Waterworth, J. A. & Waterworth, E. L (2013). Distributed Embodiment: Real Presence in Virtual Bodies. Book chapter in Grimshaw, M. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Virtuality. In Press.
Waterworth, J. A., Waterworth E. L., Mantovani, F & Riva, G. (2012). Editorial. Interacting with Computers, Special Issue on Presence and Interaction: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2012.05.003
Eva L. Waterworth, John A. Waterworth, Christian Peter, Soledad Ballesteros (2012) Seniors in charge of ICT innovation. 5th Workshop on Affect and Behaviour Related Assistance. PETRA 2012, Crete, June 6-8, 2012.
Soledad Ballesteros, Christian Peters, Eva L. Waterworth, John A. Waterworth (2012). The role of ICT and networking in healthy ageing. 5th Workshop on Affect and Behaviour Related Assistance. PETRA 2012, Crete, June 6-8, 2012.
Sandlund, Marlene; Dock, Katarina; Häger, Charlotte K. & Waterworth, Eva L (2012). Motion interactive video games in home training for children with cerebral palsy: parents' perceptions. Disability and Rehabilitation, 34(11): 925-933.
Anne MacFarlane, Pauline Clerkin, Elizabeth Murray, David J Heaney, Mary Wakeling, Ulla-Maija Pesola, Eva Lindh Waterworth, Frank Larsen, Minna Makiniemi & Ilkka Winblad (2011). The e-Health Implementation Toolkit: Qualitative evaluation across four European countries. Implementation Science, 6:122 (19 Nov 2011). http://www.implementationscience.com/content/6/1/122
Sandlund, M., Waterworth, E. L. & Häger-Ross, C. (2011) Using motion interactive games to promote physical activity and enhance motor performance in children with cerebral palsy Developmental Neurorehabilitation, Vol. 14 (1), 15-21.
Riva, G., Waterworth, J. A., Waterworth E. L., & Mantovani, F. (2011). From Intention to Action: The Role of Presence. New Ideas in Psychology, 29 (2011), 24-37.
Anne Macfarlane, Pauline Clerkin, Elizabeth Murray, David Heaney, Mary Wakeling, Ulla-Maija Pesola, Eva Lindh Waterworth, Frank Larsen, Minna Mäkiniemi & Ilkka Winbald (2011). The e-Health Implementation Toolkit: Qualitative evaluation across four European countries. Proceedings of DILT’11- Independent Living – Design & Technology – Implementation. University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland, 23 May 2011.
Monica Winge, Lars-Åke Johansson, Monica Nyström, Eva Lindh-Waterworth, Benkt Wangler (2010). The need for a new care model: Getting to grips with collaborative home care MedInfo2010 13th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2010.
Waterworth, J.A., Waterworth E. L., Mantovani, F. & Riva, G (2010). On feeling (the) present: an evolutionary account of the sense of presence in physical and electronically-mediated environments. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 17 (1-2), 167-188..
Waterworth, E. L. & Waterworth J. A. (2010). Mediated presence in the future. In Cheryl Campanella Bracken, C. C.& Skalski, P. (eds) Immersed in Media 1: Telepresence in Everyday Life. New York: Routledge.
Riva, G, Waterworth, J.A., Waterworth E. L. & Mantovani, F. (2009) From intention to action: the role of presence. New Ideas in Psychology (2009).
Sandlund, M., Hoshi, K., Waterworth, E.L. & Häger-Ross, C. (2009). A conceptual framework for design of interactive computer play in rehabilitation of children with sensorimotor disorders. Physical Therapy Reviews, 14 (5), 348-354.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth J A (2009). Designing ICT for the over 80s. In Topo, P. & Östlund, B. (2009), Dementia, Design and Technology: Time to Get Involved. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Waterworth, J. A. & Waterworth E. L. (2009). The Presence of Happiness. In Benyon, D., Smyth, M. & Helgason, I. (eds): Presence for everyone. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University, ISBN 978-0-9562169-0-8.
Pesola, U-M & Waterworth, E L (2009). Evaluating e-Health services for transnational implementation within the sparsely populated areas of northern periphery In conference proceedings of 2nd IASTED conference on Telehealth and Assistive technology, Cambridge, USA, October 2009
Pesola, U-M & Waterworth, E L (2009). Evaluating e-health services for transnational implementation: an experience report. In conference proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research (ISHIMR 2009) in Kalmar, Sweden, October 2009.
Pesola, U-M & Waterworth, E L (2009). Evaluating and utilizing eHealth services in order to increase access to healthcare in sparsely populated areas. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Health: Meeting Urban Health Needs through Innovative Research, Policies and Interventions. ICUH 2009, Nairobi, Kenya, October 2009
Hoshi, K., Pesola, U-M, Waterworth, E. L. & Waterworth, J.A. (2009). Tools, Perspectives and Avatars in Blended Reality Space. Proceedings of the 14th Annual International CyberTherapy and CyberPsychology Conference, Verbania-Intra, Italy, June 2009.
Waterworth, J A and Waterworth E L (2008). Presence in the Future. In A Spagnolli and L Gamberini (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Presence. University of Padova, Italy, October 16-18 2008, pp61-65.
Wangler, B, Winge, M, Johansson, L-Å, Waterworth, E L and Nyström, M (2007). A New Care Concept - Making Collaborative Home Care Work. BIR 2007 Conference. Tampere, Finland, October 2007.
Vinge M, Johansson L-Å, Waterworth E L, Wangler B,4, Åhlfeldt R-M (2007). Inter-organisational Collaboration in Home Care: A First Discussion of Requirements. Accepted for ISHIMR 2007 - 12th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research. Sheffield, UK, July 2007.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth J A (2007). Interactive technology and cognitive well being: New approaches to maintaining and improving cognitive functions in the elderly. Accepted for the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Aging (ICTA), Toronto, June 2007.
Peter, C,
Waterworth, J A, Waterworth E L and Voskamp, J (2007). Sensing Mood to Counteract
Dementia. International Workshop on Pervasive Technologies for the support
of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Thessaloniki, Greece, Feb 2007.
E L and Waterworth, J A (2006). Designing IT for Older People. eChallenges
2006. Barcelona, October 2006.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth, J A (2006). The
Presence of Emotion: Designing the Feeling of Being There in Interactive Media
Experiences. Design and Emotion 2006. Gothenburg, September 2006.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth, J A (2006). The ELITE approach to designing
IT for the elderly. Gerontechnology, 5(2), 99-105.
J A and Waterworth E L (2006) Presence as a Dimension of Communication: Context
of Use and the Person. In Riva, G, Anguera, M T, Wiederhold B K, and Mantovani
F (eds): From Communication to Presence: Cognition, Emotions and Culture towards
the Ultimate Communicative Experience (Festschrift in honor of Luigi Anolli).
Amsterdam: IOS Press.
M., Waterworth E.L., Augustsson N-P., Fors U., Wangler B. (2005) Exploring
the concept of patient-centred collaboration in health care - a study of home
care in two Swedish cities. iSHIMR 2005: 10th International Symposium for
Helath Information Management Research. Theealonika, Greece, September 2005.
Waterworth, E
L and Waterworth, J A (2005). ELITE design: IT for the elderly. Workshop position
paper. BCS HCI2005: The Bigger Picture, Edinburgh, UK, September 2005.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth, J A (2005). Designing EmoHCI: Emotions and
presence in HCI. Workshop position paper. HCI2005: The Bigger Picture, Edinburgh,
UK, September 2005.
Villani; D, Riva, F, Waterworth, E L, Waterworth, J, Freeman, J and Riva G (2005) Virtual Reality to Reduce Anxiety in Healthy Populations: The Relaxation Island CyberTherapy 2005, Basel, Switzerland, June 2005.
Riva, G, Waterworth, J A and Waterworth, E L (2004). The Layers of Presence: a bio-cultural approach to understanding presence in natural and mediated environments. Cyberpsychology and Behavior Vol. 7, No. 4: 402-416.
Waterworth, J A and E L (2004). Relaxation Island: A Virtual Tropical Paradise. Interactive Experience at BCS HCI2004: Designing for Life, Leeds, UK, September 2004.
Waterworth, E L, Waterworth, J A, Häggqvist, M, Jalkanen, K, Olsson, S, Wimelius, H and Yttergren, B (2004). Mood Devices: Interactive media and mental health. Proceedings of e-Society 2004, Avila, Spain, July 2004.
Waterworth, E L, Häggqvist, M, Jalkanen, K, Olsson, S, Waterworth, J A, Antonsson, E, Chapman, K, Keogh, E and Freeman, J (2004). Eyes Open or Closed: is a virtual beach more relaxing than an imagined beach? Proceedings of Design and Emotion 2004, Ankara, Turkey, July 2004.
Olsson, S and Waterworth, E L (2004). Does the Exploratorium Evoke Emotion? Proceedings of Design and Emotion 2004, Ankara, Turkey, July 2004.
Waterworth, E L, Augustsson, N-P and Waterworth, J A (2004). Game of Memories. Proceedings of WWCS, 7th International Conference on Work with Computing Systems, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2004.
Waterworth, J
A and Waterworth, E L (2003). Being
and Time: Judged Presence and Duration as a Function of Media Form. Presence:
Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 12, 5, 495-511.
Waterworth, E
L, Häggkvist, M, Jalkanen, K, Olsson, S, Waterworth, J A and Wimelius,
H(2003). The
Exploratorium: An Environment To Explore Your Feelings. Psychnology, 1
(3), 189-201.
Waterworth, J
A, Riva G and Waterworth, E L (2003). The
Strata of Presence: Evolution, Media, and Mental States. Presented at
Presence 2003. Aalborg, Denmark, October 6-8.
Waterworth, J A and Waterworth, E L (2003). The Core of Presence: Presence as Perceptual Illusion. Presence-Connect, 3 (3), posted 24-07-2003.
Waterworth, J A and Waterworth, E L (2003). The Meaning of Presence. Presence-Connect, 3 (3), posted 13-02-2003.
Waterworth, E
L and Waterworth, J A (2003). The
Illusion of Being Creative. Book chapter in Riva, G, Davide, F and Ijsselsteijn,
W (eds.) "Being
There", Amsterdam: IOS Press.
J A, Waterworth, E L and Westling, J (2002). Presence
as Performance: the mystique of digital participation. Proceedings of
Presence 2002. Porto, Portugal, October 9-11.
Waterworth, J A and Waterworth, E L (2002). The Illusion of Being. Interactive Experience, Proceedings of BCS HCI 2002, London, September 2002.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth, J A (2002). Sensational in(ter)->action: designing creative learning environments. Presented at the Third International Conference on Design and Emotion, Loughborough University, UK, July 2002.
Lindh Waterworth, E. (2001); Perceptually-Seductive Technology - designing computer support for everyday creativity. Report RR-01.01 ISBN 91-7305-117-9. Umeå University, Department for Informatics, (doctoral thesis).
Waterworth, J A and E L (2001) Affective Creative Spaces: the interactive tent and the illusion of being. In Helander, Khalid and Tham (Editors) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Affective Human Factors Design (Singapore, June 26-29). London: Asean Academic Press.
Waterworth J A and Waterworth E L (2001) In Tent, In Touch: beings in seclusion and in transit. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2001 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Seattle, Washington, USA, March/April 31-5.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth J A (2001) Perceptually-Seductive Technology in Special Needs Education. Proceedings of UAHCI 2001 Conference, theme Information Society for All, New Orleans, August 5-10.
Waterworth, E L, Waterworth J A, , Holmgren J, Rimbark T and Lauria R (2001) The Illusion of Being Present. Proceedings of Presence 2001: 4th International Workshop on Presence, Philadelphia, USA, May 21-23.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth J A (2001) Focus, Locus and Sensus: the 3 Dimensions of Virtual Experience. Cyberpsychology and Behavior 4 (2) 203-214.
Waterworth, E L (2001) Användning av PST (Perceptually-Seductive Technology) i rehabilitering, presented at IT som stöd vid tal-, språk- och kommunikationssvårigheter, a workshop arranged by Hjälpmedelsinstitutet and Vinnova in Stockholm May 29 2001.
Waterworth, J. A. and Waterworth, E. L. (2000) Presence and Absence in Educational VR: The Role of Perceptual Seduction in Conceptual Learning, Themes in Education, in press.
Waterworth, E L and Waterworth J A - Using a Telescope in a Cave: Presence and Absence in Educational VR. To be presented at Presence2000: Third International Workshop on Presence, Delft, Holland, March 2000.
Lindh E. (2000) Back to Taylorism - One step back in use of computer. Dept of Informatics Working Paper WP-00.01.
Lindh E. (2000) The Split or integration of the individual and the collective - the differences and similarities between Durkheim and Jung. Dept of Informatics Working Paper WP-00.02.
Lindh E. (2000) Wearables - The emperor's new clothes???. Dept of Informatics Working Paper WP-00.03.
Lindh, E and Waterworth, J A (1999). 'To be or not to be .... conscious'. In R. Ascott (ed.) 'Reframing Consciousness'. London: Intellect Books.
Waterworth, J A and Lindh Waterworth, E (1999)- 'Education as Exploration: being, going and changing the world'. Presented at the 4th Panhellenic Conference on Didactics of Mathematics and Informatics in Education, University of Crete, Greece, October 1999.
Lindh E (1999)
'Embodied Communication'. Accepted for publication. CSUN's Fourteenth Annual,
International Conference,
"Technology and Persons with Disabilities," to be held at the Los
Angeles Airport Hilton & Towers Hotel and the Los Angeles Airport Marriott
Hotel, March 15-20, 1999. Slides from my presentation in Power Point.
Lindh, E and Waterworth, J A (1998) 'To be or not to be .... conscious'. Accepted for publication. 'Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era', Second International Research Conference, Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts, University of Wales College, Newport. August 1998. The full version of the paper.
Lindh E. (1997). 'Sensational Interfaces: function AND passion'. STIMDI'97 conference proceedings. Linköping University, September 1997, pp 41-44.