: Information systems research: Issues, methods and practical guidelines

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Backwell Scientific Publication

Short Title: Information systems research: Issues, methods and practical guidelines

Notes: Cf. K. Ivanov's scheme referred on pp. 37f of R.A. Hirschheim's essay "Information systems epistemology: An historical perspective", pp. 28-60



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1685

Author: Galliers, R.D.

Year: 1991

Title: Choosing appropriate information systems research approaches: A revised taxonomy

Editor: Nissen, Hans-Erik, Klein, Heinz K. and Hirschheim, Rudy

Book Title: Information systems research: Contemporary approaches & emergent traditions

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Pages: 327-345

Short Title: Choosing appropriate information systems research approaches: A revised taxonomy



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1599

Editor: Gallou, F, le and Bouchon-Meunier, B.

Year: 1991

Title: Systémique: Théorie et applications

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Technique et Documentation, 11 r. Lavoisier, F-75384 Paris Cedex 08

Short Title: Systémique: Théorie et applications

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. R. Vallée. FF 180,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2105

Author: Gardiner, M. and Christie, B.

Year: 1987

Title: Applying cognitive psychology to user-interface design

Place Published: Chichester

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Applying cognitive psychology to user-interface design

Keywords: adb education?



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2051

Author: Gardiner, Patrick

Year: 1967

Title: Irrationalism

Editor: Edwards, Paul

Book Title: The encyclopedia of philosophy. Vol. 3

Place Published: New York & London

Publisher: Macmillan & Collier Macmillan

Pages: 213-219

Short Title: Irrationalism

Keywords: postmodern



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1273

Author: Garfinkel, H.

Year: 1984

Title: Studies in Ethnomethodology

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Polity Press

Short Title: Studies in Ethnomethodology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 863

Author: Gargani, A., Ed.

Year: 1979

Title: Crisi della ragione: Nuovi modelli nel rapporto tra sapere e attività umane

Place Published: Torino

Publisher: Einaudi

Short Title: Crisi della ragione: Nuovi modelli nel rapporto tra sapere e attività umane

Notes: Capri 1992. Essays by Carlo Ginzburg, Giulio C. Lepschy, Francesco Orlando, Franco Rella, Vittorio Strada, Remo Bodei, Nicola Badaloni, Salvatore Veca, Carlo Augusto Viano. Introduction by Gargani in Pisa, April 1979.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1502

Author: Gargani, Aldo

Year: 1979

Title: Introduzione

Editor: Gargani, Aldo

Book Title: Crisi della ragione: Nuovi modelli nel rapporto tra sapere e attività umane

Pages: 3-55

Short Title: Introduzione

Notes: Capri, 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 217

Author: Gatto, O.T.

Year: 1964

Title: Autosate: An automated data systems analysis technique

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 7

Issue: 7, July

Pages: 425-432

Short Title: Autosate: An automated data systems analysis technique

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2127

Author: Gaunt, David

Year: 1995

Title: Den stumma samhällsdialogen

Journal: Framtider

Issue: 3

Pages: 22-24

Short Title: Den stumma samhällsdialogen

Alternate Journal: Framtider

Keywords: conversation, co-creation, samskapande, pis publika informationssystem, culture, internet, talspråk mot skriftspråk, spoken language, postmodernism, don juan syndrome

Notes: Delat till UmDr 10/10-95



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1857

Editor: Geach, Peter

Year: 1991

Title: Logic and ethics

Place Published: Dordrecht & Boston

Publisher: Kluwer

Short Title: Logic and ethics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 218

Author: Geach, P.T.

Year: 1981

Title: Logic matters

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: Logic matters



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 219

Author: Gehlen, A.

Year: 1967

Title: L'uomo nell'era della tecnica: Problemi sociopsicologici della civiltà industriale

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Sugar

Short Title: L'uomo nell'era della tecnica: Problemi sociopsicologici della civiltà industriale



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 220

Author: Gehlen, A.

Year: 1983

Title: L'uomo: La sua natura e il suo posto nel mondo

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Feltrinelli

Short Title: L'uomo: La sua natura e il suo posto nel mondo



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2669

Author: Geijer, Erik Gustaf

Year: 1812

Title: Om universitetets betydelse

Journal: Iduna

Short Title: Om universitetets betydelse

Alternate Journal: Iduna

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1863

Author: Geijer, Erik Gustaf

Year: 1831

Title: Nytt ett och annat i anledning av frågan om akademiska jurisdiktionen

Book Title: Handlingar rörande väckt fråga om jämkningar i Upsala Kongl. Academies Constitutioner

Place Published: Uppsala

Publisher: Uppsala Universitet

Short Title: Nytt ett och annat i anledning av frågan om akademiska jurisdiktionen

Section: Ursprungligen författat år 1822-1823

Notes: SAF sid. 23, ref s. 163



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2054

Author: Gellner, Ernest

Year: 1992

Title: Reason and culture: The historic role of rationality and rationalism

Place Published: Oxford & Cambridge

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: Reason and culture: The historic role of rationality and rationalism

Keywords: religion?

Notes: Från Claes Mether, förf kunnig i philosphy, sociology, anthropology, East-European politics. Critique of Habermas, postmodernism and ref to reason vs religion, etc. Ref. also Karl Becker?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2316

Author: Gellner, Ernest

Year: 1992

Title: Postmodernism, reason and religion

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge

Short Title: Postmodernism, reason and religion

Keywords: A2psi



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 221

Author: George, A.L.

Year: 1959

Title: Propaganda analysis: A study of inferences from nazi propaganda in world war II

Place Published: Evanston

Publisher: Row, Peterson & Co

Short Title: Propaganda analysis: A study of inferences from nazi propaganda in world war II



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 858

Author: Gerth, H.H. and Mills, C.W., Eds. and trans.

Year: 1958

Title: From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 883

Author: Gharajedaghi, J.

Year: 1986

Title: Development of practitioners: Incompatibility of educational media and messages

Institution: INTERACT - The Institute for Interactive Management, 3440 Market St, Philadelphia PA 19104

Short Title: Development of practitioners: Incompatibility of educational media and messages



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1061

Author: Gharajedaghi, J. and Ackoff, R.L.

Year: 1985

Title: Toward systemic education of systems scientists

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 2

Issue: 1

Short Title: Toward systemic education of systems scientists

Alternate Journal: Systems Research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 994

Author: Ghiselin, B.

Year: 1952

Title: The creative process

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Mentor Books

Short Title: The creative process

Notes: From R.C.Hill, 1989, p.157



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1978

Author: Gibaldi, Joseph

Year: 1995

Title: MLA Handbook for writers of research papers

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Modern Language Association of America

Short Title: MLA Handbook for writers of research papers

Keywords: Method, adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 842

Author: Gibran, K.

Year: 1987

Title: Gesù figlio dell'uomo (Orig.: Jesus the son of man)

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: SE Studio Editoriale

Short Title: Gesù figlio dell'uomo (Orig.: Jesus the son of man)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 222

Author: Gibson, D.V. and Ludl, E.J.

Year: 1988

Title: Executive group decision support systems considered at three levels of analysis

Editor: Weber, E.S.

Book Title: DSS-88 Transactions, of the TIMS eighth int. conf. on decision support systems, Boston, Mass., June 6-9, 1988

Pages: 26-38

Short Title: Executive group decision support systems considered at three levels of analysis



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1187

Author: Gibson, David V. and Ludl, E. Jean

Year: 1988

Title: Group decision support systems and organizational context

Editor: Lee, R.M., Cosh, A.M. and Migliarese, P.

Book Title: Organizational decision support systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Pages: 273-285

Short Title: Group decision support systems and organizational context

Notes: devilish, vicious behaviour, cited in Ivanov 1991, vs. Jonny Holmströms avh



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2980

Author: Giertsen, Hedda

Year: 1987

Title: Kulturkonflikter fins ikke!

Short Title: Kulturkonflikter fins ikke!

Legal Note: Draft, Octobrt 1st 1987. Author associated with Institutt for Kriminologi og Strafferett, Oslo universitet

Keywords: Kristo Ivanov

Notes: Ref to Ylva Brune,1984, interview with "Ivan"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2323

Author: Gieser, Suzanne

Year: 1996

Title: Den innersta kärnan. Djuppsykologi och kvantfysik: Wolfgand Paulis dialog med C.G. Jung [The inner core. Depth psychology and quantum physics: Wolfgang Pauli's dialog with C.G. Jung]

Place Published: Uppsala

Publisher: Uppsala University, Dept. of History of Science and Ideas, S-752 37 Uppsala

Short Title: Den innersta kärnan. Djuppsykologi och kvantfysik: Wolfgand Paulis dialog med C.G. Jung [The inner core. Depth psychology and quantum physics: Wolfgang Pauli's dialog with C.G. Jung]

Keywords: (New?) Physics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1600

Author: Gilabert, Hélène

Year: 1989

Title: L'apprentissage de l'abstraction: Un entretien avec Britt-Mari Barth

Journal: L'École Maternelle Française

Issue: 9, Juin

Pages: 5-10

Short Title: L'apprentissage de l'abstraction: Un entretien avec Britt-Mari Barth

Alternate Journal: L'École Maternelle Française

Notes: Paris, 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 995

Author: Gilchrist, Margaret

Year: 1972

Title: The psychology of creativity

Place Published: Melbourne

Publisher: Melbourne University Press

Short Title: The psychology of creativity

Notes: From R.C.Hill, 1989, p.157



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2285

Author: Gill, Eric

Year: 1972

Title: Christianity and the machine age

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 214-236

Short Title: Christianity and the machine age

Keywords: Christian religion, theology, ADB education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 223

Author: Gill, M.M.

Year: 1976

Title: Metapsychology is not psychology

Journal: Psychological Issues

Volume: 9

Issue: 4

Pages: 71-105

Short Title: Metapsychology is not psychology

Alternate Journal: Psychological Issues

Legal Note: Monograph No.36: Psychology versus metapsychology: Psychoanalytic essays in memory of George S.Klein



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1601

Author: Gilson, Etienne

Year: 1986

Title: Christianisme et philosophie

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Christianisme et philosophie

Keywords: Will vs. reason p.23ff, Luther vs. Calvino etc

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 87,-



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1762

Author: Ginzberg, Michael J.

Year: 1993

Title: Business process reengineering: Prospects and problems

Institution: Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University

Short Title: Business process reengineering: Prospects and problems

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Fourth Information Systems Research Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1757

Author: Ginzberg, Michael J. and Baroudi, Jack, J.

Year: 1993

Title: Career orientations of information systems personnel

Institution: Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH 44106 & Stern School of Business, New York Univ., N.Y. 10003

Short Title: Career orientations of information systems personnel

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1501

Author: Ginzburg, Carlo

Year: 1979

Title: Spie: Radici di un paradigma indiziario

Editor: Gargani, Aldo

Book Title: Crisi della ragione: Nuovi modelli nel rapporto tra sapere e attività umane

Place Published: Torino

Publisher: Einaudi

Pages: 57-106

Short Title: Spie: Radici di un paradigma indiziario

Notes: Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 224

Author: Giorgi, A.

Year: 1970

Title: Psychology as a human science: A phenomenologically based approach

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Short Title: Psychology as a human science: A phenomenologically based approach



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1602

Author: Girin, Jacques

Year: 1990

Title: L'analyse empirique des situations de gestion: Éléments de theorie et de methode

Editor: Martinet, Alain Charles

Book Title: Épistémologies et sciences de gestion

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Economica

Pages: 140-182

Short Title: L'analyse empirique des situations de gestion: Éléments de theorie et de methode

Notes: Paris, 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 225

Author: Goethe, J.W., von

Year: 1970

Title: Theory of colours

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Theory of colours



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2229

Author: Goethe, J.W., von

Year: 1979

Title: Goethes färglära

Place Published: Järna

Publisher: Kosmos

Short Title: Goethes färglära



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2272

Author: Golden

Year: 19XX

Title: The research experience

Short Title: The research experience

Notes: From Saybrook, in E40-course



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 226

Author: Goldkuhl, G. and Lyytinen, K.

Year: 1982

Title: A language action view on information systems

Book Title: Proc. of the 3rd IFIP Int. Conf. on Information Systems, Ann-Arbor, Mich, 1982

Short Title: A language action view on information systems

Section: Also as SYSLAB report No.14, The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science, June 1982

Notes: Also as SYSLAB report No.14, The Royal Institute of Technology and University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science, June 1982



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 227

Author: Goldkuhl, G. and Röstlinger, A.

Year: 1988

Title: Förändringsanalys: Arbetsmetodik och förhållningssätt för goda förändringsbeslut

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Förändringsanalys: Arbetsmetodik och förhållningssätt för goda förändringsbeslut



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 229

Author: Gorn, S.

Year: 1960

Title: On common symbolic language for computers.  In Information processing

Editor: UNESCO

Book Title: Information processing. Proc. of the international conference on information processing in Paris, 15-20 June 1959

Place Published: London and München

Publisher: Butterworths and Oldenbourg

Pages: 117-120

Short Title: On common symbolic language for computers.  In Information processing



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 230

Author: Gorn, S.

Year: 1963

Title: The computer and information sciences: A basic discipline

Journal: SIAM Review

Volume: 5

Pages: 150-155

Short Title: The computer and information sciences: A basic discipline

Alternate Journal: SIAM Review



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 228

Author: Gorn, S.

Year: 1964

Title: Mechanical languages: A course specification

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 7

Issue: 4, april

Pages: 219-222

Short Title: Mechanical languages: A course specification

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2078

Author: Gorry, G.A. and Scott Morton, M.S.

Year: 1971

Title: A framework for management information systems

Journal: Sloan Management Review

Issue: Fall

Pages: 55-70

Short Title: A framework for management information systems

Alternate Journal: Sloan Management Review

Keywords: MIS, ADB  education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 231

Author: Goudsmit, S.A.

Year: 1966

Title: Is the literature worth retrieving?

Journal: Physics Today

Issue: September

Pages: 52-55

Short Title: Is the literature worth retrieving?

Alternate Journal: Physics Today



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 988

Author: Gough, H.G. and Woodworth, D.W.

Year: 1960

Title: Stylistic variations among professional research scientists

Journal: Journal of Psychology

Volume: 49

Pages: 87-98

Short Title: Stylistic variations among professional research scientists

Alternate Journal: Journal of Psychology

Keywords: cognitive styles, problem solving, creativity

Notes: From Strzalecki, p.253



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1761

Author: Grahn, Anita

Year: 1993

Title: Soft and fuzzy in the context of information systems design

Institution: Luleå Inst. of Technology, Dept. IES/ADB

Short Title: Soft and fuzzy in the context of information systems design

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Fourth Information Systems Research Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2114

Author: Gram, Christian

Year: 1980

Title: Ethics and Edp: What do we want from Edp?

Editor: Sundin, Bo

Book Title: Is the computer a tool?

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Almkvist & Wiksell International

Pages: 40-43

Short Title: Ethics and Edp: What do we want from Edp?

Section: Also in Sundin, B., ed. Is the computer a tool? Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1980, pp. 81-99

Keywords: computer ethics ≈≈



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2382

Author: Gramont, Jerôme, de

Year: 1996

Title: Kant et la question de l'affectivité: Lecture de la troisième critique [Kant and the question of affectivity: Reading the third critique]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Kant et la question de l'affectivité: Lecture de la troisième critique [Kant and the question of affectivity: Reading the third critique]

Keywords: Paris 1997, A2psi, aesthetics, feelings, irrationality, judgement, feelings, rationality, affects. Cf. François Calori (Sorbonne c/o Jean-Luc Marion 20/6-97), Kant3



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 233

Author: Granberg, A.

Year: 1976

Title: Tvärvetenskap som ett definitions- och tolkningsproblem

Place Published: University of Linköping

Publisher: Forskningsorganisatoriska gruppen

Short Title: Tvärvetenskap som ett definitions- och tolkningsproblem



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2286

Author: Grant, George

Year: 1972

Title: Technology and empire

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 187-202

Short Title: Technology and empire

Keywords: Christian religion, theology, ADB education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2467

Author: Gras, Alain

Year: 1997

Title: Les macro-systèmes techniques

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: PUF

Short Title: Les macro-systèmes techniques

Keywords: Paris 1997, technology



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1605

Editor: Gras, Alain, Joerges, Bernard and Scardigli, Victor

Year: 1992

Title: Sociologie des techniques de la vie quotidienne

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Harmattan

Short Title: Sociologie des techniques de la vie quotidienne

Notes: Fr. Gras den 20/3 i Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1604

Author: Gras, Alain, Moricot, Caroline, Poirot-Delpech, Sophie L and Scardigli, Victor

Year: 1991

Title: Le pilote, le contrôleur et l'automate

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: IRIS Inst. de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Economique, Univ. Paris-Dauphine

Short Title: Le pilote, le contrôleur et l'automate

ISBN: 002-906860-06-93

Keywords: HCI

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1980

Author: Gras, Alain, Moricot, Caroline, Poirot-Delpech, Sophie L. and Scardigli, Victor

Year: 1994

Title: Faced with automation: The pilot, the controller and the engineer

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Publications de la Sorbonne

Short Title: Faced with automation: The pilot, the controller and the engineer

Keywords: (≈Paris 1992), HCI, MDI, human computer interaction

Notes: Ex den 11/1-95 från A. Gras, Univ. de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne, 12 Place du Panthéon, 75231 Paris Cedex 05

Till Ingarö den 000520



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1603

Editor: Gras, Alain and Poirot-Delpech, Sophie L

Year: 1989

Title: L'imaginaire des techniques de pointe

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Harmattan

Short Title: L'imaginaire des techniques de pointe

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 120,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 234

Author: Grassman, S.

Year: 1985

Title: Det plundrade folkhemmet

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Årstiderna/Seelig

Short Title: Det plundrade folkhemmet

Keywords: nationalekonomi political economy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 235

Author: Greenwald, A.G.

Year: 1975

Title: Consequences of prejudice against the null hypothesis

Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Volume: 82

Issue: 1

Pages: 1-20

Short Title: Consequences of prejudice against the null hypothesis

Alternate Journal: Psychological Bulletin



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 980

Author: Gregory, Wendy, J.

Year: 1989

Title: Critical theory and critical systems heuristics: The history and development of an emancipatory systems approach to social change

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol 2

Pages: 275-282

Short Title: Critical theory and critical systems heuristics: The history and development of an emancipatory systems approach to social change

Notes: Ref. to Werner Ulrich and to R.Geuss, The idea of a critical theory: Habermas and the Frankfurt school, New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1255

Author: Greif, I., (Ed.)

Year: 1988

Title: Computer supported cooperative work: A book of readings

Place Published: San Mateo, CA.

Publisher: Morgan Kaufman

Short Title: Computer supported cooperative work: A book of readings



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 236

Author: Grenander, U.

Year: 1983

Title: Reflections on global tendencies in mathematics

Book Title: The international interdisciplinary workshop on "Present Thinking on Parts and Wholes", Stockholm, June 1983

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Swedish Committee for Future Oriented Research (FRN-SALFO)

Short Title: Reflections on global tendencies in mathematics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1256

Author: Griffin, David Ray

Year: 1989

Title: A metaphysical psychology to un-Locke our ailing world

Editor: David, Ray Griffin

Book Title: Archetypal process: Self and divine in Whitehead, Jung, and Hillman

Place Published: Evanston, Ill.

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Pages: 239-249

Short Title: A metaphysical psychology to un-Locke our ailing world



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1258

Editor: Griffin, David Ray

Year: 1989

Title: Archetypal process: Self and divine in Whitehead, Jung, and Hillman

Place Published: Evanston, Ill.

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Short Title: Archetypal process: Self and divine in Whitehead, Jung, and Hillman

Keywords: Long Notes

Notes: ref in Ivanov 1991, p. 51: Whitehead & Jung, pre-Kantian prekantian modes of thought



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1037

Author: Grindley, C.B.B.

Year: 1966

Title: Systematics: A non-programming language for designing and specifying commercial systems for computers

Journal: The Computer Journal

Volume: 9

Issue: 2

Pages: 124-128

Short Title: Systematics: A non-programming language for designing and specifying commercial systems for computers

Alternate Journal: The Computer Journal



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1469

Author: Grip, Arne and Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1974

Title: De offentliga ADB-systemens inverkan på förvaltning och samhälle [Public informations systems' effects on public administration and society]

Institution: Linköping University, Inst. of Economics

Short Title: De offentliga ADB-systemens inverkan på förvaltning och samhälle [Public informations systems' effects on public administration and society]

Report Number: Res. report No. 10



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 939

Author: Grip, Arne, Ivanov, Kristo and Rönnow, Hans Henrik

Year: 1974

Title: ADB system och kommunikation [ADP systems and communication]

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: ADB system och kommunikation [ADP systems and communication]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 238

Author: Groesbeck, C.J.

Year: 1978

Title: Psychological types in the analysis of transference

Journal: J. of Analytic Psychology

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 23-53

Short Title: Psychological types in the analysis of transference

Alternate Journal: J. of Analytic Psychology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1050

Author: Grosch, H.R.J.

Year: 1977

Title: The way it was: 1957

Journal: Datamation

Volume: 23

Issue: 9, September

Pages: 75-79

Short Title: The way it was: 1957

Alternate Journal: Datamation

Keywords: History



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 888

Author: Gross, B.M.

Year: 1969

Title: The new systems budgeting

Journal: Public Administration Review

Issue: March-April

Pages: 113-137

Short Title: The new systems budgeting

Alternate Journal: Public Administration Review

Notes: ppb



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1956

Author: Gross, David

Year: 1992

Title: The past in ruins: Tradition and the critique of modernity

Place Published: Amherst

Publisher: The University of Massachussetts Press

Short Title: The past in ruins: Tradition and the critique of modernity

Keywords: tradition, television, words vs. images, visual culture, postmodernism,

Notes: Prof of history at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 855

Author: Groves, R.

Year: 1960

Title: The Greek myths  (2 vols.)

Place Published: Harmondsworth, Middlesex

Publisher: Penguin Books

Short Title: The Greek myths  (2 vols.)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1307

Author: Grönlund, Åke

Year: 1990

Title: Cooperative work: Not just an internal matter. Some notes on a coconstructive view of computer supported cooperative work

Book Title: Prec. of the 13th IRIS Conference - Information Systems Research in Scandinavia,14-17 August 1989, Turku, Finland

Short Title: Cooperative work: Not just an internal matter. Some notes on a coconstructive view of computer supported cooperative work



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1322

Author: Grönlund, Åke

Year: 1990

Title: Datorer och undervisning: Några synpunkter på utvecklingen av dataundervisningen i grundskolan ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Datorer och undervisning: Några synpunkter på utvecklingen av dataundervisningen i grundskolan ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv

Report Number: UMADP-WPIPCS 27.90, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1323

Author: Grönlund, Åke

Year: 1990

Title: Samskapande undervisning? Om dataprogram för undervisning

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Samskapande undervisning? Om dataprogram för undervisning

Report Number: UMADP- WPIPCS 29.90, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1324

Author: Grönlund, Åke

Year: 1990

Title: Systemutvecklingsverktyget STRUTS

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Systemutvecklingsverktyget STRUTS

Report Number: UMADP-WPIPCS 28.90, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1325

Author: Grönlund, Åke

Year: 1990

Title: Advanced decision support systems as interfaces between scientists and decision-makers: A matter of credibility

Institution: IIASA-ACA International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis - Advanced Computer Applications, & Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Advanced decision support systems as interfaces between scientists and decision-makers: A matter of credibility

Report Number: UMADP-WPIPCS 31.90, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1883

Author: Grönlund, Åke.

Year: 1990

Title: LiveBetter – An Introduction

Institution: Umeå University, Institute for Information Processing.

Short Title: LiveBetter – An Introduction

Notes: Bildserien på engelska



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1884

Author: Grönlund, Åke.

Year: 1990

Title: BoBättre – en introduktion

Institution: Umeå University, Institute for Information Processing.

Short Title: BoBättre – en introduktion

Notes: Bildserien på svenska



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1480

Author: Grönlund, Åke

Year: 1991

Title: Live-Better: A customer oriented approach to computer-supported service

Editor: Ivanov, Kristo

Book Title: Proc. of the 14th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia – IRIS'91, Umeå-Lövånger, August 11-14, 1991

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Pages: 69-84

Short Title: Live-Better: A customer oriented approach to computer-supported service



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1885

Author: Grönlund, Åke.

Year: 1992

Title: NoticeBoard 2.0

Institution: Institute of Information Processing/Informatics

Date: July 1992

Short Title: NoticeBoard 2.0



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1888

Author: Grönlund, Åke.

Year: 1992

Title: Datorstöd till stöd för mänsklig kommunikation. Utmaningar, problem och exempel

Institution: Umeå universitet, institutionen för informationsbehandling/ADB.

Short Title: Datorstöd till stöd för mänsklig kommunikation. Utmaningar, problem och exempel



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1794

Author: Grönlund, Åke

Year: 1993

Title: Participatory information systems: Information systems as venues for participation

Editor: Avison, David, Kendall, Julie and de Gross, Janice

Book Title: IFIP Transactions A24: Human, organizational and social dimensions of information systems development

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Pages: 193-218

Short Title: Participatory information systems: Information systems as venues for participation



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1894

Author: Grönlund, Åke.

Year: 1993

Title: Participatory Information Systems – Hypermedia Systems as Venues for Mutual Learning

Editor: Linna, Matti and Routsala, Pentti

Book Title: Hypermedia in Vaasa '93

Place Published: Vasa

Publisher: Vasa Institute of Technology

Pages: 103-111

Short Title: Participatory Information Systems – Hypermedia Systems as Venues for Mutual Learning

ISBN: ISBN 951-96789-0-5

Notes: "Hypermedia in Vaasa '93", May 24-26 1993



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1895

Author: Grönlund, Åke.

Year: 1994

Title: "BoBättre": Informationssystem för effektivare service inom den offentliga sektorn – ett designförslag

Editor: Forsgren, Olov and Stolterman, Erik

Book Title: Konstruktiv systemutveckling: Sammanfattande presentation av idé och resultat (Constructive Systems Development in three  Projects).

Place Published: Stockholm/Umeå

Publisher: NUTEK, Närings- och Teknikutvecklingsverket (Swedish National Board for Technical Development), and Umeå University, Institute for Information Processing.

Short Title: "BoBättre": Informationssystem för effektivare service inom den offentliga sektorn – ett designförslag

Notes: Mitt avsnitt i KSU-slutrapporten



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1953

Author: Grönlund, Åke

Year: 1994

Title: Public computer systems, the client-organization encounter, and the societal dialogue

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Public computer systems, the client-organization encounter, and the societal dialogue

Keywords: ADB avh

Notes: Kristo Ivanov & Erik Stolterman advisors, disp. 941216



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1893

Author: Grönlund, Åke and Bai, Guohua.

Year: 1991

Title: Adaptive decision support systems: The feedback learning strategy as a new way of designing DSS

Editor: Silver, Mark

Book Title: Transactions of the 12th International Conference on Decision Support Systems, Chicago, June 1992

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: The Institute of Management Science (TIMS)

Pages: 66-80

Short Title: Adaptive decision support systems: The feedback learning strategy as a new way of designing DSS



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1886

Author: Grönlund, Åke and Bai, Guohua.

Year: 1992

Title: Participatory Information Systems. Supporting the decision process in public information systems

Book Title: Proceedings of IFIP conference "Decision Support in Public Administration", May 13-14 1993

Publisher: IFIP

Short Title: Participatory Information Systems. Supporting the decision process in public information systems



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1887

Author: Grönlund, Åke and Bai, Guohua.

Year: 1992

Title: Participatory Information Systems. Information systems as venues for participation

Institution: Umeå University, Institute for Information Processing

Short Title: Participatory Information Systems. Information systems as venues for participation



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1316

Author: Grönlund, Åke and Nilsson, Torsten

Year: 1990

Title: Vad är en användare? Ett historiskt perspektiv på datoranvändning och datoranvändare

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Vad är en användare? Ett historiskt perspektiv på datoranvändning och datoranvändare

Report Number: Working paper



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1176

Author: Grönlund, Åke and Söderström, Mikael

Year: 1989

Title: Medborgarstyrda informationssytem?

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Medborgarstyrda informationssytem?

Report Number: Report UMADP–WPIPCS 18.89, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2610

Author: Guba, E.G.  and Lincoln, Y.S.

Year: 1994

Title: Competing paradigms in qualitative research

Editor: Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S.

Book Title: Handbook of Qualitative Research

Place Published: Thousand Oaks

Publisher: Sage

Pages: 105-117

Short Title: Competing paradigms in qualitative research

Notes: Fr. Myers "Qualitative research in I.S."



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1821

Author: Guénon, René

Year: 1946

Title: Les principes du calcul infinitesimal

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Gallimard

Short Title: Les principes du calcul infinitesimal

Notes: fr Lindbom



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 239

Author: Guénon, R.

Year: 1982

Title: Il regno della quantità e i segni dei tempi

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Adelphi

Short Title: Il regno della quantità e i segni dei tempi



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1330

Author: Guillaumin, Armand

Year: 1987

Title: La séduction marxiste

Place Published: Bologna

Publisher: SERMIS

Short Title: La séduction marxiste



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 240

Author: Guillet de Monthoux, P.

Year: 1981

Title: Doktor Kant och den oekonomiska rationaliseringen. Om det normativas betydelse för företagens, industrins och teknologins ekonomi

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Korpen

Short Title: Doktor Kant och den oekonomiska rationaliseringen. Om det normativas betydelse för företagens, industrins och teknologins ekonomi



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1914

Author: Guillet de Monthoux, P.

Year: 1981

Title: Vulgärkantianische Unternehmenlehre

Place Published: München

Publisher: Leudemann

Short Title: Vulgärkantianische Unternehmenlehre



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 241

Author: Guillet de Monthoux, P

Year: 1982

Title: Ekonomerna och det normativa

Editor: Brunsson, N.

Book Title: Företagsekonomi: Sanning eller moral? Om det normativa i företagsekonomisk idéutveckling.

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Pages: 42-59

Short Title: Ekonomerna och det normativa



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 242

Author: Guillet de Monthoux, P.

Year: 1983

Title: Läran om företaget. Från Quesnay till Keynes

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Short Title: Läran om företaget. Från Quesnay till Keynes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 243

Author: Guillet de Monthoux, P.

Year: 1987

Title: Läran om penningen. Om penningens makt och maktens penning från Knapp till Friedman

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Short Title: Läran om penningen. Om penningens makt och maktens penning från Knapp till Friedman



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1915

Author: Guillet de Monthoux, Pierre

Year: 1993

Title: Det sublimas konstnärliga ledning: Estetik, konst och företag. [The artistic management of the sublime: Aesthetics, art, and business]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Nerenius & Santérus

Short Title: Det sublimas konstnärliga ledning: Estetik, konst och företag. [The artistic management of the sublime: Aesthetics, art, and business]

Keywords: aesthetics, estetik, art, style, taste, stil, smak, postmodern, Nietzsche, Wagner



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1949

Author: Gulyga, Arsenij

Year: 1977

Title: Immanuel Kant

Place Published: Göteborg

Publisher: Daidalos

Short Title: Immanuel Kant



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2281

Author: Gulyga, Arsenij

Year: 1987

Title: Immanuel Kant: His life and work

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhauser

Short Title: Immanuel Kant: His life and work



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1606

Author: Gusatz, Michel

Year: 1983

Title: Les dangers de l'auto

Editor: Dumouchel, Paul and Dupuy, Jean Pierre

Book Title: L'auto-organisation: De la physique au politique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Pages: 29-36

Short Title: Les dangers de l'auto

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 244

Author: Gustafsson, C.

Year: 1988

Title: Om företag, moral och handling

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Om företag, moral och handling



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1076

Author: Gustavsen, B.

Year: 1985

Title: Workplace reform and democratic dialogue

Journal: Econ. and Ind. Democracy

Volume: 6

Issue: 4

Short Title: Workplace reform and democratic dialogue

Alternate Journal: Economic and Industrial Democracy



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1009

Author: Guthrie, E.R.

Year: 1942

Title: The principle of associative learning

Editor: Clarke, F.P. and Nahm, M.C.

Book Title: Philosophical essays in honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr.

Place Published: Philadelphia and London

Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press and Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press

Pages: 100-114

Short Title: The principle of associative learning

Keywords: Connectionism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 245

Author: Guttenplan, S.

Year: 1986

Title: The languages of logic: An introduction

Place Published: London

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: The languages of logic: An introduction



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1698

Author: Guyau, M.

Year: 1885

Title: Esquisse d'une morale sans obligation, ni sanction

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Félix Alcan

Short Title: Esquisse d'une morale sans obligation, ni sanction

Notes: Paris 1992. Ref. from Ellen Key. Pp 250: "En somme, c'est la puissance (power) de la vie et l'action qui peuvent seules résoudre, sinon entièrement, du moins en partie, les problèmes que se pose la pensée abstraite. A2psi x ethics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1699

Author: Guyau, M.

Year: 1895

Title: L'irreligion de l'avenir: Étude sociologique

Place Published: Paris

Short Title: L'irreligion de l'avenir: Étude sociologique

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1216

Author: Göranzon, Bo

Year: 1990

Title: Det praktiska intellektet: Datoranvändning och yrkeskunnande

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons

Short Title: Det praktiska intellektet: Datoranvändning och yrkeskunnande

Keywords: adb avh

Notes: Statskontoret pp. 120-130. Recenserad av Bengt Molander (cf.)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 954

Author: Göranzon, Bo, Florin, M. and Sällström, P.

Year: 1988

Title: The concept of dialogue

Journal: AI & Society

Volume: 2

Pages: 279-286

Short Title: The concept of dialogue

Alternate Journal: AI & Society



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1247

Author: Göranzon, Bo, Florin, Magnus and Sällström, Pehr

Year: 1988

Title: Dialogue

Journal: AI & Society

Volume: 2

Pages: 279-286

Short Title: Dialogue

Alternate Journal: AI & Society



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 246

Author: Göranzon, Bo and Josefson, Ingela, (Eds.)

Year: 1988

Title: Knowledge, skill and artificial intelligence

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Short Title: Knowledge, skill and artificial intelligence



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 247

Author: Haack, S.

Year: 1978

Title: Philosophy of logics

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Philosophy of logics

Notes: ref to p. 241 for "A quality concept of information"  on p. 27-28 of Ivanov, K. (1983). Presuppositions of formal methods for development of computer systems: From psycho-logic and logic to psychology and inquiring systems (Report LiU-IDA-ADB-R-83-1). University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 248

Author: Habermas, J.

Year: 1979

Title: Communication and the evolution of society

Place Published: London

Publisher: Heinemann

Short Title: Communication and the evolution of society



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2043

Author: Habermas, Jürgen

Year: 1984

Title: The theory of communicative action. Volume  I. Reason and the rationalization of society

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Beacon Press

Short Title: The theory of communicative action. Volume  I. Reason and the rationalization of society



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1231

Author: Habermas, J.

Year: 1987

Title: Die Idee der Universität-Lernprozesse

Book Title: Eine Art Schadensabwicklung

Place Published: Frankfurt a.M.

Publisher: Suhrkamp

Short Title: Die Idee der Universität-Lernprozesse

Section: Swedish trans. K. Nilsson, Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing, 1990



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2044

Author: Habermas, Jürgen

Year: 1987

Title: The theory of communicative action. Volume   II. Lifeworld and systems: A critique of functionalist reason

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Beacon Press

Short Title: The theory of communicative action. Volume   II. Lifeworld and systems: A critique of functionalist reason



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1329

Author: Hacker, W.

Year: 1986

Title: Arbeitspsychologie: Psychische Regulation von Arbeitstätigkeiten

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften

Short Title: Arbeitspsychologie: Psychische Regulation von Arbeitstätigkeiten

Notes: From Volpert



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 249

Author: Hadamard, J.

Year: 1954

Title: The psychology of invention in the mathematical field

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Dover

Short Title: The psychology of invention in the mathematical field



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1215

Author: Hagtvet, Bernt and Rudeng, Erik

Year: 1984

Title: Scandinavia: Achievements, dilemmas, challenges

Journal: Daedalus

Volume: 113

Issue: 2

Pages: 227-256

Short Title: Scandinavia: Achievements, dilemmas, challenges

Alternate Journal: Daedalus



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1106

Author: Hahn, Roger

Year: 1971

Title: The anatomy of a scientific institution: The Paris Academy of Science 1666-1803

Place Published: Berkeley

Publisher: Univ. of California Press

Short Title: The anatomy of a scientific institution: The Paris Academy of Science 1666-1803

Keywords: Research, politics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1191

Author: Hahn, Udo and Jarke, Matthias

Year: 1988

Title: A multi-agent reasoning model for negotiation support

Editor: Lee, R.M., Cosh, A.M. and Migliarese, P.

Book Title: Organizational decision support systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Pages: 101-115

Short Title: A multi-agent reasoning model for negotiation support

Notes: Application of Toulmins The Uses of Argument, Cambridge U.P., 1958



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2933

Author: Haikola, Lars

Year: 2002

Title: Vi kan inte blanda två utbildingsideologier

Journal: Universitetsläraren

Issue: 4

Pages: 19

Short Title: Vi kan inte blanda två utbildingsideologier

Alternate Journal: Universitetsläraren

Keywords: university, freedom of research, examination, överklagan av betyg, myndighet, authority

Notes: Grunden för att överhuvudtaget diskutera frågan om att överklaga betyg finns i förhållandet att betygssättning är myndighetsutövande. Detta betyder att den formella relationen mellan högskolan och studenten är den som råder mellan myndigheten och allmänheten. Detta är absurt! Relationen mellan högskolan och studenten är omdiskuterad och framför allt negativt bestämd. Studenten har inte en kundrelation, inte en medlemrelation, inte en klientrelation till högskolan. Studentens historiskt komplexa relation till högskolan är heller inte en meborgarrelation. Studentens relation till högskolan borde utredas ordentligt och bestämmas i särskild lagstiftning. I själva verket är Högskoleverkets, i övrigt utmärkta, rapport en enda argumentsamling för att högskolan skall ges en särskild rättslig ställning och inte i allt likställas med andra "myndigheter".



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1276

Author: Halford, John

Year: 1990

Title: If you are just looking...

Journal: The Plain Truth

Issue: July 1990

Pages: 7

Short Title: If you are just looking...

Alternate Journal: The Plain Truth



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 250

Author: Hall, C.S. and Lindzey, G.

Year: 1978

Title: Theories of personality

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Theories of personality



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 251

Author: Hall, C.S. and Nordby, V.J.

Year: 1973

Title: A primer of jungian psychology

Place Published: New York

Publisher: The New American Library

Short Title: A primer of jungian psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2258

Author: Hallberg, Tord-Jöran

Year: 1980

Title: Genväg till mikrodatorn

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Genväg till mikrodatorn



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 252

Author: Halliday, J. and Fuller, P., (Eds.)

Year: 1974

Title: The psychology of gambling

Place Published: London

Publisher: Allen Lane

Short Title: The psychology of gambling



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2855

Author: Hallström, Salka, Lindstedt, Gunnar and Montgomery, Elisabeth

Year: 2001

Title: Inifrån boo-monstrets mage. Dokument/boo.com

Journal: Expressen

Issue: 22 oktober

Pages: 4-5, 16-18

Short Title: Inifrån boo-monstrets mage. Dokument/boo.com

Alternate Journal: Expressen

Keywords: IT bubble bubblor Kernbergs narcissim crisis. Chu71/end*, Chu71/7



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 253

Author: Hamann, Johann Georg

Year: 1967

Title: [Article on]

Book Title: The encyclopaedia of philosophy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Volume: 3

Pages: 406-408

Edition: P.Edwards,

Short Title: [Article on]

Notes: Hamann, Johann Georg. In The encyclopaedia of philosophy, 1967, Vol.3, pp.406-408.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1812

Author: Hamann, Johann Georg

Year: 1967

Title: Socratic Memorabilia

Place Published: Baltimore

Publisher: John Hopkins

Translator: O'Flaherty, James C., (Trans. and commentary)

Short Title: Socratic Memorabilia

Notes: Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1844

Author: Hamann, Johann Georg

Year: 1967

Title: Metakritik über den Purismus der Vernunft

Editor: Simon, J.

Book Title: Schriften zur Sprache

Place Published: Frankfurt a.M.

Pages: 221-227

Short Title: Metakritik über den Purismus der Vernunft



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 254

Author: Hamilton, A.G.

Year: 1978

Title: Logic for mathematicians

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Logic for mathematicians



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2915

Author: Hamilton, Carl B. and Orring, Ulla

Year: 1984

Title: Lag om prismärkning hotar glesbygdesbutiker

Journal: VK

Issue: 10 december

Short Title: Lag om prismärkning hotar glesbygdesbutiker

Alternate Journal: Västerbotten-Kuriren

Legal Note: Arbetsmaterial till falsstudie om EAN European Article Numbering

Keywords: Chu71/4**** (i underlaget till EAN European Article Numbering fallstudie, case study



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 255

Author: Hammen, L., van der

Year: 1981

Title: Type concept, higher classification and evolution

Journal: Acta Biotheoretica

Volume: 30

Pages: 3-48

Short Title: Type concept, higher classification and evolution

Alternate Journal: Acta Biotheoretica



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 256

Author: Hampden-Turner, C.

Year: 1982

Title: Maps of the mind: Charts and concepts of the mind and its labyrinths

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Collier Books (Macmillan)

Short Title: Maps of the mind: Charts and concepts of the mind and its labyrinths



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2129

Author: Hannah, Barbara

Year: 1955

Title: Ego and shadow

Place Published: London

Publisher: The Guild of Pastoral Psychology

Short Title: Ego and shadow

Keywords: Jung



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2356

Author: Hanseth, Ole

Year: 1996

Title: Information technology as infrastructure

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Gothenburg University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Information technology as infrastructure

Notes: Bo Dahlbom, Mikael Söderström

ADB avhandling



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 257

Author: Hansson, P. Y., et al.

Year: 1983

Title: Den smygande avmatematiseringen

Journal: Skolvärlden

Volume: 20

Pages: p.17

Short Title: Den smygande avmatematiseringen

Alternate Journal: Skolvärlden



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2143

Author: Hansson, Sven Ove

Year: 1994

Title: Bör man skriva sin doktorsavhandling själv?

Journal: Forskning och Framsteg

Issue: 1

Short Title: Bör man skriva sin doktorsavhandling själv?

Alternate Journal: Forskning och Framsteg

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2144

Author: Hansson, Sven Ove

Year: 1995

Title: Enstaka experiment bevisar ingenting

Journal: Forskning och Framsteg

Issue: 3

Short Title: Enstaka experiment bevisar ingenting

Alternate Journal: Forskning och Framsteg

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 258

Author: Harel, D.

Year: 1987

Title: Algorithmics: The spirit of computing.

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Algorithmics: The spirit of computing.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2818

Author: Hari, Johann

Year: 2001

Title: Barbarians build the barricades

Journal: New Statesman

Issue: December 3rd

Short Title: Barbarians build the barricades

Alternate Journal: New Statesman

Legal Note: On security of gated communities

Keywords: Chu71/7*



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 259

Author: Harland, D.M.

Year: 1984

Title: Polymorphic programming languages

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Polymorphic programming languages



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 996

Author: Harman, Willis

Year: 1984

Title: Higher creativity: Liberating the unconscious for breakthrough insights

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher

Short Title: Higher creativity: Liberating the unconscious for breakthrough insights

Notes: See esp. p. 174; From R.C.Hill, 1989, p.157



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2640

Author: Harrington, Anne

Year: 1990

Title: 'A feeling for the whole': the holistic reaction in neurology from the fin de siècle to the interwar years

Editor: Teich, Mikulás and Porter, Roy

Book Title: Fin de siècle and its legacy

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press

Short Title: 'A feeling for the whole': the holistic reaction in neurology from the fin de siècle to the interwar years

Section: Cf. also author's Reenchanted science: Holism in German culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1996.

Keywords: romantic

Notes: fr Gunnar Matti 2000 om Hans Larsson



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2639

Author: Harrington, Anne

Year: 1996

Title: Reenchanted science: Holism in German culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton Univ. Press

Short Title: Reenchanted science: Holism in German culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler

Keywords: romantic

Notes: fr Gunnar Matti 2000 om Hans Larsson



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1988

Author: Harris, Erol E.

Year: 1993

Title: Atheism and theism

Place Published: Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Publisher: Humanistic Press

Short Title: Atheism and theism

Keywords: religion

Notes: Fr dra.com



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2565

Author: Hartmann, Carl Robert Eduard, von

Year: 1869/1931

Title: Philosophy of the unconscious

Place Published: London

Short Title: Philosophy of the unconscious

Keywords: Jung  philosophy

Notes: Fr. CW 8 p. 540



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1946

Author: Hartung, Frank E.

Year: 1951

Title: Science as an institution

Journal: Philosophy of Science

Volume: 18

Issue: 1, January

Pages: 35-54

Short Title: Science as an institution

Alternate Journal: Philosophy of Science

Notes: Churchman, editor



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2177

Author: Hartwick, J. and Barki, H.

Year: 1994

Title: Hypothesis testing and hypothesis generating research: An example from user participation literature

Journal: Information Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 4

Pages: 446-449

Short Title: Hypothesis testing and hypothesis generating research: An example from user participation literature

Alternate Journal: Information Systems Research

Keywords: power, politics, adb-education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2337

Author: Harvey, Lynda, Ivanov, Kristo, Klein, Heinz, Kling, Rob and Lyytinen, Kalle

Year: 1996

Title: Listserve debate on scope and aims [of IFIP Working Group 8.2,  The Interaction of Information Systems and the Organization]

Journal: OASIS, Newsletter of IFIP WG 8.2

Volume: 30

Issue: 2, November

Pages: 4-8

Short Title: Listserve debate on scope and aims [of IFIP Working Group 8.2,  The Interaction of Information Systems and the Organization]

Alternate Journal: OASIS Organizations and Society in Information Systems, Newsletter of IFIP WG 8.2

Keywords: Habermas, Churchman, religion, Christian, Lindbom, Rummel



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1608

Author: Hatchuel, Armand

Year: 1988

Title: Taylorism in the age of variety: Production management in the 1980's

Book Title: The conference La Gestion des Enterprises dans une Perspective Historique, Paris, 1988

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: École de Mines, CGS

Short Title: Taylorism in the age of variety: Production management in the 1980's

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1607

Author: Hatchuel, Armand and Molet, Hughues

Year: 1986

Title: Rational modelling in understanding and aiding decision-making: About two case studies

Journal: European J. of Operational Research

Volume: 26

Pages: 178-186

Short Title: Rational modelling in understanding and aiding decision-making: About two case studies

Alternate Journal: European J. of Operational Research

Notes: Paris 1992. CGS



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1612

Author: Hatchuel, Armand and Sardas, Jean-Claude

Year: 1992

Title: Les grandes transitions contemporaines des systèmes de production

Series Title: Les rationalisations de la production

Place Published: Toulouse

Publisher: CEPADUES, à paraître

Short Title: Les grandes transitions contemporaines des systèmes de production

Notes: Paris, 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1609

Author: Hatchuel, Armand and Weil, Benoît

Year: 1991

Title: Cultures et contre-cultures de la rationalisation: L'exemple des systèmes-experts

Journal: Communications & Strategies, IDATE

Issue: 2nd trimestre, 2

Pages: 125-140

Short Title: Cultures et contre-cultures de la rationalisation: L'exemple des systèmes-experts

Alternate Journal: Communications & Strategies, IDATE

Legal Note: IDATE, Inst. de l'Audiovisuel et des Télécommunications en Europe, BP 4167, F-34092, Montpellier Cedex 5

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1610

Author: Hatchuel, Armand and Weil, Benoît

Year: 1991

Title: Intelligence artificielle et dynamique des organisations

Book Title: Proc. of the seminar: Contradictions et Dynamique des Organisations -II-

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CRG Centre de Recherche en Gestion de l'École Polytechnique et ESCP l'École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris

Short Title: Intelligence artificielle et dynamique des organisations

Notes: Paris 1992.Se "long notes" library. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1611

Author: Hatchuel, Armand and Weil, Benoît

Year: 1991

Title: L'expert et le système

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Economica

Short Title: L'expert et le système

Notes: Paris 1992. Fått bara reklambladet. Best. hos Economica, 49 r. Héricart, F-75015 Paris, tel. +33 45799356, fax 45750567



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2454

Author: Hauffe, Heinz, Ivanov, Kristo and Rosenauer, Andrea

Year: 1997

Title: Internet und Sprach-  und Literaturwissenchaft

Place Published: Wien

Publisher: Institut Zur Erforschung und Förderung

Österreichischer und Internationaler


Short Title: Internet und Sprach-  und Literaturwissenchaft

Keywords: Literature

Notes: Heinz Hauffe (Innsbruck) and Andrea Rosenauer (Wien)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 260

Author: Haugeland, J., (Ed.)

Year: 1981

Title: Mind design: Philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence

Place Published: Montgomery, Vermont

Publisher: Bradford Books

Short Title: Mind design: Philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1111

Author: Hayek, F.A.

Year: 1941

Title: The counter-revolution of science

Journal: Economica

Volume: NS 8

Pages: 9-36, 119-150, 281-320

Short Title: The counter-revolution of science

Alternate Journal: Economica



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 261

Author: Hayek, F.A.

Year: 1949

Title: Individualism and economic order

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Short Title: Individualism and economic order



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 276

Author: Hayek, F.A.

Year: 1967

Title: Studies in philosophy, politics and economics

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Short Title: Studies in philosophy, politics and economics

Keywords: ethics->"social" (in my HCS)

Notes: What is "Social"? – What Does it Mean?, pp. 237-247 (orig. 1961)

The Moral element in Free Enterprise, pp. 220-236 (orig. 1962)

Kinds of Rationalism, pp. 82- 95 (orig. 1965)

The Dilemma of Specialization, pp. 122-132 (orig. 1956)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 263

Author: Hayes, R.H. and Abernathy, W.J.

Year: 1980

Title: Managing our way to economic decline

Journal: Harvard Business  Review

Issue: July-August

Pages: 67-77

Short Title: Managing our way to economic decline

Alternate Journal: Harvard Business  Review



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2693

Author: Heckscher, Gunnar

Year: 1983

Title: Konformism, eller konsensus och mångfald

Editor: Fagerberg, Sven, Gustafsson, Lars, Heckscher, Gunnar, Küng, Andres, Sandberg, Nils.Eric, Sjöström, Hans O., Wigforss, Harald and Östergren, Bertil

Book Title: Kulturen och apparaten

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Timbro

Pages: 9-17

Short Title: Konformism, eller konsensus och mångfald

Keywords: school

Notes: p. 17 "Deabatten i Sverige, börjar i viss utsträckning gå ut på, om man inte är säker på att kunna övervinna en motståndare, finna det enklast att inte tala med honom alls."



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1790

Author: Hedenius, Ingemar

Year: 1983

Title: Tro och vetande

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Askild & Kärnekull

Short Title: Tro och vetande

Keywords: belief, knowledge, religion



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1874

Author: Hedestig, Ulf

Year: 1993

Title: Mot en individanpassad distanskurs [Towards a personalized distance course]

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing and the Council for Distance Education

Short Title: Mot en individanpassad distanskurs [Towards a personalized distance course]

Report Number: Distansrådets rapportserie: Distansutbildning i Utveckling



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2649

Author: Hedquist, Rolf, Ivanov, Kristo and Zackrisson, Uno

Year: 1989

Title: Sverige halkar efter med datautbildning

Journal: VK

Issue: 9 Februari

Short Title: Sverige halkar efter med datautbildning

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: ADB, systemvetenskap, education, debate, informatics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1512

Author: Hegel, G. W. F.

Year: 1979

Title: Les orbites des planètes [The orbits of the planets, dissertation of 1801]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Les orbites des planètes [The orbits of the planets, dissertation of 1801]

Notes: Paris, 1992, FF 105,00. Se s. 122 ≈ Stolterman?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1511

Author: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

Year: 1989

Title: Hegel's science of logic [Wissenschaft der Logik]

Place Published: Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Publisher: Humanities Press International

Short Title: Hegel's science of logic [Wissenschaft der Logik]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2448

Author: Heidegger, Martin

Year: 1954/1971

Title: Wass heisst Denken?

Place Published: Tubingen

Publisher: Max Niemeyer Verlag

Short Title: Wass heisst Denken?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2447

Author: Heidegger, Martin

Year: 1954/1985

Title: Vorträge und Aufsätze

Publisher: Verlag Günther Neske Pfullingen

Short Title: Vorträge und Aufsätze

Keywords: Heraclitus, Parmenides, technology, metaphysics, mediation-reflection

Notes: Contains: La questione della tecnica, Scienza e meditazione, Oltrepassamento della metafisica, Chi è lo Zarathustra di Nietzsche?, Che cosa significa pensare?, La cosa, "...Poeticamente abita l'uomo...", Logos (Eraclito, frammento 50), Moira (Parmenide, VIII, 34-41), Aletheia (Eraclito, frammento 16), Nota dell'autore.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1265

Author: Heidegger, Martin

Year: 1962

Title: Die Frage nach dem Ding: Zu Kants Lehre von den transzendentalen Grundsätzen

Place Published: Tübingen

Publisher: Max Niemeyer Verlag

Short Title: Die Frage nach dem Ding: Zu Kants Lehre von den transzendentalen Grundsätzen



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1377

Author: Heidegger, M.

Year: 1962

Title: Being and time

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Blackwell

Short Title: Being and time



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2641

Author: Heidegger, Martin

Year: 1968

Title: What is called thinking?

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Short Title: What is called thinking?

Notes: Long Notes. Fr. Mérida dec. 2000 (Fuenmayor & López-Garay)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 264

Author: Heidegger, Martin

Year: 1978

Title: Modern science, metaphysics, and mathematics

Editor: Krell, David Farrell

Book Title: Martin Heidegger: Basic writings

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Pages: 247-282

Short Title: Modern science, metaphysics, and mathematics

Section: Orig. M.Heidegger  Die  Frage nach dem Ding.  Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1962, pp.50-83. Included in the Italian trans. in La questione della cosa. Napoli: Guida, 1989, pp. 96-133.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1447

Author: Heidegger, Martin

Year: 1978

Title: Basic writings

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Short Title: Basic writings

Notes: Modern science, metaphysics, and mathematics pp. 243-282 (orig. in Die Frage nach dem Ding. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1962, pp. 50-83); Letter on humanism pp. 189-242



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1448

Author: Heidegger, Martin

Year: 1978

Title: Letter on humanism

Editor: Krell, David Farrell

Book Title: Martin Heidegger: Basic writings

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Pages: 189-242

Short Title: Letter on humanism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1457

Author: Heidegger, Martin

Year: 1989

Title: La questione della cosa: La dottrina kantiana dei principi trascendentali

Place Published: Napoli

Publisher: Guida

Short Title: La questione della cosa: La dottrina kantiana dei principi trascendentali



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1753

Author: Heikkilä, Jukka and Pihlaja, Marikka

Year: 1993

Title: Understanding user motivation and task characteristics for segmenting end user support

Institution: Helsinki School of Economics, Inst. of Basic Research, and Dept. of Business Information Systems

Short Title: Understanding user motivation and task characteristics for segmenting end user support

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1917

Author: Heilemann, John

Year: 1994

Title: Television: What if they're right? In its brief, television has changed the world. Now television itself if about to change

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 12th

Pages: 52, supplement

Short Title: Television: What if they're right? In its brief, television has changed the world. Now television itself if about to change

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: multimedia, telephone, audio, image, computer technology, (and virtual reality?), internet



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 813

Author: Heim, M.

Year: 1987

Title: Electric language: A philosophical study of word processing

Place Published: New Haven and London

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: Electric language: A philosophical study of word processing



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2015

Author: Heimann, E.

Year: 1961

Title: Reason and faith in modern society

Place Published: Middleton, Conn.

Short Title: Reason and faith in modern society

Keywords: religion

Notes: Cit i SAF p. 176



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 265

Author: Heimendahl, E.

Year: 1961

Title: Licht und Farbe: Oranung und Funktion der Farbenwelt

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Walter de Gruyter

Short Title: Licht und Farbe: Oranung und Funktion der Farbenwelt



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1613

Author: Heims, Steve J

Year: 1985

Title: An encounter between neo-mechanists and the human sciences

Book Title: Histoires de Cybernetique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche en Epistemologie Appliquée, École Polytechnique

Pages: 141-202

Short Title: An encounter between neo-mechanists and the human sciences

Section: Cahiers du CREA No. 7

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2193

Author: Heintz, Lisa

Year: 1992

Title: Consequences of new electronic communications technologies for knowledge transfer in science: Policy implications

Place Published: Washington, D.C.

Publisher: Congress of the United States. Office of Technology Assessment OTA contractor report

Short Title: Consequences of new electronic communications technologies for knowledge transfer in science: Policy implications

Notes: fr R.Kling The Social Design of Worklife with  Computers and Networks



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2540

Author: Heisenberg, Werner

Year: 1959

Title: Das Naturbild der heutigen Physik

Place Published: Hamburg

Publisher: Rowohlt

Short Title: Das Naturbild der heutigen Physik

Keywords: fr Yvonne Werners Ratzinger 0010XX "Tro mellan förnuft och känsla", belief & reason B&R, religion, catholic



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 266

Author: Heisenberg, Werner

Year: 1975

Title: Scientific and religious truth

Book Title: Across the frontiers

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Pages: 213-229

Short Title: Scientific and religious truth

Section: P. Heath, Trans.  Originally published as Schritte über Grenzen. Munich: R.Piper, 1971



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1759

Author: Heiskanen, Ari

Year: 1993

Title: The assessment of information systems: A case example of coping with the political dimension

Institution: Univ. of Helsinki, EDP Office

Short Title: The assessment of information systems: A case example of coping with the political dimension

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Fourth Information Systems Research Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993

Keywords: quality, evaluation

Notes: Fax +358 0 656591, tel 1913132



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2670

Author: Heitler, Walter

Year: 1963

Title: Man and science

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: Man and science

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2671

Author: Heitler, Walter

Year: 1972

Title: Wahrheit und Richtigkeit in den exakten Wissenschaften

Place Published: Mainz

Publisher: Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Wiesbaden, In Kommission bei F. Steiner

Short Title: Wahrheit und Richtigkeit in den exakten Wissenschaften

Keywords: universityVett, research, education, AVH avhandling, accuracy, precision



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2672

Author: Heitler, Walter

Year: 1975

Title: Die Natur und das Gottliche

Place Published: zug

Publisher: Klett & Balmer

Short Title: Die Natur und das Gottliche

Keywords: God, religion & science



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1305

Author: Hejl, P

Year: 1984

Title: Towards a theory of social systems: Self-organization and self-maintenance, self-reference and syn-reference

Editor: Ulrich, H. and Probst, G.

Book Title: Self-organization and management of social systems: Insights, promises, doubts, and questions

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer

Pages: 60-78

Short Title: Towards a theory of social systems: Self-organization and self-maintenance, self-reference and syn-reference

Keywords: Constructivism?

Notes: Tipsad av Randall W.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2700

Author: Hellblom, Lena

Year: 1985

Title: Från primitiv till organiserad demokrati. En studie av några offentligheter inom den socialdemokratiska arbetarrörelsen med utgångspunkt i 1970-talets studiecirklar i Vikmanshyttan och Södefors

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: University of Stockholm, Dept. of Education

Short Title: Från primitiv till organiserad demokrati. En studie av några offentligheter inom den socialdemokratiska arbetarrörelsen med utgångspunkt i 1970-talets studiecirklar i Vikmanshyttan och Södefors

Keywords: school

Notes: Till Åke Grönlund den 20 maj 94



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2702

Author: Hellblom, Lena

Year: 1991

Title: Kunskap, demokrati och folkbildning

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Skolöverstyrelsen, Vuxenutbildningen

Short Title: Kunskap, demokrati och folkbildning

Keywords: school



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2701

Editor: Hellblom-Sjögren, Lena

Year: 1992

Title: Folkskolan 150 år. Bildning och demokrati: Röster om och från folkskolan 1842-1992 i urval a Lena Hellblom Sjögren

Place Published: Täby

Publisher: 3V-Förlaget, Lokevägen 8, SE-18372 Täby. ISBN 91-630-0903-X

Short Title: Folkskolan 150 år. Bildning och demokrati: Röster om och från folkskolan 1842-1992 i urval a Lena Hellblom Sjögren

Keywords: school



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2694

Author: Helldén, Arne

Year: 1982

Title: Platon eller soptippen? Inlägg i skoldebatten

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Gidlunds

Short Title: Platon eller soptippen? Inlägg i skoldebatten

Keywords: school



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1367

Author: Heller, Agnes

Year: 1984

Title: Radical philosophy

Place Published: London

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: Radical philosophy

Notes: Ref. by Stigliano, 1991



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1363

Author: Heller, Agnes

Year: 1991

Title: Lita till människor av kött och blod [Trust in humans of flesh and blood]

Journal: DN

Volume: National edition

Issue: 23 April

Pages: B3

Short Title: Lita till människor av kött och blod [Trust in humans of flesh and blood]

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Legal Note: New School for Social Research. Trans. and ed. by S. Jonsson



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2130

Author: Heller, Agnes

Year: 1994

Title: Den allätande kulturen [The omnivarious culture]

Journal: Framtider

Issue: 2/94

Pages: 14-16

Short Title: Den allätande kulturen [The omnivarious culture]

Alternate Journal: Framtider

Legal Note: trans. and ed. by Ingemar Karlsson

Keywords: participation, aestheticism, modernism, postmodernism, change, interpretation, perspective, tradition

Notes: Ingemar Karlsson 08-982459 (fax 982467) e. 0173-53053. Landsvägen 43, 17236 Sundbyberg.

Samtal 950102 - ref. IK & Arne Ruth Samhället som Teater: Estetik och Politik i Tredje Riket, Liber, 1983 + 3betugs uppsats i Historia i Göteborg 1974 om nazist estetik + ref José Ramirez i Framtider om Spanien x Sverige

Agnes Hellers fax +1 212 2228253



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1283

Author: Hellman, Riitta

Year: 1989

Title: Approaches to user-centered information systems

Place Published: Turku, Finland

Publisher: University of Turku, Dept. of Computer Science

Short Title: Approaches to user-centered information systems



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2613

Editor: Helm, Paul

Year: 1999

Title: Faith and reason

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Faith and reason

Keywords: religion, theology, belief

Notes: Fr Mike Walsh in Hull, 001123. Signum c/4077



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2614

Author: Helm, Paul

Year: 2000

Title: Faith with reason

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

Short Title: Faith with reason

Keywords: religion, theology, belief

Notes: fr Mike Walsh in Hull 001123. Signum c /3917



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2145

Author: Hemlin, Sven

Year: 1993

Title: Peer judgements of scientific quality: A cross-disciplinary document analysis of professorship candidates

Journal: Science Studies

Issue: 6

Short Title: Peer judgements of scientific quality: A cross-disciplinary document analysis of professorship candidates

Alternate Journal: Science Studies

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 267

Author: Henderson, H.

Year: 1978

Title: Creating alternative futures: The end of economics

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Unknown

Short Title: Creating alternative futures: The end of economics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 268

Author: Henderson, J.C.

Year: 1987

Title: Finding synergy between decision support systems and expert systems research

Journal: Decision Sciences

Volume: 18

Pages: pp. 333ff.

Short Title: Finding synergy between decision support systems and expert systems research

Alternate Journal: Decision Sciences



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2568

Author: Henfridsson, Ola

Year: 1999

Title: Adaptation as sensemaking: Inventing new meaning for technology in organizations

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Adaptation as sensemaking: Inventing new meaning for technology in organizations

Notes: Hans-Erik Nissen (& Kristo Ivanov) advisors



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2331

Author: Henfridsson, Ola and Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1996

Title: Decision support or decision justification? On the strategic use of computer-based decision support

Editor: Dahlbom, Bo, Ljungberg, Fredrik, Nuldén, Urban, Simon, Kai, Sørensen, Carsten and Stage, Jan

Book Title: IRIS 19, 'The Future', Proc. of the 19th IRIS Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Gothenburg University, Dept. of Informatics

Pages: 585-596

Short Title: Decision support or decision justification? On the strategic use of computer-based decision support



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 2208

Author: Henriksson, Sten

Year: 1995

Title: Datapolitikens död och återkomst

Institution: Lund University, Dept. of Computer Science

Short Title: Datapolitikens död och återkomst

Report Number: Report  LU-CS-IR:95-1



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 269

Author: Henshaw, P.F.

Year: 1986

Title: Correspondence

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 55-57

Short Title: Correspondence

Alternate Journal: Systems Research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 976

Author: Henson, M.C.

Year: 1987

Title: Elements of functional languages

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Blackwell Scientific Publications

Short Title: Elements of functional languages

Notes: Från Lennart Edblom



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1274

Author: Heritage, J.

Year: 1984

Title: Garfinkel and ethnomethodology

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Polity Press

Short Title: Garfinkel and ethnomethodology

Notes: Tipsat av Thomas Söderqvist "Tanke och känsla..."



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 270

Author: Hesse, H.

Year: 1978

Title: Glaspärlespelet

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Alba

Short Title: Glaspärlespelet



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 271

Author: Hester, S.D., Parnas, D.L. and Utter, D.F.

Year: 1981

Title: Using documentation as a software design medium

Journal: The Bell Systems Technical J.

Volume: 60

Issue: 8, October

Pages: 1941-1977

Short Title: Using documentation as a software design medium

Alternate Journal: The Bell Systems Technical J.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 272

Author: Hilbert, D. and Cohn-Vossen, S.

Year: 1952

Title: Geometry and the imagination

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Chelsea

Short Title: Geometry and the imagination



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 273

Author: Hildebrand, H.P.

Year: 1958

Title: A factorial study of introversion-extraversion

Journal: The British J. of Psychology, General Psychology

Volume: 49

Issue: 1, Feb.

Pages: 1-11

Short Title: A factorial study of introversion-extraversion

Alternate Journal: The British J. of Psychology, General Psychology

Keywords: types, Jung



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 274

Author: Hilgard, E.R.

Year: 1952

Title: Experimental approaches to psychoanalysis

Editor: Pumpian-Mindlin, E.

Book Title: The Hixon lectures on the scientific status of psychoanalysis

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Pages: 3-46

Short Title: Experimental approaches to psychoanalysis

Section: With a bibliography of 70 entries



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 275

Author: Hilgard, E.R.

Year: 1962

Title: The scientific status of psychoanalysis

Editor: Nagel, E., et al.

Book Title: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science (Proc. of the 1960 international congress)

Place Published: Stanford

Publisher: Stanford University Press

Pages: 375-390

Short Title: The scientific status of psychoanalysis



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 986

Author: Hill, Rodney Culver

Year: 1989

Title: Freeing the internal environment for problem-solving and creativity: A precursor to education and the future

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 1

Pages: 152-158

Short Title: Freeing the internal environment for problem-solving and creativity: A precursor to education and the future

Notes: College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX  77843-3137



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 277

Author: Hillis, W.D.

Year: 1986

Title: The connection machine

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: The MIT Press

Short Title: The connection machine



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2647

Author: Hillman, James

Year: 1964

Title: Suicide and the soul

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Short Title: Suicide and the soul

Keywords: Jung



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 852

Author: Hillman, J.

Year: 1971

Title: Abandoning the child

Journal: Eranos

Volume: 40

Pages: 357-407

Short Title: Abandoning the child

Alternate Journal: Eranos



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 865

Author: Hillman, J.

Year: 1972

Title: The myth of analysis: Three essays in archetypal psychology

Place Published: Evanston

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Short Title: The myth of analysis: Three essays in archetypal psychology



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 279

Author: Hillman, J.

Year: 1975

Title: Methodological problems in dreams research

Editor: Hillman, J.

Book Title: Loose ends: Primary papers in archetypal psychology

Place Published: Zürich

Publisher: Spring Publications

Short Title: Methodological problems in dreams research

Section: Orig. in C.A.Meier, Ed., Traum und Symbol. Zürich: Rascher, 1963.  With a bibliography of 195 entries.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 850

Author: Hillman, J.

Year: 1979

Title: Senex and puer: An aspect of the historical and psychological present

Editor: Hillman, J., et al.

Book Title: Puer papers

Place Published: Irving, Texas

Publisher: Spring

Pages: 3-53

Short Title: Senex and puer: An aspect of the historical and psychological present



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1840

Author: Hillman, James

Year: 1985

Title: On paranoia

Journal: Eranos 1985 Yearbook

Volume: 54

Pages: 269-324

Short Title: On paranoia

Alternate Journal: Eranos 1985 Yearbook

Legal Note: Frankfurt a.M.: Insel Verlag

Keywords: Jung, psychology



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 281

Author: Hilton, J.

Year: 1987

Title: Numinous knowledge: Some thoughts on the problem of legitimizing expert systems

Institution: University of East Anglia, The Audio-Visual Centre, Norwich NR4 7TJ

Short Title: Numinous knowledge: Some thoughts on the problem of legitimizing expert systems

Report Number: Paper submitted to the Conf. on AI and the Professions, organized by the Cost-13 Project, June 1987



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1440

Author: Hilton, Julian

Year: 1987

Title: Performance

Place Published: London

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: Performance

Notes: On pluralism, perspectives, etc., p. 156



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 282

Author: Hilton, J.

Year: 1988

Title: Pygmalion and the myth of the intelligent machine

Institution: Stockholm: The Swedish Center for Working Life

Short Title: Pygmalion and the myth of the intelligent machine

Report Number: Presented at the International Conf. on Culture, Language and Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, May 30-June 3, 1988



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 283

Author: Hilton, J. and Mindus, C.

Year: 1988

Title: Pygmalion

Institution: University of East Anglia, The Audio-Visual Centre, Norwich NR4 7TJ

Short Title: Pygmalion

Report Number: Unpublished manuscript



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1995

Author: Hirn, Yrjö

Year: 1987

Title: Det heliga skrinet: Studier i den katolska kyrkans poesi och konst

Place Published: Veibystrand

Publisher: Catholica

Edition: 2

Short Title: Det heliga skrinet: Studier i den katolska kyrkans poesi och konst

Keywords: religion, aesthetics

Notes: HB c01881



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1208

Author: Hirschheim, Rudy and Klein, Heinz K.

Year: 1989

Title: Four paradigms of information systems development

Journal: CACM

Volume: 32

Issue: 10

Pages: 1199-1216

Short Title: Four paradigms of information systems development

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2359

Author: Hirschheim, Rudy, Klein, Heinz K. and Lyytinen, Kalle

Year: 1996

Title: Exploring the intellectual structures of information systems development: A social action theoretical analysis

Journal: Accting,. Mgmt, & Info.Tech.

Volume: 5

Pages: 1-64

Short Title: Exploring the intellectual structures of information systems development: A social action theoretical analysis

Alternate Journal: Accounting, Management, and Information Technologies

Keywords: pluralism, cooperative work, conflict, sense making, argumentation, learning, design, ethics, theology, Christianity, computer

Notes: Commentary to "Exploring the intellectual structures of information systems development: A social action theoretic analysis" by R. Hirschheim. H.K. Klein and K. Lyytinen, same issue, pp. 1-64



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2084

Author: Hirschheim, R. and Newman, M.

Year: 1988

Title: Information systems and user resistance: Theory and practice

Journal: The Computer Journal

Volume: 31

Issue: 5

Pages: 1-11

Short Title: Information systems and user resistance: Theory and practice

Alternate Journal: The Computer Journal

Keywords: politics, power

Notes: From Klein et al. 1995 on ISD



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 284

Author: Hirschheim, R.A.

Year: 1985

Title: Information systems epistemology: A historical perspective

Editor: Mumford, E., et al.

Book Title: Research methods in information systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Information systems epistemology: A historical perspective

Section: Also in R. Galliers (Ed.) Information systems reserch: Issues, methods and practical guidelines (pp. 28-60). Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1992

Notes: Ref pp. 37-38 to Ivanov, K. (1984). Systemutveckling och ADB-ämnets utveckling. In G. Goldkuhl (Ed.), Systemutveckling, av vem, för vem och hur? (Report No. K4/84) .  Stockholm: Arbetarskyddsfonden. (Also as report LiU-IDA-R-84-1, University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science.)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1744

Author: Hirschheim, R.A.

Year: 1992

Title: Information systems epistemology: An historical perspective

Editor: Galliers, Robert

Book Title: Information systems research: Issues, methods and practical guidelines

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Blackwell Scientific Publications

Pages: 28-60

Short Title: Information systems epistemology: An historical perspective

Section: Also in Mumford, E., et al. Research methods in information systems. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1985

Notes: Cf. Ivanov scheme from "Systemutveckling och ADB ämnets utveckling" [Systems design and the design of informatics]  (1984) referred on pp. 37-38



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2052

Author: Hirschman, A.O.

Year: 1977

Title: The passions and the interests: Political argument for capitalism before its triumph

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton Univ. Press

Short Title: The passions and the interests: Political argument for capitalism before its triumph

Notes: In Sannes Arbetets Tid 294-5, 333



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2902

Author: Hitch, Charles J. and McKean, Roland N.

Year: 1965

Title: The economic of defense in the nuclear age

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Atheneum

Short Title: The economic of defense in the nuclear age

Keywords: cost, price, system



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 285

Author: Hoare, C.A.R.

Year: 1969

Title: An axiomatic basis for computer programming

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 12

Issue: 10, Oct.

Pages: 576-583

Short Title: An axiomatic basis for computer programming

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 286

Author: Hobbes, T., (W. Molesworth, Ed.)

Year: 1962

Title: The English works of Thomas Hobbes

Place Published: London

Publisher: Scientia Aaalen

Volume: VII

Short Title: The English works of Thomas Hobbes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 287

Author: Hodges, A.

Year: 1983

Title: Alan Turing: The enigma

Place Published: London

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Short Title: Alan Turing: The enigma



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2622

Author: Hodges, L.F., Kooper, R. and Meyer, Th. C.

Year: 1995

Title: Virtual environments for treating the fear of heights

Journal: Computer

Volume: 28

Issue: 7

Pages: 27-34

Short Title: Virtual environments for treating the fear of heights

Alternate Journal: Computer

Keywords: virtual reality VR in Araya 1997, elevator, cf. vertigo



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 843

Author: Hoffman, P.

Year: 1988

Title: Archimedes's revenge: The joys and perils of mathematics

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: W.W. Norton

Short Title: Archimedes's revenge: The joys and perils of mathematics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 288

Author: Hofstadter, Douglas R.

Year: 1979

Title: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid. A metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the spirit of Lewis Carroll

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid. A metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the spirit of Lewis Carroll



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 289

Author: Hofstadter, D.R. and Dennett, D.C., (Eds.)

Year: 1981

Title: The mind's I: Fantasies and reflections on self and soul

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: The mind's I: Fantasies and reflections on self and soul



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 290

Author: Holbaek-Hanssen, E., Håndlykken, P. and Nygaard, K.

Year: 1985

Title: System description and the DELTA language

Institution: Oslo: Norwegian Computing Center - Norsk Regnesentral, 1985

Short Title: System description and the DELTA language

Report Number: DELTA project report No.4, publication No.523



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2210

Author: Holme, Idar Magne and Solvang, Bernt Krohn

Year: 1991

Title: Forskningsmetodik: Om kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Forskningsmetodik: Om kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder

Keywords: adb education, qualitative research

Notes: {Holme, 1991 #2102}



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 301

Author: Holt, R.R.

Year: 1958

Title: Clinical and statistical prediction: A reformulation of some data

Journal: J. of Abnormal Social Psychology

Volume: 56

Issue: 1

Pages: 1-12

Short Title: Clinical and statistical prediction: A reformulation of some data

Alternate Journal: J. of Abnormal Social Psychology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 814

Author: Holton, Gerald

Year: 1984

Title: Do scientists need a philosophy?

Journal: Times Literary Supplement

Issue: November 2nd

Pages: pp.1231-1232

Short Title: Do scientists need a philosophy?

Alternate Journal: Times Literary Supplement

Notes: Chu71/0



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 291

Author: Homans, Peter

Year: 1969

Title: Psychology and hermeneutics: Jung's contribution

Journal: Zygon

Volume: 4

Pages: 333-355

Short Title: Psychology and hermeneutics: Jung's contribution

Alternate Journal: Zygon



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2363

Editor: Honderich, Ted

Year: 1995

Title: The Oxford companion to philosophy

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: The Oxford companion to philosophy

Keywords: Long Notes

Notes: From John Waterworth on post-modernism, p. 708, by CN = Christopher Norris



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2287

Author: Hood, Webster F.

Year: 1972

Title: The Aristotelian versus the Heideggerian approach to the problem of technology

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 347-363

Short Title: The Aristotelian versus the Heideggerian approach to the problem of technology

Keywords: ADB education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 292

Author: Hood, W.F.

Year: 1982

Title: Dewey and technology: A phenomenological approach

Journal: Research in Philosophy and Technology

Volume: 5

Pages: 189-207

Short Title: Dewey and technology: A phenomenological approach

Alternate Journal: Research in Philosophy and Technology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 293

Author: Hook, S., (Ed.)

Year: 1959

Title: Psychoanalysis, scientific method and philosophy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: New York University Press

Short Title: Psychoanalysis, scientific method and philosophy



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 294

Author: Hoos, I.R.

Year: 1983

Title: Systems analysis in public policy: A critique

Place Published: Berkeley

Publisher: University of California Press

Edition: Rev.

Short Title: Systems analysis in public policy: A critique



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2305

Author: Hopper, David H.

Year: 1991

Title: Technology, theology, and the idea of progress

Place Published: Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press

Short Title: Technology, theology, and the idea of progress

Keywords: religion, development

Notes: Från Ulf Hedestig den 28/11-95, review by Richard A Deitrich. $14.99 (paperb) 153pp, ISBN 0-664-2503-6. Beställ hos

Presbyterian Publishing Corp.

100 Witherspoon

Louisville, KY 40202 (USA)

Fax 502-5695113

according to Bill (Hilary) Easley 5/5-96



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2964

Author: Horgan, John

Year: 2003

Title: Rational mysticism

Place Published: London

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Short Title: Rational mysticism

Keywords: Author prof. philosophy, Univ. of Cambridge, book "Think" and 2004 "Truth wars" by Penguin. vs? Neo-pragmatism, Nietzsche, Foucault, Lyotard, Derrida, fashion (design?), rhetoric, power, subjectivity, relativism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2780

Author: Horovitz, Bruce

Year: 1996

Title: Virtual ads appear on TV broadcasts

Journal: USA Today

Issue: August 19th

Short Title: Virtual ads appear on TV broadcasts

Alternate Journal: USA Today

Keywords: Chu71/5***



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 295

Author: Horst, P.

Year: 1941

Title: Notes on the case study and the unique case.

Editor: Horst, P.

Book Title: The prediction of personal adjustment

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Social Science Research Council

Pages: 240-249

Short Title: Notes on the case study and the unique case.



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1614

Editor: Hottois, Gilbert

Year: 1988

Title: Évaluer la technique: Aspects éthiques de la philosophie de la technique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Évaluer la technique: Aspects éthiques de la philosophie de la technique

Notes: Paris 1992,  FF 78,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1615

Author: Hottois, Gilbert

Year: 1989

Title: Du sens commun à la societé de communication: Études de philosophie du langage - Moore, Wittgenstein, Wisdom, Heidegger, Perelman, Apel

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Du sens commun à la societé de communication: Études de philosophie du langage - Moore, Wittgenstein, Wisdom, Heidegger, Perelman, Apel

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 120,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2629

Author: Houser, Nathan

Year: 1989

Title: La structure formelle de l'expérience selon Peirce

Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Issue: 9-10

Pages: 77-111

Short Title: La structure formelle de l'expérience selon Peirce

Alternate Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Legal Note: Thème: La phénoménologie de Charles S. Peirce

Keywords: phenomenology

Notes: Paris 1992.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1975

Author: Howard, V.A and Barton, J.H

Year: 1986

Title: Thinking on paper

Place Published: New York

Publisher: William Morrow

Short Title: Thinking on paper

Keywords: adb education, method, writing, style



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2209

Author: HSFR

Year: 1994

Title: Etik: Forskningsetiska principer för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap

Place Published: Stockholm: Humanistisk-Samhällsvetenskapliga Forskningsrådet

Short Title: Etik: Forskningsetiska principer för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap

Keywords: ethics research

Notes: Ann-Charlotte Smedler,  08-163872, fax 166236



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1829

Author: Huemer, Lars

Year: 1993

Title: Trust as strategic choice: A dissertation proposal

Short Title: Trust as strategic choice: A dissertation proposal

Report Number: Umeå University, Dept. of Business Administration



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2397

Author: Huemer, Lars

Year: 1997

Title: An inquiry into the notion of trust in business relationships

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå Business School

Short Title: An inquiry into the notion of trust in business relationships



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2413

Author: Huemer, Lars

Year: 1998

Title: Trust in business relations: Economic logic or social interaction?

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Boréa

Short Title: Trust in business relations: Economic logic or social interaction?

Keywords: hope, belief, commitment, faith, ethics, morality, incentives, surveillance-control

Notes: Order from

Boréa Bokförlag

SE-908 50 Umeå


Fax +46 90 143289

Phone +46 90 127470

SEK 180 (foreign 215+VAT & postage).


K. Ivanov in betygsnämnd/dissertation committee 29 May 1998.

p. 360 "When individuals operate in terms of 'mystery-mastery' keeping their intention and strategy private, while they seek to master their interactions with others, they tend to engender distrust, the authors argue" [C. Argyris and D.A. Schön, 1995, Organizational learning II: Theory, method and practice. Addison-Wesley]

p. 125 "Trust has, moreover, been found to be negatively influenced by bureaucratic controls" and monitoring, surveillance, cf. quality evaluations, [ref. Moorman et al 1993, John 1984, Dwyer et al. 1987, van de Ven & Walker 1984]. Vs. incitament/incentives pp. 64, 102-103



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2182

Author: Hufnagel, E.M. and Conca, C.

Year: 1994

Title: User response data: The potential for errors and biases

Journal: Information Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 1

Pages: 48-73

Short Title: User response data: The potential for errors and biases

Alternate Journal: Information Systems Research

Keywords: adb education, research method

Notes: fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1616

Author: Huisman, Denis

Year: 1985

Title: L'incommunication: Essai sur quelques effets pléthoriques abusifs our pervers de la communication actuelle

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: L'incommunication: Essai sur quelques effets pléthoriques abusifs our pervers de la communication actuelle

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 75,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1461

Author: Hultberg, John

Year: 1988

Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Om statsförvaltningens datorisering och de långsiktiga konsekvenserna för enskilda och företag

Journal: VEST – Tidskrift för Vetenskapsstudier

Issue: 8

Pages: 37-38

Short Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Om statsförvaltningens datorisering och de långsiktiga konsekvenserna för enskilda och företag

Alternate Journal: VEST – Tidskrift för Vetenskapsstudier



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2155

Author: Hultberg, John

Year: 1991

Title: Teknik, etik och de två kulturerna

Journal: VEST

Issue: 4

Short Title: Teknik, etik och de två kulturerna

Alternate Journal: VEST

Keywords: ethics, technique, humanities



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2673

Author: Humboldt, Wilhelm

Year: 1964

Title: Bildung des Menschen in Schule und Universitat

Place Published: Heidelberg

Publisher: Quelle & Meyer Verlag

Short Title: Bildung des Menschen in Schule und Universitat

Keywords: UniversityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 296

Author: Humphreys, P. and Berkeley, D.

Year: 1988

Title: Conceptual model building: Capturing and representing purposeful activity and knowledge in the organisation

Institution: London School of Economics and Political Science, Dept. of Social Psychology

Short Title: Conceptual model building: Capturing and representing purposeful activity and knowledge in the organisation

Report Number: Paper presented at the IFIP WG 8.3 Working Conference on Organizational Decision Support Systems, Lake Como, Italy, 20-22 June, 1988



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1991

Author: Hunter, Michael and Wootton, David

Year: 1992

Title: Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

Short Title: Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment

Keywords: religion

Notes: fr dra.com, 307pp



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 298

Author: Husserl, E.

Year: 1970

Title: Experience and judgement

Place Published: Evanston

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Short Title: Experience and judgement



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2959

Author: Husserl, E.

Year: 1970

Title: The crisis of the European sciences and transcendental phenomenology

Place Published: Evanston, Ill.

Publisher: Northwestern Univ. Press

Translator: Filippini, E.

Short Title: The crisis of the European sciences and transcendental phenomenology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 297

Author: Husserl, E.

Year: 1983

Title: La crisi delle scienze europee e la fenomenologia trascendentale

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Il Saggiatore

Translator: Filippini, E.

Short Title: La crisi delle scienze europee e la fenomenologia trascendentale



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2869

Author: Hållén, Jonas

Year: 1996

Title: De tröga tänkarna platsar inte längre

Journal: Metro-Stockholm

Issue: 7 oktober

Short Title: De tröga tänkarna platsar inte längre

Alternate Journal: Metro-Stockholm

Keywords: Chu71/0**, ≈Kenneth Nilsson & OOO?, reflection, speculation, meditation vs. postmodernism, opportunism, time, stress, burnout?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2886

Author: Hörnfeldt, Karin

Year: 2002

Title: Hätsk debatt om Oravsky

Journal: VK

Issue: 29 januari

Short Title: Hätsk debatt om Oravsky

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: See also follow up by Karin Hörnfeldt "Förre chefen varnade för Oravsky" 30 Jan 2002, p. 13; Roland Tidström "Oravskyaffären kan påverka kulturprojekt" 5 Feb 2002, p.14, and Karin Hörnfeldt "Gamla krav på ny kulturchef: Kulturnämndens annons liknar den som användes vid Oravskys rekrytering" 6 mars 2002, p. 15

Keywords: Chu71/3*



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1860

Author: I Ching

Year: 1968

Title: The I Ching: Book of Changes

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Short Title: The I Ching: Book of Changes

Keywords: Chu71/end***



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1981

Author: I King

Year: 1950

Title: I King: Il libro dei mutamenti

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Astrolabio

Short Title: I King: Il libro dei mutamenti

Keywords: I Ching, change



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1969

Author: IDS

Year: 1992

Title: Directory of management information systems faculties in the United States and Canada

Place Published: Minneapolis/St. Paul

Publisher: Information and Decision Sciences Dept., Curtis L. Carlson School of Management, Univ. of Minnesota

Short Title: Directory of management information systems faculties in the United States and Canada

Keywords: ADB education, curriculum

Notes: Fr. Erik Stolterman, 23/4-92



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1504

Author: IISF

Year: 1991

Title: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. Programmi: Anno accademico 1991-1992

Place Published: Napoli

Short Title: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. Programmi: Anno accademico 1991-1992

Notes: Capri, 1992. Gerardo Marotta. Tel. +39 81 7641392 or 7641352, 7643224, 7646907, fax 7642654. Priv: 7 vl. Calascione, 7645081. Ref. meeting Gerardo Marotta & Oscar Nicolaus, 28/4-92



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1518

Author: IISF

Year: 1992

Title: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. Programmi: Anno accademico 1992-1993

Place Published: Napoli

Short Title: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. Programmi: Anno accademico 1992-1993

Notes: Capri, 1992. Gerardo Marotta. Tel. +39 81 7641392 or 7641352, 7643224, 7646907, fax 7642654. Priv: 7 vl. Calascione, 7645081. Ref. meeting Gerardo Marotta & Oscar Nicolaus, 28/4-92.

E.g. Giustizia e more da Kant a Hegel (Humanistic Computing Science, 3rd. ed.  p. 38), Scienza moderna, antica e tecnica p.77, Frege e la logica matematica p.87, Umanesimo e business p. 137, La questione del tempo e del lavoro o ozio p. 167, Le controversie scientifiche p. 179, and especially Enrico Berti's La questione del matematismo e scienza moderna - teologia di Newton  etc. p.165.



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1080

Author: Iivari, Juhani

Year: 1988

Title: Contemporary schools of IS development

Institution: Inst. of Information Processing Science, University of Oulu, 90570 Oulu, Finland

Short Title: Contemporary schools of IS development

Report Number: Research report

Keywords: Information systems analysis research



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1979

Author: Iivari, Juhani

Year: 1991

Title: A paradigmatic analysis of contemporary schools of IS development

Journal: Eur. J. Inf. Systs

Volume: 1

Issue: 4

Pages: 249-272

Short Title: A paradigmatic analysis of contemporary schools of IS development

Alternate Journal: European J. of Information Systems

Legal Note: With bibliography

Keywords: ADB education, methods



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1939

Author: Iivari, Juhani and Hirschheim, Rudy

Year: 1993

Title: A paradigmatic analysis of four emerging information systems development approaches

Book Title: Proc. of the Third Australian Conference on Information Systems, Wollongong, 5-8 October 1992

Place Published: Wollongong

Publisher: Dept. of Business Systems, Univ. of Wollongong

Pages: 115-137

Short Title: A paradigmatic analysis of four emerging information systems development approaches

Keywords: ADB education, methods



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 300

Author: Ijiri, Y.

Year: 1965

Title: Management goals and accounting for control

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Management goals and accounting for control



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2932

Author: Ilshammar, Lars

Year: 2002

Title: De små stegens tyranni

Journal: Ny Teknik

Issue: 20 mars

Short Title: De små stegens tyranni

Alternate Journal: Ny Teknik

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF, Ågren, university research freedom



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 302

Author: Ilyenkov, E.V.

Year: 1977

Title: Dialectical logic

Place Published: Moscow

Publisher: Progress Publishers

Short Title: Dialectical logic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 303

Author: Information processing

Year: 1960

Title: Proceedings of the UNESCO Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Paris, 15-20 June 1959

Place Published: London and München

Publisher: Butterworths and Oldenbourg

Short Title: Proceedings of the UNESCO Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Paris, 15-20 June 1959



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 304

Author: Information systems-curriculum recommendations of the 80's

Year: 1982

Title: Undergraduate and graduate programs; A report of the ACM Curriculum Committee on Information Systems

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 25

Issue: 11, Nov.

Pages: 781-805

Short Title: Undergraduate and graduate programs; A report of the ACM Curriculum Committee on Information Systems

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Legal Note: J.F.Nunamaker, J.D.Couger, & G.B.Davis. Eds.

Keywords: Education, curriculum



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 305

Author: Ingelstam, L.

Year: 1970

Title: Matematiken som kulturfara

Journal: Intermediair

Issue: 17 April & 1 May

Short Title: Matematiken som kulturfara

Alternate Journal: Intermediair



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2236

Author: Innis, H.A.

Year: 1951

Title: The bias of communication

Place Published: Toronto

Publisher: Univ. of Toronto Press

Short Title: The bias of communication

Notes: Fr. Mowshowitz, 1985, p.104,110: features of media and cultural development under two heads: time (religion) and space (political administration). Motsvarighet till Edgar Morin?



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 306

Author: International language

Year: 1967

Title: [Article on-]

Book Title: Encyclopaedia Britannica

Place Published: London

Publisher: William Benton

Volume: 12

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 307

Author: International language

Year: 1973

Title: [Article on-]

Book Title: New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia

Volume: 9

Edition: 15th

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2987

Author: Isaksson, Christer

Year: 1979

Title: Staffan Helmfrid, universitetsrektor: Intellektuella arbetet hotas vid högskolorna

Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Issue: 17 December

Short Title: Staffan Helmfrid, universitetsrektor: Intellektuella arbetet hotas vid högskolorna

Alternate Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Keywords: university



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3030

Author: Isaksson, Svante

Year: 199X

Title: Interview of Kristo Ivanov

Journal: Västerbottens Folkblad

Short Title: Interview of Kristo Ivanov

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens Folkblad

Legal Note: Archived: http://www.svanteisaksson.com/textarkiv/landsting.htm#Experterna%20s%E5gar%20landstingets%20datadr%F6mmar, Accessed  19 Apr 2013



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1712

Author: Ivanov, Gunnela

Year: 1992

Title: De letade efter skönhetens idé [They searched for the idea of beauty]

Journal: VK

Issue: 13 June

Pages: 4

Short Title: De letade efter skönhetens idé [They searched for the idea of beauty]

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens Kuriren

Notes: Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1780

Author: Ivanov, Gunnela

Year: 1993

Title: Eller Key och skönhetens pedagogik

Institution: Umeå University, Dept. of History of Ideas, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden

Date: June 1993

Short Title: Eller Key och skönhetens pedagogik

Report Number: C-uppsats



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1960

Author: Ivanov, Gunnela

Year: 1995

Title: Den besjälade industrivaran: Idéerna kom från Tyskland

Editor: Wickman, Kerstin

Book Title: Formens rörelse: Svensk form genom 150 år

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons

Pages: 45-61

Short Title: Den besjälade industrivaran: Idéerna kom från Tyskland

Section: Jubileumsbokkatalog (150th years' anniversary of The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2956

Author: Ivanov, Gunnela

Year: 2003

Title: Svensk industridesign: Internationell konkurrenskraft eller folkbildning?

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Historical Studies

Short Title: Svensk industridesign: Internationell konkurrenskraft eller folkbildning?

Keywords: industrial design, basic and beautiful, beau et utile, sozialästhetik, ästetische bildung, Friedrich Schiller, Hermann Muthesius, Deutsche Werkbund, Hermann Muthesius, Kunstgewerbe



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2976

Author: Ivanov, Gunnela

Year: 2004

Title: Vackrare vardagsvara - design för alla? Gregor Paulsson och Svenska Slöjdföreningen 1915-1925 [Better things for everyday life - Design for everybody? Gregor Paulsson and the Swedish Society of Arts and Crafts 1915-1925]

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå university, Dept. of Historical Studies

Short Title: Vackrare vardagsvara - design för alla? Gregor Paulsson och Svenska Slöjdföreningen 1915-1925 [Better things for everyday life - Design for everybody? Gregor Paulsson and the Swedish Society of Arts and Crafts 1915-1925]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1311

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1960

Title: Qual a melhor reestruturação a ser dada ao ensino técnico no Brasil

Journal: Atualidades Pedagógicas

Volume: 11

Issue: 50

Pages: 50-58

Short Title: Qual a melhor reestruturação a ser dada ao ensino técnico no Brasil

Alternate Journal: Atualidades Pedagógicas



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2999

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1960

Title: Simulação eletrônica de um modelo micro-econométrico [Electronic simulation of a micro-econometric model]

Place Published: S. José dos Campos

Publisher: ITA

Short Title: Simulação eletrônica de um modelo micro-econométrico [Electronic simulation of a micro-econometric model]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 309

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1972

Title: Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data banks and in management information systems

Publisher: The University of Stockholm and The Royal Institute of Technology

Short Title: Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data banks and in management information systems

Keywords: ADB avh, quality, participation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2950

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1972

Title: On the accuracy of information in data banks

Short Title: On the accuracy of information in data banks



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3017

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1972

Title: Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data banks and in management information systems

Publisher: The University of Stockholm and The Royal Institute of Technology

Short Title: Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data banks and in management information systems

Keywords: ADB avh, quality, participation



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1493

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1973

Title: Book review: On purposeful systems, by Russell L. Ackoff and Fred E. Emery, London, Tavistock Publications, 1972

Journal: Acta Sociologica

Volume: 16

Issue: 4

Pages: 357-359

Short Title: Book review: On purposeful systems, by Russell L. Ackoff and Fred E. Emery, London, Tavistock Publications, 1972

Alternate Journal: Acta Sociologica

Legal Note: <http://asj.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/16/4/357> Accessed 081129

Notes: Kristo Ivanov

Book Reviews : On Purposeful Systems By Russel L. Ackoff and Fred E. Emery. London Tavistock Publi cations, 1972, 288 pp. £ 3.50

Acta Sociologica 1973 16: 357-359. [PDF]  



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2951

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1973

Title: Datakvalitet: Inledning och ett praktikfall

Short Title: Datakvalitet: Inledning och ett praktikfall



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 940

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1974

Title: Integritet och ADB säkerhet

Book Title: Rapport från SCB:s forskarkonferens i statistisk metodik- Maj 1974

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Statistiska centralbyrån

Short Title: Integritet och ADB säkerhet



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1494

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1974

Title: Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data-banks and in management information systems [Abstract]

Journal: Dissertation Abstracts International

Volume: 35  A

Issue: 3

Pages: 1611-A

Short Title: Quality-control of information: On the concept of accuracy of information in data-banks and in management information systems [Abstract]

Alternate Journal: Dissertation Abstracts International



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2952

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1974

Title: The interest rate for public projects: On some contributions made in the context of program-budgeting and cost-benefit analysis

Short Title: The interest rate for public projects: On some contributions made in the context of program-budgeting and cost-benefit analysis

Keywords: economics, ränta



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 879

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1975

Title: Projekt, system och effektivitet: Några kalkylproblem och förslag till bättre realisering

Institution: Stockholm: Statskontoret – The Swedish Agency for Administrative Development

Short Title: Projekt, system och effektivitet: Några kalkylproblem och förslag till bättre realisering



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 903

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1975

Title: Oförutsedda användningar av data: En allvarlig fara för integriteten

Journal: Administrations Tema

Issue: 2

Short Title: Oförutsedda användningar av data: En allvarlig fara för integriteten

Alternate Journal: Administrations Tema

Legal Note: Statskontoret



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2941

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1975

Title: Privacy and the management of (data) security

Short Title: Privacy and the management of (data) security

Keywords: Heiner Schorn 020916



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2996

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1975

Title: Varför lita på SCB?

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Issue: 24 januari

Short Title: Varför lita på SCB?

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: statistics, quality, accuracy

Notes: Ref in Mona Larsson and Ove Holmqvist UNDER KONTROLL,  Stockholm: Ordfront, 1975



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 310

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1976

Title: Statistik för datorer:  Centraliseringen av svensk statistik, konsekvenser av en organisatorisk anpassning till datoriserad statistikproduktion

Institution: University of Stockholm, Dept. of Statistics

Short Title: Statistik för datorer:  Centraliseringen av svensk statistik, konsekvenser av en organisatorisk anpassning till datoriserad statistikproduktion

Report Number: Research report No.1976:7, ISSN 0347-2108,  ISBN 91-7474-000-8

Notes: 1976a



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 311

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1976

Title: Statistiska informationssystem: Framväxten av en svensk skola om data och information och dess förhållande till en kunskap om sociala informationsprocesser

Institution: University of Stockholm, Dept. of Statistics

Short Title: Statistiska informationssystem: Framväxten av en svensk skola om data och information och dess förhållande till en kunskap om sociala informationsprocesser

Report Number: Research report No.1976:8, ISSN 0347-2108,  ISBN 91-7474-001-6

Notes: 1976b



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 312

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1976

Title: Från statistisk kontroll till kontroll över statistiken: Systemisk redovisning av fel i undersökningar inklusive avvägningar mellan kvalitet och medborgerlig integritet

Institution: University of Stockholm, Dept of Statistics

Short Title: Från statistisk kontroll till kontroll över statistiken: Systemisk redovisning av fel i undersökningar inklusive avvägningar mellan kvalitet och medborgerlig integritet

Report Number: Research report No.1976:9, ISSN 0347-2108, ISBN 91-7474-002-4

Notes: 1976c



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 313

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1977

Title: Ekonomisk informationsbehandling för bibliotek: Ett praktikfall av integration mellan informationsbehandling och företagsekonomi

Institution: University of Umeå, Dept. of Information Processing

Short Title: Ekonomisk informationsbehandling för bibliotek: Ett praktikfall av integration mellan informationsbehandling och företagsekonomi

Report Number: UMADB 25.77; ISSN 0347-8823

Keywords: LIBRIS library project

Notes: 1977a



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 314

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1977

Title: Projektlogik i utveckling av informationssystem: Erfarenheter av datorbearbetningar för vetenskapliga bibliotek

Institution: University of Umeå, Dept of Information Processing

Short Title: Projektlogik i utveckling av informationssystem: Erfarenheter av datorbearbetningar för vetenskapliga bibliotek

Report Number: Research report UMADB 27.77; ISSN 0347-8823

Keywords: LIBRIS library project

Notes: 1977b



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 315

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1977

Title: Informationsanalys för vetenskaplig dokumentation: Grunden för datastrukturer i databehandlingssystem, ett praktikfall

Institution: University of Umeå, Dept. of Information Processing

Short Title: Informationsanalys för vetenskaplig dokumentation: Grunden för datastrukturer i databehandlingssystem, ett praktikfall

Report Number: UMADB 26.77; ISSN 0347-8823

Keywords: LIBRIS library project

Notes: 1977c



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 316

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1977

Title: Datoriserad statistik och statistiska system [Computerized statistics and statistical systems]

Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Issue: 5

Pages: 377-388

Short Title: Datoriserad statistik och statistiska system [Computerized statistics and statistical systems]

Alternate Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Legal Note: Summary in English



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 317

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1979

Title: Datorbaserad social kommunikation: Inskränkt till ett högnivåspråk för programmering av motsägelselösa samhällsbeskrivningar [Computer-based social communication: Reduced to a high-level language for programming of unambiguous descriptions of society]

Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Issue: 3

Pages: 173-187

Short Title: Datorbaserad social kommunikation: Inskränkt till ett högnivåspråk för programmering av motsägelselösa samhällsbeskrivningar [Computer-based social communication: Reduced to a high-level language for programming of unambiguous descriptions of society]

Alternate Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Legal Note: Summary in English, pp.237-238



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1473

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1979

Title: System och projekt : Arbetsmaterial för studier i system och projekt (3 Vols.)

Institution: Linköping University, Dept. of Mathematics,

Short Title: System och projekt : Arbetsmaterial för studier i system och projekt (3 Vols.)

Report Number: 1979-12-19



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2131

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1979

Title: Om integrationen mellan värderingar och logik i den tekniska utvecklingen: Och 'manligt-kvinnligt' jämställdhetstänkande

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Unpublished manuscript

Short Title: Om integrationen mellan värderingar och logik i den tekniska utvecklingen: Och 'manligt-kvinnligt' jämställdhetstänkande



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2953

Editor: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1979

Title: Arbetsmaterial för studier i YRKESETIK OCH OBJEKTIVITET

Place Published: Linköping

Publisher: Linköping University, Dept. of Mathematics

Short Title: Arbetsmaterial för studier i YRKESETIK OCH OBJEKTIVITET



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 318

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1980

Title: From computers to information and systems science: Some functions of logic, statistics, and psychology in the establishment of a policy for a discipline of data-processing

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept. of Mathematics, and dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: From computers to information and systems science: Some functions of logic, statistics, and psychology in the establishment of a policy for a discipline of data-processing

Report Number: Research report LiU-MAT-ADB-R-80:3, 3rd ed



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 916

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1980

Title: Forskningsanknytning av universitetets grundutbildning. Tillstånds- versus processdatabaser i ett projekt inom ämnet informationsbehandling med tillämpning på systemvetenskapliga linjen

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept. of Mathematics

Short Title: Forskningsanknytning av universitetets grundutbildning. Tillstånds- versus processdatabaser i ett projekt inom ämnet informationsbehandling med tillämpning på systemvetenskapliga linjen

Report Number: LiU-MAT-ADB-80-1, ISSN 0349-246X



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1472

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1980

Title: Systemvetenskap och fragmentering av kunskap: En inledning med litteraturöversikt och tillämpning på universitetets systemvetenskapliga linjen

Institution: Linköping University, Dept. of Mathematics

Short Title: Systemvetenskap och fragmentering av kunskap: En inledning med litteraturöversikt och tillämpning på universitetets systemvetenskapliga linjen

Report Number: LiU-MAT-ADB-R-80:2



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1291

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1981

Title: Att specificera system

Editor: Thunberg, Anne-Marie

Book Title: Väven av helheter

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Delegationen för Långsiktsmotiverad Forskning

Pages: 55-64

Short Title: Att specificera system

Section: Rapport nr 38 S



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1470

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1981

Title: Sekundära sannolikheter i beslutsfattande: Några empiriska bidrag till "knowledge representation" med referens till värderingsaspekter av stokastisk informationsbehandling [Secondary probabilities in decision-making]

Institution: Linköping University, Dept. of Mathematics

Short Title: Sekundära sannolikheter i beslutsfattande: Några empiriska bidrag till "knowledge representation" med referens till värderingsaspekter av stokastisk informationsbehandling [Secondary probabilities in decision-making]

Report Number: LiU-MAT-R-81-3



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1935

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1981

Title: Teologisk logik och systemteori: En granskning av några argument i kvinnoprästdebatten för deras relevans i en diskussion om könskillnader och om integration mellan olika sätt att tänka

Institution: Linköping University, Dept. of Mathematics

Short Title: Teologisk logik och systemteori: En granskning av några argument i kvinnoprästdebatten för deras relevans i en diskussion om könskillnader och om integration mellan olika sätt att tänka

Report Number: LiU-MAT-R-81-2, 2nd ed.



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1471

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1982

Title: Några policy-riktlinjer för ämnet administrativ databehandling [Some policy-guidelines for the discipline of administrative dataprocessing]

Short Title: Några policy-riktlinjer för ämnet administrativ databehandling [Some policy-guidelines for the discipline of administrative dataprocessing]

Report Number: LiU-MAT-R-82-3



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 319

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1983

Title: Presuppositions of formal methods for development of computer systems: From psycho-logic and logic to psychology and inquiring systems

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Presuppositions of formal methods for development of computer systems: From psycho-logic and logic to psychology and inquiring systems

Report Number: Report LiU-IDA-ADB-R-83-1

Notes: 1983a



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 915

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1983

Title: Några reflektioner över framtida datautbildning och forskning

Book Title: Kunskap för framtiden

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Liber Utbildningsförlaget

Pages: 79-91

Short Title: Några reflektioner över framtida datautbildning och forskning



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1115

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1983

Title: Computer applications and organizational disease

Institution: Linköping University, Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Computer applications and organizational disease

Report Number: LiU-IDA-R-83-2, 2nd ed.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 321

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1984

Title: Systemutveckling och ADB-ämnets utveckling [Systems development and the development of the discipline of informatics/ADP]

Editor: Nissen, Hans-Erik

Book Title: Systemutveckling, av vem, för vem och hur? [Systems development, by whom, for whom, and how?]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Arbetarskyddsfonden

Pages: 1-14

Short Title: Systemutveckling och ADB-ämnets utveckling [Systems development and the development of the discipline of informatics/ADP]

Section: Report No. K4/84. Orig. also as report LiU-IDA-R-84-1, University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, 1984, and as contribution to the Universitet- och Högskoleämbetet UHÄ-report "Den rena vetenskapen och den goda tillämpningen", 21-26 April 1985, Lilla Vik. The essay's diagram of key philosophers' names for information systems development is also found adapted by Hirschheim, R. A., 1985, Information systems epistemology: An historical perspective, in E. Mumford, et al., eds, Research methods in information systems, Amsterdam: North Holland, 1985, pp. 37-38. Reprinted in R. Galliers, ed.,Information systems reserch: Issues, methods and practical guidelines, pp. 28-60, Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1992

Keywords: Chu71/0* (figurerna),  Chu71/slut, system development, SVL/SVP

Notes: 1984a



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 322

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1984

Title: Mot ett ingenjörsvetenskapligt universitet: Några tankeställare inför universitetets samarbete med intressenter på data-området

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Mot ett ingenjörsvetenskapligt universitet: Några tankeställare inför universitetets samarbete med intressenter på data-området

Report Number: Report LiU-IDA-R-84-2

Notes: 1984b



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2882

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1984/2002

Title: Data-atomer, informationsmeddelanden och datastrukturer

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Data-atomer, informationsmeddelanden och datastrukturer

Keywords: Chu71/end*



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 869

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1985

Title: The search for theory in telematics: Reflections on some less obvious problems in office automation.

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: The search for theory in telematics: Reflections on some less obvious problems in office automation.

Report Number: Presented at The European Group for Organizational Studies EGOS-symposium on "Challenges to Organizational Authority", Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, June 12-15  1985



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 913

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1985

Title: Universitetets bidrag till näringslivets och förvaltningens samhällsnytta

Editor: Knuthammar, Christer and Pålsson, Ewa

Book Title: Vetenskap och vett: Till frågan om universitetets roll

Place Published: Linköping

Publisher: University of Linköping

Pages: 52-62

Short Title: Universitetets bidrag till näringslivets och förvaltningens samhällsnytta

ISBN: ISBN 91-7372-925-6

Section: ISBN 91-7372-925-6. With a bibliography of 95 entries - pp. 124-127

Keywords: university



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1933

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1985

Title: Presuppositions for the evaluation of information systems design methods

Institution: Umeå University, Dept. of Information Processing

Date: May 5, 1985

Short Title: Presuppositions for the evaluation of information systems design methods



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 323

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1986

Title: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet : Om statsförvaltningens datorisering och de långsiktiga konsekvenserna för enskilda och företag   [Systems development and rule of law: On the computerization of public administration and it long-run consequences for citizens and business]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: SAF:s Förlag

Short Title: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet : Om statsförvaltningens datorisering och de långsiktiga konsekvenserna för enskilda och företag   [Systems development and rule of law: On the computerization of public administration and it long-run consequences for citizens and business]

Keywords: Long Notes, Chu71/7*

Notes: Cf. pp. 40-52 "Fakta som mätningar" and "Integritet, offentlighet och 'avvägningar',  on security and privacy vs. participation. Recension i Magnusson 1988 m. fl. Citat av Pär Lagerkvist (1927): "Om också forskningen aldrig förr nått så långt, aldrig till sådana resultat, så har den dock förmått syfta högre, mot betydelsefullare mål."Recension i Magnusson 1988 m. fl.

Relevant för (Radions Eko 040629 kl 12:30) enl

From: Katarina Helmerson <katarina.helmerson@sr.se>

To: kivanov@informatik.umu.se

Subject: fråga om ekoinslag

Date-Sent: onsdag 30 juni 2004 13.51 +0200


Namnet du inte uppfattade i inslaget om brottsbekämpning var Ingrid Helmius som är doktor i juridik i Uppsala. Hennes namn vars titel jag sade i sin helhet i inslaget är: "Polisens rättsliga befogenheter vid spaning". Hon disputerade 2000 vid juridiska institutionen på Uppsala universitet.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1313

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1986

Title: Vetenskap? Priset blev 234.000

Journal: Universitetsläraren

Issue: 6

Pages: 23

Short Title: Vetenskap? Priset blev 234.000

Alternate Journal: Universitetsläraren

Keywords: professorslöner, salary



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2998

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1986

Title: På jakt efter telematikens teori

Editor: Vedin, Bengt-Arne

Book Title: Telematik och organisationsstyrning: Rapport från ett kollokvium

Place Published: Stockholm-Farsta

Publisher: TELDOK

Short Title: På jakt efter telematikens teori

Section: Teldok, Rapport 20. ISSN 0281-8574. Publisher: TELDOK, KP, Televerkets hk, 12386 Farsta.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 324

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1987

Title: Rule of law in information systems research: The role of ethics in knowledge-building procedures, especially in the updating of inference networks

Editor: Järvinen, P.

Book Title: Proc. of the Tenth Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Tampere-Vaskivesi, Aug.10-12 1987

Place Published: Tampere

Publisher: University of Tampere

Short Title: Rule of law in information systems research: The role of ethics in knowledge-building procedures, especially in the updating of inference networks



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 868

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1987

Title: Public records and trade-offs

Editor: Tuominen, Päivi

Book Title: Legal Informatics

Place Published: Rovaniemi

Publisher: The Inst. for Nordic Law at the University of Lapland

Pages: 174 ff

Short Title: Public records and trade-offs

Section: Abstract



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1288

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1987

Title: Julkiset tiedostot ja asioiden tärkeysjärjestys: Oikeustieteen ja tietojenkäsittelyn suhteesta

Editor: Tuominen, Päivi

Book Title: Oikeusinformatiikka

Place Published: Rovaniemi

Publisher: The Institute for Nordic Law at the University of Lapland

Pages: 188-199

Short Title: Julkiset tiedostot ja asioiden tärkeysjärjestys: Oikeustieteen ja tietojenkäsittelyn suhteesta



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1289

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1987

Title: Offentliga data och avvägningar: Några relationer mellan juridik och informationsbehandling

Editor: Tuominen, Päivi

Book Title: Legal informatics

Place Published: Rovaniemi

Publisher: The Institute for Nordic Law at the University of Lapland

Pages: 175-187

Short Title: Offentliga data och avvägningar: Några relationer mellan juridik och informationsbehandling



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1412

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1987

Title: Datorer och samhälle

Journal: Värld och Vetande

Volume: 36

Issue: 4

Pages: 73-88

Short Title: Datorer och samhälle

Alternate Journal: Värld och Vetande

Notes: Del av SAF-manus



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 325

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1988

Title: Expert-support systems: The new technology and the old knowledge

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 293-100

Short Title: Expert-support systems: The new technology and the old knowledge

Alternate Journal: Systems Research



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 923

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1988

Title: Vetenskapen och förnuftet: Med anknytning till dataforskning och värden

Institution: University of Umeå, Dept. of Information Processing

Short Title: Vetenskapen och förnuftet: Med anknytning till dataforskning och värden

Report Number: Working report

Keywords: von Wright



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2990

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1988

Title: "Vetenskapen och Förnuftet": von Wright med aknytning till dataforskning och värden

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå universitet, Inst. för informationsbehandling

Short Title: "Vetenskapen och Förnuftet": von Wright med aknytning till dataforskning och värden



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 320

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1989

Title: Computer applications and organizational disease

Editor: Churchman, C. West

Book Title: The well-being of organizations

Place Published: Salinas, Calif.

Publisher: Intersystems

Pages: 283-312

Short Title: Computer applications and organizational disease

Keywords: Till Erik Persson den 030216

Notes: 1983b



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 859

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1989

Title: Is the AI society a symptom of a cultural crisis?

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 3

Pages: 192-198

Short Title: Is the AI society a symptom of a cultural crisis?



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 862

Author: Ivanov, K.

Year: 1989

Title: Logic and psycho-logic

Book Title: A research program in information technology and administrative data processing

Publisher: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Logic and psycho-logic

Section: Preliminary draft, April 22 1989. Available from the author, Umeå university, Inst. of Information processing



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 924

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1989

Title: Creativity and systems design

Editor: Bødker, Susanne

Book Title: Proc. of the 12th IRIS Conference - Information Systems Research in Scandinavia,13-16 August 1989, Skagen, Denmark

Place Published: Aalborg

Publisher: Aalborg University, Inst. of Electronic Systems

Volume: DAIMI PB-296-1

Pages: 293-312

Short Title: Creativity and systems design

Section: An edited version of this resport also published by the dept of Information processing, Umeå university, as report UMADP-RRIPCS 12.90, ISSN 0282-0579, June 1990



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1054

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1989

Title: HyperChurchman: From hypermedia to hyperdescriptions of social systems

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: HyperChurchman: From hypermedia to hyperdescriptions of social systems

Report Number: Lecture and research seminar on March 14, 1989



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1292

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1989

Title: Kommentari k dokladu  F. R. Sagassi "Pranirovanie rasvitia v bespokoinie vremena: Instituzionnie podhodi k vetchnoi dilemme" [Commentary to "Development planning for turbulent times"]

Editor: Peregudov, F.I.

Book Title: Iskusstvo i nauka: Systemnovi praktiki

Place Published: Moscou

Publisher: Gosudarstvenni Komitet SSSR po Narodnomi Obrazovanio: Nautchno-Issledovatelski Institut Problem Viscei Skoli

Pages: 110-114

Translator: Tarasenko, F. P.

Short Title: Kommentari k dokladu  F. R. Sagassi "Pranirovanie rasvitia v bespokoinie vremena: Instituzionnie podhodi k vetchnoi dilemme" [Commentary to "Development planning for turbulent times"]

Section: Report from the International Round-Table of the Int. Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 6-8 Nov 1986



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1177

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1989x

Title: Ideas for humanistic and social science research about consequences of the increasing use of information technology

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Ideas for humanistic and social science research about consequences of the increasing use of information technology

Report Number: Report UMADP-WPIPCS 23:89

Notes: Ersätts av "Humanistic computer science"



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1224

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1990

Title: Learning to design learning systems: The metaphor of future generations, and computer technology

Editor: Banathy, Bela H. and Banathy, Bela A.

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990.

Publisher: Report UMADP-RRIPCS 10.90, Univ. of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing. ISSN 0282-0579

Volume: 1

Pages: 254-264

Short Title: Learning to design learning systems: The metaphor of future generations, and computer technology



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1261

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1990

Title: Critical systems thinking and information technology: Some summary reflections, doubts and hopes through critical thinking critically considered, and through hypersystems

Editor: Banathy, Bela H. and Banathy, Bela A.

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990.

Publisher: Report UMADP-RRIPCS 11.90, Univ. of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing. ISSN 0282-0579

Volume: 1

Pages: 138-152

Short Title: Critical systems thinking and information technology: Some summary reflections, doubts and hopes through critical thinking critically considered, and through hypersystems

Section: Earlier version in J. of Applied Systems Analysis (1991), 18, 39-55, and http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/CriSysThink.html. First version  as Report UMADP-RRIPCS 11.90, Univ. of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing. ISSN 0282-0579, Last rev. version in Haftor, Darek M. & Mirijamdotter, Anita (eds.) Information and Communication Technologies, Society and Human Beings: Theory and Framework. Hershey, New York: Information Science Reference,  IGI Global, 2011, pp. 493-514



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1300

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1990

Title: Information systems design through creativity

Institution: University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing

Type: Research report

Short Title: Information systems design through creativity

Report Number: UMADP–RRIPCS 12.90



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1310

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1990

Title: Hypersystems: A base for specification of computer-supported self-learning social systems

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Hypersystems: A base for specification of computer-supported self-learning social systems

Report Number: UMADP-WPIPCS-30.90



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2409

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1990

Title: Datakvalitet [Quality of data]

Editor: Marklund, Kari

Book Title: Nationalencyklopedin [The national encyclopedia] Vol. 4

Place Published: Höganäs

Publisher: Bra Böcker

Pages: 427

Short Title: Datakvalitet [Quality of data]

Section: Hans Fällman, ed.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1351

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Computer science as human science: Bridging the gaps between different conceptions of information systems research through human science research about the meaning of computerization

Book Title: Proc. of the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, ISSS'91, June 14-20, 1991, Östersund, Sweden

Pages: Vol I: 331-349

Short Title: Computer science as human science: Bridging the gaps between different conceptions of information systems research through human science research about the meaning of computerization



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1390

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Hypersystems: A base for specification of computer-supported self-learning social systems

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Hypersystems: A base for specification of computer-supported self-learning social systems

Report Number: Research report UMADP-RRIPCS-13.91, ISSN 0282-0579

Notes: Cited in Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1391

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Social or humanistic? Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Social or humanistic? Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-32.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1392

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Historicism, structuralism and the liberal postmodern irony: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Historicism, structuralism and the liberal postmodern irony: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-33.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1393

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Pragmatic and cognitive constructivism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Pragmatic and cognitive constructivism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-34.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1394

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Language and humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of  a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Language and humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of  a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-35.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1395

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Psychological humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Psychological humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-36.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1396

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Pragmatism and bridging to formal science: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Pragmatism and bridging to formal science: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-37.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1397

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Political and religious humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Political and religious humanism: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-38.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1398

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Problems of cooperative work: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Problems of cooperative work: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-39.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1399

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Humanism and Christianity: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Humanism and Christianity: Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: Working report UMADP-WPIPCS-40.91, ISSN 0282-0587



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1443

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Computer-supported human science or humanistic computing science? Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing. Rev. ed. of paper presented at the Tenth International Human Science Research Association Conference, August 18-22, 1991, Gothenburg.

Short Title: Computer-supported human science or humanistic computing science? Steps toward the evaluation of a humanistic computing science

Report Number: UMADP-WPIPCS-41.91:3

Keywords: HCS (humanistic computing science)

Notes: See esp. chap. on Cooperative work: Examples of problems, pp. 55-76



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1452

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Cultural criticism of societal computerization: A methodological problem of human science

Book Title: Sum. in Proc. of the Tenth Conference of the Int. Human Science Research Association, Gothenburg, August 18-22, 1991

Publisher: Univ. of Gothenburg, Depts. of Psychology, Education, & History of Science and Ideas

Pages: 74

Short Title: Cultural criticism of societal computerization: A methodological problem of human science



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1486

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Critical systems thinking and information technology

Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis

Volume: 18

Pages: 39-55

Short Title: Critical systems thinking and information technology

Alternate Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis

Legal Note: ISSN 0308-9541. Earlier as report UMADP-RRIPCS 11.90, Univ. of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing. ISSN 0282-0579, also at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/CriSysThink.html>. Orders from <http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=5492117>. Revised version on pages 493-514 of Darek M. Haftor and Anita Mirijamdotter (eds.) Information and communication technologies, society and human beings: Theory and Framework. Hershey and New York: Information Science Reference/IGI Global, 2011. ISBN 978-1-60960-057-0, as ebook ISBN 978-1-60960-059-4.

Notes: Vs. Kant & Habermas (&≈W. Ulrich), "why not"



(Call 6 nov 1991) Peter McGuire, Univ. of Leeds, 1A Lidgett Park Ave., Round Hay, Leeds LS81DP, phone +44 532 666985, on knowledge navigator, Peirce semiotics, in the hands of user.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1487

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991

Title: Computer-human interaction as continuous system reconstruction

Book Title: Prec. of the 14th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia – IRIS'91, Umeå-Lövånger, August 11-14, 1991

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Pages: 398-407

Short Title: Computer-human interaction as continuous system reconstruction

Section: Pre-publication version at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/HySyHCI.html

Keywords: hypersystem



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1403

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1991x

Title: Computer science as human science

Book Title: Submitted to the Annual Conference of the Int. Society of the Systems Sciences – ISSS, June 14-20, Östersund, Sweden

Short Title: Computer science as human science

Section: Revision of report UMADP-WPIPCS 23:89, Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Notes: Ersätts av "Humanistic computer science"



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1495

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1992

Title: Constructivism and liberal irony: Two enemies of the unity of knowledge?

Book Title: Prepared for the Conference on Unity of Knowledge, 9-14 June 1992, Capri, organized by University College of Toronto and Capri Institute for International Social Philosophy

Short Title: Constructivism and liberal irony: Two enemies of the unity of knowledge?



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1517

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1992

Title: Artificial intelligence in the context of cultural crisis

Editor: Östberg, Gustaf

Book Title: Kunskap, kompetens, risk och datorisering [Knowledge, competence, risk, and computerization]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Forskningsrådsnämnden

Pages: 252-278

Short Title: Artificial intelligence in the context of cultural crisis

Notes: Also in Att Tycka Sig Förstå,  Stockholm: Carlssons Förlag. Parts of this essay were published in Proc. of the Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conf., Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989, Vol. 3, pp. 192-198



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1687

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1992

Title: Computer-human interaction as continuous system reconstruction

Editor: Bazewicz, Mieczyslaw

Book Title: Information Systems' Architecture and Technology – ISAT '92

Place Published: Wroclaw

Publisher: Politechnika Wroclawska

Pages: 37-49

Short Title: Computer-human interaction as continuous system reconstruction

Section: Informatics Library in University Education. Pre-publication version at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/HySyHCI.html

Keywords: hypersystem



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1745

Editor: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1992

Title: Proceedings of the 14th IRIS: Rev. papers of the 14th information systems res. sem. in Scandinavia. Umeå-Lövånger, 11-14 August 1991

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University - Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Proceedings of the 14th IRIS: Rev. papers of the 14th information systems res. sem. in Scandinavia. Umeå-Lövånger, 11-14 August 1991

Keywords: Leroi-Gourhan in Keil-Slawiks contribution



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1746

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1992

Title: Computer-human interaction as continuous system reconstruction

Editor: Ivanov, Kristo

Book Title: Proceedings of the 14th IRIS: Rev. papers of the 14th information systems res. sem. in Scandinavia. Umeå-Lövånger, 11-14 August 1991

Pages: 85-98

Short Title: Computer-human interaction as continuous system reconstruction

Section: Reprinted in  M. Bazewicz (Ed.), Information Systems' Architecture and Technology – ISAT '92 (pp. 37-49). Wroclaw: Politechnika Wroclawska. Pre-publication version at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/HySyHCI.html

Keywords: hypersystem



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1816

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1992

Title: Artificial intelligence in the context of cultural crisis

Editor: Östberg, Gustaf

Book Title: Att tycka sig förstå: Kunskap, kompetens, risk och datorisering [Knowledge, competence, risk, and computerization]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons Förlag

Short Title: Artificial intelligence in the context of cultural crisis

Section: In English. Parts of this essay were published in Proc. of the Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conf., Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989, Vol. 3, pp. 192-198. Also published as Kunskap, Kompetens, Risk och Datorisering, Stockholm: Forskningsrådsnämnden, pp. 252-277

Notes: Parts of this essay were published in Proc. of the Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conf., Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989, Vol. 3, pp. 192-198



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1735

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1993

Title: The concept of the artificial as related to issues of social informatics: On constructivism

Book Title: Presented at Second int. conference on the culture of the artificial: Between nature and technology, Ascona - Monte Veritá (Switzerland), 14-15 May 1993

Place Published: Urbino PS, Italy

Publisher: Urbino University, IMES

Short Title: The concept of the artificial as related to issues of social informatics: On constructivism

Notes: Earlier title: Some reflections on the concept of the artificial...



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1743

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1993

Title: Hypersystems: A base for specification of computer-supported self-learning social systems

Editor: Reigeluth, Charles M., Banathy, Bela H. and Olson, Jeannette R.

Book Title: Comprehensive systems design: A new educational technology

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Springer-Verlag

Pages: 381-407

Short Title: Hypersystems: A base for specification of computer-supported self-learning social systems

Section: NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol 95. Also as research report, Umeå University, UMADP-WPIPCS-30.90 and UMADP-RRIPCS-13.91, ISSN 0282-0579. Pre-publication version at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/HySy.html

Notes: NATO ASI Series F, Vol. 95, Special Programme AET.

From Charles M. Reigeluth, Instructional Systems Technology Dept., W.W. Wright Education Bldg., Bloomington, Indiana, 47405-1006, fax 812-8568239, reigeluth@indiana.edu



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1864

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1993

Title: Belief and reason, power and heroism in the task of the systems designer: Commented selections on presuppositions of participatory cooperative argumentative design and change

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Belief and reason, power and heroism in the task of the systems designer: Commented selections on presuppositions of participatory cooperative argumentative design and change

Report Number: UMADP-WPIPCS-47.93.2, ISSN 0282-0587, also at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/page5.html



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1865

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1993

Title: Appendix on Belief and Reason: Supplements to 'Belief and reason, power and heroism in the task of the systems designer'

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Appendix on Belief and Reason: Supplements to 'Belief and reason, power and heroism in the task of the systems designer'




Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1934

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1993

Title: Alliances: Cooperation or manipulation

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Alliances: Cooperation or manipulation



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1942

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1994

Title: Inquiring systems as an "ecumenical" research platform in the age of hypermedia

Editor: Kerola, Pentti, Juustila, Antti and Järvinen, Janne

Book Title: Quality by diversity in information systems research

Place Published: Oulu

Publisher: University of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing

Pages: 17-32

Short Title: Inquiring systems as an "ecumenical" research platform in the age of hypermedia

Section: Proc. of the 17th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Syöte, Finland, 6-9 August 1994. Vol. 1



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2132

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1994

Title: Flaming, deltagande och systemvetenskap: Underlag till fallstudier av flaming

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Flaming, deltagande och systemvetenskap: Underlag till fallstudier av flaming



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1958

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1995

Title: The search for a theory of hypermedia

Book Title: Social contexts of hypermedia and hypermedia in social contexts

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Pages: 17-27

Short Title: The search for a theory of hypermedia

Section: Workshop on Social Contexts of Hypermedia, Umeå, February 17-18, 1995, http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/page6.html. Also - without figures - in Proceedings of Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia IRIS 18, D Dahlbom, F Kammerer, F Ljungberg, J Stage and C Sorensen (eds), Gothenburg Studies in Informatics, Report 7, 1995. Pages 283-193



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1965

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1995

Title: A subsystem in the design of informatics: Recalling an archetypal engineer

Editor: Dahlbom, Bo

Book Title: The infological equation: Essays in honor of Börje Langefors

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Gothenburg University, Dept. of Informatics

Pages: 287-301

Short Title: A subsystem in the design of informatics: Recalling an archetypal engineer

Section: ISSN 1101-7422. Also at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/BLang80.html> and  as <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/BLang80.pdf> Accessed 30 Dec 05



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2019

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1995

Title: For a science of informatics: Knowledge, wisdom, and truth in relation to the scriptures

Editor: Strijbos, Sytses

Place Published: The Free University of Amsterdam

Publisher: Faculty of Philosophy

Short Title: For a science of informatics: Knowledge, wisdom, and truth in relation to the scriptures

Section: Prepared for the working conference "Managing the Technological Civilization", The Free University of Amsterdam, 21-22 April 1995



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2048

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1995

Title: The search for a theory of hypermedia

Editor: Dahlbom, D, Kammerer, F, Ljungberg, F, Stage, J and Sorensen, C

Book Title: Proceedings of IRIS 18 Information systems Research seminar In Scandinavia

Pages: 283-293

Short Title: The search for a theory of hypermedia

Section: Gothenburg university, Studies in Informatics, Report 7. Presented at the international Workshop on Social Contexts of Hypermedia, Umeå, February 17-18, 1995. Complete with figures at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/page6.html

Keywords: Chu71/end***



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2330

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1996

Title: Future foundations of inquiring systems: Reformed pragmatism or spirituality?

Editor: Carey, Jane M.

Book Title: Proc. of the AIS Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 16-18, 1996, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Place Published: Pittsburgh

Publisher: Univ. of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business, Pittsburgh, PA

Pages: 829-831

Short Title: Future foundations of inquiring systems: Reformed pragmatism or spirituality?

Keywords: Churchman DIS Chu71



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2332

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1996

Title: Presuppositions in information systems design: From systems to networks and contexts?

Journal: Accting,. Mgmt, & Info.Tech., renamed Information & Organization

Volume: 5

Pages: 99-114

Short Title: Presuppositions in information systems design: From systems to networks and contexts?

Alternate Journal: Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, renamed Information & Organization

Legal Note: Also available through http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0959-8022(96)00016-1, accessed 9 July 2012

Keywords: pluralism, cooperative work, conflict, sense making, argumentation, learning, design, ethics, theology, Christianity, computer, (Habermas)

Notes: Commentary to "Exploring the intellectual structures of information systems development: A social action theoretic analysis" by R. Hirschheim. H.K. Klein and K. Lyytinen, same issue, pp. 1-64



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2339

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1997

Title: Projekten blir institutioner som ingen kan värdera

Journal: Läkartidningen

Volume: 94

Issue: 4

Pages: 204-206

Short Title: Projekten blir institutioner som ingen kan värdera

Alternate Journal: Läkartidningen

Legal Note: Intervju, Hans Fällman, red.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2408

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1997

Title: Strategies and design for information technology: Eastern or neo-romantic wholes, and the return to Western systems

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Strategies and design for information technology: Eastern or neo-romantic wholes, and the return to Western systems



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2881

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1997

Title: Definitions of design. As emerging in writings mainly by Richard Buchanan, and by others

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Definitions of design. As emerging in writings mainly by Richard Buchanan, and by others

Keywords: Chu71/end*



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2851

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1998

Title: Mönsterdoktoranden [Guidelines-ideal type for the mature self-motivating Graduate Student]

Short Title: Mönsterdoktoranden [Guidelines-ideal type for the mature self-motivating Graduate Student]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2852

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1998

Title: Mönsterhandledaren [Guidelines-"ideal type" for the Graduate Student's Advisor]

Publisher: http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/IdealTypeAdvisor.html, accessed 17 Feb 2002

Short Title: Mönsterhandledaren [Guidelines-"ideal type" for the Graduate Student's Advisor]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2463

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 1999

Title: En enastående intellektuell gestalt [A unique intellectual personality]

Editor: De Geer, Jonas

Book Title: Vänbok till Tage Lindbom

Place Published: Skellefteå

Publisher: Norma

Pages: 56-60

Short Title: En enastående intellektuell gestalt [A unique intellectual personality]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2506

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2000

Title: Platonic information technology

Book Title: Proc. of ISTAS 2000

Place Published: Rome

Short Title: Platonic information technology

Section: See bibliographic data at <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?tp=&arnumber=915600&isnumber=19786> 2009-02-22. Excerpted and edited from <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/PlatoIT.html>.

Notes: A.    Design


Rhetoric, Master of many arts, Dialectic: design of information vs of objects, Design of a social 'city' system, Technique, Judgment, Visualization & Virtual Reality, Body: senses and pleasures, Bricolage, Improvisation, Empirical pragmatic "Schön-paradox", Mind and necessity, Use-participation-democracy, Cultivation-care-hospitality, Market-client orientation, Money, Consultancy


B.                  Thinking: Knowledge and Information


Soul and body, The human will, Technique-tools-instruments, Pluralism-relativism-perspectives, Measurement against appearances and perception vs. virtual reality, Strong visions vs. good visions, Metaphors vs definitions, Science and scientific method, Figures of thought, Narrow smart minds, Against philosophy, System


C.                  Implementation


Leisure, Success: profit, power and ethics, Action, Management and change


D.                  Education


Socratic method, Seminars and mentorship, Basic undergraduate education, Teaching-learning-instructing, Writing



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2508

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2000

Title: Platonic information technology. Reading Plato: Cultural influences and philosophical reflection on information and technology

Book Title: Proc. of ISTAS 2000, IEEE Int. Symposium on  Technology and Society,  6-8 September 2000, Rome, Italy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers' Society for Social Implications of Technology SSIT

Pages: 163-168

Short Title: Platonic information technology. Reading Plato: Cultural influences and philosophical reflection on information and technology

Section: Also at <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=915600&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fiel5%2F7314%2F19786%2F00915600.pdf%3Farnumber%3D915600> or  <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?tp=&arnumber=915600&isnumber=19786> . Excerpted and edited out of http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/PlatoIT.html



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2526

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2000

Title: Dialectical systems design and beyond. From logical positivism to post-romantic vs. postmodern design: Summary of 40 years in management and basic research

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics, http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/PerspSem2000.html

Short Title: Dialectical systems design and beyond. From logical positivism to post-romantic vs. postmodern design: Summary of 40 years in management and basic research

Keywords: Chu71/end*** "find word" FIDES ET RATIO



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2854

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2000

Title: Platonic Theorizing for Information Technology: Platonic perspectives of IT-problems

Short Title: Platonic Theorizing for Information Technology: Platonic perspectives of IT-problems

Legal Note: Manuscript and handout for research seminar at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/PlatoIT.html>. Bibliographic data of published edited excerpt at <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?tp=&arnumber=915600&isnumber=19786>.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2537

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: The systems approach to design, and inquiring information systems: Scandinavian experiences and proposed research program

Journal: Information Systems Frontiers

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 7-18

Short Title: The systems approach to design, and inquiring information systems: Scandinavian experiences and proposed research program

Alternate Journal: Information Systems Frontiers

Legal Note: Abstract at http://www.wkap.nl/oasis.htm/324218. 1 June 2001, pre-publication version at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/Chu-SysAppDes.html

Keywords: Chu71/D, vs aestheticism postmodernism PM

Notes: Fr Rao 000927



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2631

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Word and issue index for The Design of Inquiring Systems

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Word and issue index for The Design of Inquiring Systems

Keywords: Chu71/0*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2642

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Maktens arrogans vid universitetet [The arrogance of power in the university]

Journal: VK

Issue: 3 april

Pages: 2

Short Title: Maktens arrogans vid universitetet [The arrogance of power in the university]

Alternate Journal: Västerbotten-Kuriren

Legal Note: Also at <http://www.vk.se/redaktion/debatt/old/debatt-text.01-04-04.html>. Expanded version at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/WorkEnv.html>



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2651

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Rädsla, arrogans och ett universitet i kris [Fear, arrogance, and a university in crisis]

Journal: Vertex

Issue: 5

Pages: 17

Short Title: Rädsla, arrogans och ett universitet i kris [Fear, arrogance, and a university in crisis]

Alternate Journal: Vertex

Legal Note: ISSN 0346-4164. Expanded version of  <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/WorkEnv.html>. 23 May 2001.

Keywords: university debate



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2655

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Arbetsmiljö och magistervälde på politiskt korrekt universitet  [Work Environment and 'Besser Wisser' Attitude at Politically Correct University]

Journal: AKTUM

Issue: 4

Pages: 22

Short Title: Arbetsmiljö och magistervälde på politiskt korrekt universitet  [Work Environment and 'Besser Wisser' Attitude at Politically Correct University]

Alternate Journal: AKTUM

Legal Note: Expanded version at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/WorkEnv.html. 23 May 2001.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2703

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Lärarna Tystas, Eliterna Reser [Teachers Are Silenced, The Elites Travel]

Journal: VK

Issue: 29 May

Pages: 2

Short Title: Lärarna Tystas, Eliterna Reser [Teachers Are Silenced, The Elites Travel]

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Web link at

<http://www.vk.se/redaktion/debatt/old/debatt-text.01-05-30.html> and http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/VK2-TystnadElit.html  accessed 31 May 2001



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2704

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Universitet, arbetsmiljö, politisk korrekthet [University, work environment, political correctness]

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics.

Short Title: Universitet, arbetsmiljö, politisk korrekthet [University, work environment, political correctness]

Keywords: work enviroment, PC



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2711

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Terrorism, rättvisa och svåra bibelpassager [Terrorism, justice, and difficult Bible passages]

Journal: Katolskt Magasin

Issue: 14

Pages: 10

Short Title: Terrorism, rättvisa och svåra bibelpassager [Terrorism, justice, and difficult Bible passages]

Alternate Journal: Katolskt Magasin

Legal Note: Cf. rabbi Martin Marrowe's "Öga för öga, tand för tand: Det handlar inte om hämnd" [Eye for eye, tooth for tooth: It does not concern vengeance], in Katolskt Magasin No. 12, 2001,  pp. 6-7. Extended version available at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/KMcaritas.html

Keywords: Justice, retaliation, vengeance, punishment, war, self-defence, charity, love, politics, diplomacy, ethics, theology, Bible, Jew Israel / rättvisa, hämnd, vedergällning, straff, krig, självförsvar, barmhärtighet, caritas, etik, politik, diplomati, teolog, Jew Israe

Notes: Cf. islamist Jan Hjärpe sem sociologen den 011205 cf Thomas Aquinas legitima kriget /kanoniska rätten 1)Justa causa--rätt sak ≈ demokratiskt sys? 2) Auktoritas principis, ledningen ≈ FN-säkerhetsrådet? 3) Uföras på rätt sätt



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2723

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Stora faror i kyrkoavgiftsdebattens utveckling

Journal: Katolskt Magasin

Issue: 14

Pages: 4

Short Title: Stora faror i kyrkoavgiftsdebattens utveckling

Legal Note: Cf. Peter Marinko, "Oförskämt mot lekfolket" and Barbara Adams, "Resultatet liknar tyranni" in Katolskt Magasin, No. 13 2001, p. 5; see also Björn Håkonsson "Vem är tyrannisk?!" p. 4, and Lil Almgren "Biskopskritiker: be era biktfäder om lotshjälp till ödmjuk lydnad!" p. 5 in Katolskt Magasin No. 14, 2001. Extended version at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/KMdemokrati.html

Keywords: Taxation, tenth



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2853

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Ethics and politics in design and system cultures

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics, http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/DesSysCulture.html

Short Title: Ethics and politics in design and system cultures



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2908

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2001

Title: Ethics and politics in design and system cultures

Publisher: http://www.informatik.umu.se/seminarier/2001/1005740100-1005746400.mit-huset.mc413, Accessed 11 March 2002

Short Title: Ethics and politics in design and system cultures



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2739

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: Vetenskaplig metod och universitetspolitik: Om systematiska och slumpmässiga fel i universitetetens meritvärdering. [Scientific method and university politics: on systematic and random errors in evaluation and ranking of university personnel]

Journal: Universitetsläraren

Issue: 10

Short Title: Vetenskaplig metod och universitetspolitik: Om systematiska och slumpmässiga fel i universitetetens meritvärdering. [Scientific method and university politics: on systematic and random errors in evaluation and ranking of university personnel]

Alternate Journal: Universitetsläraren

Legal Note: Also at <http://www.sulf.se/univlar/artiklar/20021018.html> 23 Aug 2002 och <http://www.sulf.se/templates/CopyrightPage.aspx?id=8143> 18 Dec 2008.  Pre-publication version at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/RandomErrUnivPol.html>, 5 Jan 2002. See rejoinder by Inge-Bert Täljedal in Universitetsläraren 11/2002 p. 16, also at <http://www.sulf.se/univlar/artiklar/20021107.html> and a final rejoinder by Kristo Ivanov in the same journal on 16 September 2002, also at <http://www.sulf.se/univlar/artiklar/20021308.html>

Keywords: incentive plans, personnel academic evaluation, academic rating



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2904

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: Vems miljoner har Barnevik gjort rätt för? [Whose millions did Barnevik deserve in his executive compensation scheme?]

Journal: VK

Issue: 1 mars

Pages: 4

Short Title: Vems miljoner har Barnevik gjort rätt för? [Whose millions did Barnevik deserve in his executive compensation scheme?]

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: debatt debate insändare "ordet fritt" c/o Bo Harnesk, ordetfritt@vk.se, system feedback, market, control, meritvärdering, incentive plans, personnel evaluation, executive compensation scheme, ABB



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2907

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: Contributions of systems thinking to the understanding and use of information technology: Infrastructure, change, and bricolage

Publisher: <http://www.informatik.umu.se/seminarier/2002/1016021700-1016028000.mit-huset.mc413>, Accessed 11 March 2002

Short Title: Contributions of systems thinking to the understanding and use of information technology: Infrastructure, change, and bricolage



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2909

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: Glöm inte etiken i marknadsyran [Do not forget ethics in the market frenzy]

Journal: VK

Issue: 7 mars

Pages: 4

Short Title: Glöm inte etiken i marknadsyran [Do not forget ethics in the market frenzy]

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: debatt debate insändare "ordet fritt" c/o Bo Harnesk, ordetfritt@vk.se, system feedback, market, control, meritvärdering, incentive plans, personnel evaluation, executive compensation scheme Barnevik ABB



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2921

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: Israel-Palestina och moralisk föreställningsförmåga [Israel-Palestine and moral imagination]

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics, av Kristo Ivanov

<http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/Pal-Isr.html>. Retitled version published in Västerbottens-Kuriren 8 April 2002, p. 5 as "Att trampa på motpartens känslor" [To trample on the other party's feelings]

Short Title: Israel-Palestina och moralisk föreställningsförmåga [Israel-Palestine and moral imagination]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2931

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: On privacy, integrity, and freedom of expression

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics, <http://www.informatik.umu.se/seminarier/2002/1019042100-1019048400.mit-huset.mc413>,  with texts at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/SemPUL.html> and <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/ArrPow.html>, 27 April 2002.

Short Title: On privacy, integrity, and freedom of expression



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2934

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: Makten och forskningens integritet

Journal: VK

Issue: 25 april

Pages: 2

Short Title: Makten och forskningens integritet

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: See also related text in same newspaper, "Maktens arrogans på universitetet", 27 April 2002 and "Rätt debattdatum", 29 April 2002. Also related to <http://www.informatik.umu.se/seminarier/2002/1019042100-1019048400.mit-huset.mc413>,  with texts at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/SemPUL.html>. Access. 27 April 2002

Notes: Institutionsledningen har engagerat sig i ärendet och professor Kristo Ivanov bidrog med ett offentligt högre seminarium den 17/4 <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/SemPUL.html> följt av två debattinlägg i VK den 25 och 27 april <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/ArrPow.html>



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2935

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: Maktens arrogans på universitetet

Journal: VK

Issue: 27 april

Short Title: Maktens arrogans på universitetet

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: See also related text in same newspaper,  "Maktens och forskningens integritet", 25 April 2002, and "Rätt debattdatum", 29 April 2002. Edited out of <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/ArrPow.html>, and related to <http://www.informatik.umu.se/seminarier/2002/1019042100-1019048400.mit-huset.mc413>,  with texts at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/SemPUL.html>. Access. 27 April 2002



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2942

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2002

Title: Pseudovetenskaplig särbehandling [Pseudoscience for affirmative action]

Journal: Universitetsläraren

Issue: 13

Short Title: Pseudovetenskaplig särbehandling [Pseudoscience for affirmative action]

Alternate Journal: Universitetsläraren

Legal Note: Available also at <http://www.sulf.se/univlar/artiklar/20021308.html> accessed 16 September 2002. Continuation of discussion in previous issues of same journal, No. 10 and, by Inge-Bert Täljedal in No. 11 2002

Keywords: Inge-Bert Täljedal



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2972

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2004

Title: Experimental realism and empirical idealism in informatics: A virtual interviewer of Don Ihde, and West Churchman

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics, http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/IhdeChurchman.html, and <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/Research.pdf> Accessed 26 January 2004

Short Title: Experimental realism and empirical idealism in informatics: A virtual interviewer of Don Ihde, and West Churchman

Keywords: phenomenology, body, perception



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3007

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2005

Title: Sommarprogrammet hets mot folkgrupp

Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Issue: 25 juli

Pages: 27

Short Title: Sommarprogrammet hets mot folkgrupp

Alternate Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Legal Note: Insändare [letter] ang Sverige Radios P1-program "Sommar" med Lena Andersson den 9 juli 2005. Också som pdf-fil på Direkt adress för pdf-fil  84KB

<http://www.svd.se/statiskt/synpunkt2/pdf/get_file.asp?Filename=SVD-20050725-A27%20SYN%203.pdf&week=30> 08 augusti 2005

Keywords: Lena Andersson, yttrandefrihet, JK, granskningsnämnden, radionämnden, christian, theology, blaspheme, kränkning

Notes: ref till Sveriges Radios P1 "Sommar" den 9 juli 2005  kl 13.05



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 3014

Author: Ivanov, Kristo

Year: 2006

Title: Whither computers and systems?

Editor: Bubenko, Janis, Jr., Gustaf, Jansson Carl, Kollerbaur, Anita, Ohlin, Tomas and Yngström, Louise

Book Title: ICT for  people: 40 years of academic development in Stockholm

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Dept. for Computer  and Systems Sciences -DSV-  at Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology,<http://www.dsv.su.se>

Pages: 125-134

Short Title: Whither computers and systems?

Section: ISBN  13:  978-91-631-9588-4; ISBN 10: 91-631-9588-7. Pre-publication version at <http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/CSSjubil.html> Retrieved  20 Oct. 2006



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2407

Author: Ivanov, Kristo and Ciborra, Claudio U.

Year: 1998

Title: East and West of IS

Editor: Baets, Walter R. J.

Book Title: Proc. of the Sixth European Conference on Information Systems ECIS'98, University of Aix-Marseille III, Aix-en-Provence, June 4-6, 1998. Vol. IV

Place Published: Granada & Aix-en-Provence

Publisher: Euro-Arab Management School & Institut d'Administration des Enterprises IAE

Pages: 1740-1748

Short Title: East and West of IS

ISBN: ISBN 84-923833-4-8

Section: ISBN for complete proceedings: 84-923833-0-5. For an earlier longer version of the paper cf. Ivanov, K., Strategies and design for information technology: Eastern or neo-romantic wholes, and the return to Western systems . Umeå: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics, 1997, also at http://www.informatik.umu.se/~kivanov/chinese.html



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1747

Author: Ivanov, Kristo, Forsgren, Olov and Mason, Richard

Year: 1993

Title: Churchman's influence on information and management sciences in Sweden

Institution: Umeå University: Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Churchman's influence on information and management sciences in Sweden



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2062

Author: Ivanov, Kristo and Kaptelinin, Victor

Year: 1995

Title: The challenge of applied interdisciplinarity: Activity theory vs a systems approach as a foundation for HCI

Book Title: Proc. of The Third International Congress: Activity theory and social practice, Moscow, June 26-30, 1995

Place Published: Moscow

Publisher: Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, and Russian State Academy of Physical Culture

Pages: 142-143

Short Title: The challenge of applied interdisciplinarity: Activity theory vs a systems approach as a foundation for HCI



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2946

Author: Ivanov, Kristo and Sjöström, Olle

Year: 1979

Title: Statistik och system

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Stockholm University, Dept. of Statistics

Short Title: Statistik och system



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 326

Author: Iverson, K.E.

Year: 1981

Title: Formalism in programming languages

Editor: Falkoff, A.D. and Iverson, K.E.

Book Title: A source book in APL

Place Published: Palo Alto

Publisher: APL Press

Pages: 17-28

Short Title: Formalism in programming languages

Section: Reprinted from Comm. of the ACM, Feb. 1964, 7



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 327

Author: Iverson, K.E.

Year: 1981

Title: Notation as a tool for thought

Editor: Falkoff, A.D. and Iverson, K.E.

Book Title: A source book in APL

Place Published: Palo Alto

Publisher: APL Press

Pages: 105-130

Short Title: Notation as a tool for thought

Section: Reprinted from Comm. from the ACM, Aug.1980, 23



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 328

Author: Ives, B., Hamilton, S. and Davis, G.B.

Year: 1980

Title: A framework for research in computer based management information systems

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 26

Issue: 9

Pages: 910-934

Short Title: A framework for research in computer based management information systems

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Legal Note: With a bibliography of 65 entries.

Keywords: ADB education, curriculum



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2183

Author: Ives, B., Olson, M.H. and Baroudi, J.J.

Year: 1983

Title: The measurement of user information satisfaction

Journal: CACM

Volume: 26

Issue: 10

Pages: 785-793

Short Title: The measurement of user information satisfaction

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: research method, adb-education, ref Chu61



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 329

Author: Izard, C.E., Kagan, J. and Zajonc, R.B., (Eds.)

Year: 1984

Title: Emotions, cognition, and behavior

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Emotions, cognition, and behavior



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1246

Author: Jackson, M.C.

Year: 1989

Title: The critical kernel in modern systems thinking

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol 2

Pages: 283-291

Short Title: The critical kernel in modern systems thinking



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 330

Author: Jager-Adams, M.

Year: 1984

Title: Aristotle's logic

Journal: The Psychology of Learning and Motivation

Volume: 18

Pages: 255-311

Short Title: Aristotle's logic

Alternate Journal: The Psychology of Learning and Motivation



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1940

Author: Jagodzinski, Peter, Phillips, Mike and Vranch, Adrian

Year: 1994

Title: Applications of multimedia and interactive satellite transmissions in education

Editor: Linna, Matti and Ruotsala, Pentti

Book Title: Hypermedia in Vaasa '94: Conference on computers and hypermedia in engineering education, June 8-11, 1994

Place Published: Vaasa

Publisher: Vaasa Institute of Technology

Pages: 193-204

Short Title: Applications of multimedia and interactive satellite transmissions in education

Keywords: theater, cinema, film

Abstract: ≈ cinema refs also in Tuomola, 1994

Notes: The Continuing Education Centre, the Theatre Academy of Finland, PO Box 148, FIN-00511 Helsinki. "mtuomola@teak.fi".



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 331

Author: Jahn, R.G., Ed.

Year: 1981

Title: The role of concsiousness in the physical world

Place Published: Boulder

Publisher: Westview Press

Short Title: The role of concsiousness in the physical world



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 332

Author: Jahn, R.G.

Year: 1982

Title: The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An engineering perspective

Journal: Proc. of the IEEE

Volume: 70

Issue: 2, Feb.

Pages: 136-170

Short Title: The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An engineering perspective

Alternate Journal: Proc. of the IEEE

Legal Note: With bibliography



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1266

Author: James, William

Year: 1956

Title: The will to believe: And other essays in popular philosophy, and Human Immortality

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Dover Publications

Short Title: The will to believe: And other essays in popular philosophy, and Human Immortality



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 333

Author: Janis, I.L.

Year: 1958

Title: The psychoanalytic interview as an observational method

Editor: Lindzey, G.

Book Title: Assessment of human motives

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Rinehart

Pages: 149-181

Short Title: The psychoanalytic interview as an observational method



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 334

Author: Janlert, L.E.

Year: 1988

Title: Människa-dator interaktion

Institution: Umeå, Sweden: University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Människa-dator interaktion



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2820

Author: Jaresand, Micke

Year: 1990

Title: Embargo på satellitbilder över Kuwait

Journal: DN

Issue: 7 september

Pages: A6

Short Title: Embargo på satellitbilder över Kuwait

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: Chu71/7*, war, satellite image



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2674

Author: Jaspers, Karl

Year: 1946

Title: Die Idee der Universität

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer

Short Title: Die Idee der Universität

Keywords: UniversityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1847

Author: Jaspers, Karl

Year: 1967

Title: Philosophical faith and revelation

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Short Title: Philosophical faith and revelation

Keywords: religion, theology

Notes: From Hillman, 1985, p. 277n



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1700

Author: Jaulin, Robert

Year: 1988

Title: La géomancie. I - Analyse formelle

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Éd. de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme

Short Title: La géomancie. I - Analyse formelle

Notes: Paris 1992. A2psi



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2038

Author: Jespersen, Per H., Lyngvig, Jytte, Ravn, Hans and Vidal, Victor

Year: 1978

Title: Ansats til en materialistisk kritik af operationsanalyse

Journal: Nordisk Forum 6

Volume: 12

Issue: 4

Pages: 71-83

Short Title: Ansats til en materialistisk kritik af operationsanalyse

Alternate Journal: Nordisk Forum 6

Keywords: OA operations analysis, ≈systems analysis, critic of Churchman

Notes: I mitt arkiv. Cf. Versterager



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2383

Author: Jimenez, Marc

Year: 1997

Title: Qu'est-ce que l'esthétique? [Aesthetics, what is it?]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Gallimard

Short Title: Qu'est-ce que l'esthétique? [Aesthetics, what is it?]

Keywords: Paris 1997 (Gunnela), aesthetics, Fichte, Friedrich von Schelling, Friedrich von Schiller

Notes: p. 162 Schelling, 172 Schiller, cf. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2527

Author: Joas, Hans

Year: 1997

Title: Die Entstehung der Werte

Place Published: Frankfurt

Publisher: Suhrkamp

Short Title: Die Entstehung der Werte



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1070

Author: Jobs, Steve

Year: 1989

Title: Vandringen är målet

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Columna

Short Title: Vandringen är målet

Keywords: Programming, software, biography



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1833

Author: Johannes Paulus II

Year: 1981

Title: Laborem exercens: Encyclical letter on human work

Place Published: London

Publisher: Catholic Truth Society

Short Title: Laborem exercens: Encyclical letter on human work

Keywords: theology of work, religion, pope, christian

Notes: 38/40 Eccleston Square, London SW1 - tel 01- 834 4392



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1500

Author: Johannes Paulus II

Year: 1991

Title: Centesimus Annus [The Hundreth Year: Encyclical letter on the social teaching of the Church since Rerum Novarum]

Place Published: Casale Monferrato

Publisher: Piemme

Short Title: Centesimus Annus [The Hundreth Year: Encyclical letter on the social teaching of the Church since Rerum Novarum]

Keywords: religion, pope, christian

Notes: Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 335

Author: Johannisson, K.

Year: 1988

Title: Det mätbara samhället: Statistik och samhällsdröm i 1700-talets Europa

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Short Title: Det mätbara samhället: Statistik och samhällsdröm i 1700-talets Europa



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 336

Author: Johansen, G., Rijnsdorp, J.E. and Sage, A.P.

Year: 1983

Title: Human system interface concerns in support system design

Journal: Automatica

Volume: 19

Issue: 6

Pages: 595-603

Short Title: Human system interface concerns in support system design

Alternate Journal: Automatica



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 337

Author: Johansson, I.L.

Year: 1982

Title: Utveckling av god redovisningssed: Lagstiftning, teori, praktik, eller?

Editor: Brunsson, N.

Book Title: Företagsekonomi: Sanning eller moral? Om det normativa i företagsekonomisk idéutveckling

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Pages: 60-72

Short Title: Utveckling av god redovisningssed: Lagstiftning, teori, praktik, eller?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2605

Author: John Paul II

Year: 1979

Title: Redemptor Hominis. Encyclical letter

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_04031979_redemptor-hominis_en.html

Short Title: Redemptor Hominis. Encyclical letter



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2609

Author: John Paul II

Year: 1981

Title: Laborem Exercens. Encyclical letter

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_14091981_laborem-exercens_en.html

Short Title: Laborem Exercens. Encyclical letter



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2600

Author: John Paul II

Year: 1993

Title: Veritatis Splendor. Encyclical letter

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_06081993_veritatis-splendor_en.html

Short Title: Veritatis Splendor. Encyclical letter



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2601

Author: John Paul II

Year: 1998

Title: Fides et Ratio. Encyclical letter

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_15101998_fides-et-ratio_en.html

Short Title: Fides et Ratio. Encyclical letter



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2599

Author: John Paul II

Year: 2000

Title: Speech to university teachers on occasion of the world meeting of university professors, Rome, 3-10 September 2000

Journal: Osservatore Romano, English ed.

Pages: 1-2

Short Title: Speech to university teachers on occasion of the world meeting of university professors, Rome, 3-10 September 2000

Alternate Journal: Osservatore Romano, English ed.

Keywords: Long Notes, vs. relativism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2120

Author: Johnson, Deborah G.

Year: 1994

Title: Computer ethics

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Computer ethics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 338

Author: Johnson, D.M.

Year: 1977

Title: Prelude to dimension theory: Geometrical investigations of Bernard Bolzano

Journal: Archive for History of Exact Sciences

Volume: 17

Issue: 3

Pages: 261-295

Short Title: Prelude to dimension theory: Geometrical investigations of Bernard Bolzano

Alternate Journal: Archive for History of Exact Sciences



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2574

Author: Johnson, Keith E.

Year: 1997

Title: John Hick's pluralistic hypothesis and the problem of conflicting truth-claims

Publisher: http://www.leaderu.com/wri/articles/hick.html, accessed 20 October 2000

Short Title: John Hick's pluralistic hypothesis and the problem of conflicting truth-claims

Keywords: truth vs postmodernism, relativism, skepticism, perspectivism, interpretism, Rome 2000, pluralism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2905

Author: Johnson, Mark

Year: 1987

Title: The body in the mind: The bodily basis of meaning, imagination, and reason

Place Published: Chicago & London

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press

Short Title: The body in the mind: The bodily basis of meaning, imagination, and reason

Notes: Long Notes pp. 133ff on "The Cartesian Anxiety" ≈ x OF samskapande x depictive?

Referenced by Reeke & Edelman in Trautteur 1995



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2566

Author: Johnson, Mark

Year: 1993

Title: Moral imagination: Implications of cognitive science for ethics

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: The Univ. of Chicago Press

Short Title: Moral imagination: Implications of cognitive science for ethics

Keywords: Metaphors, body in the mind, transperspectivity [cf. intersubjectivity] John Waterworth, Andreas Lund

Notes: Long Notes From John Waterworth on ethics & bridge perception-cognition in virtual reality  (radio program - conversation 980625)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 817

Author: Johnson, P.

Year: 1987

Title: Moderna tider: Tjugotal till åttiotal

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Ratio

Short Title: Moderna tider: Tjugotal till åttiotal



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 339

Author: Johnson-Laird, P.N.

Year: 1983

Title: Towards a cognitive science of language, inference, and consciousness

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Towards a cognitive science of language, inference, and consciousness



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2288

Author: Jonas, Hans

Year: 1972

Title: The practical uses of theory

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 335-346

Short Title: The practical uses of theory

Keywords: ADB education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 340

Author: Jones, R.S.

Year: 1982

Title: Physics as metaphor

Place Published: New York

Publisher: New American Library

Short Title: Physics as metaphor



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 341

Author: Jonsson, I.

Year: 1982

Title: Riktningar inom 1800-talets hermeneutik.  In Tolkning och tolkningsteorier

Book Title: Riktningar inom 1800-talets hermeneutik.  In Tolkning och tolkningsteorier

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Almqvist & Wiksell

Short Title: Riktningar inom 1800-talets hermeneutik.  In Tolkning och tolkningsteorier



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 342

Author: Jourdain, P.E.B.

Year: 1914

Title: Criticism and discussions: The economy of thought

Journal: Monist

Volume: 24

Issue: January

Pages: 134-145

Short Title: Criticism and discussions: The economy of thought

Alternate Journal: Monist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 343

Author: Jourdain, P.E.B.

Year: 1917

Title: The function of symbolism in mathematical logic

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 21

Pages: 1-12

Short Title: The function of symbolism in mathematical logic

Alternate Journal: Scientia



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2371

Author: Jullien, François

Year: 1992

Title: La propension des choses: Pour une histoire de l'efficacité en Chine [The propensity of things]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: La propension des choses: Pour une histoire de l'efficacité en Chine [The propensity of things]

Keywords: Paris nittiosju, på engelska på Ingarö

Notes: ref i samma förf Traité de l'Efficacité, Grasset, 1996



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2387

Author: Jullien, François

Year: 1995

Title: Fonder la morale: Dialogue de Mencius avec un philosophe des Lumières [Founding morality: Dialogue of Mencius with a philosopher of the Enlightenment]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Grasset

Short Title: Fonder la morale: Dialogue de Mencius avec un philosophe des Lumières [Founding morality: Dialogue of Mencius with a philosopher of the Enlightenment]

Keywords: Paris April 1998, Chinese buddhism ethics Enlightenment



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2370

Author: Jullien, François

Year: 1996

Title: Traité de l'efficacité [Treatise on efficacy]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Grasset

Short Title: Traité de l'efficacité [Treatise on efficacy]

Keywords: Paris 1997, efficiency, effectiveness, design, control, management, rationality

Notes: From MCX i Poitiers 9-10 june 1997, also OK from Alain Gras; ref to same author's La propension des choses: Pour une histoire de l'efficacité en Chine, Seuil, 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 851

Author: Jung, C.G.

Year: 1953-1959

Title: The psychology of the child archetype

Book Title: Collected works - Vol. 9, part I

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Pages: 149-181

Short Title: The psychology of the child archetype

Section: Also in Kerényi, K., & Jung, C.G. Introduction to a science of mythology. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1963



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 344

Author: Jung, C.G.

Year: 1953-1979

Title: Collected Works - CW (20 volumes)

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Number of Volumes: 20

Translator: Hull, R.F.C., et al.

Short Title: Collected Works - CW (20 volumes)

Notes: Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 849

Author: Jung, C.G.

Year: 1953-1979

Title: A psychological approach to the dogma of the Trinity

Book Title: Collected works - Vol. 11

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Pages: 107-200

Short Title: A psychological approach to the dogma of the Trinity



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2548

Author: Jung, C.G.

Year: 1953-1979

Title: On the nature of the psyche

Book Title: Collected Works - Vol. 8

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Pages: 159-234

Translator: Hull, R.F.C.

Short Title: On the nature of the psyche

Section: R.F.C. Hull , trans. Orig. published in 1946

Notes: Long Notes, ref xHegel xHeidegger



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 345

Author: Jung, C.G.

Year: 1975

Title: Letters. Vol.2: 1951-1961

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press (Bollingen series 95:2)

Short Title: Letters. Vol.2: 1951-1961



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1866

Author: Jung, Carl Gustaf

Year: 1976

Title: Typologi: Till frågan om de psykologiska typerna

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Berghs

Short Title: Typologi: Till frågan om de psykologiska typerna



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 346

Author: Jung, H.Y.

Year: 1982

Title: Language, politics, and technology

Journal: Research in Philosophy and Technology

Volume: 5

Pages: 43-63

Short Title: Language, politics, and technology

Alternate Journal: Research in Philosophy and Technology



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1751

Author: Juustila, Antti

Year: 1993

Title: Uneven distribution of power in computer supported decision making

Institution: Dept. of Information Processing Science, Univ. of Oulu

Short Title: Uneven distribution of power in computer supported decision making

Report Number: Licentiate thesis plan draft 19.4.1993. Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1755

Author: Juustila, Antti

Year: 1993

Title: The perceived effects of a group decision support system, existing social networks and personality type on the group process and outcomes: An introductory experimental study

Institution: Univ. of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing Science

Short Title: The perceived effects of a group decision support system, existing social networks and personality type on the group process and outcomes: An introductory experimental study

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993

Notes: Ref. to Hofstede, G.  Culture and organizations: Software of the mind. London: McGraw-Hill, 1991



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2289

Author: Jünger, Ernst

Year: 1972

Title: Technology and the mobilization of the world through the Gestalt of the worker

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 269-289

Short Title: Technology and the mobilization of the world through the Gestalt of the worker

Keywords: ADB education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 815

Author: Järvinen, P.

Year: 1985

Title: Levels for utilization of computing

Book Title: Convention Informatique - Recueil des Conférences, 16-20 sept1985  (Tome A, ISBN 2-902574-18-5; ISSN 0376 494)

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: SICOB Salon International d'Informatique, Télématique, Communication, Organisation du Bureau

Short Title: Levels for utilization of computing



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 816

Author: Järvinen, P.

Year: 1986

Title: On the risks of a complex computing system: "Star Wars" as an example

Institution: University of Tampere, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences

Short Title: On the risks of a complex computing system: "Star Wars" as an example

Report Number: Report C47, ISSN 0356-4258



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1149

Author: Järvinen, Pertti

Year: 1988

Title: Human computer interaction research in the light of Aulin's foundations of mathematical system dynamics

Book Title: The workshop on human computer interaction and complex systems, Loch Lomond, Oct. 2-4, 1988

Short Title: Human computer interaction research in the light of Aulin's foundations of mathematical system dynamics

Section: Draft available from the author, University of Tampere, Dept. of Computer Science



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 347

Author: Jönsson, A.

Year: 1987

Title: Naturligt språk för användardialog och databasförfrågningar

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Naturligt språk för användardialog och databasförfrågningar

Report Number: Report LiTH-IDA-R-87-25, Industriserien



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2719

Author: Jönsson, Per

Year: 2001

Title: Världsomfattande skepsis mot USA

Journal: DN

Issue: 13 september

Short Title: Världsomfattande skepsis mot USA

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: WTC terror



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 348

Author: Jönsson, S.

Year: 1982

Title: Om behovet av hårda data

Editor: Brunsson, N.

Book Title: Företagsekonomi: Sanning eller moral? Om det normativa i företagsekonomisk idéutveckling.

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Pages: 73-94

Short Title: Om behovet av hårda data



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1408

Author: Jönsson, Sten

Year: 1990

Title: Förtroende som tillgång i strävan efter rationalitet [Trust as an asset in the striving for rationality]

Institution: University of Gothenburg, School of Economics and Commercial Law

Short Title: Förtroende som tillgång i strävan efter rationalitet [Trust as an asset in the striving for rationality]

Report Number: Research proposal, Dnr 90-0354:01



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1831

Author: Jönsson, Sten and Sollie, Rolf

Year: 1993

Title: Organisation för mobilisering, strategisk förändring i ett komplex politiskt fält

Institution: Gothenburg School of Economics

Short Title: Organisation för mobilisering, strategisk förändring i ett komplex politiskt fält

Report Number: Arbetsrapport 930502



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1016

Author: Kac, Mark

Year: 1974

Title: Statistics and its history

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 37-48; see also 27-36

Short Title: Statistics and its history



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 623

Author: Kac, M., Rota, G.C. and Schwartz, J.T.

Year: 1986

Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Short Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Notes: ISBN 0-8176-3285-9, 3-7643-3285-9



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 349

Author: Kadinsky, D.

Year: 1970

Title: The meaning of technique

Journal: J. of Analytical Psychology

Volume: 15

Issue: 2

Pages: 165-176

Short Title: The meaning of technique

Alternate Journal: J. of Analytical Psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2411

Author: Kant, Immanuel

Year: 1790/1987

Title: Critique of judgement

Place Published: Indianapolis/Cambridge

Publisher: Hackett

Short Title: Critique of judgement

Keywords: Long Notes, London 1997, aesthetics, phronesis, prudence



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1233

Author: Kant, Immanuel

Year: 1989

Title: Scritti di filosofia della religione

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Mursia

Short Title: Scritti di filosofia della religione



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1982

Author: Kant, Immanuel

Year: 1989

Title: Scritti di filosofia della religione

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Mursia

Short Title: Scritti di filosofia della religione



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 350

Author: Kaplan, A.

Year: 1964

Title: The conduct of inquiry: Methodology for behavioral science

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Thomas Crowell

Short Title: The conduct of inquiry: Methodology for behavioral science

Keywords: Method course: pp.1-83, 172-214, 258-293, 327-369



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2207

Author: Kaplan, Bonnie and Maxwell, Joseph A.

Year: 1994

Title: Qualitative research methods for evaluating computer information systems

Editor: Anderson, James G., Aydin, Carolyn E. and Jay, Stephen J.

Book Title: Evaluating health care information systems: Methods and applications

Place Published: Thousand Oaks, CA

Publisher: Sage

Short Title: Qualitative research methods for evaluating computer information systems



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1924

Author: Kaptelinin, Victor

Year: 1992

Title: Human computer interaction in context: The activity theory perspective

Book Title: Proc. of the East-West Conference on Human Computer Interaction, St. Petersburg, 1992

Short Title: Human computer interaction in context: The activity theory perspective



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1923

Author: Kaptelinin, Victor

Year: 1993

Title: Activity theory: Implications for man-machine communication

Book Title: Basics of man-machine communication for design of educational systems

Place Published: Eindhoven

Publisher: The NATO Advanced Study Institute

Short Title: Activity theory: Implications for man-machine communication

Section: Proc. of the NATO Advanced Study Institute



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 2076

Author: Kaptelinin, Victor, Kuutti, Kari and Bannon, Liam

Year: 1995

Title: Activity theory: Basic concepts and applications. Tutorial notes for the East West HCI 95 Conference, Moscow, July 1995

Institution: Univ. of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing Science, and Umeå University

Short Title: Activity theory: Basic concepts and applications. Tutorial notes for the East West HCI 95 Conference, Moscow, July 1995



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 351

Author: Karier, C.J.

Year: 1976

Title: The ethics of a terapeutic man: C.G.Jung

Journal: The Psychoanalytic Review

Volume: 63

Issue: 1

Pages: 115-146

Short Title: The ethics of a terapeutic man: C.G.Jung

Alternate Journal: The Psychoanalytic Review



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 354

Author: Kass, L.R.

Year: 1972

Title: Making babies: The new biology and the "old" morality

Journal: The Public Interest

Pages: 18-56

Short Title: Making babies: The new biology and the "old" morality

Alternate Journal: The Public Interest

Keywords: ethics, adb education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1092

Author: Katsenelinboigen, A.

Year: 1989

Title: Aesthetic method as a general systems phenomenon (Abstract)

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 3

Pages: 162

Short Title: Aesthetic method as a general systems phenomenon (Abstract)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1120

Author: Katz, Chaim Samuel, Doria, Francisco Antonio and Lima, Luiz Costa

Year: 1975

Title: Dicionário básico de comunicação

Place Published: Rio de Janeiro

Publisher: Paz e Terra

Edition: 2nd

Short Title: Dicionário básico de comunicação



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 355

Author: Kaufmann, F.

Year: 1940

Title: Truth and logic

Journal: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

Volume: 1

Pages: 59-69

Short Title: Truth and logic

Alternate Journal: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2876

Author: Kaufmann, Walter

Year: 1967

Title: Nietzsche, Friederich

Editor: Edwards, Paul

Book Title: The encyclopedia of philosophy. Vol. 5

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: Macmillan, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 504-514

Short Title: Nietzsche, Friederich

Section: Chu71/slut, Chu71/7

Keywords: Chu71/slut



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1018

Author: Kay, A.

Year: 1984

Title: Computer software

Journal: Scient. Am.

Volume: 251

Issue: 3

Pages: 53-59

Short Title: Computer software

Alternate Journal: Scientific American

Keywords: history?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2035

Author: Kedourie, Elie

Year: 1960/1993

Title: Nationalism

Place Published: London

Publisher: Blackwell

Short Title: Nationalism

Keywords: A2psi, ADB-L logik, López-Garay, Werner Ulrich, Åke Grönlund, Tage Lindbom, Ali Foroutan-Rad, Per Levén, Erik Stolterman, Jayne Waterworth, PO Ågren (modernism), Thomas Ahlmark; Ola Henfridsson (culture); Sverker Sörlins inledning

Notes: vs Kant ; Rousseau,; action/handling ; aesthetic education-training;, den rätta känslan; aesthetics vs power, ; Singer-progress,; language games ; ≈Whorf language and thought; realize vision, ; don Juán don juan projects ; right-left in politics, ; internet ; MBL-självbestämmande/participation ; vs. negotiation; abstract language ; change ; Fichte ; pluralism/mångfald ; handicraft ; Ernest Gellner, ; universal consciousness ≈ God; religion; action research ; Heine

; ≈Icarus vs Daedalus,; French revolution ; suffering; will ; vs. humanity; Kernberg/Reichmann pathological narcisism, fantasy vision vs. reality borderline/limits; ecological thinking ; Mead interactionism; freedom, ;



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2040

Author: Kedourie, Elie

Year: 1995

Title: Nationalismen: En studie av nationalismen som ideologi

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: SNS Förlag

Short Title: Nationalismen: En studie av nationalismen som ideologi

Keywords: A2psi, ADB-L logik, López-Garay, Werner Ulrich, Åke Grönlund, Tage Lindbom, Ali Foroutan-Rad, Per Levén, Erik Stolterman, Jayne Waterworth, PO Ågren (modernism), Thomas Ahlmark; Ola Henfridsson (culture); Sverker Sörlins inledning

Notes: vs Kant 52ff, 65ff, 195f; Rousseau, 33, 51, 56, 74, 83f; action/handling 63, 76, 79, 82, 86; aesthetic education-training, 57-58, den rätta känslan 59, 80, 86; aesthetics vs power, 60f, 84-86; human rights, 61, 72; Singer-progress, 32, 58f, 62, 95; language games 103; ≈Whorf language and thought103; realize vision, 128, 130, 149; don Juán don juan projects 131; right-left in politics, 133; internet 61, 150, 198, 200; MBL-självbestämmande/participation 62, 65, 79-80, 84, 155f, 186f, 195; vs. negotiation 63, 132, 153; abstract language 105f; change 58, 67, 93, 201; Fichte 68-70, 72, 86, 91ff, 109, 124f, 128 (vision), 133, 149, 195; pluralism/mångfald 91, 94; romantikerna 128, 130; handicraft 81, 84, 160; Ernest Gellner, 11, 201; universal consciousness ≈ God 69, 71; religion 57f, 82f, 84f; action research 55, 86; Heine 56; ≈Icarus vs Daedalus, 60; French revolution 97; suffering 89; will 126, 128 et al.; vs. humanity 104; Kernberg/Reichmann pathological narcisism, fantasy vision vs. reality borderline/limits 141, 151; ecological thinking 74; Mead interactionism 74; freedom, 53, 72;



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2080

Author: Keen, P.

Year: 1981

Title: Information systems and organizational change

Journal: CACM

Volume: 24

Issue: 1

Pages: 24-33

Short Title: Information systems and organizational change

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: counter-counter-implementation, resistance, politics-power in ISD

Notes: From Klein et al. 1995 on ISD



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1798

Author: Keen, Peter G.W.

Year: 1991

Title: Relevance and rigor in information systems research: Improving quality, confidence, cohesion and impact

Editor: Nissen, Hans-Erik, Klein, Heinz K. and Hirschheim, Rudy

Book Title: Information systems research: Contemporary approaches and emergent traditions

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Pages: 27-49

Short Title: Relevance and rigor in information systems research: Improving quality, confidence, cohesion and impact



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1450

Author: Keil-Slawik, Reinhard

Year: 1991

Title: Symbolic representations and the creation of meaning in systems development: An ecological perspective

Editor: Forsgren, Olov

Book Title: Prec. of the 14th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia – IRIS'91, Umeå-Lövånger, August 11-14, 1991

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Symbolic representations and the creation of meaning in systems development: An ecological perspective

ISBN: Report UMADP-WPIPCS-42.91, ISSN 0282-0587

Keywords: Mathematics, systems development



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2028

Author: Keil-Slawik, Reinhard

Year: 1992

Title: Symbolic representations and the creation of meaning in systems development

Editor: Ivanov, Kristo

Book Title: Proceedings of the 14th IRIS: Rev. papers of the 14th information systems res. sem. in Scandinavia. Umeå-Lövånger, 11-14 August 1991

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University - Inst. of Information Processing

Pages: 129-143

Short Title: Symbolic representations and the creation of meaning in systems development

ISBN: Report UMADP-WPIPCS-42.91, ISSN 0282-0587

Keywords: Mathematics, systems development, Leroi-Gourhan

Notes: Earlier title in Preceedings: Symbolic representations and the creation of meaning in systems development: An ecological perspective



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 369

Author: Kelsey, M.

Year: 1971

Title: Jung as philosopher and theologian

Editor: Kirsch, H.

Book Title: The well tended tree: Essays into the spirit of our time

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Putnam's Sons

Pages: 184-196

Short Title: Jung as philosopher and theologian



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 356

Author: Kennedy, H.C.

Year: 1980

Title: Peano: Life and works of Giuseppe Peano

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Reidel

Short Title: Peano: Life and works of Giuseppe Peano



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2901

Author: Kepner, Charles H. and Tregoe, Benjamin B.

Year: 1965

Title: The rational manager: A systematic approach to problem solving and decision making

Place Published: New York

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Short Title: The rational manager: A systematic approach to problem solving and decision making

Keywords: control, efficiency effectiveness, Chu71/3



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3003

Author: Kerényi, Caroly

Year: 1959

Title: Asklepios: Archetypal image of the physician's existence

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books

Short Title: Asklepios: Archetypal image of the physician's existence

Abbreviation: Asklepios: Archetypal image of the physician's existence

Keywords: Jung, myth, medicine, doctor, alternative



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1964

Author: Kernberg, Otto

Year: 1980

Title: Internal world and external reality: Object relations theory applied

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Jason Aronson

Short Title: Internal world and external reality: Object relations theory applied

Keywords: pathological narcissism, jämställdhet, mobbing, psychosocial, social psychology, ≈(feminist?) equality

Notes: pp 211-273



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1963

Author: Kernberg, Otto

Year: 1984

Title: Severe personality disorders: Psychotherapeutic strategies

Place Published: New Have

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: Severe personality disorders: Psychotherapeutic strategies

Keywords: pathological narcissism

Notes: Trans. Einar Jakobsson, Fackgranskning Robert Rössel



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 357

Author: Kernberg, O.F.

Year: 1975

Title: Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Jason Aronson

Short Title: Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism

Keywords: "Vla 33" UmU-Vårdbiblioteket

Notes: Ss. 33-39, 58-64, 79-86, 133-149, 190, 201-211, 218-238, 245-254, 272-280, 286-291, 300, 307, , 335-336. Trans. Einar Jakobsson. Fackgranskning av Olof Billingberg & Robert Rössel.  Cf. Horst E. Richter All Mighty (God-complex).



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 358

Author: Kerola, P. and Taggart, W.

Year: 1982

Title: Human information processing styles in the information systems development process

Editor: Hagwood, J.

Book Title: Evolutionary information systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Pages: 63-86

Short Title: Human information processing styles in the information systems development process



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1317

Editor: Kerry, Ruth, Jahren, E. and Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1990x

Title: Knowledge-based systems technology in government administration: Report of the ICA study group (International council for information technology in government administration)

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Statskontoret-IT

Short Title: Knowledge-based systems technology in government administration: Report of the ICA study group (International council for information technology in government administration)

Notes: RW: to be replaced by ICA papers



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2710

Author: Kertzer, David

Year: 2001

Title: The Popes against the Jews: The Vatican's role in the rise of modern anti-semitism

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Knopf

Short Title: The Popes against the Jews: The Vatican's role in the rise of modern anti-semitism

Keywords: holocaust, Israel, nazism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1715

Author: Key, Ellen

Year: 1903–1906

Title: Lifslinjer 1–3

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Bonniers

Short Title: Lifslinjer 1–3

Notes: Citat "De, som aldrig förmå sig taga något parti, som förbli dyrkare av den 'heliga relativiteten'...", från lifslinjer III: Lyckan och skönheten, del II, Stockholm, Bonniers, 1925, pp. 116, 124)


Ref Fredrika Lagergren (dr avh, kunde bra) och Claudia Lindén (och Britt Edwall) i Kunskapskanalen den 100406 kl 21:20 om Ellen Key.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2123

Author: Key, Ellen

Year: 1981

Title: Missbrukad kvinnokraft.  Kvinnopsykologi och logik

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Logos

Short Title: Missbrukad kvinnokraft.  Kvinnopsykologi och logik



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2124

Author: Key, Ellen

Year: 1992

Title: Skolan och bildningen

Editor: Hellblom-Sjögren, Lena

Book Title: Folkskolan 150 år: Bildning och demokrati, Röster om och från folkskolan 1842-1992 i urval

Place Published: Täby

Publisher: 3V-Förlaget

Pages: 55-61

Short Title: Skolan och bildningen

Section: Orig. 1897



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1101

Author: Keynes, John Maynard

Year: 1952

Title: A treatise on probability

Place Published: London

Publisher: MacMillan

Short Title: A treatise on probability

Keywords: Statistics, economics

Notes: Pp.18,19n, 265-277, 319-322, 327n, 333, 368-369, 427, 455



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1987

Author: Khan, Jaliluddin Ahmad

Year: 1982

Title: Secularism: A reaction to the experience of the Christian Church in Europe

Place Published: Karachi

Publisher: Int. Islamic Publishers

Short Title: Secularism: A reaction to the experience of the Christian Church in Europe

Keywords: religion

Notes: Fr dra.com



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1045

Author: Kidder, Tracy

Year: 1982

Title: The soul of a new machine

Place Published: Harmondsworth, Middlesex

Publisher: Penguin

Short Title: The soul of a new machine

Keywords: technology history

Notes: cf. Neil Frude, The Intimate Machine



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1105

Author: Kilpatrick, F.P. and Cantril, Hadley

Year: 1960

Title: Self-anchoring scaling: A measure of individual's unique reality worlds

Journal: J. of Individual Psychology

Volume: 16

Pages: 158-173

Short Title: Self-anchoring scaling: A measure of individual's unique reality worlds

Alternate Journal: J. of Individual Psychology

Keywords: Idios, "phenomenology"?

Notes: Indian vs. USA college students, national aspirations and fears: ASPIRATIONS, social justice / exert moral leadership - peace / remove race prejudice; FEARS. war /lack of morality/no sense of social responsibility/lack of spiritual values -  war / lack of personal freedom...



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2945

Author: King, W.J.

Year: 1944

Title: The unwritten laws of engineering

Place Published: New York

Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Short Title: The unwritten laws of engineering

Keywords: professional ethics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 360

Author: Kirsch, T.B.

Year: 1968

Title: The relationship of the REM state to analytical psychology

Journal: Amer. J. Psychiatry

Volume: 124

Issue: 10 April

Pages: 1459-1463

Short Title: The relationship of the REM state to analytical psychology

Alternate Journal: Amer. J. Psychiatry



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1617

Author: Kiss, István

Year: 1991

Title: Systems directory: A directory to international federations, societies, unions, journals, yearbooks

Place Published: Budapest (PO Box 446, H-1536 Hungary)

Publisher: WISINET - Worldwide Int. Systems Institutions Network

Short Title: Systems directory: A directory to international federations, societies, unions, journals, yearbooks

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. R. Vallée



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 361

Author: Kitto, H.D.F.

Year: 1957

Title: The Greeks

Place Published: London

Publisher: Penguin Books

Edition: 2nd

Short Title: The Greeks

Notes: I stugan



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1764

Author: Kivistö, Kari

Year: 1993

Title: Organization and roles in the object-oriented application development

Institution: Univ. of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing Science

Short Title: Organization and roles in the object-oriented application development

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Fourth Information Systems Research Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2807

Author: Klackenberg, Jill

Year: 2002

Title: Drömprinsen på chatten. Nätet: Nya mötesplatsen

Journal: VK

Issue: 11 februari

Pages: 11

Short Title: Drömprinsen på chatten. Nätet: Nya mötesplatsen

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: virtual communities, Chu71/7***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 368

Author: Klauber, J.

Year: 1968

Title: On the dual use of historical and scientific methods in psychoanalysis

Journal: Int. J. of Psycho-Analysis

Volume: 49

Pages: 80-88

Short Title: On the dual use of historical and scientific methods in psychoanalysis

Alternate Journal: Int. J. of Psycho-Analysis



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 362

Author: Kleene, S.C.

Year: 1950

Title: Introduction to metamathematics

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Van Nostrand

Short Title: Introduction to metamathematics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 363

Author: Klein, D.B.

Year: 1932

Title: Scientific understanding in psychology

Journal: Psychological Review

Volume: 39

Pages: 552-569

Short Title: Scientific understanding in psychology

Alternate Journal: Psychological Review



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 364

Author: Klein, G.S.

Year: 1958

Title: Cognitive control and motivation

Editor: Lindzey, G.

Book Title: Assessment of human motives

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Rinehart

Short Title: Cognitive control and motivation



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 870

Author: Klein, H. K.  and Hirschheim, R.

Year: 1985

Title: Fundamental issues of decision support systems: a consequentialist perspective

Journal: Decision Support Systems

Volume: 1

Pages: 5-24

Short Title: Fundamental issues of decision support systems: a consequentialist perspective

Alternate Journal: Decision Support Systems



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1848

Author: Klein, Heinz K. and Hirschheim, Rudy

Year: 1992

Title: The rationality of value choices in information systems development

Institution: School of Management of SUNY at Binghamton NY, and College of Business Administration at the University of Houston TX

Date: 18 September 1992

Short Title: The rationality of value choices in information systems development

Report Number: Manuscript

Notes: cf López-Garay, exegesis of planning



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1797

Author: Klein, Heinz K., Hirschheim, Rudy and Nissen, Hans-Erik

Year: 1991

Title: A pluralist perspective of the information systems research arena

Editor: Nissen, Hans-Erik, Klein, Heinz K. and Hirschheim, Rudy

Book Title: Information systems research: Contemporary approaches and emergent traditions

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Pages: 1-20

Short Title: A pluralist perspective of the information systems research arena



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2487

Author: Klein, Heinz K. and Myers, Michael D.

Year: 1999

Title: A set of principles for conducting and evaluating interpretive field studies in information systems

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 67-93

Short Title: A set of principles for conducting and evaluating interpretive field studies in information systems

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Legal Note: Pre-publication of the paper found at http://www.auckland.ac.nz/msis/isworld/MMyers/Klein-Myers.html, accessed 14 Dec. 1999



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1856

Author: Klein, Sheldon

Year: 1982

Title: Culture, mysticism & social structure and the calculation of behavior

Book Title: ECAI-82 European conference on artificial intelligence, 12-14 July 1982, Orsay (France)

Pages: 141-146

Short Title: Culture, mysticism & social structure and the calculation of behavior

Keywords: I Ching, china, decision theory

Notes: From Lars-Erik Janlert. Address: Computer Sciences dept., Linguistics dept., University of Wisconsin, 1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 891

Author: Kline, Morris

Year: 1954

Title: Mathematics in Western Culture

Place Published: London

Publisher: Allen & Unwin

Short Title: Mathematics in Western Culture



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 365

Author: Kline, M.

Year: 1985

Title: Mathematics and the search for knowledge

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Mathematics and the search for knowledge



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 972

Author: Kling, R.

Year: 1980

Title: Social analyses of computing: Theoretical perspectives in recent empirical research

Journal: Computing Surveys

Volume: 12

Issue: 1, March

Pages: 61-110

Short Title: Social analyses of computing: Theoretical perspectives in recent empirical research

Alternate Journal: Computing Surveys



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2107

Author: Kling, Rob

Year: 1992

Title: Behind the terminal: The critical role of computing infrastructure in effective information systems' development and use

Editor: Cotterman, William and Senn, James

Book Title: Systems analysis and design: A research perspective

Place Published: London

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Behind the terminal: The critical role of computing infrastructure in effective information systems' development and use

Notes: Rob Kling, Dept. of Information and Computer Science, Public Policy Research Organization, Univ. of California, Irvine, Ca 92717, 714-8565955, kling@ics.uci.edu. Draft from Pertti Järvinen 29/10-92



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2202

Author: Kling, Rob

Year: 1993

Title: Broadening computer science

Journal: CACM

Volume: 36

Issue: 2, February

Pages: 15-17

Short Title: Broadening computer science

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2321

Editor: Kling, Rob

Year: 1996

Title: Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices

Place Published: London

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2161

Author: Kling, Rob and Allen, Jonathan P.

Year: 1995

Title: Can computer science solve organizational problems? The case for organizational informatics

Editor: Kling, Rob

Book Title: Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: Can computer science solve organizational problems? The case for organizational informatics

Section: 2nd edition



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2162

Author: Kling, Rob and Allen, Jonathan P.

Year: 1995

Title: Can computer science solve organizational problems? The case for organizational informatics

Editor: Kling, Rob

Book Title: Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices

Short Title: Can computer science solve organizational problems? The case for organizational informatics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2106

Author: Kling, Rob and Jewett, Tom

Year: 1994

Title: The social design of worklife with computers and networks: An open natural systems perspective

Editor: Yovits, Marshall

Book Title: Advances in Computers, vol. 39

Place Published: Orlando

Publisher: Academic Press

Pages: 239-293

Short Title: The social design of worklife with computers and networks: An open natural systems perspective

Notes: Draft from RK in visit Sept 95



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 366

Author: Kling, R. and Scacchi, W.

Year: 1980

Title: Computing as social action: the social dynamics of computing in complex organizations

Journal: Advances in Computers

Volume: 19

Pages: 249-327

Short Title: Computing as social action: the social dynamics of computing in complex organizations

Alternate Journal: Advances in Computers

Legal Note: With bibliography



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1213

Author: Klinge, Matti

Year: 1984

Title: Aspects of the Nordic self

Journal: Daedalus

Volume: 113

Issue: 2

Pages: 257-277

Short Title: Aspects of the Nordic self

Alternate Journal: Daedalus



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 965

Author: Klir, George J. and Lowen, Walter

Year: 1989

Title: The world of mathematics mirrors the organization of the mind: Part I, Mathematics and systems science; Part II, Mathematics, the mind and the brain

Institution: New York State University at Binghamton, Thomas J. Watson School, Dept. of Systems Science

Short Title: The world of mathematics mirrors the organization of the mind: Part I, Mathematics and systems science; Part II, Mathematics, the mind and the brain

Report Number: Research report

Notes: Met at ISSS Edinburgh july 1989



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 370

Author: Klir, J. and Folger, T.A.

Year: 1988

Title: Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and information

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and information



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 371

Author: Kneale, W.C.

Year: 1956

Title: The province of logic

Editor: Lewis, H.D.

Book Title: Contemporary British philosophy

Place Published: London and New York

Publisher: Allen & Unwin and Macmillan

Pages: 236-261

Short Title: The province of logic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 372

Author: Kneale, W.C. and Kneale, M.

Year: 1965

Title: The development of logic

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon

Short Title: The development of logic



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 373

Author: Knoll, M.

Year: 1957

Title: Transformation of science in our age

Editor: Corbin, H and et al.

Book Title: Man and time. Papers from the Eranos yearbooks

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books (Bollingen Series 30.3)

Pages: 265-307

Short Title: Transformation of science in our age



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 374

Author: Knowledge

Year: 1977

Title: [Article on sociology of-]

Editor: Bullock, A.  and Stallybrass, O., (Eds.)

Book Title: Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought

Place Published: London

Publisher: Fontana/Collins

Pages: 334-335

Short Title: [Article on sociology of-]



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 375

Author: Knuthammar, C. and Pålsson, E., (Eds.)

Year: 1985

Title: Vetenskap och vett: Till frågan om universitetets roll

Institution: University of Linköping

Short Title: Vetenskap och vett: Till frågan om universitetets roll

Report Number: ISBN 91-7372-925-6



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1749

Author: Knuuttila, Juha

Year: 1993

Title: Computer supported diplomacy: Towards the CSCE delegate's work station

Institution: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Helsinki

Short Title: Computer supported diplomacy: Towards the CSCE delegate's work station

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1152

Author: Koestler, Arthur

Year: 1964

Title: The act of creation

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Number of Pages: 751

Short Title: The act of creation

Keywords: Cognitive styles, Jung

Notes: Science and emotion: Three character types, pp. 255ff.; Jung pp. 166, 187, 353, 462, 647; Poincaré pp. 164ff.; Mathematics – intuitionists vs. formalists 241 etc. (From The Intimate Machine)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1920

Author: Kohn, Alfie

Year: 1993

Title: Why incentive plans cannot work

Journal: HBR

Issue: September-October, Reprint 93506

Pages: 54-63

Short Title: Why incentive plans cannot work

Alternate Journal: Harvard Business Review

Legal Note: Cf. follow-up comments in Perspectives-section in Nov-Dec issue, pp. 37-49, and review in The Economist, January 29th 1994, p.69

Keywords: reward, motivation, pay, retribution, commitment, change, performance-related pay PRP, appraisal, learning, punishment, manipulation, salary, incitament, personnel policy

Notes: Author's response to the comments in Nov-Dec issue: ref p. 49 to Frederick Herzberg = Anders Sjöström's paper ref on organizational development



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 880

Author: Kolakowski, L.

Year: 1982

Title: Religion

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Religion



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1411

Author: Kolakowski, Leszek

Year: 1982

Title: Samtal med djävulen [Conversations with the devil]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Brombergs

Short Title: Samtal med djävulen [Conversations with the devil]



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1763

Author: Kolari, Pentti

Year: 1993

Title: Towards model-driven domain analysis in information systems development in health care

Institution: Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT, Medical Engineering Laboratory, Tampere

Short Title: Towards model-driven domain analysis in information systems development in health care

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Fourth Information Systems Research Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993

Notes: Ref Kling, K. Behind the terminal (1992), Lawson (1990), Fuenmayor & Lopez-Garay (1985-1991), Engeström (1987-1990) - not read all



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2303

Author: Kolb, B. and Whishaw, I.Q.

Year: 1980

Title: Fundamentals of human neuropsychology

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Freeman

Short Title: Fundamentals of human neuropsychology

Notes: From Kerola 1983



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2304

Author: Kolb, D.A., Rubin, I.M. and McIntyre, J.M.

Year: 1979

Title: Organizational psychology: An experimental approach

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Organizational psychology: An experimental approach

Notes: from Kerola1982



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 376

Author: Korfhage, R.R.

Year: 1964

Title: Logic of the computer sciences

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 7

Issue: 4, April

Pages: 216-218

Short Title: Logic of the computer sciences

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Legal Note: Cf. the "critique" by H.Wang in same issue of the journal



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1121

Author: Korzybski, Alfred

Year: 1948

Title: Science and sanity: An introduction to non-Aristotelian systems and general semantics

Place Published: Lakeville, Conn.

Publisher: The Institute of General Semantics

Edition: 3rd

Short Title: Science and sanity: An introduction to non-Aristotelian systems and general semantics

Notes: Mathematics as a language of a structure similar to the structure



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1001

Author: Koslowski, Peter

Year: 1988

Title: Gnosis und Mystik in der Geschichte der Philosophie,

Publisher: Artemis

Short Title: Gnosis und Mystik in der Geschichte der Philosophie,

Notes: From Zivkovic, DN Aug.3rd, 1989, p.4



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2221

Author: Kostrewski, B.J. and Oppenheim, Charles

Year: 1980

Title: Ethics in information science

Journal: J. of Information Science

Volume: 1

Pages: 277-283

Short Title: Ethics in information science

Alternate Journal: J. of Information Science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2675

Author: Kotowski, Georg

Year: 1954

Title: Der Kampf um Berlins Universitat

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Colloquium Verlag

Short Title: Der Kampf um Berlins Universitat

Keywords: UniversityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 377

Author: Kowalski, R.

Year: 1979

Title: Logic for problem solving

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Elsevier/North Holland

Short Title: Logic for problem solving



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1020

Author: Kowalski, R.

Year: 1979

Title: Algorithm = Logic + Control

Journal: CACM

Volume: 7

Pages: 424-436

Short Title: Algorithm = Logic + Control

Alternate Journal: Comm. Ass. Comput. Mach



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 378

Author: Koyré, A.

Year: 1954

Title: Galileo and Plato

Editor: Wiener, P.P. and Noland, A.

Book Title: Roots of scientific thought

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Pages: 147-175

Short Title: Galileo and Plato



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 877

Author: Koyré, A.

Year: 1961

Title: Du monde de l' "à-peu-près" à l'univers de la précision

Editor: Koyré, A.

Book Title: Études d'histoire de la pensée philosophique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Armand Colin

Short Title: Du monde de l' "à-peu-près" à l'univers de la précision

Section: Italian trans. by Paola Zambelli. Torino: Einaudi, 1967

Notes: Plato vs. Aristotle in Italian trans (till Ingarö 000520) p. 31 of introduction: mathematics as intermediate between thought and reality & "history of ideas club"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1618

Author: Koyré, Alexandre

Year: 1971

Title: Études d'histoire de la pensée philosophique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Gallimard

Short Title: Études d'histoire de la pensée philosophique

Notes: Paris, 1992, FF 50,50? Till Ingarö 000520



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1619

Author: Koyré, Alexandre

Year: 1973

Title: Études d'histoire de la pensée scientifique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Gallimard

Short Title: Études d'histoire de la pensée scientifique

Notes: Paris, 1992, FF 50,50. Till Ingarö 000520



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2074

Editor: Kraemer, K

Year: 1991

Title: The information systems research challenge. Vol. 3. Survey of research methods

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Short Title: The information systems research challenge. Vol. 3. Survey of research methods

Keywords: ADB education

Notes: From Klein et al 1995 on ISD



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 379

Author: Kraft, P.

Year: 1977

Title: Programmers and managers: The routinization of computer programming in the United States

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Short Title: Programmers and managers: The routinization of computer programming in the United States



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 380

Author: Kraft, P.

Year: 1979

Title: The industrialization of computer programming: From programming to "software production"

Editor: Zimbalist, A.

Book Title: Case studies on the labour process

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Monthly Review Press

Short Title: The industrialization of computer programming: From programming to "software production"



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1358

Editor: Kremenyuk, Victor, A.

Year: 1991

Title: International negotiation: Analysis, approaches, issues

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Jossey-Bass

Short Title: International negotiation: Analysis, approaches, issues



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2616

Author: Krikorian, Y.H.

Year: 1962

Title: Singer's philosophy of experimentalism

Journal: Philosophy of Science

Volume: 29

Issue: 1

Pages: 81-91

Short Title: Singer's philosophy of experimentalism

Alternate Journal: Philosophy of Science

Keywords: Chu71/0*, Churchman, evidence, cf. credibility, pragmatism. Pp. 85: The ideal is real in the sense that it explains the world; and the real is ideal in the sense that it is the limiting concept in our pursuit of knowledge. Thus idealism and realism are synthesized in scientific methodology.

Notes: Från Oscar Svensson D9 student i mars 97



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 381

Author: Kripke, S.

Year: 1975

Title: Outline of a theory of truth

Journal: J. of Philosophy

Pages: 690-716

Short Title: Outline of a theory of truth

Alternate Journal: J. of Philosophy



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2252

Author: Kristiansson, Lars

Year: 1980

Title: The computer and society: Structuring the problems

Editor: Sundin, Bo

Book Title: Is the computer a tool?

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Almqvist & Wiksell International

Pages: 9-16

Short Title: The computer and society: Structuring the problems



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2254

Author: Kroker, A.

Year: 1984

Title: Technology and the Canadian mind: Innis, McLuhan, Grant

Place Published: Montreal

Publisher: New World Perspectives Press

Short Title: Technology and the Canadian mind: Innis, McLuhan, Grant

Notes: Fr. Rafael Ramirez



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 382

Author: Kubie, L.S.

Year: 1952

Title: Problems and techniques of psychoanalytic validation and progress

Editor: Pumpian-Mindlin, E.

Book Title: The Hixon lectures on the scientific status of psychoanalysis

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Pages: 46-167

Short Title: Problems and techniques of psychoanalytic validation and progress

Section: With a bibliography of 81 entries



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 383

Author: Kubie, L.S.

Year: 1970

Title: Problems of multidisciplinary conferences, research teams, and journals

Journal: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine

Issue: Spring

Pages: 405-427

Short Title: Problems of multidisciplinary conferences, research teams, and journals

Alternate Journal: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1197

Author: Kuhn, T.

Year: 1970

Title: The structure of scientific revolutions

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press

Short Title: The structure of scientific revolutions



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 385

Author: Kuo, Y. Y.

Year: 1976

Title: Chinese dialectical thought and character

Editor: Rychlak, J.F.

Book Title: Dialectic: Humanistic rationale for behavior and development

Place Published: Basel

Publisher: S. Karger

Pages: 72-86

Short Title: Chinese dialectical thought and character



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1327

Author: Kuutti, Kari

Year: 1990

Title: Activity theory and its implications to information systems research and development

Editor: Nissen, Hans-Erik, Klein, Heinz K. and Hirschheim, Rudy

Book Title: The information systems research arena of the 90's: Challenges, perceptions, and alternative approaches. Proc. of the ISRA' 90,  IFIP TC-8, WG-8:2 working conference, Copenhagen, Dec. 14-16. 1990

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Univ. of Lund, Inst. of Information Processing

Pages: 195-216

Short Title: Activity theory and its implications to information systems research and development

Section: Elaborated in book, same eds. Information Systems Research: Contemporary approaches & emergent traditions. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1991, pp. 529-549



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2226

Author: Kuutti, Kari

Year: 1994

Title: Information systems, cooperative work and active subjects: The activity-theoretical perspective

Place Published: Oulu

Publisher: University of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing Science

Short Title: Information systems, cooperative work and active subjects: The activity-theoretical perspective

Keywords: ADB avh, activity theory



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1360

Author: Kvale, Steinar

Year: 1990

Title: Human science between legitimation and application

Journal: Saybrook Review

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 5-16

Short Title: Human science between legitimation and application

Alternate Journal: Saybrook Review



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1926

Author: Kühn, Rolf

Year: 1984

Title: Mounier, Emmanuel

Editor: Huisman, Denis

Book Title: Dictionnaire des philosophes

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France

Pages: 1877-1882

Short Title: Mounier, Emmanuel

Keywords: N. Berdiaeff/Berdiaev, Maritain, Péguy, personnalisme/personalism, action, philosophie de l'esprit, marxism, christianisme

Notes: Levde 1905-1950. Tips från Kenneth Nilsson



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 384

Author: Kühnert, F.

Year: 1913

Title: L'écriture idéographique: Et ses rapports avec la formation de la langue dans le chinois

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 13

Issue: 29-3

Pages: 58-68

Short Title: L'écriture idéographique: Et ses rapports avec la formation de la langue dans le chinois

Alternate Journal: Scientia

Legal Note: A. Dienesch-Roven, Trans.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2966

Author: Kåll, Kerstin

Year: 2003

Title: Bäst söka nytt jobb om chefen är psykopat

Journal: Universitetsläraren

Issue: 8

Pages: 10-11

Short Title: Bäst söka nytt jobb om chefen är psykopat

Alternate Journal: Universitetsläraren

Legal Note: Also available at <http://www.sulf.se/univlar/artiklar/20030807.html>, accessed 16 may 2003. See also Tunbrå, L.-O. (2003). Psykopatiska chefer: lika farliga som charmiga. (Recension-referat av Anna Danielsson i Svenska Dagbladets NÄRINGSLIV sid. 12 den 6 mars 2003

Keywords: Kernberg psycho-social psychosocial pathological narcissism, psykopati

Notes: My e-letters to personnel UmU March 31 and May 16 2003



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1750

Author: Käkölä, Timo

Year: 1993

Title: Empowering team work with coordination technologies: An organizational learning perspective

Institution: Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Turku

Short Title: Empowering team work with coordination technologies: An organizational learning perspective

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993. To appear in the Prec. of the IFIP 9.1 WG Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1993



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2214

Author: Källström, Staffan

Year: 1984

Title: Värdenihilism och vetenskap: Uppsalafilosofin i forskning och samhällsdebatt under 1920- och 30-talen [The Uppsala school of philosophy and its influence on science and public debate during the 1920s and 1930s]

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Gothenburg University, Dept. of History of Science and Ideas

Short Title: Värdenihilism och vetenskap: Uppsalafilosofin i forskning och samhällsdebatt under 1920- och 30-talen [The Uppsala school of philosophy and its influence on science and public debate during the 1920s and 1930s]

Keywords: Hägerström



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2233

Author: Köhler, Hans

Year: 1980

Title: Undervisningssystemering : Ett metodologiskt bidrag till kunskapsområdet datorstödd undervisning [Contributions to the methodology for development of computer-based teaching systems]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Stockholm University, Dept. of Information Processing

Short Title: Undervisningssystemering : Ett metodologiskt bidrag till kunskapsområdet datorstödd undervisning [Contributions to the methodology for development of computer-based teaching systems]



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 921

Author: Köhnke, Klaus Christian

Year: 1988

Title: Thesen zur Kulturwissenschaft an der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Institution: Flensburg: Nordische Universität, Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Short Title: Thesen zur Kulturwissenschaft an der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Report Number: Unpublished manuscript, April 1988

Notes: From Thomas Knoblauch, Universität Witten-Herdeche, Wemerstr.2, D-5810 Witten, tel. 02302-89128 or Osterfeldweg 66d, D-2100 Hamburg 90, tel. 040-7606856, met on 2 February 1989 at Pierre Guillet de Monthoux's office. Referred further to Institut für Waldorfpädagogik Witten-Annen, Dept. of Mathematics, D-5810 Witten, West Germany (about mathematics and culture). Referred also to Dornach, Switzerland, "Joseph Benys (Green party, direct democracy) and books written by  Volker Haarlan, Johannes Stüttgen & Rhea Thönges-Stringaris



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 388

Author: Körner, S.

Year: 1960

Title: The philosophy of mathematics: An introductory essay

Place Published: London

Publisher: Hutchinson University Library

Short Title: The philosophy of mathematics: An introductory essay



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 387

Author: Körner, S.

Year: 1979

Title: Fundamental questions of philosophy: One philosopher's answers

Place Published: Sussex and New Jersey

Publisher: Harvester Press and Humanities Press

Edition: 4th

Short Title: Fundamental questions of philosophy: One philosopher's answers



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2188

Author: Lacity, M.C. and Janson, M.A.

Year: 1994

Title: Understanding qualitative data: A framework of text analysis methods

Journal: J. of Management Information Systems

Volume: 11

Issue: 2

Pages: 137-155

Short Title: Understanding qualitative data: A framework of text analysis methods

Alternate Journal: J. of Management Information Systems

Keywords: adb education

Notes: fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2095

Author: Ladd, John

Year: 1991

Title: Computers and moral responsibility: A framework for an ethical analysis

Editor: Dunlop, Charles and Kling, Rob

Book Title: Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Academic Press

Pages: 664-675

Short Title: Computers and moral responsibility: A framework for an ethical analysis

Keywords: ethics, adb education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 997

Author: Ladmiral, J.R.

Year: 1984

Title: Habermas, Jürgen

Editor: Huisman, D.

Book Title: Dictionnaire des philosophes

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France

Pages: 1123-1131

Short Title: Habermas, Jürgen



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1620

Author: Lafitte, Jacques

Year: 1972

Title: Réflexions sur la science des machines

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Réflexions sur la science des machines

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 60,-

Till Gunnela den 980703



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1800

Author: Lagerkvist, Pär

Year: 1959

Title: Prosa: Gäst hos verkligheten (1925) & Det besegrade livet (1927)

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Bonniers

Short Title: Prosa: Gäst hos verkligheten (1925) & Det besegrade livet (1927)

Notes: Om också forskningen...141; man ser medlidsamt ned på de trovissa...134; barn som plockar sönder sina leksaker 142; naturen full av mord och död 148



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2981

Author: Lagerlöf, Karl Erik

Year: 1979

Title: Frikoppla skolan från konkurrenssamhället

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Issue: 17 January

Pages: 4

Short Title: Frikoppla skolan från konkurrenssamhället

Alternate Journal: DN

Keywords: university school



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2505

Author: Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark

Year: 1999

Title: Philosophy in the flesh: The embodied mind and its challenge to Western thought

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: Philosophy in the flesh: The embodied mind and its challenge to Western thought

Keywords: LONG NOTES BODY Omnämnd av Hans-Erik Nissen ≈991014 -< Andreas Lund & John Waterworth - ref xphilosophy x relevance for empirical science & ex. Sara Eriksen seminar? "The cognitive science of basic philosophical ideas - Kant, Plato, Aristotle.

Notes: Long Notes Kopierad bok



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1090

Author: Lammers, Susan

Year: 1988

Title: De stora programmerarna

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Columna

Short Title: De stora programmerarna

Keywords: Programmers, biography



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 928

Author: Landau, M.

Year: 1969

Title: Redundancy, rationality and the problem of duplication and overlap

Journal: Public Administration Review

Issue: July-August

Pages: 346-358

Short Title: Redundancy, rationality and the problem of duplication and overlap

Alternate Journal: Public Administration Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1454

Author: Landquist, John

Year: 1909

Title: Ellen Key

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Bonniers

Short Title: Ellen Key

Notes: Ref. Norströms kritik av Ellen Key, pp. 89-98; ref. J.M. Guyau p. 88 on aesthetics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 871

Author: Landry, M., Pascot, D. and Briolat, D.

Year: 1985

Title: Can DSS evolve without changing our view of the concept of "problem"?

Journal: Decision Support Systems

Volume: 1

Pages: 25-36

Short Title: Can DSS evolve without changing our view of the concept of "problem"?

Alternate Journal: Decision Support Systems



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1954

Author: Langefors, Börje

Year: 1968

Title: System för företagsstyrning [Systems for management control]

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: System för företagsstyrning [Systems for management control]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 389

Author: Langefors, B.

Year: 1973

Title: Theoretical analysis of information systems

Place Published: Philadelphia

Publisher: Auerbach

Short Title: Theoretical analysis of information systems



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 391

Author: Langefors, B.

Year: 1978

Title: Analysis of user needs

Editor: G.Bracchi, G. and Lockemann, P.C.

Book Title: Information systems methodology

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Pages: 1-38

Short Title: Analysis of user needs



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 392

Author: Langefors, B.

Year: 1980

Title: Infological models and information user views

Journal: Information Systems

Volume: 5

Pages: 17-32

Short Title: Infological models and information user views

Alternate Journal: Information Systems

Keywords: hermeneutical circle, user view, infological equation, context, semantic background, preknowledge, conceptual framework, concept of concept, Apel, Gadamer, Bar-Hillel, Carnap, Wittgenstein, ADB education

Notes: Cf. the development of the so called infological equation, pp. 22ff, and its application to the rest of the article, in its relationship to the earlier "Theoretical Analysis of Information Systems"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 390

Author: Langefors, B. and Sundgren, B.

Year: 1975

Title: Information systems architecture

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Petrocelli/Charter

Short Title: Information systems architecture



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 393

Author: Langefors, B., Verrijn-Stuart, A.A. and Bracchi, G., (Eds.)

Year: 1986

Title: Trends in information systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Trends in information systems

Keywords: ADB education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 394

Author: Lanzara, G.F. and Mathiassen, L.

Year: 1985

Title: Mapping situations within a system development project

Journal: Information & Management

Volume: 8

Issue: 3-20

Short Title: Mapping situations within a system development project

Alternate Journal: Information & Management



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 395

Author: Larsson, Hans

Year: 1966

Title: Poesiens logik

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Aldus/Bonniers

Short Title: Poesiens logik

Keywords: don Juan, föreställningar 101-102

Notes: 1899/1966. Då Faust skyndar  "Från njutning till njutning"... (p. 29) ≈Don Juán-syndrome? P.102ff "Vad åter estetiken beträffar...

Rätt-lycka-njutning (≈Niebuhr?) 104



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2645

Author: Larsson, Hans

Year: 2000

Title: Adiafora (En anmärkning om Friedrich Nietzsche)

Journal: Res Publica

Volume: 48-50

Issue: 2-4

Pages: 78-81

Short Title: Adiafora (En anmärkning om Friedrich Nietzsche)

Alternate Journal: Res Publica

Legal Note: Origin. in Studier och Meditationer, 1899

Keywords: aesthetics vs. ethics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2993

Author: Larsson, Leif

Year: 1986

Title: Vinklat: En skandal

Journal: Västerbottens Kuriren

Issue: 5 mars

Short Title: Vinklat: En skandal

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens Kuriren

Legal Note: Kommentarer - intervju med professor Kristo Ivanov



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2997

Author: Larsson, Mona and Holmqvist, Ove

Year: 1975

Title: Under kontroll

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Ordfront

Short Title: Under kontroll

Keywords: quality, integrity, privacy

Notes: Oves tel 682021, Vindrag.v. 10.  Ref på sid. 70 till Kristo Ivanovs DN-artikel "Varför lita på SCB?"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1181

Author: Lasch, Christopher

Year: 1977

Title: Haven in a heartless world: The family besieged

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: Haven in a heartless world: The family besieged



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 396

Author: Lasswell, H.D.

Year: 1938

Title: A provisional classification of symbol data

Journal: Psychiatry

Volume: 1

Pages: 197-204

Short Title: A provisional classification of symbol data

Alternate Journal: Psychiatry



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1841

Author: Latour, Bruno

Year: 1990

Title: Post modern? No, simply amodern! Steps toward an anthropology of science

Journal: Studies Hist. and Phil. of Sci.

Volume: 21

Pages: 165-171

Short Title: Post modern? No, simply amodern! Steps toward an anthropology of science

Alternate Journal: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science

Notes: Fr Guje Sevon. Review of?


Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer. Leviathan and the air pump: Hobbes, Boyle and the experimental life (Princeton Univ. Press, 1985);


Michel Serres. Statues (Paris: Bourin, 1987);


Sharon Traveek.  Beam times and life times: The world of high energy physicists (Harvard Univ. Press, 1988)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1621

Author: Latour, Bruno

Year: 1992

Title: Aramis: Ou l'amour des techniques

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Découverte

Short Title: Aramis: Ou l'amour des techniques

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 160,-.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2503

Author: Latour, Bruno

Year: 1999

Title: Pandora's hope: Essays on the reality of science studies

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass. and London

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Short Title: Pandora's hope: Essays on the reality of science studies

Keywords: Long Notes, sophistry and postmodernism & Nietzsche vs. Socrates/Plato, science vs. politics

Notes: Fr Erik Stolterman ≈000517.

Vs. Plato, 216-265



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1985

Author: Laurikainen, K.V.

Year: 1990

Title: Quantum physics, philosophy, and the image of God: Insights from Wolfgang Pauli

Journal: Zygon

Volume: 25

Issue: 4, December

Pages: 391-404

Short Title: Quantum physics, philosophy, and the image of God: Insights from Wolfgang Pauli

Alternate Journal: Zygon - J. of Religion & Science

Legal Note: deterministic vs statistical causality ≈ (judaic image of God) law vs. (Christian image of God) grace

Keywords: Jung, rationality, Weizsäcker, science, religion

Notes: CD-ROM sökning genom Thomas Hedman 165406/135843, fax 166643

p. 401 "The deep separation of humanistic sciences from natural sciences characteristic of Western culture springs partly from Kant's conception of reality"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2259

Author: Lawson, Harold

Year: 1980

Title: Att förstå datorsystem

Place Published: Linköping

Publisher: Lawsons

Short Title: Att förstå datorsystem



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 982

Author: Lazarus, R.S.

Year: 1982

Title: Thoughts on the relation of emotion and cognition

Journal: Am. Psychologist

Volume: 37

Pages: 1019-1024

Short Title: Thoughts on the relation of emotion and cognition

Alternate Journal: American Psychologist

Keywords: Feeling

Notes: From Edinburgh July 1989 about urban planning, vol4, p.26, John L. Motloch, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1345

Author: Lazarus, Richard S. and Folkman, Susan

Year: 1984

Title: Stress, appraisal, and coping

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Springer

Short Title: Stress, appraisal, and coping



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 818

Author: le Boeuf, M.

Year: 1980

Title: Du är kreativ

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Liber

Short Title: Du är kreativ



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2507

Author: Le Bon, Gustave

Year: 1947

Title: The crowd: A study of the popular mind

Place Published: London

Publisher: Available from <http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=445> Accessed 2008-12-16. French orig, 1895

Short Title: The crowd: A study of the popular mind

Notes: Jung vol 9.1 p. 409 & vol 10 p. 239 (ref to Reinwald), 577



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2335

Author: Le Duc, Michaël

Year: 1996

Title: Constructivist systemics: Theoretical elements and applications in environmental informatics

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Stockholm University, School of Business

Short Title: Constructivist systemics: Theoretical elements and applications in environmental informatics

Notes: Opposed by Kristo Ivanov 1996-10-31. Ref j-L Le Moigne, Edgar Morin



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 397

Author: Leavitt, H.J.

Year: 1975

Title: Beyond the analytic manager-I

Journal: California Management Review

Volume: 17

Issue: 3, Spring

Pages: 5-12

Short Title: Beyond the analytic manager-I

Alternate Journal: California Management Review

Notes: 1975a



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 398

Author: Leavitt, H.J.

Year: 1975

Title: Beyond the analytic manager-II

Journal: California Management Review

Volume: 17

Issue: 4, Summer

Pages: 11-21

Short Title: Beyond the analytic manager-II

Alternate Journal: California Management Review

Notes: 1975b



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2178

Author: Lee, A.S.

Year: 1989

Title: A scientific methodology for MIS case studies

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 13

Issue: 1

Pages: 33-50

Short Title: A scientific methodology for MIS case studies

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2488

Author: Lee, Allen S.

Year: 1999

Title: Rigor and relevance in MIS research: Beyond the approach of positivism alone

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 29-34

Short Title: Rigor and relevance in MIS research: Beyond the approach of positivism alone

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Keywords: vs. practitioners [and "practice"] as judges of research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 399

Author: Lee, R.M., Cosh, A.M. and Migliarese, P., (Eds.)

Year: 1988

Title: Organizational decision support systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Organizational decision support systems



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 918

Author: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

Year: 1973

Title: Philosophical writings

Place Published: London and Melbourne

Publisher: Dent

Number of Pages: 270

Edition: G.H.R. Parkinson

Translator: Morris, Mary and Parkinson, G.H.R.

Short Title: Philosophical writings

ISBN: ISBN 0-460-11905-2



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1334

Author: Leibniz, G.W.

Year: 1982

Title: New essays on human understanding

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Translator: Remnant, Peter and Bennett, Jonathan

Short Title: New essays on human understanding

Keywords: Chu71/0* (title page, Chu71/2 Titlepages + v-vii, ix-xii, §120-124,  254-258, 356-361; whole set for Chu71 is with start on 120, 145, 254, 268, 355, 456, etc.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1110

Author: Leith, Philip

Year: 1987

Title: Involvement, detachment and programming: The belief in PROLOG

Editor: Bloomfield, Brian P.

Book Title: The question of artificial intelligence: Philosophical and sociological perspectives

Place Published: London

Publisher: Croom Helm

Short Title: Involvement, detachment and programming: The belief in PROLOG

Keywords: Responsibility

Notes: From Hans Holmgren



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2607

Author: Leo XIII

Year: 1878

Title: Quod Apostolici Muneris. Encyclical letter on socialism

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://listserv.american.edu/catholic/church/papal/leo.xiii/113socsm.txt

Short Title: Quod Apostolici Muneris. Encyclical letter on socialism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2602

Author: Leo XIII

Year: 1879

Title: Aeterni Patris. Encyclical letter

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/leo_xiii/encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_04081879_aeterni-patris_en.html

Short Title: Aeterni Patris. Encyclical letter



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2606

Author: Leo XIII

Year: 1891

Title: Rerum Novarum. Encyclical letter

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/leo_xiii/encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_15051891_rerum-novarum_en.html

Short Title: Rerum Novarum. Encyclical letter



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1129

Author: Leontjev, A.

Year: 1982

Title: Tätigkeit, Bewusstsein, Personlichkeit

Place Published: Köln

Publisher: Pahl-Rugenstein

Short Title: Tätigkeit, Bewusstsein, Personlichkeit

Notes: From Docherty, 1988, p.40



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1622

Author: Lepenies, Wolf

Year: 1992

Title: Au seuil de la science sociale: Die Nemesis Divina von Carl von Linné - Eine Moral aus irdischer Ordnungsliebe

Institution: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Wallotstrasse 19, D-1000 Berlin 33, tel 30 890010

Short Title: Au seuil de la science sociale: Die Nemesis Divina von Carl von Linné - Eine Moral aus irdischer Ordnungsliebe

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1697

Author: Lequier, Jules

Year: 1924

Title: La recherche d'une premiére vérité

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Colin

Short Title: La recherche d'une premiére vérité

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 819

Author: Lerda, F.

Year: 1988

Title: La creatività in matematica

Institution: Università di Torino, Dept. of mathematics, Via Carlo Alberto 10, I-10123 Torino, Italy

Short Title: La creatività in matematica

Report Number: Unpublished manuscript



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3022

Author: Lernerstedt, Claes

Year: 2003

Title: Kriminalisering: Problem och principer [Criminalization: Problems and principles]

Place Published: Uppsala

Publisher: Justus Förlag

Short Title: Kriminalisering: Problem och principer [Criminalization: Problems and principles]

Keywords: OBS SAF!! OOO



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1709

Author: Leroi-Gourhan, André

Year: 1964-1965

Title: Le geste et la parole: I-Technique et langage, II-La mémoire et les rythmes

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Albin Michel

Short Title: Le geste et la parole: I-Technique et langage, II-La mémoire et les rythmes

Notes: Paris 1992. Ref. from Keil-Slawik?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2030

Author: Leroi-Gourhan, A.

Year: 1988

Title: Hand und Wort: Die Evolution von Technik, Sprache und Kunst

Publisher: Frankfurt

Volume: Suhrkamp

Short Title: Hand und Wort: Die Evolution von Technik, Sprache und Kunst

Keywords: anthropology, tools, instruments, artefacts

Notes: From Keil-Slawik



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 402

Author: Lesche, C. and Stjernholm-Madsen, E.

Year: 1976

Title: Psykoanalysens videnskapsteori

Place Published: Copenhagen

Publisher: Munksgaard

Short Title: Psykoanalysens videnskapsteori



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2798

Author: Lessig, Lawrence

Year: 2001

Title: The internet under siege

Journal: Foreign Policy

Issue: November-December

Short Title: The internet under siege

Alternate Journal: Foreign Policy: The Magazine of Global Politics, Economics, and Ideas

Legal Note: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/issue_novdec_2001/lessig.html

Keywords: Chu71/3, Chu71/9**, SAF copyright innovation, Dimitry Sklyarov & Adobe's eBook technology give blind consumers the ability to "read" out loud the books they purchased; Chu71/5 vs. Chu71/7, standard Chu71/9



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2069

Author: Levén, Per

Year: 1995

Title: Från användning till handling: Om kvalitet i ett marknadsorienterat informationssystem

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Från användning till handling: Om kvalitet i ett marknadsorienterat informationssystem



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2494

Author: Levén, Per

Year: 1997

Title: Kontextuell IT-förståelse [Contextual IT-understanding]

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Kontextuell IT-förståelse [Contextual IT-understanding]

Keywords: Churchman

Notes: Kristo Ivanov, advisor disp 971126



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 820

Author: Levén, P. and Nordström, T.

Year: 1989

Title: Socially responsive systems

Short Title: Socially responsive systems

Report Number: Presented at the conference Support, Society and Culture: Mutual Uses of Cybernetics and Science, The Int. Federation for Cybernetics, Amsterdam, March 27-31, 1989. Dept. of Andragology, OOC–program, Grote Bickersstraat 72, 1013 KS Amsterdam

Notes: Proc. of the conference March 27 – April 1st. Ed. by Gerard de Zeeuw, & Ranulph Glanville, Dept. of Andragology, OOC–program, Grote Bickersstraat 72, 1013 KS Amsterdam. See also Mike Robinson, Double level languages & cooperative working, 78-114



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1023

Author: Levin, James A. and Moore, James A.

Year: 1988

Title: Dialogue games: Metacommunication structures for natural language interaction

Book Title: Readings in distributed artificial intelligence

Place Published: San Mateo, Calif.

Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann

Pages: 385-397

Short Title: Dialogue games: Metacommunication structures for natural language interaction



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 403

Author: Levin, M.

Year: 1974

Title: Mathematical logic for computer scientists

Institution: Mass. Institute of Technology

Short Title: Mathematical logic for computer scientists

Report Number: Report MAC TR-131



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1871

Author: Levitt, Martin and Conrow, Terry

Year: 1993

Title: Confessions of a union buster

Publisher: Crown

Short Title: Confessions of a union buster

Notes: Review in The Economist, Nov 13th 1993, p. 99-100



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2398

Author: Lévy, Pierre

Year: 1991

Title: L'idéographie dynamique: Vers une imagination artificielle?

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Éditions La Découverte

Short Title: L'idéographie dynamique: Vers une imagination artificielle?

Keywords: Waterworth multimedia, technology, virtual reality, Stolterman, semiotics, aesthetics? Leibniz, ≈Pehr Sällströms Tecken att Tänka Med? A2psi mathematics?

Notes: Paris 1997



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2179

Author: Lewenstein, Bruce V.

Year: 1992

Title: The changing culture of research: Processes of knowledge transfer

Place Published: Washington, D.C.

Publisher: Office of Technology Assessment OTA contractor report

Short Title: The changing culture of research: Processes of knowledge transfer

Notes: fr R. Kling The social design of worklife...



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 404

Author: Lewin, K.

Year: 1931

Title: The conflict between Aristotelian and Galileian modes of thought in contemporary psychology

Journal: J. of General Psychology

Volume: 5

Pages: 141-177

Short Title: The conflict between Aristotelian and Galileian modes of thought in contemporary psychology

Alternate Journal: J. of General Psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2496

Author: Lewis, Clarence Irving

Year: 1991

Title: Mind and the World Order: Outline of a Theory of Knowledge

Publisher: Dover Publications

Short Title: Mind and the World Order: Outline of a Theory of Knowledge

Keywords: pragmatism, quote in STAKVAL

Notes: "Knowledge has two opposites: ignorance and error"?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 405

Author: Lewis, C.S.

Year: 1942

Title: The screwtape letters

Place Published: Glasgow

Publisher: Collins

Short Title: The screwtape letters



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2290

Author: Lewis, C. S.

Year: 1972

Title: The abolition of man

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 143-150

Short Title: The abolition of man

Keywords: Christian religion, theology, ADB education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 937

Author: Lewis, C.S.

Year: 1988

Title: Christian reflections

Place Published: Glasgow

Publisher: Collins

Number of Pages: 219

Short Title: Christian reflections



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2194

Author: Leydesdorff, L and van den Besselaar, P.

Year: 1987

Title: Squeezed between capital and technology: On participation of labour in the knowledge society

Journal: Acta Sociologica

Volume: 30

Issue: 3/4

Pages: 339-353

Short Title: Squeezed between capital and technology: On participation of labour in the knowledge society

Alternate Journal: Acta Sociologica

Keywords: politics, power, mbl



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1344

Author: Leymann, Heinz

Year: 1986

Title: Vuxenmobbning: Om psykiskt våld i arbetslivet

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Vuxenmobbning: Om psykiskt våld i arbetslivet

Notes: Pp. 20, 22, 23, 81, 83, (87)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1906

Author: Leymann, Heinz and Gustavsson, Bo-Göran

Year: 1990

Title: Lärande i arbetslivet [Theories on learning and work experiences in Swedish work life]

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Lärande i arbetslivet [Theories on learning and work experiences in Swedish work life]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1333

Author: Liedman, Sven-Erik

Year: 1977

Title: Motsatsernas spel: Friedrich Engels' filosofi och 1800-talets vetenskap - 2 Vol. [The game of contradictions]

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Bo Cavefors

Short Title: Motsatsernas spel: Friedrich Engels' filosofi och 1800-talets vetenskap - 2 Vol. [The game of contradictions]

Notes: Inte än infört någonstans tom den 17/2-91. Skulle in på "Research Program - Cultural criticism, t.ex. i conclusions".



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2148

Author: Liedman, Sven-Eric and Persson, M.

Year: 1992

Title: The visible hand: Anders Berch and the University of Uppsala chair in economics

Journal: Scandinavian J. of Economics

Volume: 94

Short Title: The visible hand: Anders Berch and the University of Uppsala chair in economics

Alternate Journal: Scandinavian J. of Economics

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 406

Author: Liedman, S.E.

Year: 1983

Title: Arbetsfördelning, självmord och nytta: Några blad ur samhällvetenskapernas historia från Adam Smith till Milton Friedman

Institution: Högskolan i Örebro

Short Title: Arbetsfördelning, självmord och nytta: Några blad ur samhällvetenskapernas historia från Adam Smith till Milton Friedman

Report Number: Skriftserie 8, ISBN 91-7668-039-8, 2nd ed.)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2676

Author: Liedman, Sven Eric

Year: 1983/84

Title: De fria fakulteternas långsamma död

Journal: Zenit

Issue: 82, Vintern

Pages: 18-31

Short Title: De fria fakulteternas långsamma död

Alternate Journal: Zenit

Keywords: universityVett, research, education

Notes: ref p. 26 till Kristo Ivanovs bidrag till UHÄs Kunskap för Framtiden



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2720

Author: Lieven, Anatol

Year: 2001

Title: The roots of terrorism, and a strategy against it

Journal: Prospect Magazine

Volume: 68

Issue: October

Short Title: The roots of terrorism, and a strategy against it

Alternate Journal: Prospect Magazine

Legal Note: http://www.ceip.org/files/publications/lieventerrorism.asp, accessed 19 Nov 2001



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 407

Author: Lifton, R.J.

Year: 1971

Title: Protean man

Journal: Arch. Gen. Psychiatry

Volume: 24

Issue: April

Pages: 298-304

Short Title: Protean man

Alternate Journal: Arch. Gen. Psychiatry



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2917

Author: Liljeström, Sven

Year: 1992

Title: Tack för 1991!

Publisher: Konsumentföreningen Västerbotten

Short Title: Tack för 1991!

Keywords: Chu71/4**** (i underlaget till EAN European Article Numbering fallstudie, case study



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 836

Author: Lind, I., et al.

Year: 1987

Title: Rabalder i människans provins: Fem forskare om dataåldern

Institution: University of Linköping, Inst. Tema

Short Title: Rabalder i människans provins: Fem forskare om dataåldern

Report Number: ISSN 0280-5634 & 0280-8552. With bibliography



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1932

Author: Lind, Pär

Year: 1988

Title: On the applicability of computerized production control in an Egyptian industry

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Industrial Economics and Management

Short Title: On the applicability of computerized production control in an Egyptian industry

Keywords: ADB avh, development, underdevelopment

Notes: Ivanov opponent 30/9 1988



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 837

Author: Lindbom, T.

Year: 1949

Title: Den nya fronten  [The new front]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: KF:s Bokförlag

Short Title: Den nya fronten  [The new front]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1779

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1962

Title: Sancho Panzas väderkvarnar [The windmills of Sancho Panza]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Short Title: Sancho Panzas väderkvarnar [The windmills of Sancho Panza]

Notes: Fr TL 930723



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1768

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1970

Title: Mellan himmel och jord [Between heaven and earth]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Short Title: Mellan himmel och jord [Between heaven and earth]

Keywords: Aesthetics

Notes: p. 134-151 Möte med skönheten, cf. Ellen Key: utdelat till UmDr juni 1993



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1771

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1974

Title: Agnarna och vetet

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Short Title: Agnarna och vetet

Keywords: Civilization modern, secularism, regression (civilization), man (Christian theology), religion--philosophy (enligt telnet dra.com)

Notes: TL:s (f.1909 före juli) adress: Askrikegatan 17, 2tr, 11557 Stockholm, tel 6615984 samtal 27/6-93



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1337

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1977

Title: Myt i verkligheten: En studie i marxism [Myth in the reality: A study in Marxism]

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Pro Veritate

Short Title: Myt i verkligheten: En studie i marxism [Myth in the reality: A study in Marxism]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1338

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1978

Title: Människoriket: Tankar om Västerlandets sekularisering [The kingdom of man: Thoughts on the secularization of the West]

Place Published: Uppsala

Publisher: Svensk Pastoraltidskrift

Volume: Småskrifter Nr 29

Short Title: Människoriket: Tankar om Västerlandets sekularisering [The kingdom of man: Thoughts on the secularization of the West]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1210

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1980

Title: Är religionen en social utopi? [Is religion a social utopia?]

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: CETE

Short Title: Är religionen en social utopi? [Is religion a social utopia?]

Notes: Marx, Heidegger, Kristus (p. 38ff); Det bestående (p. 38ff)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1783

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1981

Title: Riket är ditt [The kingdom is yours]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Short Title: Riket är ditt [The kingdom is yours]

Notes: Fr TL 930723



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1947

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1982

Title: Tankens Vägar

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Tankens Vägar

Notes: Fr TL 930723



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1339

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1983

Title: Omprövning [Reevaluation]

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Omprövning [Reevaluation]

Notes: Fr TL 930723



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1772

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1983

Title: The tares and the good grain: The kingdom of man at the hour of reckoning

Place Published: Macon, Ga

Publisher: Mercer University Press

Number of Pages: xviii+143

Short Title: The tares and the good grain: The kingdom of man at the hour of reckoning

Keywords: Civilization modern, secularism, regression (civilization), man (Christian theology), religion--philosophy (enligt telnet dra.com)

Notes: Över. av Agnarna och Vetet. TL:s (f.1909 före juli) adress: Askrikegatan 17, 2tr, 11557 Stockholm, tel 6615984 samtal 27/6-93.

Kopia av boken efter hembesök 930723, i introduction by Roger Du Pasquier:

Kurt Almquist ="öppning" för Tage Lindbom, med ref till René Guenon (Man and his becoming according to the Vedanta)  & Frithjof Schuon (The transcendent unity of religions, L'oeil du coeur [The eye of the hart], and Gnosis: Divine wisdom.

Plus assimilating further traditional thought: Titus Burckhardt, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Martin Lings, Lord Northbourne, Leo Schaya, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, René Guénon, Gai Eaton, Marco Pallis, Whitall N. Perry.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1997

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1986

Title: Bortom teologin

Short Title: Bortom teologin

Notes: Fr TL 930723



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2500

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1988

Title: Fallet Tyskland

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Fallet Tyskland

Keywords: Chu71/0* "Hegel" pp.  69-75, "Romantiken som kristendom" pp. 76-81, "Konstnären -- den nya fursten" pp. 82-87;    Chu71/7** pp. 42-61, and (62-68) + 69-75

Notes: Fr. TL 930723. Existentialism pp 166-168



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1948

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1990

Title: Mystik

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Mystik

Keywords: aesthetics

Notes: (= Ellen Key?): P. 105 "Men detta Goda kallar Dionysios [Areopagita] också det Sköna, det åtråvärda. Skönheten och kärleken, det goda och det sköna är för honom så intimt förbundna...



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1767

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1991

Title: Demokratin är en myt

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Demokratin är en myt

Notes: Utdelat till UmDr juni 1993 betr. sam, demokrati och cscw. Enl. TL den 27 juni 1993 är utgivningen av eng. övers. på gång. Den 1/9-93 utges på Norma: Före Solnedgången, och manus är klar för Modernismen (med inledande kap. om William Occam betr. seculariseringen (Roger Bacon också). Jfr Riley & Buckley.


English trans. published by Erdman(Edman?), Gran Rapids, Michigan?(Autumn 95=>96?)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1775

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1993

Title: Före solnedgången [Before sunset]

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Före solnedgången [Before sunset]

Notes: Criticism of Kant. Fr. (ank 27/7-93) Åke Svenson, Norma Bokförlag, Box 44, 50102 Borås, tel 033- 135078, 100260, bostad 158430



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2010

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1994

Title: Ett är nödvändigt

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Ett är nödvändigt

Keywords: Bible, religion, Christianity



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2049

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1995

Title: Modernismen

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Modernismen

Keywords: Fichte Kant Hegel Maistre Heidegger, Locke Hobbes Rousseau, Ellen Key, Luther, Calvin, pluralism, romanticism, aesthetics, tradition, conservatism, progress, socialism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2324

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1996

Title: Konservatism i vår tid: Åtta idéhistoriska essäer [Conservativism in our time: Eight essays in the history of ideas]

Place Published: Borås

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Konservatism i vår tid: Åtta idéhistoriska essäer [Conservativism in our time: Eight essays in the history of ideas]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2325

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1996

Title: The myth of democracy

Place Published: Gran Rapids, Mich.

Publisher: Eerdmans

Short Title: The myth of democracy



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2464

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 1999

Title: Västerlandets framväxt och kris

Place Published: Skellefteå

Publisher: Norma

Short Title: Västerlandets framväxt och kris

Keywords: Plato, Aristotle, RousseauL

Notes: Tryckt med bidrag från Samfundet Pro Fide et Christianismo



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2695

Author: Lindbom, Tage

Year: 2000

Title: Lille Émiles återuppståndelse

Journal: Samtidsmagasinet Salt

Issue: 6

Pages: 40-45

Short Title: Lille Émiles återuppståndelse

Alternate Journal: Samtidsmagasinet Salt

Keywords: school, skola



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2988

Author: Lindborg, Rolf

Year: 1979

Title: Arbetarklassen och universiteten: "Ett gigantisk bedrägeri"

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Issue: 20 April 1979

Short Title: Arbetarklassen och universiteten: "Ett gigantisk bedrägeri"

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: university, education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2989

Author: Lindborg, Rolf

Year: 1979

Title: De "nya grupperna" och universiteten (2): Därför omdöptes arbetarklassen

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Issue: 21 April 1979

Short Title: De "nya grupperna" och universiteten (2): Därför omdöptes arbetarklassen

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: university, education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1490

Author: Linderholm, Owen

Year: 1991

Title: Mind melding: How far can the human/computer interface go?

Journal: Byte

Volume: Special Edition - Outlook'92

Pages: 41-46

Short Title: Mind melding: How far can the human/computer interface go?

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: mass media, communication, script and characters, Mowshowitz, Negrotti

Notes: (P. 42) long note.  Ted Nelson: "The real problem is that the design of software virtuality, as I prefer to say, is an extremely complex, aesthetic design issue - and universally confused with a technical issue. In other words, I hold that the design of software is intrinsically a branch of cinema. This is an exact statement about the nature of software and the nature of cinema. Motion pictures are events on a screen that affect the minds and the hearts of the viewer. Software is events on the screen that affect the mind and heart of the viewer, with interaction. So the only difference is that interaction is possible, so you have extended cinema in which the user exerts a certain measure of control.

Now, virtuality is my term for the most important defining traits of software. Other people say things like interface, and to me the entire issue is one of virtuality. Virtuality is essentially the seeming of something as distinct from its reality, which is the nuts and bolts of the hardware. So, everything has a virtuality, and you either design it explicitly or you do not.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 821

Author: Lindfors, P.

Year: 1980

Title: Ta ifrån mig mitt ansvar

Journal: Jakobs Stege

Volume: 3

Pages: 2-6

Short Title: Ta ifrån mig mitt ansvar

Alternate Journal: Jakobs Stege



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2969

Author: Lindgren, Annelie N.

Year: 2003

Title: Universitetet JO-anmält: Kritik diariefördes inte [Intervju med Kristo Ivanov och Inge-Bert Täljedal]

Journal: Vertex

Issue: 7

Date: 5

Short Title: Universitetet JO-anmält: Kritik diariefördes inte [Intervju med Kristo Ivanov och Inge-Bert Täljedal]

Alternate Journal: Vertex

Keywords: JO justitieombudsman, riksdagens ombudsmän, arbetsmiljö, work environment



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2903

Editor: Lindh, Nils Olof

Year: 1985

Title: Att arbeta i grupp: SIG metoden

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå Universitet, Inst. för Biologisk Grundutbildning

Short Title: Att arbeta i grupp: SIG metoden

Keywords: pedagogy, cf. DIS Chu71/5 -kurs



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2968

Author: Lindskog, Anna-Lena

Year: 2003

Title: Täljedals brev retar biobankprofessorer

Journal: VK

Issue: 28 augusti

Pages: 18

Short Title: Täljedals brev retar biobankprofessorer

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: yttrandefrihet, freedom of expression and research, Göran Hallman, Torgny Stigbrand, biobanken



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 408

Author: Lindzey, G., (Ed.)

Year: 1958

Title: Assessment of human motives

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Rinehart

Short Title: Assessment of human motives



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2743

Author: Linnell, Stig

Year: 1990

Title: Spill för spioner: Pressklipp, skvaller och tips -- allt blir till Business Intelligence

Journal: Upp & Ner

Issue: 9

Pages: 21-25

Short Title: Spill för spioner: Pressklipp, skvaller och tips -- allt blir till Business Intelligence

Alternate Journal: Upp & Ner, SAS-Inrikes

Keywords: Chu71/2* strategic , Stevan Dedijer & Forskningspolitiska Institutet i lund, industrial spionage, spy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2088

Author: Linthicum, David S.

Year: 1995

Title: The end of programming

Journal: Byte

Issue: June

Pages: 69-72

Short Title: The end of programming

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: software, ADB-education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 409

Author: Littleton, A.C.

Year: 1981

Title: Accounting evolution to 1900

Place Published: Alabama

Publisher: University of Alabama Press

Short Title: Accounting evolution to 1900



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1043

Author: Littleton, A.C. and Yamey, B.S., (Eds.)

Year: 1956

Title: Studies in the history of accounting

Place Published: Homewood, Illinois

Publisher: R.D. Irwin

Short Title: Studies in the history of accounting

Notes: From Davis & Hersh The Mathematical Experience, p. 428



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1625

Author: Liu, Michel

Year: 1989

Title: Étude a-disciplinaire du réel [Analytical and integrative approach in order to study real-life situations]

Book Title: Proc. of the First European Congress on System Science CES'1, Lausanne, Oct. 3-6, 1989, vol. 2

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: AFCET, Ass. Fr. pour la Cybernétique Économique et Technique, 156 boul. Péreire, F-75017

Pages: 1-10

Short Title: Étude a-disciplinaire du réel [Analytical and integrative approach in order to study real-life situations]

Notes: Paris 1992. AFCET tel 1-47662419 enl. R. Vallée skrift



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1626

Author: Liu, Michel

Year: 1990

Title: Problèmes posés par l'administration de la preuve dans les sciences de l'homme

Journal: Rev. Int. de Systemique

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

Pages: 267-294

Short Title: Problèmes posés par l'administration de la preuve dans les sciences de l'homme

Alternate Journal: Rev. Int. de Systemique

Notes: Paris, 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1627

Author: Liu, M., Denis, H., Kolodny, H and Stymne, B.

Year: 1990

Title: Organization design for technological change

Journal: Human Rel.

Volume: 43

Issue: 1

Pages: 7-22

Short Title: Organization design for technological change

Alternate Journal: Human Relations

Legal Note: Presented at Einar Thorsrud Memorial Symposium and Workshop: Strategies for work and learning -1999, Oslo, June 15-19, 1987, Arbeidsforkningsinstituttet

Notes: Paris 1992. Cf. Torsten Nilsson kompetens



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1624

Author: Liu, M. and Granstedt, I.

Year: 1984

Title: Choix de politiques industrielles: Leurs incidences sur l'emploi

Institution: Étude pour le Commissariat Général du Plan, Paris

Short Title: Choix de politiques industrielles: Leurs incidences sur l'emploi

Notes: Paris, 1992. Cf. Arne Grip - intresse om postgirot.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1628

Author: Livet, Pierre

Year: 1983

Title: La fascination de l'auto-organisation

Editor: Dumouchel, Paul and Dupuy, Jean Pierre

Book Title: L'auto-organisation: De la physique au politique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Pages: 165-175

Short Title: La fascination de l'auto-organisation

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1692

Author: Livingston, Paisley

Year: 1988

Title: Literary knowledge: Humanistic inquiry and the philosophy of science

Place Published: Ithaca & London

Publisher: Cornell University Press

Short Title: Literary knowledge: Humanistic inquiry and the philosophy of science

Notes: Cf. HCS. Paris 1992.  From CREA-library. Author at McGill univ., Montreal, Quebec



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2125

Author: Livingstone, Angela

Year: 1984

Title: Lou Andreas Salomé: Her life as confidante of Freud, Nietzsche and Rilke, and writings on psychoanalysis, religion and sex

Place Published: London

Publisher: Gordon Fraser

Short Title: Lou Andreas Salomé: Her life as confidante of Freud, Nietzsche and Rilke, and writings on psychoanalysis, religion and sex

Keywords: feminism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1352

Author: Lobkowicz, N

Year: 1967

Title: Theory and practice: History of a concept from Aristotle to Marx

Publisher: Notre Dame Univ. Press

Short Title: Theory and practice: History of a concept from Aristotle to Marx

Notes: From Riley, Marx and morality?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1343

Author: Lodge, David

Year: 1984

Title: Small world: An academic romance

Place Published: London

Publisher: Penguin

Short Title: Small world: An academic romance

Keywords: education, university, academic life



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1342

Author: Lodge, David

Year: 1989

Title: Nice work

Place Published: London

Publisher: Penguin

Short Title: Nice work



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 410

Author: Loewenberg, P.

Year: 1977

Title: Why psychoanalysis needs the social scientist and the historian

Journal: Int. Rev. of Psycho-Analysis

Volume: 4

Pages: 305-315

Short Title: Why psychoanalysis needs the social scientist and the historian

Alternate Journal: Int. Rev. of Psycho-Analysis



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 412

Author: Logic

Year: 1911

Title: [Article on: The Problems of-, and  History of-]

Book Title: Encyclopaedia Britannica

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Volume: 16

Pages: 879-918

Edition: 11th

Short Title: [Article on: The Problems of-, and  History of-]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 414

Author: Logic

Year: 1967

Title: [Articles on: modern-, and traditional-]

Editor: Edwards, P.

Book Title: Encyclopedia of philosophy (Vol.5), 1967, pp..

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Volume: 5

Pages: 13-45

Short Title: [Articles on: modern-, and traditional-]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 411

Author: Logic

Year: 1974

Title: [Articles on applied-, formal-, history of-, modern-, philosophy of-,  traditional-]

Book Title: New encyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia

Volume: 11

Edition: 15th

Short Title: [Articles on applied-, formal-, history of-, modern-, philosophy of-,  traditional-]

Section: !5th ed., vol.11



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 413

Author: Logic Machines

Year: 1967

Title: [Article on-]

Editor: Edwards, P.

Book Title: Encyclopedia of philosophy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2377

Author: Longuenesse, Beatrice

Year: 1993

Title: Kant et le pouvoir de juger:  Sensibilité et discursivité dans l' "Analytique transcendantale" de la "Critique de la raison pure"

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: PUF

Short Title: Kant et le pouvoir de juger:  Sensibilité et discursivité dans l' "Analytique transcendantale" de la "Critique de la raison pure"

Keywords: Paris nittiosju, aesthetics, judgement



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1801

Author: López-Garay, Hernán

Year: 1993

Title: A systemic-interpretive exegesis of planning

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: In print

Short Title: A systemic-interpretive exegesis of planning

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Legal Note: Manuscript of 1990



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2549

Author: López-Garay, Hernán

Year: 1999

Title: The holistic sense of prison phenomena in Venezuela: I. Understanding and comprehending 'schizophrenic' institutions

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 77-94

Short Title: The holistic sense of prison phenomena in Venezuela: I. Understanding and comprehending 'schizophrenic' institutions

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Keywords: Mérida 2000



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2563

Author: López-Garay, Hernán

Year: 1999

Title: Interpretive systemology and systemic practice

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 3-13

Short Title: Interpretive systemology and systemic practice

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Keywords: Mérida 2000



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1796

Author: López-Garay, Hernán, Fuenmayor, Ramsés and Bonucci, Mario

Year: 1991

Title: [Miscellaneous]

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 4

Issue: 5

Short Title: [Miscellaneous]

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2551

Author: López-Garay, Hernán and Suárez, Roldan Tomasz

Year: 1999

Title: The holistic sense of prison phenomena in Venezuela: III. The unity of the research

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 115-136

Short Title: The holistic sense of prison phenomena in Venezuela: III. The unity of the research

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Keywords: Mérida 2000, Garay for the 1st article



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1404

Author: Lorenzen, Paul and Schwemmer, Oswald

Year: 1973

Title: Konstruktive Logik, Ethik und Wissenschaftstheorie

Place Published: Mannheim-Wien-Zürich

Publisher: Bibliographisches Institut

Short Title: Konstruktive Logik, Ethik und Wissenschaftstheorie



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 415

Author: Lottin, J.

Year: 1912

Title: Quételet: Statisticien et sociologue

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Félix Alcan

Short Title: Quételet: Statisticien et sociologue



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1944

Author: Lovekin, David

Title: Artifacts, politics and imagination: From Morse to Vico

Editor: Durbin, P.T.

Book Title: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol. 5

Place Published: Greenwich, Conn.

Publisher: JAI Press

Pages: 65-75

Short Title: Artifacts, politics and imagination: From Morse to Vico

Keywords: Design, technology

Notes: From Sorge



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1158

Author: Lowe, David G.

Year: 1985

Title: Cooperative structuring of information: The representation of reasoning and debate

Journal: Int. J. of Man-Machine Studies

Volume: 23

Short Title: Cooperative structuring of information: The representation of reasoning and debate

Alternate Journal: International Journal of Man-Machine Studies



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1910

Author: Lu, Cary

Year: 1992

Title: Objects for end users: Object orientation is not just for porgrammers anymore - State of the art

Journal: Byte

Issue: December

Pages: 143-152

Short Title: Objects for end users: Object orientation is not just for porgrammers anymore - State of the art

Alternate Journal: Byte

Legal Note: See further articles on object orientation in same issue, pp. 153-170



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1272

Author: Luhmann, N.

Year: 1984

Title: Soziale Systeme: Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie

Place Published: Frankfurt a.M.

Short Title: Soziale Systeme: Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2715

Author: Lundberg, Jonas

Year: 1994

Title: Parametric instabilities and nonlinear surface waves

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Plasma Physics

Short Title: Parametric instabilities and nonlinear surface waves

Notes: Kristo Ivanov i betygsnämnd disputation 9 sept 1994. Lennart Stenflo handledare



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3000

Author: Lundborg, Bitte

Year: 1972

Title: "Datadoktor om SVIS: Viktigt att reagera NU!

Journal: Vårdsektor

Volume: 14

Issue: 4

Pages: 26-28

Short Title: "Datadoktor om SVIS: Viktigt att reagera NU!

Alternate Journal: Vårdsektor

Legal Note: "Vårdsektor" utges av personalföreningen vid Stockholms nykterhetsnämnd. SVIS syftar till "Socialvårdens informationssystem"



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 416

Author: Lundeberg, M.

Year: 1976

Title: Some propositions concerning analysis and design of information systems

Institution: Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology

Short Title: Some propositions concerning analysis and design of information systems

Report Number: Doctoral diss., report TRITA-IBADB-4080



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1044

Author: Lundeberg, Mats and Andersen, E.S.

Year: 1974

Title: Systemering - Informationsanalys

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Systemering - Informationsanalys

Notes: From Bødker & Hammerskov, DAIMI IR-33 & 35, Feb.1982, kritik av ISAC



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2264

Author: Lundequist, Jerker

Year: 1992

Title: Om designteorins uppkomst

Journal: Nordisk Arkitekturforskning

Issue: 4

Pages: 7-18

Short Title: Om designteorins uppkomst

Alternate Journal: Nordisk Arkitekturforskning

Keywords: architecture

Notes: jerker@arch.kth.se



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2108

Author: Lundequist, Jerker

Year: 1995

Title: Design och produktutveckling: Metoder och begrepp

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Design och produktutveckling: Metoder och begrepp



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1427

Author: Lundin, Rolf A. and Wirdenius, Hans

Year: 1990

Title: Interactive research

Journal: Scand. J. Mgmt

Volume: 6

Issue: 2

Pages: 125-142

Short Title: Interactive research

Alternate Journal: Scandinavian J. of Management

Keywords: Action research



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1220

Author: Lundquist, Torsten and Huston, Mary M.

Year: 1990

Title: Information rich environments for continuous organic development–CODE

Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis

Volume: 17

Pages: 79-87

Short Title: Information rich environments for continuous organic development–CODE

Alternate Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1263

Author: Lundquist, Torsten E.

Year: 1990

Title: On continuous organic development of information systems

Editor: Banathy, Bela H. and Banathy, Bela A.

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990.

Volume: 1

Pages: 265-272

Short Title: On continuous organic development of information systems



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 418

Author: Lunell, H.

Year: 1981

Title: Tre skisser om datalogi som vetenskap

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Tre skisser om datalogi som vetenskap

Report Number: Report LiTH-MAT-R-81-16, ISSN 0348-2960



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 417

Author: Lunell, H.

Year: 1983

Title: Code generator writing systems

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Code generator writing systems

Report Number: Doctoral diss. No.94



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1629

Author: Lupasco, Stéphane

Year: 1973

Title: Du devenir logique et de l'affectivité: Vol. 1 Le dualisme antagoniste & vol. 2 Essai d'une nouvelle théorie de la connaissance

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Du devenir logique et de l'affectivité: Vol. 1 Le dualisme antagoniste & vol. 2 Essai d'une nouvelle théorie de la connaissance

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 240,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 419

Author: Lurija, A.R.

Year: 1987

Title: Lo mnemonista

Journal: KOS (Milano)

Volume: 3

Issue: 30, April-May

Pages: 20-39

Short Title: Lo mnemonista

Alternate Journal: KOS (Milano)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2314

Author: Lux, Kenneth

Year: 1990

Title: Adam Smith's mistake: How a moral philosopher invented economics and ended morality

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Shambhala

Short Title: Adam Smith's mistake: How a moral philosopher invented economics and ended morality

Notes: Sth Univ bibliotek Qaab



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 420

Author: Lykken, D.T.

Year: 1968

Title: Statistical significance in psychological research

Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Volume: 70

Issue: 3

Pages: 151-159

Short Title: Statistical significance in psychological research

Alternate Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Legal Note: Also reprinted in Badia, et. al., Research problems in psychology, Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1970



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2220

Author: Lynöe, Niels

Year: 1995

Title: Mellan cowboyetik och scoutmoral: Historisk och empirisk studie av medicinsk forskningsetik

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Inst. för Filosofi och Vetenskapsteori och Inst. för Socialmedicin

Short Title: Mellan cowboyetik och scoutmoral: Historisk och empirisk studie av medicinsk forskningsetik

Keywords: ethics, medicine, research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2306

Author: Lyon, David

Year: 1986

Title: The silicon society

Publisher: Lion

Short Title: The silicon society

Keywords: ADB education, christian

Notes: from Sytses Strijbos to Simon Peyton Jones  simonpj@dcs.gla.ac.uk 9/5 1996



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2307

Author: Lyon, David

Year: 1988

Title: The information society: Issues and illusions

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Polity Press

Short Title: The information society: Issues and illusions

Keywords: ADB education, christian

Notes: from Sytses Strijbos to Simon Peyton Jones  simonpj@dcs.gla.ac.uk 9/5 1996



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2308

Author: Lyon, David

Year: 1990

Title: Assessing the information society concept: New technology, social change, and social theory

Editor: Griffioen, Sander and Verhoogt, Jan

Book Title: Norm and context in the social sciences

Place Published: Lanham, NY & London

Publisher: University Press of America

Pages: 183-199

Short Title: Assessing the information society concept: New technology, social change, and social theory

Section: Cf. Arthur Zijlstra, Response to David Lyon's assessment of the information society concept. Same publication, pp. 199-205

Keywords: ADB education, christian

Notes: from Sytses Strijbos to Simon Peyton Jones  simonpj@dcs.gla.ac.uk 9/5 1996



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 421

Author: Lyons, Dan

Year: 1979

Title: Are luddites confused?

Journal: Inquiry

Volume: 22

Pages: 381-403

Short Title: Are luddites confused?

Alternate Journal: Inquiry

Notes: Colorado State University



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2373

Author: Lyotard, Jean-François

Year: 1991

Title: Leçons sur l'analytique du sublime

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Galilée

Short Title: Leçons sur l'analytique du sublime

Keywords: Paris nittiosju, London 1997, aesthetics ethics, art, postmodernism? Kant's Third Critique (of judgement)?

Notes: (Une esthetique critique tout différent de celle du goût) "Un différend violent peut surgir entre les pouvoirs de la pensée; le sublime est le sentiment qui le signale à celle-ci". [Cf. Kant & aesthetics]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2984

Author: Lyttkens, Hampus

Year: 1979

Title: Universitetet får inte förvandlas till en realskola!

Journal: Lundagård

Issue: Mars

Short Title: Universitetet får inte förvandlas till en realskola!

Alternate Journal: Lundagård

Keywords: university



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 822

Author: Lyytinen, Kalle

Year: 1986

Title: Information systems development as social action: framework and critical implications

Place Published: Jyväskylä

Publisher: University of Jyväskylä, Finland,  Dept. of computer science

Short Title: Information systems development as social action: framework and critical implications

Keywords: ADB avh, critical social theory, Habermas, speech act



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 956

Author: Lyytinen, Kalle

Year: 1987

Title: Different perspectives on information systems: problems and solutions

Journal: ACM Computing Surveys

Volume: 19

Issue: 1, March

Short Title: Different perspectives on information systems: problems and solutions

Alternate Journal: ACM Computing Surveys

Notes: From Pertti Järvinen



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1137

Author: Lyytinen, Kalle

Year: 1988

Title: Expectation failure concept and system analyst's view of information system failures: Results of an exploratory study

Journal: Information and Management

Volume: 14

Pages: 45-56

Short Title: Expectation failure concept and system analyst's view of information system failures: Results of an exploratory study

Alternate Journal: Information and Management



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1138

Author: Lyytinen, Kalle

Year: 1988

Title: Stakeholders, information system failures and soft systems methodology: An assessment

Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis

Volume: 15

Pages: 61-81

Short Title: Stakeholders, information system failures and soft systems methodology: An assessment

Alternate Journal: J. of Applied Systems Analysis

Legal Note: With a bibliography of 72 entries



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2489

Author: Lyytinen, Kalle

Year: 1999

Title: Empirical research in information systems: On the relevance of practice in thinking of IS research

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 25-28

Short Title: Empirical research in information systems: On the relevance of practice in thinking of IS research

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Keywords: vs. practitioners [and "practice"] as judges of research



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1419

Author: Lyytinen, K., Klein, H. and Hirschheim, R.

Year: 1991

Title: The effectiveness of office information systems: A social action perspective

Journal: J. of Info Systems

Volume: 1

Pages: 41-60

Short Title: The effectiveness of office information systems: A social action perspective

Alternate Journal: J. of Information Systems



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1074

Author: Löfberg, Arvid

Year: 1989

Title: Kunskapsproduktion och lärande i arbetet

Institution: University of Stockholm, Pedagogiska Inst.

Short Title: Kunskapsproduktion och lärande i arbetet

Report Number: Research report

Keywords: Learning

Notes: Ref. to the concept of competence, article of R.W.White (1959) in Psychological Review, vol.66, No.5, pp.297-333.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2718

Author: Löfgren, Mikael

Year: 2001

Title: Det är viktigt med en månstämmig press

Journal: DN

Issue: 16 november

Pages: B2

Short Title: Det är viktigt med en månstämmig press

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: OBS! Jew Anti-semitism reports from Middle East Palestina, Nathan Shachar, Cordelia Edvardsson, Götebors kravaller, violence, terrorism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2677

Author: Löfqvist, A.

Year: 1983/84

Title: Svensk forsknings- och högskolepolitik: Några linjer

Journal: Zenit

Issue: 82, Vintern

Pages: 5-17

Short Title: Svensk forsknings- och högskolepolitik: Några linjer

Alternate Journal: Zenit

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 422

Author: MacDonald, J.R.

Year: 1972

Title: Are the data worth owning?

Journal: Science

Volume: 176

Issue: 4042

Short Title: Are the data worth owning?

Alternate Journal: Science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2215

Author: Mach, Ernst

Year: 1976

Title: Knowledge and Error: Sketches on the Psychology of Enquiry

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Reidel - Brian McGuinness

Short Title: Knowledge and Error: Sketches on the Psychology of Enquiry

Keywords: psychology, history of science

Notes: ref Guercke. Thought experiment 190, graphic arts & intuition (≈ aesthetics?) 149, work vs. technology 80, A2psi psychology & geometry 346, space (geometric vs. physiological) 330ff 377, concept 124ff,  analogy 216, instruments ≈ science definition 449

Cf. cited Mach's book:  Alfred Tauber "The elusive synthesis: Aesthetics and Science" < http://www.amazon.com/Elusive-Synthesis-Aesthetics-Science-Philosophy/dp/0792347633/ref=sid_dp_dp>.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2318

Author: MacIntyre, Alasdair

Year: 1968

Title: Marxism and Christianity

Place Published: Harmondsworth

Publisher: Penguin Books

Short Title: Marxism and Christianity

Keywords: religion, Kopia på Ingarö



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2560

Author: MacIntyre, Alasdair

Year: 1984

Title: After virtue: A study in moral theory

Place Published: Notre Dame, Ind.

Publisher: Notre Dame University Press

Short Title: After virtue: A study in moral theory



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 423

Author: Macmurray, J., Ewing, A.C. and Franks, O.S.

Year: 1938

Title: Symposium: What is action?

Book Title: Action, perception and measurement

Place Published: London

Publisher: Harrison and Sons

Pages: 69-120

Short Title: Symposium: What is action?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 424

Author: Macnamara, John

Year: 1986

Title: A border dispute: The place of logic in psychology

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: A border dispute: The place of logic in psychology

Keywords: psychologism, logism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2404

Author: Macquarrie, John

Year: 1994

Title: Heidegger and Christianity: The Hensley Henson Lectures 1993-94

Place Published: London

Publisher: SCM Press

Short Title: Heidegger and Christianity: The Hensley Henson Lectures 1993-94

Keywords: religion



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 904

Author: Maddox, J.

Year: 1963

Title: Is the literature worth keeping?

Journal: Rockefeller Institute Review

Issue: February

Short Title: Is the literature worth keeping?

Alternate Journal: Rockefeller Institute Review

Legal Note: Reprinted in The Graduate Journal of the University of Texas, Winter 1964



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2366

Author: Maffesoli, Michel

Year: 1993

Title: The shadow of Dionysus: A contribution to the sociology of the orgy

Place Published: Albany, New York

Publisher: State University of New York Press

Short Title: The shadow of Dionysus: A contribution to the sociology of the orgy

Keywords: mass psychology, internet mass media group sex

Notes: See Long Notes library. Cf. Jean Brun 1976



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1993

Author: Magno, Joseph and LaMotte, Victor

Year: 1972

Title: Atheism and Christianity

Place Published: Dubuque, Iowa

Publisher: Listening Press

Short Title: Atheism and Christianity

Keywords: religion

Notes: Fr dra.com. 116pp



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 425

Author: Mahoney, M.J.

Year: 1979

Title: Psychology of the scientist: An evaluative review

Journal: Social Studies of Science

Volume: 9

Pages: 349-375

Short Title: Psychology of the scientist: An evaluative review

Alternate Journal: Social Studies of Science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2419

Author: Maine de Biran

Year: 1987

Title: Oeuvres. Tome II: Influence de l'habitude sur la faculté de penser

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Oeuvres. Tome II: Influence de l'habitude sur la faculté de penser

Keywords: Paris 1997, HCI, routine, automation, computerization, rationalization, cf. Ravaisson

Notes: In Librairie Vrin 19/6-97 240FRF



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2393

Author: Makkreel, Rudolf A

Year: 1990

Title: Imagination and interpretation in Kant: The hermeneutical import of the Critique of Judgement

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: The Univ. of Chicago Press

Short Title: Imagination and interpretation in Kant: The hermeneutical import of the Critique of Judgement

Keywords: aesthetics

Notes: Tips från ES



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 426

Author: Makovelski, A.

Year: 1978

Title: Histoire de la logique

Place Published: Moscow

Publisher: Éditions du Progrès - Globe

Short Title: Histoire de la logique



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1731

Author: Maldonado, Tomás

Year: 1993

Title: Reale e virtuale

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Feltrinelli

Short Title: Reale e virtuale

Keywords: Artificial, type

Notes: Milano 1993. Prof of environmental design at the faculty of architecture at the Milano Polytechnic. Author of La speranza progettuale (Torino 1974), Il futuro della modernità (Milano, 1987), Cultura, democrazia, ambiente (Milano 1990) e Disegno industriale: un riesame (Milano 1976 & 1991). He has edited the book Tecnica e cultura (Milano 1979).



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 427

Author: Malik, R.

Year: 1975

Title: And tomorrow....The world?  Inside IBM

Place Published: London

Publisher: Millington

Short Title: And tomorrow....The world?  Inside IBM



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2585

Author: Malone, Thomas W. and Crowston, Kevin

Year: 1990

Title: What is coordination theory and how can it help design cooperative work systems?

Book Title: CSCW  90 Proceedings

Place Published: New York

Publisher: ACM Association for Computing Machinery

Pages: 357-370

Short Title: What is coordination theory and how can it help design cooperative work systems?

Abbreviation: ACM Computing Surveys

Keywords: ≈systems theory, fr Göran Landgren 001124, coordinate distance education? ref same authors, 1994

Notes: Authors at Center for Coordination Science, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. 02139, and Univ. of Michigan School of Business Administration



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2586

Author: Malone, Thomas W. and Crowston, Kevin

Year: 1994

Title: The interdisciplinary study of coordination

Journal: ACM Computing Surveys

Volume: 26

Issue: 1

Pages: 87-119

Short Title: The interdisciplinary study of coordination

Alternate Journal: ACM Computing Surveys

Keywords: ≈systems theory, fr Göran Landgren 001124, coordinate distance education? Ref same authors 1990

Notes: Authors at Center for Coordination Science, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. 02139, and Univ. of Michigan School of Business Administration



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1725

Author: Manasian, David

Year: 1993

Title: The computer industry - Survey

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 27th

Pages: Supplement 5-20

Short Title: The computer industry - Survey

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 428

Author: Mandelbrot, B.

Year: 1982

Title: The fractal geometry of nature

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Freeman

Short Title: The fractal geometry of nature



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1630

Editor: Manikopoulos, Constantine N.

Year: 1990

Title: Proc. of the 8th Int. Congress of Cybernetics and Systems

Place Published: Newark, N.J. 07102

Publisher: The NJIT Press

Short Title: Proc. of the 8th Int. Congress of Cybernetics and Systems

Notes: Paris 1992. Fr. R. Vallée



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 429

Author: Mannheim, K.

Year: 1952

Title: Essays in the sociology of knowledge

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: Essays in the sociology of knowledge



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1430

Author: Mansell, Gilbert

Year: 1991

Title: Methodology choice in a coercive context

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 37-46

Short Title: Methodology choice in a coercive context

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 430

Author: Maor, E.

Year: 1987

Title: To infinity and beyond: A cultural history of the infinite

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Short Title: To infinity and beyond: A cultural history of the infinite



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1631

Author: Marchand, Pierre

Year: 1992

Title: Systemique: Plan détaillé

Institution: D.E.S.S. Systèmes d'Information, IAE Institut d'Administration des Enterprises, 162 r. Saint-Charles, 75740 Paris Cedex 15, à l'Univ. de Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Short Title: Systemique: Plan détaillé

Notes: Paris 1992, fr. Pierre Marchand, från utbildning på IAE Institut d'Administration des Enterprises, 162 r. Saint-Charles, 75740 Paris Cedex 15, à l'Univ. de Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, D.S.S.S. Systèmes d'Information, Module EIA Épistemologie de l'Intelligence Artificielle. Tel 1-45549724, Fax 1-45573335



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 431

Author: Marchetti, C.

Year: 1983

Title: On the role of science in the postindustrial society: "Logos", the empire builder

Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Volume: 24

Pages: 197-206

Short Title: On the role of science in the postindustrial society: "Logos", the empire builder

Alternate Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 432

Author: Margenau, H.

Year: 1962

Title: Is the mathematical explanation of physical data unique?

Editor: Nagel, E., et al.

Book Title: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science (Proc. of the 1960 international congress)

Place Published: Stanford

Publisher: Stanford University Press

Pages: 348-355

Short Title: Is the mathematical explanation of physical data unique?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 433

Author: Margulies, F.  and Zemanek, H.

Year: 1983

Title: Man's role in man-machine systems

Journal: Automatica

Volume: 19

Issue: 6

Pages: 677-683

Short Title: Man's role in man-machine systems

Alternate Journal: Automatica



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1516

Author: Marion, Jean-Luc

Year: 1981

Title: Sur la théologie blanche de Descartes

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France

Short Title: Sur la théologie blanche de Descartes

Keywords: theology, religion

Notes: Paris 1992. Rec. av L. Cornaz. Paris, 1992, FF 65,-.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1632

Author: Marion, Jean-Luc

Year: 1991

Title: La croisée du visible

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: La Différence

Short Title: La croisée du visible

Keywords: Aesthetics, painting, theology

Notes: Paris 1992. Recommended by L. Cornaz, Inst. Sup. Catholique



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1086

Author: Maritain, J.

Year: 1937

Title: An introduction to logic

Place Published: London

Publisher: Sheed & Ward

Short Title: An introduction to logic

Notes: From Mozes, 507



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1184

Author: Maritain, Jacques

Year: 1982

Title: Le songe de Descartes [Descartes' dream]

Book Title: Jacques et Raïssa Maritain – Oeuvres complètes,  Vol.5 [Collected works, Vol.5]

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Éditions Saint-Paul

Volume: 5

Pages: 9-222

Short Title: Le songe de Descartes [Descartes' dream]

Keywords: religion, theology, A2psi



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2705

Author: Marklund, Marie

Year: 2001

Title: Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with a mandibular advancement device

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Odontology

Short Title: Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with a mandibular advancement device

Keywords: obs! bra avhandling



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2081

Author: Markus, M.L.

Year: 1983

Title: Power, politics, and MIS implementation

Journal: CACM

Volume: 26

Issue: 6

Pages: 430-444

Short Title: Power, politics, and MIS implementation

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: ADB education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2082

Author: Markus, M.L.

Year: 1984

Title: Systems in organizations: Bugs and features

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Pitman

Short Title: Systems in organizations: Bugs and features

Keywords: power, politics

Notes: From Klein et al. 1995 on ISD



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2047

Author: Markus, M.L. and Björn-Andersen, N.

Year: 1987

Title: Power over users: Its exercise by systems professionals

Journal: CACM

Volume: 30

Issue: 6, June

Pages: 498-504

Short Title: Power over users: Its exercise by systems professionals

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Notes: From Klein et al. 1995 on ISD



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2168

Author: Markus, M.L. and Robey, D.

Year: 1988

Title: Information technology and organizational change: Causal structure in theory and research

Journal: Mgmt Science

Volume: 34

Issue: 5

Pages: 583-598

Short Title: Information technology and organizational change: Causal structure in theory and research

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Keywords: politics, power, adb educatio



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2781

Author: Marner, Anders

Year: 1992

Title: Bilden inte längre att lita på

Journal: VK

Issue: 29 januari

Pages: 3

Short Title: Bilden inte längre att lita på

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Review of "Bildens förändrade värld" av Fred Ritchin, Journal

Keywords: Chu71/5***, image truth manipulation



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2975

Author: Marrowe, Martin, Rabbi

Year: 2001

Title: Öga för öga, tand för tand: Det handlar inte om hämnd

Journal: Katolskt Magasin

Issue: 12

Pages: 6-7

Short Title: Öga för öga, tand för tand: Det handlar inte om hämnd

Alternate Journal: Katolskt Magasin



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 434

Author: Marschak, J.

Year: 1971

Title: Economics of information systems

Editor: Intriligator, M.

Book Title: Frontiers of economics

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Economics of information systems



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 435

Author: Marschak, J. and Radner, R.

Year: 1969

Title: The economic theory of teams

Place Published: New Haven, Conn.

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: The economic theory of teams



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 436

Author: Martin, C.F.

Year: 1988

Title: User-centered requirement analysis

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: User-centered requirement analysis



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2121

Author: Martin, Mike W. and Schinzinger, Roland

Year: 1989

Title: Ethics in engineering

Place Published: New York

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Short Title: Ethics in engineering



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2136

Author: Marton, Ference and Entwistle, N.

Year: 1989

Title: The psychology of student learning

Journal: European J. of Psych. of Education

Volume: Special issue

Issue: 4

Short Title: The psychology of student learning

Alternate Journal: European J. of Psychology of Education

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 438

Author: Mason, R.O.

Year: 1981

Title: Basic concepts for management information systems

Editor: Mason, R.O. and Swanson, E.B.

Book Title: Measurement for management decision

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Basic concepts for management information systems



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1719

Author: Mason, Richard O.

Year: 1984

Title: Information systems technology and corporate strategy: Current research issues, and discussion

Editor: McFarlan, F.W.

Book Title: The information systems research challenge

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Harvard Business School Press

Pages: 279-308

Short Title: Information systems technology and corporate strategy: Current research issues, and discussion



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1802

Author: Mason, Richard O.

Year: 1986

Title: Four ethical issues of the information age

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Issue: March

Pages: 5-12

Short Title: Four ethical issues of the information age

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2237

Author: Mason, Richard O., Mason, Florence M. and Culnan, Mary J.

Year: 1995

Title: Ethics of information management

Place Published: London

Publisher: SAGE

Short Title: Ethics of information management



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1199

Author: Mason, R.O. and Mitroff, I.

Year: 1981

Title: Challenging strategic planning assumptions: Theory, cases and techniques

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Challenging strategic planning assumptions: Theory, cases and techniques



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 439

Author: Mason, R.O. and Mitroff, I.I.

Year: 1973

Title: A program for research on management information systems

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 19

Issue: 5, Jan.

Pages: 475-487

Short Title: A program for research on management information systems

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Keywords: ADB education history



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 437

Author: Mason, R.O. and Swanson, E.B., (Eds.)

Year: 1981

Title: Measurement for management decisions

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Measurement for management decisions



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 440

Author: Mathematics [-as a calculatory science  -foundations of -history of]

Year: 1974

Title: Article on -

Book Title: New Encyclopaedia Britannica

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Benton Publisher

Volume: 11

Pages: 671-696, 630-639, 639-671, Vol.11

Edition: 15th

Short Title: Article on -



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1134

Author: Mathiassen, Lars

Year: 1982

Title: Systemudvikling og systemudviklingsmetode

Publisher: Aarhus University, Datalogisk afdelning

Short Title: Systemudvikling og systemudviklingsmetode

Keywords: ADB avh

Notes: Min avh.: fig.6.7 on p.137



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1425

Author: Mathiassen, Lars and Andersen, Peter Bøgh

Year: 1985

Title: Systems development and use: A science of the truth or a theory of the lie

Editor: Bjerknes, G., Kyng, M. and Ehn, P.

Book Title: Proc. of the working conf. on development and use of computer-based systems and tools – Part II

Place Published: Århus

Publisher: Århus University

Pages: 351-82

Short Title: Systems development and use: A science of the truth or a theory of the lie



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 443

Author: Mathiassen, L. and Andersen, P.B.

Year: 1986

Title: Semiotics and informatics: The impact of computer based systems upon the professional language of nurses

Journal: J. of Pragmatics

Volume: 10

Pages: 1-26

Short Title: Semiotics and informatics: The impact of computer based systems upon the professional language of nurses

Alternate Journal: J. of Pragmatics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 444

Author: Mathiassen, L. and Munk-Madsen, A.

Year: 1986

Title: Formalizations in systems development

Journal: Behaviour and Information Technology

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 145-155

Short Title: Formalizations in systems development

Alternate Journal: Behaviour and Information Technology



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 441

Author: Mathiassen, L. and Munk-Madsen, A.

Year: 1989

Title: Myths and reality in software development

Book Title: The 11th International Conference on Software Engineering, "Twenty Years of Software Engineering: Looking Forward, Looking Back", Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 15-18, 1989

Short Title: Myths and reality in software development



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 442

Author: Mathiassen, L. and Nielsen, P.A.

Year: 1988

Title: Soft systems and hard contradictions. Approaching the reality of information systems in organizations

Institution: Aalborg, Denmark: Aalborg University Center, Dept. of Electronic Systems

Short Title: Soft systems and hard contradictions. Approaching the reality of information systems in organizations

Report Number: Unpublished manuscript



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 445

Author: Mathiassen, L., Rolskov, B. and Vedel, E.

Year: 1983

Title: Regulating the use of EDP by law and agreement

Editor: Briefs, U., Ciborra, C.   and Schneider, L.

Book Title: Systems design for, with, and by the users

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Pages: 251-264

Short Title: Regulating the use of EDP by law and agreement



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 446

Author: Mathieu, V.

Year: 1985

Title: Filosofia del denaro: Dopo il tramonto di Keynes

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Armando Editore

Short Title: Filosofia del denaro: Dopo il tramonto di Keynes

Keywords: economics, philosophy, money



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1928

Author: Mattelart, Armand

Year: 1987

Title: Informatics and micro-revolutions in the Third World

Editor: Slack, J.D. and Fejes, F.

Book Title: The ideology of the information age

Place Published: Norwood, N.J

Publisher: Ablex

Pages: 243-263, 265

Short Title: Informatics and micro-revolutions in the Third World

Keywords: underdevelopment



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2617

Author: Matti, Gunnar

Year: 2000

Title: Det intuitiva livet: Hans Larssons vision om enhet i en splittrad tid

Place Published: Uppsala

Publisher: Gidlunds Förlag

Short Title: Det intuitiva livet: Hans Larssons vision om enhet i en splittrad tid

Keywords: Long Notes, art/science, aesthetics, Ola Hansson, division/unity, opposites, romanticism, organicism, rationality/irrationality, logic, mysticism, Henri Bergson, identity, utopia, home, community, philosophy of life, "Gottköpsintuition", design "rätta känslan"? Chu71/7

Notes: Cf. design rationality Stolterman, Johan Asplund?, (Singer-Churchman "mood", Höffding, Theodor Lipps, Anne Harrington, Sydney Alrutz, Poul Bjerre, Axel Herrlin, Bergson, Algot Ruhe, John Landquist, Battail, Vitalis Norström, Böök, Siwertz, Heidenstam, Tönnies, Ellen Key, Wundt, William James, gestaltpsykologi/Würzburgskolan, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, (&≈Jung?): du Prel & Hartmann, Fichte, Schiller, Schelling. Cf. simple variant of life-philosophy in Alphonso Lingis 2000.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 447

Author: Mattoon, M.A.

Year: 1977

Title: The neglected functions of analytical psychology

Journal: J. of Analytical Psychology

Volume: 22

Issue: 1, Jan.

Pages: 17-31

Short Title: The neglected functions of analytical psychology

Alternate Journal: J. of Analytical Psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1271

Author: Maturana, H. and Varela, F.

Year: 1980

Title: Autopoiesis and cognition: The realization of the living

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Reidel

Short Title: Autopoiesis and cognition: The realization of the living



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1304

Author: Maturana, H and Varela, F.

Year: 1987

Title: The tree of knowledge: The biological roots of human understanding

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Shambhala

Short Title: The tree of knowledge: The biological roots of human understanding

Keywords: Constructivism?

Notes: Tipsad av Randall W.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1378

Author: Maturana, H.R.

Year: 1988

Title: Reality: The search for objectivity or the quest for a compelling argument

Journal: Irish J. Psychol.

Volume: 9

Pages: 25-82

Short Title: Reality: The search for objectivity or the quest for a compelling argument

Alternate Journal: Irish J. of Psychology

Notes: Ref. in Mingers, 1990, p. 577



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1870

Author: May, Rollo

Year: 1974

Title: Makt och oskuld: Och frågan om våldets orsaker

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Aldus/Bonniers

Short Title: Makt och oskuld: Och frågan om våldets orsaker

Keywords: violence, terrorism



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 448

Author: Mayoh, B.H.

Year: 1984

Title: Comparative semantics of programming

Institution: Aarhus University, Dept of Computer Science

Short Title: Comparative semantics of programming

Report Number: DAIMI PB-173, ISSN 0105-8517



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 449

Author: Mayr, O., (Ed.)

Year: 1976

Title: Philosophers and machines

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Science History Publications

Short Title: Philosophers and machines



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 450

Author: Mayr, O.

Year: 1976

Title: Maxwell and the origins of cybernetics

Editor: Mayr, O.

Book Title: Philosophers and machines

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Science History Publications

Short Title: Maxwell and the origins of cybernetics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2063

Author: McCarthy, Thomas

Year: 1984

Title: The critical theory of Jürgen Habermas

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Polity Press

Short Title: The critical theory of Jürgen Habermas

Keywords: critique of H.

Notes: Mycket tungt vägande kritiska texter mot Habermas, enl Börjeson 1989 s. 4 och ref lista in van den Berg 1989



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2197

Author: McCarty, Willard

Year: 1993

Title: A potency of life: Scholarship in an electronic age

Journal: Serials Librarian

Volume: 23

Issue: 3

Pages: 79-97

Short Title: A potency of life: Scholarship in an electronic age

Alternate Journal: Serials Librarian

Keywords: adb education, research methods

Notes: Fr R. Kling Envisioning Electronic Publishing...



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 975

Author: McClellan, S.T.

Year: 1984

Title: The coming computer industry shakeout: Winners, losers, and survivors

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: The coming computer industry shakeout: Winners, losers, and survivors



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1040

Author: McCorduck, Pamela

Year: 1979

Title: Machines who think: A personal inquiry into the history and prospects of artificial intelligence

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Freeman

Short Title: Machines who think: A personal inquiry into the history and prospects of artificial intelligence

Keywords: DENDRAL (pp.272-288), Feingenbaum

Notes: Och fr Mikael Wiberg 010122: ss 30-47 "From energy to information" through philosophers Leibniz, Descartes, Kant, Spinoza, Hobbes, Hume, Locke, Mettrie, Diderot. Throndike, Binet, Wertheimer, Kohler,...mind vs. body, (cf. philosophy in the flesh)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2122

Author: McDermott, John

Year: 1969

Title: Technology: The opiate of the intellectuals

Journal: New York Review of Books

Volume: 13

Issue: July 31

Pages: 25-35

Short Title: Technology: The opiate of the intellectuals

Alternate Journal: New York Review of Books



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2255

Author: McDermott, John M.

Year: 1983

Title: Love and understanding: The relation of will and intellect in Pierre Rousselot's christological vision

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Università Gregoriana

Short Title: Love and understanding: The relation of will and intellect in Pierre Rousselot's christological vision

Notes: Fr dra.com when searching for book ≈Technology: The opiate of intellectuals



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 452

Author: McFarlan, F.W., (Ed.)

Year: 1984

Title: The information systems research challenge

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Harvard Business School Press

Short Title: The information systems research challenge



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 453

Author: McGuigan, F.J.

Year: 1963

Title: The experimenter: A neglected stimulus object

Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Volume: 60

Pages: 421-428

Short Title: The experimenter: A neglected stimulus object

Alternate Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Legal Note: Also reprinted in Badia, P. et al. Research problems in psychology. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1970



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 942

Author: McKean, Roland N.

Year: 1958

Title: Efficiency in government through systems analysis -- With emphasis on water resources development

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Efficiency in government through systems analysis -- With emphasis on water resources development



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2068

Author: McKenney, James L.

Year: 1995

Title: Waves of change: Business evolution through information technology

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Harvard Business School Press

Short Title: Waves of change: Business evolution through information technology

Keywords: maestros, innovation, success, SABRE, American Airlines, Bank of America



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 955

Author: McKenney, James L. and Keen, Peter G.W.

Year: 1974

Title: How managers' minds work

Journal: Harvard Business Review

Issue: May-June

Pages: 79-90

Short Title: How managers' minds work

Alternate Journal: Harvard Business Review

Keywords: Jung, cognitive styles



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 454

Author: McKinsey, J.C.C.

Year: 1940

Title: Postulates for the calculus of binary relations

Journal: Journal ov Symbolic Logic

Volume: 5

Issue: 3, Sept.

Pages: 85-97

Short Title: Postulates for the calculus of binary relations

Alternate Journal: Journal ov Symbolic Logic



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 456

Author: McNemar, Q.

Year: 1940

Title: Sampling in psychological research

Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Volume: 37

Issue: 6, June

Pages: 331-365

Short Title: Sampling in psychological research

Alternate Journal: Psychological Bulletin



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 455

Author: McNemar, Q.

Year: 1960

Title: At random: Sense and nonsense

Journal: The American Psychologist

Volume: 15

Pages: 295-300

Short Title: At random: Sense and nonsense

Alternate Journal: The American Psychologist



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 457

Author: McRae, R.

Year: 1957

Title: The unity of the sciences: Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz

Editor: Wiener, P.P. and Noland, A.

Book Title: Roots of scientific thought

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Pages: 390-411

Short Title: The unity of the sciences: Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2381

Author: McRobert, Laurie

Year: 1996

Title: Immersive Art and the Essence of Technology

Journal: Explorations: Journal for Adventurous Thought

Volume: 15

Issue: 1, Fall

Short Title: Immersive Art and the Essence of Technology

Alternate Journal: Explorations: Journal for Adventurous Thought

Notes: From Andreas Lund (John Waterworth)  on Osmosis. Cf




Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 451

Author: McWhinney, W, Greening, T. and Mitroff, I.

Year: 1988

Title: Four levels of nuclear reality

Institution: University of Southern California, Graduate School of Business

Short Title: Four levels of nuclear reality

Report Number: Unpublished manuscript



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 458

Author: Meadows, D.H. and Robinson, J.M.

Year: 1985

Title: The electronic oracle: Computer models and social decisions

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: The electronic oracle: Computer models and social decisions

Keywords: simulation



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3011

Author: Mearsheimer, John and Walt, Stephen

Year: 2006

Title: The Israel lobby

Journal: London Review of Books

Volume: 28

Issue: 6, 23 March

Short Title: The Israel lobby

Legal Note: <http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/mear01_.html> access 1 april 2006. An unedited version of this article is available at http://ksgnotes1.harvard.edu/Research/wpaper.nsf/rwp/RWP06-011, or at http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=891198



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1868

Author: Medbestämmandelagen

Year: 1979

Title: Medbestämmandelagen: Kommentarer med rättsfall

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: LO/PTK/Tidens Förlag

Short Title: Medbestämmandelagen: Kommentarer med rättsfall

Keywords: MBL



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 459

Author: Meehl, P.E.

Year: 1954

Title: Clinical versus statistical prediction: A theoretical analysis and a review of the evidence

Place Published: Minneapolis

Publisher: University of Minnesota Press

Short Title: Clinical versus statistical prediction: A theoretical analysis and a review of the evidence



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 460

Author: Meehl, P.E.

Year: 1957

Title: When shall we use our heads instead of the formula

Journal: J. of Counseling Psychology

Volume: 4

Issue: 4

Pages: 268-273

Short Title: When shall we use our heads instead of the formula

Alternate Journal: J. of Counseling Psychology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3006

Author: Meier, C.A.

Year: 1963

Title: Psychosomatic medicine from the Jungian point of view

Journal: The J. of Analytical Psychology

Volume: 8

Issue: 3

Pages: 103-121

Short Title: Psychosomatic medicine from the Jungian point of view

Alternate Journal: The J. of Analytical Psychology

Keywords: Jung, myth, medicine, doctor, alternative, Kerényi in Eranos Jahrbuch XII, Heros latros: Asklepios, der göttliche Artz. Darmstadt 1956, Wien 1937



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 461

Author: Meitzen, A.

Year: 1891

Title: History, theory and technique of statistics

Place Published: Philadelphia

Publisher: The American Academy of Political and Social Science

Short Title: History, theory and technique of statistics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 462

Author: Melzi, G.

Year: 1983

Title: Le idee matematiche del XX secolo

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Borla

Short Title: Le idee matematiche del XX secolo



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 463

Author: Mendelson, E.

Year: 1987

Title: Introduction to mathematical logic

Place Published: Monterey, Calif.

Publisher: Wadsworth & Brooks

Edition: 3rd

Short Title: Introduction to mathematical logic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 464

Author: Mendner, J.H.

Year: 1976

Title: Teknologisk utveckling i den kapitalistiska arbetsprocessen

Place Published: Copenhagen

Publisher: Kurasje

Short Title: Teknologisk utveckling i den kapitalistiska arbetsprocessen



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 465

Author: Menges, G.

Year: 1973

Title: Inference and decision

Editor: Fraser, D.A.S.

Book Title: Inference and decision

Place Published: Toronto

Publisher: University Press of Canada

Short Title: Inference and decision



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1301

Author: Merlan, Philip

Year: 1951

Title: From Hume to Hamann

Journal: The Personalist

Volume: 32

Issue: 1

Pages: 11-18

Short Title: From Hume to Hamann

Alternate Journal: The Personalist

Notes: From O'Flaherty, Hamann's Socratic Memorabilia, pp. 200, 216



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2906

Author: Merleau-Ponty, Maurice

Year: 1963

Title: The structure of behavior

Place Published: Pittsburgh

Publisher: Duquesne Univ. Press, orig. Beacon Press

Short Title: The structure of behavior

Keywords: Long Notes Perception, phenomenology, Andreas Lund, gestalt, body, soul, consciousness



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1633

Author: Merleau-Ponty, Maurice

Year: 1964

Title: Le visible et l'invisible

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Gallimard

Short Title: Le visible et l'invisible

Keywords: Hyperdialectics (ref Garzanti)

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 55,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 466

Author: Mervis, C.B. and Rosch, E.

Year: 1981

Title: Categorization of natural objects

Journal: Ann. Rev. Psychol

Volume: 32

Pages: 89-115

Short Title: Categorization of natural objects

Alternate Journal: Ann. Rev. Psychol



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 467

Author: Meschkowski, H., von.

Year: 1975

Title: Mathematik und Realität bei Georg Cantor

Journal: Dialectica

Volume: 29

Issue: 1

Pages: 55-70

Short Title: Mathematik und Realität bei Georg Cantor

Alternate Journal: Dialectica



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 844

Author: Messori, V. and Ratzinger, J.

Year: 1985

Title: Rapporto sulla fede

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Edizioni Paoline

Short Title: Rapporto sulla fede

Keywords: religion, theology, liberation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2620

Author: Metters, Samuel

Year: ??

Title: [Churchman-critique]

Publisher: http://www.inc.com/incmagazine/article/0,,ART2626,00.html

Short Title: [Churchman-critique]

Notes: Samuel Metters


CEO of Metters Industries Inc., a 14-year-old engineering firm in McLean, Va.


In the early years of running my company, I was so fixated on the wonders of technology that I took the people dimension for granted. In graduate school I'd studied a management philosophy deeply rooted in C. West Churchman's so-called systems approach to management, a theory popular in the late 1970s and early 1980s that suggests you look at your company's activities and operations as systems or subsystems, with little regard for the interpersonal component. Because of that, and because of my engineering background, I was convinced that a systematic approach to management was the best approach, and no one could tell me otherwise.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2312

Author: Meyrowitz, Joshua

Year: 1986

Title: No sense of place: The impact of electronic media on social behavior

Place Published: New York

Short Title: No sense of place: The impact of electronic media on social behavior

Keywords: information technology, culture

Notes: Fr. Kjell Jonsson 1995



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1235

Author: Midgley, Gerald

Year: 1989

Title: Critical systems: The theory and practice of partitioning methodologies

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol 2

Pages: 262-274

Short Title: Critical systems: The theory and practice of partitioning methodologies



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2528

Author: Midgley, Gerald

Year: 1996

Title: What is this thing called CST?

Editor: Flood, R.L. and Romm, N.R.A.

Book Title: Critical systems thinking: Current research and practice

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Plenum Press

Short Title: What is this thing called CST?

Keywords: Hull April 2000



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1742

Author: Migliarese, Piero

Year: 1991

Title: Tendenze e sviluppi nei sistemi di supporto alle attività collaborative e alle decisioni di gruppo (GDSS)

Book Title: Presented at the Conference Progettare e gestire la complessità of the Ass. Italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale, Vicenza, November 1991

Short Title: Tendenze e sviluppi nei sistemi di supporto alle attività collaborative e alle decisioni di gruppo (GDSS)

Notes: Milano, 1993



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1737

Author: Migliarese, Piero and Paolucci, Emilio

Year: 1993

Title: Cooperation support through the use of group decision support systems

Journal: J. of Org. Computing

Volume: 3

Issue: 2

Short Title: Cooperation support through the use of group decision support systems

Alternate Journal: J. of Organizational Computing

Legal Note: Politecnico di Milano, Internal report 93.005



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1738

Author: Migliarese, Piero and Paolucci, Emilio

Year: 1993

Title: GDSS and lateral coordination for reactive production scheduling: An organizational approach and the prototype GROUPS

Editor: Holsapple, Clyde and Whinston, Andrew B.

Book Title: Recent developments in decision support systems

Publisher: Berlin

Volume: Springer

Pages: 535-557

Short Title: GDSS and lateral coordination for reactive production scheduling: An organizational approach and the prototype GROUPS

Notes: Milano 1993



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1741

Author: Migliarese, Piero and Paolucci, Emilio

Year: 1993

Title: Improved communications and collaborations among tasks induced by groupware

Institution: Milano Polytechnic - Dept. of Economics and Production

Short Title: Improved communications and collaborations among tasks induced by groupware

Notes: Milano 1993



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1634

Author: Mijolla-Mellor, Sophie, de

Year: 1992

Title: Le plaisir de pensée

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France

Short Title: Le plaisir de pensée

Keywords: A2psi

Notes: Paris, 1992, FF 198,-.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1084

Author: Miller, Richard W.

Year: 1983

Title: Marx and morality

Editor: Pennock, J. Roland and Chapman, John W.

Book Title: Marxism

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: New York University Press

Pages: 3-32

Short Title: Marx and morality

Section: Cf. Patrick Riley's "Marx and morality: A reply to Richard Miller", same publication, pp. 33-53

Notes: See Riley, 1983, reply



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1530

Author: Minati, Gianfranco

Year: 1986

Title: Knowledge, management, computer

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Soiel International & IPSOA

Short Title: Knowledge, management, computer

Notes: (Included in Capri 1992 as Italian contact)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1531

Author: Minati, Gianfranco

Year: 1990

Title: La complessità aziendale: L'azienda tra scienza e tecnologia

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Eurosystem & AICA Ass. Italiana Calcolo Automatico

Short Title: La complessità aziendale: L'azienda tra scienza e tecnologia



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 468

Author: Mindess, H.

Year: 1955

Title: Analytical psychology and the Rorschach test

Journal: J. of Projective Techniques

Volume: 19

Issue: 3

Pages: 243-252

Short Title: Analytical psychology and the Rorschach test

Alternate Journal: J. of Projective Techniques



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1373

Author: Mingers, John

Year: 1990

Title: The philosophical implications of Maturana's cognitive theories

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 3

Issue: 6

Pages: 569-584

Short Title: The philosophical implications of Maturana's cognitive theories

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 469

Author: Minsky, M.

Year: 1970

Title: Form and content in computer science

Journal: J. of the ACM

Volume: 17

Issue: 2, April

Short Title: Form and content in computer science

Alternate Journal: J. of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 470

Author: Minsky, M.L.

Year: 1967

Title: Computation: Finite and infinite machines

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Computation: Finite and infinite machines



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 472

Author: Mintzberg, H.

Year: 1976

Title: Planning on the left side and managing on the right

Journal: Harvard Business Review

Pages: 49-58

Short Title: Planning on the left side and managing on the right

Alternate Journal: Harvard Business Review



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 511

Author: Mintzberg, H.

Year: 1978

Title: Strategy-making in three modes

Journal: Chemical Technology

Pages: 524-530

Short Title: Strategy-making in three modes

Alternate Journal: Chemical Technology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 471

Author: Mintzberg, H.

Year: 1979

Title: An emerging strategy of "direct" research

Journal: Administrative Science Quarterly

Volume: 24

Issue: December

Pages: 582-589

Short Title: An emerging strategy of "direct" research

Alternate Journal: Administrative Science Quarterly



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 473

Author: Mintzberg, H., Raisinghani, D. and Théorêt, A.

Year: 1976

Title: The structure of "unstructured" decision processes

Journal: Administrative Science Quarterly

Volume: 21

Issue: June

Pages: 246-275

Short Title: The structure of "unstructured" decision processes

Alternate Journal: Administrative Science Quarterly



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2714

Author: Mirijamsdotter, Anita

Year: 1998

Title: A multi-modal systems extension to soft systems methodology

Place Published: Luleå

Publisher: Luleå University of Technology, Dept. of Business Administration and Social Science, Div. of Informatics and Systems Science

Short Title: A multi-modal systems extension to soft systems methodology

Notes: Kristo Ivanov Betygsnämnden, dissertation committee 16 apr 98



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2100

Author: Mishler, E.G.

Year: 1986

Title: Research interviewing: Context and narrative

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Harvard Univ. Press

Short Title: Research interviewing: Context and narrative



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2313

Editor: Mitcham, Carl

Year: 1993

Title: Philosophy of technology in Spanish speaking countries

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Kluwer

Short Title: Philosophy of technology in Spanish speaking countries



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2267

Author: Mitcham, Carl

Year: 1994

Title: Thinking through technology: The path between engineering and philosophy

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press

Short Title: Thinking through technology: The path between engineering and philosophy

Keywords: Aristoteles/Plato-referat m.m. E40 ADB education

Notes: fr. Andreas Lund fr Erik Stolterman; förf. redan i mina E40-reflistor. Pp 105ff computer ethics, religious issues, techne,



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2315

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Grote, Jim

Year: 1984

Title: Theology and technology: Essays in Christian analysis and exegesis

Place Published: Lanham

Publisher: University Press of America

Short Title: Theology and technology: Essays in Christian analysis and exegesis



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2291

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Year: 1972

Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Short Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Keywords: Christian religion, theology, ADB education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2292

Author: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Year: 1972

Title: Introduction: Technology as a philosophical problem

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 1-32

Short Title: Introduction: Technology as a philosophical problem

Keywords: Christian religion, theology, ADB education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 475

Author: Mitroff, I. and Kilmann, R.

Year: 1978

Title: Methodological approaches to social science

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Jossey-Bass

Short Title: Methodological approaches to social science

Notes: pp. 24-31: The psychological types of C.G. Jung.

pp. 88-93: Argyris and Schön, ≈Stolterman method p. 91



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 476

Author: Mitroff, I.I.

Year: 1974

Title: A Brunswik lens model of dialectical inquiring systems

Journal: Theory and Decision

Volume: 5

Pages: 45-67

Short Title: A Brunswik lens model of dialectical inquiring systems

Alternate Journal: Theory and Decision



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 479

Author: Mitroff, I.I.

Year: 1974

Title: The subjective side of science: A philosophical inquiry into the psychology of the Apollo moon scientists

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: Elsevier

Short Title: The subjective side of science: A philosophical inquiry into the psychology of the Apollo moon scientists



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 480

Author: Mitroff, I.I., & Mason, R.O.

Year: 1981

Title: Dialectical pragmatism: A progress report on an interdisciplinary program of research on dialectical inquiring systems

Journal: Synthese

Volume: 47

Pages: 29-42

Short Title: Dialectical pragmatism: A progress report on an interdisciplinary program of research on dialectical inquiring systems

Alternate Journal: Synthese



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 477

Author: Mitroff, I.I.

Year: 1983

Title: Archetypal social systems analysis: On the deeper structure of human systems

Journal: Academy of Management Review

Volume: 8

Issue: 3

Pages: 387-397

Short Title: Archetypal social systems analysis: On the deeper structure of human systems

Alternate Journal: Academy of Management Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1064

Author: Mitroff, I.I.

Year: 1983

Title: Stakeholders of the organizational mind

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Jossey-Bass

Short Title: Stakeholders of the organizational mind



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 478

Author: Mitroff, I.I.

Year: 1984

Title: The invasion of the mind: A worst possible scenario for the office of the future

Journal: Office: Technology and People

Issue: 2

Pages: 79-86

Short Title: The invasion of the mind: A worst possible scenario for the office of the future

Alternate Journal: Office: Technology and People

Legal Note: With comments and discussion up to p.102 in the same issue



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1251

Author: Mitroff, Ian I.

Year: 1988

Title: Crisis management: Cutting through the confusion

Journal: Sloan Mgmt Review

Issue: Winter 1988

Pages: 15-20

Short Title: Crisis management: Cutting through the confusion

Alternate Journal: Sloan Management Review



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1223

Author: Mitroff, Ian I.

Year: 1990

Title: Can appropriate technology help in the battle against crises? Computer software for crisis management

Institution: Univ. of Southern California, Graduate School of Business, Center for Crisis Management

Short Title: Can appropriate technology help in the battle against crises? Computer software for crisis management

Report Number: Submitted for publication to Security Management Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 481

Author: Mitroff, I.I. and Mason, R.O.

Year: 1981

Title: Creating a dialectical social science

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Reidel

Short Title: Creating a dialectical social science



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 482

Author: Mitroff, I.I.  and Mason, R.O.

Year: 1982

Title: On the structure of dialectical reasoning in the social and policy sciences

Journal: Theory and Decision

Volume: 14

Pages: 331-350

Short Title: On the structure of dialectical reasoning in the social and policy sciences

Alternate Journal: Theory and Decision



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 483

Author: Mitroff, I.I., Mason, R.O. and Barabba, V.P.

Year: 1983

Title: The 1980 census:  Policymaking and turbulence

Place Published: Lexington, Mass

Publisher: Lexington Books

Short Title: The 1980 census:  Policymaking and turbulence



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2298

Author: Mitroff, Ian I., Mason, Richard O. and Pearson, Christine M

Year: 1994

Title: Frame Break: The radical redesign of American business

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Jossey-Bass

Short Title: Frame Break: The radical redesign of American business



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1183

Author: Mitscherlich, Alexander

Year: 1970

Title: Society without the father: A contribution to social psychology

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Schocken Books

Short Title: Society without the father: A contribution to social psychology

Keywords: cf. Howard Schwartz, political correctness PC



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1635

Author: Moigne, Jean Louis, le

Year: 1990

Title: La science informatique va-t-elle construire sa propre épistémologie?

Journal: Culture Technique

Issue: 21, Juillet 1990

Pages: 16-31

Short Title: La science informatique va-t-elle construire sa propre épistémologie?

Alternate Journal: Culture Technique

Notes: Paris, 1992. Se p. 30 "what is computer science [computique]?". Author at Group de recherche en analyse de système et calcul economique. GRASCE-CNRS, prof. à l'université de droit, econonomie et science d'Aix-Marseille III



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1636

Author: Moisdon, J.C.

Year: 1992

Title: La recherche au Centre de Gestion Scientifique [École des Mines de Paris]: Evolutions et perspectives

Institution: CGS Centre de Gestion Scientifique, École de Mines de Paris

Short Title: La recherche au Centre de Gestion Scientifique [École des Mines de Paris]: Evolutions et perspectives

Notes: Paris, 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 484

Author: Molander, B.

Year: 1987

Title: Räkna fritt och tänka fritt

Institution: Uppsala University, Dept. of Philosophy

Short Title: Räkna fritt och tänka fritt

Report Number: Report from the project "Education for application of statistics"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 485

Author: Moles, A.

Year: 1966

Title: Information theory and aesthetic perception

Place Published: Urbana, Ill.

Publisher: Illinois University Press

Short Title: Information theory and aesthetic perception



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1226

Author: Mondin, Battista

Year: 1988

Title: Scienze umane e teologia

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Urbaniana University Press

Short Title: Scienze umane e teologia

Keywords: religion, Kant

Notes: Dialog ecumenics, 435ff; p.  189, 191 in Ivanov 1991 on vs. Kantian attempt to dissociate knowing from reality of intelligible world, and subordinate teleology (theology?) to ethics.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2541

Author: Monod, J.

Year: 1973

Title: Zufall und Notwendigkeit: Philosophische Fragen der modernen Biologie

Place Published: München

Publisher: Piper

Short Title: Zufall und Notwendigkeit: Philosophische Fragen der modernen Biologie

Keywords: fr Yvonne Werners Ratzinger 0010XX "Tro mellan förnuft och känsla", belief & reason B&R, religion, catholic



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1365

Author: Montgomery, Scott L.

Year: 1991

Title: Science as kitsch: The dinosaur and other icons

Journal: Science as Culture

Volume: 2, Part 1

Issue: 10

Pages: 6-58

Short Title: Science as kitsch: The dinosaur and other icons

Alternate Journal: Science as Culture



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 486

Author: Moreno, M.

Year: 1976

Title: Social criticism of psychotherapy and analytcal psychology

Journal: J. of Analytical Psychology

Volume: 21

Pages: 141-163

Short Title: Social criticism of psychotherapy and analytcal psychology

Alternate Journal: J. of Analytical Psychology

Legal Note: H.M. Shipway, Trans



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 487

Author: Morgenstern, O.

Year: 1963

Title: On the accuracy of economic observations

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Edition: 2nd

Short Title: On the accuracy of economic observations



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 488

Author: Morgenstern, O.

Year: 1972

Title: Descriptive, predictive and normative theory

Journal: Kyklos - Int. Review for Social Sciences

Volume: 25

Issue: 4

Pages: 699-714

Short Title: Descriptive, predictive and normative theory

Alternate Journal: Kyklos - Int. Review for Social Sciences

Notes: 1972a



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 489

Author: Morgenstern, O.

Year: 1972

Title: Thirteen critical points in contemporary economic theory: An interpretation

Journal: J. of Economic Literature

Volume: 10

Issue: 4

Pages: 699-714

Short Title: Thirteen critical points in contemporary economic theory: An interpretation

Alternate Journal: J. of Economic Literature

Notes: 1972b



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 490

Author: Morgenstern, O.

Year: 1973

Title: Game theory

Editor: Wiener, P.P.

Book Title: Dictionary of the history of ideas - Vol.2

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Scribner's

Short Title: Game theory



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1990

Author: Morin, Dominique

Year: 1985

Title: L'atheisme moderne

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Cerf

Number of Volumes: 2

Short Title: L'atheisme moderne

Keywords: religion

Notes: Fr dra.com. Vol 1: Comte, Monod, Marx; Vol 2: Nietzsche, Freud, Sartre. Ref. Etienne Gilson: L'atheisme difficile, Paris: Vrin, 1979



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1637

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1956

Title: Le cinéma ou l'homme imaginaire

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Les Éditions de Minuit

Short Title: Le cinéma ou l'homme imaginaire

Keywords: aesthetics, multimedia

Notes: Paris 1992. "Programming can be seen as a branch of cinema"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1638

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1970

Title: L'homme et la mort

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: L'homme et la mort

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1639

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1973

Title: Le paradigme perdu: La nature humaine

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: Le paradigme perdu: La nature humaine

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1640

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1977

Title: La méthode - I: La nature de la nature

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: La méthode - I: La nature de la nature

Notes: Paris, 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1641

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1980

Title: La méthode - II: La vie de la vie

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: La méthode - II: La vie de la vie

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1642

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1981

Title: Pour sortir du XXe siècle

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Fernand Nathan

Short Title: Pour sortir du XXe siècle

Keywords: Information pp. 26ff

Notes: Paris 1992.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1643

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1983

Title: L'esprit du temps

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Grasset

Short Title: L'esprit du temps

Keywords: L'industria culturale: Saggio sulla cultura di massa. Film, cinema. Aesthetics of multimedia

Notes: Paris 1992. Cit in Capri (Morin->Oscar Nicolaus in Neaples). Cf. Innis, 1951, The bias of communication. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1644

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1984

Title: Sociologie

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Fayard

Short Title: Sociologie

Notes: Paris 1992, fr. Pierre Marchand, från utbildning på IAE Institut d'Administration des Enterprises, 162 r. Saint-Charles, 75740 Paris Cedex 15, à l'Univ. de Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, D.S.S.S. Systèmes d'Information, Module EIA Épistemologie de l'Intelligence Artificielle. Cf. Mitroff om crisis



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1645

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1986

Title: La méthode - III: La connaissance de la connaissance, anthropologie de la connaissance

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: La méthode - III: La connaissance de la connaissance, anthropologie de la connaissance

Notes: Paris 1992. Morins Swedish contact: Bosse Holmqvist, Stockholm, S:t Paulsg 35B. Cf. also Dominique Boucher i Odense.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1646

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1986

Title: La méthode - IV: Les idées: Leur habitat, leur vie, leurs moeurs, leur organisation

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Short Title: La méthode - IV: Les idées: Leur habitat, leur vie, leurs moeurs, leur organisation

Notes: Paris 1992. Sista volym i tetralogin.  Har varken fått eller köpt vid skrivande stund 15 mai 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1647

Author: Morin, Edgar

Year: 1990

Title: Penser l'Europe

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Gallimard

Short Title: Penser l'Europe

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 491

Author: Morphology

Year: 1911

Title: [Article on-]

Book Title: Encyclopaedia Britannica - Vol. 18

Edition: 11th

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 492

Author: Morphology

Year: 1967

Title: [Article on-]

Book Title: Encyclopaedia Britannica - Vol.15

Pages: 857-858

Edition: 14th

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 493

Author: Morphology

Year: 1974

Title: [Article on-]

Book Title: New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia - Vol.12

Pages: 451-456

Edition: 15th

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 494

Author: Morris, C.

Year: 1971

Title: Writings on the general theory of signs

Place Published: The Hague

Publisher: Mouton

Short Title: Writings on the general theory of signs



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2864

Author: Morrison, Philip

Year: 1972

Title: Five kinds of scientific inquiry. Book review of C. W. Churchman's The design of inquiring systems: Basic concepts of systems and organization

Journal: Scientific American

Issue: May

Pages: 128-130

Short Title: Five kinds of scientific inquiry. Book review of C. W. Churchman's The design of inquiring systems: Basic concepts of systems and organization

Alternate Journal: Scientific American

Keywords: Chu71/0**



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1077

Author: Motloch, John L.

Year: 1989

Title: Order and spontaneity in the design of cities

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 4

Pages: 21-26

Short Title: Order and spontaneity in the design of cities

Keywords: Architecture, aesthetics, cognitive styles

Notes: Ref. to S.Kaplan in Environment & behavior, vol.19, No.1, Jan.1987 "Affect and cognition: Environmental preference from an evolutionary perspective". Ref. to Lazarus, and Zajonc. Ref. to J.O. Simonds, Landscape  architecture: A manual of site planning and design, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1983. Ref. to J.F.Wohlwill, Environmental aesthetics: The environment as a source of effect [affect?], in I.Altman & J.F.Wohlwill, 1974, pp.37-87.

Motloch's address: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1507

Author: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 1976

Title: The conquest of will: Information processing in human affairs

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: The conquest of will: Information processing in human affairs

Keywords: HCI

Notes: From Mow. e-mail den 11/6-92. See chapter 13: "Man-machine interaction", pp. 252-274; "Literary perspectives on the machine", pp. 295-315 [narratives, Staffan Gustafsson]

Ref to "computers vs. Copernican revolution" (≈Truesdell) on p. 117



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 495

Editor: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 1977

Title: Inside information: Computers in fiction

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Inside information: Computers in fiction

Notes: Fr. Mowshowitz, 1985, p. 109. Till Staffan Gustafsson i mars 94



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 881

Author: Mowshowitz, A.

Year: 1981

Title: On approaches to the study of social issues in computing

Journal: Communications of the ACM

Volume: 24

Issue: 3

Pages: 146-155

Short Title: On approaches to the study of social issues in computing

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1535

Author: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 1984

Title: Computers and the myth of reality

Book Title: Proc. of the 1984 ACM Computer Science Conference

Pages: 85-92

Short Title: Computers and the myth of reality

Notes: Included in Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1536

Author: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 1985

Title: On the social relations of computers

Journal: Human Systems Management

Volume: 5

Pages: 99-110

Short Title: On the social relations of computers

Alternate Journal: Human Systems Management

Notes: Included in Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1534

Author: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 1986

Title: Social dimensions of office automation

Journal: Advances in Computers

Volume: 25

Pages: 335-404

Short Title: Social dimensions of office automation

Alternate Journal: Advances in Computers

Notes: Included in Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1538

Author: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 1987

Title: The information marketplace

Institution: prepared for US Office of Technology Assessment

Short Title: The information marketplace

Notes: Included in Capri 1992. Finns kanske på Forskningspolitiska Programmet i Lund



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1537

Author: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 1989

Title: On managing technological change

Journal: Technovation

Volume: 9

Pages: 623-633

Short Title: On managing technological change

Alternate Journal: Technovation

Notes: Included in Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1792

Author: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 1993

Title: Information as commodity: Assessment of market value

Journal: Advances in Computers

Volume: 38,1993-1994

Issue: June

Pages: 248-316

Short Title: Information as commodity: Assessment of market value

Alternate Journal: Advances in Computers

Legal Note: June 1993. In print

Notes: Reprint from AM in May 95. Published in 93 or 94?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3019

Author: Mowshowitz, Abbe

Year: 2008

Title: Technology as excuse for questionable ethics

Journal: AI & Society

Volume: Volume 22

Issue: 3, January

Pages: Pages 271-282

Short Title: Technology as excuse for questionable ethics

Alternate Journal: AI & Society

Keywords: in Wiki KIv



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1088

Author: Mozes, Eyal

Year: 1989

Title: A deductive database based on Aristotelian logic

Journal: J. Symbolic Computation

Volume: 7

Pages: 487-507

Short Title: A deductive database based on Aristotelian logic

Alternate Journal: J. Symbolic Computation

Abstract: This paper proposes a new type of deductive database, whose structure is based on Aristotles' rules of syllogism. This type iof database demonstrates the advantages of Aristotelian logic over more modern formalisms for applications in which natural and informative interaction with human users is important.

Aristotelian logic was created for the purpose of understanding and practically guiding actual human thought; this was not the purpose of modern, mathematical logic.

Notes: Refers to Veatch, Maritain, Lukasiewicz



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 496

Author: Mugnai, M.

Year: 1973

Title: Leibniz e la logica simbolica.

Place Published: Firenze

Publisher: Sansoni

Short Title: Leibniz e la logica simbolica.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 497

Author: Mumford, E., Hirschheim, R., Fitzgerald, G. and Wood-Harper, A.T., (Eds)

Year: 1985

Title: Research methods in information systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Research methods in information systems



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1503

Author: Munthe, Axel

Year: 1975

Title: The story of San Michele

Place Published: London & Toronto

Publisher: Grafton

Short Title: The story of San Michele

Notes: Capri, 1992, 1998

Förstorad artiken intervju med läkaren prof. Luigi Condorelli i Il Tempo 91-05-24 s. 3 (bok om Andrea Cesalpino 1519-1603) angående läkarutbildning [medicine education] och som rekommenderar

1. Il malato immaginario di Molière con uma riflessione speciale sulla scena della laurea alla Sorbona.

2. Il dilemma del medico, di Shaw, con una riflessione sull'introduzione

3. Storia di San Michele, di Axel Munthe.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2137

Author: Murray, Mac

Year: 1989

Title: Ekonomi, moral och politik

Journal: Tiden

Issue: 6-7

Short Title: Ekonomi, moral och politik

Alternate Journal: Tiden

Keywords: adb-education

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 498

Author: Murray, P.

Year: 1982

Title: The Frankfurt school critique of technology

Journal: Res. in Phil. & Technology

Volume: 5

Pages: 223-248

Short Title: The Frankfurt school critique of technology

Alternate Journal: Res. in Phil. & Technology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 499

Author: Musil, R.

Year: 1952

Title: Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Rowohlt

Short Title: Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 500

Author: Musil, R.

Year: 1978

Title: Der Matematische Mensch

Editor: Frisé, A.

Book Title: Gesammelt Werke  - Vol.8

Place Published: Hamburg

Publisher: Rowohlt

Short Title: Der Matematische Mensch



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2195

Author: Musson, A.E.

Year: 1972

Title: Science, technology and economic growth in the eighteenth century

Place Published: Suffolk

Short Title: Science, technology and economic growth in the eighteenth century

Keywords: adb education? progress

Notes: Fr Eva Frimans D-uppsats (Idéhistoria)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2486

Author: Myers, Michael D.

Year: 1997

Title: Qualitative research in information systems

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 21

Issue: 2, June

Pages: 241-242

Short Title: Qualitative research in information systems

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Legal Note: Archival version June 1997 at http://www.misq.org/misq961/isworld, updated version at http://www.auckland.ac.nz/msis/isworld/  accessed 14 December 1999



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 501

Author: Myhill, J.

Year: 1952

Title: Some philosophical implications of mathematical logic

Journal: The Review of Metaphysics

Volume: 6

Issue: 2, Dec.

Pages: 165-198

Short Title: Some philosophical implications of mathematical logic

Alternate Journal: The Review of Metaphysics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2039

Author: Müller-Merbach

Year: 1988

Title: Mutual understanding, revisited after nearly 25 years

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 1

Issue: 4

Pages: 399-414

Short Title: Mutual understanding, revisited after nearly 25 years

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Keywords: Churchman implementation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1822

Author: Myrdal, Gunnar and Myrdal, Alva

Year: 1934

Title: Kris i befolkningsfrågan [Crisis in the population issue]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Bonniers

Short Title: Kris i befolkningsfrågan [Crisis in the population issue]

Notes: Refs pp. 217-220, 223, 299-301



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2138

Author: Myrman, Yngve and Kjellén, B.

Year: 1993

Title: Casemetoden: En väg till pedagogisk förnyelse

Editor: Selander, S.

Book Title: Forskning om utbildning

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Council for Studies of Higher Education

Short Title: Casemetoden: En väg till pedagogisk förnyelse

Section: Publication 1993:3-4

Keywords: adb-education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2983

Author: Mårtensson, Jan

Year: 1979

Title: "Snuttuniversitetet" granskat. Bara var fjärde samhällsvetare vill ha djupare kunskap

Journal: Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten

Issue: 28 januari

Short Title: "Snuttuniversitetet" granskat. Bara var fjärde samhällsvetare vill ha djupare kunskap

Alternate Journal: Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1648

Author: Naert, Émilienne

Year: 1959

Title: Leibniz et la querelle du pur amour

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Leibniz et la querelle du pur amour

Keywords: A2Psi

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 502

Author: Nagel, E., Suppes, P. and Tarski, A., (Eds.)

Year: 1962

Title: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science (Proc. of the 1960 International Congress)

Place Published: Stanford

Publisher: Stanford University Press

Short Title: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science (Proc. of the 1960 International Congress)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 823

Author: Nagel, S.

Year: 1988

Title: Decision-aiding software for all fields of knowledge

Journal: Int. Journal of Information Management

Volume: 8

Issue: 2

Pages: 123-140

Short Title: Decision-aiding software for all fields of knowledge

Alternate Journal: Int. Journal of Information Management



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2836

Author: Nandorf, Tove

Year: 2002

Title: Kyrkan orolig för ekonomin. Den katolska kyrkan vägrar att ge euron sin helhjärtade välsignelse -- den anses alldeles för världslig. Dessutom kan den i Frankrike minska kollekten

Journal: DN

Issue: 2 januari

Pages: C6

Short Title: Kyrkan orolig för ekonomin. Den katolska kyrkan vägrar att ge euron sin helhjärtade välsignelse -- den anses alldeles för världslig. Dessutom kan den i Frankrike minska kollekten

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: Money economics finance, (Chu71/9**), the unit is arbitrary but not the standard? Kollektmynt 1 euro (9,50) vs 10 FRF (14,50 SEK)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2985

Author: Narti, Ana maria

Year: 1979

Title: Vad är antiintellektualismen (II): Användbara och oanvändbara kunksaper

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Issue: 21 December

Short Title: Vad är antiintellektualismen (II): Användbara och oanvändbara kunksaper

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: skola school university education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2986

Author: Narti, Ana maria

Year: 1980

Title: Vad är antiintellektualismen (III): Högern, vänstern och skolan

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Issue: 4 January

Short Title: Vad är antiintellektualismen (III): Högern, vänstern och skolan

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Keywords: skola school university education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2696

Author: Narti, Ana maria

Year: 1983

Title: Barn utan rötter [Children without roots]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Rabén & Sjögren

Short Title: Barn utan rötter [Children without roots]

Keywords: school



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1998

Editor: Nasr, Seyyed Hossein and Stoddart, William

Year: 1991

Title: Religion of the heart: Essays presented to Frithjof Schuon on his eightieth birthday

Place Published: Washington DC

Publisher: Foundation for Traditional Studies

Short Title: Religion of the heart: Essays presented to Frithjof Schuon on his eightieth birthday

Notes: Tage Lindboms andlige fader (enl. 930723). Foundation for Traditional Studies, 1633 Q  St. NW, Washington DC



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 906

Author: Naudé, G.

Year: 1876

Title: Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Liseux

Short Title: Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 503

Author: Naur, P.

Year: 1968

Title: "Datalogy": The science of data and data processes

Book Title: Proc. of the IFIP Congress, 1968

Pages: 1383-1387

Short Title: "Datalogy": The science of data and data processes



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 504

Author: Naur, P.

Year: 1982

Title: Formalization in program development

Journal: BIT

Volume: 22

Pages: 437-453

Short Title: Formalization in program development

Alternate Journal: BIT



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2201

Author: Naur, Peter

Year: 1992

Title: Computing: A human activity

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Computing: A human activity

Keywords: adb education, programming



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 505

Author: Negoita, C.V.

Year: 1988

Title: Fuzzy sets, uncertainty, and information

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 4

Pages: 353-361

Short Title: Fuzzy sets, uncertainty, and information

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Legal Note: Review of book with the same title by J. Klir and T.A. Folger



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1522

Editor: Negrotti, Massimo

Year: 1991

Title: Understanding the artificial: On the future shape of artificial intelligence

Place Published: London & Heidelberg

Publisher: Springer

Short Title: Understanding the artificial: On the future shape of artificial intelligence

Notes: (Included in Capri 92 as Italian contact)



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1532

Author: Negrotti, Massimo

Year: 1991

Title: The reality of the artificial

Institution: IMES Ist. Metodologico Economico Statistico, Univ. di Urbino, Via Saffi 15, I-61029 Urbino, Italy

Short Title: The reality of the artificial

Report Number: IMES WP-5

Notes: Included in Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 3021

Editor: Negrotti, Massimo

Year: 2008

Title: Yearbook of the artificial: Natural chance, artificial chance. (Vol. 5)

Place Published: Bern, New York, Oxford

Publisher: Peter Lang

Short Title: Yearbook of the artificial: Natural chance, artificial chance. (Vol. 5)

Keywords: statistics, chance, random, probability, theology



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2462

Author: Nelson, George

Year: 1957

Title: The enlargement of vision

Editor: Nelson, George

Book Title: Problems of design

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Whitney

Volume: 10

Short Title: The enlargement of vision

Abbreviation: Design since 1945

Keywords: spirituality, ethics, religion, design, appropriateness, [theological aesthetics?], functional vs teleological [Singer]. Cf. long notes!

Notes: From Buchanan, p. 36 & 55. Vs Erik Stolterman's vision vs operative image (paradox). Long Notes



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2461

Author: Nelson, George

Year: ?

Title: The design process

Journal: Design since 1945

Volume: 10

Short Title: The design process

Alternate Journal: Design since 1945

Keywords: Cf. Long Notes for Buchanan 1995 spirituality, ethics, religion, design, appropriateness, [theological aesthetics?]

Notes: From R. Buchanan, 1995 (manuscript 1994, p 36 & 55)



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1335

Author: Nelson, Harold G.

Year: 1991

Title: Design inquiry as an intellectual technology for the design of educational systems

Institution: Whole Systems Design, Antioch University, Seattle, WA

Short Title: Design inquiry as an intellectual technology for the design of educational systems

Report Number: Prepared for the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Comprenhensive Systems Design: A New Educational Technology, Monterey-Asilomar, California, 2-7 December 1990



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2643

Author: Neumann, Erich

Year: 1972

Title: The Great Mother: An analysis of the archetype

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton Univ. Press

Short Title: The Great Mother: An analysis of the archetype

Keywords: Jung



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 506

Author: Neumann, P.G.

Year: 1979

Title: A note on the psychology of abstraction

Journal: ACM-SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes

Volume: 4

Issue: 1, Jan.

Pages: p. 21

Short Title: A note on the psychology of abstraction

Alternate Journal: ACM-SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 507

Author: Neumann, P.G.

Year: 1982

Title: Psychosocial implications of computer software development and use: Zen and the art of computing

Journal: ACM-SIGSOFT Softaware Engineering Notes

Volume: 7

Issue: 2, April

Pages: 3-11

Short Title: Psychosocial implications of computer software development and use: Zen and the art of computing

Alternate Journal: ACM-SIGSOFT Softaware Engineering Notes



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 509

Author: Newell, A., Perlis, A. and Simon, H.

Year: 1967

Title: Computer science

Journal: Science

Volume: 157

Issue: 22 September

Short Title: Computer science

Alternate Journal: Science



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 512

Author: Newell, A., Shaw, J.C. and Simon, H.A.

Year: 1960

Title: Report on a general problem solving program

Editor: UNESCO

Book Title: Information processing. Proceedings of the UNESCO Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Paris, 15-20 June 1959

Place Published: London and München

Publisher: Butterworths and Oldenbourg

Pages: 256-264

Short Title: Report on a general problem solving program



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 508

Author: Newell, A. and Simon, H.A.

Year: 1981

Title: Computer science as empirical inquiry

Editor: Haugeland, J.

Book Title: Mind design: Philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence

Place Published: Montgomery, Vermont

Publisher: Bradford Books

Short Title: Computer science as empirical inquiry



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2392

Author: Newman, John Henry, Cardinal

Year: 1885

Title: The idea of a university: Defined and illustrated

Place Published: London

Publisher: Longmans & Green

Short Title: The idea of a university: Defined and illustrated

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 513

Author: Newman, W. and Sproull, R.

Year: 1979

Title: Principles of interactive computer graphics

Place Published: New York

Publisher: McGraw-Hill International

Short Title: Principles of interactive computer graphics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 515

Author: Neyman, J.

Year: 1952

Title: Lectures and conferences on mathematical statistics and probability.

Place Published: Washington, D.C.

Publisher: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

Short Title: Lectures and conferences on mathematical statistics and probability.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 514

Author: Neyman, J.

Year: 1960

Title: Indeterminism in science and new demands on statisticians

Journal: JASA

Pages: 625ff

Short Title: Indeterminism in science and new demands on statisticians

Alternate Journal: J. of the American Statistical Association



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 919

Author: Ngwenyama, Ojelanki Kayana

Year: 1987

Title: Fundamental issues of knowledge acquisition: Toward a human action perspective of knowledge systems

Institution: Binghamton, N.Y.: Graduate School of the State University of New York at Binghamton - Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering, Applied Science, and Technology

Short Title: Fundamental issues of knowledge acquisition: Toward a human action perspective of knowledge systems

Report Number: Doctoral dissertation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3015

Author: Nichols, Aidan, OP

Year: 1998

Title: The Word has been abroad: A guide through Balthasar's aesthetics

Place Published: Edinburgh

Publisher: T&T Clarck

Short Title: The Word has been abroad: A guide through Balthasar's aesthetics

Keywords: theology, Christian catholic, philosophy

Notes: Köpt den 070415 på Katolsk Bokhandel



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1845

Author: Niebuhr, H. Richard

Year: 1960

Title: The meaning of revelation

Place Published: New York

Publisher: MacMillan

Short Title: The meaning of revelation

Keywords: religion, theology

Notes: in Hillman 1985, p. 274 et al.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1250

Author: Niebuhr, Reinhold

Year: 1986

Title: The essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected essays and addresses

Place Published: New Haven & London

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: The essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected essays and addresses

Keywords: religion, theology

Notes: p. 144 on obligation vs. love, vs. Kant in Ivanov 1991



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1257

Author: Niebuhr, Reinhold

Year: 1986

Title: Love and law in Protestantism and Catholicism

Editor: McAfee Brown, Robert

Book Title: The essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected essays and addresses

Place Published: New Haven & London

Publisher: Yale University Press

Pages: 142-159

Short Title: Love and law in Protestantism and Catholicism

Keywords: religion, theology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2225

Author: Nielsen, Peter Axel

Year: 1990

Title: Approaches to appreciate information systems methodologies: A soft systems survey

Journal: Scandinavian Journal of information Systems

Volume: 2, August

Pages: 43-60

Short Title: Approaches to appreciate information systems methodologies: A soft systems survey

Alternate Journal: Scandinavian Journal of information Systems

Notes: Ref to IIvari 1983



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1113

Author: Nietzsche, Friedrich

Year: 1983

Title: Il caso Nietzsche contra Wagner [The case Nietzsche versus Wagner]

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Unicopli

Short Title: Il caso Nietzsche contra Wagner [The case Nietzsche versus Wagner]

Keywords: Music, aesthetics, art



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 516

Author: Nietzsche, F.

Year: 1988

Title: Sull'utilità e danno della storia per la vita

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Adelphi

Edition: 7th

Short Title: Sull'utilità e danno della storia per la vita



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2679

Author: Niléhn, L.

Year: 1975

Title: Nyhumanism och medborgarfostran

Place Published: Lund

Short Title: Nyhumanism och medborgarfostran

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2235

Author: Nilsson, Anders G.

Year: 1991

Title: Anskaffning av standardsystem för att utveckla verksamheter: Utfveckling och prövning av SIV-metoden 'Stardardsystem i Verksamheter'

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Stockholm School of Economics EFI

Short Title: Anskaffning av standardsystem för att utveckla verksamheter: Utfveckling och prövning av SIV-metoden 'Stardardsystem i Verksamheter'

Keywords: ADB avh



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2646

Author: Nilsson, Helena

Year: 2000

Title: Estetiken och livet: Hans Larssons Nietzsche

Journal: Res Publica

Volume: 48-50

Issue: 2-4

Pages: 78-81

Short Title: Estetiken och livet: Hans Larssons Nietzsche

Alternate Journal: Res Publica

Legal Note: Origin. in Studier och Meditationer, 1899

Keywords: aesthetics vs. ethics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1921

Author: Nilsson, Kenneth

Year: 1970

Title: Datorer och kontroll

Editor: Annerstedt, Jan, Forssberg, Lars, Henriksson, Sten and Nilsson, Kenneth

Book Title: Datorer och politik: Studier i en ny tekniks politiska effekter på det svenska samhället

Place Published: Staffanstorp

Publisher: Zenit & Bo Cavefors

Short Title: Datorer och kontroll



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2128

Author: Nilsson, Kenneth

Year: 1972

Title: Utformning av objektprogrammet i COBOL

för en liten datamaskin. [The design of the object program of COBOL for a small computer]

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Lund University, Dept. of Computer Science

Short Title: Utformning av objektprogrammet i COBOL

för en liten datamaskin. [The design of the object program of COBOL for a small computer]



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 517

Author: Nilsson, K.

Year: 1987

Title: Project description: Design of  interactive information systems

Institution: Inst. for Information Processing, University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Project description: Design of  interactive information systems

Report Number: Report UMADP-RRIPCS-5.87, ISSN 0282-0579



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 518

Author: Nilsson, K.

Year: 1988

Title: Some elaborations on the project description: Design of interactive information systems

Institution: University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing, 1988

Short Title: Some elaborations on the project description: Design of interactive information systems



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1140

Author: Nilsson, Kenneth

Year: 1989

Title: Designing for creativity: Toward a theoretical basis for the design of interactive information systems

Book Title: Proc. of the 12th IRIS Conference - Information Systems Research in Scandinavia,13-16 August 1989, Skagen, Denmark

Place Published: Aalborg

Publisher: Aalborg University, Inst. of Electronic Systems

Short Title: Designing for creativity: Toward a theoretical basis for the design of interactive information systems

Section: Also as report UMADP-RRIPCS-8.89, University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1168

Author: Nilsson, Kenneth

Year: 1989

Title: A Model of Relational Algebra

Institution: University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: A Model of Relational Algebra

Report Number: Research report UMADP-RRIPCS-7-89



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1314

Author: Nilsson, Kenneth

Year: 1989

Title: Some presuppositions for computer support for interactive problem solving and design

Institution: Umeå University, Institute of Information Processing

Short Title: Some presuppositions for computer support for interactive problem solving and design

Report Number: Report UMADP-WPIPCS-12-89



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1321

Editor: Nilsson, Kenneth

Year: 1990

Title: Framväxten och utvecklingen av universitetsämnet Administrativ Databehandling: Presentation of artikelsamling for doktorandkurs

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Framväxten och utvecklingen av universitetsämnet Administrativ Databehandling: Presentation of artikelsamling for doktorandkurs


Keywords: Research history, adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2880

Author: Nilsson, Kenneth

Year: 2002

Title: Verksamhetsberättelse för år 2002 för institutionens för informatik jämte vissa planer för år 2002

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå university, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Verksamhetsberättelse för år 2002 för institutionens för informatik jämte vissa planer för år 2002

Keywords: Chu71/end*



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 519

Author: Nilsson, T.

Year: 1987

Title: Kartor, informationssystem och geografiska informationssystem

Institution: University of Umeå, Dept. of Information Processing

Short Title: Kartor, informationssystem och geografiska informationssystem

Report Number: Report UMADP-WPIPCS 10.87



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1175

Author: Nilsson, Torsten

Year: 1989

Title: Kompetensutveckling vid lokal datorisering: Praktikfallet regionalekonomiska enheten vid länsstyrelsen i Västerbottens län

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Kompetensutveckling vid lokal datorisering: Praktikfallet regionalekonomiska enheten vid länsstyrelsen i Västerbottens län

Report Number: Report UMADP–WPIPCS 13:89



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1478

Author: Nilsson, Torsten

Year: 1990

Title: The competence development strategy: An outline of a problem

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: The competence development strategy: An outline of a problem



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 520

Author: Nisbet, Robert A.

Year: 1971

Title: The degradation of the academic dogma. The university in America, 1945-1970

Place Published: London

Publisher: Heineman

Short Title: The degradation of the academic dogma. The university in America, 1945-1970



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 824

Author: Nissen, Hans-Erik

Year: 1976

Title: On interpreting services rendered by specific computer applications

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Stockholm: The Royal Institute of Technology

Short Title: On interpreting services rendered by specific computer applications

Keywords: ADB avh, computer impact/consequences/effects, user groups, men-to-men communication/conversation, formal languages, predicate calculus



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 967

Author: Nissen, Hans-Erik

Year: 1986

Title: Views in 1985 on information systems research methods

Institution: Lund University, Dept. of Information and Computer Science, & IFIP WG 8.2 TG

Short Title: Views in 1985 on information systems research methods

Report Number: LU-ADB-R:86-01

Keywords: MIS



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1466

Author: Nissen, Hans-Erik

Year: 1987

Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Det finns ingen genväg till högre kvalitet och bättre system

Journal: Computer Sweden

Issue: 3 April

Pages: 30

Short Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Det finns ingen genväg till högre kvalitet och bättre system

Alternate Journal: Computer Sweden



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 825

Author: Nissen, Hans-Erik, et al.

Year: 1988

Title: AMIS: Ansvars- och medverkansformer i kontinuerlig systemutveckling

Institution: Lunds University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: AMIS: Ansvars- och medverkansformer i kontinuerlig systemutveckling

Report Number: Project description



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1007

Author: Nissen, Hans-Erik

Year: 1989

Title: Towards theoretical foundations for research on responsibility and cooperation in continual systems development

Institution: Lund University, Dept. of Information and Computer Science

Short Title: Towards theoretical foundations for research on responsibility and cooperation in continual systems development

Report Number: AMIS working paper. Earlier version Nov. 11, 1988 "Directions for research and teaching in information and computer science"

Notes: 1989-02-21



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1166

Author: Nissen, Hans-Erik

Year: 1989

Title: Information systems development for responsible human action

Editor: Klein, H.K. and Kumar, K.

Book Title: Systems development for human progress

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: Elsevier North-Holland

Pages: 99-113

Short Title: Information systems development for responsible human action



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1468

Editor: Nissen, Hans-Erik, Klein, Heinz K. and Hirschheim, Rudy

Year: 1991

Title: Information systems research: Contemporary approaches and emergent traditions

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Short Title: Information systems research: Contemporary approaches and emergent traditions



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 521

Author: Nissen, Hans-Erik and Sandström, G., (Eds.)

Year: 1986

Title: Quality of work versus quality of information systems (Report of the Ninth Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering, Båstad, 19-22 August 1986)

Institution: University of Lund, Dept. of Information Processing

Short Title: Quality of work versus quality of information systems (Report of the Ninth Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering, Båstad, 19-22 August 1986)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 522

Author: Nissen, Hans-Erik and Sandström, G.

Year: 1987

Title: Why computerize information systems - Why not sometimes reduce administration?

Editor: Järvinen, P.

Book Title: Proceedings of the tenth IRIS, Tampere, Finland

Place Published: Tampere

Publisher: University of Tampere

Pages: 555-570

Short Title: Why computerize information systems - Why not sometimes reduce administration?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2485

Author: Noble, David

Year: 1997

Title: The religion of technology: The divinity of man and the spirit of invention

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Knopf

Short Title: The religion of technology: The divinity of man and the spirit of invention

Keywords: theology ≈ Mitcham & Grote?

Notes: In Jeffrey R. Young (2000) at http://chronicle/com/free/v46/i30/30a00101.htm. Noble's work widely cited by historians of science, says Thomas P. Hughes [check!], visiting prof. of history at Stanford Univ. and MIT



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2596

Author: Noble, David

Year: 1997?

Title: Digital Diploma Mills. Part I-IV

Publisher: http://www.communications.ucsd.edu/dl/ddm1.html - to ddm4.html. Accessed 31 March 2000

Short Title: Digital Diploma Mills. Part I-IV

Keywords: virtual university, distance education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1429

Author: Nodoushani, Omid

Year: 1991

Title: What systems thinking can learn from history

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 5-19

Short Title: What systems thinking can learn from history

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 523

Author: Nordin, I.

Year: 1983

Title: Vad är teknik? Filosofiska funderingar kring teknikens struktur och dynamik

Institution: University of Linköping, Tema-T

Short Title: Vad är teknik? Filosofiska funderingar kring teknikens struktur och dynamik

Report Number: Tema-T report No.3



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1068

Author: Nordin, Svante

Year: 1987

Title: Romantikens filosofi: Svensk idealism från Hoijer till hegelianerna

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Doxa

Short Title: Romantikens filosofi: Svensk idealism från Hoijer till hegelianerna

Keywords: Kreativitet

Notes: "Om inbillningsgåvan" (1810) av Erik Gustaf Geijer - inbillningskraften som en gudomlig förmåga...och, mera systematiskt och filosofiskt "Om sann och falsk upplysning med avseende på religionen" (1811), mot sundaförnuftet



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1799

Author: Nordin, Svante

Year: 1989

Title: Från tradition till apokalyps: Historieskrivning och civilisationskritik i det moderna Europa [From tradition to apocalypse]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Symposion

Short Title: Från tradition till apokalyps: Historieskrivning och civilisationskritik i det moderna Europa [From tradition to apocalypse]

Notes: Spengler 133, 177; Troeltsch 26-7; Ranke 29, 73ff; Renan 175-6



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2883

Author: Nordin, Svante

Year: 2001

Title: 'Förlåt jag blott citerar': Om citatets historia

Place Published: Nora

Publisher: Nya Doxa

Short Title: 'Förlåt jag blott citerar': Om citatets historia

Keywords: Chu71/1* (esp. sid. 142-143, 207-217); quotation citation references ADB-education, from Gunnel Ekstrand 011020



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2949

Author: Nordisk Familjebok

Year: 1923-1934

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Familjebokens Förlag



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 524

Author: Nordström, T.

Year: 1987

Title: On democratic design of information systems: A computer supported public information system for neighbourhood service

Book Title: Proc. of the 10th Scandinavian Research Seminar on the Use and Development of Information Systems, Tampere, 1987

Short Title: On democratic design of information systems: A computer supported public information system for neighbourhood service



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1284

Author: Nordström, Torbjörn

Year: 1990

Title: Conversation killing: A form of system destruction

Book Title: Prec. of the 13th IRIS Conference - Information Systems Research in Scandinavia,14-17 August 1989, Turku, Finland

Pages: 313-323

Short Title: Conversation killing: A form of system destruction



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1479

Author: Nordström, Torbjörn

Year: 1991

Title: Administrative data processing and its computer metaphors

Book Title: (Addendum to) Prec. of the 14th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia – IRIS'91, Umeå-Lövånger, August 11-14, 1991

Short Title: Administrative data processing and its computer metaphors



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1881

Author: Nordström, Torbjörn

Year: 1992

Title: Research on quality: What is an appropriate object of study?

Editor: Bjerknes, G, Bratteteig, T. and Kautz, K.

Book Title: Prec. of the 15th IRIS, Larkollen, Norway, 11-14 August 1992

Place Published: Oslo

Publisher: Oslo University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Research on quality: What is an appropriate object of study?



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1901

Author: Nordström, Torbjörn

Year: 1993

Title: The forming of a professional opinion

Editor: Bansler, J., Bødker, S., Kensing, F., Nørbjerg, J. and Pries-Heje, J.

Book Title: Prec. of the 16th IRIS Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Copenhagen, 7-10 August 1993

Place Published: Copenhagen

Publisher: Copenhagen University, Datalogisk Institut

Short Title: The forming of a professional opinion



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2476

Author: Nordvall, Michael

Year: 1999

Title: Koppla ur allt och koppla av

Journal: Avisen

Issue: 27 Juni

Pages: 14

Short Title: Koppla ur allt och koppla av

Alternate Journal: Avisen

Keywords: ref time vs technology, ref Louise Waldén, teknikforskare vid högskolan i Gävle

Notes: michael.nn@ordval.se



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1919

Author: Normann, Richard and Ramirez, Rafael

Year: 1993

Title: From value chain to value constellation: Designing interactive strategy

Journal: HBR

Issue: July-August

Pages: 65-77

Short Title: From value chain to value constellation: Designing interactive strategy

Alternate Journal: Harvard Business Review

Legal Note: Reprint 93408

Keywords: IKEA, pharmacies, concessions, alliances

Notes: Int. Zeitgeist strömmar som samskapande omedvetet anknyter till



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2358

Author: Norris, Christopher

Year: 1990

Title: What's wrong with postmodernism: Critical theory and the ends of philosophy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harvester Wheatsheaf

Short Title: What's wrong with postmodernism: Critical theory and the ends of philosophy

Keywords: Paul de Man, vs Foucault & Rorty & Stanley Fish, (Derrida), Habermas, Roy Bhaskar, aesthetic ideology, rhetoric, vs Schiller & Heidegger (279), vs Wittgenstein (language games),  vs (total) constructivism, ≈vs Erik Stolterman, misreading of Kant's Critique of Judgement, vs. virtual reality,

Notes: From J. Waterworth. Chap. 6 "Music, language and the sublime" pp. 208-221. Long Notes

Till Ingarö 000520



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2374

Author: Norris, Christopher

Year: 1993

Title: The truth about postmodernism

Short Title: The truth about postmodernism

Notes: £ 13,99 Paperback



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2375

Author: Norris, Christopher

Year: 1994

Title: Truth and the ethics of criticism

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Manchester University Press. Distrib. by St. Martin's Press

Short Title: Truth and the ethics of criticism

Keywords: vs postmodernism, Lyotard, Derrida, Julia Kristeva, conceptual scheme frame, Foucault, Rorty, Saussure, semiotics, aestheticism, ethics, sublime, Jews vs Greeks, Hellenism vs. judaism hebrew, Aristotle, language vs logic, other, signifying practices mening, Kant-Fichte-Schelling-Hegel, Whitaker , self vs subject, vs. Husserl, religion, Bakhtin, person [character?], virtual community, Foucault, vs. Ehn, Donald Davidson 1984, vs. concepts->metaphors

Notes: (129) Postmodern bibliography,

Author: prof. of the History of Ideas at the University of Wales, Cardiff




Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2520

Author: Norris, Christopher

Year: 1997

Title: Against relativism: Philosophy of science, deconstruction and critical theory

Place Published: Oxford and Malden, Mass.

Publisher: Blackwell

Short Title: Against relativism: Philosophy of science, deconstruction and critical theory

Notes: Prof. of philosophy at the university of Cardiff



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2522

Author: Norris, Christopher

Year: 1997

Title: New idols of the cave: On the limits of anti-realism

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Manchester University Press. Distributed  by St. Martin's Press

Short Title: New idols of the cave: On the limits of anti-realism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 525

Author: Norström, V.

Year: 1912

Title: Religion och tanke

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Gebers

Short Title: Religion och tanke

Notes: Ref. Simmel, p.35, subject vs object, 144  natural science, 140 life. Finns på Idéhistoria



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2216

Author: Northrop, F.S.C.

Year: 1959

Title: The logic of science and the humanities

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Meridian

Short Title: The logic of science and the humanities

Keywords: adb-education?, min AVH

Notes: Ex of "chair" vs culture



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2740

Author: Nowakowska, Maria

Year: 1998

Title: Book review: Leibniz. language, signs and thought, by Marcelo Dascal. John Benjamins Publ. Co., Amsterdan Philadelphia, 1987

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 4

Pages: 353

Short Title: Book review: Leibniz. language, signs and thought, by Marcelo Dascal. John Benjamins Publ. Co., Amsterdan Philadelphia, 1987

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Keywords: Chu71/2* (Chu71/5 Locke also, semiotics, Charles Morris, Charles Peirce, pragmatics-semantics-syntax



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 526

Author: Nunnally, J.

Year: 1960

Title: The place of statistics in psychology

Journal: Educational and Psychological Measurement

Volume: 20

Issue: 4

Pages: 641-650

Short Title: The place of statistics in psychology

Alternate Journal: Educational and Psychological Measurement

Legal Note: Also reprinted in  Badia et al., Research problems in psychology, Reading, Mass., 1970.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 527

Author: Nurminen, M.

Year: 1988

Title: People or computers: Three ways of looking at information systems

Place Published: Lund and London

Publisher: Studentlitteratur  and Chartwell-Bratt

Short Title: People or computers: Three ways of looking at information systems

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2947

Author: Nussbaum, Martha Craven

Year: 2001

Title: Upheavals of thought: The intelligence of emotions

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Upheavals of thought: The intelligence of emotions

Keywords: aethetics, aestheticism≈ethics, art, artist, Aristotle, vs. Nietzsche, music, cf. design

Notes: Boken  "återupprättar känslan som moralisk kompass. Hjärtat står inte i motsättning till hjärnan, känslotänkandet är en förutsättning för rättvisa""Den kultiverade mildheten i denna sats...samhället när det är som bäst -- tacksamhetens och den goda tonens behag, den storslaget älskvärda gästfriheten..." eller som Martha Nussbaum förstår den andra satsen i Mahlers andra synfoni." Till informatik 020215



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1756

Author: Nuutinen, Risto

Year: 1993

Title: The role, action and university education of an information systems architect

Institution: Univ. of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing Science

Short Title: The role, action and university education of an information systems architect

Report Number: PhD diss. plan. Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2218

Author: Nybom, Thorsten

Year: 1982

Title: Till frågan om vetenskapen som ideologi

Journal: Scandia

Volume: 48

Issue: 2

Pages: 275-301

Short Title: Till frågan om vetenskapen som ideologi

Alternate Journal: Scandia

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Om Habermas, pp. 291-293



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2149

Editor: Nybom, Thorsten

Year: 1989

Title: Universitet och samhälle: Om forskningspolitik och vetenskapens samhälleliga roll

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Tiden

Short Title: Universitet och samhälle: Om forskningspolitik och vetenskapens samhälleliga roll

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2156

Author: Nybom, Thorsten

Year: 1995

Title: A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. (Fax +46 8 323970)

Short Title: A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2153

Editor: Nybom, Thorsten and Torstendahl, Rolf

Year: 1989

Title: Byråkratisering och maktfördelning

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Byråkratisering och maktfördelning

Notes: Cf. book edited with M Burrage, Professions in theory and history: Rethinking the study of professions. London: Sage, 1990



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 528

Author: Nygaard, K.

Year: 1988

Title: O4 - Object oriented office organization: A proposal for the  ESPRIT technical integration project "Integrated application support system"

Institution: The Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo

Short Title: O4 - Object oriented office organization: A proposal for the  ESPRIT technical integration project "Integrated application support system"

Report Number: Unpublished lecture notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 531

Author: Nyman, A.

Year: 1917

Title: Psykologism mot logism: Brytningar och strömningar inom den modärna logiken

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Albert Bonnier

Short Title: Psykologism mot logism: Brytningar och strömningar inom den modärna logiken



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 532

Author: Nyman, A.

Year: 1928

Title: Schema och slutsats: En experimentallogisk undersökning. [Summary in English: Schema and inference]

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: C.W.K.Gleerup

Short Title: Schema och slutsats: En experimentallogisk undersökning. [Summary in English: Schema and inference]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 530

Author: Nyman, A.

Year: 1951

Title: Gränsbegrepp och renodling inom vetenskapen: Exempel, analyser, teori [Summary in French, and English title: Limiting concepts and clearing up  [exactness] in science: Examples, analyses, theory]

Journal: Lunds Universitetets Årskrift

Volume: 47

Issue: 1

Pages: 1-199

Short Title: Gränsbegrepp och renodling inom vetenskapen: Exempel, analyser, teori [Summary in French, and English title: Limiting concepts and clearing up  [exactness] in science: Examples, analyses, theory]

Alternate Journal: Lunds Universitetets Årskrift



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 533

Author: Nyman, A.

Year: 1956

Title: Utflykter i idévärlden

Place Published: Malmö

Publisher: Bernces

Short Title: Utflykter i idévärlden



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 529

Author: Nyman, A.

Year: 1959

Title: Évidence logique et évidence géometrique: Considerations de conceptuologie historique et de logique expérimentale

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: C.W.K.Gleerup

Short Title: Évidence logique et évidence géometrique: Considerations de conceptuologie historique et de logique expérimentale



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1267

Author: O'Flaherty, James C., (Trans. and commentary)

Year: 1967

Title: Hamann's Socratic Memorabilia

Place Published: Baltimore

Publisher: John Hopkins

Short Title: Hamann's Socratic Memorabilia



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 534

Author: Odajnyk, V.W.

Year: 1976

Title: Jung and politics: The political and social ideas of C.G. Jung

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Short Title: Jung and politics: The political and social ideas of C.G. Jung



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1128

Author: Oesterreich, R. and Volpert, W.

Year: 1986

Title: Task analysis for work design on the basis of action regulation theory

Journal: Econ. and Industrial Democracy

Volume: 7

Pages: 503-527

Short Title: Task analysis for work design on the basis of action regulation theory

Alternate Journal: Economic and Industrial Democracy

Keywords: Learning



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 535

Author: Ohlsson, S. and Almkvist, O.

Year: 1976

Title: Informationsprocess-psykologin: En introduktion

Journal: Psykologi i Teori och Praktik

Issue: 2

Pages: 27-46

Short Title: Informationsprocess-psykologin: En introduktion

Alternate Journal: Psykologi i Teori och Praktik

Legal Note: With bibliography, 118 entries



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1008

Author: Olerup, Agneta

Year: 1982

Title: Formalization and computerization as theoretical categories

Editor: Goldkuhl, G. and Kall, C.O.

Book Title: Report of the Fifth Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering

Place Published: Gothenburgh

Publisher: Chalmers Institute of Technology and University of Gothenburgh, Dept. of Information Processing

Short Title: Formalization and computerization as theoretical categories

Keywords: IRIS

Notes: Mainly business adm. oriented, no ref. to logic and mathematics



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1234

Author: Oliga, John C.

Year: 1989

Title: Ideology and systems emancipation

Institution: School of Accountancy and Commerce, Nanyang Technological Institute, Singapore

Short Title: Ideology and systems emancipation

Report Number: Manuscript



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1243

Author: Oliga, John C.

Year: 1990

Title: Power-ideology matrix in social systems control

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 31-49

Short Title: Power-ideology matrix in social systems control

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1015

Author: Olle, T.W., H.J., Sol. and Verrijn-Stuart, A.A.

Year: 1986

Title: Information system design methodologies: Improving the practice

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Information system design methodologies: Improving the practice



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1099

Author: Olle, T.W., Hagelstein, J., Macdonald, I.G., Rolland, C., Sol, H.G., Van Assche, F.J.M. and Verrijn-Stuart, A.A.

Year: 1988

Title: Information system methodologies: A framework for understanding

Place Published: Reading and Wokingham

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Information system methodologies: A framework for understanding

Keywords: Information systems research

Notes: From Berztiss, 1989.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 536

Author: Olle, T.W., Sol, H.G. and Tully, C.J., (Eds.)

Year: 1983

Title: Information systems methodologies: A feature analysis

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Information systems methodologies: A feature analysis



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 537

Author: Olle, T.W., Sol, H.G. and Verrijn-Stuart, A.A., (Eds.)

Year: 1982

Title: Information systems design methodologies: A comparative review

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Information systems design methodologies: A comparative review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1694

Author: Ollé-Laprune, M. Léon

Year: 1894

Title: Le devoir d'agir

Place Published: Paris

Short Title: Le devoir d'agir

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1465

Author: Olsson, Anders R.

Year: 1987

Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Moralitet från en dataprofet

Journal: Datavärlden

Issue: 19 March

Pages: 34

Short Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Moralitet från en dataprofet

Alternate Journal: Datavärlden



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 538

Author: Olsson, G.

Year: 1980

Title: Birds in egg: Eggs in bird

Place Published: London

Publisher: Pion (Series on Research in Planning and Design)

Short Title: Birds in egg: Eggs in bird

Keywords: Nordplan



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 539

Author: Olsson, G.

Year: 1988

Title: The eye and the index finger: Bodily means to cultural meaning

Editor: Golledge, R.G.

Book Title: A ground for common search

Place Published: Santa Barbara, Calif.

Publisher: Santa Barbara Geographical Press

Short Title: The eye and the index finger: Bodily means to cultural meaning

Keywords: Nordplan

Notes: 1988a



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 540

Author: Olsson, G.

Year: 1988

Title: Bjälken i ögat: Om tecknets kris och demokratins

Journal: Expressen

Issue: August 26th

Short Title: Bjälken i ögat: Om tecknets kris och demokratins

Alternate Journal: Expressen

Keywords: Nordplan

Notes: 1988b



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1976

Editor: Olsson, Mats

Year: 1994/95

Title: Forskningsmetodik och vetenskapsteori

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Forskningsmetodik och vetenskapsteori



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 541

Author: Oppenheimer, R.

Year: 1956

Title: Analogy in science

Journal: American psychologist

Volume: 11

Pages: 127-135

Short Title: Analogy in science

Alternate Journal: American psychologist

Keywords: metaphor



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1046

Author: Orchard-Hays, W.

Year: 1961

Title: The evolution of programming systems

Journal: Proc. of the IRE

Volume: 49

Issue: 1, January

Pages: 283-295

Short Title: The evolution of programming systems

Alternate Journal: Proc. of the IRE



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 542

Author: Orci, I.P.

Year: 1983

Title: Contributions to automatic programming theory: A study in knowledge-based computing

Institution: Royal Inst. of Technology and Univ. of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing and Computer Science

Short Title: Contributions to automatic programming theory: A study in knowledge-based computing

Report Number: Doctoral diss., report TRITA-IBADB-1105, ISBN 91-85212-97-0



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2262

Author: Organ, Wilson Troy

Year: 1949

Title: An index to Aristotle

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: An index to Aristotle



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2170

Author: Orlikowski, W.J.

Year: 1992

Title: The duality of technology: Rethinking the concept of technology in organizations

Journal: Organization Science

Volume: 3

Issue: 3

Pages: 398-427

Short Title: The duality of technology: Rethinking the concept of technology in organizations

Alternate Journal: Organization Science

Keywords: adb educatio



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2169

Author: Orlikowski, W.J. and Baroudi, J.J.

Year: 1991

Title: Studying information technology in organizations: Research approaches and assumptions

Journal: Information Systems Research

Volume: 2

Issue: 1

Pages: 1-28

Short Title: Studying information technology in organizations: Research approaches and assumptions

Alternate Journal: Information Systems Research

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Fr Myers 1997



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2293

Author: Ortega y Gasset, José

Year: 1972

Title: Thoughts on technology

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 290-316

Short Title: Thoughts on technology

Keywords: ADB education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 826

Author: Ottmann, H.

Year: 1982

Title: Cognitive interests and self-reflection

Editor: Thompson, J.B. and Held, D.

Book Title: Habermas: Critical debates

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Pages: 79-97

Short Title: Cognitive interests and self-reflection

Notes: OBS bra vs. Habermas, cf. Ivanov 1991



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 964

Author: Ouchi, William G.

Year: 1979

Title: A conceptual framework for the design of organizational control mechanisms

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 25

Issue: 9, September

Pages: 833-848

Short Title: A conceptual framework for the design of organizational control mechanisms

Alternate Journal: Management Science

Keywords: markets, bureaucracies, clans, MIS

Notes: University of California, Los Angeles



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 974

Author: Ouchi, W.G.

Year: 1980

Title: Markets, bureaucracies and clans

Journal: Administrative Science Quarterly

Volume: 25

Issue: March

Pages: 129-141

Short Title: Markets, bureaucracies and clans

Alternate Journal: Administrative Science Quarterly



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1740

Author: Ouchi, W. G.

Year: 1981

Title: Theory Z

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Theory Z

Notes: Migliareses favorit (Milano 1993)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 544

Author: Owen  -Sir Richard 

Year: 1911

Title: [Article on]

Book Title: Encyclopaedia Britannica  - Vol.20

Pages: 393-394

Edition: 11th

Short Title: [Article on]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 543

Author: Owen, K.

Year: 1983

Title: The art and science of programming: IFIP's community of experts tackle key problem areas

Journal: Algol Bulletin (ISSN 0084-6198)

Issue: December 1983, No.50

Short Title: The art and science of programming: IFIP's community of experts tackle key problem areas

Alternate Journal: Algol Bulletin (ISSN 0084-6198)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 545

Author: Pagels, H.

Year: 1988

Title: The dreams of reason: The computer and the rise of the sciences of complexity

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Short Title: The dreams of reason: The computer and the rise of the sciences of complexity



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1389

Author: Palazzoli, M. S., et al

Year: 1986

Title: The hidden games of organizations

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books

Short Title: The hidden games of organizations

Keywords: Group



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 557

Author: Palmer, R.E.

Year: 1969

Title: Hermeneutics: Interpretation theory in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, and Gadamer

Place Published: Evanston

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Short Title: Hermeneutics: Interpretation theory in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, and Gadamer



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2364

Author: Panofsky, Erwin

Year: 1955

Title: Meaning in the visual arts: Papers in and on art history

Place Published: Garden City, N.Y.

Publisher: Doubleday Anchor Books

Short Title: Meaning in the visual arts: Papers in and on art history

Keywords: ≈ design?, understanding, university organization, style, structure-form-function, Vitruvius, tool, artefact, prudence-phronesis, praxis, intuition, laws, process vs product, reality vs tradition vs examples, perspectives, culture, positivism, gestalt, intuitive synthesis, subjective facts, technique, moral-ethics, mathematics & natural science, method, AESTHETICS, beauty, aestheticism, nature vs culture, signs vs structures

Notes: Till UmDr (6 st) den 10/4-97: pp. 1-25, (26-) 38-41, 55-107, 321-346.

Ref to E. Wind (1936), & Maritain (1937).

Cf. ≈ Jung's "On psychological understanding" in note  #3, p. 35



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1649

Author: Pape, Helmut

Year: 1989

Title: Artificial intelligence, Leibniz and Peirce: The phenomenological concept of a person

Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Issue: 9-10

Pages: 113-146

Short Title: Artificial intelligence, Leibniz and Peirce: The phenomenological concept of a person

Alternate Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Legal Note: Thème: La phénoménologie de Charles S. Peirce

Keywords: phenomenology

Notes: Paris 1992.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 546

Author: Papert, S.

Year: 1980

Title: Mind storms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: Mind storms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1285

Editor: Papert, Seymour

Year: 1990

Title: Constructionist learning

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass

Publisher: MIT

Short Title: Constructionist learning



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 548

Author: Parnas, D.L.

Year: 1972

Title: On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 15

Issue: 12, Dec.

Pages: 1053-1058

Short Title: On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 549

Author: Parnas, D.L.

Year: 1976

Title: On the design and development of program families

Journal: IEEE Trans. Software Engineering

Volume: SE-2

Issue: March

Pages: 1-9

Short Title: On the design and development of program families

Alternate Journal: IEEE Trans. Software Engineering



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 556

Author: Parnas, D.L.

Year: 1985

Title: Software aspects of strategic defense systems

Journal: American Scientist

Volume: 73

Issue: 5, Sept-Oct

Pages: 432-440

Short Title: Software aspects of strategic defense systems

Alternate Journal: American Scientist

Legal Note: Reprinted in CACM, Vol. 28, No. 12, December, 1326-1335



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1014

Author: Parnas, David Lorge

Year: 1989

Title: Education for computing professionals

Institution: Dept. of Computing and Information Science, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6

Short Title: Education for computing professionals

Report Number: Technical Report 89-247, ISSN 0836-0227



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1136

Author: Parnas, David L.

Year: 1989

Title: A mathematical basis for computer assisted software engineering

Institution: Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Linköping

Short Title: A mathematical basis for computer assisted software engineering

Report Number: Announcement in IDA-Kuriren of a guest lecture held on January 17th, 1989



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 547

Author: Parnas, D.L. and Clements, P.C.

Year: 1986

Title: A rational design process: How and why to fake it

Journal: IEEE Trans.on Software Engineering

Volume: SE-12

Issue: 2, Feb.

Pages: 251-257

Short Title: A rational design process: How and why to fake it

Alternate Journal: IEEE Trans.on Software Engineering



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 550

Author: Parnas, D.L., Clements, P.C. and Weiss, D.

Year: 1984

Title: The modular structure of complex systems

Book Title: Proc. of the 7th Int. Conference on Software Engineering, Orlando, Florida, March 1984

Place Published: New York

Publisher: IEEE Press

Pages: 408-417

Short Title: The modular structure of complex systems



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 551

Author: Parnas, D.L., van Schouwen, A.J. and Kwan, S.P.

Year: 1988

Title: Evaluation standards for safety critical software

Institution: Kingston, Ontario: Queen's University, Dept. of Computing & Information Science

Short Title: Evaluation standards for safety critical software

Report Number: Technical report 88-220, ISSN 0836-0227



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2697

Author: Parner, Mats

Year: 2001

Title: Skolan krisar: men skyll inte på Rousseau. Recension av Inger Enkvist, "Feltänkt", SNS

Journal: VK

Issue: 7 februari

Pages: 5

Short Title: Skolan krisar: men skyll inte på Rousseau. Recension av Inger Enkvist, "Feltänkt", SNS

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: school, analogy university education? Rousseau vs Voltaire -> Dewey, Piaget, Freire, Freinet, Bernstein. Byråkratiskt skikt av likhetsivrare [egalitarian]  Alva Myrdal & Stellan Arvidsson

Notes: ovanligt bra/nyanserat



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1688

Author: Parsons, Darrell, Gotlieb, Calvin and Denny, Michael

Year: 1992

Title: Productivity of computers in Canadian Banking

Journal: J. of Productivity Analysis

Volume: 3

Issue: 4

Short Title: Productivity of computers in Canadian Banking

Alternate Journal: J. of Productivity Analysis

Notes: Brazil 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 552

Author: Pask, G.

Year: 1976

Title: Conversation theory: Applications in education and epistemology

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: Elsevier

Short Title: Conversation theory: Applications in education and epistemology



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 553

Author: Pask, G. and Gregory, D.

Year: 1987

Title: Conversational systems

Editor: Zeidner, J.

Book Title: Human productivity enhancement - Vol.2

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Praeger

Pages: 204-235

Short Title: Conversational systems



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1297

Author: Patton, M.Q.

Year: 1980

Title: Qualitative evaluation methods

Place Published: Beverly Hills, Calif.

Publisher: Sage Publications

Short Title: Qualitative evaluation methods

Keywords: Method course, adb education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2090

Author: Paul, R.

Year: 1982

Title: Teaching critical thinking in the strong sense: A focus on self-deception, world views, and a dialectical mode of analysis

Editor: Blair, A. and Johnson, R.

Book Title: Information Logic

Short Title: Teaching critical thinking in the strong sense: A focus on self-deception, world views, and a dialectical mode of analysis

Keywords: informal logic, A2psi, ADB-L

Notes: From Klein et al. 1995 on ISD, no publisher and place



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 554

Author: Pauli, W.

Year: 1955

Title: The influence of archetypal ideas on the scientific theories of Kepler

Editor: Jung, C.G. & Pauli, W.

Book Title: The interpretation of nature and the psyche

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books (Bollingen Series 51)

Short Title: The influence of archetypal ideas on the scientific theories of Kepler

Section: Originally published as Naturerklärung und Psyche. Zürich: Rascher Verlag, 1952



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2742

Author: Paulsson, Olov

Year: 2002

Title: Herr Gårman har fått en dotter

Journal: VK

Issue: 19 januari

Pages: 23

Short Title: Herr Gårman har fått en dotter

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Abstract: semiotics, sign, (symbol), semantics, Chu71/2*, Chu71/5? vägskylt gående attention



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1650

Author: Pavé, Francis

Year: 1986

Title: Des systèmes de communication isolants? Télématique contemporaine et comparée

Journal: Annales des Mines - Gérer et Comprendre

Issue: Mars

Pages: 32-40

Short Title: Des systèmes de communication isolants? Télématique contemporaine et comparée

Alternate Journal: Annales des Mines - Gérer et Comprendre

Notes: Paris 1992, cf Whitaker



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1651

Author: Pavé, Francis

Year: 1987

Title: La transparence du système et l'homme invisible

Journal: Annales des Mines - Gérer et Comprendre

Issue: Septembre

Pages: 64-65

Short Title: La transparence du système et l'homme invisible

Alternate Journal: Annales des Mines - Gérer et Comprendre

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1652

Author: Pavé, Francis

Year: 1989

Title: L'illusion informaticienne

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Harmattan

Short Title: L'illusion informaticienne

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 130



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1653

Author: Pavé, Francis

Year: 1990

Title: L'organisation en tant qu'objet mathématique: Seulement?

Editor: World Conference of Sociology, Madrid, July 1990, Research committee 17 on sociology of organizations, Session 7 on the organization as multidisciplinary object

Publisher: Available from CSO, 19 rue Amélie, F-75007 Paris

Short Title: L'organisation en tant qu'objet mathématique: Seulement?

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1654

Author: Pavé, Francis

Year: 1990

Title: Informatique et organisation: Usage spéculaire et usage managérial de la technologie

Journal: Culture Technique

Issue: 21, July

Pages: 133-139

Short Title: Informatique et organisation: Usage spéculaire et usage managérial de la technologie

Alternate Journal: Culture Technique

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2026

Author: Pawlas, Andreas

Year: 1991

Title: Statistik und Ethik: Zur Problematik der Integration statistischer Ausagen in der Ethik, dargestellt an der Sozial- und Wirtschaftsethik Alexander von Oettingens

Place Published: Frankfurt am Main

Publisher: Peter Lang

Short Title: Statistik und Ethik: Zur Problematik der Integration statistischer Ausagen in der Ethik, dargestellt an der Sozial- und Wirtschaftsethik Alexander von Oettingens

Keywords: ethics, religion, theology, statistics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 555

Author: Peano, G.

Year: 1915

Title: Importanza dei simboli in matematica

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 18

Pages: 165-173

Short Title: Importanza dei simboli in matematica

Alternate Journal: Scientia



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 558

Author: Pearce, P.

Year: 1978

Title: Structure in nature is a strategy for design

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Structure in nature is a strategy for design



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 989

Author: Pearl, J.

Year: 1984

Title: Heuristics: Intelligent search for computer problem solving

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Heuristics: Intelligent search for computer problem solving

Keywords: creativity

Notes: From Strzalecki, p. 253



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 983

Author: Peat, F. David

Year: 1984

Title: Synchronicity: The bridge between mind and matter

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Bantam Books

Short Title: Synchronicity: The bridge between mind and matter

Keywords: Psychology, Jung, creativity

Notes: From Edinburgh 1989, vol. 1, p.158,  Rodney Culver Hill, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3137. With references to creativity books.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 559

Author: Peatman, J.G.

Year: 1937

Title: Hazards and fallacies of statistical method in psychological measurement

Journal: The Psychological Record

Volume: 1

Issue: 23

Pages: 365-390

Short Title: Hazards and fallacies of statistical method in psychological measurement

Alternate Journal: The Psychological Record



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1388

Author: Pecora, Vincent P.

Year: 1991

Title: Ethics, politics, and the middle voice

Book Title: Literature and the ethical question. Yale French Studies – No. 79

Place Published: New Haven and London

Publisher: Yale University Press

Pages: 203-230

Short Title: Ethics, politics, and the middle voice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2634

Author: Peet, John

Year: 2000

Title: A survey of e-commerce

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 26th

Pages: 5-38 of supplement

Short Title: A survey of e-commerce

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: internet



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2648

Author: Peet, John

Year: 2001

Title: A survey of global equity markets

Journal: The Economist

Issue: May 5th

Pages: 1-38 of supplement

Short Title: A survey of global equity markets

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: aktier, shares, bonds, stockmarket, debt, mergers, takeover bids, options, cashflow, equity culture, TMT technology-media-telecom, dotcom, e-commerce, e-business, digital commerce



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1853

Author: Peirce, Charles Sanders

Year: 1877

Title: The fixation of belief

Journal: Popular Science Monthly

Volume: 12

Issue: November

Pages: 1-15

Short Title: The fixation of belief

Alternate Journal: Popular Science Monthly

Legal Note: Also in the Swedish trans. of selected works by C.S. Pierce, ed. by R. Matz, Pragmatism och kosmologi. Gothenburg: Daidalos, 1990, pp. 59-84. Page refs. to the Sw. trans.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1458

Author: Peirce, Charles Sanders

Year: 1990

Title: Pragmatism och kosmologi: Valda uppsatser

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Daidalos

Translator: Matz, Richard

Short Title: Pragmatism och kosmologi: Valda uppsatser



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 560

Author: Peirce, C.S., (Hartshorne, C. and Weiss, P., Eds.)

Year: 1932-1933

Title: Collected papers - Vol.2  Elements of logic, and Vol.3 Exact logic

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Short Title: Collected papers - Vol.2  Elements of logic, and Vol.3 Exact logic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 561

Author: Pennick, N.

Year: 1980

Title: Sacred geometry: Symbolism and purpose in religious structures

Place Published: Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

Publisher: Turnstone Press

Short Title: Sacred geometry: Symbolism and purpose in religious structures



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1384

Author: Penrose, Roger

Year: 1989

Title: The emperor's new mind: Concerning computers, minds, and the laws of physics

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Short Title: The emperor's new mind: Concerning computers, minds, and the laws of physics

Keywords: Mathematics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1524

Author: Pera, Marcello

Year: 1991

Title: The role and value of rhetoric in science

Editor: Pera, Marcello and Shea, William R.

Book Title: Persuading science: The art of scientific rhetoric

Place Published: Canton, MA

Publisher: Science History Publications/USA

Pages: 29-54

Short Title: The role and value of rhetoric in science

Notes: Marotta's hint from Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1523

Editor: Pera, Marcello and Shea, William R.

Year: 1991

Title: Persuading science: The art of scientific rhetoric

Place Published: Canton, MA

Publisher: Science History Publications/USA

Short Title: Persuading science: The art of scientific rhetoric

Notes: From Gerardo Marotta, ref. Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2340

Author: Perby, Maja-Lisa

Year: 1995

Title: Konsten att bemästra en process: Om att förvalta yrkeskunnande

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Gidlunds

Short Title: Konsten att bemästra en process: Om att förvalta yrkeskunnande

Keywords: E40, architecture, work, personal knowledge? ADB-education, ADB avh, aesthetics, tacit, ref Bo Göranzon, technical change

Notes: Fakulteten för Arkitektur. Läntmäteri och Väg vid KTH i Stockholm



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1655

Author: Pernici, B., Barbic, F., Fugini, M. G., Maiocchi, R., Rames, J.R. and Rolland, C.

Year: 1989

Title: C-TODOS: An automatic tool for office system conceptual design

Journal: ACM Trans. on Information Systems

Volume: 7

Issue: 4, October

Pages: 378-419

Short Title: C-TODOS: An automatic tool for office system conceptual design

Alternate Journal: ACM Trans. on Information Systems

Notes: Paris, 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1714

Author: Perone, ugo

Year: 1989

Title: Il luogo della conciliazione

Editor: Ciancio, Claudio, Ferretti, Giovanni, Pastore, Annamaria and Perone, Ugo

Book Title: In lotta con l'angelo: La filosofia degli ultimi due secoli di fronte al Cristianesimo

Place Published: Torino

Publisher: Società Editrice Internazionale SEI

Pages: 74-100

Short Title: Il luogo della conciliazione

Notes: p. 84  buddhism (relate to Varela ethics), p. 89 God as truth



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2957

Author: Persson, Erik

Year: 2002

Title: Shadows of cavernous shades: Charting the chiaroscuro of realistic computing

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Lund University, Dept. of Computer Science

Short Title: Shadows of cavernous shades: Charting the chiaroscuro of realistic computing

Keywords: Ivanov, opponent opposition, religion theology, philosophy



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 562

Author: Persson, S.

Year: 1976

Title: Apropå myndigheternas uppgiftskrav

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: SAF: Förlag

Short Title: Apropå myndigheternas uppgiftskrav



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 563

Author: Persson, Staffan

Year: 1987

Title: Så tuktas en dator: En diskussionshandbok för icke-tekniker i ledarställning [To tame a computer]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Prisma

Short Title: Så tuktas en dator: En diskussionshandbok för icke-tekniker i ledarställning [To tame a computer]

Notes: Ref Per Daniel Gustav Collert <daniel@isiscataegis.com>  4 mar 2008. 070-7550797, 070-4452350, 070-550797. Roslagsgatan 11.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2206

Author: Peterhans, Markus, Barothy, Thomas and Bauknecht, Kurt

Year: 1994

Title: The publishing preferences of European MIS researchers

Short Title: The publishing preferences of European MIS researchers

Legal Note: Authors at Dept. of Computer Science, University of Zurich, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail [barothy, baukn]@ifi.unizh.ch



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 564

Author: Peterson, D.W.

Year: 1975

Title: Transferring ideas from engineering to the social sciences

Journal: Proc. of the IEEE

Volume: 63

Issue: 3, March

Pages: 354-359

Short Title: Transferring ideas from engineering to the social sciences

Alternate Journal: Proc. of the IEEE



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2159

Author: Petrosky, Henry

Year: 1985

Title: To engineer is human: The role of failure in successful design

Place Published: New York

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Short Title: To engineer is human: The role of failure in successful design



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1867

Author: Pettersson, Bo

Year: 1973

Title: Axel Hägerströms värdeteori

Place Published: Uppsala

Publisher: Uppsala Universitet, Filosofiska Institutionen

Short Title: Axel Hägerströms värdeteori



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2085

Author: Pettigrew, A.

Year: 1973

Title: The politics of organizational decision-making

Place Published: London

Publisher: Tavistock

Short Title: The politics of organizational decision-making

Keywords: power

Notes: From Klein et al. 1995 on ISD, "classical study of political effects of ISD"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 565

Author: Petty, W. and (Hull, C.H., Ed.)

Year: 1899

Title: The economic writings of Sir William Petty - Vol. 1

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: The economic writings of Sir William Petty - Vol. 1



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2278

Author: Petz, Donald C. and Andrews, Frank M.

Year: 1966

Title: Scientists in organizations: Productive climates for research and development

Place Published: New York

Short Title: Scientists in organizations: Productive climates for research and development

Notes: ref to pp. 27, chap. 5, and pp. 154-155, by Bennich 1991, p.25



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1282

Author: Philipson, Morris

Year: 1963

Title: Outline of a Jungian aesthetics

Place Published: Evanston

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Short Title: Outline of a Jungian aesthetics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2133

Author: Phillips, E.M. and Pugh, D.S.

Year: 1994

Title: How to get a PhD: A handbook for students and their supervisors

Place Published: Buckingham

Publisher: Open University Press

Short Title: How to get a PhD: A handbook for students and their supervisors

Notes: 12,99 pund, i Universitetsläraren nr 13, 12/9-95



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1656

Author: Philonenko, A

Year: 1989

Title: L'école de Marbourg: Cohen-Natorp-Cassirer

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: L'école de Marbourg: Cohen-Natorp-Cassirer

Keywords: mathematics, ref Hamann p. 133, Marburg

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 99,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 861

Author: Piccato, A.

Year: 1987

Title: Dizionario dei termini matematici

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Rizzoli

Short Title: Dizionario dei termini matematici



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1752

Author: Pihlaja, marikka

Year: 1993

Title: Moral hazard in computer-based homework

Institution: Helsinki School of Economics, Dept. of Business Information Systems

Short Title: Moral hazard in computer-based homework

Report Number: Presented at the KISS'93 Kilpisjärvi Information Systems Seminar,  Kilpisjärvi, 22-26 April 1993

Keywords: Agent

Notes: Ref. to Eisenhardt, K. (1989) Agency theory: An assessment and review, Academy of Management Review, 14, 1, 57-74



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1414

Author: Piltz, Anders

Year: 1978

Title: Medeltidens lärda värld

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carmina

Short Title: Medeltidens lärda värld

Notes: Aristotle's categories, p. 63ff. P.88-89 om Petrus Lombardus förhållandet mellan tro och vetande. Faith vs & knowledge



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1787

Author: Piltz, Anders

Year: 1981

Title: The world of medieval learning

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: The world of medieval learning



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1788

Author: Piltz, Anders

Year: 1991

Title: Mellan ängel och best: Människans värdighet och gåta i europeisk tradition [Between angel and beast: The dignity and enigma of man in European tradition]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Alfabeta

Short Title: Mellan ängel och best: Människans värdighet och gåta i europeisk tradition [Between angel and beast: The dignity and enigma of man in European tradition]



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1386

Editor: Pines, M

Year: 1985

Title: Bion and group psychotherapy

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Short Title: Bion and group psychotherapy

Notes: From AGSLO-call, 1991



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 566

Author: Pirsig, R.

Year: 1974

Title: Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Bantam Books

Short Title: Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2603

Author: Pius IX

Year: 1864

Title: Quanta Cura. Encyclical letter

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://listserv.american.edu/catholic/church/papal/pius.ix/p9quanta.html

Short Title: Quanta Cura. Encyclical letter

Keywords: cf. Syllabus



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2604

Author: Pius IX

Year: 1864

Title: Syllabus

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: http://listserv.american.edu/catholic/church/papal/pius.ix/p9syll.html

Short Title: Syllabus

Keywords: cf. encyclical Quanta Cura



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2261

Author: Plato

Year: 1961

Title: Plato: The collected dialogues

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton Univ. Press - Böllingen

Short Title: Plato: The collected dialogues

Keywords: Long Notes

Notes: Fr Martin Edman




Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2460

Author: Platon

Year: 1921-1941

Title: Platons skrifter: I svensk tolkning av Claes Lindskog. Sex delar

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Hugo Gebers Förlag

Short Title: Platons skrifter: I svensk tolkning av Claes Lindskog. Sex delar

Keywords: Long Notes. Kavalla-Kavala Greece Grekland 1999, prof. Ingemar Dürings exemplar i Kavala Atheninstitutets Hus biblioteket. Art-aesthetics, postmodern sophism. Se uppgift om 1984-85 uppl. i Nationalencyklopedin 15 (1994), p. 153.

Notes: Alkibiades V, Breven IV, Evtydemos II, Evtyfron I, Faidon I, Faidros I, Filebos V, Gorgias II, Gästabudet I, Hippias II, Ion II, Karmides I, Kritias IV, Kriton I, Lagarna V, Lakes I, Lysis II, Menexenos V, Menon II, Parmenides IV, Protagoras II, Sofisten IV, Sokrates Försvarstal I, Staten III, Statsmannen IV, Teaitetos IV, Timaios IV.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2474

Author: Platone

Year: 1974

Title: Platone: Tutte le opere

Place Published: Firenze

Publisher: Sansoni

Short Title: Platone: Tutte le opere



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 567

Author: Poe, E.A.

Year: 1969

Title: Sällsamma historier

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Rabén & Sjögren

Short Title: Sällsamma historier



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 971

Author: Polanyi, Michael

Year: 1962

Title: Personal knowledge: Towards a post-critical philosophy

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Short Title: Personal knowledge: Towards a post-critical philosophy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 568

Author: Polanyi, M.

Year: 1970

Title: The creative imagination: I - Toward a unity of knowledge

Journal: Psychological Issues

Volume: 6

Issue: 2

Short Title: The creative imagination: I - Toward a unity of knowledge

Alternate Journal: Psychological Issues

Legal Note: Monograph No.22



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1051

Author: Polesie, T.

Year: 1982

Title: Ekonomimodeller och datorprogram: Synteser i ett gränsland

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Ekonomimodeller och datorprogram: Synteser i ett gränsland



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2872

Author: Polvall, Tomas

Year: 2002

Title: Kafkas process för jurister

Journal: VK

Issue: 15 januari

Short Title: Kafkas process för jurister

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Ref. to Leif Alsheimer's initiative, Handelshögskolan, Jönköping to teach literature to students of law

Keywords: Chu71/0**, core curriculum



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 569

Author: Polya, G.

Year: 1957

Title: How to solve it

Place Published: Garden City, New York

Publisher: Doubleday

Short Title: How to solve it



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2961

Author: Pope John Paul II

Year: 1993

Title: Veritatis Splendor [The splendor of truth]

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: The Vatican

Short Title: Veritatis Splendor [The splendor of truth]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2960

Author: Pope John Paul II

Year: 1998

Title: Fides et ratio [Faith and reason]

Place Published: Rome

Publisher: The Vatican

Short Title: Fides et ratio [Faith and reason]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2735

Author: Porra, Jaana

Year: 2001

Title: A dialogue with C. West Churchman

Journal: Information Systems Frontiers

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 19-27

Short Title: A dialogue with C. West Churchman

Alternate Journal: Information Systems Frontiers

Legal Note: Abstract through http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1387-3326/ 1 June 2001

Keywords: Chu71/D, ethics, systems, Chu71/end****

Notes: Fr Rao 000927,



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1718

Author: Porter, Michael E.

Year: 1980

Title: Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competition

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Free Press

Short Title: Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competition



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 570

Author: Porter, T.M.

Year: 1986

Title: The rise of statistical thinking 1820-1900

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: The rise of statistical thinking 1820-1900



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 571

Author: Portmann, A.

Year: 1954

Title: Biology and the phenomenon of the spiritual

Editor: Buonaiuti, E. and et al.

Book Title: Spirit and nature. Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books (Bollingen Series 30.1)

Pages: 342-370

Short Title: Biology and the phenomenon of the spiritual



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1769

Author: Portmann, A.

Year: 1964

Title: New paths in biology

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Translator: Porena, B.

Short Title: New paths in biology

Keywords: Jung

Notes: Fr dra.com



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 572

Author: Portmann, A.

Year: 1969

Title: Le forme viventi: Nuove prospettive della biologia

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Adelphi

Translator: Porena, B.

Short Title: Le forme viventi: Nuove prospettive della biologia

Keywords: Jung



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 573

Author: Poupard, P., (Ed.)

Year: 1986

Title: Scienza e fede

Place Published: Casale Monferrato

Publisher: Piemme

Short Title: Scienza e fede

Keywords: theology, religion



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1332

Author: Poupard, Paul, Lukács, Jozsef, Huber, Eduard and et. al.

Year: 1987

Title: Società e valori etici: Cristiani e marxisti a confronto. [Society and ethical values: Christians and marxists compared]

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Città Nuova

Short Title: Società e valori etici: Cristiani e marxisti a confronto. [Society and ethical values: Christians and marxists compared]

Keywords: theology, religion

Notes: Other authors:

Jaroszewski, Tadeusz M.

Ladrière, Jean

Coste, René

Calvez, Jean-Yves

Neufeld, Karl H.

Wucherer-Huldenfeld, Augustinus Karl

Grigorjan, Boris T.

Stres, Anton

Jouary, Jean-Paul

Ancsel, Éva

Possenti, Vittorio

Cottier, Georges

Földesi, Tamás

Pluzanski, Tadeusz

Klohr, Olof

Nyíri, Tamás

Kliem, Wolfgang

Tischner, Józef

Feiereis, Konrad

Garadza, Viktor I.

Weger, Karl-Heinz

Nemec, Bohumil

Camps, Jordi López



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2059

Author: Pournelle, Jerry

Year: 1995

Title: Privacy and liberty

Journal: Byte

Issue: June

Pages: 249-256

Short Title: Privacy and liberty

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: Internet, SAF, communications



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 574

Author: Poyen, J. and Vauquois, B.

Year: 1960

Title: Suggestions for a universal language

Book Title: Information processing. Proceedings of the UNESCO Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Paris, 15-20 June 1959

Place Published: London and München

Publisher: Buttertworths and Oldenbourg

Pages: 132-138

Short Title: Suggestions for a universal language



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 845

Author: Pozzi, G.

Year: 1981

Title: La parola dipinta [The painted word]

Place Published: MIlano

Publisher: Adelphi

Short Title: La parola dipinta [The painted word]

Notes: korsord crosswords, occultism, kabbala



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1459

Author: Pratt, James Bissett

Year: 1909

Title: What is pragmatism?

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: What is pragmatism?



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 575

Author: Pratt, V.

Year: 1983

Title: Five paradigm shifts in programming language design and their realization in Viron, a dataflow programming environment

Book Title: Conference ecord on the tenth annual ACM symposium on principles of programming languages,  Austin, Texas, Jan. 1983

Pages: 1-10

Short Title: Five paradigm shifts in programming language design and their realization in Viron, a dataflow programming environment

Section: ACM order No. 549830



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2151

Author: Premfors, Rune

Year: 1992

Title: Postmodernism, politik och samhällsvetenskap

Editor: Selander, S.

Book Title: Forskning om utbildning

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Symposion

Short Title: Postmodernism, politik och samhällsvetenskap

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970. Se också förf:s bidrag Knowledge, power and democracy, i skrift 1991:2



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2251

Author: Prescott, Mary B.

Year: 1995

Title: Diffusion of innovation theory: Borrowings, extensions, and modifications from IT researchers

Journal: Data Base Advances

Volume: 26

Issue: 2 & 3, May/August

Pages: 16-19

Short Title: Diffusion of innovation theory: Borrowings, extensions, and modifications from IT researchers

Alternate Journal: Data Base Advances

Legal Note: Introduction to a double issue on Diffusion of Technological Innovation



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1079

Author: Pressman, Todd Evan

Year: 1989

Title: In pursuit of the goal of science through a synthesis of systems inquiry and phenomenology

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 1

Pages: 279-295

Short Title: In pursuit of the goal of science through a synthesis of systems inquiry and phenomenology

Keywords: Ethics, religion, AlAnon

Notes: Bhagavad Gita, Bohm, Capra, Saybrook. Ref. to A course in miracles, Tiburon, CA.: Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 576

Author: Prior, A.N.

Year: 1957

Title: Time and modality

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

Short Title: Time and modality



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 578

Author: Proceedings of the IRE

Year: 1961

Title: (Computer issue)

Journal: Proceedings of the IRE

Volume: 49

Issue: 1, Jan.

Pages: pp.4-7, 8-30, 53-66, 104-127, 196-209, 221-227, 283-304, 330-348

Short Title: (Computer issue)

Alternate Journal: Proceedings of the IRE

Legal Note: Cf. earlier computer issue, Oct. 1953



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 577

Author: Proceedings of the IRE

Year: 1962

Title: (The fiftieth anniversary issue)

Journal: Proceedings of the IRE

Volume: 50

Issue: 5, May

Pages: pp. 571-572, 575-580, 597-598, 601-604, 609-613, 619-620, 631, 640-643, 646, 649, 937-945, 1039-1066, 1073-1077

Short Title: (The fiftieth anniversary issue)

Alternate Journal: Proceedings of the IRE



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 579

Author: Progoff, I.

Year: 1973

Title: Jung's psychology and its social meaning

Place Published: Garden City, New York

Publisher: Anchor Press/Doubleday

Short Title: Jung's psychology and its social meaning



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 580

Author: Psychologism

Year: 1967

Title: [Article on-]

Editor: Edwards, P.

Book Title: Encyclopedia of philosophy

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2089

Author: Pugh, Emerson W.

Year: 1995

Title: Building IBM: Shaping an industry and its technology

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass.

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Building IBM: Shaping an industry and its technology

Keywords: ADB education

Notes: Review by Rowland Aertker (raertker@BIX.com) in Byte, August 1995, p. 45



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 581

Author: Pumpian-Mindlin, E.

Year: 1952

Title: The position of psychoanalysis in relation to the biological and social sciences

Editor: Pumpian-Mindlin, E.

Book Title: The Hixon lectures on the scientific status of psychoanalysis

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: The position of psychoanalysis in relation to the biological and social sciences

Section: With a bibliography of 81 entries



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 582

Author: Purce, J.

Year: 1974

Title: The mystic spiral: Journey of the soul

Place Published: London

Publisher: Thames and Hudson

Short Title: The mystic spiral: Journey of the soul



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2523

Author: Purdy, J.S.

Year: 1998

Title: The god of the digirati

Journal: The American Prospect

Volume: 37

Issue: March-April

Pages: 12-14

Short Title: The god of the digirati

Alternate Journal: The American Prospect

Notes: From Ehn 1998 p. 209 n.11



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1838

Author: Putnam, Robert, Leonardi, Robert and Nanetti, Raffaella

Year: 1993

Title: Making democracy work: Civic traditions in modern Italy

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: Making democracy work: Civic traditions in modern Italy

Notes: From The Economist, Feb. 6th, 1993, p. 88



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 583

Author: Pylyshyn, Z.W., (Ed.)

Year: 1970

Title: Perspectives on the computer revolution

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Perspectives on the computer revolution



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 584

Author: Quillet, P.

Year: 1964

Title: Bachelard: présentation, choix de textes, bibliographie

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seghers

Short Title: Bachelard: présentation, choix de textes, bibliographie



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 585

Author: Quine, W.V.

Year: 1982

Title: Methods of logic

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Short Title: Methods of logic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 586

Author: Quiniou, Jean Calude

Year: 1971

Title: Marxisme et informatique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Éditions Sociales

Short Title: Marxisme et informatique

Notes: esp. pp.53f, 87,178ff on "computer frees the mind for more noble tasks..."



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 872

Author: Quirchmayr, G.

Year: 1988

Title: Representing legal knowledge in information systems

Journal: Expert Systems for Information Management

Volume: 1

Issue: 1

Pages: 43-49

Short Title: Representing legal knowledge in information systems

Alternate Journal: Expert Systems for Information Management



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2712

Author: Raadt, Veronica D., de

Year: 2001

Title: A normative application of multi-modal systems thinking to a non-viable social system

Place Published: Luleå

Publisher: Luleå University of Technology, Div. of Informatics and Systems Science, Dept. of Business Administration and Social Science

Short Title: A normative application of multi-modal systems thinking to a non-viable social system

Keywords: Kristo Ivanov handledare advisor, Donald, community, Dooyeweerd, disputation 011108, Markus Schwaninger, György Jaros, Werner Ulrich, opp. Stig Holmberg



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2399

Editor: Radhakrishnan, S.

Year: 1949

Title: The Bhagavadgita

Place Published: London

Publisher: George Allen & Unwin

Short Title: The Bhagavadgita

Keywords: Long Notes, religion, theology, hinduism, ≈Buddshism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2493

Author: Radnitzky, G.

Year: 1970

Title: Contemporary schools of metascience

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Akademiförlaget

Short Title: Contemporary schools of metascience

Notes: Correspondence (Anglo-Saxon, Logical empirical) vs. coherence (continental, hermeneutic-dialectical) theories of truth



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2738

Author: Rahmatian, Sasan

Year: 1999

Title: Management inforamtion systems education from a systemic viewpoint

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 4

Pages: 399-408

Short Title: Management inforamtion systems education from a systemic viewpoint

Alternate Journal: Systemic Practice and Action Research

Keywords: Ackoff MIS (≈Chu71/D)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2041

Author: Ramirez, José Luis

Year: 1995

Title: Skapande mening: En begreppsgenealogisk undersökning om rationalitet, vetenskap och planering. [Creative meaning: A contribution to a human-scientific theory of action]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: NORDPLAN

Short Title: Skapande mening: En begreppsgenealogisk undersökning om rationalitet, vetenskap och planering. [Creative meaning: A contribution to a human-scientific theory of action]

Keywords: rationality, heuristics, ethics, rhetoric, politics, conscious/unconscious, act, power, planning, phronesis-fronesis, fronesis, praxis, techne, practice, theory, technology, episteme, (auto)poiesis autopoiesis

Notes: Doctoral diss. No. 13:2. To be completed with No. 13:3,  On meningens nedkomst: En studie i antropologisk tropologi.


Poiesis & praxis 127, techne 49, episteme 17, phronesis 111 179 215, logos 179, dialog vs samtal 276, makt power 322, handling action activity 124 357, aesthetics 146, rhetorics 206, Collingwood



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1109

Author: Ramirez, Rafael

Year: 1987

Title: Towards an aesthetic theory of social organization

Institution: University of Pennsylvania, Social Systems Science

Short Title: Towards an aesthetic theory of social organization

Report Number: Doctoral dissertation

Notes: 566 pages



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 587

Author: Ramirez, R.

Year: 1988

Title: An aesthetic theory of social organization

Journal: DRAGON, journal of the standing committee on organizational symbolism (SCOS) of the European group for organizational studies (EGOS)

Short Title: An aesthetic theory of social organization

Alternate Journal: DRAGON, journal of the standing committee on organizational symbolism (SCOS) of the European group for organizational studies (EGOS)

Legal Note: Submitted paper

Notes: 1988a



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 588

Author: Ramirez, R.

Year: 1988

Title: The relationship between the aesthetic theory of social organization and some theories of organizational image and organizational symbolism

Journal: DRAGON, journal of the standing committee on organizational symbolism (SCOS) of the European group for organizational studies (EGOS)

Short Title: The relationship between the aesthetic theory of social organization and some theories of organizational image and organizational symbolism

Alternate Journal: DRAGON, journal of the standing committee on organizational symbolism (SCOS) of the European group for organizational studies (EGOS)

Legal Note: Submitted paper

Notes: 1988b



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1657

Author: Ramirez, Rafael

Year: 1991

Title: The beauty of social organization

Place Published: Munich

Publisher: Accedo

Short Title: The beauty of social organization

Keywords: Aesthetics

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 589

Author: Randell, B., (Ed.)

Year: 1973

Title: The origins of digital computers: Selected papers

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Short Title: The origins of digital computers: Selected papers



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2336

Author: Ranerup, Agneta

Year: 1996

Title: Användarmedverkan med representanter

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Gothenburg University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Användarmedverkan med representanter

Keywords: participation, user

Notes: Kristo Ivanov in grading committee/betygsnämnd 960920



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1370

Author: Ransdell, Joseph

Year: 1980

Title: Semiotic and linguistics

Editor: Rauch, Irmengard and Carr, Gerald F.

Book Title: The signifying animal: The grammar of language and experience

Place Published: Bloomington

Publisher: Indiana University Press

Pages: 135-185

Short Title: Semiotic and linguistics

Notes: Ref. by Rifkin, Time Wars, p. 267n



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2628

Author: Ransdell, Joseph

Year: 1989

Title: Peirce est-il un phénoménologue

Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Issue: 9-10

Pages: 51-75

Short Title: Peirce est-il un phénoménologue

Alternate Journal: Études Phénoménologiques

Legal Note: Thème: La phénoménologie de Charles S. Peirce

Keywords: phenomenology

Notes: Paris 1992.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1913

Author: Rash, Wayne, Jr

Year: 1991

Title: Corporate style: In business communication, it's important for everyone to speak the same language

Journal: Byte

Issue: February

Pages: 89-92

Short Title: Corporate style: In business communication, it's important for everyone to speak the same language

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: standard, document management, form, adb, administration, object orientation?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 590

Author: Rasmussen, P.N.

Year: 1957

Title: Book review: of Herman Wold's 'Kausal inferens från icke-experimentella observationer'

Journal: Ekonomisk Tidskrift

Pages: 244-246

Short Title: Book review: of Herman Wold's 'Kausal inferens från icke-experimentella observationer'

Alternate Journal: Ekonomisk Tidskrift



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2569

Author: Ratzinger, Joseph

Year: 1996

Title: Samvete och sanning [Conscience and truth]

Journal: Signum

Issue: 4 & 5

Short Title: Samvete och sanning [Conscience and truth]

Alternate Journal: Signum

Legal Note: Swedish trans. by Yvonne Werner, of an essay presented as a lecture at the American Bishops' Conference on moral theological questions in 1991. In "Wahrheit, Werte, Macht. Prüfsteine der pluralistischen Gesellschaft". Herder 1995, pp. 29-62. Italian trans. in  "La Chiesa. Una comunità sempre in cammino. Edizioni Paoline, 1991, pp. 115-137.

Keywords: Yvonne Werner, Chu71/end***



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2546

Author: Ratzinger, Joseph

Year: 1998

Title: Glaube zwischen Vernunft und Gefühl

Publisher: http://we-are-church.org/de/wsk/presse/p1998/pre98_66.htm

Short Title: Glaube zwischen Vernunft und Gefühl

Keywords: Chu71/end***



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3008

Author: Ratzinger, Joseph

Year: 2005

Title: On the Contemplation of Beauty. 2002 Message to the Communion and Liberation

Short Title: On the Contemplation of Beauty. 2002 Message to the Communion and Liberation

Legal Note: Published 2 May 2005. Available at <http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=70258> Accessed 051228. Swedish translation "Skönheten skall befria oss" in Signum, No. 5/2005, Vol. 31, 11-16, also at <http://www.signum.se/signum/template.php?page=read&id=1356> Accessed 060115



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 591

Author: Rauhala, L.

Year: 1973

Title: The basic views of C.G. Jung in the light of hermeneutic metascience

Journal: Human Context

Volume: 5

Issue: Summer

Pages: 254-267

Short Title: The basic views of C.G. Jung in the light of hermeneutic metascience

Alternate Journal: Human Context



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2418

Author: Ravaisson, Félix

Year: 1838/1997

Title: De l'habitude

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Payot & Rivages

Short Title: De l'habitude

Keywords: habitude, HCI

Notes: p. 7, 21Appreciated by Heidegger; Alain: Comte≈Hegel, Ravaisson≈Schelling



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1710

Author: Ravaisson, Félix

Year: 1927

Title: De l'habitude

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Félix Alcan

Short Title: De l'habitude

Keywords: will, Paris nittiosju, cf. Maine de Biran

Notes: Paris 1992. xxvii conscience obscurcie, volonté endormie, automatisme.  Cf. Whitaker-Varela. P 23 passion->sensation, action->perception. P.54 seconde nature x morale/ethic



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1349

Author: Ravn, I

Year: 1986

Title: Creating futures, constructing realities

Book Title: General systems yearbook

Publisher: The International Society for General Systems Research (now The Int. Society for the Systems Sciences – ISSS)

Short Title: Creating futures, constructing realities

Notes: Ref. i OF-AVH, 60n



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1269

Author: Ravn, Inger and Söderqvist, Thomas

Year: 1988

Title: Having it both ways: Some critical comments on Humberto Maturama's contribution to the constructive movement in cybernetics

Institution: University of Gothenburg, Dept. of Theory of Science

Short Title: Having it both ways: Some critical comments on Humberto Maturama's contribution to the constructive movement in cybernetics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2203

Author: Reichardt, Jasia

Year: 1978

Title: Robots: Facts, fiction and prediction

Place Published: London

Publisher: Thames & Hudson

Short Title: Robots: Facts, fiction and prediction

Keywords: technology, automat, engineer, history



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 593

Author: Reichmann, E.

Year: 1968

Title: Die Herrschaft der Zahl

Place Published: Stuttgart

Publisher: J.B. Metzersche Verlagsbuchhandlung & Carl Ernst Poeschel

Short Title: Die Herrschaft der Zahl



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1416

Author: Reichmann, Sven

Year: 1988

Title: Lidandets varför [The why of suffering]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: InterSkrift

Short Title: Lidandets varför [The why of suffering]

Notes: Adress från Louise & Olof Amkoff 191598. Enligt präst Margareta Häggqvist den 15/6-94 på Lungklinik 2 håller SR kurs/retir hos Lennart Lundholm på Strömbäcks Folkhögskola/EFS (+ ref till Richard Dieser f.d. gift katolsk präst)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1336

Author: Reichmann, Sven

Year: 1989

Title: Historiens Gud – del II: Från Nimrod till Antikrist [History's God - part II: From Nimrod to Antichrist]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Interskrift – Församlingsförbundets Förlag

Short Title: Historiens Gud – del II: Från Nimrod till Antikrist [History's God - part II: From Nimrod to Antichrist]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1795

Author: Reichmann, Sven

Year: 1992

Title: Vad är sanning? [What is truth?]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Interskrift

Short Title: Vad är sanning? [What is truth?]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1832

Author: Reichmann, Sven

Year: 1993

Title: Kulturen utan Gud [Culture without God]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Interskrift

Short Title: Kulturen utan Gud [Culture without God]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 594

Author: Reid, C.

Year: 1970

Title: Hilbert

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Short Title: Hilbert



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1929

Author: Reinhard, Andy

Year: 1994

Title: Building the data highway

Journal: Byte

Issue: March

Pages: 46-74

Short Title: Building the data highway

Alternate Journal: Byte



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2681

Author: Renan, Ernest

Year: 1893

Title: The future of science

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Roberts Brother

Short Title: The future of science

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1836

Author: Renard, Krister

Year: 1989

Title: Vetenskap och tro

Place Published: Örebro

Publisher: Libris

Short Title: Vetenskap och tro

Keywords: religion, belief, ethics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1658

Author: Renaut, Alain

Year: 1983

Title: La fondation de l'université de Berlin (1802-1810): Remarques sur les figures ecclésiales de l'Université chez Fichte et Schelling

Book Title: Reproductions et ruptures culturelles, Études Girardiennes, Systèmes a auto-organisation

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche Épistémologie et Autonomie, École Polytechnique

Volume: 2

Pages: 87-112

Short Title: La fondation de l'université de Berlin (1802-1810): Remarques sur les figures ecclésiales de l'Université chez Fichte et Schelling

Section: Cahiers du CREA No. 2

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 595

Author: Rennermalm, B.

Year: 1981

Title: Analys: Vad är det?

Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Issue: 1

Pages: 5-10

Short Title: Analys: Vad är det?

Alternate Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1695

Author: Renouvier, Charles

Year: 1854

Title: Essais de critique générale: Premier essai

Place Published: Paris

Short Title: Essais de critique générale: Premier essai

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1696

Author: Renouvier, Charles

Year: 1859

Title: Essais de critique générale: Deuxième essai. L'homme: la raison, la passion, la liberté, la certitude, la probabilité morale

Place Published: Paris

Short Title: Essais de critique générale: Deuxième essai. L'homme: la raison, la passion, la liberté, la certitude, la probabilité morale

Notes: Paris 1992. Pp. 196 Habitude, 214-5 attention, 371 certitude A2psi.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 894

Author: Rensi, Giuseppe

Year: 1987

Title: Lettere spirituali

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Adelphi

Short Title: Lettere spirituali

Keywords: personalism

Notes: ref. p. 172-4 to  C. Renouvier's buddhism in Esquisse d'une classification des systèmeset le personnalisme...persistenza o la rinascita delle funzioni che costituiscono la persona. Cf. M. Robinson on collectively constructed sentences.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 596

Author: Rényi, A.

Year: 1973

Title: Dialoger om matematik

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Biblioteksförlaget

Translator: Örnfeldt, L.

Short Title: Dialoger om matematik



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1072

Author: Revans, R.W.

Year: 1982

Title: The origins and growth of action learning

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: The origins and growth of action learning

Keywords: (Possibly:) Cognitive styles

Notes: From Muster & Revans, ISSS 1989, vol.2, p.64. Refers to intuition through doing



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1002

Author: Revans, Reginald W.

Year: 1989

Title: Understanding ambiguity in the design of organisational values and ethics

Institution: Presented at the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989

Short Title: Understanding ambiguity in the design of organisational values and ethics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2368

Author: Revel, Jean-Marie and Ricard, Matthieu

Year: 1997

Title: Le moine et le philosophe: Le Bouddhisme aujourd'hui

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: NiL

Short Title: Le moine et le philosophe: Le Bouddhisme aujourd'hui

Keywords: Chinese, buddha, ethics, Eastern, cf. Jullien



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1659

Author: Reymond, Arnold

Year: 1957

Title: Les principes de la logique et la critique contemporaine

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Les principes de la logique et la critique contemporaine

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 75,-.Se "long notes" library



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1091

Author: Rheingold, Howard

Year: 1985

Title: Tools for thought: The people and the ideas behind the next computer revolution

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Short Title: Tools for thought: The people and the ideas behind the next computer revolution

Keywords: Programmers, biography



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 592

Author: Ribbing, Rbg

Year: 1861

Title: Grundlinier till anthropologien och logiken

Place Published: Uppsala

Publisher: Esaias Edquist

Short Title: Grundlinier till anthropologien och logiken



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1702

Editor: Richard, Philippe and Jaulin, Robert

Year: 1971

Title: Anthropologie et calcul

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Union Générale d'Éditions

Short Title: Anthropologie et calcul

Notes: Paris 1992. Pp. 31n Lévi-Strauss: Les mathématiques de l'homme. Bull. Int. des Sciences Sociales 6(4) oct-déc 1954, p. 644? p. 11n ref. Coult, A.D. "Uses and abuses of computers in anthropology" in Calcul et Formalisation dans les sciences de l'homme



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1017

Author: Richards, Hamilton, Jr.

Year: 1985

Title: Applicative programming

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 2

Issue: 4

Pages: 299-306

Short Title: Applicative programming

Alternate Journal: Systems Research



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 597

Author: Richardson, A.J. and Dowling, J.B.

Year: 1985

Title: Organizational legitimation as a semantic process

Book Title: The European group for organizational studies (EGOS) symposium, June 12-14, 1985, Saltsjöbaden, Sweden

Short Title: Organizational legitimation as a semantic process

Section: Available from the authors, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1690

Author: Riedl, Rupert

Year: 1984

Title: Biology of knowledge: The evolutionary basis of reason

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Biology of knowledge: The evolutionary basis of reason

Notes: Paris 1992. Found in CREA-library. pp 105 functional analogy - homology  - type - Goethe, 127 the limits of purpose, 139 Erhard Oeser, 242  ref Jung!, 151 on art in science. ref. Varela-Whitaker work. A2psi



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2682

Author: Riedler, A.

Year: 1913

Title: Högskolorna och det tjugonde århundradets krav

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Sveriges Industriförbund

Short Title: Högskolorna och det tjugonde århundradets krav

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 598

Author: Riegel, K.F.

Year: 1973

Title: Dialectical operations: The final period of cognitive development

Journal: Human Dev

Volume: 16

Pages: 346-370

Short Title: Dialectical operations: The final period of cognitive development

Alternate Journal: Human Development

Legal Note: Cf. Dialectical operations of cognitive development. In Rychlak, ed., Dialectic, Basel: Karger, 1976, pp.60-71



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 600

Author: Riegel, K.F.

Year: 1975

Title: The development of dialectical operations

Place Published: Basel

Publisher: Karger

Short Title: The development of dialectical operations



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 599

Author: Riegel, K.F.

Year: 1979

Title: Foundations of dialectical psychology

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: Foundations of dialectical psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 827

Author: Rifkin, J.

Year: 1987

Title: Time wars: The primary conflict in human history

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Short Title: Time wars: The primary conflict in human history

Keywords: stress, time, burnout?

Notes: Till Staffan Gustafsson den 16/5-95



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 601

Author: Rignano, E.

Year: 1913

Title: Che cos'è il ragionamento? [What is reasoning?]

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 13

Issue: 27-1

Pages: 45-69

Short Title: Che cos'è il ragionamento? [What is reasoning?]

Alternate Journal: Scientia



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 602

Author: Rignano, E.

Year: 1913

Title: L'evoluzione del ragionamento - Parte 1: Dal ragionamento concreto a quello astratto

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 14

Issue: 30-4

Short Title: L'evoluzione del ragionamento - Parte 1: Dal ragionamento concreto a quello astratto

Alternate Journal: Scientia



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 603

Author: Rignano, E.

Year: 1913

Title: L'evoluzione del ragionamento - Parte  2: Dall'intuizione alla deduzione

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 14

Issue: 31-5

Pages: 213-239

Short Title: L'evoluzione del ragionamento - Parte  2: Dall'intuizione alla deduzione

Alternate Journal: Scientia



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 604

Author: Rignano, E.

Year: 1915

Title: Le forme superiori del ragionamento - Parte 1: Il ragionamento matematico nelle sue fasi del simbolismo diretto e indiretto

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 17

Issue: 39-1

Pages: 11-37

Short Title: Le forme superiori del ragionamento - Parte 1: Il ragionamento matematico nelle sue fasi del simbolismo diretto e indiretto

Alternate Journal: Scientia



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 605

Author: Rignano, E.

Year: 1915

Title: Le forme superiori del ragionamento - Parte 2: Il ragionamento matematico nelle sue fasi di condensazione ed inversione simbolica

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 17

Issue: 40-2

Pages: 164-180

Short Title: Le forme superiori del ragionamento - Parte 2: Il ragionamento matematico nelle sue fasi di condensazione ed inversione simbolica

Alternate Journal: Scientia



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 606

Author: Rignano, E.

Year: 1915

Title: Le forme superiori del ragionamento - Parte 3: Matematiche e logica matematica

Journal: Scientia

Volume: 17

Issue: 40-2

Pages: 237-256

Short Title: Le forme superiori del ragionamento - Parte 3: Matematiche e logica matematica

Alternate Journal: Scientia



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1082

Author: Riley, Patrick

Year: 1983

Title: Marx and morality: A reply to Richard Miller

Editor: Pennock, J. Roland and Chapman, John W.

Book Title: Marxism

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: New York University Press

Pages: 33-53

Short Title: Marx and morality: A reply to Richard Miller

Section: Cf. Richard W. Miller's contribution, pp. 3-32 in the same publication



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 607

Author: Riley, P.

Year: 1986

Title: The general will before Rousseau: The transformation of the divine into the civic

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: The general will before Rousseau: The transformation of the divine into the civic

Keywords: theology, religion, secularization



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 608

Author: Ritchie, D.M.

Year: 1984

Title: Reflections on software research (Turing award lecture)

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 27

Issue: 8, Aug.

Pages: 758-763

Short Title: Reflections on software research (Turing award lecture)

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2577

Author: Rittenhouse, Jon

Year: 1997

Title: Is truth just a matter of opinion? An evaluation of the ethics of witchcraft and pantheism

Publisher: http://www.leaderu.com/isot/docs/truthopinion.html, accessed 26 October 2000

Short Title: Is truth just a matter of opinion? An evaluation of the ethics of witchcraft and pantheism

Keywords: truth vs postmodernism, relativism, skepticism, perspectivism, interpretism, Rome 2000



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2005

Author: Roanoke, John Randolph, of

Title: The assault on religion

Short Title: The assault on religion



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2191

Author: Robbins, L.

Year: 1937

Title: An essay on the nature and significance of economic science

Place Published: London

Short Title: An essay on the nature and significance of economic science

Keywords: progress, development

Notes: Fr Eva Friman (Idéhistoria) D-uppsats "Alltings lösning: ...ekonomiskt tillväxttänkande"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2384

Author: Roberts, Louis

Year: 1987

Title: The theological aesthetics of Hans Urs von Balthasar

Place Published: Washington, D.C.

Publisher: The Catholic Univ. of America Press

Short Title: The theological aesthetics of Hans Urs von Balthasar



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2171

Author: Robey, D.

Year: 1994

Title: Modeling interpersonal processes during system development

Journal: Information Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 4

Pages: 439-445

Short Title: Modeling interpersonal processes during system development

Alternate Journal: Information Systems Research

Keywords: power, politics,

Notes: fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2587

Author: Robey, Daniel and Boudreau, Marie-Claude

Year: 1999

Title: Accounting for the contradictory organizational consequences of information technology: Theoretical directions and methodological implications

Journal: I.S. Research

Volume: 10

Issue: 2

Pages: 167-184

Short Title: Accounting for the contradictory organizational consequences of information technology: Theoretical directions and methodological implications

Alternate Journal: Information Systems Research

Keywords: llgic of opposition, organizational transformation, impacts of technology, organization theory, research methodology, multiple perspectives

Notes: Från Jonny Holmström ≈991213



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2490

Author: Robey, Daniel and Boudreau, Marie-Claude

Year: 2000

Title: Organizational consequences of information technology: Dealing with diversity in empirical research

Editor: Zmud, R.W.

Book Title: Framing the domains of IT management: Glimpsing the future through the past

Place Published: Cincinnati, OH

Publisher: Pinnaflex, forthcoming

Short Title: Organizational consequences of information technology: Dealing with diversity in empirical research



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 970

Author: Robey, D. and Lynne Markus

Year: 1984

Title: Information systems development as rituals

Journal: Management Information Systems Quarterly

Short Title: Information systems development as rituals

Alternate Journal: Management Information Systems Quarterly

Keywords: Psychology, myth, archetypes, Jung-related?

Notes: From New York State University at Binghamton, Information systems doctoral reading list, by U.Rex Dumdum, Joan E. Hoopes, Heinz K. Klein, John R.Venable,



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2046

Author: Robey, D. and Lynne Markus

Year: 1985

Title: Rituals in systems design

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 5-15

Short Title: Rituals in systems design

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly

Keywords: Psychology, myth, archetypes, Jung-related?

Notes: From New York State University at Binghamton, Information systems doctoral reading list, by U.Rex Dumdum, Joan E. Hoopes, Heinz K. Klein, John R.Venable. From Klein et al 1995 on ISD



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2204

Author: Robey, D., Smith, L.A. and Vijayasarathy, L.R.

Year: 1993

Title: Perceptions of conflict and success in information systems development projects

Journal: J. of Management Information Systems

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Pages: 123-139

Short Title: Perceptions of conflict and success in information systems development projects

Alternate Journal: J. of Management Information Systems

Keywords: method, power, politics

Notes: fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 609

Author: Robey, D. and Taggart, W.

Year: 1982

Title: Human information processing in information and decision support systems

Journal: MIS Quarterly

Issue: June

Pages: 61-73

Short Title: Human information processing in information and decision support systems

Alternate Journal: MIS Quarterly



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1846

Author: Robinson, Mike

Year: 1984

Title: Groups

Place Published: Chichester

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Groups

Notes: pp. 10ff, Paradigms in social psychology (Experience in groups by W.R. Bion, etc.)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1192

Author: Robinson, Mike

Year: 1989

Title: Double level languages and cooperative working

Book Title: Support, society and culture: Mutual uses of cybernetics and science, The Int. Federation for Cybernetics, Amsterdam, 27-31 March 1989

Pages: 79-114

Short Title: Double level languages and cooperative working



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1852

Author: Robinson, Mike

Year: 1991

Title: Computer supported co-operative work: Cases and concepts

Editor: Hendricks, P.

Book Title: Proc. of Groupware '91, Rai, Amsterdam, 20-30 Oct. 1991

Place Published: Utrecht

Publisher: SERC

Short Title: Computer supported co-operative work: Cases and concepts

Section: Republished by Morgan Kaufman, in a CSCW Reader, ed. Ron Baecker, Univ. of Toronto



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1019

Author: Robson, D.

Year: 1981

Title: Object-oriented software systems

Journal: Byte

Volume: 6

Issue: 8

Pages: 74-86

Short Title: Object-oriented software systems

Alternate Journal: Byte



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2033

Author: Rochlin, Gene, I.

Year: 1993

Title: Essential friction: Error-control in organizational behavior

Editor: Åkerman, Nordal

Book Title: The necessity of friction: Nineteen essays on a vital force

Place Published: Heidelberg & New York

Publisher: Physica-Verlag & Springer-Verlag

Pages: 196-225, 335

Short Title: Essential friction: Error-control in organizational behavior

Keywords: postmodernism, safety, security, risk, error, participation, Gustaf Östberg, HCI-MMI

Notes: Ref. Rob Kling 228; Zuboff work environment 206; Martin Landau 210; Dreyfus integrative experiential knowledge ≈x Bo Göranzon 201; Noble 200; Internet WWW 265; [Gemeinschaft-Gesellschaft Tönnies] 266-267;



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 610

Author: Rodgers, W.

Year: 1970

Title: Think: En biografi om IBM

Place Published: Halmstad

Publisher: Bokförlaget Spektra

Translator: Magnusson, H.

Short Title: Think: En biografi om IBM



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2683

Author: Roepke, W.

Year: 1965

Title: Science et société industrielle

Journal: Révue de Science Financière

Volume: 57

Pages: 157-168

Short Title: Science et société industrielle

Alternate Journal: Révue de Science Financière

Keywords: universityVett, research, education, economics, ethics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 611

Author: Rogers, C.R.

Year: 1955

Title: Persons or science? A philosophical question

Journal: The American Psychologist

Volume: 10

Pages: 267-278

Short Title: Persons or science? A philosophical question

Alternate Journal: The American Psychologist



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 612

Author: Rokkan, S., Verba, S., Viet, J. and Almasy, E.

Year: 1969

Title: Comparative survey analysis

Place Published: The Hague

Publisher: Mouton

Short Title: Comparative survey analysis



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1842

Author: Rolf, Bertil

Year: 1991

Title: Profession, tradition och tyst kunskap [Profession, tradition, and silent knowledge]

Place Published: Övre Dalkarlshyttan

Publisher: Nya Doxa

Short Title: Profession, tradition och tyst kunskap [Profession, tradition, and silent knowledge]

ISBN: 91-88248-09-7



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2104

Author: Rolf, Bertil, Ekstedt, Eskil and Barnett, Ronald

Year: 1993

Title: Kvalitet och kunskapsprocess i högre utbildning

Place Published: Nora, Sweden

Publisher: Nya Doxa

Short Title: Kvalitet och kunskapsprocess i högre utbildning

Keywords: university education, quality, evaluation, pragmatism (critique of) pp 93ff

Notes: Especially pp.  56-73 (Schön), 93-115 (pragmatism), 145-163 (market metaphysics, and administrative quality control). Till



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1661

Author: Rolland, Colette, ed.

Year: 1992

Title: MIAGE Diplôme de Maîtrise des Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion: Programme de la formation

Institution: Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, UFR 06, 17 r. de la Sorbonne, F-75 231 Paris Cedex 5, tel. 1-40462779

Short Title: MIAGE Diplôme de Maîtrise des Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion: Programme de la formation

Keywords: Education

Notes: Paris 1992 fr. C. Rolland



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1662

Author: Rolland, Colette, ed.

Year: 1992

Title: DEA, Théorie et ingénierie des bases de données: Programme de diplôme d'études approfondies

Institution: Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, UFR 06, 17 r. de la Sorbonne, F-75 231 Paris Cedex 5, tel. 1-40462779, 40462785

Short Title: DEA, Théorie et ingénierie des bases de données: Programme de diplôme d'études approfondies

Keywords: Education, data base

Notes: Paris 1992. Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (& Univ. de Paris XI-Orsay), UFR 06, 17 r. de la Sorbonne, F-75 231 Paris Cedex 5, tel. 1-40462779



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1660

Author: Rolland, Colette, Cauvet, Corine and Proix, Christophe

Year: 1992

Title: The role of artificial intelligence in information system design

Institution: Univ. Paris 1 Sorbonne & CRIL Colombes

Short Title: The role of artificial intelligence in information system design

Notes: Paris 1992, från CR 24/3 92



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2302

Author: Romm, Norma

Year: 1994

Title: Continuous tensions between soft systems methodology and critical systems heuristics

Place Published: Hull

Publisher: University of Hull, Centre for Systems Studies, Hull HU6 7RX, UK

Short Title: Continuous tensions between soft systems methodology and critical systems heuristics

Keywords: Checkland x Ulrich



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2571

Author: Roochnik, David

Year: 1990

Title: The tragedy of reason: Toward a Platonic conception of logos

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: Routledge

Short Title: The tragedy of reason: Toward a Platonic conception of logos

Keywords: Derrida, Nietzsche

Notes: Financial support fr the Earhart Foundation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2544

Author: Roochnik, David

Year: 1996

Title: Of art and wisdom: Plato's understanding of techne

Place Published: University Park, Penn.

Publisher: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press

Short Title: Of art and wisdom: Plato's understanding of techne

Keywords: technology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2538

Author: Roosen-Runge, Peter

Year: 2000

Title: On Plato and Philebus in AI

Short Title: On Plato and Philebus in AI



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1010

Author: Roosen-Runge, Peter H.

Year: 1989

Title: Programming languages considered harmful: A sceptical look at the central dogma of computer science

Institution: Dept. of Computer Science, York University, 4700 Keele St., North York, Ontario M3J IP3, Canada

Short Title: Programming languages considered harmful: A sceptical look at the central dogma of computer science

Report Number: Draft notes of lecture given on June 7, 1989, at the University of Umeå, Inst. of Information Processing



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 613

Author: Rorty, R., (Ed.)

Year: 1967

Title: The linguistic turn: Recent essays in philosophical method

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Short Title: The linguistic turn: Recent essays in philosophical method



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 885

Author: Rorty, Richard

Year: 1980

Title: Philosophy and the mirror of nature

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: Philosophy and the mirror of nature



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1364

Author: Rorty, Richard

Year: 1991

Title: Contingency, irony and solidarity

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press

Short Title: Contingency, irony and solidarity



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1369

Author: Rorty, Richard

Year: 1991

Title: Är solidariteten konstgjord? [Is solidarity artificial?]

Journal: DN

Volume: National edition

Issue: 24 April

Pages: B3

Short Title: Är solidariteten konstgjord? [Is solidarity artificial?]

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Legal Note: Excerpt from the book Contingency, Irony and Solidarity, Cambridge, 1991. Trans. Hans Ruin



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1663

Author: Rosanvallon, Pierre

Year: 1983

Title: Formation et désintegration de la galaxie 'auto'

Editor: Dumouchel, Paul and Dupuy, Jean Pierre

Book Title: L'auto-organisation: De la physique au politique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Pages: 456-465

Short Title: Formation et désintegration de la galaxie 'auto'

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 615

Author: Rosen, R.

Year: 1985

Title: Organisms as causal systems which are not mechanisms: An essay into the nature of complexity

Editor: Rosen, R.

Book Title: Theoretical biology and complexity

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: Organisms as causal systems which are not mechanisms: An essay into the nature of complexity

Notes: 1985a



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 616

Author: Rosen, R.

Year: 1985

Title: The physics of complexity

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 2

Issue: 2

Pages: 171-175

Short Title: The physics of complexity

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Notes: 1985b



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 614

Author: Rosen, R.

Year: 1986

Title: Correspondence: Comments on "Letter to the editor" by Philip Henshaw

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: p. 56

Short Title: Correspondence: Comments on "Letter to the editor" by Philip Henshaw

Alternate Journal: Systems Research



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2545

Author: Rosen, Stanley

Year: 1993

Title: The question of being: A reversal of Heidegger

Place Published: New Haven, Conn.

Publisher: Yale Univ. Press

Short Title: The question of being: A reversal of Heidegger

Notes: Fr. Amazon UK: A philosopher enters into a debate with Heidegger in this text, in order to provide a justification of metaphysics. Stanley Rosen presents an interpretation of metaphysics that opposes the traditional doctrines attacked by Heidegger and by contemporary philosophers influenced by Heidegger.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 617

Author: Rosenblatt, A.D. and Thickstun, J.T.

Year: 1970

Title: A study of the concept of psychic energy

Journal: Int. J. of Psycho-Analysis

Volume: 51

Pages: 265-278

Short Title: A study of the concept of psychic energy

Alternate Journal: Int. J. of Psycho-Analysis



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 618

Author: Rosental, S.B.

Year: 1987

Title: Pragmatic meaning and the phenomenological perspective: Some common denominators

Journal: J. of Spec. Philosophy

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 119-133

Short Title: Pragmatic meaning and the phenomenological perspective: Some common denominators

Alternate Journal: J. of Spec. Philosophy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 619

Author: Ross, A.M.

Year: 1968

Title: Overblown affinity for numbers

Journal: Washington Post  (H-section).

Issue: 30 June

Short Title: Overblown affinity for numbers

Alternate Journal: Washington Post  (H-section).



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1850

Author: Rossi, Luciano

Year: 1992

Title: Negazioni: Elementi per la fondazione di una filosofia dell'artificiale

Place Published: Urbino

Publisher: IMES - Ist. Metodologico Economico Statistico, Univ. di Urbino, Via Saffi 15, I-61029 Urbino, Italy

Short Title: Negazioni: Elementi per la fondazione di una filosofia dell'artificiale

Keywords: Jung, AI, intelligence, artifact

Notes: Fr LR July 1993



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1525

Author: Rossi, Pietro

Year: 1988

Title: Max Weber e la tesi del razionalismo occidentale

Journal: La Provincia di Napoli

Volume: X

Issue: December

Pages: 136-137

Short Title: Max Weber e la tesi del razionalismo occidentale

Alternate Journal: La Provincia di Napoli

Notes: Capri 1992. Univeristà di Torino. Marotta-hint. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1689

Author: Rostand, F

Year: 1960

Title: Souci d'exactitude et scrupules des mathématiciens

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Souci d'exactitude et scrupules des mathématiciens

Notes: = Zellini? pp. 189-251: Discussions et désaccords (controvers), 253-268 conclusions, 265 Le rôle du scruple, 264 Le scruple est la pierre de touche du savoir [precision!!?? A2psi)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 620

Author: Roszak, T.

Year: 1986

Title: The cult of information: The folklore of computers and the true art of thinking

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books

Short Title: The cult of information: The folklore of computers and the true art of thinking

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 622

Author: Rota, G.C.

Year: 1973

Title: The end of objectivity

Institution: Massachussetts Institute of Technology

Short Title: The end of objectivity

Report Number: Paper presented as a series of lectures delivered in October 1973 at the Technology and Culture  seminar at MIT, Cambridge, Mass



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1024

Author: Rota, Gian Carlo

Year: 1986

Title: Husserl and the reform of logic

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 167-173

Short Title: Husserl and the reform of logic

Section: Orig. published 1975



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1025

Author: Rota, Gian Carlo

Year: 1986

Title: Mathematics: trends

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 77-103

Short Title: Mathematics: trends

Section: Originally published 1979



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1033

Author: Rota, Gian Carlo

Year: 1986

Title: Husserl

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 175-181

Short Title: Husserl

Section: Originally published 1974



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1036

Author: Rota, Gian Carlo

Year: 1986

Title: Combinatorics

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 49-62

Short Title: Combinatorics

Section: Originally published, 1969



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1042

Author: Rota, Gian Carlo

Year: 1986

Title: Heidegger

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 247-252

Short Title: Heidegger

Section: Originally published 1977



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1346

Author: Rothberg, Donald Jay

Year: 1986

Title: Rationality and religion in Habermas' recent work: Some remarks on the relation between critical theory and the phenomenology of religion

Journal: Philosophy and Social Criticism

Volume: 11

Issue: 3

Pages: 221-243

Short Title: Rationality and religion in Habermas' recent work: Some remarks on the relation between critical theory and the phenomenology of religion

Alternate Journal: Philosophy and Social Criticism



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2146

Editor: Rothblatt, S. and Wittrock, B.

Year: 1993

Title: The European and American university since 1800: Historical and sociological essays

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press

Short Title: The European and American university since 1800: Historical and sociological essays

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2958

Author: Rothstein, Bo

Year: 2003

Title: Korrupt kultur: Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap bör läggas ned. Allmänna medel används för att gynna det socialdemokratiska partiet [Corrupt culture: The Council for Research on Working life and Social Science should be closed down. Public money is used to support the social democratic party]

Journal: Dagens Forskning

Issue: 3-4 Februari

Pages: 22

Short Title: Korrupt kultur: Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap bör läggas ned. Allmänna medel används för att gynna det socialdemokratiska partiet [Corrupt culture: The Council for Research on Working life and Social Science should be closed down. Public money is used to support the social democratic party]

Alternate Journal: Dagens Forskning

Keywords: university funding politics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 979

Author: Rouse, Joseph

Year: 1987

Title: Knowledge and power: Towards a political philosophy of science

Place Published: Ithaca & London

Publisher: Cornell University Press

Short Title: Knowledge and power: Towards a political philosophy of science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1423

Author: Rousselle, Aline

Year: 1983

Title: Porneia: De la maîtrise du corps à la privation sensorielle – II-IV siècles de l'ère chrétienne

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France

Short Title: Porneia: De la maîtrise du corps à la privation sensorielle – II-IV siècles de l'ère chrétienne



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1664

Author: Roy, Olivier

Year: 1972

Title: Leibniz et la Chine

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Leibniz et la Chine

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 75,-



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 624

Author: Rozeboom, W.W.

Year: 1960

Title: The fallacy of the null-hypothesis significance test

Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Volume: 57

Issue: 5

Pages: 416-428

Short Title: The fallacy of the null-hypothesis significance test

Alternate Journal: Psychological Bulletin

Legal Note: (Also reprinted in Badia, P. Research problems in psychology, Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1970)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 627

Author: Rubinstein, B.B.

Year: 1976

Title: On the possibility of a strictly clinical psychoanalytic theory: An essay in the philosophy of psychoanalysis

Journal: Psychological Issues

Volume: 9

Issue: 4

Short Title: On the possibility of a strictly clinical psychoanalytic theory: An essay in the philosophy of psychoanalysis

Alternate Journal: Psychological Issues

Legal Note: Monograph No.36



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1130

Author: Rubinstein, S.L.

Year: 1977

Title: Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Psychologie

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Volk und Wissen

Short Title: Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Psychologie

Keywords: Learning

Notes: From Docherty, 1988, p.42



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 628

Author: Rucker, R.

Year: 1987

Title: Mind tools: The five levels of mathematical reality

Place Published: London

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Short Title: Mind tools: The five levels of mathematical reality



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2644

Author: Ruin, Hans

Year: 2000

Title: Heideggers Nietzsche

Journal: Res Publica

Volume: 48-50

Issue: 2-4

Pages: 387-402

Short Title: Heideggers Nietzsche

Alternate Journal: Res Publica



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2871

Author: Runesson, Per

Year: 1996

Title: Filosofisk kusin till Norrlandsfrisinnet

Journal: VK

Issue: 17 September

Short Title: Filosofisk kusin till Norrlandsfrisinnet

Alternate Journal: Västerbotten Kuriren

Keywords: Chu71/0**, Dewey, pragmatism, Olov Forsgren?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 900

Author: Russell, Jeffrey Burton

Year: 1986

Title: Mephistopheles: The devil in the modern world

Place Published: Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press

Number of Pages: 333

Short Title: Mephistopheles: The devil in the modern world

ISBN: ISBN 0-8014-1808-9



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2877

Author: Russell, L.J.

Year: 1967

Title: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

Editor: Edwards, Paul

Book Title: The encyclopedia of philosophy

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: Macmillan, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 504-514

Short Title: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

Section: Chu71/slut, Chu71/7

Keywords: Chu71/0*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1492

Author: Ryan, Bob

Year: 1991

Title: Dynabook revisited with Allan Kay: Is the reign of the desktop computer about to end?

Journal: Byte

Issue: February

Pages: 203- 208

Short Title: Dynabook revisited with Allan Kay: Is the reign of the desktop computer about to end?

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: Interface, agents, Mowshowitz, point of view (= perspective)

Notes: Long note - Allan Kay: "The retrieval systems of the future are not going to retrieve facts but points of view. The weakness of databases is that they let you retrieve facts, while the strength of our culture over the past several hundred years has been our ability to take on multiple points of view. That's what simulations allow you to do...Our basic drives are very similar to those of other animals, but we have this much stronger superstructure that, especially if used well, is able to channel all this energy into symbolic pursuits that are pleasurable. To me that's what civilization is all about."



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 629

Author: Rychlak, J.F.

Year: 1973

Title: Introduction to personality and psychotherapy: A theory-construction approach

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Short Title: Introduction to personality and psychotherapy: A theory-construction approach



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 630

Author: Rychlak, J.F., (Ed.)

Year: 1976

Title: Dialectic: Humanistic rationale for behavior and development

Place Published: Basel

Publisher: S. Karger

Short Title: Dialectic: Humanistic rationale for behavior and development



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 631

Author: Rychlak, J.F.

Year: 1976

Title: Psychological science as a humanist sees it

Book Title: Nebraska symposium on motivation, 1975

Place Published: Lincoln

Publisher: Univ. of Nebraska Press

Pages: 205-279

Short Title: Psychological science as a humanist sees it



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 632

Author: Rychlak, J.F.

Year: 1977

Title: The psychology of rigorous humanism

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: The psychology of rigorous humanism

Keywords: Connectionism

Notes: Association as an active process, 332-5, 369J, 384. Contiguity 342 (in time and place), repetitio? Frequency, practice, repetition 333, continguity and frequency 334. Zellini, e.g. 69 on mathematics, Kenneth  84 on dialectical logic.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 633

Author: Rychlak, J.F.

Year: 1981

Title: Logical learning theory: Propositions, corollaries, and research evidence

Journal: J. of Personality and Social Psychology

Volume: 40

Issue: 4

Pages: 731-749

Short Title: Logical learning theory: Propositions, corollaries, and research evidence

Alternate Journal: J. of Personality and Social Psychology

Notes: 1981a



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 634

Author: Rychlak, J.F.

Year: 1981

Title: Freud's confrontation with the telic mind

Journal: J. of the History of the Behavioral Sciences

Volume: 17

Pages: 176-183

Short Title: Freud's confrontation with the telic mind

Alternate Journal: J. of the History of the Behavioral Sciences

Notes: 1981b



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1102

Author: Sachs, Wladimir and Broholm, Paul

Year: 1989

Title: Hypertrophy in the micro-computer revolution

Editor: Churchman, C. West

Book Title: The well-being of organizations

Place Published: Salinas, Calif.

Publisher: Intersystems

Pages: 171-177

Short Title: Hypertrophy in the micro-computer revolution

Keywords: OBS! Chu71/3***** Computer tool 173-4, standardization, CASE, software packages, pushbutton vs programmability,



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2094

Author: Sackman, Hal

Year: 1991

Title: A prototype IFIP code of ethics based on participative international consensus

Editor: Dunlop, Charles and Kling, Rob

Book Title: Computerization and controversy: Value conflicts and social choices

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Academic Press

Pages: 698-703

Short Title: A prototype IFIP code of ethics based on participative international consensus

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1665

Author: Salomon, Jean Jacques

Year: 1992

Title: Le destin technologique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Balland

Short Title: Le destin technologique

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 108,-. Name recommended by Lars Ingelstam



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3012

Author: Samuelsson, Jan

Year: 2003

Title: Muslimers hat mot judar är befogat. Dagens Nyheter

Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Issue: 26 oktober

Short Title: Muslimers hat mot judar är befogat. Dagens Nyheter

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Legal Note: <http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=572&a=196421&previousRenderType=1>. Debatt på <http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=572&a=197537&previousRenderType=2>  och  <http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=572&a=197537&forummode=show&pageno=1#0>



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 635

Author: Sandahl, K.

Year: 1987

Title: Case studies in knowledge acquisition, migration and user acceptance of expert systems

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept. of  computer and information science

Short Title: Case studies in knowledge acquisition, migration and user acceptance of expert systems

Report Number: Licentiate thesis No.127



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 636

Author: Sandewall, E. and Rönnquist, R.

Year: 1986

Title: A representation of action structures

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: A representation of action structures

Report Number: Research report LiTH-IDA-R-86-13, also in Proc. of the AAAI-86, Philadephia, 1986



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 637

Author: Sanford, J.A.

Year: 1971

Title: Analytic psychology: science or religion? An exploration of the epistemology of analytical psychology

Editor: Kirsch, H.

Book Title: The well tended tree: Essays into the spirit of our time

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Putnam's

Short Title: Analytic psychology: science or religion? An exploration of the epistemology of analytical psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2042

Author: Sanne, Christer?

Year: 1995

Title: Arbetets tid [Working hours in the age of work: Working time reforms and consumption in the welfare state]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons

Short Title: Arbetets tid [Working hours in the age of work: Working time reforms and consumption in the welfare state]

Keywords: time, effectiveness, efficiency, rational, culture, technology, needs, wants taste, modernity, economics, ecology, Weber, architecture, consumption, usage, utitily, actor, buying, production, leisure, lättja,

consumerism, work ethics, handlingsutrymme (ref M. Tåhlin, 1987b), utbrändhet-stress, arbetslöshet, disoccupied

Notes: P1 God Morgon Världen 28/5-95 reporter Olle Hägg. Ref. Igvar Johansson LO. Sannes tel. 08-7907905, fax 08-212899 +ev 0224-70333. KTH-Trafikplanering, Östermalmsg 26, 100 44 STH. "sanne@ce.kth.se". Umeå refs Marklund & Svallfors på Sociologi, Martin Börjessons avh på Tema-T om graphic workers, Hans Lind "Tankar om en tänkt ekonomi" underkänd avh mot ekonomi & ref "wage stickness"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 638

Author: Sargent, H.D., Horwitz, L., Wallerstein, R.S. and Appelbaum, A.

Year: 1968

Title: Prediction in psychotherapy research: A method for the transformation of clinical judgments into testable hypotheses

Journal: Psychological Issues

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Short Title: Prediction in psychotherapy research: A method for the transformation of clinical judgments into testable hypotheses

Alternate Journal: Psychological Issues



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2684

Author: Sarton, George

Year: 1931

Title: The history of science and the new humanism

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Holt and company

Short Title: The history of science and the new humanism

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1837

Author: Sass, Louis A.

Year: 1992

Title: Madness and modernism

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: Madness and modernism

Notes: From Reichmann, 1993, p. 284



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1813

Author: Sassen, F.L.R.

Year: 1967

Title: Dutch philosophy

Editor: Edwards, Paul

Book Title: The encyclopedia of philosophy

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: Macmillan and Collier Macmillan

Pages: 440-442, Vol. 1

Short Title: Dutch philosophy



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 990

Author: Scandura, J.M.

Year: 1977

Title: Problem solving: A structural/process approach with instructional implications

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: Problem solving: A structural/process approach with instructional implications

Notes: From Strzalecki, p. 253



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 991

Author: Scandura, J.M.

Year: 1980

Title: Theoretical foundations of instructions: A systems alternative to cognitive psychology

Journal: J. of Structural Learning

Volume: 4

Pages: 347-393

Short Title: Theoretical foundations of instructions: A systems alternative to cognitive psychology

Alternate Journal: J. of Structural Learning

Notes: From Strzalecki, p. 253



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2726

Author: SCB

Year: 1977

Title: Kvalitetsskydd av data: En utredning från ett delprojekt under projektet "ADB-säkerhet" med Statskontoret som huvudman

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Libertryck

Short Title: Kvalitetsskydd av data: En utredning från ett delprojekt under projektet "ADB-säkerhet" med Statskontoret som huvudman

Keywords: ref. Kristo Ivanov AVH p. 51:16, data quality,



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 639

Author: Schaff, A.

Year: 1962

Title: Introduction to semantics

Place Published: London

Publisher: Pergamon Press

Short Title: Introduction to semantics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1237

Author: Schechter, David

Year: 1989

Title: For whom and to do what? Questions for a liberating systems theory

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol 2

Pages: 292-297

Short Title: For whom and to do what? Questions for a liberating systems theory



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1229

Author: Scheler, Max

Year: 1957

Title: Der Bourgeois und die religiöse Mächte

Book Title: Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 3

Place Published: Bern-München

Pages: 362-381

Short Title: Der Bourgeois und die religiöse Mächte

Keywords: phenomenology, John Paul, Johannes Paulus, pope



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1227

Author: Scheler, Max

Year: 1988

Title: Lo spirito del capitalismo; e altri saggi

Place Published: Napoli

Publisher: Guida

Short Title: Lo spirito del capitalismo; e altri saggi

Keywords: Three types of Weltanschauung p.128, phenomenology, John Paul Johannes Paulus, pope, påven

Notes: p. 69f. , 84f vs. Kant, in Ivanov 1991 on external espionage, also in Scheler, M. (1957). Der Bourgeois und die religiöse Mächte.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2198

Author: Schelling, F.W.J.

Year: 1802/1988

Title: Föreläsningar om metoden för akademiska studier

Place Published: Göteborg

Publisher: Daidalos

Short Title: Föreläsningar om metoden för akademiska studier

Keywords: adb education, UniversityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 864

Author: Schelling, F.W.J.

Year: 1974/1810

Title: Scritti sulla filosofia, la religione, la libertà

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Mursia

Short Title: Scritti sulla filosofia, la religione, la libertà

Notes: På Ingarö



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 887

Author: Schick, A.

Year: 1969

Title: Systems politics and systems budgeting

Journal: Public Administration Review

Issue: March-April

Pages: 137-151

Short Title: Systems politics and systems budgeting

Alternate Journal: Public Administration Review

Keywords: ppb



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2539

Author: Schiffers, N.

Year: 1968

Title: Fragen der Physik an die Theologie

Place Published: Düsseldorf

Short Title: Fragen der Physik an die Theologie

Keywords: fr Yvonne Werners Ratzinger 0010XX "Tro mellan förnuft och känsla", belief & reason B&R, religion, catholic



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 854

Author: Schillebeeckx, E.

Year: 1986

Title: Il matrimonio: Realtà terrena e mistero di salvezza

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Edizioni Paoline

Short Title: Il matrimonio: Realtà terrena e mistero di salvezza

Keywords: marriage, woman, sexuality



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 640

Author: Schiller, F.C.S.

Year: 1912

Title: Formal logic: A scientific and social problem

Place Published: London

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: Formal logic: A scientific and social problem



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1431

Author: Schinz, Albert

Year: 1909

Title: Anti-pragmatisme

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Félix Alcan

Short Title: Anti-pragmatisme



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 641

Author: Schleiermacher, F.D.

Year: 1988

Title: Estetica

Place Published: Palermo

Publisher: Aesthetica Edizioni

Translator: D'Angelo

Short Title: Estetica

Keywords: aesthetics, Baumgarten-Kant. På Ingarö



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 889

Author: Schlesinger, J.

Year: 1968

Title: Systems analysis and the political process

Journal: J. of Law and Economics

Volume: 2

Issue: 2, October

Pages: 281-298

Short Title: Systems analysis and the political process

Alternate Journal: J. of Law and Economics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 642

Author: Schmidl, F.

Year: 1955

Title: The problem of scientific validation in psychoanalytic interpretation

Journal: Int. J. of Psychoanalysis

Volume: 36

Pages: 105-113

Short Title: The problem of scientific validation in psychoanalytic interpretation

Alternate Journal: Int. J. of Psychoanalysis



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 977

Author: Schmidt, D.A.

Year: 1986

Title: Denotational semantics

Publisher: Allyn & Bacon

Short Title: Denotational semantics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1107

Author: Schmidt, Lars Henrik

Year: 1986

Title: Vetandets politik

Place Published: Gothenburgh

Publisher: Symposion

Short Title: Vetandets politik

Keywords: Research, politics



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1302

Editor: Schmidt, Siegfried J.

Year: 1987

Title: Der Diskurs des Radikalen Konstruktivismus

Place Published: Frankfurt a.M.

Publisher: Suhrkamp

Short Title: Der Diskurs des Radikalen Konstruktivismus

Keywords: Constructivism

Notes: Tipsad och visad av Kenneth ca. 27 sept 90



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1117

Author: Schneider, Werner

Year: 1980

Title: Some aspects on formalization techniques in medicine and health care

Editor: Lindberg, D. and Kaihara, Z.

Book Title: Proc. of MedInfo '80

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North-Holland

Pages: 1276-1280

Short Title: Some aspects on formalization techniques in medicine and health care

Keywords: Medicine

Notes: From Timpka, 1989, p.67



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2231

Editor: Schneider, Werner

Year: 1982

Title: Forskning om dateknikens användning: Förslag till ett samlat forksningsprogram

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Forskningsrådsnämnden

Short Title: Forskning om dateknikens användning: Förslag till ett samlat forksningsprogram



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2126

Author: Schneiderman, Stuart

Year: 1988

Title: An angel passes: How the sexes became undivided

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: New York University Press

Short Title: An angel passes: How the sexes became undivided

Keywords: History of Ideas, philosophy, women lib, femininsm, relatioships, sexualiy, Aristotle, Aquinas, Dun Scotus, etc.

Notes: Esp pp 31-75 relationships, 243-293 manliness, 294-342 femininity



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 645

Author: Scholz, H.

Year: 1983

Title: Storia della logica

Place Published: Roma and Bari

Publisher: Laterza

Translator: Melandri, E.

Short Title: Storia della logica



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1275

Author: Schroeder, Donald D.

Year: 1990

Title: What you are missing in entertainment

Journal: The Plain Truth

Issue: July 1990

Pages: 3-6

Short Title: What you are missing in entertainment

Alternate Journal: The Plain Truth

Keywords: television, hyper



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 646

Author: Schrödinger, E.

Year: 1954

Title: The spirit of science

Editor: Buonaiuti, E., et al.

Book Title: Spirit and nature. Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Pantheon Books (Bollingen Series 30.1)

Pages: 322-341

Short Title: The spirit of science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1147

Author: Schumacher, E.F.

Year: 1987

Title: A guide for the perplexed

Place Published: London

Publisher: Sphere Books - Abacus

Short Title: A guide for the perplexed



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2115

Author: Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich

Year: 1989

Title: Small is beautiful: Economics as if people mattered

Place Published: London

Publisher: Perennial Library

Short Title: Small is beautiful: Economics as if people mattered



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1817

Author: Schuon, Frithjof

Year: 1975

Title: Logic and transcendence

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Harper & Row

Short Title: Logic and transcendence

Keywords: Paris 1997

Notes: fr Lindbom



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1819

Author: Schuon, Frithjof

Year: 1986

Title: The essential writings of Frithjof Schuon

Place Published: Amity, N.Y.

Publisher: Amity House

Short Title: The essential writings of Frithjof Schuon

Notes: fr Lindbom



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2678

Editor: Schurr, Johannes, Broecken, Karl Heinz and Broecken, Renate

Year: 1988

Title: Humanitat und Bildung: Festschrift fur Clemens Menze zum 60. Geburtstag

Place Published: Hildesheim ; New York

Publisher: G. Olms

Short Title: Humanitat und Bildung: Festschrift fur Clemens Menze zum 60. Geburtstag

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2239

Author: Schuurman, E.

Year: 1980

Title: Technology and the future: A philosophical challenge

Place Published: Toronto

Publisher: Wedge

Short Title: Technology and the future: A philosophical challenge

Keywords: religion, calvin

Notes: 11 May 95 from

Arthur Zijlstra

Vereniging voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte

Postbus 368

3500 AJ Utrecht


tel 030-342030, fax 342028


Institute for Christian Studies

229 College Street

Toronto, Ontario

Canada M5T 1R4



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 647

Author: Schwartz, J.T.

Year: 1962

Title: The pernicious influence of mathematics on science

Editor: Nagel, E., Suppes, P. and Tarski, A.

Book Title: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science (Proc. of the 1960 International Congress)

Pages: 356-360

Short Title: The pernicious influence of mathematics on science

Section: Also in Kac, M., et al. Discrete thoughts: Essays in mathematics, science, and philosophy, Boston: Birkhäuser, 1986, pp. 19-26



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1012

Author: Schwartz, Jacob T.

Year: 1986

Title: The future of computer science

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 105-116

Short Title: The future of computer science

Section: The essay was originally published 1978



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1013

Author: Schwartz, Jacob T.

Year: 1986

Title: Computer-aided instruction

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 207-230

Short Title: Computer-aided instruction

Section: Originally published 1983



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1026

Author: Schwartz, Jacob T.

Year: 1986

Title: Computer science

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 63-76

Short Title: Computer science

Section: Originally published in 1969



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1035

Author: Schwartz, Jacob T.

Year: 1986

Title: Artificial intelligence

Editor: Kac, Mark, Rota, Gian Carlo and Schwartz, Jacob, T.

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 183-190

Short Title: Artificial intelligence

Section: Originally published 1982



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1073

Author: Schwartz, Jacob T.

Year: 1986

Title: Economics, mathematical and empirical

Book Title: Discrete thoughts: Essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

Place Published: Boston

Publisher: Birkhäuser

Pages: 117-149

Short Title: Economics, mathematical and empirical

Keywords: Econometrics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 648

Author: Scientific American

Year: 1964

Title: (Issue on mathematics in the modern world)

Journal: Scientific American

Volume: 211

Issue: 3, September

Pages: Especially pp. 202-216

Short Title: (Issue on mathematics in the modern world)

Alternate Journal: Scientific American

Keywords: history?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 649

Author: Scientific American

Year: 1966

Title: (Issue on information)

Journal: Scientific American

Volume: 215

Issue: 3, September

Pages: Esp. pp. 112-159, 176-205, 246-260

Short Title: (Issue on information)

Alternate Journal: Scientific American

Keywords: history



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 650

Author: Scientific American

Year: 1977

Title: (Issue on microelectronics)

Journal: Scientific American

Volume: 237

Issue: 3

Pages: Esp. pp. 162-179, 210-229

Short Title: (Issue on microelectronics)

Alternate Journal: Scientific American

Keywords: history



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1861

Author: Scientific American

Year: 1982

Title: (Issue on the mechanization of work)

Journal: Scientific American

Volume: 247

Issue: 3 - September

Pages: Esp. pp. 162-179, 210-229

Short Title: (Issue on the mechanization of work)

Alternate Journal: Scientific American

Keywords: history



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 651

Author: Scott, D.

Year: 1970

Title: Outline of a mathematical theory of computation

Book Title: Proc. of the 4th Princeton Conf. on Information Science and Systems, 1970

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Publisher unknown

Short Title: Outline of a mathematical theory of computation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 652

Author: Scott, P.

Year: 1984

Title: The crisis of the university.

Place Published: London

Publisher: Croom Helm

Short Title: The crisis of the university.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2575

Author: Scruggs, Scott

Year: 1996

Title: Truth or tolerance?

Publisher: http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/truthtol.html, accessed 26 October 2000

Short Title: Truth or tolerance?

Keywords: truth vs postmodernism, relativism, skepticism, perspectivism, interpretism, Rome 2000



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2018

Author: Secchi, Gianfranco

Year: 1987

Title: Miti e riti dell'informatica: Per una critica dell'informatica e per un'informatica dal volto umano

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Garzanti

Short Title: Miti e riti dell'informatica: Per una critica dell'informatica e per un'informatica dal volto umano

Keywords: mythological "religion"?

Notes: F. Staffan Gustafsson



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 653

Author: Seidenberg, A.

Year: 1962

Title: The ritual origin of geometry

Journal: Archives for the History of Exact Sciences

Volume: 1

Pages: 488-527

Short Title: The ritual origin of geometry

Alternate Journal: Archives for the History of Exact Sciences



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 654

Author: Seidenberg, A.

Year: 1962

Title: The ritual origin of counting

Journal: Archives for the History of Exact Sciences

Volume: 2

Pages: 1-40

Short Title: The ritual origin of counting

Alternate Journal: Archives for the History of Exact Sciences



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2573

Author: Seifert, Josef

Year: 1997

Title: From relativism and skepticism to truth and certainty

Publisher: http://www.leaderu.com/truth/1truth14.html, accessed 26 October 2000

Short Title: From relativism and skepticism to truth and certainty

Keywords: truth vs postmodernism, relativism, skepticism, perspectivism, interpretism, Augustine, Rome 2000



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1467

Author: Seipel, Peter

Year: 1987

Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet

Journal: Svensk Juristtidning

Volume: 72

Issue: 9

Pages: 616-618

Short Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet

Alternate Journal: Svensk Juristtidning



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1058

Author: Seipel, Peter

Year: 1988

Title: Recension av K. Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet

Editor: Magnusson, Cecilia and Torvund, Olav

Book Title: Myndighetsdata och rättssäkerhet: Nordisk årsbok i rättsinformatik

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts

Pages: 193-196

Short Title: Recension av K. Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet

Section: Book review – recension

Keywords: SAF



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2152

Author: Sejersted, Francis

Year: 1995

Title: Reflections on the suspension of ethics: Managers and consultants as manipulators

Editor: Höivik, H. van Weltzien and Föllesdal, A.

Book Title: Ethics and consulting: European perspectives

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Kluwer

Short Title: Reflections on the suspension of ethics: Managers and consultants as manipulators

Notes: Från Thorsten Nybom, A bibliographic overview: The Swedish Council for Studies of Higher Education 1989-1995. Stockholm: The Council for Studies of Higher Education. Fax +46 8 323970



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 655

Author: Sen, A.

Year: 1987

Title: On ethics and economics

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Basil & Blackwell

Short Title: On ethics and economics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1666

Author: Séris, Jean Pierre

Year: 1987

Title: Machine et communication: Du théâtre des machines a la mécanique industrielle

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Vrin

Short Title: Machine et communication: Du théâtre des machines a la mécanique industrielle

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 162,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1704

Author: Serres, Michel

Year: 1968

Title: Le système de Leibniz, et ses modèles mathématiques

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: PUF

Short Title: Le système de Leibniz, et ses modèles mathématiques

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 656

Author: Shafer, G.

Year: 1976

Title: A mathematical theory of evidence

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: A mathematical theory of evidence



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2110

Author: Shannon, Claude and Weaver, Warren

Year: 1949/1964

Title: The mathematical theory of communication

Place Published: Urbana

Publisher: The University of Illinois Press

Short Title: The mathematical theory of communication

Keywords: information



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 657

Author: Shannon, C.E.

Year: 1938

Title: A symbolic analysis of relay and switching circuits

Journal: AIEE Transactions

Volume: 57

Pages: 713-723

Short Title: A symbolic analysis of relay and switching circuits

Alternate Journal: AIEE Transactions



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 658

Author: Shapere, D.

Year: 1988

Title: Rationalism and empiricism: A new Perspective

Journal: Argumentation

Volume: 2

Pages: 299-312

Short Title: Rationalism and empiricism: A new Perspective

Alternate Journal: Argumentation



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 659

Author: Shapiro, D.

Year: 1965

Title: Neurotic styles

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: Neurotic styles



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2850

Author: Shapiro, Matthew and X?, Roberta

Year: 2001

Title: [ACC] ideal-aware

Publisher: Exchange of e-messages on 19 and 20 November at the acc mailing list http://riverrock.org/mailman/listinfo/acc, related to acc@riverrock.org. Authors' e-addresses: mshapiro21@cableone.net and RoBERTa518@aol.com

Short Title: [ACC] ideal-aware

Keywords: praxis, Singer, Churchman, Chu71/9*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 660

Author: Shapiro, M.B.

Year: 1961

Title: The single case in fundamental clinical psychological research

Journal: British J. Med. Psychol.

Volume: 34

Pages: 255-262

Short Title: The single case in fundamental clinical psychological research

Alternate Journal: British J. Med. Psychol.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1526

Author: Shea, William R.

Year: 1991

Title: The magic of numbers and motion: The scientific career of René Descartes

Place Published: Canton, MA

Publisher: Science History Publications/USA

Short Title: The magic of numbers and motion: The scientific career of René Descartes

Notes: From backcover of Pera & Shea, 1991. Ref. Gerardo Marotta, Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1527

Author: Shea, William R.

Year: 1991

Title: Descartes and the art of persuasion

Editor: Pera, Marcello and Shea, William R.

Book Title: Persuading science: The art of scientific rhetoric

Place Published: Canton, MA

Publisher: Science History Publications/USA

Pages: 125-141

Short Title: Descartes and the art of persuasion

Notes: Marotta's hint from Capri 1992. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3020

Author: Shearmur, Jeremy

Year: 1996

Title: The political thought of Karl Popper

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge

Short Title: The political thought of Karl Popper

Keywords: Wiki KIv OOO

Notes: "I don't argue, I shoot" p.106



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 661

Author: Sheil, B.A.

Year: 1981

Title: The psychological study of programming

Journal: Computing Surveys

Volume: 13

Issue: 1, March

Pages: 101-120

Short Title: The psychological study of programming

Alternate Journal: Computing Surveys

Legal Note: With bibliography

Keywords: Software education

Notes: See Rich, 1988, programming training/education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 905

Author: Shera, J.H.

Year: 1965

Title: Libraries and the organization of knowledge

Place Published: London

Publisher: Crosby Lockwood

Short Title: Libraries and the organization of knowledge



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1778

Author: Sherry, Patrick

Year: 1977

Title: Religion, truth and language games

Place Published: London, New York

Publisher: Macmillan, Barnes & Noble

Number of Pages: x+234

Short Title: Religion, truth and language games



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1803

Author: Sherry, Patrick

Year: 1992

Title: Spirit and beauty: An Introduction to theological aesthetics

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

Number of Pages: viii+192

Short Title: Spirit and beauty: An Introduction to theological aesthetics

Keywords: religion

Notes: Reader in religious studies at the University of Lancaster. From R. Bell's book (at Edizioni Paoline, May 17th, Milano 1993). Finns på Uppsala UB "1992, Ca, 0103"



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1777

Author: Sherry, Patrick

Year: 1993

Title: Simone Weil on beauty

Editor: Bell, Richard H.

Book Title: Simone Weil's philosophy of culture: Readings toward a divine humanity

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press

Pages: 260-276

Short Title: Simone Weil on beauty

Keywords: theological aesthetics, religion

Notes: Dept. of Religious Studies, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YG, UK, tel. +44 524 65201, Fax +44 524 847039. (Genom Hernan Lopez-Garay, min best.)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 662

Author: Shewhart, W.A.

Year: 1939

Title: Statistical method from the viewpoint of quality control

Place Published: Washington, D.C.

Publisher: The Graduate School, Dept of Agriculture

Short Title: Statistical method from the viewpoint of quality control



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 663

Author: Sheynin, O.B.

Year: 1977

Title: Early history of the theory of probability

Journal: Archives for the History of Exact Sciences

Volume: 17

Issue: 3

Pages: 201-259

Short Title: Early history of the theory of probability

Alternate Journal: Archives for the History of Exact Sciences

Legal Note: With bibliography of 118 entries



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 644

Author: Shneiderman, B.

Year: 1980

Title: Software psychology

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Winthrop Publishers

Short Title: Software psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 643

Author: Shneiderman, B.

Year: 1987

Title: Designing the user interface

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Designing the user interface



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 671

Author: Shortliffe, E.H.

Year: 1976

Title: Computer based consultation: MYCIN

Place Published: New York

Publisher: American Elsevier

Short Title: Computer based consultation: MYCIN



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 664

Author: Sigwart, C.

Year: 1895

Title: Logic - (2 Vols)

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Edition: 2nd

Translator: Dendy, H.

Short Title: Logic - (2 Vols)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 665

Author: Simmel, G.

Year: 1900/1978

Title: The philosophy of money

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul

Translator: Bottomore, T. and Frisby, D.

Short Title: The philosophy of money



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 857

Author: Simmel, G.

Year: 1921

Title: Kant (Sechzehn Vorlesnungen gehalten an der Berliner Universität)

Place Published: Munich and Leipzig

Publisher: Duncker and Humblot

Edition: 5th

Short Title: Kant (Sechzehn Vorlesnungen gehalten an der Berliner Universität)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 828

Author: Simmel, Georg

Year: 1984

Title: On women, sexuality, and love

Place Published: New Haven

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: On women, sexuality, and love

Keywords: feminism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 670

Author: Simon, H.

Year: 1967

Title: Motivational and emotional controls of cognition

Journal: Psychological Review

Volume: 74

Issue: 1

Pages: 29-39

Short Title: Motivational and emotional controls of cognition

Alternate Journal: Psychological Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 860

Author: Simon, H.A.

Year: 1969

Title: The sciences of the artificial.

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass

Publisher: The MIT Press

Short Title: The sciences of the artificial.



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1456

Editor: Simon, J.

Year: 1967

Title: Schriften zur Sprache

Place Published: Frankfurt a.M.

Short Title: Schriften zur Sprache

Notes: From Humboldt-Carrano, p. 44n: J.G. Hamann Metakritik über den Purismus der Vernunft, pp. 221-227



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2294

Author: Simon, Yves R.

Year: 1972

Title: Pursuit of happiness and lust for power in technological society

Editor: Mitcham, Carl and Mackey, Robert

Book Title: Philosophy and technology: Readings in the philosophical poblems of technology

Place Published: New York, London

Publisher: The Free Press, Collier Macmillan

Pages: 171-186

Short Title: Pursuit of happiness and lust for power in technological society

Keywords: Christian religion, theology, ADB education, Aquinus-theory of use



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1667

Author: Simondon, Gilbert

Year: 1989

Title: Du mode d'éxistence des objets techniques

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Aubier

Short Title: Du mode d'éxistence des objets techniques

Keywords: Aesthetics

Notes: Paris 1992. FF 130-.Ref. Pirsig p.xiii, & Canhuilhem. Rapports entre la pensée technique et les autres espèces de pensée (Esthétique) p. 179ff, samt p 134-147≈Stolterman?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 666

Author: Simpson, G.

Year: 1951

Title: Science as morality

Journal: Philosophy of Science

Volume: 18

Pages: 132-143

Short Title: Science as morality

Alternate Journal: Philosophy of Science

Notes: Long Notes



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2224

Author: Sinclair, George

Year: 1980

Title: Do we know what "technology" means?

Journal: Technology and Society IEEE

Volume: 8

Issue: 4

Pages: 1, 6-8

Short Title: Do we know what "technology" means?

Alternate Journal: Technology and Society IEEE



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 667

Author: Sinclair, G. and Tilson, W.V.

Year: 1982

Title: The relationship of technology to engineering

Journal: Research in Philosophy and Technology

Volume: 5

Pages: 87-97

Short Title: The relationship of technology to engineering

Alternate Journal: Research in Philosophy and Technology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1668

Author: Sine nomine

Year: 1991

Title: Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques: Organisation et projets de recherche

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: La Villette, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, F-75930 Paris Cedex 19, Tel. 40057552

Short Title: Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques: Organisation et projets de recherche

Notes: Anonymous. Paris 1992. Se "long notes" library



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 669

Author: Singer, Edgar Arthur, Jr.

Year: 1924

Title: Mind as behavior: And studies in empirical idealism

Place Published: Columbus, Ohio

Publisher: R.G. Adams

Short Title: Mind as behavior: And studies in empirical idealism

Keywords: Pragmatism, Churchman



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1773

Author: Singer, Edgar A., Jr.

Year: 1936

Title: On the contented life

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Henry Holt

Short Title: On the contented life

Keywords: Pragmatism, Churchman

Notes: I stugan



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 668

Author: Singer, E.A., Jr.

Year: 1959

Title: Experience and reflection

Place Published: Philadelphia

Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press

Short Title: Experience and reflection

Keywords: Pragmatism, Churchman



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1402

Author: Sini, Carlo

Year: 1990

Title: Dialectic, rhetoric and writing: The problem of method

Journal: Argumentation

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 101-108

Short Title: Dialectic, rhetoric and writing: The problem of method

Alternate Journal: Argumentation

Keywords: Dialogue, discourse, conversation, communication

Notes: Carlo Sini, Dip, di Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Festa del Perdono, 7, 20122 Milano



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2071

Author: Sjöberg, Cecilia

Year: 1994

Title: Voices in design: Argumentation in participatory development

Place Published: Linköping

Publisher: Univ. of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Voices in design: Argumentation in participatory development

Keywords: PD, MBL

Notes: Ref Engeström, Rittel, Schön, Stolterman. Toulmin, Timpka, Bakhtin, Braverman, Ehn, Goldkuhl, Winograd.  Opponent Ivanov



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2334

Author: Sjöberg, Cecilia

Year: 1996

Title: Activities, voices and arenas: Participatory design in practice

Place Published: Linköping

Publisher: Linköping University, Dept. of Community Medicine

Short Title: Activities, voices and arenas: Participatory design in practice

Notes: Kristo Ivanov's opposition 960607



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2072

Author: Sjöberg, Cecilia Magnusson

Year: 1992

Title: Rättsautomation: Särskilt om statsförvaltningens datorisering

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Norstedts Juridik

Short Title: Rättsautomation: Särskilt om statsförvaltningens datorisering

Keywords: adb avh, Seipel, law, rättsinformatik, försäkringskassa, participation, administration, authority, responsibility, accountability, legitimacy, ref Kristo Ivanovs SAF

Notes: Kristo Ivanov betygsnämnd/grading committee



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2073

Author: Sjöberg, G and Klingberg, G.

Year: 1874

Title: Svensk stilistik: För högre elementarläroverk

Place Published: Stockholm

Short Title: Svensk stilistik: För högre elementarläroverk

Keywords: ADB education

Notes: From Rolf, 1984



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 672

Author: Sjöbäck, H.

Year: 1978

Title: Att förstå och att begripa: Några kritiska reflexioner föranledda av "Om psykoanalysens vetenskapsteori" av Carl Lesche

Institution: Lund University, Dept. of Psychology

Short Title: Att förstå och att begripa: Några kritiska reflexioner föranledda av "Om psykoanalysens vetenskapsteori" av Carl Lesche

Report Number: Research report



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2787

Author: Sjögren, Anders

Year: 2000

Title: En enda värld: Men vilken är det vi ser?

Journal: VK

Issue: 16 november

Pages: 5

Short Title: En enda värld: Men vilken är det vi ser?

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Kommentar/recension av Bildmuseets utställning "Peters projektion"

Keywords: map geographical projection, Chu71/5, Chu71/9, Chu71/6*



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2810

Author: Sjögren, Anders

Year: 2001

Title: Professor med många ansikten

Journal: VK

Issue: 25 oktober

Short Title: Professor med många ansikten

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Legal Note: Review of a performance by professor Sandy Stone, Advanced Communications Lab. ACTlab, and Convergent Media Program at the Dept. of Radio/TV/Film in Austin, Texas

Keywords: Chu71/7***design postmodern, VR multimedia



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 673

Author: Sjöström, O.

Year: 1980

Title: Svensk samhällsstatistik: Etik, policy och planering

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Akademilitteratur

Short Title: Svensk samhällsstatistik: Etik, policy och planering



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 674

Author: Sjöström, O.

Year: 1983

Title: Vad är statistisk metod?

Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Issue: 2

Pages: 109-120

Short Title: Vad är statistisk metod?

Alternate Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Legal Note: Summary in English, pp.164-165



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 675

Author: Sjöström, O.

Year: 1984

Title: Frigörelse av statistiska synsätt i en tid av teoribrist

Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Issue: 3

Pages: 198-203

Short Title: Frigörelse av statistiska synsätt i en tid av teoribrist

Alternate Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Notes: 1984a



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 676

Author: Sjöström, O.

Year: 1984

Title: Vad statistikutredningen inte utredde

Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Issue: 4

Pages: 297-300

Short Title: Vad statistikutredningen inte utredde

Alternate Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Notes: 1984b



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 677

Author: Sjöström, O.

Year: 1988

Title: Vad kan vi lära av Tjernobyl? En statistisk och samhällsvetenskaplig studie. Förslag till inriktningar mot förnyelser i statistiska grundutbildningar och anknuten forskning inom högskolan

Institution: University of Uppsala, Dept of Philosophy

Short Title: Vad kan vi lära av Tjernobyl? En statistisk och samhällsvetenskaplig studie. Förslag till inriktningar mot förnyelser i statistiska grundutbildningar och anknuten forskning inom högskolan

Report Number: Case study in the project 'Education for application of statistics'



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2027

Author: Sjöström, Olle

Year: 1993

Title: Statistik, praxis och bildning: Perspektiv på utbildning

Place Published: Uppsala

Publisher: Uppsala Universitet, Filosofiska Institutionen

Short Title: Statistik, praxis och bildning: Perspektiv på utbildning



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 678

Author: Skaggs, E.B.

Year: 1934

Title: The limitations of scientific psychology as an applied or practical science

Journal: Psychological Review

Volume: 41

Pages: 572-576

Short Title: The limitations of scientific psychology as an applied or practical science

Alternate Journal: Psychological Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1104

Author: Skemp, Richard R.

Year: 1986

Title: The psychology of learning mathematics

Place Published: Harmondsworth, Middlesex

Publisher: Penguin

Short Title: The psychology of learning mathematics

Notes: Cf. Sheil



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2661

Author: Skolöverstyrelsen

Year: 1978

Title: Alternativ pedagogik

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Skolöverstyrelsen

Short Title: Alternativ pedagogik

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1931

Author: Sköldberg, Kaj

Year: 1990

Title: Administrationens poetiska logik: Stilar och stilförändringar i konsten att organisera

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Administrationens poetiska logik: Stilar och stilförändringar i konsten att organisera

Keywords: aesthetics, rhetoric, metaphor, adb education

Notes: Rituals 199, 214f, 219, 222; Jung 122, 134, 298; Collingwood, 277



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 679

Editor: Slack, Jennifer Daryl and Fejes, Fred

Year: 1987

Title: The ideology of the information age

Place Published: Norwood, N.J

Publisher: Ablex

Short Title: The ideology of the information age

Keywords: underdevelopment



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 680

Author: Sloman, A.

Year: 1978

Title: The computer revolution in philosophy: Philosophy, science, and models of mind

Place Published: Hassocks, Sussex

Publisher: The Harvester Press

Short Title: The computer revolution in philosophy: Philosophy, science, and models of mind



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1973

Author: Smith, Alan Jay

Year: 1990

Title: The task of the referee

Journal: Computer

Volume: 23

Issue: 4

Pages: 65-71

Short Title: The task of the referee

Alternate Journal: Computer

Keywords: ADB-education, peer-review

Notes: From SJIS-Mathiassen, i UmDr-mapp



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 681

Author: Smith, B., (Ed.)

Year: 1982

Title: Parts and moments

Place Published: München

Publisher: Philosophia

Short Title: Parts and moments



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 682

Author: Smith, B.

Year: 1982

Title: Annotated bibliography of writings on part-whole relations since Brentano

Editor: Smith, B.

Book Title: Parts and moments

Place Published: München

Publisher: Philosophia

Pages: 481ff.

Short Title: Annotated bibliography of writings on part-whole relations since Brentano



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1912

Author: Smith, Ben and Eglowstein

Year: 1993

Title: In good electronic form: A large insurance company and a small manufacturing firm save time and money with electronic forms

Journal: Byte

Issue: November

Pages: 67-76

Short Title: In good electronic form: A large insurance company and a small manufacturing firm save time and money with electronic forms

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: blanketter, forms, document management systems dms, adb, administration, administrative, object orientation?



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 691

Author: Smith, B. and Mulligan, K.

Year: 1982

Title: Pieces of a theory

Editor: Smith, B.

Book Title: Parts and moments

Place Published: München

Publisher: Philosophia

Short Title: Pieces of a theory



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1340

Author: Smith, Charles

Year: 1990

Title: Self-organization in human systems: A paradigm of ethics?

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 7

Issue: 4

Pages: 237-244

Short Title: Self-organization in human systems: A paradigm of ethics?

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Notes: Ref to Jung



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 684

Author: Smith, D.E.

Year: 1951-1953

Title: History of Mathematics - (2 Vols.)

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Dover

Edition: 2nd

Short Title: History of Mathematics - (2 Vols.)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 683

Author: Smith, D.E.

Year: 1984

Title: Textually mediated social organization

Journal: Int. Social Science Journal

Volume: 36

Issue: 1

Pages: 59-75

Short Title: Textually mediated social organization

Alternate Journal: Int. Social Science Journal



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2943

Author: Smith, Gudmund

Year: 2001

Title: Att inte lita på sitt eget omdöme

Journal: Universitetsläraren

Issue: 3

Pages: 21

Short Title: Att inte lita på sitt eget omdöme

Alternate Journal: Universitetsläraren

Keywords: peer review, karriärism careerism, ref Kant omyndighet, university



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 829

Author: Smith, G.J.W.

Year: 1986

Title: Upplevande och verklighet

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Upplevande och verklighet



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1148

Author: Smith, Gudmund J.W.

Year: 1987

Title: Framtidens psykologi

Institution: Lund university, Dept. of Psychology

Short Title: Framtidens psykologi



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 832

Author: Smith, G.J.W.

Year: In press

Title: The creative process

Publisher: International Universities Press

Short Title: The creative process



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1462

Author: Sollerman, Bruno

Year: 1987

Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet.

Journal: Broderskap

Issue: 12, 20 March

Pages: 8

Short Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet.

Alternate Journal: Broderskap



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1464

Author: Sollerman, Bruno

Year: 1987

Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Har datorn någon moral?

Journal: Västerbottens Folkblad

Issue: 26 March

Pages: 7

Short Title: Recension av Kristo Ivanov: Systemutveckling och rättssäkerhet. Har datorn någon moral?

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens Folkblad



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 3026

Author: Sollerman, Bruno

Year: 1987

Title: Dataexperten - den evige gossen - borde läsa Bibeln

Journal: Broderskap

Issue: 12, 20 mars

Pages: 8

Short Title: Dataexperten - den evige gossen - borde läsa Bibeln

Alternate Journal: Broderskap

Legal Note: Intervju med professor Kristo Ivanov - recension av boken Systemutveckling och Rättsäkerhet



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1038

Editor: Solomonides, Tony and Levidow, Les

Year: 1985

Title: Compulsive technology: Computers as culture

Place Published: London

Publisher: Free Association Books

Short Title: Compulsive technology: Computers as culture



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 685

Author: Solomonoff

Year: 1966

Title: Some recent work in artificial intelligence

Journal: Proc. of the IEEE

Volume: 54

Issue: 12

Pages: 1687-1697

Short Title: Some recent work in artificial intelligence

Alternate Journal: Proc. of the IEEE

Keywords: ADB hist



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1943

Author: Sorge, Arndt and Hartmann, Gert

Year: 1980

Title: Technology and labour markets

Institution: International Institute of Management

Date: May

Short Title: Technology and labour markets

Report Number: Discussion paper IIM/dp 80-39

Keywords: assessment, tema-t, teknik och social förändring, futures research, framtidsforskning, potentially Heinz Leymann?

Notes: See esp. pp. 32-45. From Sorge at EGOS 12-14 June 1985 (see esp. pp. 32-45)

Authors at

International Institute of Management

Wissenschaftzentrum Berlin

Plata der Luftbrücke 1-3

1000 Berlin 42

tel 69041



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2396

Author: Sotto, Richard

Year: 1990

Title: Man without knowledge: Actors and spectators in organizations

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Stockholms Universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen

Short Title: Man without knowledge: Actors and spectators in organizations

Keywords: postmodern, action, existential, upplevelser, pensiero debole, feeble knowledge, social actors, creativity, Foucault, Baudrillard, airplane pilot, failures, aesthetics, Guillet de Monthoux



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1691

Author: Sousa, Ronald, de

Year: 1987

Title: The rationality of emotion

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: The rationality of emotion

Notes: Paris 1992. From CREA-library. Pp 259 pathologies of bootstrapping, self and others, pp. 235 ff=chap 9; 317 x s.j. Paul. Cf. Varela-Whitaker A2psi?



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 927

Author: Sowa, J.F.

Year: 1984

Title: Conceptual structures: Information processing in mind and machine

Place Published: Reading

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Conceptual structures: Information processing in mind and machine



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2328

Author: Spaul, M.W.J., Munro, Iain, Topp, Warren, Hall, Martin L.W. and Brown, Mandy

Year: 1994

Title: Reviews of Critical heuristic of social planning: A new approach to practical philosophy, by Werner Ulrich

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 9

Issue: 3

Pages: 285-299

Short Title: Reviews of Critical heuristic of social planning: A new approach to practical philosophy, by Werner Ulrich

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Notes: (Fr. WU 18/6 & 14/7 93:) Orig. manuscript title: A reconstruction of Kantian a priori for planners and practical philosophers: The transition/transformation from Kantian to critical heuristic categories



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 687

Author: Spengler, Oswald

Year: 1918-1922/1926-1928

Title: The decline of the West - (2 Vols.)

Place Published: New York

Publisher: A. Knopf

Translator: Atkinson, C.F.

Short Title: The decline of the West - (2 Vols.)

Notes: In The Economist May 29th 1999 "obituary" on Eqbal Ahmad: His own hero was Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) regarded as the greatest Arab historian, the first to identify the regular rise and fall of civilisations.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 688

Author: Sperry, R.

Year: 1935

Title: Some effects of disconnecting the cerebral hemispheres

Journal: Psych. Review

Volume: 42

Pages: 517-527

Short Title: Some effects of disconnecting the cerebral hemispheres

Alternate Journal: Psych. Review

Keywords: brain, cognitive style, types (≈Jung?)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 689

Author: Spiegelman, M.

Year: 1955

Title: Jungian theory and the analysis of thematic tests

Journal: Journal of Projective  Techniques

Volume: 19

Pages: 253-263

Short Title: Jungian theory and the analysis of thematic tests

Alternate Journal: Journal of Projective  Techniques



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2002

Author: Spier, J.M.

Year: 1976

Title: An introduction to Christian thought

Place Published: Nutley, N.J.

Publisher: Craig

Short Title: An introduction to Christian thought

Notes: in de Raadts home, on LOGIC...pp. 146ff, LC 53-12296



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2685

Author: Spranger, Eduard

Year: 1965

Title: Wilhelm von Humboldt und die Reform des Bildungswesens

Place Published: Tubingen

Publisher: Tubingen, Max Niemeyer, 1965

Short Title: Wilhelm von Humboldt und die Reform des Bildungswesens

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 920

Author: Stamper, Ronald

Year: 1988

Title: Analysing the cultural impact of a system

Journal: Int. J. of Information Management

Volume: 8

Pages: 107-122

Short Title: Analysing the cultural impact of a system

Alternate Journal: Int. J. of Information Management



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1986

Author: Stein, Murray

Year: 1985

Title: Jung's treatment of Christianity: The psychotherapy of a religious tradition

Place Published: Wilmette, Ill.: Chiron Publications

Short Title: Jung's treatment of Christianity: The psychotherapy of a religious tradition

Notes: From telnet dra.com



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 693

Author: Steiner, R.

Year: 1886/1988

Title: A theory of knowledge implicit in Goethe's world conception

Place Published: London

Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press

Short Title: A theory of knowledge implicit in Goethe's world conception



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 694

Author: Steiner, R.

Year: 1914/19XX

Title: The riddles of philosophy

Place Published: London

Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press

Short Title: The riddles of philosophy



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 690

Author: Steiner, R.

Year: 1926/1988

Title: Le opere scientifiche di Goethe

Place Published: Genova

Publisher: Fratelli Melita - Casa del Libro

Short Title: Le opere scientifiche di Goethe

Notes: ref xKant p.140ff, 157f



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 692

Author: Steiner, R.

Year: 1937/1982

Title: Nascita e sviluppo storico della scienza

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Editrice Antroposofica

Translator: Schwarz, W.

Short Title: Nascita e sviluppo storico della scienza

Keywords: role of mathematics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 695

Author: Steltzner, M. and Williams, M.

Year: 1988

Title: The evolution of interface requirements for expert systems

Editor: Hendler, J.A.

Book Title: Expert systems: The user interface

Place Published: Norwood, N.J

Publisher: Ablex

Pages: 285-306

Short Title: The evolution of interface requirements for expert systems



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1669

Author: Stengers, Isabelle

Year: 1985

Title: Les généalogies de l'auto-organisation

Book Title: Généalogies de l'auto-organisation

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche Epistemologie et Autonomie, École Polytechnique

Pages: 7-104

Short Title: Les généalogies de l'auto-organisation

Section: Cahiers du CREA No.8

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 696

Author: Stenlund, S.

Year: 1987

Title: Kommentarer till problem i logikens filosofi

Institution: Dept of Philosophy, University of Uppsala

Short Title: Kommentarer till problem i logikens filosofi

Report Number: Philosophical studies published by the Philosophical Society and the Dept of Philosophy, No.39



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 697

Author: Stenlund, S.

Year: 1988

Title: Undersökningar i matematikens filosofi

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Thales

Short Title: Undersökningar i matematikens filosofi



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 698

Author: Stephenson, W.

Year: 1939

Title: Methodological consideration of Jung's typology

Journal: J. of Mental Science

Volume: 85

Issue: 355, new series 319, March

Pages: 185-205

Short Title: Methodological consideration of Jung's typology

Alternate Journal: J. of Mental Science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 699

Author: Sterling, L. and Shapiro, E.

Year: 1986

Title: The art of Prolog

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: The art of Prolog



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 700

Author: Stevens, G.C.

Year: 1982

Title: O.R.workers, information systems analysts and the challenge of the micro

Journal: J. of the Operational Research Soc.

Volume: 33

Pages: 921-929

Short Title: O.R.workers, information systems analysts and the challenge of the micro

Alternate Journal: J. of the Operational Research Soc.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1357

Author: Stigliano, Tony

Year: 1990

Title: The moral basis of human science

Journal: Saybrook Review

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 73-104

Short Title: The moral basis of human science

Alternate Journal: Saybrook Review



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 701

Author: Stjazkin, N.I.

Year: 1980

Title: Storia della logica: La formazione delle idee della logica matematica

Place Published: Roma

Publisher: Editori Riuniti

Short Title: Storia della logica: La formazione delle idee della logica matematica



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 833

Author: Stolterman, E.

Year: 1989

Title: Metoder och datorstöd för systemutveckling

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Metoder och datorstöd för systemutveckling

Report Number: Research proposal - Draft



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1141

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1989

Title: System design methods as creativity "killers"

Book Title: Proc. of the 12th IRIS Conference - Information Systems Research in Scandinavia,13-16 August 1989, Skagen, Denmark

Place Published: Aalborg

Publisher: Aalborg University, Inst. of Electronic Systems

Short Title: System design methods as creativity "killers"

Section: Report UMADP–WPIPCS 20:89, Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1174

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1989

Title: Design och metod

Institution: Umeå university, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Design och metod

Report Number: Report UMADP–WPIPCS 19:89



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1195

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1989

Title: Collingwood

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Collingwood

Report Number: Term paper in philosophy of science



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1476

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1991

Title: How system designers think about design and methods

Book Title: Prec. of the 14th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia – IRIS'91, Umeå-Lövånger, August 11-14, 1991

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: How system designers think about design and methods

Section: Rev. paper in The Scandinavian J. of Information Systems, Vol. 4 (1992)



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1477

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1991

Title: Utskrifter av 20 intervjuer med systemutvecklare

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Utskrifter av 20 intervjuer med systemutvecklare

Report Number: UMADP-WPIPCS 43.91



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1488

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1991

Title: Designarbetets dolda rationalitet: En studie av metodik och praktik inom systemutveckling [The hidden rationale of design work: A study in the methodology and practice of system development]

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University

Short Title: Designarbetets dolda rationalitet: En studie av metodik och praktik inom systemutveckling [The hidden rationale of design work: A study in the methodology and practice of system development]

ISBN: ISSN 0282-0579

Keywords: ADB avh

Notes: Kristo Ivanov advisor. disputation 911217



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1882

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1992

Title: Some reflections on the study of practice.

Editor: Bjerknes, G.

Book Title: Prec. of the 15th IRIS, Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Oslo-Larkallen, 11-14 August 1992

Place Published: Oslo

Publisher: Oslo University, Dept. of Informatics

Pages: 83-92

Short Title: Some reflections on the study of practice.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1896

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1992

Title: How system designers think about design and methods

Journal: Scandinavian J. of Information Systems

Volume: 4

Short Title: How system designers think about design and methods

Alternate Journal: Scandinavian J. of Information Systems

Legal Note: Rev. paper in The Scandinavian J. of Information Systems, Vol. 4 (1992)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1970

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1992

Title: Liten betraktelse över vår utbildning i ett internationellt perspektiv

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing – Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Liten betraktelse över vår utbildning i ett internationellt perspektiv

Keywords: ADB education, curriculum



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1897

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1993

Title: The rationale behind the Scandinavian approach

Editor: Bansler, J., Bødker, S., Kensing, F., Nørbjerg, J. and Pries-Heje, J.

Book Title: Prec. of the 16th IRIS

Place Published: Copenhagen

Publisher: Copenhagen University, Datalogisk Institut

Pages: 635-642

Short Title: The rationale behind the Scandinavian approach



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1873

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 1994

Title: Guidelines or aesthetics: Design learning strategies

Journal: Design Studies

Volume: 15

Issue: 4, October

Pages: 448-458

Short Title: Guidelines or aesthetics: Design learning strategies

Alternate Journal: Design Studies

Notes: An earlier version also in Peeno, L., Ed., Proc. of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, pp. 1022-1029



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2625

Author: Stolterman, Erik

Year: 2001

Title: New worlds to design

Publisher: http://www.advanceddesign.org/ link to www.informatik.umu.se/~erik/worlds.html, dated 20 Dec. 2000, accessed 30 Jan. 2001

Short Title: New worlds to design



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1048

Author: Strachey, C.

Year: 1966

Title: Systems analysis and programming

Journal: Scientific American

Volume: 215

Issue: 3, September

Pages: 112-127

Short Title: Systems analysis and programming

Alternate Journal: Scientific American

Keywords: history?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2180

Author: Straub, D.W., Ang, S. and Evaristo, R.

Year: 1994

Title: Normative standards for IS research

Journal: DataBase

Volume: 25

Issue: 1

Pages: 21-34

Short Title: Normative standards for IS research

Alternate Journal: DataBase

Keywords: adb education

Notes: fr Järvinen



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 702

Author: Strauch, R.E.

Year: 1970

Title: Some thoughts on the use and misuse of statistical inference

Institution: Santa Monica, Calif.: The RAND Corporation

Short Title: Some thoughts on the use and misuse of statistical inference

Report Number: Report P-3992-1



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2309

Author: Strijbos, Sytses

Year: 1996

Title: Ethics for an age of social transformation. Part I: Framework for an interpretation. Part II: The idea of a systems ethics

Journal: World Futures

Pages: 67-86

Short Title: Ethics for an age of social transformation. Part I: Framework for an interpretation. Part II: The idea of a systems ethics

Legal Note: Philosophy and Technology, Vol. 7

Keywords: ADB education, christian

Notes: from Sytses Strijbos to Simon Peyton Jones  simonpj@dcs.gla.ac.uk 9/5 1996



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 703

Author: Strong, E.W.

Year: 1957

Title: Newton's "mathematical way"

Editor: Wiener, P.P. and Noland, A.

Book Title: Roots of scientific thought

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Pages: 412ff.

Short Title: Newton's "mathematical way"



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 704

Author: Struik, D.J.

Year: 1959

Title: A concise history of mathematics

Place Published: London

Publisher: G. Bell and Sons

Short Title: A concise history of mathematics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 987

Author: Strzalecki, Andrzej

Year: 1989

Title: Creativity and the styles of solving problems

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 4

Pages: 248-253

Short Title: Creativity and the styles of solving problems

Notes: Dept. of Praxiology and the Science of Sciences, Inst. of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Nowy Swiat 72, PL-00 330 Warsaw, Poland



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1786

Author: Strömholm, Stig

Year: 1993

Title: Demokratin och katastroferna

Journal: SvD

Issue: July 1st

Pages: 24

Short Title: Demokratin och katastroferna

Alternate Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Legal Note: Review of Burkhard Wehner, Die Katastrophen der Demokratie, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2256

Author: Studentlitteratur

Year: 1994

Title: Forskningsmetodik och vetenskapsteori

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Studentlitteratur

Short Title: Forskningsmetodik och vetenskapsteori



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2550

Author: Suárez, Roldan Tomasz

Year: 1999

Title: The holistic sense of prison phenomena in Venezuela: II. Toward a profound unveiling of the 'background'

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 95-113

Short Title: The holistic sense of prison phenomena in Venezuela: II. Toward a profound unveiling of the 'background'

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Keywords: Mérida 2000, Garay for the 1st article



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 911

Author: Sundgren, Bo

Year: 1973

Title: An infological approach to data bases

Institution: University of Stockholm, Dept. of Information Processing, & National Central Bureau of Statistics

Short Title: An infological approach to data bases

Report Number: Doctoral dissertation

Keywords: ADB avh



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 705

Author: Sundgren, B.

Year: 1975

Title: Infologisk utformning av statistiska databaser

Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift

Issue: No. 4

Short Title: Infologisk utformning av statistiska databaser

Alternate Journal: Statistisk Tidskrift



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 706

Author: Sundgren, B.

Year: 1982

Title: Statistical data processing systems: Architectures and design methodologies

Institution: Stockholm: National Bureau of Statistics

Short Title: Statistical data processing systems: Architectures and design methodologies

Report Number: Report S/SYS  E11



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 707

Author: Sundgren, B., Wallgren, B. and Wallgren, A.

Year: 1984

Title: Statistiska informationssystem: Mot ett forskningsprogram i statistiska informationssystem och statistisk analys med data från administrativa system

Institution: University of Linköping, Dept. of Computer and Information Science

Short Title: Statistiska informationssystem: Mot ett forskningsprogram i statistiska informationssystem och statistisk analys med data från administrativa system

Report Number: ASLAB Memo 84:2



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2196

Author: Sundin, Bo

Year: 1981

Title: Ingenjörsvetenskapens tidevarv: Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin, Pappersmassekontoret, Metallografiska institutet och den teknologiska forskningen i början av 1900-talet

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Almqvist & Wiksell International

Short Title: Ingenjörsvetenskapens tidevarv: Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin, Pappersmassekontoret, Metallografiska institutet och den teknologiska forskningen i början av 1900-talet

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2134

Author: Svedemar, Michael, Augustsson, Jonas, Djavidirad, Masoud, Ehn, Pelle, Gustafsson, Niklas, Hansson, Håkan, Henriksson, Andreas, Anders, Juhlin, Klintberg, Johan, Meggerle, Theis, Sandin, Ingrid and Steen, Odd

Year: 1994

Title: Informatik som vetenskap: Kursrapport inom ramen för magisterprogram vid Inst. för Informatik, höstterminen 1993 [Informatics as science]

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Lund University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: Informatik som vetenskap: Kursrapport inom ramen för magisterprogram vid Inst. för Informatik, höstterminen 1993 [Informatics as science]

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2570

Author: Svensson, L.

Year: 1978

Title: Från bildning till utbildning – Del II: Universitetets omvandling från 1100 till 1870-talet

Place Published: Gothenburg

Publisher: Göteborgs Universitet, Sociologiska Institutionen

Short Title: Från bildning till utbildning – Del II: Universitetets omvandling från 1100 till 1870-talet

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2415

Author: Svensson, Oscar

Year: 1997

Title: En kritisk granskning av Churchman och hans kritiker

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: En kritisk granskning av Churchman och hans kritiker

Keywords: ref Krikorian, Nahm m.fl.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2391

Author: Svensson, Per

Year: 1997

Title: Den galna rättvisan [Mad justice]

Journal: Moderna Tider

Issue: September

Pages: 14-21

Short Title: Den galna rättvisan [Mad justice]

Alternate Journal: Moderna Tider

Legal Note: Cf. some more developed thoughts by the same author in his Storstugan. Stockholm: Bonnier Alba, 1996

Keywords: SAF, sickness, crime, punishment, rättspsykiatri, forensic psychiatry, guilt, skuld, vård



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2452

Author: Svensson, Per

Year: 1998

Title: Politiskt bländverk i den högre skolan

Journal: Moderna Tider

Issue: September

Pages: 20-25

Short Title: Politiskt bländverk i den högre skolan

Alternate Journal: Moderna Tider

Keywords: university politics policy högskolepolitik, ADB-education, school



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 709

Author: Swanson, E.B.

Year: 1976

Title: Information system approaches: Directions for research and practice

Journal: Management Datamatics

Volume: 5

Issue: 4

Pages: 155-163

Short Title: Information system approaches: Directions for research and practice

Alternate Journal: Management Datamatics



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 708

Author: Swanson, E.B.

Year: 1982

Title: A view of information system evolution

Editor: Hagwood, J.

Book Title: Evolutionary Information Systems

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Pages: 55-62

Short Title: A view of information system evolution



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1116

Author: Swanson, E. Burton

Year: 1989

Title: Information system implementation and organizational health

Editor: Churchman, C. West

Book Title: The well-being of organizations

Place Published: Salinas, Calif.

Publisher: Intersystems Publications

Pages: 179-187

Short Title: Information system implementation and organizational health

Keywords: Computer tool, 181, 184; involvement, responsibility 181; cognitive styles 183,



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2518

Author: Swanson, E. Burton, Land, Frank F. and Targett, David

Year: 1991

Title: Information systems as a field of study: Its place in the graduate business school

Journal: SELECTIONS from UCLA Graduate Management Admission Council

Issue: Spring

Pages: 7-16

Short Title: Information systems as a field of study: Its place in the graduate business school

Keywords: Education, doktorandkurs

Notes: From EBS 24/9-92



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 710

Author: Swanson, E.R.

Year: 1979

Title: Working with other disciplines

Journal: Am. J. of Agricultural Economics

Volume: 61

Issue: 5

Pages: 849-859

Short Title: Working with other disciplines

Alternate Journal: Am. J. of Agricultural Economics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2011

Author: Swinburne, Richard

Year: 1983

Title: Faith and reason

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon

Short Title: Faith and reason

Keywords: Belief, Christian, religion

Notes: Fr de Raadt, lecture 16/12-94



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2636

Author: Symonds, Matthew

Year: 2000

Title: A survey of government and the Internet

Journal: The Economist

Issue: June 24th

Pages: Supplement 1-26

Short Title: A survey of government and the Internet

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: SAF



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 711

Author: Systems

Year: 1967

Title: [Article on formal systems]

Editor: Edwards, P.

Book Title: Encyclopedia of philosophy (Vol.7)

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Macmillan

Pages: 61-74

Short Title: [Article on formal systems]



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2504

Author: Szlezák, Thomas A.

Year: 1993

Title: Platon lesen

Place Published: Stuttgart

Publisher: Fromann-Holgboog

Short Title: Platon lesen

Keywords: Rek av Martin Edman

Notes: Till Ingarö 000520



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 873

Author: Sällström, P.

Year: 1980

Title: Mjukdata i planeringsprocessen: En diskussion kring möjligheter och svårigheter med färgplanering som exempel

Institution: Stockholm: Statens Råd för Byggnadsforskning

Short Title: Mjukdata i planeringsprocessen: En diskussion kring möjligheter och svårigheter med färgplanering som exempel

Report Number: Report R74:1980, ISBN 91-540-3282-2



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 712

Author: Sällström, P.

Year: 1988

Title: The concept of dialogue

Institution: Stockholm: The Swedish Center for Working Life

Short Title: The concept of dialogue

Report Number: Paper presented at the International Conf. on Culture, Language and Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, May 30-June 3, 1988



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1437

Author: Sällström, Pehr

Year: 1991

Title: Tecken att tänka med: Om symbolisk notation inom musik, dans, kartografi, matematik, fysik, kemi, teknologi, arkitektur, färglära och bildkonst [Signs to think with]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons

Short Title: Tecken att tänka med: Om symbolisk notation inom musik, dans, kartografi, matematik, fysik, kemi, teknologi, arkitektur, färglära och bildkonst [Signs to think with]



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1268

Author: Söderqvist, Thomas

Year: 1988

Title: Constructivism, the power of intellectuals and the art of biography

Institution: University of Gothenburg, Dept. of Theory of Science

Short Title: Constructivism, the power of intellectuals and the art of biography



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1270

Author: Söderqvist, Thomas

Year: 1988

Title: Tanke och känsla i kunskapens samhälle: Bakgrundsmaterial till nytt forskningsprogram vid FA-rådet

Institution: University of Gothenburgh, Dept. of Theory of Science

Short Title: Tanke och känsla i kunskapens samhälle: Bakgrundsmaterial till nytt forskningsprogram vid FA-rådet



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1952

Author: Söderström, Magnus

Year: 1992

Title: Ledning och ledarskap i högskolan: Rapport utarbetad på uppdrag av högskoleutredningen, SOU 1992:15

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Utbildningsdepartementet

Short Title: Ledning och ledarskap i högskolan: Rapport utarbetad på uppdrag av högskoleutredningen, SOU 1992:15

Keywords: university management, strategy s 31



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1972

Author: Sørensen, Carsten

Year: 1994

Title: This is not an article: Just some food for thought on how to write one

Editor: Kerola, Pentti, Juustila, Antti and Järvinen, Janne

Book Title: Quality by diversity in information systems research

Place Published: Oulu

Publisher: University of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing

Pages: 46-59

Short Title: This is not an article: Just some food for thought on how to write one

Section: Prec. of the 17th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Syöte, Finland, 6-9 August 1994. Vol. 1. Also as rev. paper Risø-R-782(EN), Risø National Lab., Roskilde Denmark, 1995

Keywords: ADB dr education

Notes: Systems Analysis Dept, Risø National Lab., PO Box 49, DK-4000 Roskilde Denmark, tel +45 4677 5148, fax 4675 5170, "carsten@risoe.dk"



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 713

Author: Sørgaard, P.

Year: 1986

Title: Evaluating expert system prototypes

Editor: Nissen, H-E  and Sandström, G.

Book Title: Quality of work versus quality of information systems (Report of the Ninth Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering, Båstad, 19-22 August 1986)

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Lund University, Dept. of Information Processing

Pages: 187-201

Short Title: Evaluating expert system prototypes



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 714

Author: Sørgaard, P.

Year: 1988

Title: A discussion of computer supported cooperative work

Institution: Aarhus University, Dept of Computer Science

Short Title: A discussion of computer supported cooperative work

Report Number: Doctoral dissertation

Keywords: adb avh



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 830

Author: Sørgaard, P.

Year: 1988

Title: Object oriented programming and computerised shared material

Institution: Aarhus university, Computer Science dept.

Short Title: Object oriented programming and computerised shared material

Report Number: Research report DAIMI PB - 247



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 973

Author: Taggart, W. M., Jr and Tharp, M. O.

Year: 1976

Title: A survey of information requirements analysis techniques

Journal: Computing Surveys

Volume: 8

Issue: 1, March

Pages: 1-15

Short Title: A survey of information requirements analysis techniques

Alternate Journal: Computing Surveys



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 715

Author: Tarter, M.E. and Kronmal, R.A.

Year: 1976

Title: An introduction to the implementation and theory of nonparametric density estimation

Journal: The American Statistician

Volume: 30

Issue: 3

Pages: 105-112

Short Title: An introduction to the implementation and theory of nonparametric density estimation

Alternate Journal: The American Statistician



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2317

Author: Taylor, Charles

Year: 1993

Title: Explanation and practical reason

Editor: Nussbaum, Martha and Sen, Amartya

Book Title: The quality of life

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

Pages: 208-231

Short Title: Explanation and practical reason

Section: On relativism. Cf. also Martha Nussbaum's Commentary, pp. 232-241, and Nussbaum's Non-relative values: An Aristotelian approach, pp. 242-269

Keywords: vs postmodernism



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1937

Author: Taylor, Jeff

Year: 1994

Title: Critical issues in multimedia: Towards fulfilling the missing dimension

Editor: Linna, Matti and Ruotsala, Pentti

Book Title: Hypermedia in Vaasa '94: Conference on computers and hypermedia in engineering education, June 8-11, 1994

Place Published: Vaasa

Publisher: Vaasa Institute of Technology

Pages: 385-390

Short Title: Critical issues in multimedia: Towards fulfilling the missing dimension

Keywords: theater, cinema

Notes: Dept. of Library and Information Studies, Univ. of Brighton, England, BN1 9PH. jgt@unix-bton.ac.uk



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2091

Editor: Teich, A

Year: 1979

Title: Technology and man's future

Place Published: New York

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Short Title: Technology and man's future

Keywords: adb education

Notes: From Klein et al. 1995 on ISD



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 716

Author: Teknisk Tidskrift

Year: 1961

Title: Issue on "Tekniska forskningsuppgifter for 1960-talet med anledning av Svenska Teknologföreningens 100 års jubileum"

Journal: Teknisk Tidskrift

Volume: 91

Issue: June 2nd

Pages: Esp. pp.636ff.,652ff., 656ff.

Short Title: Issue on "Tekniska forskningsuppgifter for 1960-talet med anledning av Svenska Teknologföreningens 100 års jubileum"

Alternate Journal: Teknisk Tidskrift



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 717

Author: Tengström, E.

Year: 1987

Title: Myten om informationssamhället: Ett humanistiskt inlägg i framtidsdebatten

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Rabén & Sjögren

Short Title: Myten om informationssamhället: Ett humanistiskt inlägg i framtidsdebatten



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1693

Editor: Teubner, G.

Year: 1987

Title: Autopoietic law: A new approach to law and society

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Walter de Gruyter

Short Title: Autopoietic law: A new approach to law and society

Notes: Paris 1992. From CREA library



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 718

Author: Thackara, J., (Ed.)

Year: 1988

Title: Design after modernism: Beyond the object

Place Published: London

Publisher: Thames and Hudson

Short Title: Design after modernism: Beyond the object



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1162

Author: Thagard, Paul

Year: 1988

Title: Computational philosophy of science

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Computational philosophy of science

Notes: The relevance of psychology to logic, pp. 122ff. (113-137)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2547

Author: The Bible

Year: 1985

Title: The new Jerusalem Bible

Place Published: London, New York

Publisher: Darton Longman and Todd, Doubleday

Short Title: The new Jerusalem Bible



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1872

Author: The Economist

Year: 1993

Title: American unions: Dirty pool. Book review of Confessions of a union buster, by Martin Levitt with Terry Conrow. Crown.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 13th

Pages: 99-100

Short Title: American unions: Dirty pool. Book review of Confessions of a union buster, by Martin Levitt with Terry Conrow. Crown.

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1918

Author: The Economist

Year: 1994

Title: Multimedia: Abracadabra

Journal: The Economist

Issue: February 5th

Pages: 71-72

Short Title: Multimedia: Abracadabra

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Notes: Even so, General Magic's vision is seductive: a common language that will let different devices talk to each other; that turns communication networks into electronic trading pits, where buyer agents (demand) meet seller agents (supply) to do business with maximum efficiency. An economist might call it reducing transaction costs; Mr Porat calls it "satisfying the deepest human emotion: 'I want'." Perhaps not the deepest – but certainly the most profitable.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1930

Author: The Economist

Year: 1994

Title: A hitch-hiker's guide: While America's government thinks far-sightedly about a new telecommunications network, business and universities are building it

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 25th-January 7th

Pages: 69-72

Short Title: A hitch-hiker's guide: While America's government thinks far-sightedly about a new telecommunications network, business and universities are building it

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: multimedia, www



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2006

Author: The Economist

Year: 1994

Title: American education: Godless, ergo intolerant.  Book review of The Soul of the American University: From Protestant establishment to established non-belief. By George Marsden. Oxford

Journal: The Economist

Volume: 332

Issue: 7872, July 16th

Pages: 87

Short Title: American education: Godless, ergo intolerant.  Book review of The Soul of the American University: From Protestant establishment to established non-belief. By George Marsden. Oxford

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: catholic, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, religion, theology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2007

Author: The Economist

Year: 1994

Title: Islam and the West

Journal: The Economist

Volume: 332

Issue: 7875, August 6th

Pages: 48ff

Short Title: Islam and the West

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: religion, Christianity, politics, B&R, HCS



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2029

Author: The Economist

Year: 1995

Title: Worlds apart: Virtual reality is not about slavishly recreating old worlds. It is about imagining new ones

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 11th

Pages: 87-89

Short Title: Worlds apart: Virtual reality is not about slavishly recreating old worlds. It is about imagining new ones

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: HCI/MDI human computer interaction



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2032

Author: The Economist

Year: 1995

Title: So who's the pilot here? On modern airliners, it's sometimes hard to say whether it is man or machine

Journal: The Economist

Issue: April 8th

Pages: 95-96

Short Title: So who's the pilot here? On modern airliners, it's sometimes hard to say whether it is man or machine

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: HMI-MMI



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2060

Author: The Economist

Year: 1995

Title: Who speaks for cyberspace? The Electronic Frontier Foundation went to Washington to "hack government. Instead, it imploded. A cautionary tale on the politics of cyberspace.

Journal: The Economist

Issue: January 14th

Pages: 81-82

Short Title: Who speaks for cyberspace? The Electronic Frontier Foundation went to Washington to "hack government. Instead, it imploded. A cautionary tale on the politics of cyberspace.

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Internet, SAF



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2061

Author: The Economist

Year: 1995

Title: Freedom and community: The politics of restoration

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 24th-January 6th

Pages: 67-70

Short Title: Freedom and community: The politics of restoration

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. also Letters, in a subsequent The Economist, p. 6

Keywords: Amitai Etzioni, Alasdair MacIntyre, Carl Schmitt, Sir James Goldsmith, comunitarianism, ethics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2296

Author: The Economist

Year: 1996

Title: Why first may not last: Most people believe that market pioneers become long-term market leaders. New research suggests otherwise

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 16th

Pages: 69

Short Title: Why first may not last: Most people believe that market pioneers become long-term market leaders. New research suggests otherwise

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: success

Notes: C.K. Prahalad & Gary Hamel vs new research by  Gerard Tellis & Peter Golder, Sloan Magmt Review, vol. 37, No. 2. Cf. vs. McKenney, Copeland, & Mason in Waves of Change



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2352

Author: The Economist

Year: 1996

Title: The economics of the Internet

Journal: The Economist

Issue: October 19th

Pages: 21-24

Short Title: The economics of the Internet

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Cf. same issue "Why the net should grow up", p. 15; Letters on "Cybernomics" in November 16th, pp. 6-8; "Electronic conflicts of interest" in January 18th 1997

Notes: ADB education



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2365

Author: The Economist

Year: 1996

Title: Crimes of reason

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 16th

Pages: 93-95

Short Title: Crimes of reason

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Cultural criticism.  Ref. counter-Enlightenment: Alasdair MacIntyre, Michael Sandel, Roberto Unger, Christopher Lasch, John Gray; Isaiah Berlin; ≈Tage Lindbom?

Notes: p. 94 ref to John Gray: "[The] prospect of cultural recovery from the nihilism that the Enlightenment has spawned may lie with the non-Occidental peoples, whose task will be then that of protecting themselves from the debris cast up by the western shipwreck. [Cf François Jullien]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2389

Author: The Economist

Year: 1997

Title: France: Holy love-in

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 30th

Pages: 22-24

Short Title: France: Holy love-in

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: catholicism, pope visit, why buddhism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2390

Author: The Economist

Year: 1997

Title: Nordic eugenics: Here, of all places

Journal: The Economist

Issue: August 30th

Pages: 20-21

Short Title: Nordic eugenics: Here, of all places

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Referring to the impact of two articles by M. Zaremba in Dagens Nyheter, 20-21 August 1997, pp. B1-B2

Keywords: Zaremba

Notes: (cf. DN 20-21 augusti 97)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 719

Author: Theil, H.

Year: 1966

Title: Economics and information theory

Place Published: Amsterdam

Publisher: North Holland

Short Title: Economics and information theory



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 720

Author: Thomas, G.B., Jr.

Year: 1972

Title: Calculus and analytic geometry

Place Published: Reading, Mass.

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Short Title: Calculus and analytic geometry



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1095

Author: Thompson, John B. and Held, David, (Eds.)

Year: 1982

Title: Habermas: Critical debates

Place Published: London

Publisher: Macmillan

Short Title: Habermas: Critical debates

Notes: Esp. Editors' introduction (pp.1-20); Agnes Heller, "Habermas and marxism", (pp.21-41); Henning Ottmann, "Cognitive interests and selfreflection" (pp.79-97);  Mary Hesse, "Science and objectivity" (98-115); Anthony Giddens, "Labour and interaction" (149-161); Jürgen Habermas, "A reply to my critics" (219-283)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1739

Author: Thompson, J.D.

Year: 1967

Title: Organizations in action

Place Published: New York

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Short Title: Organizations in action

Notes: Migliareses favorit (Milano 1993)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2112

Author: Thomson, R.

Year: 1972

Title: Psykologins historia

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: Tema/Gleerup

Short Title: Psykologins historia



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 721

Author: Thomä, H. and Kächele, H.

Year: 1973

Title: Wissenschaftstheoretische und metodologische Probleme der klinisch-psychoanalytischen Forschung (II Teil)

Journal: Psyche

Volume: 27

Issue: 4

Pages: 309-355

Short Title: Wissenschaftstheoretische und metodologische Probleme der klinisch-psychoanalytischen Forschung (II Teil)

Alternate Journal: Psyche



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1766

Author: Thoreau, H.D.

Year: 1977/1849

Title: Om civilt motstånd [Resistance to civil government]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Arkturus

Short Title: Om civilt motstånd [Resistance to civil government]

ISBN: 91-970038-6-7

Keywords: Democracy, voting, responsibility, ethics

Notes: From Niklas



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1828

Author: Thunholm, Lars-Erik

Year: 1991

Title: Oscar Rydbeck och hans tid [Oscar Rydbeck and his time]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Fischer

Short Title: Oscar Rydbeck och hans tid [Oscar Rydbeck and his time]

Keywords: Kreuger, krüger

Notes: Lättsinnig kreditgivning, s. 247( och ff): "Men nu stod Rydbeck plötsligt liksom ensam med ansvaret. Man uppfattade det tydligen så, att bankens relationer med Kreugerkoncernen var 'hans bord', och att man allmänt litat på hans ord och hans omdöme, när man godtagit de olika lånetransaktionerna. Man hade också haft den uppfattningen, att Rydbeck med sina nära personliga relationer till Ivar Kreuger haft full inblick i koncernens ställning och man kunde inte inse annat än att han borde ha känt till hur ihålig situationen var....Snart sagt alla i Sverige var då förhäxade av Ivar  Kreuger och hans enastående framgångar, hans världsrykte, hans genialitet...Han hade på ett verksamt sätt och med konstruktiv fantasi fått den internationella kapitalmarknaden att fungera...Det var inte så underligt därför, att även bankens styrelse var förblindad och hade obegränsad tilltro till Kreugerkoncdernens solida situation."



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2819

Author: Tidström, Roland

Year: 2001

Title: Taxikamera avskräckande

Journal: VK

Issue: 12 december

Short Title: Taxikamera avskräckande

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: security



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2770

Author: Tippett, Michael

Year: 2000

Title: Genericnouns.com

Journal: The Economist

Issue: December 16th

Pages: 6

Short Title: Genericnouns.com

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Keywords: Chu71/5** names, identification, Internet addresses



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2624

Author: Tjulin, Karin

Year: 2001

Title: Målet är att göra vardagen enklare [The goal is to simplify the daily living]

Journal: Avisen

Issue: 24 Februari

Pages: 19

Short Title: Målet är att göra vardagen enklare [The goal is to simplify the daily living]

Alternate Journal: Avisen

Legal Note: Interview with Dick Powell who together with Richard Seymour made the the TV-series "Better Design"



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1401

Author: Tordesillas, Alonso

Year: 1990

Title: Chaïm Perelman: Justice, argumentation and ancient rhetoric

Journal: Argumentation

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 109-124

Short Title: Chaïm Perelman: Justice, argumentation and ancient rhetoric

Alternate Journal: Argumentation

Keywords: Dialogue, communication, discourse, conversation



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1528

Author: Torricelli, Gianfranco

Year: 1991

Title: Pluralismo delle religioni

Journal: Informazione Filosofica

Volume: II

Issue: December

Pages: 58-59

Short Title: Pluralismo delle religioni

Alternate Journal: Informazione Filosofica

Notes: Capri 1992, Marotta-hint. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 878

Author: Toulmin, S.

Year: 1958

Title: The uses of argument

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: The uses of argument



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 723

Author: Toulmin, S.

Year: 1971

Title: The concept of "stages" in psychological development

Editor: Mischel, T.

Book Title: Cognitive development and epistemology

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: The concept of "stages" in psychological development



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 722

Author: Toulmin, S.

Year: 1977

Title: From form to function: Philosophy and the history of science in the 1950s and now

Journal: Daedalus

Volume: 106

Issue: 3

Pages: 143-162

Short Title: From form to function: Philosophy and the history of science in the 1950s and now

Alternate Journal: Daedalus



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1383

Author: Toulmin, Stephen

Year: 1982

Title: The return to cosmology: Postmodern science and the theology of nature

Place Published: Berkeley

Publisher: University of California Press

Short Title: The return to cosmology: Postmodern science and the theology of nature



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 886

Author: Toulmin, S., Rieke, R. and Janik, R.

Year: 1979

Title: An introduction to reasoning

Place Published: London

Publisher: Collier-Macmillan

Short Title: An introduction to reasoning



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 724

Author: Tourney, G.

Year: 1956

Title: Empedocles and Freud, Heraclitus and Jung

Journal: Bull. of the History of Medicine

Volume: 30

Pages: 109-123

Short Title: Empedocles and Freud, Heraclitus and Jung

Alternate Journal: Bull. of the History of Medicine



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 838

Author: Troeltsch, E.

Year: 1925

Title: Gesammelte Schriften - Band IV

Place Published: Tübingen

Publisher: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck)

Short Title: Gesammelte Schriften - Band IV



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 901

Author: Troeltsch, Ernst

Year: 1974

Title: Il protestantismo nella formazione del mondo moderno

Place Published: Firenze

Publisher: La Nuova Italia

Number of Pages: 111

Short Title: Il protestantismo nella formazione del mondo moderno



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 726

Author: Troeltsch, E.

Year: 1977

Title: L'essenza del mondo moderno

Place Published: Napoli

Publisher: Bibliopolis

Short Title: L'essenza del mondo moderno



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 727

Author: Truesdell, Clifford

Year: 1984

Title: The computer: Ruin of science and threat to mankind

Editor: Truesdell, C.

Book Title: An idiot's fugitive essays on science

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Pages: 594-631

Short Title: The computer: Ruin of science and threat to mankind



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1341

Author: Truesdell, Clifford

Year: 1984

Title: The scholar: A species threatened by the professions

Editor: Truesdell, C.

Book Title: An idiot's fugitive essays on science

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer Verlag

Pages: 583-593

Short Title: The scholar: A species threatened by the professions

Notes: See "Long notes" library



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 728

Author: Tuchel, K.

Year: 1982

Title: Friedrich Dessauer as philosopher of technology: Notes on his dialogue with Jaspers and Heidegger

Journal: Research in Philosophy & Technology

Volume: 5

Pages: 269-280

Short Title: Friedrich Dessauer as philosopher of technology: Notes on his dialogue with Jaspers and Heidegger

Alternate Journal: Research in Philosophy & Technology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 729

Author: Tukey, J.

Year: 1960

Title: Conclusions vs. decisions

Journal: Technometrics

Volume: 26

Issue: 4

Short Title: Conclusions vs. decisions

Alternate Journal: Technometrics

Legal Note: Also reprinted in Badia, et al., Research problems in psychology. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1970.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 730

Author: Tukey, J.W.

Year: 1969

Title: Analyzing data: Sanctification or detective work?

Journal: The American Psychologist

Volume: 24

Pages: 83-91

Short Title: Analyzing data: Sanctification or detective work?

Alternate Journal: The American Psychologist



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 731

Author: Tukey, J.W.

Year: 1975

Title: Methodology, and the statistician's responsibility for BOTH accuracy AND relevance

Short Title: Methodology, and the statistician's responsibility for BOTH accuracy AND relevance

Report Number: Presented as talk at the annual meeting of the Am. Statistical Ass. in Atlanta, Georgia, August 1975



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2967

Author: Tunbrå, Lars-Olof

Year: 2003

Title: Psykopatiska chefer: lika farliga som charmiga

Short Title: Psykopatiska chefer: lika farliga som charmiga

Keywords: kernberg psycho-social psychosocial pathological narcissism, psykopati

Notes: My e-letters to personnel UmU March 31 and May 16 2003



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1936

Author: Tuomola, Mika

Year: 1994

Title: Hamlet-vision: The use of hypermedia in producing and teaching theatre and film

Editor: Linna, Matti and Ruotsala, Pentti

Book Title: Hypermedia in Vaasa '94: Conference on computers and hypermedia in engineering education, June 8-11, 1994

Place Published: Vaasa

Publisher: Vaasa Institute of Technology

Pages: 391-396

Short Title: Hamlet-vision: The use of hypermedia in producing and teaching theatre and film

Keywords: theater, cinema

Abstract: ≈ cinema refs also in Jagodzinski, Phillips & Vranch, 1994

Notes: The Continuing Education Centre, the Theatre Academy of Finland, PO Box 148, FIN-00511 Helsinki. "mtuomola@teak.fi".



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 732

Author: Turing, A.M.

Year: 1963

Title: Computing machinery and intelligence.

Editor: Feingenbaum, E.M. and Feldman, J.

Book Title: Computers and thought

Place Published: New York

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Short Title: Computing machinery and intelligence.

Section: Also reprinted in Hofstadter, D.R., & Dennett, D.C., (Eds.) The mind's I: Fantasies and reflections on self and soul, New York: Basic Books, 1981, pp.53-67



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 733

Author: Turkle, S.

Year: 1980

Title: Computers as Rorschah: Subjectivity and social responsibility

Journal: Society

Volume: 17

Pages: 15-24

Short Title: Computers as Rorschah: Subjectivity and social responsibility

Alternate Journal: Society

Legal Note: Also in Sundin, B., ed. Is the computer a tool? Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1980, pp. 81-99



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 734

Author: Turkle, S.

Year: 1984

Title: The second self: Computers and the human spirit

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Short Title: The second self: Computers and the human spirit



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2265

Author: Turkle, Sherry

Year: 1995

Title: Life on the screen: Identity in the age of the Internet

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Short Title: Life on the screen: Identity in the age of the Internet

Keywords: Article-abstract in Wired, 4.01 January 1996



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2266

Author: Turkle, Sherry

Year: 1996

Title: We are moving from modernist calculation toward postmodernist simulation, where the self is a multiple, distributed system

Journal: Wired

Issue: 4.01, January

Pages: 149-199

Short Title: We are moving from modernist calculation toward postmodernist simulation, where the self is a multiple, distributed system

Alternate Journal: Wired

Legal Note: Abstract article of book "Life on the screen", 1996



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2190

Author: Turner, A. Joe and et al

Year: 1991

Title: Computing curricula 1991

Journal: CACM

Volume: 34

Issue: 6, June

Pages: 69-84

Short Title: Computing curricula 1991

Alternate Journal: Communications of the ACM

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1830

Editor: Turner, J.C. and Giles, H.

Year: 1981

Title: Intergroup behaviour

Place Published: London

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Short Title: Intergroup behaviour

Notes: In AGSLO ref list (=Bion?)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 874

Author: Turoff, M. and Hiltz, S. R.

Year: 1982

Title: Computer support for group versus individual decisions

Journal: IEEE Trans. on Communications

Volume: COM-30

Issue: 1

Pages: 82-91

Short Title: Computer support for group versus individual decisions

Alternate Journal: IEEE Trans. on Communications



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2962

Author: Tyberg, Anders

Year: 2003

Title: Anrop och ansvar

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons

Short Title: Anrop och ansvar

Keywords: theology, Lars Ahlin, Göran Tunström, Birgitta Trotzig, Torgny Lindgren, Jakob Böhme, Bible



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2925

Author: Täljedal, Inge-Bert

Year: 2002

Title: PUL, Ågren och friheten

Journal: VK

Issue: 6 april

Pages: 5

Short Title: PUL, Ågren och friheten

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2926

Author: Täljedal, Inge-Bert

Year: 2002

Title: Skrivelse angående regler för utnyttjande av www vid Umeå universitet

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå Universitet, Rektor

Short Title: Skrivelse angående regler för utnyttjande av www vid Umeå universitet

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2939

Author: Täljedal, Inge-Bert

Year: 2002

Title: Särbehandling kan vara bra ibland

Journal: Universitetsläraren

Issue: 11, 16 augusti

Pages: 16

Short Title: Särbehandling kan vara bra ibland

Alternate Journal: Universitetsläraren

Legal Note: Cf. http://www.sulf.se/univlar/artiklar/20021107.html, accessed 23 August 2002. Response to http://www.sulf.se/univlar/artiklar/20021018.html



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2172

Author: Tönnies, Ferdinand

Year: 1957

Title: Community and society

Place Published: New York

Short Title: Community and society

Keywords: progress, development

Notes: Fr Eva Friman (Idéhistoria) D-uppsats "Alltings lösning: ...ekonomiskt tillväxttänkande"



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1509

Author: Uggla, Bengt Kristensson

Year: 1992

Title: Telegrafen och dialogen, texten och metaforen: Om kommunikationens villkor och möjligheter i en postmodern värld

Institution: Teologiska Seminariet, Kottlav. 116, 18141 Lindingö, tel. 08-7652605

Short Title: Telegrafen och dialogen, texten och metaforen: Om kommunikationens villkor och möjligheter i en postmodern värld

Report Number: Report from a lecture at Nordplan's symposium "Retorik i Samhällsplanering, Stockholm, 4 Dec. 1991 and 13 Feb. 1992

Notes: Till T. Nordström 920523



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2009

Author: Ulanov, Ann Belford

Year: 1971

Title: The feminine: In Jungian psychology and in Christian theology

Place Published: Evanston, Ill.

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Short Title: The feminine: In Jungian psychology and in Christian theology

Keywords: women



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 739

Author: Ulrich, G.

Year: 1981

Title: Konzepte der psychobiologischen Konstitutions- und Dispositionsforschung: Ein Beitrag zu ihrer wissenschaftslogischen Fundierung

Journal: Fortschr. Neurol. Psychiat

Volume: 49

Pages: 295-312

Short Title: Konzepte der psychobiologischen Konstitutions- und Dispositionsforschung: Ein Beitrag zu ihrer wissenschaftslogischen Fundierung

Alternate Journal: Fortschr. Neurol. Psychiat



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 736

Author: Ulrich, W.

Year: 1977

Title: The design of problem-solving systems

Journal: Management Science

Volume: 23

Issue: 10, June

Pages: 1099-1108

Short Title: The design of problem-solving systems

Alternate Journal: Management Science



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 737

Author: Ulrich, W.

Year: 1980

Title: The metaphysics of design: A Simon-Churchman "debate"

Journal: Interfaces

Volume: 10

Issue: 2, April

Pages: 35-40

Short Title: The metaphysics of design: A Simon-Churchman "debate"

Alternate Journal: Interfaces

Legal Note: Reprinted in a slightly  expanded version as "The metaphysics of social systems design" in  J.P. van Gigch, ed., Decision Making about Decision Making:  Metamodels and Metasystems, Cambridge, Mass.: Abacus Press, and Kent, UK:  Tunbridge Wells, pp. 219-226

Notes: Recommended ref by Ulrich 000707



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2529

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1981

Title: Systemrationalität und praktische Vernunft: Gedanken  zum Stand des Systemansatzes.

Editor: Churchman, C.W.

Book Title: Der Systemansatz und seine "Feinde"

Place Published: Bern & Stuttgart

Publisher: Haupt

Pages: 7-37

Short Title: Systemrationalität und praktische Vernunft: Gedanken  zum Stand des Systemansatzes.

Section: Translator's introduction

Notes: Recommended ref by Ulrich 000707



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 738

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1983

Title: Critical heuristic of social planning: A new approach to practical philosophy

Place Published: Bern

Publisher: Paul Haupt

Short Title: Critical heuristic of social planning: A new approach to practical philosophy

Notes: (Fr. WU 18/6 & 14/7 93:) Orig. manuscript title: A reconstruction of Kantian a priori for planners and practical philosophers: The transition/transformation from Kantian to critical heuristic categories. Long Notes



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2530

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1985

Title: The  way of inquiring systems

Journal: J. of the Operational Research Society

Volume: 36

Pages: 873-876

Short Title: The  way of inquiring systems

Alternate Journal: J. of the Operational Research Society

Legal Note: Review of "The Design  of Inquiring Systems" by C. West Churchman, New York: Basic Books, 1971

Notes: Recommended by Ulrich 000707



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1178

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1987

Title: Critical heuristics of social systems design

Journal: European J. of Operational Research

Volume: 31

Pages: 276-283

Short Title: Critical heuristics of social systems design

Alternate Journal: European J. of Operational Research



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 740

Author: Ulrich, W.

Year: 1988

Title: Systems thinking, systems practice, and practical philosophy: A program of research

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 137-163

Short Title: Systems thinking, systems practice, and practical philosophy: A program of research

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1280

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1988

Title: Churchman's 'process of unfolding': Its significance for policy analysis and evaluation

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 1

Issue: 4, December

Pages: 415-428

Short Title: Churchman's 'process of unfolding': Its significance for policy analysis and evaluation

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Notes: Recommended ref by Ulrich 000707



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2531

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1988

Title: C. West Churchman - 75 Years

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 1

Issue: 4

Pages: 341-350

Short Title: C. West Churchman - 75 Years

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Legal Note: Guest editorial to the  Special Issue in honour of C.W. Churchman's 75 years

Notes: Recommended ref by Ulrich 000707



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 936

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1989

Title: Liberating systems theory: Four key strategies

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol 2

Pages: 252-261

Short Title: Liberating systems theory: Four key strategies



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2532

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1990

Title: Critical systems thinking and ethics: The role of  contemporary practical philosophy for developing an "ethics of whole systems"?

Editor: Banathy, B.H.  and Banathy, B.A.

Book Title: Toward a  Just Society for Future Generations: Proceedings of the 34th Annual  Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences  (ISSS) in Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990. Vol 1

Place Published: Ponoma, Calif.

Publisher: ISSS

Pages: 52-75.

Short Title: Critical systems thinking and ethics: The role of  contemporary practical philosophy for developing an "ethics of whole systems"?

Notes: Recommended ref by Ulrich 000707



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2327

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1994

Title: Critical heuristic of social planning: A new approach to practical philosophy

Place Published: Chichester

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: Critical heuristic of social planning: A new approach to practical philosophy

Notes: (Fr. WU 18/6 & 14/7 93:) Orig. manuscript title: A reconstruction of Kantian a priori for planners and practical philosophers: The transition/transformation from Kantian to critical heuristic categories



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2533

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1994

Title: Can we secure future-responsive management  through systems thinking and design?

Journal: Interfaces

Volume: 24

Issue: 4

Pages: 26-37

Short Title: Can we secure future-responsive management  through systems thinking and design?

Alternate Journal: Interfaces

Notes: Recommended ref by Ulrich 000707



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2300

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1996

Title: Critical systems thinking for citizens: A research proposal

Place Published: Hull

Publisher: University of Hull, Centre for Systems Studies, Hull HU6 7RX, UK

Short Title: Critical systems thinking for citizens: A research proposal

Notes: Ref Foucault, Romm



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2301

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1996

Title: A primer to critical systems heuristics for action researchers

Place Published: Hull

Publisher: University of Hull, Centre for Systems Studies, Hull HU6 7RX, UK

Short Title: A primer to critical systems heuristics for action researchers

Notes: Ref Kurt Lewin, Habermas, Schön



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2534

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 1999

Title: An appreciation of C. West Churchman

Place Published: Ponoma, Calif.

Publisher: Website Luminaries of the  Systems Approach of the International Society for the Systems  Sciences (ISSS), http://www.isss.org/lumCWC.htm, or  http://www.isss.org/lumchurc.htm

Short Title: An appreciation of C. West Churchman

Keywords: Chu71/0*

Notes: Recommended ref by Ulrich 000707



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2615

Author: Ulrich, Werner

Year: 2000

Title: Reflective Practice in the Civil Society: The contribution of critically systemic thinking

Journal: Reflective Practice

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 247-268

Short Title: Reflective Practice in the Civil Society: The contribution of critically systemic thinking

Alternate Journal: Reflective Practice

Legal Note: See esp. the explicative figure 2 on "Twelve critically-heuristic boundary categories" and table II on "Checklist of critically heuristic boundary questions"

Keywords: Chu71/3* E-democracy, expert, public planning, opinion polls, surveys, interview

Notes: Ank ≈001114. To PO Ågren, Åke Grönlund



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 741

Author: Universal languages

Year: 1911

Title: [Article on-]

Book Title: Encyclopaedia Britannica

Volume: 28

Pages: 746-748 (Vol. 28)

Short Title: [Article on-]



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 742

Author: Utter, D.F.

Year: 1982

Title: Writing requirements for interfaces between computers

Journal: IEEE Trans. on Communications

Volume: COM-30

Issue: 6, June

Pages: 1276-1280

Short Title: Writing requirements for interfaces between computers

Alternate Journal: IEEE Trans. on Communications



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 744

Author: Utter, D.F.

Year: 1984

Title: Properties of the system design through documentation (SDTD) methodology

Book Title: First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications, Peking, China, June 20-22 1984

Pages: 809-814

Short Title: Properties of the system design through documentation (SDTD) methodology



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1927

Author: Valdés, M. Isabel

Year: 1987

Title: Third world countries and conflicting ideologies of the information age

Editor: Slack, J.D. and Fejes, F.

Book Title: The ideology of the information age

Place Published: Norwood, N.J

Publisher: Ablex

Pages: 200-219, 265

Short Title: Third world countries and conflicting ideologies of the information age

Keywords: underdevelopment



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2158

Author: Vallé, Jacques

Year: 1982

Title: Network revolution: Confessions of a computer scientist

Short Title: Network revolution: Confessions of a computer scientist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1670

Author: Vallée, Robert

Year: 1990

Title: Sur la complexité d'un système relativement à un observateur

Journal: Rev. Int. de Systémique

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

Pages: 239-243

Short Title: Sur la complexité d'un système relativement à un observateur

Alternate Journal: Rev. Int. de Systémique

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1671

Author: Vallée, Robert

Year: 1990

Title: Plato's cave revisited

Journal: Kybernetes

Volume: 19

Issue: 3

Pages: 37-42

Short Title: Plato's cave revisited

Alternate Journal: Kybernetes

Notes: Före  Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1672

Author: Vallée, Robert

Year: 1991

Title: Perception, memorisation and multidimensional time

Journal: Kybernetes

Volume: 20

Issue: 6

Pages: 14-27

Short Title: Perception, memorisation and multidimensional time

Alternate Journal: Kybernetes

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1673

Author: Vallée, Robert

Year: 1991

Title: Systèmes cybernetiques et 'épistemo-praxeologie'

Journal: Epistemé

Issue: 2

Pages: 33-37

Short Title: Systèmes cybernetiques et 'épistemo-praxeologie'

Alternate Journal: Epistemé

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1674

Author: Vallée, Robert

Year: 1991

Title: La cognition et le paradoxe de l' 'observation-action'

Editor: Andreewsky, Evelyne

Book Title: Systémique & cognition

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Dunod

Short Title: La cognition et le paradoxe de l' 'observation-action'

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2477

Author: van den Berg, Axel

Year: 1980

Title: Critical theory: Is there still hope?

Journal: American Journal of Sociology

Volume: 86

Issue: 3

Pages: 449-478

Short Title: Critical theory: Is there still hope?

Alternate Journal: American Journal of Sociology

Keywords: vs. Habermas



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2058

Author: van den Berg, Axel

Year: 1989

Title: Habermas and modernity: A critique of the theory of communicative action

Journal: Current Perspectives in Social Theory

Volume: 10

Pages: 161-193

Short Title: Habermas and modernity: A critique of the theory of communicative action

Alternate Journal: Current Perspectives in Social Theory

Keywords: vs Habermas

Notes: Fr. Claes Mether 15/8-95. Ref also to Bengt Börjesson: Is the rationality of Habermas really rational? Int. University Center, Dubrovnic, Yugoslavia. E-mail to "Luvana@socio.lan.mcgill.ca"

tel 6847, fax 3403. Author at Dept. of Sociology, McGill University, 855 Sherbrook St. West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T7, Canada



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 746

Author: van Gigch, J.P.

Year: 1988

Title: Design of the modern inquiring systems - II: The contemporary computer

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 3

Pages: 269-271

Short Title: Design of the modern inquiring systems - II: The contemporary computer

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Legal Note: Review of the book by Sculley, J. Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple...A journey of adventures, ideas and the future , New York: Harper & Row, 1987



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2514

Author: van Gigch, J.P.

Year: 1988

Title: Design of the modern inquiring systems. I: R. Descartes, and II: The contemporary computer

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 5

Issue: 3

Pages: 267-269

Short Title: Design of the modern inquiring systems. I: R. Descartes, and II: The contemporary computer

Alternate Journal: Systems Research

Legal Note: Book reviews in the context of C.W. Churchman's The design of inquiring systems, Basic Books, 1971

Keywords: Chu71/D



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 755

Author: van Stigt, W.P.

Year: 1979

Title: The rejected parts of Brouwer's dissertation on the foundations of mathematics

Journal: Historia Mathematica

Volume: 6

Pages: 385-404

Short Title: The rejected parts of Brouwer's dissertation on the foundations of mathematics

Alternate Journal: Historia Mathematica



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2582

Author: Van Wyk, G.C.B.

Year: 1998

Title: Publish or perish: A system and a mess

Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Volume: 11

Issue: 3

Pages: 245-257

Short Title: Publish or perish: A system and a mess

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice and Action Research

Keywords: peer review



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1675

Author: Varela, Francisco

Year: 1983

Title: L'auto-organisation de l'apparence au mécanisme

Editor: Dumouchel, Paul and Dupuy, Jean Pierre

Book Title: L'auto-organisation: De la physique au politique

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Seuil

Pages: 147-164, with introduction pp. 141-146, and commentaries-criticism pp. 165-171, and debate, pp. 172-175

Short Title: L'auto-organisation de l'apparence au mécanisme

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1677

Author: Varela, Francisco

Year: 1990

Title: Tracer un chemin en marchant: Le regard d'un biologiste sur la nouvelle biologie

Journal: Rev. de Psychanalyse

Pages: 40-48

Short Title: Tracer un chemin en marchant: Le regard d'un biologiste sur la nouvelle biologie

Alternate Journal: Rev. de Psychanalyse

Notes: Paris 1992. Med en presentation av F. Varela. Paris 1992, fr. Pierre Marchand, från utbildning på IAE Institut d'Administration des Enterprises, 162 r. Saint-Charles, 75740 Paris Cedex 15, à l'Univ. de Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, D.S.S.S. Systèmes d'Information, Module EIA Épistemologie de l'Intelligence Artificielle



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1676

Author: Varela, Francisco and Stengers, Isabelle

Year: 1985

Title: Interview de Francisco Varela

Book Title: Généalogies de l'auto-organisation

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: CREA Centre de Recherche en Epistemologie Appliquée, École Polytechnique

Pages: 283-297

Short Title: Interview de Francisco Varela

Section: Cahiers du CREA No. 8

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1683

Author: Varela, Francisco, Thompson, Evan and Rosch, Eleanor

Year: 1991

Title: The embodied mind

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: The embodied mind

Notes: Paris 1992

Order: MIT Press, fax. +44 71 4040601



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1682

Author: Varela, Francisco J.

Year: 1989

Title: Reflections on the circulation of concepts between a biology of cognition and systemic family therapy

Journal: Family Process

Volume: 28

Issue: March

Pages: 15-24

Short Title: Reflections on the circulation of concepts between a biology of cognition and systemic family therapy

Alternate Journal: Family Process

Notes: Paris 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1711

Author: Varela, Francisco J.

Year: 1992

Title: Un know-how per l'etica [A know-how for ethics]

Place Published: Roma-Bari

Publisher: Laterza

Short Title: Un know-how per l'etica [A know-how for ethics]

Keywords: ethics, på Ingarö

Notes: Paris 1992, Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 747

Author: Vasa, A.

Year: 1983

Title: Logica, religione e filosofia: Saggi filoosofici (1953-1980)

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Franco Angeli

Short Title: Logica, religione e filosofia: Saggi filoosofici (1953-1980)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2400

Author: Vatican

Year: 1996

Title: Katolska kyrkans katekes.  [Catechism of the Catholic Church]

Place Published: Vatican City

Publisher: Catholica

Short Title: Katolska kyrkans katekes.  [Catechism of the Catholic Church]

Keywords: Chu71/end*** with keyword "prudence" from http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc, virtues cardinal (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) & theological (faith, hope, and charity). Christian ethics, Passion, dignity, conscience, freedom, responsibility, morality of acts-actions, evil, judgment of conscience,



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1081

Author: Veatch, Henry

Year: 1969

Title: Two logics: The conflict between classical and neo-analytic philosophy

Place Published: Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press

Short Title: Two logics: The conflict between classical and neo-analytic philosophy

Notes: From Heim, 142, 213



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1085

Author: Veatch, H.B.

Year: 1952

Title: Intentional logic

Place Published: New Haven

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: Intentional logic

Notes: From Mozes, 507. Cf. Schiller



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1298

Author: Veljkov, Mark D.

Year: 1990

Title: Managing multimedia

Journal: Byte

Issue: August

Pages: 227-232

Short Title: Managing multimedia

Alternate Journal: Byte



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 754

Author: Verene, D.P.

Year: 1982

Title: Technology and the ship of fools

Journal: Research in Philosophy and Technology

Volume: 5

Pages: 281-298

Short Title: Technology and the ship of fools

Alternate Journal: Research in Philosophy and Technology



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2037

Author: Vesterager, Johan

Year: 1978

Title: Kritik af systemteori

Journal: Nordisk Forum 6

Volume: 12

Issue: 4

Pages: 84-94

Short Title: Kritik af systemteori

Alternate Journal: Nordisk Forum 6

Keywords: critic of Churchman

Notes: I mitt arkiv. Cf. Jespersen, Per H. om OA



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1678

Author: Vetö, Miklos

Year: 1981

Title: Eléments d'une doctrine chrétienne du mal

Place Published: Rennes

Publisher: Université de Rennes

Short Title: Eléments d'une doctrine chrétienne du mal

Notes: Paris 1992, FF 15,-



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2686

Author: Veysey, Laurence R.

Year: 1965

Title: The emergence of the American university

Place Published: Chicago

Publisher: Univ. of Chicago Press

Short Title: The emergence of the American university

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1499

Author: Viano, Carlo Augusto

Year: 1979

Title: La ragione, l'abbondanza e la credenza

Editor: Gargani, Aldo

Book Title: Crisi della ragione: Nuovi modelli nel rapporto tra sapere e attività umane

Place Published: Torino

Publisher: Einaudi

Pages: 301-366

Short Title: La ragione, l'abbondanza e la credenza

Section: A2psi. Religion?

Keywords: A2psi?

Notes: Read in Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1204

Author: Vickers, Geoffrey, Sir

Year: 1972

Title: Freedom in a rocking boat

Place Published: London

Publisher: Pelican Books

Short Title: Freedom in a rocking boat



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1760

Author: Visala, Seppo

Year: 1993

Title: Interests and rationality of planning

Institution: Univ. of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing Science

Short Title: Interests and rationality of planning

Notes: Ref. Habermas, Giddens, Ulrich, Lyotard, Schön, Mitroff, Peirce & pragmatism (truth as ideal limit)  p. 103; aesthetics p. 39



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1941

Author: Visala, Seppo

Year: 1993

Title: An exploration into the rationality of argumentation in information systems research and development

Place Published: Oulu

Publisher: Univ. of Oulu, Dept. of Information Processing Science

Short Title: An exploration into the rationality of argumentation in information systems research and development

Keywords: Habermas, Toulmin, Searle speech acts, re-engineering, Schön, ideal seeking, Ulrich, Churchman, Belief, religion  pp. 57 & ultimate values / substantive rationality  83f, belief

Notes: ADB avh



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2395

Author: Vitruvius, P.

Year: 1960

Title: The ten books on architecture

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Dover

Short Title: The ten books on architecture

Keywords: aesthetics, art, function vs form vs structure

Notes: Ref in R. Buchanan, 1994, p. 40.



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1131

Author: Volpert, W.

Year: 1988

Title: What working and learning conditions are conductive to human development?

Institution: Institut für Humanwissenschaft, TU Berlin, Ernst-Reuter Platz 7, D-1000 Berlin 10

Short Title: What working and learning conditions are conductive to human development?

Report Number: Research report presented at the Swedish-German workshop on the humanization of working life, Stockholm, December 1988



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1444

Author: Volpert, W., Oesterreich, R., Gablenz-Kolakovic, S, Krogoll, T. and Resch, M.

Year: 1983

Title: Verfahren zur Ermittlung von Regulationserfordernissen in der Arbeitstätigkeit – VERA. Handbuch und Manual

Place Published: Cologne

Publisher: TÜV Rheinland

Short Title: Verfahren zur Ermittlung von Regulationserfordernissen in der Arbeitstätigkeit – VERA. Handbuch und Manual



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 856

Author: von Baader, F.

Year: 1982

Title: Filosofia erotica

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Rusconi

Short Title: Filosofia erotica



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 748

Author: von Franz, Marie-Louise

Year: 1970

Title: Zahl und Zeit [Number and time: Reflections leading toward a unification of depth psychology and physics]

Place Published: Stuttgart

Publisher: Ernst Klett Verlag

Short Title: Zahl und Zeit [Number and time: Reflections leading toward a unification of depth psychology and physics]

Notes: Concerning MUSIC Ref. pp. 32-33:

"Leibniz once made the significant remark that music was

'a hidden practice of the soul, which does not know that it is dealing with numbers...In a confused and unnoticed kind of perception the soul achieves that which, in the midst of clearer perceptions, it is not able to observe. If therefore the soul does not notice that it calculates, it yet senses the effect of its unconscious reckoning, be this as joy over harmony or as oppression over discord.'"

Leibniz to Goldbach, April 12 1712, quoted by Ernest Bindel, Die ägiptischen Pyramiden, Stuttgart, 1966, pp. 26f. See also his Die Zahlengrundlagen der Musik, Stuttgart, 1950:



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1382

Author: von Glasersfeld, E.

Year: 1979

Title: Cybernetics, experience, and the concept of self

Editor: Ozer, M.

Book Title: A cybernetic approach to the assessment of children

Place Published: Boulder

Publisher: Westview Press

Short Title: Cybernetics, experience, and the concept of self

Notes: Constructivism, from R. Whitaker, 1991



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1374

Author: von Glasersfeld, E.

Year: 1984

Title: An introduction to radical constructivism

Editor: Watzlawick, P.

Book Title: The invented reality

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Norton

Short Title: An introduction to radical constructivism



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1434

Author: von Humboldt, Wilhelm

Year: 1903

Title: Ideen zu einem Versuch, die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staats zu bestimmen

Book Title: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 1

Place Published: Berlin

Short Title: Ideen zu einem Versuch, die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staats zu bestimmen

Section: Page refs. to Ital. trans. Saggio sui limiti dell'attività dello stato, Milano, Giuffré, 1965



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1455

Author: von Humboldt, Wilhelm

Year: 1989

Title: Scritti sul linguaggio [Essays on language]

Place Published: Napoli

Publisher: Guida

Short Title: Scritti sul linguaggio [Essays on language]



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 749

Author: von Neumann, J.

Year: 1956

Title: Probabilistic logics and the synthesis of reliable organisms from unreliable components

Editor: Shannon, C.E. and McCarthy, J.

Book Title: Automata studies

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: Probabilistic logics and the synthesis of reliable organisms from unreliable components



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 750

Author: von Neumann, J. and Goldstine, H.H.

Year: 1947

Title: Numerical inverting of matrices of high order

Journal: Bull. of the American Mathematical Soc.

Volume: 53

Issue: Nov.

Pages: pp. 1021 ff

Short Title: Numerical inverting of matrices of high order

Alternate Journal: Bull. of the American Mathematical Soc.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 751

Author: von Wright, G.H.

Year: 1983

Title: Människor, matematik och maskiner

Editor: von Wright, G.H.

Book Title: Humanismen som livshållning

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Rabén & Sjögren

Short Title: Människor, matematik och maskiner



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 752

Author: von Wright, G.H.

Year: 1986

Title: Vetenskapen och förnuftet: Ett försök till orientering

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Bonniers

Short Title: Vetenskapen och förnuftet: Ett försök till orientering



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1785

Author: von Wright, Georg Henrik

Year: 1989

Title: Science, reason and value

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Short Title: Science, reason and value



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2687

Author: Vossler, O.

Year: 1954

Title: Humboldts Idee der Universität

Journal: Historische Zeitschrift

Volume: 178

Pages: 251-268

Short Title: Humboldts Idee der Universität

Alternate Journal: Historische Zeitschrift

Keywords: universityVett, research, education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1983

Author: Vree, Dale

Year: 1976

Title: On synthesizing Marxism and Christianity

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley

Short Title: On synthesizing Marxism and Christianity

Keywords: religion

Notes: From Riley, Marx and morality?



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 753

Author: Waelder, R.

Year: 1962

Title: Review of the book by S.Hook (Ed.)  Psychoanalysis, scientific method, and philosophy. New York: New York University Press, 1959

Journal: JAPA

Volume: 19

Pages: 617-637

Short Title: Review of the book by S.Hook (Ed.)  Psychoanalysis, scientific method, and philosophy. New York: New York University Press, 1959

Alternate Journal: J. Amer. Psych. Ass.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 847

Author: Wagon, S.

Year: 1985

Title: The Banach-Tarski paradox

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: The Banach-Tarski paradox



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1529

Author: Walker, Daniel P.

Year: 1988

Title: L'esistenza di Dio tra ragione e sentimento

Journal: La Provincia di Napoli

Volume: X

Issue: December

Pages: 54-55

Short Title: L'esistenza di Dio tra ragione e sentimento

Alternate Journal: La Provincia di Napoli

Keywords: religion, God faith reason

Notes: Capri 1992, Marotta-hint



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 757

Author: Wallerstein, R.S.

Year: 1976

Title: Psychoanalysis as a science: Its present status and its future tasks

Journal: Psychological Issues

Volume: 9

Issue: 4

Pages: 71-105

Short Title: Psychoanalysis as a science: Its present status and its future tasks

Alternate Journal: Psychological Issues

Legal Note: In monograph No.36: Psychology versus metapsychology: Psychoanalytic essays in memory of George S.Klein



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 758

Author: Wallin, E.

Year: 1980

Title: Vardagslivets generativa grammatik: Vid gränsen mellan natur och kultur

Place Published: Lund

Publisher: C.W.K.Gleerup

Short Title: Vardagslivets generativa grammatik: Vid gränsen mellan natur och kultur



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 759

Author: Wallin, E.

Year: 1986

Title: Litteraturen om artefakter och det artificiella: Några perspektiv på den konstgjorda världen

Institution: Stockholm: The Swedish Committee for Future Oriented Research SALFO, Forskningsrådsnämnden

Short Title: Litteraturen om artefakter och det artificiella: Några perspektiv på den konstgjorda världen

Report Number: SALFO report, version 1, 22 June 1986

Notes: Cited in Capri 1992



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 760

Author: Walster, G.W. and Cleary, T.A.

Year: 1970

Title: A proposal for a new editorial policy in the social sciences

Journal: The Am.. Statistician

Issue: April

Pages: 16-18

Short Title: A proposal for a new editorial policy in the social sciences

Alternate Journal: The Am.. Statistician



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1366

Author: Walzer, M.

Year: 1987

Title: Interpretation and social criticism

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Short Title: Interpretation and social criticism



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1244

Author: Warren, M.

Year: 1984

Title: Nietzsche's concept of ideology

Journal: Theory Soc.

Volume: 13

Pages: 541-565

Short Title: Nietzsche's concept of ideology

Alternate Journal: Theory Soc.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 761

Author: Wasserman, A.I. and Gutz, S.

Year: 1982

Title: The future of programming

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 25

Issue: 3, March

Pages: 196-206

Short Title: The future of programming

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Legal Note: With a bibliography of 50 entries



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1909

Editor: Waterworth, J.A.

Year: 1991

Title: Multimedia interaction: Technology and applications

Place Published: Chichester

Publisher: Ellis Horwood

Short Title: Multimedia interaction: Technology and applications



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1908

Editor: Waterworth, J.A.

Year: 1992

Title: Multimedia interaction: Human factors aspects

Place Published: Chichester

Publisher: Ellis Horwood

Short Title: Multimedia interaction: Human factors aspects



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1907

Author: Waterworth, John A. and Chignell, Mark, H.

Year: 1991

Title: A model of information exploration

Journal: Hypermedia

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 35-58

Short Title: A model of information exploration

Alternate Journal: Hypermedia



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 762

Author: Webb, J.C.

Year: 1980

Title: Mechanism, mentalism, and metamathematics

Place Published: Dordrecht

Publisher: Reidel

Short Title: Mechanism, mentalism, and metamathematics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1859

Author: Webster's

Year: 1961

Title: Webster's Third New International Dictionary – Unabridged

Place Published: Springfield, Mass

Publisher: Merriam-Webster

Short Title: Webster's Third New International Dictionary – Unabridged



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 763

Author: Wedde, H.F.

Year: 1984

Title: An exercise in flexible formal modeling under realistic assumptions

Journal: Systems Research

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 105-116

Short Title: An exercise in flexible formal modeling under realistic assumptions

Alternate Journal: Systems Research



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1078

Author: Weekes, William H.

Year: 1989

Title: The design of information systems for organisational learning

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 4

Pages: 105-115

Short Title: The design of information systems for organisational learning

Notes: Ref. p. 115 to R.W.Revans, Developing effective managers, New York: Praeger, 1971. Ref. to Weekes' A general systems approach to management accounting, Seaside, Calif.: Intersystems Publications, 1984. Ref. to Jonas Salk, Anatomy of reality: Merging of intuition and reason, New York: Columbia University Press, 1983 [=cognitive styles?].



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 764

Author: Wegner, P.

Year: 1982

Title: Reflections on capital intensive software technology

Journal: ACM-SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes

Volume: 7

Issue: 4, Oct.

Pages: 24-33

Short Title: Reflections on capital intensive software technology

Alternate Journal: ACM-SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2567

Author: Weick, Karl E.

Year: 1979

Title: The social psychology of organizing

Place Published: New York

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Short Title: The social psychology of organizing

Keywords: Henfridsson



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 765

Author: Weil, S.

Year: 1966

Title: Sur la science

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Gallimard

Short Title: Sur la science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 766

Author: Weil, S.

Year: 1970-1974

Title: Cahiers [Notebooks]  (3 vols.)

Place Published: Paris

Publisher: Plon

Short Title: Cahiers [Notebooks]  (3 vols.)



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 767

Author: Weil, S.

Year: 1978

Title: Lectures on philosophy

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Short Title: Lectures on philosophy



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2020

Author: Weil, S.

Year: 1978

Title: Ethics and aesthetics

Editor: Weil, Simone

Book Title: Lectures on philosophy

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Pages: 165-189

Short Title: Ethics and aesthetics

Section: H.Price, Trans.  Originally published: Leçons de philosophie.  Paris: Librairie Plon, 1959



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 768

Author: Weil, S.

Year: 1983

Title: Riflessioni sulle cause della libertà e dell'oppressione sociale

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Adelphi

Short Title: Riflessioni sulle cause della libertà e dell'oppressione sociale



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1209

Author: Weininger, Otto

Year: 1903

Title: Geschlecht und Character: Eine prinzipielle Untersuchung

Place Published: Wien & Leipzig

Publisher: Braumüller

Short Title: Geschlecht und Character: Eine prinzipielle Untersuchung

Keywords: character, sex, feminism, emancipation

Notes: Introd. by Franco Rella, trans. Giulio Fenoglio



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1135

Author: Weiss, John Hubbel

Year: 1982

Title: The making of technological man: The social origins of French engineering education

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: The making of technological man: The social origins of French engineering education

Keywords: technology, universityVett, research, education

Notes: From Rolf Tostendahl, Uppsala. Till Staffan Gustafsson ≈Dec 94



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 769

Author: Weizenbaum, J.

Year: 1976

Title: Computer power and human reason

Place Published: San Francisco

Publisher: Freeman

Short Title: Computer power and human reason

Keywords: adb education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 951

Author: Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich, von

Year: 1959

Title: Christlicher Glaube und Naturwissenschaft

Short Title: Christlicher Glaube und Naturwissenschaft

Keywords: religion, ethics

Notes: Dictionnaire des philosophes, vol.2, pp.2651-2652



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 952

Author: Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich, von

Year: 1972

Title: Voraussetzungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens

Short Title: Voraussetzungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens

Keywords: Religion, ethics

Notes: Dictionnaire des philosophes, vol.2, pp.2651-2652



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2543

Author: Werner, Yvonne Maria

Year: 2000

Title: Swedish trans. of cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's essay on faith between reason and feeling

Short Title: Swedish trans. of cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's essay on faith between reason and feeling



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1679

Author: Wertsch, J.V.

Year: 1985

Title: Culture, communication and cognition: Vygotskian perspectives

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press

Short Title: Culture, communication and cognition: Vygotskian perspectives

Notes: Paris 1992. Ref i Barth, 1991, part II



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 944

Author: Westin, A., (Ed.)

Year: 1971

Title: Information technology in a democracy

Place Published: Cambridge, Mass.

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Short Title: Information technology in a democracy

Notes: B.Gross on p.357 and R.Boguslaw p.419



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 771

Author: Weyl, H.

Year: 1927/1967

Title: Comments on Hilbert's second lecture on the foundations of mathematics

Editor: van Heijenoort, J.

Book Title: From Frege to Gödel

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: Harvard University Press

Short Title: Comments on Hilbert's second lecture on the foundations of mathematics

Section: Originally published in 1927



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1426

Author: Weyl, H.

Year: 1932

Title: The open world: Three lectures on the metaphysical implications of science

Place Published: New Haven

Publisher: Yale University Press

Short Title: The open world: Three lectures on the metaphysical implications of science

Notes: From Gargani, p. 52



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 770

Author: Weyl, H.

Year: 1949

Title: Philosophy of mathematics and natural science

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: Philosophy of mathematics and natural science



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 772

Author: Weyl, H.

Year: 1985

Title: Axiomatic versus constructive procedures in mathematics

Journal: The Mathematical Intelligencer

Volume: 7

Issue: 4

Pages: pp. 10-17; 38

Short Title: Axiomatic versus constructive procedures in mathematics

Alternate Journal: The Mathematical Intelligencer

Legal Note: T.Tonietti, Ed.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1875

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1990

Title: Report of the ICA Study Group on Knowledge Based Systems (transcript of presentation to the ICA 24th Conference)

Journal: ICA Information

Issue: 44, December

Pages: 57-65

Short Title: Report of the ICA Study Group on Knowledge Based Systems (transcript of presentation to the ICA 24th Conference)

Alternate Journal: ICA Information

Legal Note: ICA – Int. Council for Information Technology in Government Administration



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1876

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1990

Title: Report of the conference working groups on the ICA Study Group on Knowledge Based Systems (transcript of presentation to the ICA 24th Conference)

Journal: ICA Information

Issue: 44, December

Pages: 67-70

Short Title: Report of the conference working groups on the ICA Study Group on Knowledge Based Systems (transcript of presentation to the ICA 24th Conference)

Alternate Journal: ICA Information

Legal Note: ICA – Int. Council for Information Technology in Government Administration



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1308

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1990x

Title: A matter of perspective: Autopoietic theory and strategic issues in IT design

Institution: Stockholm: The Swedish Agency for Administrative Development – Statskontoret

Date: 8 sept 1990

Short Title: A matter of perspective: Autopoietic theory and strategic issues in IT design

Report Number: Working paper, draft



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1318

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1990x

Title: Interaction-based models for information systems design

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Interaction-based models for information systems design

Report Number: Working paper



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1319

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1990x

Title: Implications of autopoietic theory for the design of information systems

Institution: The Swedish Agency for Administrative Development – Statskontoret

Short Title: Implications of autopoietic theory for the design of information systems

Report Number: Working paper



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1320

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1990x

Title: Interactional models for collective support systems: An application of autopoietic theory

Journal: Submitted to the OOC-program on Support, Survival, & Culture, University of Amsterdam, 1990

Short Title: Interactional models for collective support systems: An application of autopoietic theory

Alternate Journal: Submitted to the OOC-program on Support, Survival, & Culture, University of Amsterdam, 1990

Notes: To be deleted according to RW 26/2 1993



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1356

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1991

Title: Toward intermedia: Interaction, autopoiesis and the design of information systems

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Date: 31 January 1991

Short Title: Toward intermedia: Interaction, autopoiesis and the design of information systems

Report Number: Doctoral diss., working draft



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1482

Editor: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1991

Title: The CEC proposal for the IMPACT-2 programme: Some comments

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Civildepartementet-CEC: The Swedish Contact Group for Information Services

Short Title: The CEC proposal for the IMPACT-2 programme: Some comments



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1483

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1991

Title: Interactional models for collective support systems: An application of autopoietic theory

Book Title: Proc. of the University of Amsterdam's 1991 OOC Conference

Place Published: Berlin

Publisher: Springer (in press)

Short Title: Interactional models for collective support systems: An application of autopoietic theory



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1713

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1992

Title: Venues for contexture: A critical analysis and enactive reformulation of group decision support systems

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Venues for contexture: A critical analysis and enactive reformulation of group decision support systems

Keywords: ADB avh

Notes: The computational model is only an illustrative fiction for the behavior of the computer itself (p. 131).

Chu  refs: 19, 147!, 192, 114-5, 67!, 63, 114, 40

(131, 135, 9, 67, 182?)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1879

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1992

Title: Personal reflections on the 1991 TELDOK "groupware" study tour

Editor: Docherty, Peter

Book Title: CSCW: A promise soon to be realized?

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: TELDOK

Pages: 126-131

Short Title: Personal reflections on the 1991 TELDOK "groupware" study tour

Section: Report No. 71



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1880

Author: Whitaker, Randall

Year: 1992

Title: Site report on University of Michigan and EDS Capture Lab.

Editor: Docherty, Peter

Book Title: CSCW: A promise soon to be realized?

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: TELDOK

Pages: 66-78

Short Title: Site report on University of Michigan and EDS Capture Lab.

Section: Report No. 71



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 1484

Author: Whitaker, Randall, Essler, Ulf and Östberg, Olov

Year: 1991

Title: Participatory business modeling

Institution: Luleå Institute of Technology and Umeå University

Short Title: Participatory business modeling

Report Number: Research report TULEA 1991:31



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 773

Author: Whitaker, R. and Östberg, O.

Year: 1988

Title: Channeling knowledge: Expert systems as communications media

Journal: AI & Society

Volume: 2

Issue: 3

Pages: 197-208

Short Title: Channeling knowledge: Expert systems as communications media

Alternate Journal: AI & Society



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1144

Author: Whitaker, Randall, Östberg, Olov and Essler, Ulf

Year: 1989

Title: Communications and coordination of concerted activity

Journal: Human Interface News and Report

Volume: 4

Issue: 4

Pages: 325-338

Short Title: Communications and coordination of concerted activity

Alternate Journal: Human Interface News and Report



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 774

Author: Whitehead, A.N.

Year: 1911

Title: An introduction to mathematics

Place Published: London

Publisher: Williams and Norgate

Short Title: An introduction to mathematics



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2468

Author: Whitehead, Alfred North

Year: 1978

Title: Process and reality: An essay in cosmology

Place Published: New York and London

Publisher: The Free Press and Collier Macmillan

Short Title: Process and reality: An essay in cosmology

Keywords: Long Notes (cit. Plato), religion, to Ingarö 000619



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2212

Author: Whitehead, T.N.

Year: 1954

Title: The design and use of instruments and accurate mechanisms

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Dover Publications

Short Title: The design and use of instruments and accurate mechanisms

Keywords: calibration, measurement



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2280

Author: Whitley, R.

Year: 1987

Title: The intellectual and social organization of the sciences

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

Short Title: The intellectual and social organization of the sciences

Keywords: university, interdisciplinarity

Notes: From Björklund, 1992, p.6



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 775

Author: Whorf, B.L.

Year: 1956

Title: Language, thought, and reality.

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Wiley and Technology Press of MIT

Short Title: Language, thought, and reality.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2731

Author: Wiberg, Mikael

Year: 2001

Title: In between mobile meetings: Exploring seamless ongoing interaction support for mobile CSCW

Place Published: Umeå

Publisher: Umeå University, Dept. of Informatics

Short Title: In between mobile meetings: Exploring seamless ongoing interaction support for mobile CSCW



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2832

Author: Widell, Per Olof

Year: 1997

Title: Svårt att vara ur led med tiden

Journal: SvD

Issue: 8 januari

Short Title: Svårt att vara ur led med tiden

Alternate Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Legal Note: Källa: bl.a. Lennart Lundmark "Tiden är bara ett ord", Prisma förlag, och Nationalencyklopedin. Ingår i en serie om tiden, med tidigare artiklar i 29/12 och 31/12 1997, samt 2/1, 3/1, 4/1, 5/1 och 7/1

Keywords: Chu71/9**, time measurement



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1974

Author: Widmark, Gun

Year: 1979

Title: Han och hon

Editor: Svenska Akademien och Svenska Språknämnden

Book Title: Språkform och språknorm: En bok till Bertil Molde på 60-årsdagen den 16 september 1979

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Esselte Studium

Short Title: Han och hon

Keywords: ADB education, jämställdhet, feminism, women's studies, equality

Notes: I UmDr-mapp



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2995

Author: Wiechel, Susanne

Year: 1985

Title: Dataprofessor kritiserar de nya vindarna inom högskolan: Universiteten är inte till för att hjälpa upp ekonomin

Journal: Västerbottens Folkblad

Issue: 9 oktober

Pages: 4

Short Title: Dataprofessor kritiserar de nya vindarna inom högskolan: Universiteten är inte till för att hjälpa upp ekonomin

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens Folkblad

Legal Note: Intervju med professor Kristo Ivanov

Keywords: university education strategy



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2217

Author: Wiener, Norbert

Year: 1960

Title: Some moral and technical consequences of automation

Journal: Science

Volume: 131

Issue: May 6th

Pages: 1355

Short Title: Some moral and technical consequences of automation

Alternate Journal: Science



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2099

Author: Wiener, Norbert

Year: 1961

Title: Cybernetics: Or control and communication in the animal and the machine

Place Published: New York

Publisher: MIT Press & Wiley

Short Title: Cybernetics: Or control and communication in the animal and the machine

Keywords: education



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 776

Author: Wiener, P.P. and Noland, A., (Eds.)

Year: 1957

Title: Roots of scientific thought

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: Roots of scientific thought



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2466

Author: Wigley, Mark

Year: 1998

Title: Whatever happened to Total Design?

Journal: Harvard Design Magazine

Issue: Summer

Pages: 18-25

Short Title: Whatever happened to Total Design?

Alternate Journal: Harvard Design Magazine

Keywords: System? Review (vs. magazine)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1515

Author: Wigner, Eugene P.

Year: 1960

Title: The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences

Journal: Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume: 13

Pages: 1-14

Short Title: The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences

Alternate Journal: Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

Legal Note: Reprinted in Campbell, D.M. & Higgins, J.C., eds., Mathematics: People, problems, results (Vol.3). Belmont: Wordsworth, 1984



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2086

Author: Wildavsky, A.

Year: 1983

Title: Information as an organizational problem

Journal: J. of Management Studies

Volume: 20

Issue: 1

Pages: 29-40

Short Title: Information as an organizational problem

Alternate Journal: J. of Management Studies

Keywords: politics, power



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 777

Author: Wilder, R.L.

Year: 1973

Title: Mathematical rigor (relativity of standards of-)

Editor: Wiener, P.P.

Book Title: Dictionary of the history of ideas: Studies of selected pivotal ideas

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Scribner's

Pages: 170-177

Short Title: Mathematical rigor (relativity of standards of-)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 793

Author: Willeford, W.

Year: 1975

Title: Jung's polaristic thought in its historical setting

Journal: Analytical Psychology

Volume: 6

Pages: 218-239

Short Title: Jung's polaristic thought in its historical setting

Alternate Journal: Analytical Psychology



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2181

Author: Williams, Frederick, Rice, Ronald E. and Rogers, Everett M.

Year: 1988

Title: Research methods and the new media

Place Published: New York

Publisher: The Free Press

Short Title: Research methods and the new media

Keywords: adb education

Notes: Fr R. Kling The Social Design of Worklife....



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 778

Author: Williamson, O.E.

Year: 1970

Title: Corporate control and business behavior. An inquiry into the effects of organizational form on enterprise behavior

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Corporate control and business behavior. An inquiry into the effects of organizational form on enterprise behavior



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 779

Author: Williamson, O.E.

Year: 1975

Title: Markets and hierarchies. Analysis and antitrust implications

Place Published: Glencoe, Illinois

Publisher: The Free Press

Short Title: Markets and hierarchies. Analysis and antitrust implications



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2936

Author: Willim, Robert

Year: 2002

Title: Framtid.nu: Flyt och friktion i ett snabbt företag

Place Published: Stockholm/Stehag

Publisher: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion

Short Title: Framtid.nu: Flyt och friktion i ett snabbt företag

Keywords: framfab, e-commerce, new economy, aestheticism



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 780

Author: Wilson, Colin

Year: 1988

Title: The misfits: A study of sexual outsiders

Place Published: London

Publisher: Grafton Books

Short Title: The misfits: A study of sexual outsiders

Keywords: A2psi, idiot savant

Notes: See long notes



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 781

Author: Wilson, W.R. and Miller, H.

Year: 1964

Title: A note on the inconclusiveness of accepting the null hypothesis

Journal: Psychological Review

Volume: 1

Issue: 3

Pages: 238-242

Short Title: A note on the inconclusiveness of accepting the null hypothesis

Alternate Journal: Psychological Review

Legal Note: Also reprinted in Badia, P., et al. Research Problems in Psychology, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1970



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2806

Author: Winka, Marianne

Year: 2002

Title: Förr var det svårare att hamna i rampljuset. Vi lever in en narcissistisk tid, där man måste utmärka sig på något sätt

Journal: VK

Issue: 5 februari

Pages: 12

Short Title: Förr var det svårare att hamna i rampljuset. Vi lever in en narcissistisk tid, där man måste utmärka sig på något sätt

Alternate Journal: Västerottens-Kuriren

Keywords: Chu71/7***, form surface yta aesthetics romanticism design



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2098

Author: Winner, Langdon

Year: 1977

Title: Autonomous technology

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Short Title: Autonomous technology

Notes: från Bo Dahlbom 16 nov 92



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1354

Author: Winograd, Terry

Year: 1972

Title: Understanding natural language

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Academic Press

Short Title: Understanding natural language



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 782

Author: Winograd, T.

Year: 1979

Title: Beyond programming languages

Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Volume: 22

Issue: 7, July

Pages: 391-401

Short Title: Beyond programming languages

Alternate Journal: Comm. of the ACM

Legal Note: With bibliography of 58 entries



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 2320

Editor: Winograd, Terry

Year: 1996

Title: Bringing design to software

Place Published: New York

Publisher: ACM Press Books

Short Title: Bringing design to software

Notes: With Mitch Kapor, David Liddle, Peter Denning & Pamela Dargan, etc. Cf. Coyne's book Designing Information Technology in the Postmodern Age. Cf. Steve Apiki's review in Byte, May 1996, p. 41



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 783

Author: Winograd, T.A.

Year: 1987

Title: Thinking machines: can there be? Are we?

Institution: Stanford University, Dept. of Computer Science

Short Title: Thinking machines: can there be? Are we?

Report Number: Report No. STAN-CS-87-1161 or CSLI-87-100



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 784

Author: Winograd, T.A. and Flores, F.

Year: 1986

Title: Understanding computers and cognition: A new foundation for design

Place Published: Norwood, N.J

Publisher: Ablex

Short Title: Understanding computers and cognition: A new foundation for design



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1022

Author: Wirth, N.

Year: 1976

Title: Algorithms + Data structures = Programs

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Algorithms + Data structures = Programs



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 785

Author: Wittgenstein, L.

Year: 1978

Title: Remarks on the foundations of mathematics

Place Published: Oxford

Publisher: Basil Blackwell

Edition: 3rd

Short Title: Remarks on the foundations of mathematics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 876

Author: Wojtyla, K.

Year: 1977

Title: Participation or alienation

Journal: Anacleta Husserliana

Issue: 6

Short Title: Participation or alienation

Alternate Journal: Anacleta Husserliana

Legal Note: Dordrecht: Reidel

Keywords: religion, theology, philosophy, mbl



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1230

Author: Wojtyla, Karol

Year: 1980

Title: I fondamenti dell'ordine etico

Place Published: Città del Vaticano

Publisher: Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Short Title: I fondamenti dell'ordine etico

Keywords: religion, theology

Notes: p. 81  split law/duty/justice vs. love, vs. Kant, in Ivanov 1991



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 786

Author: Wold, H.

Year: 1957

Title: Kausal inferens från icke-experimentella observationer: En översikt av mål och medel

Place Published: Uppsala and Wiesbaden

Publisher: Almqvist & Wiksell and  Otto Harrassowitz

Short Title: Kausal inferens från icke-experimentella observationer: En översikt av mål och medel



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 787

Author: Wold, H.

Year: 1957

Title: Genmäle till P. Nørregaard Rasmussen

Journal: Ekonomisk Tidskrift

Pages: pp. 298-303

Short Title: Genmäle till P. Nørregaard Rasmussen

Alternate Journal: Ekonomisk Tidskrift



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 2937

Author: Wolf, Alison

Year: 2002

Title: Does education matter? Myths about education and economic growth

Place Published: London

Publisher: Penguin Books

Short Title: Does education matter? Myths about education and economic growth

Keywords: university, expansion, högskolor

Notes: http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=1165373



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1057

Author: Wood, Bob and Doyle, K.

Year: 1989

Title: Doing the right thing right: An exploration between soft systems methodology and Jackson's system development

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol 1

Pages: 146-155

Short Title: Doing the right thing right: An exploration between soft systems methodology and Jackson's system development



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 788

Author: Woodward, J.L.

Year: 1934

Title: Quantitative newspaper analysis as a technique of opinion research

Journal: Social Forces

Volume: 12

Pages: 526-537

Short Title: Quantitative newspaper analysis as a technique of opinion research

Alternate Journal: Social Forces



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1160

Author: Woolgar, Steve

Year: 1987

Title: Reconstructing man and machine: A note on sociological critiques of cognitivism

Editor: Bijker, Wiebe E., Hughes, Thomas P. and Pinch, Trevor J.

Book Title: The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology

Place Published: Cambridge

Publisher: MIT Press

Pages: 311-328

Short Title: Reconstructing man and machine: A note on sociological critiques of cognitivism

Keywords: Congitive science, cognitive styles?

Notes: Recalls Feldman & Toulmin criticism of Piaget? Ref. to Coulter, 1983



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 789

Author: Woolley, R.N.

Year: 1982

Title: Problem solving styles: A Rejoinder

Journal: J. of the Operational Research Soc.

Volume: 33

Issue: 6, June

Pages: 587-588

Short Title: Problem solving styles: A Rejoinder

Alternate Journal: J. of the Operational Research Soc.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1727

Author: Woolridge, Adrian

Year: 1992

Title: Education - Survey

Journal: The Economist

Issue: November 21st

Short Title: Education - Survey

Alternate Journal: The Economist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2360

Author: Woolridge, Adrian

Year: 1997

Title: Management consultancy: The advice business

Journal: The Economist

Issue: March 22nd

Pages: 1-22

Short Title: Management consultancy: The advice business

Alternate Journal: The Economist

Legal Note: Supplement

Keywords: Action research science, universities, strategy, commercialization, external financing



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2594

Author: Xu, Li D.

Year: 1995

Title: Systems thinking for information systems development

Journal: Systems Practice

Volume: 8

Issue: 6

Pages: 577-589

Short Title: Systems thinking for information systems development

Alternate Journal: Systems Practice

Keywords: ≈Chu71/D (but no ref to Chu, only Checkland etc)



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2512

Author: Xu, Li D.

Year: 2000

Title: The contribution of systems science to I.S. research

Journal: Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Volume: 17

Issue: 2

Pages: 105-116

Short Title: The contribution of systems science to I.S. research

Alternate Journal: Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Keywords: Churchman, from http://www.interscience.wiley.com/



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1916

Author: Yager, Tom and Grehan, Rick

Year: 1992

Title: Grab your audience with audio: Sound boards and software can jazz up your presentations

Journal: Byte

Issue: December

Pages: 174-194

Short Title: Grab your audience with audio: Sound boards and software can jazz up your presentations

Alternate Journal: Byte

Keywords: aesthetics, rhetorics, multimedia



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 790

Author: Yates, F.

Year: 1951

Title: The influence of statistical methods for research workers on the development of the science of statistics (With review of R.A.Fisher's book Statistical methods for research workers)

Journal: Journal Am. Statistical Ass.

Volume: 46

Issue: 253-256, March

Pages: 19-34

Short Title: The influence of statistical methods for research workers on the development of the science of statistics (With review of R.A.Fisher's book Statistical methods for research workers)

Alternate Journal: Journal Am. Statistical Ass.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 908

Author: Yates, F.A.

Year: 1966

Title: The art of memory

Place Published: London

Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Short Title: The art of memory



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1021

Author: Yeh, R.T., (Ed.)

Year: 1977

Title: Current trends in programming methodology

Place Published: Englewood Cliffs

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Short Title: Current trends in programming methodology



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 1984

Editor: Yolton, John W.

Year: 1990

Title: Philosophy, religion and science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Series Title: Library of the history of ideas

Place Published: Rochester, NY

Publisher: Univ. of Rochester Press

Short Title: Philosophy, religion and science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Keywords: secularization, theology; pp. 170-187, Nicholas Jolley:  Leibniz on Locke and Socinianism; pp. 206-227, Jeffrey Barnouw: Socinianism, separation of reason and faith in Bacon and Hobbes, and Leibniz's Theodicy; pp. 271-283 Laurens Laudan, The Nature and sources of Locke's views on hypothesis; pp. 284-305, James Farr: The way of hypotheses: Locke on method; pp. 440-458, Francesca Rigotti: Biology and society in the age of Enlightenment; pp. 474-489, Sergio Moravia (univ. of Florence), From Homme Machine to Homme Sensible: Changing eighteenth-century models of man's image.

Notes: UmU bibliotek: be 758. Previous volume in same serie: Donald R. Kelley, ed.: The history of ideas: Canon and variations



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2484

Author: Young, Jeffrey R.

Year: 2000

Title: David Noble's battle to defend the 'sacred space' of the classroom: Jeremiads against online education attract followers; the critics say he's an ill-informed Luddite

Journal: The Chronicle of Higher Education

Issue: March 21

Short Title: David Noble's battle to defend the 'sacred space' of the classroom: Jeremiads against online education attract followers; the critics say he's an ill-informed Luddite

Alternate Journal: The Chronicle of Higher Education

Legal Note: http://chronicle/com/free/v46/i30/30a00101.htm, with links to a colloquy live of March 30 2000 at http://chronicle/com/colloquylive/transcripts/2000/03/20000330noble.htm, and Noble's articles on Digital Diploma Mills, Part I-IV at http://www.communications.ucsd.edu/dl/ddm1.html - to ddm4.html. Accessed 31 March 2000

Keywords: distance education, computer support, virtual university



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 792

Author: Zadeh, L.A.

Year: 1965

Title: Fuzzy sets

Journal: Inform. Control

Volume: 8

Issue: June

Pages: 338-353

Short Title: Fuzzy sets

Alternate Journal: Inform. Control



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 794

Author: Zajonc, R.B.

Year: 1980

Title: Feeling and thinking: Preferences need no inferences

Journal: American Psychologist

Volume: 35

Issue: 2, Feb.

Pages: 151-175

Short Title: Feeling and thinking: Preferences need no inferences

Alternate Journal: American Psychologist



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2385

Author: Zaremba, Maciej

Year: 1997

Title: Rasren i välfärden. De olönsamma skars bort. [On eugenics and sterilization in Sweden]

Journal: DN

Issue: 20 & 21 Augusti

Pages: B1-B2

Short Title: Rasren i välfärden. De olönsamma skars bort. [On eugenics and sterilization in Sweden]

Alternate Journal: Dagens Nyheter

Legal Note: Cf. overview of the first international reactions to these articles in Pia Cederholm, Steriliseringsskandalen upprör världen. Dagens Nyheter 27 August 1997, p. B1

Keywords: SAF (Myrdal?)

Notes: ethics vs politics, racism, race biology, Maija Runcis diss spring 98, Gunnar Broberg och Nils Roll-Hansen "Eugenics and the welfare state: Sterilization policy in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland"; Bosse Lindqvist "Föräldrade svenskar: Mattias Tydén "Rasbiologi och andra rasismer, Folkets Historia nr. 3-4/96



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 795

Author: Zbinden, H.

Year: 1970

Title: Conscience in our time

Editor: Zbinden, Hans, Böhler, Eugen, Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi, Schär, Hans, Rudin, Josef, Blum, Ernst and Jung, C.G.

Book Title: Conscience

Place Published: Evanston

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Pages: 3-39

Short Title: Conscience in our time

Section: Trans. by R.F.C.Hull & R.Horine. Edited by The Curatorium of the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich



Reference Type:  Edited Book

Record Number: 112

Editor: Zbinden, Hans, Böhler, Eugen, Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi, Schär, Hans, Rudin, Josef, Blum, Ernst and Jung, C.G.

Year: 1970

Title: Conscience

Place Published: Evanston

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Translator: Hull, R.F.C.  and Horine, R.

Short Title: Conscience



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1381

Author: Zeleny, M.

Year: 1985

Title: Spontaneous social orders

Journal: Int. J. of General Systems

Volume: 11

Pages: 117-131

Short Title: Spontaneous social orders

Alternate Journal: International Journal of General Systems

Notes: Från R. Whitaker, 1991, p. 119 on Hayek



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 796

Author: Zellini, P.

Year: 1985

Title: Breve storia dell'infinito

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Adelphi

Edition: 2nd

Short Title: Breve storia dell'infinito



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 798

Author: Zellini, P.

Year: 1985

Title: La ribellione del numero

Place Published: Milano

Publisher: Adelphi

Short Title: La ribellione del numero



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 797

Author: Zellini, P.

Year: 1988

Title: Humanistic and ethical aspects of mathematics

Institution: Umeå University, Inst. of Information Processing

Short Title: Humanistic and ethical aspects of mathematics

Report Number: Report UMADP-RRIPCS-4.88



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1418

Author: Zellini, Paolo

Year: 1990

Title: An idea of mathematics for future generations

Editor: Banathy, Bela H. and Banathy, Bela A.

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences 34th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 8-13 July 1990.

Volume: 1

Pages: 273-278

Short Title: An idea of mathematics for future generations



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2295

Author: Zemanek, H.

Year: 1971

Title: Was ist Informatik?

Journal: Elektron. Rechenanlagen

Volume: 13

Issue: 4, Aug.

Pages: 157-171

Short Title: Was ist Informatik?

Alternate Journal: Elektron. Rechenanlagen

Notes: In Fred Brooks, 1996



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 1211

Author: Zetterberg, Hans L.

Year: 1984

Title: The rational humanitarians

Journal: Daedalus

Volume: 113

Issue: 1

Pages: 75-92

Short Title: The rational humanitarians

Alternate Journal: Daedalus



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2595

Author: Zhu, Zhichang

Year: 1999

Title: Integrating ontology, epistemology and methodology in information systems design: The WSR case

Editor: Allen, Janet K., Hall, Martin L.W. and Wilby, Jennifer

Book Title: Proceedings of ISSS 1999, The 43rd Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Asilomar, Calif., June 27th-July 2nd 1999

Publisher: ISSS Int. Soc. for the Systems Sciences

Short Title: Integrating ontology, epistemology and methodology in information systems design: The WSR case

Section: ISBN 09664183-2-8

Keywords: OBS China strategy, EastWest, improvisation



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 799

Author: Zichichi, A.

Year: 1988

Title: L'infinito

Place Published: Lausanne

Publisher: Galileo Galilei

Short Title: L'infinito



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 998

Author: Ziegenfuss, James T., Jr.

Year: 1989

Title: Exploring organizations through music: Commonalities between human and natural systems

Book Title: Proc. of the ISSS Int. Society for the Systems Sciences, 33rd Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-7 July 1989. Vol. 3

Pages: 215-223

Short Title: Exploring organizations through music: Commonalities between human and natural systems

Keywords: aesthetics, art

Notes: Assoc.prof. of mgmt & health care systems, Graduate program in public adm., The Pensylvania State Univ. at Harrisburg & Penn State Univ. Medical College, Middletown, PA 17057. Tips den 030826 till Gustav Martin eller Martin Gustavxx (psykologi f.d. prefekt systemvetenskap numera vårdutbildning i Östersund), hans dotter doktorerar i rysk Russian pianoteknik och systemtekniska lösningar ref Chopin Rachmaninov...



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1179

Author: Ziehe, Thomas

Year: 1989

Title: Kulturanalyser: Ungdom, utbildning, modernitet

Place Published: Stockholm/Stehag

Publisher: Symposion

Short Title: Kulturanalyser: Ungdom, utbildning, modernitet

Notes: Bibliography of prof. Thomas Ziehe, Goethe-University, and Frankfurt University, Inst. für Sozialpädagogik, Hannover. Privat:  Gabelberger str. 4, 3000 Hannover 1, tel. 0511-66 73 16.



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 2310

Author: Zijlstra, Arthur

Year: 1990

Title: Response to David Lyon's assessment of the information society concept

Editor: Griffioen, Sander and Verhoogt, Jan

Book Title: Norm and context in the social sciences

Place Published: Lanham, NY & London

Publisher: University Press of America

Pages: 199-205

Short Title: Response to David Lyon's assessment of the information society concept

Keywords: ADB education, christian

Notes: from Sytses Strijbos to Simon Peyton Jones  simonpj@dcs.gla.ac.uk 9/5 1996



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 3027

Author: Zimbardo, Philip

Year: 2007

Title: The Lucifer effect: How good peole turn evil

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Random House

Short Title: The Lucifer effect: How good peole turn evil

Keywords: evil, power



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 999

Author: Zivkovic, Zagorka

Year: 1989

Title: Om historia och filosofi från Nietzsche till Habermas: Etiken är en het potatis.

Book Title: Dagens Nyheter (1 Aug.)

Place Published: Stockholm

Pages: 4

Short Title: Om historia och filosofi från Nietzsche till Habermas: Etiken är en het potatis.

Keywords: Habermas, critical theory, neoaristotelianism; Wolfgang Kuhlman, Odo Marquard, Axel Honneth (Kritik der Macht, Suhrkamp, 1985), Martin Seel, Alisdair MacIntyre (After virtue, Duckworth, 1985), Bernard Williams (Ethics and the limits of philosophy, Fontana, 1985), Charles Taylor (Human Agency and language, in Philosophy and the human sciences, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985)



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 1000

Author: Zivkovic, Zagorka

Year: 1989

Title: Strömningar i modern tysk filosofi: Nyandlighet ersätter utopierna

Book Title: Dagens Nyheter (3 Aug.)

Place Published: Stockholm

Pages: 4

Short Title: Strömningar i modern tysk filosofi: Nyandlighet ersätter utopierna

Keywords: Habermas, critical theory, neoaristotelianism; Peter Sloterdijk (Kritik av det cyniska förnuftet, Alba, 1988), Robert Spaemann & Reinhard Löw, Peter Koslowski (Gnosis und Mystik in der Geschichte der Philosophie, Artemis, 1988), Wolf Lepenies, Wolfgang Welsh



Reference Type:  Book Section

Record Number: 800

Author: Zoological nomenclature

Year: 1911

Title: [Article on-]

Book Title: Encyclopaedia Britannica

Pages: 1021 ff

Edition: 11th ed., Vol.28

Short Title: [Article on-]

Section: 11th ed



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 801

Author: Zuboff, S.

Year: 1988

Title: In the age of the smart machine: The future of work and power

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Basic Books

Short Title: In the age of the smart machine: The future of work and power

Keywords: computers, information technology IT, cultural criticism?

Notes: Also much refs in Kallinikos 1996, p. 178



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1248

Author: Zuckerkandl, Victor

Year: 1956

Title: Sound and symbol

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: Sound and symbol

Keywords: aesthetics, art

Notes: music, in Göranzon (& Sällström) 1989.



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1249

Author: Zuckerkandl, Victor

Year: 1973

Title: Man, the musician

Place Published: Princeton

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Short Title: Man, the musician

Keywords: aesthetics, art

Notes: In Göranzon (& Sällström), 1989



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 802

Author: Zukav, G.

Year: 1980

Title: The dancing Wu Li Masters: An overview of the new physics

Place Published: New York

Publisher: Bantam Books

Short Title: The dancing Wu Li Masters: An overview of the new physics



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2922

Author: Ågren, Per-Olof

Year: 2002

Title: Så tystas universitetets fria röster

Journal: VK

Issue: 14 mars

Short Title: Så tystas universitetets fria röster

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2923

Author: Ågren, Per-Olof

Year: 2002

Title: En pyrrhusseger

Journal: VK

Issue: 3 april

Pages: 5

Short Title: En pyrrhusseger

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2924

Author: Ågren, Per-Olof

Year: 2002

Title: Min tolkning är väl underbyggd

Journal: VK

Issue: 6 april

Pages: 5

Short Title: Min tolkning är väl underbyggd

Alternate Journal: Västerbottens-Kuriren

Keywords: PUL, privacy, integrity, SAF



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1994

Author: Åkerberg, Hans

Year: 1985

Title: Tillvaron och religionen: Psykologiska studier kring personlighet och mystik [Existence and religion: Psychological studies of personality and mysticism]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Almqvist & Wiksell International

Short Title: Tillvaron och religionen: Psykologiska studier kring personlighet och mystik [Existence and religion: Psychological studies of personality and mysticism]

Notes: Fr SR - ref Anna Birgitta Rooth?



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 912

Author: Östberg, Gustaf

Year: 1981

Title: Vad betyder 10-8: En studie av innebörden av mycket låga siffror för sannolikheten för tankbrott

Institution: Lund Institute of Technology, Dept. of Engineering Materials

Date: 4 Oct 1981

Short Title: Vad betyder 10-8: En studie av innebörden av mycket låga siffror för sannolikheten för tankbrott

Report Number: Research report



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 803

Author: Östberg, G.

Year: 1982

Title: Evaluation of a design for inconceivable event

Institution: Lund's Inst. of Technology, Dept. of Engineering Materials

Short Title: Evaluation of a design for inconceivable event

Report Number: Paper presented at the Conference on Design Policy, London, July 1982



Reference Type:  Book

Record Number: 1804

Author: Östberg, Gustaf

Year: 1993

Title: Att veta vad man gör: Studier i riskhantering [To know what one does: Studies in risk management]

Place Published: Stockholm

Publisher: Carlssons

Short Title: Att veta vad man gör: Studier i riskhantering [To know what one does: Studies in risk management]

Keywords: virtue, morals, ethics, mathematics, human, competence, language, Chu71/5***

Notes: Matematik och filosofi

Human- och samhällsvetenskaper

Olika rationaliteter

Vad är sanning


Språkets makt och maktens språk

Olika vetenskapers syn

Praktik gentemot teori

Det etiska, och ansvar som dygd



Reference Type:  Report

Record Number: 804

Author: Östberg, O., Whitaker, R.  and Amick III, B.

Year: 1988

Title: Den automatiserade experten. En uppsats om expertsystem och några intryck från en AI-konferens.

Institution: Stockholm-Farsta, Sweden: Swedish Telecommunications Administration

Short Title: Den automatiserade experten. En uppsats om expertsystem och några intryck från en AI-konferens.



Reference Type:  Journal Article

Record Number: 2994

Author: Östergren, Bertil

Year: 1984

Title: Under strecket: Vem har strypt universiteten?

Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Issue: 7 oktober

Short Title: Under strecket: Vem har strypt universiteten?

Alternate Journal: Svenska Dagbladet

Keywords: university, education